Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 1 2017

What is up, everyone! It's Brian here,,

Yummy Japan.

And I'm here with the man itself.

Mr.Shono, ramen creator.

Hi, everyone. My name is Shono and I'm a ramen creator.

This is my new shop in Gokokuji.

Today, we are gonna make Takeoka style ramen from Chiba prefecture! So enjoy!

So we are gonna make a simple ramen here.

Something you can make at home.

His normal ramen, you can't make it at home. It's tough.

But this one, yeah!

These are... No problem.

I don't have this in my home but I can get it.

Do you have this in America?

Yeah, it's a big green onion.

I've used leak at my ramen shop in America

but it has a different smell from the one of green onion.

So green onion is better.

Alright, Shono san, what's the first step?

Okay, first , let's make chashu and tare.

These are ingredients you need.

Pork belly


Green onion

We are gonna boil them with tare made with soy sauce.

Let's cut the ingredients.

Cut the green onion into 10cm size.

I've already peeled the garlic.

And for tare, we need Honmirin, sake and soy sauce.

This has stronger taste. It's called Tamari joyu.

Tamari soy sauce is pure soy beans.

There's no flour in it.

The color is really dark.

Nihonshu! (Sake)

Oh, don't drink!

Okay, let's cut the pork.

Cut into 3 pieces.

Let's put the ingredients in the pot.

Green onion


Tamari soy sauce

It's darker than normal soy sauce, right?

And put sake and


For 2 hours at low heat.

As it being boiled, the flavors of green onion and pork come out.

And we will use the sauce as tare for ramen.

So this is 2 hours later.

Tare is ready to go. Chashu is looking good.

Let's cut the onion for topping.

I'm gonna soak them in water

to get rid of the bite.

Now, let's cut the chashu.

Oh my god.


So this way?



Please cut into 5 pieces.

5 pieces?


Good job!

You messed up but it's okay.


This is not beautiful.

You can eat this.

WHOOOO! The fat!

We boiled it for only 2hours so it still has the sweetness of the meat inside.

Let's take out the onion from the water. And the topping is ready.

Okay, it's easy.

What's this?

This is oil, chicken oil.

This is chiyu, right?

Chiyu, yes!

Chiyu is chicken oil.

You can get chicken oil at a lot of Asian markets.

Or it's called schmaltz. Look for schmaltz at your local deli.

Let's strain out the tare and put it in the bowl here.

I'm gonna strain it out.

Yeah, strain it out.

This is tare for ramen.

We'll use this and oil.

So right, we've got the basic of all ramen, right?

5 elements?



Okay, we've got topping.


-Noodles. -Noodles, we've got them.


We've got the oil.

And Tare.

Tare, yes

That's it! That's the philosophy.

Okay, now let's boil the noodles.

We are gonna use the instant noodles.

Are you sure it's gonna be okay?

Yeah, it's okay.

This is the traditional style of ramen in Chiba prefecture.

Do you know the shop called Umenoya?


They use the same type of noodles.

So we are gonna use this today.

Yeah, the chashu looks like one in Umenoya.

Yeah, it does.

Okay, let's boil the noodles.

About 2 minutes.

While the noodles are being boiled, let's put the tare and oil in a bowl.

In 2 minutes, right?

Let's put the tare and oil in a bowl.


Tare is 80ml.

The oil is 30ml.

Please fulfill the ladle.



It's more tare than normal ramen right?

Yeah, that's a lot.

This is Takeoka style ramen.

That's a lot of tare.


I minced one piece of garlic.

Please put it in the bowl.

And the soup.

The soup is 200ml.

Even 1 ml makes a big difference.


Oh no, it's dripping.

Okay, just put it in the bowl.

Please add a little bit later.

I'm gonna add a little bit.

Even 1 ml makes a big difference.

I know.

Now the soup and noodles are ready.

And what else?

Make it pretty.

Hold it up like this and fold it.

Okay, now let's put the chashu.

Please try to make it beautiful.

More, more, more.

Yeah, 5 pieces.




Let's put the minced onion.

And the green onion from Kyoyo. (It's called Kujo negi)

And for last , let's sprinkle some ground pepper.

Okay, it's done!


It's great, man.

It's finished.




How is it?

Even though the noodles are instant kind, they really soak up the super strong soup,

the super strong seasoning.


Is it good?

Nice! Try it.


It's so good.

Very tasty.

I try the soup.



It's really good.

I might just make the chashu.

Very nice.

Alright, so, awesome! We made a simple ramen here from ramen creator, Shono-san.

What do you think? Did you like this recipe?

Do you wanna see more recipes like this, leave us a comment down below.

And let us know. What style, what kind of topping do you wanna see?

What sort of stuff do you wanna know?

Shono san here is going to teach us. The guy is genius.

He is here at our disposal.

So let us know what you wanna see!

Please ask me anytime :)

Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!

For more infomation >> How to Make Ramen Like a Pro at Home Feat. Mr. Shono from MENSHO - Duration: 8:20.



For more infomation >> PROVANDO SALGADINHOS DO BRASIL feat OneWorld2Hearts / BRAZILIAN SNACKS - Duration: 7:11.


How to perform a factory reset on your Steel HR - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> How to perform a factory reset on your Steel HR - Duration: 1:19.


Te estoy engañando (paroidia) Closer (Lyric) ft. Halsey - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Te estoy engañando (paroidia) Closer (Lyric) ft. Halsey - Duration: 4:32.


Erect-Crested Penguin Facts for Kids Penguins 101 #penguin #newzealand - Duration: 4:13.

Erect-crested penguins are perhaps some of the most mysterious of all penguin species.

It's one of the largest of the crested penguins and shares with the Fiordland and Snares penguins

the distinctive feature of an upward-sweeping crest of long, yellow brush-like feathers

above each eye, extending from the base of the bill to the top of the head.

Unlike other crested penguins, however, the erect-crested penguin is able to raise and

lower these stiff crest feathers.

G'day and welcome to Animal Facts.

Today, we discuss the Thunder from Downunder.. no... ok...

Let's discuss the elusive subantartic seafowl, the Erect-crested penguin.

If you'd like to know more fascinating facts about the many critters we share this planet

with, make sure to subscribe and hit that like button.


Erect-Crested Penguins are members of the crested penguin group of the genus Eudyptes

which also includes the Royal Penguin, the Macaroni Penguin, Snares Penguin, Fiordland

Penguin and the Rockhopper Penguin.

All are black and white penguins with yellow crests, red bills and eyes, and are found

on Subantarctic islands in the world's southern oceans.

All lay two eggs, but raise only one young per breeding season; the first egg laid is

substantially smaller than the second.


As they live in very isolated parts of the world, this penguin breed stays pretty much

to itself, and are not as visible as other penguin species.

They live on exposed rocks on the Bounty Islands as well as the beaches and cliffs of the Antipodes

Island group.

They are one of the least studied penguin species in the world.


Erect-crested Penguins breed on rocky slopes bordering the shore.

A few pairs build nests but most lay their eggs onto the bare rock.

After a long courtship period two eggs are laid but the first, much smaller, A-egg is

invariably lost, in most cases on the same day or before the B-egg has been laid.


Erect-crested Penguins do not come to land after their post-breeding moult and their

winter distribution at sea is unknown.

Some birds moult regularly on other sub-Antarctic Islands south of New Zealand and, less commonly,

on the South Island of New Zealand.

Vagrants have been recorded from Northland (North Island of New Zealand), Tasmania, southern

Australia, Heard Island and the Falkland Islands.


Diet has never been studied in this species, but judging from its long foraging trips,

like other crested penguins they probably live mainly on pelagic crustaceans and fish.

The erect-crested penguins, however are known to travel hundreds of miles to find food.


When chicks are born, brown plumage covers their head and the back part of their body,

while cream, yellow or white feathers cover them from the neck to the legs.

They do not have the erect feathers of the crest that adults have, until after the molting.


Males are very devoted to courtship.

They build the nest to impress their partner.

If their efforts are recognized and appreciated by the female, she will agree to mate.

Females lay the first egg in early October, which is smaller than the second, laid five

days later.

Eggs are pale blue or light green and soon turn into a soft brown color.

The first egg is lost 98% of the time while the latter develops successfully.

Two days after the hatching, the mother leaves the male in charge of the offspring for three

or four weeks, but she returns daily to regurgitate food for them.


Their population is diminishing, and the cause is still uncertain, but among the hypotheses

are the temperature change of oceans waters, lower availability of food and marine pollution.

The New Zealand government has forbidden human activities in these areas, allowing access

only to selected researchers, to reduce these threats.


There is a great deal of mystery still that surrounds the behaviors of the Erect-Crested


What is known is that they are highly social just like all other species of penguins.

They live in very large colonies and engage in communicating through vocalization and

through touching.

Social activity is a big part of feeling safe and offering protection.


The current status of the Erect-crested penguins is endangered due to population decline and

a small breeding range restricted to two locations.

The population of Erect-Crested Penguins is approximately 165,000 pairs.

Well, there ya have it, 10 engrossing facts about the elusive Erect-crested penguins.

Did we miss any facts?

What's YOUR favorite animal?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you made it this far, take a moment to like and subscribe to get more fun facts about

the critters we share this Earth with.

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And as always, catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Erect-Crested Penguin Facts for Kids Penguins 101 #penguin #newzealand - Duration: 4:13.


DARPA Vader and the Evil Intel Empire Inside - Duration: 33:05.


Vader and the Evil Intel Empire Inside.

By the Anonymous Patriots.

One of the best ways to describe the U.S. Department of Defense and DARPA (Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency) is to use the Star Wars moniker �Evil Empire� to describe

its international, secretive agenda to take over the world and turn all of us into neo-feudal

slaves who have no choice but to give allegiance to the controllers of the universe�Darth

Vader and the Sith Lords.

DARPA �Vader� has controlled technological innovation since 1958 when it was created

by the military-driven Evil Empire, a/k/a Department of Defense. Every emerging technology

from the Evil Empire leads humanity into the science fiction fate of machines controlling

humans, much like Darth Vader became a weapon that was half man and half machine. There

is much wisdom and truth that lies behind the first Star Wars movie, and its story was

given to humanity as a warning of how the Evil Empire and its Death Star planned to

destroy the entire planet.

Folks, this is no longer science fiction. This battle for Earth is going on now and

we, like the Rebel Alliance, must join forces to destroy the imperial forces of Darth Vader.

Aside: Do you know the real back story of Star Wars? If not, see Star Wars: The Secret

Weapon and Why George Lucas has Kept It Hidden.

Folks at the DoD should read science fiction so that they can see how their actions�individually

and collectively�are leading humanity into the evil destiny commonly found in sci-fi:

robot wars, cyborgs turning against humans, computer take-over of the world, endless weapons,

and, you guessed it � the Death Star. DARPA is the father of war-fighting, both conventional

and digital. And as we all know, Darth Vader took his orders from the Evil Emperor. DARPA

Vader is controlled by a man they called �Yoda,� but is in reality the Evil Emperor who leads

a group called the Highlands Forum (Evil Empire Imperial Command) that directs all military

research and development.

Who is this Evil Emperor who looks as innocent as Yoda? His name is Andrew Marshall and for

decades this single man has driven the Highland Forum (Evil Empire) into creating weapons

of every sort that have been released into the corporate world and now control your laptop,

phone, computer, and every other device with a microprocessor inside � especially the

�Evil Intel Empire Inside.�

Intel Inside is found in our private digital devices and is, in fact, collecting �Intelligence�

for the Department of Defense, CIA, and NSA who are all members of the Evil Empire. Yes,

the one they call �Yoda� is actually the Evil Emperor in disguise who controls DARPA

Vader and the evil Sith lords of war. He does not have lightning bolts shooting out of his

fingers � unless of course he uses one of his many DARPA inventions to do so.

Andrew Marshall: Former Head of the Highlands Forum

The Evil Emperor, as we call Andrew Marshall, was the director of the United States Department

of Defense�s Office of Net Assessment from 1973 to 2015. He was appointed by Richard

Nixon and remained in office during all successive administrations that followed until his retirement

on January 2, 2015. Marshall created the Highlands Forum as a secret think tank for warfare innovation.

All meetings are invitation only and not open to the public and no written records are kept.

Marshall created this type of secret platform so that no one could prove the Highland Forum

exists or has the greatest power over tech warfare on the planet.

DARPA and the Highlands Forum have essentially taken over the world and few people have noticed.

From creating the devices that control all nuclear weapons to incubating the technologies

that created the Internet (originally ARPANET), Intel microprocessors, Cisco routers, Google

search engines, Facebook, the Internet of Things, I-phones, Microsoft software, MacAfee

security software, and all conventional and digital warfare devices, among many others.

The Highlands Forum has been the headquarters of the Evil Imperial Empire for five decades.

The Evil Emperor Andrew Marshall has the blood of millions on his hands and yet he is considered

an America hero instead of a warlord criminal.

There�s an Intel Inside

To be truthful, this ad should read:

Intel �LOOKS� Inside

Ever wonder why Intel used to run those warm fuzzy ads letting us know that there was an

�Intel Inside,� as if we had a choice of what microprocessor was inside our computer?

They had a monopoly on microprocessors for decades and certainly end-use consumers didn�t

have a choice of what components were inside their computers. Why would Intel spend money

on ads to make us feel good about Intel? For goodness sake, it is just a microchip in your


Key Point: What if we were to tell you that inside every Intel microprocessors is a smaller

processor that lets the Sith Lords at Intel � who work for the Department of Defense

�control every aspect of your computer remotely no matter what encryption codes you use.

Yes, the Evil Emperor (Andrew Marshall) was able to retire two years ago at age 94 knowing

that the Empire�s control has reached into every digital device in the world through

the good work of his best student, DARPA Vader. The only thing left for the Evil Emperor to

do is activate the Death Star, which as you will see in the DARPA �future plans� below,

has already been built. The question is: �Will Luke Skywalker show up and defeat the Evil


Intel-Based PC�s Permanently Hackable

To be truthful, this ad should read:

Intel �Controllers� of Tomorrow

All Intel microprocessor chips have a built-in backdoor that allows complete remote access

to a PC, your PC, through a second physical processor embedded within the main processor

which has its own operating system embedded on the chip. It is being advertised as something

that will allow IT professionals the ability to remotely troubleshoot a PC. Intel�s latest

x86 chips contain a secret backdoor with an embedded subsystem called the Management Engine

(ME) that functions as a separate CPU and cannot be disabled, and the code is proprietary.

The Management Engine is a dedicated micro-controller on all recent Intel platforms. The first versions

were included in the network card and later moved into the chipset where it shares flash

with the BIOS but is completely independent of the CPU. It allows IT professionals to

view the contents of hard drives, check the memory, hunt for problems on a machine remotely,

or take over the system entirely.

Even an encrypted hard drive can be monitored and controlled by the �processor within

the processor� that already has your encryption key. There is more than just the NSA monitoring

your calls, emails, and transmissions � there is Intel (DARPA) �Inside� your computer.

Intel collects �intelligence� but it also provides a backdoor to control, or turn off

your computer at will just like it has been demonstrated that Cisco routers have a backdoor

open to the NSA. A backdoor is a method of bypassing normal authentication in a cryptosystem

used for securing unauthorized remote access to a computer.

Key Point: The word Intel was used for this DARPA product because it is collecting personal

INTELLIGENCE from YOU that can be used against YOU anytime the Evil Empire decides it is

to be done.

Why does DARPA, through Intel, have open access to all of your files and your computer? DARPA

funded all of the original development of microprocessors. Intel is a front for DARPA

and the military efforts to create, control, and weaponize all digital platforms through

cyber-warfare. DARPA, ARPARNET, DARPANET, the Internet, and microprocessors are military

creations that were allowed to come into the public market place only after the Department

of Defense, and the CIA through In-Q-Tel, installed backdoors to control these powerful

digital platforms of war fighting.

Some European-made chips used in defense contracts have a built-in �kill switch� that can

be accessed remotely to disable a microprocessor remotely on weapons that use the chip. The

Pentagon has realized that it no longer controls who manufactures the chips that go into its

increasingly complex systems. Nearly every military system today contains some commercial

hardware. No entity, no matter how well funded, can afford to manufacture its own safe version

of every chip in every piece of equipment.

Vetting a chip is nearly impossible and requires a scanning electron microscope to examine

the many layers of a chip and the millions or billions of transistors. Semiconductor

chips are made in Singapore, Taiwan, China, Europe, but Intel designs and manufactures

all their own chips in their own fabrication plants in America.

Defense Science Board, which advises the DoD on science and technology developments, warned

in a report that the continuing shift to overseas chip fabrication would expose the Pentagon�s

most mission-critical integrated circuits to sabotage. The board was especially alarmed

that no existing tests could detect such compromised chips, which led to the formation of the DARPA

Trust in IC program. Each year, secure government computer networks weather thousands of attacks

over the Internet from places where most of our electronics are being manufactured. Any

malefactor who can penetrate government security can find out what chips are being ordered

by the DoD and then target them for sabotage.

In other words, DARPA Vader and the Evil Emperor are in open warfare with the rebellion that

has hi-jacked the microprocessing industry in the infiltrated the Imperial Command.

Calling on Rebels of the Alliance to Take Out the Real Death Star

Fellow Patriots and Rebels of the Alliance, we have taken the plans of the Galactic Empire�s

Death Star and trust that you will know what to do with this Intel. Rebels have been preparing

themselves since 1977, when the first Star Wars was released, to face the real Evil Empire,

Darth Vadar, the Sith Lords, and the Imperial Command. This is no longer a science fiction

fantasy or sequel to the next Star Wars. This is the real war and all Rebels of the Alliance

are called to save the galaxy, or at least western civilization.

A Citizens Intelligence Report was previously given in a recent article. If you have not

armed yourself with this intelligence, please do so now. The CIA and Deep State Exposed.

We need all Alliance Rebels to analyze the Death Star�s plans and identify vulnerable

exhaust ports that connect to the main reactor.

In this additional intelligence report to fellow Alliance Rebels, we will show you the

following to assist in your planning efforts in analyzing the Death Star:

Microprocessors, the Internet, Cisco Systems, Google, and Intel were all DARPA projects

that were allowed to flourish with new technologies created and funded by the military for cyberwarfare.

Most high-tech moguls are simply �front men� selling DARPA and In-Q-Tel (the CIA�s

DARPA) products that control our lives and spy on us continually.

Intel processors have a backdoor built into the microprocessor that allows complete monitoring

and control over your personal computer.

Cisco Systems is a front for DARPA routers that were created with a backdoor for the

NSA to spy on �virtually every exchange on the Internet.�

Cisco System�s �Internet of Things� plants net-bots in all devices under its control

that can be activated remotely and used for cyber-attacks.

The Internet was first a DARPA project called the ARPANET which was created as an information

technology weapon for cyberwarfare.

DARPA, the Inventors of Warfare Technology

In 1999, the CIA created its own venture capital investment firm, In-Q-Tel, to fund promising

start-ups that might create technologies useful for intelligence agencies just as the Department

of Defense had years earlier created DARPA. Both groups are controlled by the Highlands

Forum (Group). The Highlands Forum provides the ideas and funding for the scientific weaponization

of new inventions through cooperation between the military and corporate contractors. Its

biggest successes recently have been led by the CIA�s In-Q-Tel in the development of

high-tech network-based cyber-warfare.

In-Q-Tel contracts almost all of its work through SAIC (Science Applications International

Corporation) which changed its name to Leidos in 2013. Leidos is among the top 10 largest

defense contractors in the U. S. and has a symbiotic relationship with the NSA and U.

S. intelligence agencies.

The Highland Forum, DARPA, and In-Q-Tel are secret multi-national high-tech think tanks

for inventing and controlling innovations that can be turned into weapons. Military

and information technology experts gather at the Forum meetings to consider the impacts

of the globalization of IT on U. S. interests and warfare. The Forum developed the idea

of �network-centric warfare� which is now a top concern of the military and the

corporations that serve it.

DARPANET = Internet

In 1973, DARPA initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies

for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objective was to develop communication

protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple,

linked packet networks for the use of defense contractors. This was called the �Internetting

Project� and the system of networks which emerged from the research was known as ARPANET,

later to be called Internet.

In 1986, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated the development of the NSFNET

which, today, provides a major backbone communication service for the Internet. The National Aeronautics

and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Energy contributed additional

backbone facilities in the form of the NSINET and ESNET respectively. Thus, the electronic

connectivity of the Internet was advanced with government funding.

A great deal of support for the Internet community has come from the U.S. Federal Government,

since the Internet was originally part of a federally-funded research program and, subsequently,

has become a major part of the U.S. research infrastructure.

Cisco Systems � DARPA Routers

Once the ARPANET proved to be effective, routers were created that could handle exchanges between

systems and computers. In 1998, virtually every Internet exchange went through a Cisco

router. In 2010, a researcher at IBM publicly revealed a flaw in a Cisco operating system

that allows a hacker to use a backdoor that was supposed to be available only to law enforcement

agencies. The intruder could hi-jack the Cisco device and use it to spy on all communications

passing through it, including the content of e-mails, leaving products vulnerable to

attack, particularly ubiquitous software programs like those produced by Microsoft. These backdoors

put millions of customers and their private information at risk and jeopardizes the security

of electrical power facilities, public utilities, and transportation systems.

Cisco has been accused of remotely monitoring users� connections through Cisco�s Linksys

E2700, E3500, E4500 devices. They have been reported to be remotely updated to a firmware

version that forces users to register for a cloud service which allows Cisco to monitor

their network use and ultimately shut down the cloud service account and render the affected

router unusable.

Cisco has also been accused of building into their routers a firewall backdoor developed

by NSA. The Tailored Access Operations (TAO) unit and other NSA employees intercept servers,

routers and other network gear being shipped to organizations targeted for surveillance

and install covert firmware onto them before they�re delivered. These Trojan horse systems

were described by an NSA manager as being �some of the most productive operations

in TAO because they pre-position access points into hard target networks around the world.�

The Creation of DARPA�s Google

The United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as a military

weapon to control information. Seed-funded by the NSA (DARPA) and CIA (In-Q-Tel & SAIC),

Google was one among a group of private sector start-ups co-opted by U.S. intelligence to

control information warfare.

In 1994 (the same year the Highlands Forum �DARPA�s boss � was founded under the

stewardship of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the ONA, and DARPA) ?two PhD students

at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, made their breakthrough on the first

automated web crawling and page ranking application. That application remains the core component

of what eventually became Google�s search service. Brin and Page had performed their

work with funding from the Digital Library Initiative (DLI), a multi-agency program of

the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA and DARPA.

The NSA needed to control and monitor digital information, particularly the data flowing

over the Internet. With its millions of customers around the world, Google is effectively a

directory of people using the Internet. It stores users e-mail addresses and knows where

they�re physically located, when they log in, and what they search for on the web. Google

has a profile on every user. The government can �command� that any company must turn

over that information, and it does so as part of the NSA�s Prism program, which Google

had been participating in for years by the time it signed the cooperative agreement with

the NSA.

Under Google�s terms of service, the company advises its users that it may share their

personal information with outside organizations, including government agencies, in order to

�detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues� and to �protect

against harm to the rights, property or safety of Google.�

Intelligence Agencies Control Industry

No intelligence organization can survive if it doesn�t know its enemy. As expansive

as the NSA�s network of sensors is, it�s sometimes easier to get precise intelligence

about hacking campaigns from the targets themselves. That�s why the NSA partnered with Google.

Google�s Sergey Brin is just one of hundreds of CEOs who have been brought into the NSA�s

circle of secrecy. Starting in 2008, the agency began offering executives temporary security

clearances, some good for only one day, so they could sit in on classified threat briefings.

Private high-level meetings are just one way the NSA has forged alliances with corporations.

Several classified programs allow companies to share the designs of their products with

the agency so it can inspect them for flaws and, in some instances, install backdoors

or other forms of privileged access. The types of companies that have shown the NSA their

products include computer, server, and router manufacturers; makers of popular software

products, including Microsoft; Internet and e-mail service providers; telecommunications

companies; satellite manufacturers; antivirus and Internet security companies; and makers

of encryption algorithms.

The NSA helps the companies find weaknesses in their products. But it also pays the companies

not to fix some of them. Those weak spots give the agency an entry point for spying

or attacking foreign governments that install the products in their intelligence agencies,

their militaries, and their critical infrastructure. Microsoft, for instance, shares zero day vulnerabilities

in its products with the NSA before releasing a public alert or a software patch. McAfee,

the Internet security company owned by Intel, provides the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI with

network traffic flows, analysis of malware, and information about hacking trends.

Companies that promise to disclose holes in their products only to the spy agencies are

paid for their silence. To an extent, these openings for government surveillance are required

by law. Telecommunications companies in particular must build their equipment in such a way that

it can be tapped by a law enforcement agency presenting a court order. But when the NSA

is gathering intelligence abroad, it is not bound by the same laws. The surveillance it

conducts via backdoors and secret flaws in hardware and software would be illegal in

most of the countries where it occurs.

AT&T is Controlled by Homeland Security

The Homeland Security Department conducts meetings with companies through its �cross

sector working groups� initiative. These sessions are a chance for representatives

from the large group of companies with which the government shares intelligence to meet

with one another and hear from U.S. officials. The attendees at these meetings often have

security clearances and have undergone background checks and interviews. Between January 2010

and October 2013, the period for which public records are available, the government held

at least 168 meetings with companies just in the cross sector working group. There have

been hundreds more meetings broken out by specific industry categories, such as energy,

telecommunications, and transportation.

Through this exchange of intelligence, the government has created a cyber security business.

AT&T and CenturyLink are in effect its private sentries, selling protection to select corporations

and industries. AT&T has one of the longest histories of any company participating in

government surveillance. Most phone calls in the United States pass through AT&T equipment

at some point, regardless of which carrier initiates them. The company�s infrastructure

is one of the most important and frequently tapped repositories of electronic intelligence

for the NSA and U.S. law enforcement agencies.

CenturyLink, which has its headquarters in Monroe, Louisiana, has been a less familiar

name in intelligence circles over the years. In 2011, the company acquired Qwest Communications,

which is now a part of the NSA�s extended security apparatus.

DARPA�s History

DARPA�s history is littered with death and destruction. DARPA and In-Q-Tel, through the

Highlands Forum (Group), have driven research and development for the military that has

cost American taxpayers trillions. This same technology is also shared with countries throughout

the world through open source sharing. The U. S. military wants our enemies to have the

technology so that they can be spied upon with ever more sophisticated technology and

attacked with ever-better weapons.

Key Point: If both sides have the same technology and weapons, then the Military-Industrial

Complex always needs more money to spend on bigger and better weapons, continually.

Areas of focus and discovery for DARPA over its history include: NASA space projects,

information processing, ARPANET (Internet), ballistic missile defense, nuclear test detection,

counterinsurgency, computer processing, behavioral sciences, materials sciences, sensors, surveillance,

radar, infrared sensing, x-ray/gamma ray detection, global positioning satellites, information

processing, tactical technologies, time-sharing systems, wide-area packet switching networks,

packet radio networks, packet satellite networks, artificial intelligence, speech recognition,

signal processing, robotics, hypermedia systems, virtual reality, personal computing, space

technology, tactical armor, anti-armor programs, infrared sensing for space-based surveillance,

high-energy laser technology, antisubmarine warfare, advanced cruise missiles, advanced

aircraft, defense applications of advanced computing, integrated circuit research, submicrometer

electronic technology and electron devices, very large-scale integration, charged particle

beams, automatic target recognition, space based sensing, propulsion, aerospace planes,

hypersonic research, strategic computing, advanced processing, networking technologies,

lightweight satellites, interstellar travel, X-planes, computer security, and cyberwarfare,

to name a few that have come into the public domain.

The list above is only the tip of the iceberg for DARPA projects. We do not know of the

projects that are still classified, which could potentially be a much greater list.

Every project of DARPA and In-Q-Tel have been weaponized before they are shared with the

companies who then are the �front� for a DARPA sponsored company. DARPA and In-Q-Tel

keep the encryption codes and build in backdoors so that they can always attempt to control

the military weapons that have been released into the corporate world for public use.

Below is a list of DARPA projects on the drawing board, or at least the ones that we know about.

You might notice that the ideas are completely insane and only perpetuate continuous warfare.

Aircraft Carriers in the Sky: Using large manned aircraft to launch and recover small


ACTUV: A project to build an unmanned anti-submarine warfare vessel

Adaptive Execution Office: Robust connections to the war-fighter community

Air Dominance Initiative: Sixth-generation jet fighters

Atlas: A humanoid robot

Battlefield Illusion

Captive Air Amphibious Transporter

Clean-Slate Design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts (CRASH)

Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System

Collaborative Operations in Denied Environment: Modular software architecture for UAVs

Combat Zones That See: �Track everything that moves�

Computational Weapon Optic: Computer rifle scope

DARPA XG: Technology for Dynamic Spectrum Access for assured military communications

Experimental Spaceplane 1: First stage of a reusable space transport

Gremlins: Air-launched and recoverable UAVs

Ground X-Vehicle Technology

Fast Lightweight Autonomy: Software algorithms that enable UAVs to fly anywhere

High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System

High Productivity Computing Systems

Human Universal Load Carrier: Battery-powered human exoskeleton

Hydra: Undersea network of mobile unmanned sensors

Long Range Anti-Ship Missile

MAHEM: Molten penetrating munition

MEMS Exchange: Microelectromechanical Systems Implementation Environment

MeshWorm: An earthworm-like robot

Mind�s Eye: A visual intelligence system for detecting and analyzing activity from

video feeds

Near Zero Power RF and Sensor Operations

Next Generation Tactical Wearable Night Vision

One Shot: Sniper scope that automatically measures crosswind and range

Persistent Close Air Support

Phoenix: A satellite project with the aim to recycle retired satellite parts

Remote-controlled Insects

Satellite Remote Listening System: A satellite mounted system that can eavesdrop on a targeted


DARPA Silent Talk: Identify EEG patterns for words and transmit these for covert communications

System of Systems Integration Technology and Experimentation: Distribute air warfare capabilities

Squad X Core Technologies: Digitized, integrated technologies that improve infantry awareness

SyNAPSE: Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics

XOS: Powered military exoskeleton

SIGMA Devices: A network of mobile devices the size of smart phones

Tactical Boost Glide: Air-launched hypersonic boost glide missile

Tactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node: Ship-based long-range ISR UAV

(Urban Leader Tactical Response, Awareness and Visualization): Heads-up display

VTOL X-Plane

Warrior Web: Soft exosuit


XDATA: Processing and analyzing vast amounts of information

We think it fair to say that any reasonable person would agree that DARPA Vader is simply

evil and focused on killing, warfare, and manipulation science.

Just the list above shows the insanity driving this agency that is not being controlled by

any governmental agency outside of the military. There is no limit to research and development

for warfare and any idea that advances warfare is funded and put into production before anyone

can object. According to DARPA and In-Q-Tel, innovation and technological advances must

first be a weapon that can be controlled by its makers � the military.

What the Rebel Alliance Can Do to Stop the Evil Empire

Investigate, audit and then defund DARPA, In-Q-Tel and the Highlands Forum.

End the Highlands Forum and investigate all participants for industrial and military espionage.

Stop using integrated circuits, chips, and microprocessors from foreign countries.

Investigate Cisco, Google, Intel, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and other DARPA sponsored

and funded technology companies and seize ownership of the companies for the U. S. taxpayers

whose tax dollars created these fronts.

Seize the assets of all companies found to use backdoors in their products for any reason.

Stop the NSA from using backdoors on routers, microchips, and processors and close those

avenues of manipulation and surveillance.

There may be other strategies and tactics that we haven�t listed, and we welcome your

ideas and call to action to your community of Rebels and Patriots. We ask that citizens

around the world call on their inner Hans, Luke and Leia. The story of Star Wars is more

than a science fiction movie. The characters and plot are deeply embedded memes that actually

point to the truth about forces in the world that wish to destroy humanity.

Guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan, we can each find the FORCE within us to destroy the Death

Star created by DARPA and the DoD�and, yes, save

the world.

Rebel Alliance Unite!

For more infomation >> DARPA Vader and the Evil Intel Empire Inside - Duration: 33:05.


YouTube Inferno: GradeAUnderA (EXPOSED!?) - JMAA - Duration: 19:39.

[GradeAUnderA intro]

(GradeA voice) What the fuck!?

Is this the fuckin' guy who's goin' to try to EXPOSE me?

The same guy who is LITERALLY Satan himself?

Well, today, we're going to give some asskickin' to this giant bastard.

We're going to expose…

(JMAA voice) GradeAUnderA.

[intro music]


How are you?

Have you missed my PRETTY FACE?

(baby crying)

Well, today is a very fantastic day, because today is GradeAUnderA time!

And what's not better than a guy who's already spewed the same kind of bullshit exposed

video on Grade, and in the process, he's going to get a huge amount of dislikes from

Grade's brainless fans?

Oh, how appropriate.


Well, don't get me wrong, Grade is a good youtuber, he used to be entertaining back

in the day, and that's completely fine.

But something actually happened.

Somehow, a chip in Grade's brain exploded and he suddenly turned into this unfunny,

boring and uncharismatic piece of shit since those drama videos.

He's got to the point where his videos became completely unwatchable, and I just don't

have any FUCKING idea of how people still allow this catastrophe to happen.

Specially his fucking US elections videos are just plain drivel of horseshit, you'll

know for a fact of Grade's character style of being like this awful redneck piece of

turd complaining about the barber shop.

Well, sad thing is, it doesn't fucking work while trying to give legitimate opinions on

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and he even looks more like a fucking asshole.

And he seems to do this kind of rambling about horseshit for 10 or 20 minutes.

I mean, would you take any seriously videos where he rambles about pointless shit like

numbers, Santa Claus, or some other boring crap for 25 minutes?

But I know what you're asking: "Juan, this video from GradeA lasts like 10 or 20

minutes but it could have lasted less than 10 minutes or even 5 minutes.

What gives?"

What gives is that basically Grade spews as much boring drivel as possible, repeating

points and overextending his video like a piece of bubblegum.

Grade has already lost his charm since the infamous drama videos.

And oh boy he sure did.

On the "What's Wrong With YouTube" videos.

Oh yeah, YouTube HAS A PROBLEM, false copyright strikes?

No, not that stuff.

Maybe false flagging videos and channels being taken down?

No, no, absolutely not.

Let's just vomit through the mouth 25 FUCKING MINUTES OF HOW I DON'T LIKE THIS YOUTUBER.

Oh, you are getting bored with all this horse crap?



Grade is afraid of changing his style, not because people will stop liking his videos

as soon as he does, but because he seems to be a lazy fuck.

And says a lot about his style of videos when he seems to keep working on the same MS Paint

and Windows Movie Maker garbage.



"My diet and nutrition has gone to shit 'cause I'm barely eating nowadays 'cause

I's always working on a video and forgetting to feed myself and I even caught (?) my exercise

routine for my life, just to make more time to make videos."

"But worst of all, I've recently started developing some shit called Dyshidrotic Eczema"

Oh, my shitty MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker videos are causing me health problems… boo


You know, that's a load of horseshit, let's be honest.

I would start believing him whenever this guy would have gotten to work on Sony Vegas


He might become fucking dead on the inside if he did!

Bottom line, Grade is fucking lazy and fucking boring.

But more importantly, his videos are fucking shit lately.


There's a common problem in Grade's boring, unentertaining and lazy-made horseshit: he

likes saying some opinions and then putting them on a moral pedestal as "facts".

Would you take Grade saying "he's getting a shitload of stress" just because he makes

videos on Windows Movie Maker?

Well, any mentally sound person would say "no", but apparently Grade's shitty

fans always take it as fact.

While it isn't.

Like that moment where he says "advertisers don't want to advertise on videos about

ISIS, rape or suicide, especially on MrRepzion's videos!"

(Grade) "He had videos about some very advertiser-friendly topics such as Islam, Death and Suicide, some

random cartoon porn shit, numerous videos on RAPE, and even a couple of videos about


Um… yes…

I agree with that sentiment, Grade, I think these are not really advertiser-friendly topics,

but, Grade…

I think you're still a fucking moron to not realize MrRepzion is a real person like




Everyone who doesn't agree with your lazy shit is NOT A REAL PERSON!

Well, I don't seem to think you're real either.

In fact, you seem to be already eaten on all your remaining real person by the big-chin

demon that you've just created.

That surely is a fiber diet that can put you back in shape after spending SO MUCH TIME

on your crappy videos.

If you want to look at a more sadder display of boring, horseshit opinions without any

factual evidence, I'd thoroughly recommend you the "What's Wrong With YouTube"


These are the golden Arc of the Covenant of his channel's demise, because they are boring.

But more importantly, they are retarded.

Instead of talking about the real problems that YouTube faces, which are false strikes

and all that faulty shit that YouTube has, he wants to take down even more youtubers

by masquerading this intent with a "good deed".

He rambles in the entire video about youtubers that quote unquote "infringe the community

guidelines" while even fanning more the flames of how YouTube is broken with false

community guidelines strikes and without addressing the REAL problems on YouTube.

Ok, let's just forget the fact that there are numerous movie reuploads fully monetized

on YouTube, that's not really my problem.

But if I don't like you, guess what?

You're what's wrong with YouTube, BITCH.


Grade seems to be contradicting himself a lot between what he says in one place or another.

And not certainly only in these previous drama videos.

He did a stream where he seemed fine with Keemstar paying him a 6 figure deal or something,

regardless of Keem saying the "n-word", but I think you'll notice that Grade needed

to join in with Idubbbz on the "Keemstar hate bandwagon" back then.

Not really because he hates Keem, but just because it seemed more profitable for his

pocket at that time than just receiving 6 figures from Keem.

In the same fashion than his "What's Wrong With YouTube" videos, not only he masquerades

this brigading against Keem as a good deed of "#MakeYouTubeGreatAgain" like he usually

does in these cases, but also he's stepped as low as Keemstar would do by just making

the same kind of false pedophile allegations than Keemstar.

What a fucking rat, isn't he?

And no, I don't just mean Keemstar, I also mean Grade.

(Grade) "All because of Keem's dogshit reporting and his false pedophile accusations.

Which is not only irresponsible as fuck and a shitty thing to do, right?

But is fucking illegal."

(Slowed Grade) "Which is not only irresponsible as fuck and a shitty thing to do, right?

But is fucking illegal."

Grade, I know you like the whole thing with "payback", or "an eye for an eye"

in here, because you're basically a drama whore like myself, but I think you're pretty

much not aware that you're getting as low as Keemstar.

Keemstar is a fucking rat.

But more importantly, you don't want to become the same kind of rat as Keemstar.

Oh, sorry, I am the one defending Keemstar, I am the bad guy here!

You got me, Grade.

Grade, I know what you're gonna say, you're shaking, you're going to tell me that you

hate Keemstar because he said some racist shit.


Oh, wait, turns out in stream you defended Keem for giving you money as I said before.

(Grade on stream) "But for this LOSER to tell me I shouldn't like someone who offered

me a 6 figure deal because they called someone the n-word in the past and did falsely accuse

someone a pedophile for 3 hours, I don't give a fuck, my parents don't give a fuck,

they would've have taken that money in 2 seconds…"

"B-but Juan, Grade turned against Keemstar after he realized his racist shit came to


That's a load of horseshit.

Is he really that much of a fucking retard to not having discovered Keem's racist rambling

on his Battlecam and stream when Keem did it YEARS AGO!?

Oh sure, Grade, you hate it when people do "expose people first and do research later"!

Gandhi said it best, Grade.

An eye for an eye only makes the world blind.

More importantly if you're blinded by your own shitty huge ego.


Speaking of huge shitty ego, I'll let everyone know that at this point in my channel, that


And we should admit that Grade ALSO LOVES DRAMA.

But the whole point of making drama, is that you don't fucking make yourself look like

the superhero, or otherwise you'll look like a narcissistic, boring and lazy cunt.

Apparently Grade doesn't like when he's called a "drama whore".

Yeah, that surely makes sense.

His ego doesn't allow him to like drama because he's afraid of changing his style

of videos in general.

He LOVES drama, but to look to everyone else like the winner here, he makes it look like

he doesn't like it and puts his drama into the "good drama" category.

(Grade) "Back when I was making my #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain (...), even if the aim is to fix the fucking

website we're on, you still get some braindead idiots complaining that this is all drama

and you just do it for the views!"

Well, Grade, I know he was pretty much a dick, but, big shocker: he's right, YOUR DRAMA


He surely likes to masquerade his drama videos with the #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain good deed

kind of thing, just to justify his shit content with a heroic aesthetic, and just because

the CEO of YouTube tweeted at him, so that might have boosted his ego even more.

(Grade) "And the drama video that I did 2 months ago, got the CEO of YouTube Susan

Wojcicki to tweet at us and start listening to us about how to make YouTube better!"

Yeah, keep using the word "us" as if it was some collective effort, you know your

brainless fans are only helping you boost your shitty fucking narcissistic ego.

(Grade) "Like, for example, this fucking dickhead who's telling me not to waste my

time making my #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain videos back in February telling me that they wouldn't

get YouTube to listen or change anything.

I'm lucky mate!"

Yeah, I'm lucky, mate, I got the CEO of YouTube to tweet at me!

I'm important now!

Shut the fuck up, Grade.

Do you even think YouTube cares?

Your fans spammed the shit out to Susan on Twitter your video with YOUR shitty hashtag.

What did you expect her to do?

Fucking watch your shitty video?

Is she ever gonna sit to 25 minutes of talking shit about youtubers you want to be taken


I'll tell you, Grade: no.

They don't give a shit.

Especially when they have to sit through 25 minutes of your boring, lazily edited and

made shit complaining about youtubers you don't like.

Oh no, I surely look like the bad guy here again!

I really should look like a downer!

I am YouTube's "Devil's Advocate"!

I am such a big faggot!

But hey, you do love to suck the dicks of all the famous people just for them to tweet

at you, do you?

Be famous, by pandering to the famous.

You sure love that tweet from Donald Trump.


Wait, someone told me not to waste my time with this sugarcoated hashtag movement, YOU'RE



Every time someone criticizes Grade, Grade just acts like a fucking dick, considering

he has done so in Twitter and Reddit, this last one having deleted an actual piece of

constructive criticism.

Well, sounds like something hypocritical, isn't it?

That's because it is.

Once Grade said that "everyone should be open for criticism", so, hey, maybe that

explains why he deleted some post on Reddit in a hissy fit.

Or when he has replied angrily to a tweet about his own shitty intent in his drama videos.

Oh, Grade, you have a real winner mentality, you know that?

You should be a motivational speaker.

LOL fuck off with your narcissism please mate.


Grade not only seems like a huge narcissistic cunt, but also Grade has done quite a bit

of hypocritical bull, as I said before, but more than just because he's a liar, it is

because he's just pretty fucking moronic and self-centered.

One of his many narcissistic loads of dogshit is in the What's Wrong With YouTube videos,

especially in the first part of the series, where he purposefully rambles during almost

the entire video about reaction channels like Tyrone Magnus for no logical reason.

He complains about how Tyrone Magnus doesn't earn him money, but hey, this ain't bad

drama, this is good drama!


Huge fucking ego, anyone?

This could just be another generic humdrum video about reaction channels, but no, he

decided that he would easily pass it as a good heroic act by just naming it "What's

Wrong With YouTube" and the hashtag "#MakeYouTubeGreatAgain".

This won't make YouTube Great Again.

The only thing that would make YouTube great is to get rid of narcissistic pieces of shit

like Grade from just false striking more youtubers and making boring shit content.

"But Juan, you would be doing the same than Grade by brigading him!"

Well, ever heard of the phrase "taste of his own medicine"?

Pretty much like Grade tried to do with Keemstar by making bullshit false pedophile allegations

while looking like the hero.

But as much of a narcissistic idiot Grade is, he not only likes to make horseshit opinions

and actions like these, but also likes to counter opinions with more bullshit.

Grade usually uses a tactic to counter people's opinions, which is called the "anti-argument".

He denies other people's opinions not because they're flawed arguments, but because of

their personal looks or subscriber counts.

Kinda like "PewDiePie is Fred 2.0", or "Markiplier has red SJW hair".

(Grade) "Does this look like the hair of someone who can be taken seriously?






Then he does seem to complain in a later video he doesn't like when people expose him for

horseshit points.

But seems like Grade is the only one who is able to use horseshit points here.


Well, it's surely a thing that you don't like when people expose you, Grade, but boy,

if you see anyone you don't like, that's a new GradeAUnderA video, right?

Don't fucking bore me any more.


Adding to the whole boring horseshit video making he's usually into, we got numerous

examples of Grade not only feeding his ego and self-centered attitude, but also feeding

his wallet in the most lazy and forced way possible, pretty much like the rest of his

video style.

Because if he does all these "good deeds" which are reduced to his own huge immense

ego, it all ends into his earnings, like the big scumbag he is.

You know, I'd like to have sponsors.

More money to me.

But now, Grade has made me hate sponsors.

Because he literally puts zero effort in making the sponsored bits entertaining as in the

rest of his videos.

Grade, please, stop forcing Lootcrate sponsors in every single one of your videos, they're

forced, but more importantly, they're FUCKING BORING.

(Grade is sponsored by Lootcrate compilation)

By the way, this fine episode of YouTube Inferno has been sponsored by Sony.

Because this Sony Vegas is acting like fucking shit.

The same kind of shit as Grade.


You know?

It says a lot that Grade likes to mess up with people or invalidate their opinions in

shitty boring videos just because of their personal looks.

But if you're obviously hiding your personal identity behind the big-chin stick figure

cartoon that he shittily draws on MS Paint, that could probably say that he's pretty


So far, there's a "face reveal" of his old University graduation photo, but it's

fucking goddamn horseshit.

Doesn't do any justice to him, so I decided to start up a hashtag movement.

God knows what boring bloke you can pull out from his real life identity.

And the best way to expose a boring YouTube character is to expose a boring real life


All you need to do is to tweet at GradeAUnderA "#NoRealFace" and demand him for a real

current face reveal, so probably he finally shows up with his real putrid paki face.

Because we gotta Make YouTube Great Again, and bring this GradeA fucker to justice!

One of us is weak, but TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG!

We united can defeat the cancer that is GradeA!

Let's join together on this fight!

And Grade, if you're watching this, hear me on this, you filthy sack of scum: I'll

never forget what you managed to do for the easy views, and I'll swear I'll end up

making you KILL YOURSELF!

Hail Gay Satan!


(Grade) "WHAT?"

(Grade) "Does this look like the hair of someone who can be taken seriously?


(Grade) "And the drama video that I did 2 months ago, got the CEO of YouTube Susan

Wojcicki to tweet at us and start listening to us about how to make YouTube better!"

(Grade) "Like, for example, this fucking dickhead who's telling me not to waste my

time making my #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain videos back in February telling me that they wouldn't

get YouTube to listen or change anything.

I'm lucky mate!"

(Grade) "You bastard"


Oh, by the way, Grade, you'll surely hate me for this, but…

Like Keemstar once said: you fucking nigger.

Thanks for watching this video!

If you like what you see, and want to join the Gay Demon forces of Hell, please subscribe

to see more!

I'll see you next time!

Hail Gay Satan!

For more infomation >> YouTube Inferno: GradeAUnderA (EXPOSED!?) - JMAA - Duration: 19:39.


Advice From Your Future Self | + G I V E A W A Y - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Advice From Your Future Self | + G I V E A W A Y - Duration: 1:57.



For more infomation >> 5 CURIOSIDADES SOBRE UM DOS HOMENS MAIS RICOS DO MUNDO - Duration: 5:26.


FouseyTube, James Corden, Trump Immigrant Ban, Brittany Venti, DJ Khaled - Duration: 7:12.

what is up everybody zombieshark god


welcome back to a brand new video we're

going to be covering a lot of different

topics in this video

ah those of you like sushi tube well to

begin with you all know how I feel about

Lucy tube but regardless of that he has

been absent for a quick minute and for a

guy that does daily uploads for vlogs

his fans expect a certain frequency of

videos being posted on his channel

well Susie has been a little bit absent

lately because he hasn't been as

frequent with upload new videos a lot of

his fans have been wondering where used

in if you like to see you may be excited

to find out that he has been hanging out

with one of all of our favorite over

means dj khaled yo Khaled acting is not

working out for me can I get on the

album maybe actually not putting


personally I gotta hand it to DJ

calories i don't know if this was a gift

they set up before sushi started

recording the regardless of that i like

to think that DJ khaled was like I'm not

going to let you get in on my music and

I can truly appreciate it

ahead next up a lot of you probably know

Brittany venti she's basically famous

for milking the idea of playing the

victim card and her streams in order to

get twitch donations but she showed up

to shia labeouf we will not be divided

protest in front of the video camera and

it seems like she might have been robbed

check this out hundreds of tiny fingers

out of the objects inside

thank you

so we don't have a full information

about what happened in this incident and

there seems to be an instance where

they're trying to claim that the guy

actually new britney venti and this was

actually a friend it was just kind of a

stunt but it looks like she actually

filed a police report which tells most

of us this was a legit robbery that she

was actually pickpocketed like that this

class you'd like to call them to get a

copy of the police report or do is ask

allah for dating automatic an email or a

male parent then we have to get it to

make sure you're not successfully

stranger did not report

I'm pages you can call me before ready

text niggas they get you know actually

get report exactly coming with an idea

you got it would be the contact actually

seem like a jerk like the guy didn't

care at all he's more focused on his

paperwork and actually answering a

citizen's questions the doing seem like

getting you know about him

unlike that but whatever next up James

Corden if you don't know the name James

Corden he is basically the late-night

King talk show host in the UK the guy

from where I'm standing my personal

opinion is better than David Letterman

better than jay leno that even the kings

of late night here in the United States

i'ma do is actually hilarious and

amazing and he has great talent that is

a part of his writing team that helps

make him as good as he is

if you live in England you watch James

Corden and very likely if you live in

the United States you watched James

Corden this guy is hilarious and

incredibly talented and he is totally

popping up on a training page here on

youtube so i imagine that pretty much

everybody knows exactly who James Corden


well outside of James Corden the biggest

hot topic in politics and social culture

here in the United States right now this

very moment is immigration and airports

there are so many protests that are

going on across the United States right

now and a lot of different airports and

the reason why is because a lot of

immigrants can't get into the United

States and a very specific select couple

of countries

well with what is trending right now

James Corden the king of Europe's late

night threw his hat into the ring and

actually flew out of LAX airport and is

personally in his own way

protesting a band at this very moment

I said yes please

grilled cheese James James James James

James so much of this is getting support

and backlash purely based upon the idea

of white Christians and what James and

his production crew put at the end of

the video saying that white Christians

can get through customs

the question is can only white

Christians get through customs

because on Trump's list of countries

that are banned from getting into the

country without being vetted previously

it is being challenged by the fact that

it doesn't matter if you're white

if you're Christian or if you're Muslim

or your dark skin there's already been

one documented case by the media where

there was a dark-skinned Christian

family there was refused the right to

step into the country united states so i

present the question all of you what do

you think about all this and all the

other stories that are presented

let's get a dialogue going i love you

guys that's going to be the end of the

video i will see you in the next one

that be showing it out

hilarious that already

For more infomation >> FouseyTube, James Corden, Trump Immigrant Ban, Brittany Venti, DJ Khaled - Duration: 7:12.


ABERTURA DE BAUS E DESAFIO!!!! - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> ABERTURA DE BAUS E DESAFIO!!!! - Duration: 7:37.


How to set and customize notifications on your Steel HR - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> How to set and customize notifications on your Steel HR - Duration: 1:05.


Gran Portuaria, Microsoft Azure reference case - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Gran Portuaria, Microsoft Azure reference case - Duration: 2:48.


How to wear Steel HR - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> How to wear Steel HR - Duration: 1:06.


when parental control don´t work!!! (my version again) - Duration: 2:22.

im with a kid that is 11 years old

his name is yoel

i explain that in the previous video

we had sex

i suck his dick

he put his dink into my...

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