Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

hi there Vladimir here with another video on how to learn English

Native vs Non-native language teachers which are better?

It's a topic I feel quite passionate about.

The subtitle of my book is by a non-native, for the non-native

Searching for books on "how to learn Japanese" on Amazon, the top 20 books are mainly by

non-native speakers of the Japanese language.

Searching for books on "how to learn English" on Amazon, the majority of the top 20 books

are by native speakers of the English language.

There is something wrong with one of these search results, isn't there?

99% of all English learning videos on YouTube are by native speakers of English

It's a very unique skill that native speakers have

Native speakers of any language

I'm not picking on native speakers of English

I'm talking about native speakers of any language

We can get a job teaching our own language, without any teaching qualifications

anywhere in the world just for being native speakers

It's a very unique skill that all native speakers have.

We all know our native tongue, but we didn't really learn it, we didn't really study it

I am a native speaker of the Bulgarian language, I know the language.

I understand everything I hear.

I can read, write and speak that language with ease.

If you asked me a question about how to say something in Bulgarian, I would be able to answer it

I know the language, I speak the language but I didn't really learn it

we all studied our native language in school the alphabet and grammar

but we all know that it's not a real study

We have the skill but we didn't learn it.

We don't know what it's like to learn it yet we have it

It's a very unique skill that we all have

So what is the point that I'm trying to make here?

Knowing something and teaching something are two very distinct, separate areas of expertise

Being an excellent athlete doesn't necessarily make you an excellent coach

Being an excellent musician doesn't automatically make you and excellent music teacher

Being a native speaker doesn't necessarily make you a good language teacher

And the second point I am trying to make is that

Teaching a language is so much more than just being a human dictionary

Dictionaries are free, teachers are not.

Generally speaking, teaching something presupposes having learned that thing

Can you teach something you haven't studied?

Could you teach an ET how to breathe?

You could show it, but could you teach it HOW TO breathe?

Suppose you wanted to change gender, transition from a man to a woman

Who would you go to for advice?

Kris Jenner or Caitlyn Jenner

If you wanted to break into show business, who would you go to for advice

Michael Jackson or Madonna?

MJ entered show business at 6 years of age, Madonna at 20

Suppose you wanted to start your own business

Who would you go to for advice on how to go about doing it?

Steve Jobs or Tim Cook?

Elon Musk or Akio Toyoda?

I think I made my point clear

With regard to their native language, native speakers have no claim on the phrase How To Learn

On the other hand, I as a non-native speaker of English can lay claim to that phrase

and I have, it's on the cover of my book

learn how to learn English

I've learnt the bloody language, I've done it as an adult and I've written a book about it

I'm not arguing that non-native speakers are better teachers

No, I'm not saying that either.

All I'm arguing against is placing an equal sign between

native speaker and the best language teacher

Don't automatically assume that native equals the best

It's one of the biggest myths about learning a foreign language.

It's one of 8 myths I dispel in my book Virtually Native

a book based on my experience as both

a non-native learner and a teacher of the English language

If you care about your time and money you should read my book before

continuing with your foreign language studies

Virtually Native is available at Amazon and

For more infomation >> Native vs Non-native Language Teachers - Duration: 5:33.


【Life Noggin】穿越地心到另一端要花多少時間? (中文CC字幕) - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 【Life Noggin】穿越地心到另一端要花多少時間? (中文CC字幕) - Duration: 3:29.


Видео урок: как делать backside noseslide. - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Видео урок: как делать backside noseslide. - Duration: 0:47.


Impuls von Weihbischof Ansgar 02.02.2017 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Impuls von Weihbischof Ansgar 02.02.2017 - Duration: 1:30.


Новая Полиция Одессы - Оспариваем двойную сплошную Ч.1 - Duration: 14:54.

For more infomation >> Новая Полиция Одессы - Оспариваем двойную сплошную Ч.1 - Duration: 14:54.


My older brother 나의 친형 - Duration: 1:14.



Hello! I am Nimo

It's a tabehoudai...

tabehoudai..? (all you can eat)

This is going to be good!

We're gonna shabu shabu


How is it, how does it look?



This is my brother

He's older than me by a couple of years and his name is Nathanael

Also known as Nimo

Hello there, I am Nimo!

When we were young we used to hang out together,

and if I needed something doing,

he was always there to help me out

He's got lots of talent, and he takes some really amazing photos

However, for the last 15 years we haven't spent too much time together

For both of us, we found love in Asia

From a young age my brother was interested in Japan

he speaks really good Japanese

and for me I fell in love with Korea

So this year we decided to spend some time together in Seoul and in Japan

and get to know each other in our adopted cultures


We made a series of videos introducing each other to Japan and Korea

Even though we don't spend too much time together

and we don't get to see each other that much

I know there's only one person who can be you

my older brother

Love you mate.

For more infomation >> My older brother 나의 친형 - Duration: 1:14.


21 Ways To Greet Someone Like A Native | Learn Australian English - Duration: 12:07.

G'day guys.

Welcome to this episode of Aussie English.

I'm Pete, and today I'm going to be teaching you 21 ways to greet someone like a native.

Let's go!

So, let's start with the simple ones guys.



Hello, mate!


So, Hello is the kind of greeting that I would use as a native when answering the phone,

you know,

*ring* *ring*, "Hello?

It's Pete speaking.",

if I was answering the door and I didn't know who it was, someone's knocked on the door,

"Hello? Who's there?".

But it's not really the kind of greeting that I would use when talking to someone face-to-face.


Hi, mate!


Hi, again, is pretty common.

You're going to hear this all the time, especially, in countries like America, probably Britain as well.

You might hear it from time to time in Australia, but again,

it's not the kind of greeting that I would really use with people I know.

It might be something that I say to a stranger.

If someone bumps into me and I turn around and they were like, "Oh, sorry.

How's it goin'?", I might say, "Oh, hi!".


Hey, mate!

Hey, how's it goin'?


Hey's the kind of greeting that I would use all the time.

This is short, sweet, very quick.


Hey, how's it going?



G'day, mate!



G'day is another greeting that you guys hear me saying all the time.

This one, however, is definitely Australian.

You're not going to hear this by Americans.

You're not going to hear this by people from the UK, at least, not with that contracted


They'll probably say "Good day" if they're really in a formal situation.

But in Australia we say "G'day" all the time, and especially the more working-class you

are, as you go out into the countryside,

you're going to hear people like Steve Irwin or Crocodile Dundee, that kind of stereotypical

Australian saying, "G'day mate."




Howdy, guys!


Howdy's another one that you might hear sometimes from Australians, but I think this one is

a lot more American,

and the only reason that Australians might say it is if they watch a lot of American

TV and they hear this all the time,

or they're kind of just being a little jovial, you know, a little humorous, like "Howdy!

How's it going?

Howdy, guys!",

you know, sort of putting on that American accent a little bit, but not in a nasty way.

So, that's "Howdy".

Howdy, guys!


Alright, before we move onto the really really good ones, the longer ones, the slightly more

difficult ones,

I want to get through the fact that we don't say "How do you do?".

This's something that I feel is taught all the time, and I have people saying this to

me, but it is incredibly formal.

Obviously, if you were incredibly proper, incredibly formal, if you're in the royal


if you're the Queen of England you might say to people,

"How do you do?

How do you do sir?",

but no one is going to say that to you in real life.

No natives would ever greet each other "How do you do?"

unless they were being sarcastic.

It's a lot more natural to hear people saying...

How're you doing?

How are you doing?

How ya doin'?

How ya doin'?

Good mate. How are you doin'?

How're you doing?

And this one's pronounced "HOW YA DO EN".

How ya doin'?

How ya doin'?

So, now that we've covered that let's move onto the next ones, and these are really common,

these are really common.

What's up?

Hey, mate, what's up?

What is up?

Not literally "What is up?", but more,

"What is up with you?

What's going on?

What're you up to?

What's up?",

and you'll often hear this contracted to just "S'up?".

So, I might be like, "Hey, mate, what's up?" or I could be, "Hey mate, s'up?".

So, you're going to hear this all the time.

What's up?

What's up?

Or simply, "S'up?".

S'up mate?

What've you been up to lately?

What have you been up to lately?

So, what've you been up to?

What've you been doing?

What've you been up to lately?

And you're going to hear this contracted all the time to,

"Whatcha been upta?"


Whatcha bin upta?

Whatcha bin upta, mate?

G'day mate, whatcha bin upta?

Whatcha bin upta?

And this is just another way of saying, "What've you been doing?".

Whatcha bin upta?

Another really common one is "What's goin' on?".

What's goin' on?

Not much, what's goin' on with you?

What's goin' on, man?

What's going on, mate?

And you'll often hear, What's goin' on?

What's goin' on?

What's goin' on?,

you'll often hear this contracted to just "S'goin' on?", SGO EN ON?

So, we've just taken "What" out of the equation, left the "S" and then we've got "GO EN ON".

S'goin' on?

S'goin' on, mate?

What's the goss?

What's the goss, mate?

Not much. What's the goss with you?

What about you? What's the goss?

What's the goss?

"Goss" in this case, is short for the word "Gossip" as in rumours, what's the news?,

what're the secrets about people?

What's the goss?

What's the gossip about you?

What's the goss?

What's new?

G'day, mate, what's new?

What's new?

What's new, man?

"What's new" is just literally, "What is new with you?", What is the news?

What's new?

Can you tell me something I don't know or that I didn't know when I last saw you?

What's new?

What's the news?

What's the news?

And this often gets contracted to "What's news?".

What's news, mate?

Not much. What about you? What's news?

So, you've got "What's new" with no "S" at the end, and then you've got, "What's news?".

And when someone says to you, "What's news?

What's news?", they're asking you to tell them what yours news is.

Like you're watching the news on TV and you're hearing all of the new information for the day.

They want to know what your new information is.

What's news?

Tell me what's new with you.

Tell me what's news.

What's your news?

What's news?

What's been happening?

Hey, man. How's it goin'? What's been happenin'?

What's been happenin'?

What has been happening?

And this often gets contracted all the way down from "What has been happening?"

to "What's been happenin'?"

What's been happenin'?

And this is a lot similar to "What's the news?", "What's the goss?", "What's your news?".

I'm asking you about what's been happening in your life.

What's been happenin'?

Another really really common one, and this is one that you should probably focus on out

of all of them in here,

all of these different greetings, this is a really really common one that's easy to remember

and that you're going to be able to use a lot and hear a lot in Australia,

"How's it goin'?".

How's it going?

How's it goin', mate? How're you?

How's it goin', mate?

"How is it going" getting contracted down to "How's it goin'?"


How's it goin'?

Another one, similar to "How's it goin'" is "How're you goin'?".

How're you going?

How're you going, mate?

Yeah, not bad. How're you goin', mate?

How are you goin', and this gets contracted down to just HOW YA GO EN.

How ya goin'?

How are you?

How ya goin'? How are ya?

Hey, mate! How are ya?

How are ya, mate?

How are you?

Are you good?

How are you?

Tell me how you are.

Are you good?

But this one gets contracted down to HOW WAH YA.

How are ya?

So, that again, that is an incredibly common one.

How are ya?

How are ya?

Learn that one as well as, "How's it goin'?" and "How are ya?".

How are ya, mate?

How's it goin', mate? How are ya?

How's things?

How's things on your end?

How's things, dude?

How's things?

How is things?

This one's probably incorrect grammatically, because "Things" is plural and you're saying

"How IS things",

but all the same, it's said a lot.

How's things?

How's things?

This's similar to "What's news?", "What's goss?", "What's been happenin'?".

How are your things?

What're the things like on your end?

Tell me about your things.

How's things?

And then, obviously, we've got the grammatically correct version, "How ARE things?".

How're things?

Dude! How're things? I haven't seen you in ages.

Yeah, good to see you too, man. How're things?

How're things? We should catch up!

How're things?

How're things?

How's it hanging?

How is it hanging?

Dude, how's it hangin'?

Yeah, not too bad, mate. What about you?

How's it hangin'?

How're you mate? How's it hangin'?

"Hanging" like you were hanging from a tree.

How's it hanging?

This's also very common.

And again, with that "How's it..." it turns into HOW ZIT, HOW ZIT.

How's it hangin'?

So, it gets contracted down from "How is it hanging?" to "How's it hangin'?".

And getting to the last one here, guys, "How have you been?".

Mate, how've you been?

How have you been?

Have you been well, mate?

How've you been, mate?

This is one that also gets contracted even further.

We get rid of the "'VE" from "Have" that's on "How" and we just say...

"How ya been?".

How ya been?

Dude, I haven't seen you in ages!

How ya been?

Dude, what about you?

How ya been?

How ya been?

That's it, guys.

There's at least 21 in there.

They should be pretty easy.

There's a few interesting pronunciation things going on there, but definitely go back over it.

Have a look at the way that I've outlined the real pronunciation of these phrases,

and focus more on using those kinds of colloquial greetings and colloquial ways of saying,

"How are you?", "How're you going", "How're you doing?", "What's going on?",

all of that sort of stuff.

You'll sound a lot more native and people are going to respond really

definitely I think you'll find than if you were to use things like, "Hello"

and "How do you do?".

Anyway, let me know what you guys think.

Do you already use some of these in your day-to-day spoken English?

Comment below, and I'll catch you later guys.

Hope you're well.



See ya!

For more infomation >> 21 Ways To Greet Someone Like A Native | Learn Australian English - Duration: 12:07.


Realistic Police Squad Toy Guns for Kids and Children Two Colorful China Fake Nerf Guns with Bullets - Duration: 8:15.

Realistic Police Squad Toy Guns for Kids and Children Realistic Police Squad Toy Guns Two Colorful China Fake Nerf Guns with Bullets

soft bullet toy guns

Toy Guns for Kids and Children Fake Nerf Guns with Bullets Fake

Nerf Guns toy nerf guns gun toys for kids toys for kids kids toys nerf gun toys fake gun toys colourful gun toys.

For more infomation >> Realistic Police Squad Toy Guns for Kids and Children Two Colorful China Fake Nerf Guns with Bullets - Duration: 8:15.


Конструкция Estar gerundio - делать что-то прямо сейчас - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Конструкция Estar gerundio - делать что-то прямо сейчас - Duration: 5:32.


Haul Soldes Février 2017 idée cadeau St Valentin, concours ouvert à l'international - Duration: 18:21.

For more infomation >> Haul Soldes Février 2017 idée cadeau St Valentin, concours ouvert à l'international - Duration: 18:21.


4 Ways to Better Your Marriage in 20 Seconds - Duration: 3:33.

Hello Beloved!

Today I am trying to upgrade your marriage in 20 seconds!

Are you Interested?

Stay tuned!

Thank you so much for tuning into Beloved Women where we encourage, uplift and equip

women in the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of God's word.

For even more free resources from Beloved Women and to subscribe to our weekly devotion

I invite you to visit

Now enjoy today's video with me, Christina Patterson.

Before I got married I had the opportunity to live with my Aunt and Uncle for a few months.

It was such a blessing to watch them and learn from another couple who had been married for

25+ years.

One thing my Aunt told me was that the first 20 seconds of reconnecting when you get home

from work are crucial.

Now, with 8+ years of marriage under my belt I can say this is the truth.

Those first few seconds have the power to direct the course of your entire evening together.

And since that time goes by so fast before the next day begins it is important to make

the most of it.

However, after a hard day of work, traffic, a long commute, stress from the boss, attitudes

from coworkers, being at home with the kids all day and a never ending to-do list those

first 20 seconds are more challenging than they may seem.

Still, that short amount of time over the years can add up to equal the quality of marriage

you experience.

So it is worth the time, effort and energy to make those first few seconds count.

Here's how:

1) Smile: Your spouse is not your boss who is getting on your nerves, they are not your

child who has exhausted all of your patience, they are not your lazy co-worker or the person

who cut you off while on your way home.

They are the only person you made a vow to love, honor and respect before God.

So it's best not to take your feelings out on your spouse.

It's not fair and they do not deserve that.

A simple smile is a small act of kindness that can go a long way.

It's a gentle reminder that no matter how hard your day was it does not overshadow the

love you have for your spouse and the honor you want to give God through your marriage.

2) Physical Touch.

A full on make out session is not necessary but physical touch in the form of a peck on

the cheek, forehead or hug is a good way to reinforce the unity between the two of you.

It's a good reminder that you are in this together and you are not alone.

It says I'm here with you, I see you and we are on the same team.

3) Communicate.

Keep this simple too.

Ask how your spouse is doing and tell them how you are.

Be honest.

Do you need some time to yourself?

Not ready to talk?

Tell them.

Don't expect your spouse to know what type of day you had and then for them to automatically

know how to respond.

You are going to need to communicate even if it is a few words said in love.

4) Pray.

These tips may seem simple enough but on the really challenging days they may feel near


I encourage you to pray for God's strength for both you and your spouse.

Jesus reminds us: "What is impossible with man is possible with God."

(Luke 18:27 NIV)

Now I want to hear from you.

What things have you done or do now that has helped your marriage the most.

Let's encourage one another in the comments.

I post new videos every week so be sure to subscribe so you never miss a video.

And then visit to sign up to have my weekly devotional called "Hello

Beloved" sent directly to your inbox.

As always thank you so much for watching and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed

and beloved.

For more infomation >> 4 Ways to Better Your Marriage in 20 Seconds - Duration: 3:33.


Анекдот дня! Смешные анекдоты про евреев и казаков! - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Анекдот дня! Смешные анекдоты про евреев и казаков! - Duration: 0:36.


Best Naat Sharif 2017 Punjabi Naat sharif 2017 Hafiz Ghulam Mustafa Qadri - Duration: 12:46.

Best Naat Sharif 2017 Punjabi Naat sharif 2017 Hafiz Ghulam Mustafa Qadri

For more infomation >> Best Naat Sharif 2017 Punjabi Naat sharif 2017 Hafiz Ghulam Mustafa Qadri - Duration: 12:46.


Expedições da NASA estudam o planeta (leg PT-BR) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Expedições da NASA estudam o planeta (leg PT-BR) - Duration: 1:08.


Let's Talk About Mental Health 😊😞 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Let's Talk About Mental Health 😊😞 - Duration: 2:08.


EL SALVADOR, ¿el país más VIOLENTO del mundo? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> EL SALVADOR, ¿el país más VIOLENTO del mundo? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 11:19.


SPEAKING ARABIC ! | اتكلم عربي - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> SPEAKING ARABIC ! | اتكلم عربي - Duration: 3:49.


Wild Animals with Dave Salmoni and Rob Lowe - Duration: 9:53.

Our next guest is here to promote the Puppy Bowl

which airs Sunday on Animal Planet. You would think he'd bring puppies

instead he brought a bear, and other monsters to maul us.

Please welcome the Canadian Tarzan, Dave Salmoni!

Dave! Hi, how are ya?

Sorry, I'm a little hands-full. Yeah I can see that

And I will say that I'm already alarmed

because you're bleeding already.

No that's not true. I need you to sit there. Me here.

Why is that not true? I need treats...

There's blood on your arm right now.

I scratched myself. Yeah, alright.

That doesn't count, that's only a little bit!

Can you pass me the treats please?

Yeah, alright, which ones? Those ones there in your hand, yeah.

What is this, chicken? Chicken, yeah. Okay, alright.

Hi there, wow it smells like a skunk!

Okay, so this is a red fox. And you're right, he does

smell a little bit like a fox-- no like a skunk.

I guess he smells exactly like a fox. Yeah.

Now is this thing dangerous, this animal?

Because it looks a little mangy.

It looks like-- if you saw a dog that was this size

it would be the same level of danger, if he decides to--

Here, buddy, you want that?

So no danger. I mean a dog this size I wouldn't be at all scared of.

Yeah well I mean a dog this size could bite you

and you'd bleed, but you wouldn't have a problem.

Okay. A red fox is one of my--

Oh good boy. Okay, why don't we put you right here.

We're going to put you down a little bit

see if you want a treat down here.

Yeah, have a treat down there.

Alright good boy see that's where he wants some treats.

So it's like a fox in the hen house

he's actually eating chicken.

Yeah, so it's funny you say that. One of my favorite

things about these guys is that, you know, they say

"sly as a fox." The reason they say that is because

they are very smart. Oh!

Very agile too! This one doesn't want to be on TV either.

Well I think we're going to send him away.

Yeah, and now are we worried that there's chicken there

and it might excite some of the other animals?

That's probably a good idea - I'm supposed to be the animal guy

but I'm glad you're paying attention.

Yes believe me, I am on full alert right now.

I need a glove - right there. You know-- here we go.

Okay, alright now you know Rob was attacked by a bird

I know, so we're going to try to keep him away.

Okay-- bad bird karma.

Because you do not want to get attacked by this guy.

No, yeah those are dangerous, right?

Okay so now this is a great horned owl.

The first thing you're probably going to notice is--

Why do they always look like they're going through a divorce?

The first thing you're going to notice about this guy

is the fact-- you can see his wing's a little bit-- doesn't fit along the side.

On that side as much as this. He was injured.

So he's a rescue, so he becomes what we call

an "ambassador animal," he's out here to show

everybody how awesome they are.

He's not able to be released back into the wild

because he couldn't hunt properly.

I see, I see, so he wouldn't be able to, like

eat that fox or anything-- would it eat like a baby fox?

Totally, absolutely, even adults-- with this guy, a great horned owl--

Wait, wait he'd eat adults?

Adult fox? Oh adult fox, I was just checking.

I know you have a bird phobia. Yeah.

But, I mean, it's great actually.

Let me show you the talons there.

So those talons on my glove right there

That's what they use to hunt.

So they can-- I mean those things are 2 inches long in some cases.

They can kill things as big as a baby deer

No! Really? Absolutely.

This little owl could kill a deer? Absolutely

This is the biggest owl in North America.

Alright but it's still not that big.

No, it's true, and you know the one thing is

they have to manage the size of--

What's up? Oh look, he's looking back at me!

Yeah, so he's looking at you. See those big yellow eyes?

Yeah. You know they like to hunt at night

Those eyes are particularly designed to see at nighttime

They are beautiful-- he must love all these

television lights, that must be really comfortable for him

Luckily, as you can tell, he can obviously manage for it

so that black in his eye, if it was darker, would just get bigger.

So with the television lights, he just closes them down

and he's perfect! If this animal was at the Puppy Bowl

with you, it could eat all the puppies, right?

Well it could-- it would be a massacre! But luckily

we actually had an owl as the mascot this year, so

this year Puppy Bowl is very important, Animal Planet

Oh so you're adding an element of danger for the puppies then.

We made sure it was all well refereed.

We got Dan the Ref that takes care of everything.

Alright well that's great looking. What is this owl's name?

This owl's name is probably Bob?

Oh it's Twiddleberries. Twiddleberries? No wonder he's pissed off.

Well... bye Twiddleberries!

Sorry about your name!

Okay, so I need the other bowl there. Alright.

Need the other bowl. What is this, blueberries?

Yeah sure, grab a couple blueberries for me, Jimmy.

Oh yeah look at that! This looks like a little guy here, right?

This is a raccoon!

I have to say: this looks just like my cousin Mickey's son Michael.

So grab some blueberries, and feed him--

No, in your hand. Oh. There you go, Rob. Sure.

Take some blueberries in your hand--

In my hand-- yeah Rob, feed 'em.

Give him some foods.

Aren't you not supposed to feed raccoons?

You are not supposed-- that's a good comment.

You're not. You know, this is sort of my opportunity

to say they don't make good pets

this guy is unique. It's not very often you get

an eleven-year-old raccoon like this

that's going to be this sweet.

Why aren't they ever afraid of me at my house?

Like I come out and they're like

"Hey! Get off my land!"

They've kind of evolved alongside us, right?

So these guys have been very successful in an urban environment

So they really like, you know garbage

so this is what we sort of tell people: keep your garbage

well contained in a way that they can't get in it.

Because they've learned if they growl at you

show you their teeth a bit--

Here Jimmy, you do some of the same thing.

What? Put your hand out. Okay, alright, now that

you tried it on Rob I feel more comfortable.

Who would win in a fight between this and the fox?

This guy weighs a little bit more, but a fox are pretty smart.

Luckily they don't fight very often.

Oh look, he's got-- he's picking things up with his hands!

Yeah, they're very dexterous. That's so weirdly human!

Yeah they're very dexterous.

You can see-- if I had something bigger...

Feed him your nuts!

You know what we're going to do now is we're going to take a break

Dave is here, we're going to move all the furniture out

So that everything doesn't get destroyed

and then we're going to bring in a black bear.

How many pounds does this bear weigh?

Over 600. 600! And we're going to get it on Nutrisystem

and see if we can't get it down.

Dave Salmoni, Rob Lowe, and a raccoon!

We'll be right back with a bear!

Hi there, we're back with Rob Lowe and Dave Salmoni

This is the-- we just gave the audience a warning

Everybody's been told to clap quietly or you'll be killed.

Don't get out of your chair or you'll be killed

Don't move or you'll be killed, so there's a lot of

potential for mayhem and death here, right Dave?

There is no potential for mayhem and death.

There's a little bit.

It is, you know like any of these types of things

you're always trying to manage things for making sure

that it's most fun for the animals.

Yes, we're managing things, yes. We're going to manage a bear.

Where's Guillermo, by the way? Speaking of managing things.

What you're seeing there-- he's hiding, he's hibernating.

There's a black bear. Oh my God.

Look at the size of that--it's like the flag has come to life.

This is a black bear, and probably the first thing you're going to notice

So I want you guys to take a couple of steps that way.

Wait a minute, why is the black bear brown?

Right, that's the first thing you notice is he's brown.

Yeah. They can come in lots of different colors.

They do? They do! They can come like even blonde.

Blonde black bears?

There we go, there we go. Wow! Come here, buddy.

I can't believe this. I can't either. This is a big

this is a very big bear.

Good boy, Ben, how are you?

There you go, good boy!

Alright guys you can come on over closer to me

That's a beautiful animal.

What should we do?

So come on over.

So the first thing I always tell people around big animals

is people feel like 15 feet away is the safest spot

but closest to the wrangler is the safest spot. Oh really?

Okay, and you're the wrangler? I can keep you safe

I can't see you over there. Well yeah for now.

If I got the leash, that means I'm the boss right now.

Yeah, have you spent a lot of time with bears?

I, actually, was a bear biologist.

My first thesis I wrote was on bear nuisance behavior.

So one of the biggest conservational issues we have with bears

is because they live around people

people are terrified of them, so they start worrying about

should we hunt more of them-- no!

We don't want any problems with you!

So the best way to not have problems

is to... feed them grapes. Feed them grapes!

Get a handful of grapes. Do you want to try to feed them grapes?

So you don't have any problems? No! I don't at all!

Rob do you want to try? Alright I'll do it.

Alright, Rob has been wanting to feed the bear grapes

so-- what I want you to do

is you're going to put your hand out nice and flat

so I can put the grapes on you

and then you hold it there. Okay? Nice and flat.

Come over here. That way it doesn't choke it when it goes in.

Come here. Give me your hand.

Right like that-- flatter, flatter flatter, now to the bear.

Yes, to the bear. Down here, down here, down here

Don't be scared, Rob. Oh wow! There you go.

Look at that! It's like a dog.

So amazing!

Now probably the first thing you noticed there was

it's mostly lips and tongue-- it's all cozy!

The teeth are further back. A big beautiful cozy mouth!

Isn't he supposed to be hibernating this time of year?

This is the time of year for them to be hibernating

Here why don't you-- so he's not upset? Jimmy come here.

What would that mean though, when you talk about--

would he legitimately be asleep-- oh look at this, oh boy.

Well, so, the one thing about hibernation-- there you go

Yeah you can pull your hand away.

There you go. Nighty night! Good night!

What if he never-- he just decides to sleep here for the winter?

So this is a good opportunity to look at his paw.

See those paws? Yeah? They're super dexterous

with those paws. The claws, they look like

they're for hunting and things like that. Yeah.

They're actually for digging. Wow. So they're not--

those aren't sort of vicious claws, those are just big tools, because this guy

although he likes to eat some meats

also is digging for-- what meats does he like to eat?

He'll eat a young deer, he'll eat fish, he'll eat--

you know, even if they find anything along the forest floor.

I am none of those things! Exactly.

Wow this is great, I actually feel kind of comfortable.

Like I could take a nap on this bear right now. Absolutely!

Would it be advisable to nap on the bear?

I wouldn't tonight with this bear, when I'm around

but some other bear.

Well, Dave, you've done it again.

You should have a Bear Bowl, instead of the Puppy Bowl

I think it would be more exciting. Maybe next year!

The Puppy Bowl is on Animal Planet, Puppy Bowl 13

on Super Bowl Sunday: 3:00 Eastern, noon Pacific.

Dave Salmoni, everybody. Rob Lowe, you're very brave, Rob.

You''re very brave. Thanks.

For more infomation >> Wild Animals with Dave Salmoni and Rob Lowe - Duration: 9:53.


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