Enjoy the video :D
For more infomation >> GIANT THRALL CITY RAID - Stealing STRONG Thralls!! - Conan Exiles Gameplay Part 19 - Duration: 26:17.-------------------------------------------
Hair Hacks For Medium Long Hair | Carter GIVEAWAY! - Duration: 3:11.
Carter come's back with FORTIFY
Fortify contains: JoJoba Oil, Argan Oil, Beeswax (Cera Alba) Hydrogenated Castor Oil
Vitamin E, Cyclomethicone, Montmorillonite Clay & Water
Fortify besides taking care of your hair with its natural ingredients, is characterized in shaping and holding your hair with a finalized matte effect
Fortify comes with an incredible fragrance!
And as a thank you to all my subscribers
I want to announce my first giveaway!
The instructions will be in the description
※男生必學※ 三個看完電影讓女生更愛你的秘訣!【部長 BUJO】 - Duration: 4:25.
Ошалелая Судьба, #Песни о Любви, Шансон, Орская Маргарита - Duration: 3:42.
The fate of the crazed, love songs
Pronouncing The States & Territories In An Aussie Accent | Learn Australian English - Duration: 8:27.
G'day guys.
Welcome to this episode of Aussie English.
Today we're going to learn how to pronounce the different states and territories in an Australian accent.
Let's go!
So, not only are we going to learn how to pronounce the different states and territories
in an Australian accent today guys,
but I also want to continue to practice contracting "Going to" to "Goin'ah",
which you would've seen in the city pronunciation video,
but also, I want to teach you the phrasal verb "To check out", which means to examine,
to look at, to go and see.
So, we're going to practice "Goin'ah check out", "Goin'ah check out".
I'm going to go see it.
I'm going to go examine it.
I'm going to go look at it.
Listen and repeat after me, guys.
This is a list of all of the Australian states and territories said with an Australian accent
ranked from highest to lowest by population.
New South Wales
Western Australia
And this often gets reduced down to just "WA",
"We're going to WA."
South Australia
And this often gets reduced to "Tassy".
The Australian Capital Territory
And this often gets reduced down to just, "ACT"
The Northern Territory
So, before we get into the next exercise, guys, where I teach you "Goin'ah" and "Check out",
let's just go over the fact that we contract "Aus-tra-li-a" down to "Aus-tra-lia".
So, that's "Aus-tra-li-a", four syllables, that turns in to "Aus-tra-lia".
And we often do the same thing for "Ter-ri-tor-y".
So, instead of saying four syllables there in "Ter-ri-tor-y", we contract it down to
just "Ter-ri-tory", "Ter-ri-tory".
"Aus-tra-lia", "Ter-ri-tory".
So, those are just a few things to note there pronunciation wise.
"Aus-tra-li-a", "Aus-tra-lia".
"Ter-ri-tor-y", "Ter-ri-tory".
So, listen and repeat after me guys.
We'll practice "Going to" getting contracted to "Goin'ah"
and the phrasal verb "To check out",
which means to look at, to examine, to go and see a place.
Let's go.
New South Wales
I'm goin'ah check out New South Wales.
You're goin'ah check out Victoria.
He's goin'ah check out Queensland.
Western Australia
or, WA
She's goin'ah check out Western Australia.
She's goin'ah check out WA.
South Australia
We're goin'ah check out South Australia.
or, Tassy
They're goin'ah check out Tasmania.
They're goin'ah check out Tassy.
The Australian Capital Territory
or, The ACT
I'm goin'ah check out The Australian Capital Territory.
I'm goin'ah check out The ACT.
The Northern Territory
You're goin'ah check out The Northern Territory.
So, I hope you liked this episode guys.
See you in the next one.
Peace out!
Bro Dave Ch. #23 - The Rapture After The Great Tribulation - Apocalyptic Novel Commentary - Duration: 3:05.
Hello again. I'm Brother Dave.
My novel, Survivors, started with Irene Strait finding herself left behind.
She assumed she'd be taken to heaven before all the trouble started,
...in something called the Secret Rapture.
Now, in chapter 23, she experiences, along with the other main characters,
...the real thing: a reunion with one another and with Jesus himself
After 3 1/2 years of unspeakable suffering, God wipes every tear from their eyes.
No more pain. No more sorrow. No more suffering.
Surely, pleasure is at its greatest when it follows great suffering.
That is how it will be when Jesus returns.
The Bible says his angels will gather his people
...from all corners of the Earth, immediately after the Tribulation.
"Every eye will see him. "Every tongue will confess
"...that Jesus Christ is Lord, "to the glory of God the Father."
There's a great old hymn that says:
It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus.
Life's trials will seem so small, when we see Christ.
One glimpse of his dear face, All sorrows will erase.
So bravely run that race, till we see Christ.
A story about the Great Tribulation could be depressing and scary.
But not in the context of eternity.
Paul said to the Corinthians:
"This small suffering is short by comparison to the great and eternal glory that awaits us."
Praise God! He's coming! Jesus really is coming back.
We need to remember that as we face the troubles ahead.
Whatever suffering we must endure, will be small by comparison
...when we experience the glory that comes with Jesus.
Comfort each other with these words.
Thanks to all who have shared comments.
And thanks to those who have subscribed to this channel while reading my novel.
Please keep the comments coming.
I'll be back after the next chapter. Until then, just keep following the Lamb.
Aura Kingdom - Oddities - Cactakara Forest - Purple Lotus - Duration: 1:31.
Get "Sealed Glass Bottle" from Posey(511,420)
Use it on Purple Lotus which grows near Alba Shoal
Return to Posey with "Bottled Purple Lotus"
Someone's getting a dope mountain bike! - Duration: 2:39.
Since October, I've been riding the Diamondback Release 3 as my main trail bike.
It's fair to say that I haven't given it any mercy.
Aside from the Box One Derailleur and Shifter, which I've been testing, the bike is totally
original with no parts replaced.
It shows.
The rims are dented, there are scratches all over it, but I assure you it cleans up really
Despite the fact that my bike looks and work well, it's being replaced today—by the
2017 model.
It's pretty much the same bike, save for some minor changes in the frame and a different
color scheme.
We'll assemble this in a different video, but for now I need to find a home for my old
That's right, I'm gonna send this to someone.
Now before you jump into the comments and shout me me me me me!
Please be aware that this proves to me and everyone else that you're a lazy person
who likes to cut corners.
Whoever wins this bike will have submitted an application and followed the instructions.
Before we get into the application process, I have some bad news; you're probably not
First of all this bike is a small, so I'm not giving it to anyone taller than 5' 7".
That's not all.
This next part really makes me sad but I can't send it to anyone outside of the USA because
of logistics.
Someday I promise to do something really cool for my international subscribers, but in this
case I need to be 110% sure that this package gets to its destination safely.
So if you're 5' 7" or shorter and live in the USA, you can apply via the link in
the description.
The application has a written portion and a video.
I'll be using the best of these videos on my channel, so we can all decide who deserves
the bike.
You get extra points for creativity, and super duper extra points for showing us how you've
been making the best of your current bike.
Lastly, this video is staying on YouTube indefinitely, so check the date.
You might be getting excited for a contest that happened last year.
So that's it!
The rest of the info is in the link.
This is going to be a lot of fun.
We'll get to see some of the best applications, and you guys are going to help me decide on
a winner.
When the bike is sent off it will be in perfect working order, totally cleaned up and ready
to rock.
Not only will the winner be getting a serious mountain bike, they'll be getting a piece
of YouTube history.
Thanks for riding with me today, and I'll see you next time.
Morgan Stanley forecasts BOK to cut interest rates from 1.25% to 0.50% - Duration: 0:54.
Korea's key interest rate is already at a record low of one-point-two-five percent,...
but global investment banks forecast the country's central bank to cut the interest rate even
Morgan Stanley forecasts the Bank of Korea will slash the rate three times this year
to zero-point-five percent.
According to the International Finance Center on Monday, most investment banks, including
Goldman Sachs and HSBC, forecast Korea to cut rates in 2017.
A few expected a freeze,... but none project rates to rise this year.
Analysts say it shows most banks have a downbeat outlook on the Korean economy.
Uncertainty is high over the political crisis in Korea and the global situation is also
unpredictable with concerns over the Trump administration's protectionist trade policies.
Gợi ý các món cho mâm cỗ cúng rằm - Duration: 3:02.
Your Free Pass to Discovery #Canada150 - Duration: 0:31.
[intro music]
>> FEMALE VO: My parents loved this place.
They'd bring us here and we'd play and discover.
Places that echo the past, and are preserved for the future.
Now I'm proud to bring my family and show them how beautiful Canada is.
>> CHILD VO: Come on mom let's go!
>> ANNOUNCER: Free admission to all Parks Canada places in 2017.
A message from the Government of Canada.
S. Korea says North's new Pukguksong-2 is upgraded SLBM - Duration: 1:28.
The South Korean military has offered its assessment of North Korea's latest missile.
Our Kim Hyun-bin has more on the threat it poses to the region.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Monday that the mid-range missile North Korea
fired on Sunday, the Pukguksong-2, appears to be an upgraded version of its submarine-launched
ballistic missile.
"This is an upgraded version of the SLBM on land.
North Korea has also developed a launch pad that is capable of conducting a cold launch,
which is used to launch missiles from submarines."
South Korea's defense ministry also affirmed North Korea's claim that a solid fuel engine
was used to launch the missile.
Experts say that compared to liquid fuel, solid fuel engines take less time to fill
and the fuel can be stored for a long period of time in the missile.
They also say that when this type of missile is attached to a mobile launch pad, North
Korea could launch it at any time and from any place, making it harder for Seoul and
Washington to detect the missile before launch.
"There is a reason North Korea prefers solid fuel.
Liquid fuel is difficult to inject and takes a long time.
Solid fuel engines are more combat proficient and it would be hard for Seoul to use the
Kill Chain system to launch a pre-emptive strike ."
. . killchain
North Korea's Pukguksong-2 mid-range missile, launched Sunday, flew 500 kilometers before
landing in the East Sea.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.
Michael Scott Interview Questions - Duration: 2:54.
Hello, my name is Michael.
My name sign is this.
Recently Ai-Media asked me two questions.
The first was how and why I learned sign language
and the second was to tell
a funny or embarrassing story related to interpreting.
Anyway, I am an interpreter here in Orlando, Florida.
I have been working as an interpreter for the past 9 years.
How did I learn sign language?
It was for my foreign language credit in college.
Back at that time I was taking psychology.
I knew I needed to take a foreign language
so I chose sign language.
I thought it was a beautiful language
and interesting so I went ahead with it.
I took ASL 1, 2, and 3
and really fell in love with the language.
I really enjoyed it and thought the culture,
linguistics and structure were interesting
and everything was perfect.
So now for a funny, actually a really embarrassing story
related to interpreting.
Recently, October of last year, I was interpreting for shows.
There was a show stage set up
and the interpreter stage was smaller
and in front of the main stage.
So I jump up on the stage ready, I had on all the right clothes.
Black shirt, black pants, everything was just right.
When I finished interpreting the show
I jumped down from the stage and went over to my boss.
We like to discuss our thoughts and opinions on the shows.
I got this very odd feeling...
Why do I feel a cool breeze in my pants?
It dawns on me - I look down and I was floored.
My fly was unzipped.
I couldn't believe it.
How ridiculous.
The whole time I had on orange, bright orange, underwear.
I was so embarrassed.
Well now, every time before I get on the stage,
before I interpret anything,
I check to be sure my fly is up
and everything is perfect before I jump up and interpret.
Anyway, thank you so much.
Have a great day.
U.S. experts offer analysis of N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 1:49.
Over in the U.S., North Korea watchers are divided on the intent behind North Korea's
missile launch.
Connie Kim turned to two experts for their impressions.
Experts have weighed in on North Korea's latest missile launch, three weeks after President
Donald Trump came into office.
Ken Gause, a senior North Korea analyst at U.S. think tank CNA Corporation, characterized
the Sunday launch as a purposely restrained message,...
noting that the missile had only flown 500 kilometers, far short of the mid- and short-range
missiles in the North's arsenal.
He said North Korea was testing Washington to see the U.S. response and whether it would
represent a shift in strategy from the Obama administration.
However, Robert Manning, a senior analyst at the Atlantic Council think tank, said it
would be a mistake to see Pyongyang's missile and nuclear tests as mere provocations.
He characterized the launch, and the North's efforts to develop missiles and nuclear weapons
over the past 35 years, as a North Korean version of Eisenhower's "massive retaliation"
nuclear strategy of the 1950s to compensate for shortcomings in conventional military
Manning said that although the North appears to be testing either a mid-range ballistic
missile or the first two stages of an intercontinental ballistic missile, it does not yet have the
ability to land a re-entry vehicle or hit a target with a nuclear warhead and will need
to conduct many more tests to attain that capability.
Analysts in South Korea say that in addition to advancing its missile capabilities, the
launch may represent an early celebration of the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's
75th birthday, which falls on Wednesday, February 15th.
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
Votre entrée libre vers la découverte #Canada150 - Duration: 0:31.
IMF chief watching Trump's move to repeal Dodd-Frank banking law - Duration: 0:47.
International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde has expressed concerns about the Trump
administration's plans to repeal the Dodd Frank financial reform law.
At the World Government Summit in Dubai on Sunday, Lagarde said the fund was "very mindful"
of President Trump's attempt to undo the federal regulatory rules put in place after the 2008
global financial crisis.
She also insisted that supervision of big banks should not be loosened and governments
should work to prevent another economic meltdown.
Earlier this month, President Trump signed an executive order to roll back regulations
from the 2010 law,... saying the policy is holding back the economy and stopping businesses
from borrowing money.
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