Escape Game Treasure Map Walkthrough
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Silvio Romero acerca al América con gol de cabeza - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Giving Orders To Squad Members In Battlefield 1 (What Is Good For?) [Battlefield 1: 101] [G-Legend] - Duration: know what is up guys my name is the lesson today I want to thank you first
and foremost for tuning into my battle field 1: 101 series on my channel
the series was designed to help you call it the players transfer over to
battle field one so today I want to talk to you guys about giving quarters and
battle field 1 i know you guys are all busy so I want to make this video as
quickly as I possibly can
giving orders and battlefield one is actually pretty similar to the past
battlefield installments but i know that a lot of you guys haven't ever played
battlefield before so I'm gonna explain it for you guys so though it may be a
hot topic that is mastered by seasoned players because it's so basic
like I said I understand that new players to the franchise from call of
duty may benefit from a video like this
so with that being said if you guys enjoyed the video if it helps you don't
forget to drop a like and subscribe it helps me out a lot anyway
don't go anywhere guys because we're just getting started
alrighty so orders in battlefield one are essentially just that you know
orders but you may ask if your new orders for what orders to who can anyone
do them do others have to follow them
how can they be useful stuff like that so if you're a squad leader you can
actually order your squad to attack or defend control points which are
basically left flags for color duty control points are considered flags
think of it like that the squad leader can also you know ordered his soldiers
to repair vehicles and you know other commander acid destroy them repair them
all that stuff anything that could help out team and that can help out the squad
maybe the squad leader wants to order his squad members to you know captain
objective or anything like that all the examples that I gave you are in Game
examples you can actually do that and then so you may be asking yourself is it
possible to not follow them
is there some sort of penalty for not following the your squad leaders orders
well the answer is no no there's no penalty but you actually have an
incentive to do so which would be getting more points you get more points
for following your squad leaders orders that really is all incentive to me but
not to mention that you're also not going to get kicked out of the squad
which of course is a good thing
so you've already talking a lot about squads you may not know what squads are
because there's no squadron colored video right so you may not know what
squads are you may not know what they're good for how to get in one how many
people can be in one all that stuff what they're good for in the battlefield want
to check out my video it's on screen right now you can click it it'll open up
in a different tab check it out i talked all about squads everything you need to
know about squads performer call of duty players that have never actually played
battlefield I explained in
exactly what they're for how you can get in one all this stuff like that that is
related to it so definitely check that out if you're new to this franchise
because squad is a big thing in the skin anyway that is going to wrap it up my
friends i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to drop a
like subscribe helps me out a lot
share my videos all the exposure is great anyway I hope because I was today
I'm going to catch guys later and i'll see you in the next
¡A Favor del Vino Mexicano! - Duration: 1:09.This is the universal character, the undoubted potential and strength of Mexican wine.
If you drink wine, let it be Mexican. Winery EBZ, in favor of the wine of mexico.
Former Pentagon consultant claims President Eisenhower had 3 secret meetings with Aliens - Duration: 4:17.Former Pentagon consultant claims President Eisenhower had 3 secret meetings with Aliens
by Ancient-Code.
During the late hours of February 20-21 of 1954, while President Eisenhower was officially
on vacations in California, the 34th president of the US went �missing� and was supposedly
taken to Edwards Air Force base for a secret meeting...
This meeting was with otherworldly visitors.
For years it is said that governments around the globe have been covering up the existence
of alien life.
For years thousands of UFO sightings have been dismissed as a global conspiracy.
However, everything could change when evidence is obtained.
A former Pentagon consultant (among others) claims that President Eisenhower had THREE
secret meetings with three different alien species.
It is said that Former US President was taken to the Edwards Airforce base while he was
listed as officially �missing.�
Lecturer and author Timothy Good state that the 34th president of the United States of
America met with three extremely advanced alien species in New Mexico in 1954.
The alien meeting took place at the remote airbase, and they communicated using �telepathic
According to Timothy Good, the alien meetings were witnessed by many people.
�Aliens have made both formal and informal contact with thousands of people throughout
the world from all walks of life,� said Timothy Good.
I can tell you that in 1954, President Eisenhower had three encounters, set up meetings with
aliens, which took place at certain Air Force bases including Holloman Air Force base in
New Mexico.� It is well known that President Eisenhower
firmly believed in the existence of Aliens.
His otherworldly encounter took place while �officials� were told the president was
on Vacation in Palm Springs, California in February of 1954.
President Eisenhower allegedly met alien visitors with a �Nordic� Appearance but signed
an otherworldly agreement with the Grey Aliens.
Another �whistleblower� who commented on Eisenhower and his meeting with Aliens
was Philip Schneider.
Philip Schneider was a geologist and structural engineer of the Government of the United States
and was involved in the construction of deep underground military bases in the United States
with the Army Corps of Engineers.
He was also one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys
and U.S. intelligence and military forces at Dulce underground base.
At Dulce, Schneider maintained, �gray� humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by
side with American technicians.
In 1954, former President Dwight Eisenhower made a pact with three species of aliens;
Schneider said at a conference in 1995.
In exchange for alien technology, Eisenhower allegedly gave permission for the aliens to
abduct a limited number human beings to perform numerous experiments on Earth and in space.
According to Schneider, the technology that aliens gave us as part of this exchange includes
a type of metal that is almost indestructible.
It is said that during the press conference in 1995, Schneider even presented the public
with a piece of the mysterious �alien metal.�
玩具熊VS怪物 飢餓遊戲 - Duration: 8:21.-------------------------------------------
Hài kịch Thầy Bói - Đoàn Chèo Quảng Ninh tham gia Liên hoan Sân khấu toàn quốc Lần thứ I - Duration: 17:50.-------------------------------------------
Difference between ojyama shimasu and shitsurei shimasu in Japanese - Duration: 2:52.Sorry everyone... is there anyone...
Sorry, is there anyone?
Hello everyone this is Cathy Cat - And Misato.
Today's Japanese is...
Ojyama shimasu... Shitsurei shimasu.
When do you use those words?
You use Ojyama shimasu when you enter someone else's territory
Also when you think you are disturbing the other person's activities.
When you are worried about that you use OJYAMA SHIMASU.
We will explain it better in examples later.
For example when you to go to someone else's house.
You don't know what they are doing in their own house so...
You might disturb them in their daily activities so you use OJYAMA SHIMASU
Shitsurei shimasu you can use in a broader way than Ojyama shimasu.
It doesn't matter if you disturb their activities or not.
You say Shitsurei Shimasu when you enter the room.
Let's make an example. - Let's do it. 3...2...1...
For example...
When you visit someone's house.
- Cathy! Come in! - Hey. Excuse me for disturbing you.
Is it cold outside? Are you ok? - I missed your house slippers.
I got it now. Let's go.
For example at the hospital.
Next patient please.
Sorry for intruding.
What brings you here today? - I have a headache.
Let's examine you then. - Yes.
For example when you enter the teacher's room.
- Shitsuei shimasu! (sorry for intruding.) - Ojyama shimasu! (sorry for disturbing.)
Ask Japanese Sensei!
That was...
Ojyama shimasu. Shitsurei Shimasu.
If you are not quite sure how to use both of these words...
Ojyama shimasu is used in situations where you think you might be
disturbing someone else while they are doing something.
Mainly for people who are at home or you are visiting someone at home.
While on the other hand Shitsurei shimasu is slighly more polite
you can actually sometimes use them both like in this situation with the
classroom. If you are not quite sure how polite you should be...
Shitsurei shimasu is the save version for most scenarios.
That was our lesson for today. I hope you like this.
We have done more videos. Be sure to click and check them.
Find out more about Japanese language but also culture.
I will also put a link to Misato's facebook and my SNS
And I hope to catch you soon on Ask Japanese! Bye!
Dad's Garden | Learn Australian English - Duration: 11:33.What're you planting at the moment anyway?
Just these two little plants here.
One… they're both ground cover dwarf-plants to hopefully cascade over the edge of the rocks.
And so, the idea of designing this garden is you put the bigger plants up in the middle
and then the medium sized ones on the… on… in the sort of foreground,
and then groundcover ones cascading over the rocks so that you get this vista look moving
up looking at the plants.
This one's only new.
So, it's got to take a year or so to grow up.
One of the things we tried to do when building this garden was to put a mixture of flowering
seasons in so there's always some colour in the garden,
but also some different textures and colours in the greens, the leaves, for…
varying from sort of bright green through to grey colours,
so that there's always a mixture of colour and texture no matter what the season.
One of the advantages we have in Australia about seasons is that we never have snow,
certainly down here.
So, you don't have to worry about cold tolerant plants, but the counter side of that is the
ocean's 400m that way.
So, we get a lot of sea air and salt.
So, you have to have the plants that are salt tolerant.
And the other thing I try and do is find plants that are water tolerant so that they can put
up with a lot of water if it rains heavily,
but also (it) doesn't matter if it doesn't rain for a month.
You don't need to keep watering to keep them up.
Sometimes you have some successes.
Sometimes you have some failures.
The failures you just replace with something different.
It's always a challenge to find the best sort of plants for an area.
We try and use some that are indigenous to this specific area because obviously they're
going to be used to the soil and the climate,
but with artificial garden beds like this that are built up with a mixture of topsoil
that's brought in and the existing soil,
you can never exactly tell with the soil chemistry what's going to go.
So, it's a bit hit and miss.
You try to start with, but just try and get it right in the long term by replacing things
that don't work with things that do.
So, what have you got in here at the moment that you can at least remember you've put
in here, and tell us why or…
Yeah, so there's a variety of things from kangaroo paws.
These aren't flowering at the moment.
These ones down the bottom?
Yeah, but we can show you some out the front that are flowering.
Through to these little lilies that have these long flower stalks,
and they last quite a long time when they're flowering,
through to some other things like some of these daisy bushes that flower for about six
months of the year,
and they grow really quickly.
But also, some native grasses.
Those grasses attract different sorts of birds and butterflies and things from the normal
flowering plants.
(I've) tried to put a couple of trees, feature trees, in.
This eucalypt here'll grow to about 3 or 4m tall.
Not very tall, but tall enough to provide a little bit of shade from the western side,
which is over here.
And also, to attract some birds in when it starts flowering.
It'll probably be 2 years or 3 years by the time it gets large enough to start flowering,
but then we can put a bird bath and so on in here as long as there's a bit of protection
for the birds so that the cats, local cats, aren't going to get them.
And, the rest of it just made up of some local and Australian natives, correas, grevilleas,
some acacias, banksias, you know, classic Australian plant names just to sort of fill
up the rest of the environment here.
So, do you find that the native plants make a big big difference for bringing in native animals?
Yeah, they do.
There are certainly some non-native plants that will bring in birds and insects,
because they flower with a lot of nectar in them, but often they're short flowering seasons.
And so, if something's only flowering for a few days or a few weeks it's not much
use to you for a long term effect.
So, for attracting animals in.
So, we try and use some of the plants that are going to have long flowering seasons,
but as I said earlier also intersperse plants that have different flowering seasons.
So, hopefully when this's a mature garden there'll always be something flowering here
to attract different birds, insects in,
and we also have these rockeries, (they) are also a great place for, you know, spiders
and lizards and things, which are also additional food.
A lot of the birds we have around are honeyeaters.
So, they're attracted to the nectar, but most of them will also grab insects.
Some of them (will grab) other small animals like small lizards and things.
Not that I particularly am wanting the lizards to get eaten, because they're really lovely
to have around as well.
And if you get water, permanent water, in, and we're looking at some ways of putting
that in, then you can attract frogs in as well.
So, you can get a variety of wildlife in a garden by putting in the right environment there.
So, what are you specifically trying to get in too?
Are there any birds that you're targeting or that you want to definitely come in?
Honeyeaters and parrots mostly.
This big eucalypt here behind us, that's a Western Australian.
It's not an indigenous eucalypt.
It's a Western Australian eucalypt.
But it has very large bright yellow flowers that attract the parrots in when…
particularly lorikeets that are nectar feeders,
but also rosellas that are seedeaters, once the seeds start to be created.
So, the same thing with this peppermint over here.
(We're) just trying to get a mixture of plants that will bring in particularly parrots
and honeyeaters because they're pretty, they're noisy.
So, it's good to have them around.
But we also have some non-indigenous birds.
I don't particularly want to attract them, but again, they… they're good for the
garden as well.
If you have a look, this might be hard to tell with the shade in here, but there's
all these little dig patches around here.
They're blackbirds, European blackbirds, that are digging up in the garden looking
for grubs and snails and things.
So, they turn the ground over, which is a pain when you're trying to grow small plants,
but later on the more activity you get in the soil the better.
What's the thing to your left, dad?
Talk about that and why it's Australian.
Oh, the deck out the front of the house?
Yeah, (it's a) wooden deck, with as you can see by the shiny and sort of wet look on it,
(we) just oiled it yesterday.
So, every year or so you've got to put more oil into it to keep the timber in good condition.
So, the barricade's up here to prevent people from walking straight up onto it into the front door.
One of the challenges when you've got one at your front door is how you leave it locked
off for 48 hours before it dries.
So, why's it such an Australian thing too, the deck?
I think a lot original colonial Australian houses were built with verandas over them
and decks around the house.
A lot of that before the days of air-conditioning people used to build so that you can open
up windows any side of the house
and have shade with cool air coming through the house when you…
and particularly in the evening as it starts to cool off.
So, people've just had this tradition of building decks around their house.
We've only got a very little veranda here.
It's really just an eave-overhang.
We don't really have room.
And with a low roof (it) would be quite a low veranda if we had it on.
So, I did want to show you these kangaroo paws quickly, the small plants that we had
around the side hadn't started to flower yet, but this is what they look like.
(You) get them in a variety of colours.
The original natural native plants were yellow and red and green,
but there's not a whole lot of varieties that've been bred up that,
Pete, if you come in close you'll be able to see that the kangaroo paw is named for
these little flower heads that…
I'll take my (glove off), that have this sort of hand going over just like a little kangaroo paw.
If you've seen kangaroos they sit with their paws like this, and people thought that's
what the flower heads look like on these.
So, can you tell us anything else about the other plants that you've got here in the front yard, dad?
(This is a) banksia here.
This one's called Banksia robur.
Obviously, it's a small plant.
It grows to about 2 or 3m tall and quite wide.
The idea with this one was to put a plant in here to block off a little bit of the street view.
We didn't want to have a fence coming all the way down the side here and blocking this
off completely.
But that grows up and has very large flowers about 20cm high and they start off a dark
deep greeny blue colour and then go brown and yellow when they open up.
So, (they're) quite beautiful plants.
The rest of them, again, are just a mixture of plants with flowers all through the season.
There's some small everlasting daisies that are really varietals.
They've originally been bred from some native plants, but they're called everlastings
because the flowers can last for months,
and if you also,
if you cut them and dry them out they'll last for years in, you know, flower decorations
and so on, 'cause they're almost like a paper rather
than the soft petals that you get (on other plants).
Other things that we've tried to do, again, are different textures, different colours.
You can see the greys, the lime greens, the dark greens and so on in here,
and some more different sort of grasses, particularly these wallaby grasses in here that while they
look dead over summer…
So, they're these little ones.
They're this little one here, yeah.
It looks sort of dead over summer, but those seed heads will sit there for a few months.
They'll eventually fall off, and then as soon as the rain starts again in Autumn the plant,
the grass will start to green up again and then reflower the next Spring.
So, they're a perennial plant that looks like an annual (plant), but they keep coming back.
So, these grasses are stipa.
The… they grow on dunes and the sort of secondary dune at the back of the dunes at the beach,
but they're also good garden plants.
But of course, being dune plants they're very salt tolerant, they grow really quickly,
and they provide this beautiful feathery, you know, seeding… (head).
Omega Open Challenge #003 Solution and Winners - Duration: 2:10.Welcome to omega open challenge. In this video we present to you the solution of challenge
number 3. The challenge was to find out the moment of inertia of a spherical shell of
mass M and radius R by differentiating the moment of inertia of a solid sphere.
Let there be a solid sphere of radius r and density ro. The volume of sphere is given
by 4 by 3 pi r cube. Mass of the sphere is volume into density or 4 by 3 pi r cube into
The moment of inertia of a solid sphere is given by 2 by 5 M r square. Putting the value
of mass we get 2 by 5 into 4 by 3 into pi r cube into ro or 8 by 15 p r to the power
5 into ro.
Differentiating both sides we get dI is equal to 8 by 3 pi r to the power four into ro dr.
What this differentiation gives is the change in the moment of inertia of the sphere if
its radius is increased by infinitesimally small dr. In other words, dI is the moment
of inertia of the shell that was added to the sphere.
Since dr is infinitesimally small, the volume of the shell is surface area into thickness
or 4 p r square into dr.
Mass of the shell is given by volume into density or 4 pi r square into ro dr.
Putting 4pi r square into ro dr as mass in the expression for moment of inertia we get
moment of inertia of shell as 2 by 3 m r square.
This is our answer.
Now it is time to declare our winner.
The winner of omega open challenge number 3 is Garvit virmani from Laxminagar, new delhi.
Shown on the screen are other participants submitting correct solution.
Check out other challenges in this weekly series. Link for the playlist is shown on
the screen.
Check out our videos on theories tool and techniques of physics. The link for the playlist
is shown on the screen.
Subscribe the channel and like our facebook page for latest updates. Thank you for watching.
MODERN WARFARE 2 AFGHAN REMAKE MAP GAMEPLAY *COD IW* - Duration: 6:59.that's one that's too many more people
for all my god no don't kill me please I
beg of you
God GoPro right here you'll notice why
the ground moving
ok then slowly move back
what they're already doing just sitting
there the honestly does Wow
alright guys so today I already died wow
anyways like I was saying guys today
we're going to be playing on Dominion
the new dlc map and this is a live
commentary if you guys cannot feel we're
going to be challenges you really really
good have a positive k/d possibly go for
a nuke on this map it's not going to
happen in my first game i could see you
guys right now look what I should know
i'm on a good team
this might be possible for basically wow
my name is whole body and then warm-up
that's like so bad
basically I don't know this is an Afghan
remake but in space they had to just you
know they're like you know what let me
make a model for two but this time let's
put on Mars where they're like Star Wars
battles going on the back that makes so
much sense nowadays I don't know guys
but tell me what you guys think about
this Afghan we make uh this is my first
time playing on it and I have a given
much time so I'm not to give you guys my
life verdict at the end I don't know how
I killed him that was really delayed
we're here we go let's start this street
going to come on after leave get my
advanced UAV I can always get that oh my
god oh my god so like i was thinking i
can at least get my advanced UAV i will
be happy right now we all know where
this part of the map is this is where
the ship was crashed landed funny thing
is guys this doesn't even look this
looks like a remake a little bit in the
middle part of the map but to me this
feels like it's a new map the honestly
does wow what the hell ok that was
special to up and i was about to say
it's going to be a few of us are because
i want that I'm kidding I would never go
for supplies in this game because i
don't really play that much so there's
really no point you know anyways I'm
talking too much
let's just see what we can do are you so
hear about this is the plant part of the
map but they had to get rid of all the
bushes and put a little plants vs
zombies and I don't know why there's a
dude out here that I'm going to kill
there's another dude out here that I
just can you watch my map more I think
that's why indeed dlc video that he died
I mean another way out of this map
pretty well but i just want my map a lot
that's a problem and they enhance the
windows to make it bigger what kind of
bullshit is this
do not throw anything there
I will die oh come on a bloodthirsty
that's good that's good
our guys are being careful we got an AV
watching my map so if my friends are
spawning here that means the enemies are
the opposite side it's simple Matt's
guys you just gotta think
all right let's see what we can all oh I
teammate yeah look at my teammate going
no you will not kill me let me just go
put on right here you'll notice why the
ground moving okay going to slowly move
what they're already doing just sitting
there you're like i know this is the
two-game plays in a row where like
enemies just have scared the shit out of
me is one that's too many more people
for all my god no don't kill me please I
beg of you don't I'm leaving I'm leaving
I'm gonna come on the tanks ago I need
like two more kills I believe two more
kids ok they move from back here in
norman ok there's no more than back
no no no you're going to kill me death
she can actually no way I'm gonna dip
I'm dipping out of there i'm not going
to deal with that bullshit not today sir
I don't like a GoPro and possibly get
the skill
come on there wasn't chasing me I know
he was staying for like ten more seconds
innovations I'm different I nobody came
let's move let's get a move on I
literally need like one more care of
that one more kill and i'll be like 15
off notes oh oh my god i get that you I
should have died that honestly should
have died
okay guys look I'm 15 off i need like
one more kill even an assist will do
yeah let's go if I want to join us
naturally I could have possibly gotten a
new guy have no proof nuke on a new map
I don't know lower do is 75 wow it's
honest because i have to get Timmy I was
scared because that's other players
before this match started and how they
all know this is gonna be there a bark
but it wasn't there to do up here I know
you would i look if I can go on the 15
if I can go on a 15 that will be very
nice another UAV was get it
i I'm I'm being a little bit more
aggressive now I'm so always gonna use
my face shift they met dude
well at least I'm 26 that's not bad
also I've been noticing i'm talking a
lot of my commentaries are especially my
life once I feel like there's gonna be
better for me than anything i don't know
if you guys like that as much i know for
me it's less editing to do wow that
guy's just standing there are you okay i
wonder if he knows runway
Oh didn't I was there two players hold
onto me hold on hold on let me get these
kills no you don't need them to be a
distraction like he took my kill look
look at him he should have died mighty
measure of that I'm kidding that's
messed up what if you were gonna
straight you know as I was thinking
coolant from up but the gameplay is
coming to an end unless let's end it off
strong come on let's do good for these
last games what there's somebody behind
him in the house that makes it all about
SE lo this is so sad seeing a model for
to happen no you can just do that you
get on top of there on the killer's real
yeah I don't know guys it feels weird
just all this guy has what is that Dark
Matter some shit they put that in
essence of what I look at that what kind
of camera is that but i guess i'll be
putting video hope you guys enjoy leave
a like if you did enjoy and if you guys
want to see more DLC one gameplay you
guys want to see something different
some of the comments down below that
anyways because joy to get related
visibility ldl-c guys the next
이달의소녀탐구 #68 (LOOΠΔ TV #68) - Duration: 0:31.'Finally, the weather of Taiwan '
'has become sunny~'
'It was too windy yesterday. Like a storm.
'The sun is shining brightly today…'
The girls feel a lot better today because of the find weather!
'Oh, I'm sorry'
'HeeJin is basking in the sun...'
'It's like photosynthesis'
'You look like a light-woman' (광 means both 'light' and 'mad' in Korean)
'We're wearing V neck!'
'I'm pink!'
'I'm purple!'
'(Kind of word chain) Puppy!'
Bangalore Days (Malayalam Movie) | Movie Review by MananPatelTV - Duration: 3:36.What's up, guys?
My name is Manan.
Welcome back to my channel.
Hope you're having a great day!
Today, I want to talk about south indian movies.
Some of you have recommended me to watch some south indian movie.
All of you recommended "Bangalore Days."
So, I went online and I saw Bangalore Days.
It was such a good movie.
I've never seen any south indian movies but after watching Bangalore Days,
I was really hooked.
And I really enjoyed the movie.
It reminds me Dil Chatha Hai or Zindagi Na Milege Dobara.
That kind of vibe.
It's such a good heart-warming, feel good kind of movie.
There was some kind of sadness to it.
Some kind of drama going on.
Overall, the movie was so good.
I want to talk about some of the things in the movie that I really relate with.
For example, the parents.
In the movie, the parents were really suffocating their kids in many ways.
Like they have this really high expectations.
Like how the society expect them to behave and act and some of the norms.
I was shocked because I can relate with some of the things and I'm sure you can relate
with some of the things, too.
I guess it's really an Indian thing.
It's an indian culture.
But I grew up here in the USA so I understand how my parents really have these expectation
and stuff but not as dramatic as the ones in the movie.
So, I can understand why these kids wanted to get out of the house or wanted to move
away or live in Bangalore.
I think Bangalore is these kids' dream that they had ever since they were little.
They were thinking maybe that when we grow up, we all live in one city.
Ya know?
That's really cool.
And it's really nice to see that these cousins, three of them, they were all cousins.
I thought they were friends.
As I watched the movie go on, I found out that each of them has their own stories.
They have their own kind of problems.
So, I guess it's true what they say that everyone has their own battles.
But each of them depends on each other.
Each of them rely on each other and they all support each other.
So, it's really nice.
Here's my favorite part of the movie was Kuttan.
I don't know how to pronounce his name.
He was trying to find a wife for himself and when he went to airport, he met this really
hot air hostess.
I was like, "Whaat?!"
"How did this guy end up getting her?"
So, when I was watching Bangalore Days for the first time, I didn't really expect anything.
I do not know that south indian cinema can be that really good.
I was really hooked.
I was like, I really need to other south indian movies.
Overall, I really enjoyed it.
I sold the movie to my parents.
I'm like, "You have to see this movie!"
And they've never seen south indian movies and when they saw Bangalore Days, they started
recommending the movie to all of their friends.
And it was really cool.
Everybody really liked it.
For you guys, thank you for recommending me this movie and I look forward to seeing other
I can't wait to talk to you about Charlie.
That's another movie that you guys recommended me.
Anyway guys, that's all I have to say.
I hope you enjoyed this review.
I really liked the movie.
So, thank you.
And hope you enjoyed this video.
Make sure you subscribe and for giving me a like.
And if you don't like this video, change your taste.
I'll see you guys on the next one.
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From the executive producer of Pretty Little Liars...
This is like the best day of my life.
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