Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 13 2017

Actually on my channel


Fuck you

For more infomation >> Having fun extinction style - Duration: 16:57.


Cars 3 McQueen back in the saddle Cartoons about Cars, Cartoons for children Cartoon Game for Boys - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Cars 3 McQueen back in the saddle Cartoons about Cars, Cartoons for children Cartoon Game for Boys - Duration: 10:25.


Random 7 Preview + Rätsel (Grad: Einfach) - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Random 7 Preview + Rätsel (Grad: Einfach) - Duration: 1:38.


ЩЕНЯЧИЙ ПАТРУЛЬ Новые серии от Tyomka Щенки и МОНСТР Мультики для детей про Игрушки Щенячий патруль - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> ЩЕНЯЧИЙ ПАТРУЛЬ Новые серии от Tyomka Щенки и МОНСТР Мультики для детей про Игрушки Щенячий патруль - Duration: 4:05.


Lego Cars Cartoons about Lego City Undercover - 3 Cartoons for Boys Cars Police Racing - Duration: 23:19.

For more infomation >> Lego Cars Cartoons about Lego City Undercover - 3 Cartoons for Boys Cars Police Racing - Duration: 23:19.


1000 subscribers party! - Duration: 3:22.

So... A few days ago we had this plan to make a 1000 subscribers special...

This is A Kind of Adventurous Life!

Watching the subscriber count go up...

Can be really... exciting...

One thousand!

There are 1000 people in this world who have subscribed to our channel!

Hey! That's the whole 0,000013% of the world's population!

Yeah, I know, that doesn't really sound like much...

But hey! Then yesterday this happened!

Our channel was the world's coolest channel discovery!

And our subscriber count started booming!

This young woman was Sita Salminen, -

and she was advertising us -

totally unexpectedly!

She had found our channel, thanks to Fanni Augusta, -

who had recommended our channel to Sita.

So special thanks to you, Fanni, -

because, thanks to you, our subscriber count is still ticking!

But that's not all!

Also Hydraulic Press Channel linked to our video yesterday!

And now, when we're filming this video -

we already have 1583 subscribers!

And that's already 0,00002% of the world's population!

Now, doesn't that sound so much better already?

Hey! When I had 50 subscribers, -

I promised I would have a party when I have 100 subscribers!

That party never happened, sorry for that.

But now it's party time!

Back then, I promised the party to have -

elephants and mushrooms and fireworks and microwave ovens

so in this party, I must have about 15 times all of that!

15 elephants! Partying!

15 mushrooms! Partying!

15 fireworks! Partying!

And 15 microwave ovens! Partying!

And them we combine them all -

and add 1500 Kirikous to join the party!

That's one Kirikou for each of you, my dear subscribers!

By the way! I think it's time for me to pay this forward!

If you know any good, less-known Youtube channels -

that should have more subscribers -

write them down to the comments!

And one day I will, totally unexpectedly, -

I will advertise the best of them to all of my followers!

If you not one of my 1500 subscribers -

please, become one of them!

Remember to brush your teeth, and see you soon again!

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> 1000 subscribers party! - Duration: 3:22.


Emergency UNSC meeting on N. Korea's missile launch held on Monday afternoon local time - Duration: 0:58.

South Korea, the United States and Japan have requested an emergency UN Security Council

meeting to discuss North Korea's ballistic missile launch.

Russia's Tass News Agency reported the closed-door meeting will be held Monday 5 p.m. local time,...

which is Thursday 7 a.m.

South Korean time.

Considering that Security Council meetings were not held frequently in response to North

Korea's previous ballistic missile launches, the North's first launch of 2017 is being

considered a grave provocation.

Existing UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea ban any kind of launches using

ballistic missile technology.

Condemnation for North Korea came from the European Union, too.

In a written statement on Sunday, the European External Action Service said North Korea must

abandon its ballistic missile programs once and for all.

It also called on Pyongyang to return to the six-party talks on its denuclearization.

For more infomation >> Emergency UNSC meeting on N. Korea's missile launch held on Monday afternoon local time - Duration: 0:58.


Independent counsel interrogating Samsung heir apparent on bribery allegations - Duration: 0:56.

Turning now to the corruption scandal surrounding the presidential office.

The independent counsel is questioning Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman and de-facto leader

Lee Jae-yong for a second time.

Samsung is alleged to have given huge donations to foundations controlled by President Park's

now-jailed confidante Choi Soon-sil,... in return for political support for the controversial

merger of two Samsung affiliates,... which cemented Lee Jae-yong's succession as head

of the tech giant.

Lee was first brought in for questioning a month ago,... when the team grilled him for

22 hours straight.

The team requested a warrant for his arrest on charges of bribery, embezzlement and perjury,

but their request was rejected.

There's a chance the team could seek another warrant after today's interrogation.

We'll keep you updated on any developments throughout the day.

For more infomation >> Independent counsel interrogating Samsung heir apparent on bribery allegations - Duration: 0:56.


Jay King Faceted Lapis Bead 18" Sterling Silver Necklace - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> Jay King Faceted Lapis Bead 18" Sterling Silver Necklace - Duration: 11:52.


2018 Big Ten Counseling Centers Conference - Duration: 2:37.



Big Ten Counseling Centers are innovative in their work to support students.

Big Ten Counseling Centers are innovative in the work to help students heal.

Big Ten Counseling Centers are innovative in their work to inspire students.

Hi, my name is Sharon Kirkland-Gordon, director of the University of Maryland Counseling Center in College Park, Maryland.

We are thrilled to serve as your hosts for the 2018 Big Ten Counseling Centers Conference.

Our theme, Innovations: Seeking to Support, Heal, and Inspire

is intended to address best practices in college student counseling and mental health.

Here's a sneak peek of what to expect.


Big Ten Counseling Centers are innovative in their efforts to support, heal, and inspire.


We support students in their pursuit of wellness.

We support students as they develop a sense of their identity.

We support students who face academic challenges.

We support our students in their efforts to resist and fight oppression and injustice.


We help victims of hate crimes begin the process of healing.

We help students heal from relationship violence.

We help students to heal when they experience grief and loss.


We inspire students to be advocates for social justice.

We inspire students to prioritize their mental health.

We inspire students to become allies.

We inspire students by providing them with tools to help them achieve their academic goals.


We hope to engage you in a dynamic exchange of ideas and interventions

to enhance service delivery and contribute to the overall well-being

of our help-seekers and ourselves.

To our Big Ten and Washington Metropolitan Area Counseling Centers

please mark your calendars to join us for the Big Ten Counseling Centers Conference

February 21st through February 23rd of 2018.

We're look forward to seeing you.

See you in 2018!


For more infomation >> 2018 Big Ten Counseling Centers Conference - Duration: 2:37.


ГЕРОИ В МАСКАХ Мультик для детей на русском Развивающие мультики Учим Цвета Игрушки Герои в масках - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> ГЕРОИ В МАСКАХ Мультик для детей на русском Развивающие мультики Учим Цвета Игрушки Герои в масках - Duration: 3:26.


Relief for your Valentine Blues - Duration: 6:01.

When I was about 10 years old, I finally got invited to a popular girl's birthday sleepover.

I didn't have many friends so I was SUPER EXCITED.

We had a lot of fun and everyone was really excited about all the food and movies and


After a while, I needed to use the restroom, so I went upstairs to the less trafficked

one which was the only one available.

I went pee and then proceeded to flush . . . when the toilet began backing up.

Panicking I kept trying to flush it, but all it proceeded to do was cause more and more

sewage to spill over.

I was so scared everyone would make fun of me.

I didn't think anyone would believe me that I didn't sh*t that ungodly amount, though

I should have realized it wasn't humanly possible.

But I still feared everyone would think I blew out my a** and destroyed their toilet.

And girls being girls . . . It would be the end of my social life.

After crying in the bathtub (the only safe place from all the sewage) . . .

I finally pulled myself together and found my determination.


I would not go down as the girl who destroyed the bathroom!

No one would ever see this!

I searched under the bathroom sink and found a whole array of cleaning supplies within

a small bucket for storage.

The bathroom I was in was on the second story, and had a window facing the backyard (which

was all weeds and junk and no one used).

Painstakingly, bit by bit, I drained the toilet and poured it out the second story window

onto the weeds and grass.

Every time I'd remove some sewage, more would surface to take its place.

It took about ten minutes of continuous, adrenaline filled, bucket tossing before I had drained

the toilet (and probably the whole septic tank).

I then proceeded to clean the bathroom spotless, mopping and bleaching everything I could.

By the time I was done, the room that had previously looked like someone had back-scattered

20 gallons of sh*t was clean enough to eat off of.

I quickly made my escape, dashing into the darkness like some sort of evil villain.

I snuck to my backpack, and put on my pajamas a little early before going back to movie

and snack time.

Luckily (but kind of sadly) no one realized I had been missing for the last thirty minutes

and I slipped in and enjoyed some ice-cream.

On the inside, I felt like crying in relief and singing the rest of the night away like

a drunken Japanese man nursing a bottle of sake.

No one would ever know.

Or so I thought.

We woke in the morning to the girl's mother screaming.

And I mean screaming.

I guess I forgot that though they didn't use their grungy backyard, the mom still went

out there to smoke on the porch.

Scared and guilty, I wandered to the back deck, upset that none of the sewage had drained

into the grass like I thought it would.

When we got out there, I realized what she was screaming about.

A 20 foot long, 2 foot wide, brown streak-mark ran down the second story bathroom window

to the grass.

Everyone knew it was sh*t, but no one knew where it came from.

The whole bathroom was spotless and the toilet was (surprisingly) working.

But painted from the window edge and down, was a slide of fecal matter.

Before I could say anything . . .

<Mother:> "An . . . Andrew, what . . . the . . . hell . . . DID-YOU-DO??

Did you f*cking sh*t out the window?

Oh my god!


Andrew, the older brother who had went out with friends the night before so he wouldn't

have to be with a bunch of little girls, got back early in the morning and was already

in trouble for having been drinking.

His face was whiter than a sheet as he tried to deny it, but the way his eyes traced upwards-

I could tell he wasn't too sure himself.

His mom f*cking lost her mind.





The neighbours, hearing the commotion, peered around to see what the mother was screaming


They could hear the accusation "Andrew sh*t out the window!" and they came around chuckling

at the idea, but their smiles faded from that joke the moment they saw the full length brown

slide that was consistent from ground to window.

No one bother to realized it wasn't humanly possible to sh*t that much, I guess.

Andrew was screaming that he didn't do it, he had no idea how it got there, his mom was

losing her mind, his dad was screaming

Dad: "How did you even do this?

What the f*ck did you eat!"

And before long everyone, including the girls, were freaking out about the 20 foot sh*t stain.

Being such a horrible person . . . I slid back into the house.

My mom came and got me after a while and I finally went home.

I ended up crying and confessing the whole thing to her, and she died laughing.

She didn't rat me out, though.

To this day, everyone still talks about Andrew's Window Sh*t.

Everyone truly thought he wandered home drunk , went to use the bathroom- and just sat on

the edge on the windowsill and braced himself.

And I'm still sitting here with a poker face.

Until now, publicly that is.

So yeah,

Sorry Andrew.

For more infomation >> Relief for your Valentine Blues - Duration: 6:01.


Iphone 5s Valentine`s Day offer - Apple`s Iphone 5s india latest deal - 5s iphone - Duration: 1:40.

"Iphone 5s Valentine`s Day offer" - Apple`s "Iphone 5s india" latest deal - "5s iphone"

In this youtube video i will tell you about Apple`s latest deal on "iphone 5s for valentine`s


Apple is offering 6000 rupees cashback on every purchase of "iphone 5s"

in india.

Cashback will be credited within 90 days of "iphone 5s" purchase.

This offer is valid on "iphone 5s 16 GB" version.

Hit thumbs up if you liked it, subscribe if you loved it, this is prajwal from technology

gym, signing off, goodbye.

"Iphone 5s Valentine`s Day offer" - Apple`s "Iphone 5s india" latest deal - "5s iphone"

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india" "iphone 7 unboxing in hindi" "5s iphone" "5s unboxing" "5s vs 6" "5s vs

se" "5s jio calling" "5s online" "5s camera" "5s water test" "5s in manufacturing"

"5s review" "iphone 5s unboxing" "iphone 5s camera" "iphone 5s review" "iphone 5s water

test" "iphone 5s tricks" "iphone 5s vs iphone 6" "iphone 5s features"

"iphone 5s jio sim" "iphone 5s ios 10"

For more infomation >> Iphone 5s Valentine`s Day offer - Apple`s Iphone 5s india latest deal - 5s iphone - Duration: 1:40.


Jay King Chilean Turquoise Bead 18" Necklace - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> Jay King Chilean Turquoise Bead 18" Necklace - Duration: 11:34.


N. Korea says test of new ballistic missile was successful - Duration: 2:10.

North Korea has announced that Sunday's missile launch was the first successful testing of

a new medium-to-long-range ballistic missile.

The state-run Korean Central News Agency says leader Kim Jong-un oversaw the test of the

missile, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

Leading us off today... is our Kwon Jang-ho at the Unification Ministry.

After the missile launch was detected early Sunday morning, there was confusion in Seoul

and Washington about whether it was a short-range Rodong missile or an intermediate-range Musudan

missile that had been fired.

But now North Korea's state-run media has announced that it was in fact a new intermediate-range

ballistic missile called the Pukguksong-2.

The North's Korean Central News Agency said the missile, capable of carrying a nuclear

warhead, was successfully launched using a new type of high-thrust engine built from

technology developed in the country.

It added that the missile was fired from a mobile launcher and was able to perform evasive

maneuvers during flight.

The agency said it was a chance to prove the reliability and stability of the regime's

surface launch capabilities.

The launch was also overseen by leader Kim Jong-un, who expressed satisfaction with the

test and declared the birth of a powerful new method of nuclear attack.

Kim is said to have ordered the development of the new missile after the successful test

of a submarine launched ballistic missile, the Pukguksong-1, in August.

On Monday, South Korea condemned the North's latest launch.

"North Korea has sent a message that they have no intention of folding their nuclear

ambitions and will continue their provocations.

It once again stresses the seriousness of the military and security threat we are under."


Sunday's launch was the first in 2017 and the first since Donald Trump was sworn in

as president.

The timing coincided with Trump's meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in

the U.S. over the weekend, and analysts are widely interpreting the move as a show of

force to the two nations.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea says test of new ballistic missile was successful - Duration: 2:10.


S. Korean government vows to take swift action in case of market volatility - Duration: 0:56.

Following North Korea's latest provocation,... financial officials in South Korea evaluated

the potential threat to the local economy this morning.

The government has vowed to take action if any unusual movements are detected in the

financial market... and is operating an inter-agency team to monitor the situation around the clock.

It will also step up communication with foreign investors and creditors so as not to hurt

the country's credibility and investor sentiment.

While the general consensus is that the latest North Korean provocation will have a limited

financial impact,...

Seoul acknowledges the increased uncertainty,... given that it's the first provocation since

U.S. President Donald Trump took office.

Local markets appeared unmoved by the North's actions -- the benchmark KOSPI opened virtually

unchanged,... while the tech-heavy KOSDAQ opened about zero-point-two percent higher.

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