Hi, welcome, I'm Heathcliff of Lions Ground and I hope you're doing well.
You look at an official CIA report, and this is about the UFO attack on a military unit
in Siberia where 23 Russian soldiers died, they turned into a stone pole, only two soldiers
had survived.
Before I continue ... You have to be obviously very careful about
what the CIA publish.
I also must tell you, practically no media paid attention.
You can say, "a total media blackout", about Russia and the long 'bad' relationship with
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence or ETI, I will continue talking about this later in this
Back to the document.
In the first paragraph of the document, its indicated that the information is a reprint
of a report about alleged evidence of a UFO event in Russia with very noticeable testimonies,
violence, and many deaths.
The Russians call this UFO incident "Cosmic Revenge".
It seems to be that the CIA has more information, unfortunately, the CIA does not release photography
and the complete documentation.
It would be a 250-page document with very good testimonies of witnesses who have seen
the alleged UFO during the event.
The CIA describes this event as a "horrific picture of revenge on the part of extraterrestrial
creatures, a picture that makes one's blood freeze"
A low-flying saucer was maneuvering above a Russian military unit that was doing training.
Someone shot the UFO down with a SAM (Surface to Air Missile) and the flying saucer crashed,
why a Russian soldier shot down the UFO is unknown, maybe he felt intimidated, I can't
Because the UFO did not crash far from the unit the military could be quickly present
at the crash site.
The Russians saw five small humanoids with large heads and big black eyes freeing themselves
out of the rubble.
Now comes the best time, the five aliens grouped and came close together.
The five aliens melted together and formed a spherical-shaped object that started to
made buzz and hizz sounds, and at the same time, it began to emit bright light.
The spherical object consisting out of five aliens launched itself into the sky with an
explosion, 23 soldiers did not survive the blast.
According to the Russians, they turned into stone, only two survived because they were
hiding in the shadows.
I have recreated for you the situation, to give you a clear picture what they've experienced.
They saw a UFO and shot it down with a SAM 2.
The UFO crashed 3.
5 aliens survived the crash and emerged out of the rubble
They formed a bright light emitting ball that made the following sounds
a buzzing sound 6. and a hissing sound
Then it propelled itself in the sky with an explosion.
8 23 soldiers turned into stone Bizarre story, right?
I will add the link to the source in the video description.
According to this document, the UFO and 23 soldiers who turned into stone were taken
to a secret research center in Moscow.
It's unknown what this energy is made out of, but they did examine the soldiers: All
living organisms were transformed into a substance similar to limestone.
The CIA, of course, is getting very concerned that if this kind of technology ends up in
the hands of the Russians, then .... yeah you know.
Now next, there are claims that Russia is running more than 20 years secret ETI projects.
This photo was made on September 20, 1977, where 48 UFOs flew over the Soviet Union into
a kind of Squid shape.
This is called the Petrozavodsk incident.
A large glowing object appeared in the sky beaming shafts of light towards the Earth.
After this event, the Russians established in 1977 a secret research program called Setka.
I can understand, if you as a ruler of your country feel suddenly vulnerable by something
from above, then you want to do something about it.
Years later appeared videos from an autopsy of aliens.
But some skeptics claimed that this is a hoax.
I must admit that it does not correspond with the official story, they should have a big
head, and big black eyes.
The story is wrong or produced, Or autopsy videos are produced Or is this all a lie,
Or one of the two is true.
Still, you can find old news newspapers papers that indicate that something happened in 1968.
I leave this up to you, how do you think about this story?
I will continue about this topic and othern stories on my Patreon page.
So, Join my Patreon page at patreon.com/lionsground For more information read the video description.
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss the daily alternative news
they don't want you to know.
Like this video.
Give this story a voice by sharing this video with your friends.
Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.
I'll see you at Patreon.
I'm Heathcliff, your host, lionsgroundnews.com
For more infomation >> CIA UFO Files: The Horrific Revenge of the Extraterrestrial - Siberia Incident - Duration: 8:16.-------------------------------------------
ADELE GRAMMY'S 2017 MAKEUP TUTORIAL | mmirandalaurenn - Duration: 4:22.
Hey everybody!
Welcome back.
Today, I'm going to be doing a makeup tutorial inspired by
Adele from the Grammy's 2017.
I absolutely love the look that she did, so I wanted to re-create it for you guys.
I'm going to start by taking my Modern Renaissance Palette, and I'm going to take this soft,
brownish shade, and gently blend this into that upper crease, and sort of flick it outwards,
to elongate the eye.
Next, I'm going to take this neutral shade, from the palette, and using my finger, I'm
just going to use this to highlight underneath the brow bone.
She had a nice white highlight there, so I'm just gently rubbing that right along the brow
bone, and I'm going to go back in with my brush, just to make sure that everything is
nice and blended out.
Next, I'm going to take this shimmery white gold shade, on a flat shader brush, and I'm
going to use this as my lid shade.
So, I'm just going to pack that onto the lid, and blend it upwards, towards that socket
line, and just kind of pack this on the lower, er I mean the top lash line.
Next, I'm going to take some Schwing Liner, and do a wing eyeliner with this.
So, I'm going to start by flicking out on those outer edges, with that eyeliner, just
to kind of get a guide, and then, from the outer edge, I'm going to draw back towards
the center of the eye, to get kind of the shape of that wing, and then, I'm going to
go back in, and fill everything out, and make sure that its nice and even.
Next, I'm going to take some lashes.
I'm going to take my Vegas Nay Easy Elegance Lashes, and I'm just going to put these onto
the lash line.
Now, Adele's lashes were really wisped out, on the edges, so I am going to pull them more
out, to the outer edges of the eyes, just to get sort of the same effect.
Then, I'm going to take some eyeliner.
This one is from Pop Beauty, and I'm going to pop this onto the inner waterline of my
lower lash line, just to add a little bit more definition down there.
So, I'm just focusing that on the outer half of the eye, and then, I will just kind of
haze that towards the center, so that there is no harsh line.
Next, I'm going to take my mascara, and just make sure that my lashes are ready to go.
So, I'm going to blend my top lashes with the falsies that I applied, by using the mascara,
and then, I'm also going to apply some of this mascara to the lower lash line, just
to enhance that definition, and finish off the eye look.
Next, I'm going to take some bronzer.
This one is from Pur Cosmetics, and I'm just going to take this on a contouring brush,
and kind of blend that along the contouring area, and bring it upwards, to start to warm
up the skin.
Adele had a really, really warm skin look, so I'm just going to kind of keep blending
that, until I get it how I want it.
I'm also going to bring that onto the temples a little bit, just to enforce that warmth
in the skin.
Next, I'm going to take a peachy pink blush, and I'm going to really sort of pack this
onto the apples of the cheeks, and along the top of that contouring area.
She had a really prominent cheek look.
It was very youthful and glowing, so I'm just going to keep going with that, until I get
it how I want it.
And then, I'm going to take a golden highlighter, from my Anastasia Glow Kit, and just gently
put a thin layer of this onto the tops of the cheekbones, down the nose, the bridge
of the lips, and the chin, as well as the forehead.
Then, I'm going to take a peach liquid lipstick.
This one is from Lena Lashes.
I'm just going to fill in the lips with this, to get a nice peach lip.
You guys can do any lip color that you want with this look, because it is very versatile,
but Adele did have a peach lip.
And then, I'm just going to finish off with some glittery lip gloss.
You guys can take any sheer or shimmery gloss, or if you want it to stay matte, that is fine
as well.
So that concludes this makeup tutorial you guys.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Please subscribe to my channel, so you can see more from me, and I will see you guys
in the next one.
Devenir BookTubeur - Meet-up au Labo de l'Edition - Duration: 2:17.
How to you become wealthy - #GappiyaThinking(Epi-21) - Duration: 1:47.
If someone ask you if you are wealthy, you will start thinking about your bank balance.
Can money enough make you a wealthy person?
Let's discuss what makes a wealthy man?
First thing is the work you suppose to do in your life.
You might be working, still studying. If not you might be a monk.
Whatever you are involved with, if you do it right within your job you start to become wealthy.
Secondly your relationships.
Imagine you got a lot of money but all don't have any honest friends.
You got your family but all you do is argue with them. Then you might not be as wealthy as you think.
Thirdly your health.
If you got bad health, money or friends can't help you much.
You may not able to enjoy as much if you are feeling sick all the time.
If you don't have good healthy, you might not be much wealthy.
Finally the spiritual development.
Just like you make an effort to make money and friends, you should make an effort to develop your inside.
If you start studying your mind, you will start to feel a lot calm.
You will be able to focus on your work a lot more.
The more you understand your mind the more wealthier you become.
Every Monday at 12.30PM Gappiya positive thinking videos.
Please leave your comments below. Subscribe for more videos.
Cartoons about tanks Zveroboy - Duration: 1:08.
Falseta Soleá con Metrónomo - Duration: 2:11.
Hi. Today I'll play with a metronome.
This is something that some of you have asked me, so I prepared an example for today.
The example is a "Soleá" [cante jondo called the mother of flamenco song].
If you need any more examples with metronome
-The ones that I will upload in the future
or the ones that are already uploaded –
Other examples, other flamenco styles (not just Soleá).
Leave a comment and I'll do it.
OK? So you could see how it works.
As you may see in other videos, it consists of 12 beats with accents on the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th beat.
The word itself tells us that the note must be accented, a bit stronger.
not faster,
but stronger.
"Falseta" 1 and "Falseta" 2 are linked
Here while I was playing, I linked them
So, here you have an example and I hope you find it useful.
If you like the video please, thumb up!! See you.
ЯЙЦА ФАРШИРОВАННЫЕ! Рецепты из яиц. Вкусная закуска к праздничному столу! - Duration: 3:24.
E4 Hollyoaks Exclusive Clip: Monday 13th February - Duration: 1:01.
I can't do this...
Oh Cleo!
Cleo look...
Look, Celine knew that you were the best sister she could have hoped for.
The kindest, sweetest friend too...
She'd be upset seeing you like this.
You can do this.
I love you so much.
You know that sweetheart.
We all love Cleo McQueen.
She is lucky to have someone like you.
Lisa's the lucky one.
Go on, go and find her before it's too late.
No I... Don't you want me there?
Everything that Jesse and Zack said is true.
Celine used to love a good romance.
Go and get your girl and give us some good news at the wake. Yeah?
Go on!
How To Factory Reset LG Marquee - Duration: 2:09.
Follow Link in description to get more methods, If this video does not helped.
Factory reset delete all your device data, like downloaded apps, contacts and Media such
as photos and music etc.
You need to backup all your mobile data before factory reset.
we are not responsible for losing any data.
Click on settings app from home screen.
You can see backup and Reset option under personal or general tab.
Now, click on Backup and reset option.
Next, Click on, Reset phone or factory data reset Option, at the bottom of the screen.
If you have a screen lock, you'll need to enter your pattern, PIN, or password.
Then, Click on, Erase Everything, or Reset device Option.
When your device has finished erasing, select the option to reboot your device.
Finally click on, OK.
To confirm factory reset operation.
Factory Reset Done, on your Mobile.
Wait for a While, to access your mobile.
Thank you for watching.
To follow our channel, click on Subscribe button.
Byta tandborstens dag (Vakna med Mäckish - Vad är det för macka idag?) - Duration: 1:36.
How To Factory Reset LG Magna LTE - Duration: 2:09.
Follow Link in description to get more methods, If this video does not helped.
Factory reset delete all your device data, like downloaded apps, contacts and Media such
as photos and music etc.
You need to backup all your mobile data before factory reset.
we are not responsible for losing any data.
Click on settings app from home screen.
You can see backup and Reset option under personal or general tab.
Now, click on Backup and reset option.
Next, Click on, Reset phone or factory data reset Option, at the bottom of the screen.
If you have a screen lock, you'll need to enter your pattern, PIN, or password.
Then, Click on, Erase Everything, or Reset device Option.
When your device has finished erasing, select the option to reboot your device.
Finally click on, OK.
To confirm factory reset operation.
Factory Reset Done, on your Mobile.
Wait for a While, to access your mobile.
Thank you for watching.
To follow our channel, click on Subscribe button.
Volvo Concept Estate - Duration: 2:47.
Volvo Concept Estate, volvo concept, volvo estate
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car automotive class, estate, cars, automotive
design industry, automobile industry, car, coupe
auto, concept estate, concept car, video, new, sport
car design, interior design project role
engine, sports, speed, automobile, automotive, drive
review, turbo, test, swedish design, volvo cars
business operation, interior design industry
horsepower, volvo cars,
#Estate, #Concept, #Volvo, #videodrive
LD (Geometric Pattern Slide Show) 幾何学アートスライドショー - Duration: 2:24.
【神奈川県立近代美術館葉山】1950年代の日本美術 - Duration: 2:46.
عيشوا اللحظه معي | اجمل فلوق الى الان # الجزء الاول - Duration: 10:01.
اصبحنا واصبح الملك لله
الان الساعه اربع الفجد ومتجه الى نيويورك
عاصفة ثلجيه لكن اروح يعني اروح
الله شوفوا على زحمة هناك كل هذا تفتيش زحمة
وهذي مدينة نيويورك
نشوف اول حاجه سعر التكسي من هنا الى منهاتن
اذا كان السعر ارفع من سعر الباص
الاحتجاجات الي كانت قبل اسبوع كلها كانت هنا
امام المطار
كل المحتجين كانو موجودين هنا
حتى الشرطة لا زالت موجوده والمدرعات كلهم لا زالوا موجودين هنا
الشرطة هذي المدرعة
هذي مدرعة الشرطة الله مدرعة كبيره
رح ناخذ الباص
هذا هو الباص
ما اخذنا التاكسي لان سعرها مرتفع
فاخذنا الباص وسعر الباص ١٨ دولار على الشخص الواحد
من المطار الى منهاتن ٤٥ دقيقه
الان ندخل النفق
زحمه زحمه
واخيراً نزلنا من الباص
وهذي نيويورك
اول حاجه نروح الى تايم اسكوير لان اقرب مكان من هنا
واللهي بالرغم بانه برد بس زحمه
شوفوا الناس في كل مكان
امس نزلت عاصفة هنا في نيويورك
كانت عاصفة ثلجيه
واليوم زي ما تشوفوا
هذا الثلج المتبقي من امس
خلاص برد
سيارة الشرطة صغيره
شف شف شف معصبه الشرطية
وهناك تايم اسكوير
اليوم اخليكم تعيشوا اللحظه وكانك موجود معي
في نيويورك كامل ان شاء الله
تواجد الشرطة كثيف جداً
بالمدرعات والسلاح الكبير حتى
تي موبل
الباص اخذ من المطار الى هنا ساعه وربع
وكان بسبب الزحمه مش لان المطار بعيد او اي شيء
بسبب الزحمة الزحمة قويه جداً
وهذا هو تايم اسكوير
هذا محطة شرطة
لما ينقلوا لكم الاخبار مباشره على الفيس بوك من هنا
الشاشات في كل مكان حتى على الجدار شاشات
وهذي باصات سياحية
من اين انت ؟
نعم من اليمن
طيب يا اخي
وهناك المدرج الاحمر بس شكله فاضي
تشوفوا الرئيس ترامب
ترامب اوباما
وهذا المدرج بس مسكر
لانه زلق ممكن تنزلق وتتعور
هذا التمثال
المترو تحت تسمعوا؟
ومن هنا تقدر تشوف تايم اسكوير كامل
فيه شاشه هناك جالسين يركبوها
تشوفوا العمال
واللهي بالكاد اتكلم من البرد
وهذا هو تايم اسكوير
القلب الحلو هذا
ما اعرف ايش هذا ولكن مكتوب المغرب
مكتوب ايطاليا مكتوب اليابان
ما اعرف الى ايش يرمز هذا
بي خلني اشوف اذا في دول عربية اخرى
ما في
مكتوب المغرب بس
يرشوا ملح عشان يذوب الثلج
والان خلصنا من التايم اسكوير نروح مبنا الامباير استيت
خلوني اشتري هات لان اذاني خلاص فرزين
How To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight | Home Remedies To Cure Pimples In 24 Hours- Best Acne Treatment - Duration: 3:14.
How To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight | Home Remedies To Cure Pimples In 24 Hours- Best Acne Treatment
these effective home remedies will cure
your pimples in less than 24 hours
almost every girl has faced this
situation at some point of time that
suddenly a pimple pop that of your face
through a situation where you have to go
to an important meeting or a party and
we literally feel like killing that
simple right away
unfortunately it doesn't come with an
on-off button so we have to deal with it
but you can get rid of a pimple on
reduce its effect in a few hours
all you have to do with you some of
these home remedies to cure of pimples
in 24 hours
one elevator us the fruitful elements of
aloe vera are pretty hard to ignore
not just that to substance kill your
skiing off to get it likewise the
creepers the redness and aggravation of
your pimples to top it all
aloe vera will also help you remove that
unnecessary oil from your face to lemon
juice another proven techniques to
remove that simple if you utilize lemon
juice which is rich in vitamin C keep in
mind to get the juice from a natural
lemon not packaged juice you can either
make a glue by blinding women with
cinnamon powder or down cotton in lemon
juice apply it on the affected area and
feel the difference in less than 24
hours three toothpaste
another common solution which is
dependably within regions to space get a
white toothpaste rather than gel
toothpaste since it is much more
successful blend two tablespoons of
toothpaste with a teaspoon of cinnamon
and fly on the pimples after its set the
blend enter the skin and wash it after
15 minutes for garlic garlic is a
phenomenal remedy for your pimple
because of its antibacterial properties
you can utilize garlic as a protection
measure essentially add more garlic your
eating regimen and you will be less
inclined to get in breakouts
as a treatment alternative basically
take a close-up garlic and Robin on the
pimples all over and make a few times
each day in the event that your skin is
excessively sensitive blend the garlic
with the water and apply as the pace
these are the home remedies to cure
pimples in 24 hours
these remedies have been proven
effective on symbols but if you have to
understand these then you must recommend
your doctor before using it
How To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight | Home Remedies To Cure Pimples In 24 Hours- Best Acne Treatment
Radelaide - Duration: 3:49.
*Music intro*
*Singing*: Well sometimes I go out by myself
And I look across the water
The murky colour green of the Torrens
And I think "Oh my God, is that a body?
Should I call someone?....
Since I've come on home, well, my hair has been a mess.
Because the water here makes it weird and flat, but I couldn't care less
It just feels heaps good to be back in the place that's still a part of me.
Why don't you come on over to Adelaide?
Or as I like to call it, 'Radelaide'!
Or as one guy from Sydney told me it was called, 'Sadelaide'.
You might meet a stuck-up boy
who'll act like you're in his employ,
because his Dad's a lawyer
He's rich.
Or a kid from private school,
who will straight out be a tool
and try and destroy ya.
(Nice blazer, you wanker!)
And if you go out anywhere,
or change the colour of your hair, we all know it.
Cos we talk about you behind your back.
In a good way though!
Yeah we're all really nice
(except on Hindley where they do ice)
and we all show it.
Since I've come on home, well my head has been a mess
Because I like to dahhhnce (not dance) and Adelaide knows it best.
So why do all those wankers interstate try to make a fool of me?
Any time I tell them I'm from Adelaide.
"Are you going to dahhhnce in your cahhhstle?"
It's better than dancing in my castle, you d*ckhead.
Learn how to speak properly, you convicts
Well, sometimes I go out by myself because I don't need protection
(Adelaide's not the murder capital, Melbourne is)
And I think of all the good things while I drive on the Expressway with BOTH DIRECTIONS
(Good save there, Adelaide. We almost looked stupid for a while.)
Since I've come on home,
Well my heart has been a mess
Because nowhere else gives me the warmth
that Adelaide does best
So if you're gonna be nice about it
you're welcome to come on over and stay with me.
Everybody come on over to Adelaide!
(Seriously, come and stay with my parents? Or my parents' friends?)
(Or my friends' parents? Or a girl I went to school with has a cousin...)
(...with a spare room and I almost went out with him 'til I found out he's my cousin too)
(Or there are heaps of nice hotels in town! In town... Like, in the city...)
(just avoid the west side maybe, and Veale Gardens at night)
(and definitely go to Glenelg, just catch the tram. You'll find it, we've only got one.)
(You wouldn't want to drive in peak hour though. You might be stuck for like ten minutes)
(Yeah, it's heaps good here.
And if you don't like it, you can, f**k off!)
from Adelaide
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