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IDM Download 6.27 Build 2
For more infomation >> How to Download Internet Download Manager Full Version Free | IDM Download 6.27 Build 2 - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Truffles pizza in the altitude of 750 meters - the ministate of San Marino - Duration: 8:17.
We are now here in San Marino!
This ropeway is closed in Winter
It will open again in April
So we drove here on top of San Marino by car
One day parking fee here is eight euros
It's freezig here
The altitude is almost 700 meters, so you should definitely wear warm clothes in Winter time
It's around -6 degrees Celcius and it's very windy so it feels even colder
But the good thing is there aren't any tourists besides us here
According to a legend, Saint Marinus, Santo Marino, arrived in Italy from Croatia and begun preaching Christianity here
During the persecution of Christians, he escaped to Mt. Monte Titano nearby and erected a church there
According to a legend, he set his followers free of the two authorities: the Pope and the Emperor, just before he passed away
The republic of San Marino was founded in 301
San Marino can be said to be the second-oldest republic in the world after the Roman Republic
My image of San Marino was that it's a tax haven with fairly high prices
But it's actually not expensive here
We just arrived to this pizza restaurant and here you can get pizza Margherita for less than five euros
And you can get a truffle pizza for 10 euros
One litre of local wine for less than seven euros
And with the same price you get this view
Truffle pizza, om nom nom, om nom nom nom nom
They're definitely not canned mushrooms
Very nice
San Marino is a ministate surrounded by Italy
The area is only 61 square kilometers and the population is only around 30 000
Even though the population is very small, they still have 15 soccer teams here
San Marino is the fifth smallest recognized state in the world
I found a whangdoodle in the tree!
Even though San Marino isn't part of the EU, they still use Euro here
The amount of San Marino euro coins in the circulation is very small, so they're highly wanted by the collectors
Another collector's item here are the stamps that can only be used within San Marino
The view here is pretty great!
In the late 13th century, the Pope recognized the independence of San Marino
It is noted in the tax books written around the same time that the people of San Marino haven't paid taxes before so they don't need to pay them from now on either
"Their Saint has set them free"
There are three fortresses here on top of San Marino
That one behind me is the third one
We walked through the first and second one
The current altitude is around 750 meters
So the view here is pretty amazing
We traveled here from Osimo by car
It was easy and it only took us around one hour to get here
There were road tolls on the highway which were 7,50 euros total
Plus the parking fee here
It's a great idea to come here from Osimo
I do recommend traveling here from other parts of Italy as well
It's an idyllic, beautiful and great destination
Lot to see and eat here
And it's a whole new state on your list!
If you liked our video, remember to hit the "like" button
And if you want to see how it is here in Rome, remember to subscribe as well!
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 2007-2008 18 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.
520km* range on one charge – the Opel Ampera-e - Duration: 1:51.
With a range of 520 kilometres,
the Ampera-e is a long-distance specialist with serious stamina.
The official range has been measured in a laboratory using the standardized test method for Europe,
based on the New European Driving Cycle - in short: NEDC.
This makes it possible to compare the ranges of different electric vehicles.
However, everyday conditions are better reflected in the driving cycle
of the Wordwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure – or WLTP –
which is based on everyday driving profiles.
Here too, is where the Ampera-e leads the way.
Based on the WLTP speed profile,
it has an estimated combined WLTP range of more than 380 km!*
Even in everyday driving conditions, the Ampera-e is a real distance runner.
Additional factors like road characteristics,
temperature and above all,
your personal driving style,
all impact the actual range.
You can monitor all driving efficiency values on the 10.2" touchscreen.
This helps you adjust your driving style to maximize range.
Of course, your car does its part to support you.
The engine becomes a dynamo whenever you brake,
generating energy that is fed back into the battery.
This is how we drove all the way from London to Paris!
The Opel Ampera-e. Every kilometre is electrifying!
American English Pronunciation Mini Boot Camp - 1 - Individual Sounds - Duration: 4:05.
Hi there, I'm Drew Badger the world's number 1
English Fluency Guide and in this
pronunciation boot camp we're going to
cover a whole bunch of great word sounds
and phrases and help you become a much
more confident speaker the most
important thing you need to do to
improve your pronunciation is to focus
on individual sounds mastering these by
listening to how they sound and then
thinking of them phonetically the word
phonetic just means the sound of
something but it's spelled with a pH
phonetic now it might have a certain
spelling just like any other word but
you can write it in a phonetic way as
opposed to using characters like the
international phonetic alphabet
I recently asked fans of the English any facebook page what problems they
were having with their pronunciation and
we received a lot of great feedback and
questions from learners so i'll be
covering those in this series of videos
but for this video we're going to cover
what coin mix and undressed asked and
this is how to pronounce things like
flour and floor and the pronunciation of
the th sound but looking at words like
flour or the other flowers i got the
flour for baking or I've got the flower
that's growing out of the ground or a
floor we can look at the different words
and see if there are any pieces of these
words and begin building up the
pronunciation from there so the first
word floor we've got the blend of SL so
and just try to pronounce each of these
together a blend just has the two sounds
of s and L full full but then we have
the o.r now if you've seen the word or
you probably know that word as well but
it's got the same oor we've got so lower
lower Lord so the or sound when you
typically have a vowel and then we have
the are with it also then we have
something like or four hour depending on
the word now looking at the word flower
it's the same thing we've got FL
oh you are this is the flower that you
bake with and this has flour flour flour
flour and this is the same pronunciation
as the actual flower that grows out of
the ground flour flour
finally we'll look at the th sound
this can be quite tricky for many people
because if you don't have that sound in
your language well it's just a little
bit odd to make but really it's a quite
easy thing to see someone make and then
if you try to over pronounce it it
becomes easier to say all you have to do
is stick out your tone and then bite
your tone and then just pass air again
whether to use something like seeing or
something like that
this is one of those things that just
takes time but you can practice all of
these sounds so that when you learn
which you should be using you can use it
accurately in then I'm very thin or this
is a ball this is a ball this is a ball
so either you're exhaling just to make
more of a soft sound like where you're
vibrating a little bit more like that
sound but with the it's the same sound
so just try to vibrate in general you
can feel your neck mmm like you're
humming sound but instead of just
humming your mm the it's the exact same
sound so practice doing that and as you
listen for more words you can try these
different pronunciations and again
you'll develop that sense for which to
use overtime
well that's the end of this video I hope
you have enjoyed it if you have to click
that like button and look forward to the
next video coming up in this series of
five videos and finally if you'd like to
improve your pronunciation click on the
link in this video or on the link in the
description below this video to take our
free english fluency quiz this free quiz
will tell you exactly what you need to
focus on to become more confident fluent
English speaker i look forward to seeing
you at English anyone calm and i'll see
you in the next video bye bye
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 2007-2008 20 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 2007-2008 17 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.
VẼ BẦU TRỜI MÂY,TRANH PHONG CẢNH ĐẸP _lh : 09 76.476.894 - Duration: 1:58.
The Opel Ampera-e - unrivalled in its class - Duration: 1:41.
Unrivalled in its class: With a range of 520 kilometres,
the Ampera-e is the electric car fit for everyday use.
This long-distance specialist has 10 high-performance batteries to thank for its impressive range.
The batteries are built into the underbody to save space.
So much space that there's easily enough room for five adults – and their luggage.
This powerhouse can go from zero to 50 kilometres per hour in just 3.2 seconds.
With the 10.2-inch touchscreen,
you can keep track of all the vehicle's most important stats.
The display shows your favourite apps, too –
keeping you connected when you're on the move.
Arrive even safer:
All thanks to numerous innovative driver assistance systems like the Automatic Emergency Braking with Pedestrian Detection.
Should you need to recharge on the way,
your personal Opel OnStar assistant can help you find the nearest charging station.
The Opel Ampera-e is electrifying – drive after drive!
Real Life English: How to Play Poker - Duration: 4:32.
Aww yeah, so I'm here with my family.
My brother, my sister in-law, my nephew, and my nephew's actually filming here, and guys
can I hear an aww yeah.
Awww yeah.
So we're playing cards, and I thought this was a good opportunity to do a little lesson
on some vocabulary with cards, right? So my brother, Jon, he just DEALT a hand.
This is a HAND of cards, right?
What's going on, Jon.
Well, I'm gonna pass it off to Jameson, so he gets to make the first move.
Alright, Jameson- wait- so are — do we have WILD CARDS this time?
Yeah it was 10s. 10s are WILD.
What does WILD CARD mean?
Wild means it can be used for any card, it can take the place of any other card.
Okay so 10 can be anything that I want?
Correct, so if you have a 2, 3, 5, 6, you could make 10 be that card missing in between.
Okay, great.
Okay Jameson, okay umm, I'll raise it 7.
You'll raise it 7, what does RAISE mean?
Uhh, make the price higher.
Make the bet bet— Make the bet higher- 7 you're raising it 7?
Wow, he either has a really good HAND, or he doesn't wanna play anymore.
Really good hand- hand- alright- here's my hand- this is my hand.
So I will SEE your 7, so see your 7.
What does SEE mean in this case?
I'm just matching.
Okay, you're equaling 7- yes- okay you can't call it.
When you bet what does call it mean.
CALLING IT means that we're done betting, and everybody shows their cards.
But it can't be called until it gets around once.
Okay, so right now just so you guys know we're betting UNO CARDS as the currency.
So I'm going to SEE your 7 and I'm gonna raise you— I can't — I can't - I can't
put any more cards in.
I'm GOING TO call it. ("I'm uh-nuh call it")
Wait but Jon hasn't gone yet.
Never mind.
I'm gonna FOLD.
What does FOLD mean?
Fold means I'm out, I know I've lost, I don't wanna challenge.
Okay I'll call it.
Okay I think you're BLUFFING, what does BLUFF mean?
Kind of like faking it, lying. Yeah it means you're lying, you bluff,
so we say this in real life in other situations too.
Poker Face.
Poker Face, what does Poker Face mean?
Poker Face is when you don't show people what is in your hand.
You're not showing any emotions so nobody can tell what you're thinking or if you
have a good hand or a band, you just have a straight face.
Or maybe you're smiling with a bad hand, or frowning with a good hand.
Yeah, alright, so DO I HAVE TO SHOW FIRST? ("Du-I-fta Show First")
Yeap, you show first. 3 aces.
3- 3 aces.
As you can see, he had 2 aces, but 10 is wild.
so it becomes a 3rd ace.
Okay so wait, oh 10's wild, that's right, so I have 4 sixes.
4 sixes. Oh what is that called.
He had 3 sixes, but a 10 makes 4 sixes.
So that's 4 of a Kind. 4 of a Kind.
Sara, what do you have?
I have 2 pairs.
Both those beat my hand.
So show your 2 pairs.
I have 2 eights and 2 threes
and my hand's a losing hand.
Those - both those 2 hands beat my hand.
So Justin's hand beats Jameson's hand, and both hands beat Sara's hand.
So Justin wins all these Uno Cards.
What did you have Jon?
I had nothing. Oh that's right you folded.
Okay 2 more things, just really quickly, 2 other words- what happens when we're starting
a game- what are you about to do, Jon.
I'm about to shuffle- shuffle the cards- so I shuffle them, and then I'll deal them,
and then when somebody wants to play, what do they have to do.
They have to ANTI UP.
ANTI UP means you have to put your money in.
We'll start with one in if we wanna play.
Alright so that- I think that does it for today.
That's a nice interesting poker lesson with all this vocabulary related to playing cards
with my family on New Years, so take care.
Aww yeah.
Aww Yeah!!
MAUSAM Video Song Badrinath Ki Dulhania Nabeel Shaukat Ali Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt - Duration: 2:37.
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
MAUSAM Video Song - ( Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Nabeel Shaukat Ali ) | Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 2007-2008 16 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:30.
Tenues pour la Saint Valentin || Lookbook - Duration: 4:05.
Do or Die - Glitchtale S2 Ep #3 (Undertale Animation) - Duration: 27:15.
美漫懶人包28_貓頭鷹法庭_Court of Owls(easy know) - Duration: 5:37.
What's in my bag? with by fashion model Haruka Kurebayashi|カバンの中身紹介 by モデル,デザイナー,アーティスト紅林大空 - Duration: 7:02.
Hello, I'm Haruka Kurebayashi
I'm usually doing modelling for KERA magazine,
or doing the vocal for the band MJR-Cookie
Have you already seen my other video of makeup using real snacks?
I have just finished shooting that, and came with the makeup as it is
since there are so many snacks around my mouth,
and it's so hard to talk so I wonder you could understand what I was saying
so I hope the part about the lips was fixed
and hopefully the snack makeup full of originality is something you can enjoy
Today I was thinking of introducing what is inside my bag and
so I brought my bag today
My little pony bag
I bought this at Poneycomb Tokyo in Harajuku
Even there are a lot of My Little Pony goods, I felt that real toy design is pretty rare
so I really liked it and bought a total set of bag, sweat shirt and skirt
This is a card case
I'm using a card case from 6% Kuma-chan
I actually have a lot of luggage
First is the wallet
I have another wallet
Isn't this cute?
I bought this in American Village in Osaka
This one I bought at a web store in New York
Inside this camouflage design I see peanuts,
and bananas playing dodgeball
It's pretty cute and crazy design
This is for cards and bills
This is for coins and keys
This is..
Do you know what this is?
This is a surgical mask case
but I don't have a mask in it
I have some decoration stickers and bandages stocked inside
Once it comes off unexpectedly,
it makes me uncomfortable so I carry it around as spare parts
and I think it's cute to stick it to people that I meet as well so I carry it
The types and amount will change so I change it occasionally.
There are more inside
My mirror
This is one I got as a novelty goods from Listen Flavor
This one you can make it stand up
Very cute design
More coming up
Rubber gloves
Taking one out.
Putting one on
I like to touch people's teeth so,
when I am able to touch someones's teeth
there may be hygiene problem so I would carry rubber gloves around,
and touch teeth or grab something dirty
and deal with it
I do like teeth but since I also have a little germaphobia,
so I carry this around
More coming up. Glasses
Oh, this one is important
This is Taiyaki
Not a normal Taiyaki. This is a battery charger
I have so many smart phone goods
Using this charger with this
This one I normally use as a bracelet
This becomes a cord
Sticking this to the charger
and the eye lights up
Sticking the other side to the mobile phone
and charge
Using it like this
This Taiyaki can charge quite a lot of times
so I carry it around often
This bag contains the battery charging cord
Fish eye lens
When taking a selfie with everybody, when you have a wide lens,
everyone can join in
or when taking scenery shots, you get a beautiful wide view
so I use this
Attachment to it is another lens. This is a micro lens
When taking pictures of the nails, this works to take closeup nice pictures
More coming up
I have so many selfie tools
This is my recommended item
This is a remote shutter connecting with bluetooth
When you have the smart phone set up in a distance
set it to selfie mode and you keep a distance
When you want to show your total coordination
and when you have the timer on for 3 or 10 seconds, you don't know when it took a picture
so I carry around this shutter you can use from remote places
and when you come to a spot where you like, pushing the shutter with your non showing hand
and continue taking pictures
This one you can take out the data out of your smart phone
and when you take it out, it becomes a usb socket
and you can add it in to the PC. A flash memory
Last one is this
This is really good
You clamp it like this
and doing this will light it up
Even in 3 stages
Using this will light it up. Look! So bright!
You can take it like this
When you have lights from only above, or getting light from somewhere weird,
and when you cannot good light, using this will,
taking like this
and upload it
Combining all this will get you a really good photo
so when I get a good one I will upload to Instagram
That, is pretty much it
So that was it from what is inside my bag
My personal announcement.
3 songs from my band MJR-Cookie has been added to the Karaoke no Tetsujin store list
So please everyone sing a lot and get familiar with it
For the new song Crazy Salt's full version which was unlisted MV can be seen at the Karaoke no Tetsujin
People living in the Kanto area, please check it out at Karaoke no Tetsujin
Another announcement
I am being a sub MC for Takara Tomy's Youtube channel
There must be a lot of videos uploaded by now, so please check it out!
My Twitter and Instagram is written on the description section
Please check that out as well
So goodbye!
¿Cómo puede defenderse MÉXICO de TRUMP? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 13:30.
Travertine Classic Vein-Cut vs. Cross-Cut - Duration: 3:52.
We're back at Natural Stone Outlet.
Today we are going to make a comparison
about vein-cut Travertine and cross-cut
Travertine. There is a lot of confusion
about what Travertine is all about,
how it can be presented.
And essentially we are going to make a
comparison between these two types,
the two ways that you can present the
Travertine.. as vein-cut or as cross-cut.
So we are here in Turkey, at the
warehouse, at the factory with lots of
Travertine slabs. So we're going to show you,
you know, make the comparison and
show you everything about it.
So, starting on this side we
have the vein-cut Travertine. This is the
beige type, classic type of travertine and
the vein-cut essentially, this is the
natural way of the travertine, so you can
see all of these lines, all of this vein.
This is how, during years and years and
years, and hundreds of years, the
travertine evolved, so basically all the
sediments, all the elements accumulated.
And this is what you get at the end. You see
all of the layers. So essentially, you see the
light beige, the brownish dark beige colour,
so there's quite some contrast
between the elements, the colour tones.
And what's particular about it is that you
see, you know, the parallel vein running
along the surface all over the stone.
So this is the vein-cut Travertine,
so the blocks come out of the quarry,
they are sawn the way they are
extracted and you get this vein-cut
structure. On the other hand, we have the
cross-cut. So, cross-cut essentially you
get the block, you turn it, you sawn the
slabs and this is what you get.
You don't have any parallel vein
structure, instead you have this kind of
clouded areas, this kind of irregular
clouded areas. You still see some colour
contrast, you see the light beige, you see
the dark beige.
So all-in-all, what you see is this kind of
irregular structure, without any vein.
This would be the cross-cut Travertine.
So i'm going to show you some more slabs
that, you know, represent well the
comparison. Again, we have the vein-cut
Travertine for the classic beige.
You have the dark areas, you have the light
areas, there is a slight colour contrast.
This is a parallel vein, pretty much all
over the surface. This is a very
predictable structure, you know, always
have the same kind of parallel vein, you
know, that's how naturally the stone
evolved... with parallel
layers, so this is what you get: the vein-cut
Travertine. And again, we have some
more cross-cut Travertine on this side. This one is
slightly darker than the previous one,
it´s a bit more brownish. But still, you can see
there´s quite some contrast between the
colours, dark.. lighter.. darker.. and
lighter.. lots of shades, lots of clouds,
but no parallel vein.
So that's it. This video was quite a good
introduction about this, about the
Travertine. You can expect this kind of
structure basically on any kind of
Travertine. On Yellow
Travertine, on Noce Travertine, on any
kind of Travertine, you might expect
vein-cut and cross-cut. So if you need to
know more information, check our blog or
just be in touch with us. Thank you.
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