Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 13 2017

Released by Capcom in the year 2012 on the Nintendo 3DS and later ported to multiple

platforms, Resident Evil: Revelation was a game that focused more on the series roots

of survival horror versus survival action, after criticism that Resident 5 and Operation

Raccoon City strayed too far into action.

Directed by Koshi Nakanishi, who also directed Resident Evil 7, and written by Dai Koto,

who helped write anime series Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell, the game was slower

paced, emphasizing exploration in a claustrophpbic environment reminiscent of classic mansion


For gameplay, the game is third person with the character more in frame, but slightly

off-center, allowing more visibility in an more closed-environment.

In many ways, its closer to the first Resident Evil, by means of solving puzzles, gaining

keys to gradually unlock new areas, managing a limited inventory of health items, ammo,

and weapons with access to safe room Item Boxes, and interpreting health with visual

cues instead of a set health bar.

But it blends elements of the more action-leaning Resident Evils, with weapon upgrading, precision

aiming, being able to move while shooting, and the dodge and quick-turn maneuvers.

Unique here, weapons were upgraded with collectible and interchangable modification parts, allowing

the player to truly customize their personal loadout.

For story, the game features the return of series originals Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine,

though there are several short segments where the player will play as one of the supporting


A new virus and enemy type called the Ooze premiere here, and each have multiple means

of attack, and the ability to even appear before or behind the player by traveling through

vents and grates, adding an element of surprise, randomization, and pressure.

Introduced was a new minigame mode called Raid Mode in which similar to Resident Evil

3's Mercenaries mode, the goal is to reach the end of a scenario and level while also

beating as many foes as possible.

Keep in mind, the actual game tells its story in episodes not necessarily in chroniclogical

order, but for this recap I will be presenting the events in chronological order.

The story only gets larger from here, so let's cut it down to size with a RECAPitation.

Composer: Kota Suzuki, Takeshi Miura, Ichiro Komoto.

In 2004, shortly after the fall of Umbrella, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine help co-found

the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, or the BSAA for short.

Despite Umbrella being shut down, many of the BOWs they created and sold in black markets

were still around and ironically more of a threat now that Umbrella wasn't trying to

regulate their distribution and cover them up.

Backed by the United Nations, their mission is to investigate and eliminate bioterrorism

around the world.

At this time, we are introduced to Terragrigia, an artificial floating city in the Mediterranean

Sea that is energy independant thanks to its advanced solar energy matrix.

Later in 2004, Veltro, a terrorist group opposing the construction of the aquapolis, unleased

a virus in the city and several bio-weapons to enact one of the worst global tragedies

seen in years.

The United States-based FBC, the then-current leader in counter-bioterrorism, was called

in to contain the outbreak, though refused to work with any other group other than the

UN backed BSAA, whom they only allowed in as an observer.

Acting quickly, the leader of the FBC, Morgan Lansdale, made the controversial decision

to turn the city's solar matrix unto itself and vaporize the city, marking the incident

to be referred to as the Terragrigia Panic.

Afterwards, the FBC claimed victory in disbanding Veltro, and a year later, the remnants of

the city still stand as a reminder of the threat of bioterrorism.

During the outbreak however, we see FBC agents, Parker and Jessica despair as the city is


As they escape they note an attack of this scale is exactly what Lansdale was warning

about when he asked for more resources for the FBC.

They find a wounded cadet named Raymond, and save his life as they treat him and move him

to safety.

Raymond questions how such a small group was able to pull off such a professionally done

job with large amounts of BOWs without the FBC noticing, and openly wonders if it was

an inside job.

Making it to Lansdale in the command center, Lansdale remarks how this is a wake-up call

and gives the order for the FBC to evacuate as well.

BSAA Director O'Brian now enters, disapproving of the hasty move to destroy the entire city,

reminding Lansdale that extreme moves like this create extreme groups like Veltro in

the first place.

Lansdale dismisses him as they all move to escape, and Parker and Jessica clear out the

entire lobby full of hunters by themselves en route to their chopper.

(The mass produced Hunter is deployed ot search and destroy the 10% of survivors that are

not affected by the t-virus).

Along the way, they somewhat agree with O'Brian that the FBC mishandled this outbreak, relating

the disaster to Raccoon City.

As they make it to the chopper and escape, they watch in horror as the Regia Solis power

grid is turned up to incinerate everything.

As a year passes and its 2005, one year after Terragrigia and the events of Resident Evil

4, there are suddenly reports of a number of strange carcasses washing up on the shore

outside where Terragrigia stood.

The BSAA moves in to investigate, and in one of the bodies, agents Parker and Jill find

a strange vial.

The head of the BSAA, O'Brian, is on site and gets a call that agents Chris Redfield

and Jessica have gone missing over the ocean, even though they were in the mountains investigating

a lead on the remnants of Veltro.

Put on the search and rescue case, Jill and Parker hurry out as they board the storm-tossed

luxury liner, the Queen Zenobia, after Chris and Jessica disappeared over an hour and a

half ago at these coordinates.

They see its been abandoned for some time, and after they spot a strange creature, they

discover a corpse with a bizarre new mutation.

Spotting something in a floor grate, Jill IDs the object as a gun thanks to her new

bio-scanning tool, the Genesis.

Lifting it out, she's thankful the gun and hand gripping it don't belong to Chris, but

a new monster she's never seen before called the Ooze creeps up behind her and attacks.

As they kill it, its opens up more questions about what actually happened to the missing

crew or Chris and Jessica.

Searching, she soon finds a locked door that within contains a bound man matching Chris's


Calling out but getting no response, Jill hurries to find a key to open his cell door,

now hearing a scream from a woman as she sees someone get their head smashed against a glass


She's too late to rescue the mystery woman from the BOWs, but Jill suspects she wasn't

part of the crew and instead from some other organization.

Finding a key and returning to Chris's cell, she rushes in, only to find this was a decoy

dummy, and Parker is dismayed to find the flag of Veltro in the same room.

Realizing too late this is all a trap, they are gassed as a masked man enters, addressing

Jill directly by name, and explaining to her its time to learn the truth.

At the same time, Chris and Jessica are actually still in the Mountains of Europe, though they

can't make contact with HQ on their search for a suspected Veltro Base.

They are surprised to find a plane suddenly come crashing down nearby, but checking out

the crash site, it's prescence here means there is an airbase nearby as suspected.

They find and put down infected wolves that have escaped out of the crash site, confirming

the plane to have belonged to Veltro, and along the way, Jessica asks a few questions

about Chris's relationship to Jill, asking how she compares to her.

Staying focused on the job, they find the airbase where Veltro is hiding out, and suddenly

their radioes work again.

They are hailed by O'Brian, who realizes he's fallen for a trap as he's sent out Jill and

Parker on a mission based on faulty intel and now he's lost contact with them.

Betting this is all to due with Veltro's resurrection, Chris now hurries to rescue Jill and heads

to the Mediterranean.

Back with Jill, she wakes up in bedroom elsewhere on the ship, but without her weapons.

Dodging enemies until she and Parker re-equip, they avoid new variations of the Ooze and

make their way to the bridge, only to find the controls smashed and the ship is adrift.

To make matters worse they see their tugboat explode, and suddenly Jill is grabbed by a

mysterious man.

She escapes his hold though when Parker confronts him, he pauses as the man calls him out by

name, and he recognizes him as Raymond from the FBC.

Parker fires off a warning shot alongside a few more questions, but Raymond refuses

to answer anything, only mocking them that they don't even know why they're here or whom

they're fighting, and leaves.

Admitting he's right, Parker and Jill resolve to search the ship for answers, and find the

communication room so they can contact HQ.

Waiting for some doors to take a rather long time to open, they move to the more luxurious

parts of the cruise ship.

Haunted by the wails of someone crying Mayday in the promenade, they are ambushed by the

bloated mutated body of the former comms officer, who lunges at them with its bizarre chainsaw


Staying calm and killing the monster, they reach the communication room and find Raymond

there who's also stuck as someone else already beat him here and destroyed most of the equipment.

Their attention is drawn to the screen where a live broadcast is being shown, wherein a

masked man of Veltro is quoting the Divine Comedy as he introduces the T-Abyss virus,

a combination of the new Abyss virus discovered through deep sea exploration and combined

with the t-Virus to easily infect almost any organism.

Showing its rapid infection process, they threaten to contaminate 1/5th of the worlds's

ocean with their sample.

As the masked man reveals himself to be, Jack Norman, the leader of the original Veltro,

Chris asks O'Brian to look for clues in the airbase they saw as he moves towards Jill.

O'Brian agrees and sends tech experts Quint and Keith in to investigate.

Meanwhile, Parker and Raymond are mad to see the return of Veltro and another biohazard,

and while they can still work the communication equipment a little, it needs more power, so

they must turn on the main engine room of the ship.

Raymond gives them a key to access further parts of the ship, and asks if they saw his

FBC partner Rachel, who went missing some time ago on this ship.

Passing through a casino, Jill believes the woman she saw get killed earlier might have

been Rachel who likely has the elevator key they need to proceed.

Returning to where she last found her, she finds the body is mysteriously gone, and only

Rachel's journal remains, but looking up its apparant Rachel has mutated dangerously under

the t-Abyss virus.

Chasing her down and gunning down her powerful mutation, they stun her long enough to get

the key she had and continue onward.

Entering the bilge they find it flooded, but the bulkheads can't be lowered until the main

power is restored as well.

Entering the deep waters filled with Sea Creepers, which are what the majority of infected female

humans turn into, they restore the power on the ship, but suddenly they are locked in

the engine room and it begins flooding.

Back with Quint and Keith, they arrive at the Veltro base and find footage that they

attempted to leave after some BOWs escaped and caused a panic, including one that can

cloak itself.

Finding a key that can unlock a terminal for the crash site, they approach the plane only

to find a new variant Hunter model called the Farfarello developed by Veltro and the

t-Abyss virus that can indeed cloak almost perfectly.

Dealing with them and searching, they find the location of the ship almost too easily,

and while they forward the coordinates to Chris, Quint doesn't feel confident in the

intel laid out so easily for them to find.

Chris and Jessica land on the ship at the given coordinates and he's ready to search

every room for Jill and crush any t-Abyss monsters in his way.

As they storm to the flooded engine room, they enter only to find its completely empty

and bare, with Jill and Parker nowhere in sight.

They now see this ship is actually the Queen Semiramis, an identical sister ship to the

Queen Zenobia, and they now move out to continue their search in the nearby area.

Meanwhile, Jill manages to free herself from the flooded room, and as the power is back

on, they then close the bulkeads and stop the flooding.

They still have no signal despite the power being on, so they now move to the observation

deck to fix the antennae array.

Defeating a giant humanoid shellfish called the Draghignazzo, they restore the communication

array and are finally able to reach HQ.

O'Brian is relieved to hear from them and knows this is all a setup.

Parker asks how he knows its specifically a setup, but O'Brian is interrupted as he

receives word the Regia Solis sattellite is being activated and moved to the Queen Zenobia's


He says Chris is on his way but won't make it in time, and while Jill is releived to

hear Chris is safe, she and Parker are on their own.

Quint calls in, explaining they can confuse the satillite's targetting system using the

UAV drone on the ship that Veltro used to carry out their attacks on Terragrigia, to

instead discharge chaff and throw off the satillite.

Moving to the foredeck and escaping past a resurrected Rachel with a horde of Hunters,

they assemble and prime the UAV, while at the same time, O'Brian confronts Lansdale

on his usage of the Regia Solis again.

They send of the UAV with seconds to spare, and it succeeds in fooling the satellite,

but the ensuing wave begins sinking the ship.

As Jill and Parker swim out of the sinking ship, Chris and Jessica are on their way,

telling them to meet up at the Ship's Hall.

However, they are attacked by monstrously large parasitic worms and fend them off as

they approach and board the ship.

Within, Jill and Parker are halted by another masked man, who shares with them the secrets

he knows about the Queen Zenobia.

He says the fact that the Queen Zenobia has been undetected until recently, the abrupt

disappearance of Veltro after the Terragrigia Panic, and the usage of the Regia Solis now,

are all connected, and point to an inconvenient truth.

Right before he reveals it, he's suddenly shot by Jessica, who arrives on scene with

Chris, and as Parker hurries to rescue the man, its revealed to be Raymond under the


Parker asks why he pretended to be Veltro, and Raymond whispers something to him before


As the ship shudders, Jill reminds them all they cannot let it contaminate the sea, and

Parker offers to slow the ships sinking with Jessica, while Jill and Chris find the ship's

lab and deal with the virus.

Jessica laments how Chris never fell for her flirtatious advances, and Parker points out

he may already be taken.

Reunited at last, Chris and Jill enter the mostly untouched lab on the ship, and deal

with a pair of Scarmiglione, t-Abyss mutants based on a shark.

Finding the secret of Zenobia, which is that the t-Abyss research lab was hidden in a normal

cruise ship, we cut to Quint and Keith, who are still harvesting information on Veltro

and find evidence linking the FBC to this Veltro site.

After further investigation, he finds Veltro was never back in action, and it was in fact

Director O'Brian who was staging a revival of Veltro, just to trick the BSAA and more

importantly, Lansdale of the FBC.

However, their hacking of the FBC is discovered, and Quint and Keith look up in time to find

the FBC had ordered a bombing of the airbase to close up yet another loose end.

Over with Parker and Jessica, O'Brian checks in on Parker, verifying that Raymond told

him everything, and as a result, Parker knows what to do.

Confronting Jessica and calling her out as a spy within the BSAA for Lansdale, he's surprised

to be joined by Raymond who points out Jessica is here on the bridge trying to activate the

ship's self-destruct mechanism.

Parker hesitates, and Jessica takes a shot at Raymond, but Parker jumps in to take the


Jessica really does hit the self-destruct button and flees, as Parker urges Raymond

to go on after her and collapses.

Back with Chris and Jill, they find the motherlode of the virus, but learn a vaccine was also

made to neutralize it too.

Seeing there is a huge mutated parasite in the area, they also learn Lansdale used Veltro

as a pawn during the Terragrigia Panic, and financed the development of the t-Abyss virus

and its vaccine.

Like Veltro, when the vaccine was created and in his hands, he killed the staff by releasing

the BOWs they were working on, thus covering his tracks and strengthening his position

in the FBC.

Finding a sample of the prototype vaccine, Jill innoculates herself, adding this to the

t-Virus for things she's immune to.

Just in time, the parasite outside smashes through the protective glass, flooding the

lab with contaminated water, but an immunized Jill is able to freely swim away.

With the passcode in hand, they are able to begin neutalizing the virus in the Zenobia,

and are hailed by Lansdale, who congratulates them on figuring it out and cleansing the


He shows them the Semiramis blowing up, and claims victory as they now hear the self-destruct

sequence for the Zenobia has started.

Chris swears to see him soon, and the duo hurry to escape the doomed ship.

They are hailed by helicopter pilot Kirk, and along the way, Jill finds the wounded

Parker who reveals Jessica was Lansdale's mole who shot him.

As they move him, a walkway collapses underfoot, and while they struggle to hold onto Parker,

he thanks them but doesn't want to be a burden, and so lets go, plunging into the fires below.

As they make it outside, Kirk circles around to meet them but there is already a rescue

chopper there.

As they approach, the explosions on the ship knock them off their feet, and suddenly the

first chopper is smashed under a massive tentacle.

Emerging from the destroyed ship and ocean depths rises a leviathan whale-like monster

infected with numerous parasites called Malacodas.

Kirk can't rescue them at this time but assists in dropping off ammo and rocket launchers,

as Jill and Chris attempt to kill their literally biggest BOW yet.

They stagger it long enough to be lifted away by Kirk, as they mount heavier guns and send

a rocket down its throat to finally destroy this oversized menace.

Meanwhile, it turns out Parker survived the fall, and is met by Raymond.

He apologizes to Raymond for not trusting him when he was right all along, and helps

to save Parker's life in return for once saving his.

As Chris and Jill fly off, they're radioed by O'Brian, and Chris explains their situation

but insists O'Brian come clean.

O'Brian explains that one year ago, Lansdale used bioterrorist group Veltro to orchestrate

an attack on Terragrigia to show the world how much of a threat BOWs were and thus increase

the FBC's funding and influence.

Veltro's leader Jack Norman didn't like how Lansdale betrayed them too by exposing Veltro

to t-Abyss for experimentation purposes, and swore revenge as he had recorded all their

dealings despite Lansdale dooming them on the Queen Dido cruise ship.

Raymond suspected Lansdale this whole time and worked with O'Brian to set up this whole

act of reviving Veltro, all to put pressure on Lansdale.

However, with Zenobia and Semiramis destroyed there would be no evidence.

Fortunately, Quint found out the location of the hidden third ship Lansdale doomed the

original Veltro to, the Queen Dido, and there lies their evidence.

As Chris and Jill head over to Terragrigia where the Queen Dido rests on the ocean floor,

Lansdale storms into the BSAA HQ seizing control and placing O'Brian under arrest for working

with Veltro.

Making their way inside the old ship, the duo find the blobs that surfaced on the shore

were actually mutated corpses that floated up from this very ship the whole time.

They find a recently killed FBC agent despite how old this wreackage is, who left a recording

revealing Landsale sent a team down here to recover evidence against him.

They find another recording left by Jack Norman explaining he still holds the evidence and

desire for revenge to expose Lansdale, even as the rest of Veltro has died or mutated

and now he too takes the t-Abyss in order to prolong himself.

Deep within the ship, they are surpised to still find Jack Norman alive, but quite mad,

as he drops the evidence needed to incriminate Lansdale.

Jill grabs it, but Norman stops them, thinking them agents of Lansdale.

Drinking an entire vial of t-Abyss, Norman now mutates into the Ultimate Abyss monster,

a Tyrant-like foe with super speed and strength, able to leave illusions of himself in the

minds of others, and like Rachel or the comm officer, able to speak normally.

As the duo ends the true leader of Veltro, and betrayed instigator of the Terragrigia

Panic, they review his evidence and broadcast it publically, showing Lansdale supplying

Norman with the virus and a means to deliver it for the attack.

Fully exposed, O'Brian also produces the t-abyss vial they found on the beach Lansdale had

sectioned off.

Lansdale explains that this was all for the greater good, as without a clear and present

danger, the ignorant public would claim to not need organizations like the FBC or BSAA.

Not commenting on that, O'Brian instead relieves Lansdale of his authority and places him under


As the game ends, the sun rises on a new day as the FBC is dissolved and its resources

shifted to the BSAA.

It turns out Keith and Quint survived the airbase bombing and Keith would become the

leader of the East Africa BSAA branch, though Quint refused any promotion, still working

in R&D for the BSAA.

Parker was found and rescued, healing up and returning as a special ops agent for the BSAA.

O'Brian assumed responsibility for his actions and resigned as head of BSAA, but remains

as an advisor who also writes novels from his home.

Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine would soon become lost in another nightmare as events

lead right into Resident Evil 5.

Finally, as it turns out, both Jessica and Raymond were triple agents actually working

with each other, and pretending to be FBC and BSAA spies working for Lansdale.

In truth, they were working to secure a sample of the t-Abyss virus for their real employer,

TRICELL, another conglomerate pharmaceutical company that ironically co-funded the BSAA.

Resident Evil: Revelations has enjoyed the success of selling over 2 million copies worldwide.

For more infomation >> What happened in Resident Evil: Revelations? (RECAPitation) - Duration: 18:49.


[ENG][Newlywed Diary Ep.2] Jaehyun Gets Upset Over Their Two Different Perceptions of Marriage - Duration: 4:16.

You wanna get me.

Why are you sad all of a sudden?

You're being aggressive.

Jaehyun does his best to do the dishes

You make it seem like I cause things for you to do

What I want to say is that the way we live isn't all that bad but

you talk as if we struggle so much.

I was just taken back.

It was hard.

All of it?

To the point that our marriage life is only about cleaning...

I did.

I did. I said to you before we came here.

I said I felt like I spent a year cleaning organizing things after getting married.

What I want to say is something bigger.

What I felt is that to you the marriage has been the worst thing.

How long has it been since we've been married?

Was it the worst thing? I'd be so sad.

I think the question itself is flawed. To say its the worst, I can't answer that.

I surely can say it isn't the worst. Saying I was stressed doesn't mean that.

There are great things and they're the reason how I was able to overcome it.

There's so much to clean and so much to throw out

but if I didn't like you on top of that

it would be right to end this marriage, the worst thing.

For me, I was happy.

For you, spending time together, playing, and things were important.

While I thought housework was on my shoulder. At first.

I thought you were bad. What I'm trying to say is that you aren't bad at all.

After a long talk, what Hyesun wanted to say was

You're changing. I'm thankful for that.

You weren't use to it but you kept trying and you did help.

So I was thankful.

I hope you continue to think them as your work. With consistancy.

Do you agree?

Of course.

I got angry because it was true.

I got angry because it was true.

We got married to be happy but we think, 'Why is this person so difficult?

Marrying is happy?

It is.

We got married to be happy but it's not all happy.

You were happy with my coupons.

I wasn't from the beginning.

I feel happy when things are useful.

I'm learning.

But I agree with everything you say.

Thank you.

We spoke to understand each other but I understand everything you said.

I know why you felt that way.

Few days later

He does all the housework

Laundry, dishes, cleaning, he feeds the dogs on time,

My husband has changed.


I came to train.

I know we're talking but can I add some oil first?

I'm so cold.

He puts down Goonbam.

We used so much emotion today. I'm so tired.

Then let's grill meat and eat it with cold rice.

For more infomation >> [ENG][Newlywed Diary Ep.2] Jaehyun Gets Upset Over Their Two Different Perceptions of Marriage - Duration: 4:16.


리니지 오림서버 타임 전투 영상 #34 Lineage battle (Orim server) #34 리니지 이예진 - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 리니지 오림서버 타임 전투 영상 #34 Lineage battle (Orim server) #34 리니지 이예진 - Duration: 4:23.


Rugul Aprins - Veșnic Aleluia (1440p HD) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Rugul Aprins - Veșnic Aleluia (1440p HD) - Duration: 3:49.


[ENG SUB] BTS 방탄소년단 'YOU NEVER WALK ALONE' Melon Greeting - Duration: 1:02.

People on Melon, 2 3 Bang-tan! Hello, we are BTS!

BTS' new album 'WINGS Extension: You Never Walk Alone'~ has finally been released.

Thank you so much for showing lots of love for the last album 'WINGS'.

For this 'WINGS Extension', we are telling the rest of the story that we didn't reveal before.

What type of song is our title track 'Spring Day'? J-hope?

Yes, our title track 'Spring Day' has a mix of Brit rock and electronic sounds so it's an alternate hip-hop song.

It has a different feel from what we have done until now, so we're looking forward to it.

There is the title track 'Spring Day', 'You Never Walk Alone', and 'Not Today',

and a full version of 'Interlude: WINGS' which was in our second full studio album,

So there are 4 new songs included.

We hope that you will play the 'Spring Day' music video that will be released today.

Yes. Please show BTS' 'WINGS Extension: You Never Walk Alone' lots of love!

Until now, it has been BTS. 2, 3 Thank you!


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] BTS 방탄소년단 'YOU NEVER WALK ALONE' Melon Greeting - Duration: 1:02.


Утро Понедельника | День Святого Валентина | Это ЧУЖОЙ Праздник - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Утро Понедельника | День Святого Валентина | Это ЧУЖОЙ Праздник - Duration: 1:04.


Bhai Gursharan Singh Faridabad * ਪਿਤਾ ਸਮਝਾਵਹਿਗੇ * Blissful Kirtan - Duration: 22:32.

For more infomation >> Bhai Gursharan Singh Faridabad * ਪਿਤਾ ਸਮਝਾਵਹਿਗੇ * Blissful Kirtan - Duration: 22:32.


8 The scary hidden in Each Pack Noodles Tom Makes The World Shock Body - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> 8 The scary hidden in Each Pack Noodles Tom Makes The World Shock Body - Duration: 10:17.


TINC EL CUL GRAN 🎶 [Ariana Grande - Side to side "COVER" 😂] | Miss Tagless - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> TINC EL CUL GRAN 🎶 [Ariana Grande - Side to side "COVER" 😂] | Miss Tagless - Duration: 3:31.


[ENG][Newlywed Diary Ep.2] Ahn Jaehyun Admits His Wife Was To Bring Up the Marriage Talk - Duration: 1:19.

Once upon a time, there was a prince and a princess.

The prince woke up the princess sleeping in a high castle

and they fell madly in love

Within three months of dating

She was the first one to talk about marriage.

I asked, 'How about we get married"

I never tried that before...

So I said, me either.

The prince said strange things

The biggest deciding factor was when I felt that I can't live without this person.

It's a happy story but why do I feel sad?

I'm sure there was some fantasy behind something so natural and not special.

The prince and the princess got married

and lived happily ever after

Or did they?

For more infomation >> [ENG][Newlywed Diary Ep.2] Ahn Jaehyun Admits His Wife Was To Bring Up the Marriage Talk - Duration: 1:19.


How To Install Watch Dogs For Xbox 360 Non Jtag USB - Duration: 3:43.

Hello Guys I'm JKS

You watching Dell5182 on Youtube Help me to reach 50,000 subscriber on youtube

Today's Topic is How to install Watch Dogs non jtag usb

i got this problem on my xbox so i can't find the way to fix it

if you wanna try this you can let's do it

Download Horizon Download ISO2GOD

Download Watch Dogs Download Watch Dogs ISO

Open ISO2GOD Add iso file

and convert it

open folder where you converted the file

drag watch dogs file here and rename folder like Watch

Open Horizon Drag it into horizon

It's Complete

and Don't Forget to subscribe my channel Thanks For Watching

DELL5182 Bye

For more infomation >> How To Install Watch Dogs For Xbox 360 Non Jtag USB - Duration: 3:43.


[ENG][Newlywed Diary Ep.2] Will Jaehyun Say the Right Answers to Wife's "How's my no-makeup face?" - Duration: 1:16.

You know how we don't wash for days when we're home?

Slap on lotions. We are not as bum like the way we really are.

choose the right answer to her statement

You look pretty without makeup.

Not prettier?

The level of difficulty is increased


I'm pretty to your standard?

You look prettiest without makeup.

He's doing great so far.

You sure?

You were shocked at first.


You felt like you were with someone else.

Just a little.

You were really surprised.

I was.

You turned red. Because I looked like me but the details weren't there.

You asked why I showed you my bare face so quickly.

I'm screwed.

Just a tiny bit. You know when you see things for the first time.

I should shut my mouth...

For more infomation >> [ENG][Newlywed Diary Ep.2] Will Jaehyun Say the Right Answers to Wife's "How's my no-makeup face?" - Duration: 1:16.


Steven Universe for DUMMIES! An Introductory Guide to the Crystal Gems - Duration: 1:44.

My mommy asked me today, WHAT IS THIS SHOW YOU'RE WATCHING?

And then it dawned on me, what the HELL is this show I'm watching?

Essentially, it's a show about these magical powered jewelry pieces that try to protect

the world, with the help of a little hybrid baby named Steven.

The thing about the boy is he's half human, half jewelry because of the piece of bling

he has in his belly button.

His mommy was a jewelry piece, probably a ring, that his father had sex with.

Pretty much, he stuck his finger inside her very vigorously until he spurted blood.

He screamed.

A baby popped out.

And some bling bling took him to raise him as their own.

Space diamonds were floating in space, sending a bunch of metal hands and metal arms to attack

the planet.

The jewelry occasionally have sex with each other to give birth to larger jewelry, which

tend to be worn by famous rappers.

This is Rainbow Quartz.

Together, the jewelry and their young bling baby protect the city of beaches with the

help of their pink Simba and female Apu.

Daddy Carl, Blue Punch Man, and Dorito help occasionally.

The wonderful world of Steven Universe created by Chewbacca Salt is an eclectic one filled

with mystery and adventure.

If this synopsis was confusing, just imagine what us fans feel like trying to understand

gem fusion, the pink diamond rose quartz connection, and Steven's constant mommy issues.

Oh yeah, remember how Darth Vader was all like, "LUKE, I AM YOUR FATHER" … well,

Steven is his own mother.

Yeah, that's some fucked up shit right there, innit?!

For more infomation >> Steven Universe for DUMMIES! An Introductory Guide to the Crystal Gems - Duration: 1:44.


Ysgol Plascrug - Intergenerational Project - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Ysgol Plascrug - Intergenerational Project - Duration: 2:16.


Behind the scenes at Air and Style Innsbruck 2017 with the #bluetomatoteam - Duration: 5:33.

So we had training all day long so far

it has been a pretty long day already for us

and now the qualification starts

and hopefully it's not too windy!

But I guess it will be alright, training was good.

Maxi: Will you do... [Clemens interrupting: Switch Back 12] but will you do a Switch Back 12 in the presentation already?

Clemens: Yeah I think so. I will check how much speed the others have and if it's good go for the Switch Back 12

Antoine: Is he not the first to try?

Clemens: I'm the first, no, who's dropping first? Marcus or?

Antoine: He's number one? Clemens: He got Bib number one, yeah.

Clemens: I'm seven so I'm good!

Clemens: Do you know the speed, Marcus?

Marcus: No I don't! I don't...

Start gate man: Yeah Clemens, good to go!

Henry Jackson (announcer): Coming in Switch - Switch Backside 12 ... Oooohh!

Clemens: Halloooo!

Announcers: Yeah, third place, solid!

Clemens Schattschneider: Hey it's me Clemens, we're here at the Air+Style...

...and the jump is super cool to jump, buuuut...

...I couldn't land my first run...

...but we will see how it goes for the second one!

Announcer: Schattschneider Clemens!

Here we go, come on Austria!

Let's see a Backside Triple - One! Two! Three!

Ooooh noooo!

Clemens, what happened?!

Clemens: Well, for us it didn't quite go as planned...

...but we wish all the best to Clemens [Millauer] for tomorrow...

..and I think we still had a lot of fun!

Werni: I have to say, Clemens [Schattschneider] killed it today!

He put it all on one card, did a Triple Backside 1440...

...landed it in training, but unfortunately not in the competition... happens sometimes, but life goes on!

All fingers crossed for Clemens [Millauer] and Anna tomorrow...

...and we're just gonna have a good time at Air + Style!

Clemens: Well, now... slightly nervous to be honest!

Now it's gonna be tough, I have to go pretty much all in to get into the finals...

Clemens: I feel it! Marco: Yeah you feel it, that's good!

Announcer: Dropping in, here he goes...Ooooh!

Announcer: Yes! Ah! No!

Announcer: Ooooh!

Announcer: Go, Anna Gasser! Dropping in for her first hit!

...Backside 720 Mute Grab, yeees, ...

...nails it!

[Cheering her on] An-na! An-na! Here she goes, dropping in...

...She's gonna go for another Backside 720...


For more infomation >> Behind the scenes at Air and Style Innsbruck 2017 with the #bluetomatoteam - Duration: 5:33.


ALLAH par Tawakal Yaqeen Maulana Fahim Uddin - Duration: 16:47.

Thanks for watching ......

For more infomation >> ALLAH par Tawakal Yaqeen Maulana Fahim Uddin - Duration: 16:47.


Chance The Rapper Dominated The Grammys - Duration: 2:14.

Jinx here for Complex News back with another update about Chance.

It's safe to say that he continued his long-running win streak, by taking home awards for three

major categories of his seven nominations.

The wins include Best Rap Performance for his hit song "No Problem" featuring Lil Wayne

& 2 Chainz.

He reacted to the victory with:

And then, despite being active for almost half a decade at this point, he banked the

award for Best New Artist.

While those two awards are notable, he took home the night's biggest hip hop honor by

winning the Best Rap Album category for his third mixtape "Coloring Book."

In addition to being a historic night for Chance, Coloring Book is officially the first

streaming-only album to take home a Grammy in the award ceremonies 59 years—forever

changing music industry.

Taking the stage, Chance made sure to shine a light on his independence and salute Soundcloud:

Throughout the evening, several took to Twitter to congratulate the young Chicago artist,

like Snoop, Big Sean, Trey Songz, and Just Blaze among others.

Surely riding high off his wins, he capped off his magnificent evening with an impassioned

performance of "How Great" along with "All We Got/"Check it:

The Grammys had plenty of monumental moments for several artists, but as far as hip hop

goes, Chance absolutely dominated the evening, only extending his impressive run.

Stay posted with us for all your Grammy updates and keep an eye out for our red carpet coverage

with our very own Tamara Dhia.

For Complex News, I'm Jinx.

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