Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 1 2017

umm just letting you know my apartment is not done

thats why i have not shown you around

i did get a new couch and i just came back from ikea and got some new pillows

so thats exciting . but today i want to open up these packeges

because my last opening. um . my last video were im opening packages . i opens a couple and thought i had more

i did have more i just accidentally put them all over the house when i was moving

so i had like a box in my bedroom and a box here and a box there

so i have them all in front of me right now and im going to open them ad we are gonna talk about this

also im using my new ring light and it is so bright and it is so hard to look at the camera with this brightness but thats ok

im gonna get used to it, im just not used to the brightness

minou and beauty are so needy since i moved so thats fun

i wanna open this one first because this is somthing in my last vlog that i had to go pick up

and this is from south korea

i got scissors this time im smart

so i know you cant really see me opening it but i dont like that it wasnt centered

alrighty oh my god air bags

no im kidding

ooo what dis what dis

ooo ok so theres a whole bunch little mask things here a pokemon mask a beauty mask

i think these are masks , they just look like beauty products

beauu-ty products

i dont know what this is oooo ohh

i know what this is

ok so i put on my list a whole bunch of stuff to get for future videos

to make face masks and stuff like that and then i believe that this is eye stick stuff

panda thing im pretty sure this is zuzias actually this is the thing that zuizas been waiting for

they re not at home right now so i cant call them up but im sure that they'll really appreciate this

im pretty sure this is for them i have to make sure but im pretty sure this is for them

so thank you

alright i hope you can see me though

this isnt going to be a video place unless you'd like it to be a video place

to do videos

what is this

" chase your videos have helped me so much while discovering who i really am.

and they make me see that i am not alone please continue your awesome work, you are my favorite youtuber by far

marious from Germany

sorry if i said your name wrong im really bad with names

ooo what dis

oh my god yes the language of letting go

these books are kind of embarrassing because theyre all like helping your self

but what ever, i put this on my list a couple days ago

i dont know what im trying to say right now

thank you so much

whats this

aww yeah

cat slippers

because i need slippers and i was likeyou know what imma get on that cat lifestyle

because i have every thing else cat i might as well have cat slippers

so thank you so much i dont think that theres a note in here

not because its like a third party seller and they dont let you put notes

but oh my god whoever got me this thatnk you so much

what this

what dis?

ohh i think i know what this is

two identical packages what did i put that i need two of

yes, oh my got this is gonna be amazing

um this is for the podcast

im so glad that we have these i cant wait to try these out

oh my god thank you so much

"hi guys i love the podcast i hope these help enjoy- best marcas"

thank you

ok so this some tiny tiny tiny wrapping

so its hard to hide my address

ooo you dont even know what it is and im like ooo

this is going to be great its a mask, its like a face mask for black heads and stuff like that

i cant wait to make videos of me trying these things

you have no idea how exited i am to try these face masks and stuff like that in the video

im so exited

and it looks like im hiding it

im so sick im sorry

ive been eyeing this one literately since the day i got back from Slovakia/poland

cause it was there and i haven't opened it

oh my god yes

"welcome home enjoy your gift from dianna in toronto"

i have baking pans

which is fantastic because mine are so old and i didnt want to bring them with me in the move

so now i can throw them out

also like bugs lived on mine so thank you this is fantastic your saving me anxiety


also do you like the color green on the blue couch im having alot of anxiety about this couch

and like l feel like it wasnt a good decision

i have anxiety about buying anything for myself

i bought myself straws at ikea ody and im like EEE


my god yes

yes this is like a wall mount thing for the bathroom so i can put things

because i have no storage in my bathroom

and i didnt know that before i moved into this apartment

like i didnt really check if there was storage in the bathroom

and then like i moved in and was like oh my god theres no storage i dont know where to put anything

so this is gonna be fantastic

basically all of my hair dyes gonna go on here

so oh my god thank you so much

and there is a little note, there is a little note

which lips

"at the risk of keeping the sugar daddy label i am sending you what i hope will help the move to your new roach free place

theres also a microwave stand by the way happy moving best wishs-richard"



papito richard

in a non sexual way

oh my god yes

and hes not really giving anything away about the microwave i did get that, i had to go pick it up in the mail

i have it somewhere here its not wrapped so it says on the front that its a stand for a microwave

oh my god

richard, your amazing, this is amazing

i cant wait to build this

thank you so much

im really overwhelmed right now

ive been really stressed for the last like 3,4,5 days

and i feel like i havent been able to do anything but all ive been doing is putting work into making this apartment cleaner

and looking presentable, for me to be happy with it

i dont care about anyone else its really for me

oh also its right here, this is the microwave stand here

so i did not know that richard sent me this , so thank you so much richard

i will be making this soon probably tommorow

i am super duper exited about this

ok so lets open this one over here

its like cereal or somthing

or like food what else would there , i didnt put cereal on there

i was just letting you know theres no cereal on my list

air bags!!! im kidding

ooo this is big

what is this

oh jesus

what does that sound like to you?

"this is a thank you for being an all around amazing person and helping me understand more about the trans community

happy holidays from alex fox"

thats a cool name

alex fox

alex fox and chase ross

that would be like a tongue twister

we could have a tv show

what is this

sold as set

what is this, ohh shit

oh my god i was like it feels like food

oh my goodness

oh im so excited yesss

these are like nutless clusters

these are such a good snack

hash tag that vegan life

but they are like chocolate and dates and coconut

and i i i am in love i have snacks

and its like a box full of them to

oh my god these are gonna be so great

im gonna put another box on my wish list just because i love these so much

theyre like a really great healthy alternitive snack

i dont even know if theyre healthy theyre just really fucking good

its really heavy

i have no idea what it is

what is this

what is this

oh my god

i didnt think that these were bought

oh my god

oh my goodness this is awesome

oh my god these are two end tables for my bed

because i need, oh my god

i had no idea, like i looked at my wishlist like yesterday

and this was still on it and was like ok im just gonna take it off my wishlist

so today i went to ikea AND I BOUGHT MYSELF AN END TABLE

ohmy god

it was like a really cheap on it was like $39

or somthing

i am returning that oh my goodness

can i just tell you what it says on the box right over here

"we like gentle men please handle with care"

i says that right here, i dont know if you can see that its kinda bright

ooo theres a note good good good

i wanna see who sent me this

so i can thank them

"all of your informitive videos, mental heath update and podcast with Aaron were honestly the

only things that kept me going during 2016

you have made such a positive change in my life

and i could never thank you enough- Dan"

thank you so much dan im so glad that ive been able to help you

and that aaron and i have been able to help you in the podcast

heas been able to help you

and youre helping me

thank you so much

i feel so overwhelmed about these gifts

and maybe i didnt react like this for all of the gifts in the past

and i dont know , maybe that makes my a bad person

i dont know i dont know

all i know is that im feeling really emotional because

i feel like ive had to do eveything by myself and its hard to be alone

i feel like i have no one

yeah i have zuzia and stuff like that down stairs but

i dont know its different i feel like i need more support

more help and i dont know what type of help im asking for

do you see what i mean im in a conflicting place

right now i feel like my heart is so big and heavy

and i feel like, like im not asking for monetary things physical objects


um to make me feel better to get me the support that i need

um but i feel like these messages that im getting are just so nice

and im umm beyond great full for every single little thing that ive gotten

from this to the rack for my microwave

which i dont actually have a microwave yet so , wishlist

if you wanna check that out

un to the pens to the little face masks everything

i appreciate every single thing

and you are helping my move

so much by doing that so much, because youre getting me things that i need to get

so you are saving me money

so thank you for that

umm yeah but im gonna stop crying im gonna stop making this video

im gonna go edit this, post it online

sorry my voice is all messed up, i feel it, like this is my voice, thats what i feel like.

this is my voice 7 years on T

i feel like im so deep

um but its not gonna be this deep forever

it is deep lol

im outy

thank you for watching, thank you, like i said i have a po box

so if you just want to send me a little note a little post it

if you wanna send me a big box with one little post it in it

if you want to send me a box of bees


if you want to send my your cat, im kidding

if you wanna send me lockets of your cats hair

if you wanna send me a peen

if you wanna send me um {beauty meows} alittle note a little letter

or anything a package

my po box excepts every thing from like a little tiny letter to like a huge package

so im outy beauty says meow

she loves you she loves you for the little gifts you get her and mionu blitto

thank you so much have a great day, ok, bye

For more infomation >> LOOK WHAT RICHARD GOT ME!!!! - Duration: 12:40.


The Vampire Diaries | Favorite Scenes with Kat Graham and Zach Roerig | The CW - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> The Vampire Diaries | Favorite Scenes with Kat Graham and Zach Roerig | The CW - Duration: 1:01.


The British Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation - Duration: 7:00.

The (British) Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation.

World politics today is governed by the Vatican, but also by the Crown Empire. The modern world

of so-called Western Civilization began at the end of the 17th century with the blossoming

of the British Empire.

That empire actually began several hundred years earlier with the establishment of the

City of London, which is now an 800-year corporation that controls finance from an entity called

�The Crown�.

This entity is the creator and controller of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve,

the World Bank (IMF � International Monetary Fund), The European Union, and various cartels

and corporations across the earth.

The Crown Identity is kept most secret, and The Crown Bank of England took and assumed

control of the United States during the Roosevelt Administration (1901-1909) when its agents,

who were really Crown agents (J. P. Morgan), took over 25% of American business.

The Crown has never been the King or Queen of England since the establishment of the

corporate body, but the British Monarchy is a figurehead for The Crown, rules parliament

in Great Britain and has authority over the Prime Ministers through a Vatican knighthood

called the Order of the Garter.

The Crown, however, is not the King or Queen of England � they are an established monarchy

of the corporate body.

The Crown is the directorate of the corporation, and Great Britain is ruled by The Crown, the

City of London which controls the Bank of England � a private corporation [owned by

the Rothschild dynasty]. There is a private state existing in Britain within the centre

of London.

This City, located in the heart of Greater London, became a sovereign-state in 1694 when

King William III of Orange privatised the Bank of England, and turned it over to the

Vatican banksters who today rule the financial world.

The City/The Crown Corporation is not subject to British Law; it has its own courts, its

own laws, its own flag, its own police force � exactly like the Vatican city state and

Washington DC Columbia. The Crown Corporation is also separate from the Metropolitan city;

its police drive red police cars and their uniforms are different from the Metropolitan


Also, The Crown in London houses the privatized Bank of England and Lloyd�s of London, the

London Stock Exchange, and all British Banks. It also houses the branch offices of 385 foreign

banks, 70 US banks, as well as Fleet Street newspapers and publishing monopolies. It controls

the world media and world intelligence. [And the Rothschilds control The Crown].

It is out of The Crown City of London, the headquarters of British Freemasonry overseen

by the British Monarchy and the Duke of Kent, that World Freemasonry is governed. This includes

the Grand Orient Masonic Order and the Washington DC Scottish Rite.

In 1945 the Bank of England was nationalised by the Labour Government, and is allegedly

no longer a private bank, although it governs the US Federal Reserve. It is ruled over by

the Rothschilds, who are bankers for the Pope � guardians of the Vatican Treasury.

The City of London also has its own Lord Mayor, different from the current Mayor, who has

the power in The Crown Corporation.

When the Queen wishes to conduct business in the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor

at Temple Bar. Temple Bar and their associate franchises come from what is called the Four

Inns of the Temples of Court � the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple.

The logo of the Inner Temple is a white horse on the sunburst seal of the Jesuit Order.

The white horse is a symbol of the British Empire / Order of the Garter / Crown Corporation,

and is the same white horse which is the symbol of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).

The white horse is a Jesuit symbol � Pegasus. It is the Jesuit Order that governs the Honourable

Society of the Inner Temple. The Inner Temple is the core group that governs the City of

London Corporation.

The whole Earth is governed by The Crown, through Crown Colonies which belong to The

City � The Crown Empire. It governs Africa and still governs China and India. The colonies

of the Earth are really just Crown Colonies � The United States of America are states

of The Crown.

This being said, however, it is vitally important to remember the following. The Crown Empire

uses commercial law (a.k.a. international maritime law, or law of contracts) as its

means of control. This law does not apply to sovereign, free men and women.

Your name, when spelt out in all capital letters � as in JULIAN WEBSDALE � is a corporation,

a trust set up by the government through the treasury department at your birth. Every time

a child is born, a corporation/trust is created using his or her name in all capital letters.

They do this because governments are corporations and they operate under commercial law, the

law of contracts.

The laws passed by governments only apply to corporations and not to living, breathing,

flesh and blood sovereign-free men and women spelt in upper-lower or all lower case, as

with Julian Websdale, or julian websdale.

The living, breathing sovereign man and woman is subject to common law, not the commercial

law introduced by governments through legislation.

By Julian Websdale, | Reference: YouTube

About the author: Julian Websdale is an independent researcher in the fields of esoteric science

and metaphysics, and a self-initiate of the Western Esoteric Tradition. His interest in

these subjects began in 1988. Julian is an author on and you can visit

his personal blog here.

For more infomation >> The British Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation - Duration: 7:00.


OPEN CALL + GIVEAWAY + NERDCON NEWS | The Road to Nerdfighteria - Duration: 2:49.


My name is Liz.

I'm part of The Road to Nerdfighteria team.

It's time for another open call, Nerdfighters.

And just like Freud's Division of the Psyche, this video comes to you in 3 parts.

Part 1: And the winner is…

Last open call, we were offering a drawing for this super cool poster to one lucky nerdfighter

who submitted their story.

And the winner of the super cool poster is…

Renee Borcas!

Congratulations Renee and thank you for sharing your story with us!

Part 2: Open call!

We're having another open call for story submissions, and the deadline this time is

February 28th.

As per yooj… yoozsh… youge… yuʒ.

All stories submitted by then will be featured across our of all social media platforms in

March and April.


If you submit your story by February 28th you'll be entered into a drawing for this

awesome exclusive t-shirt, designed the one and only by Risa Rodil!

We're looking forward to featuring all of your blog posts, artwork, videos, photos,

and other forms of creative media.

For exact instructions on how to submit your story, check out the info in the doobly-doo

or watch this video.

Don't worry – there will be open calls for submissions in the future.

If you want to be the first to know about open calls, follow us @Road2NF on Twitter,

Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook.

Part 3: NerdCon: Nerdfighteria!

We are so excited to be traveling to Boston next month for NerdCon: Nerdfighteria.

We'll be presenting a panel on the Road to Nerdfighteria project.

During the panel, we'll be sharing an awesome community video, and you'll also have a

chance to share your Road to Nerdfighteria stories with other Nerdfighters!

So if you're attending NerdCon: Nerdfighteria, look for us Saturday, February 25th from 4-5pm

in room 203!

Come and share your story IRL!

To recap: Big congrats to Renee Borcas for winning this fancy new poster.

Get your stories in by February 28th if you want to be the winner of this exclusive Risa

Rodil designed t-shirt!

Info on how to submit your story is in the doobly doo and in this video here.

And we hope to see you in person at NerdCon: Nerdfighteria on Saturday, February 25th from

4-5pm in Room 203.

And as always, you can stay up to date on all the Road to Nerdfighteria happenings by

following us in all of these places.

And as always, DFTBA!

For more infomation >> OPEN CALL + GIVEAWAY + NERDCON NEWS | The Road to Nerdfighteria - Duration: 2:49.





NIKE HYPERVENOM 3 TEST ⚽️: Ultimate Striker Challenges 🔥 - Duration: 3:11.

Hey guys! Martin from Football4Broz.

Today we're testing the Hypervenom 3.

This boots is specially created for strikers.

This is why we're gonna do 3 striker challenges to test the boots to the limit!


The first exercise is the 'Speed Snipe' from the Nike Football App.

It is important to focus on a clean and powerful strike and of course to do so on a high tempo.

Simple: 2 touches - 1 goal. Let`s go!

Last but not least the basic penalties!

What matters here is important for every striker.

Being ice cold in front of the goal!

This was our test of the Hypervenom 3!

Big thanks to Nike Football for the boots!

And of course thanks for watching broz!

Click here to subscribe.

Click there for our last video.

Peace! #teamF4B

For more infomation >> NIKE HYPERVENOM 3 TEST ⚽️: Ultimate Striker Challenges 🔥 - Duration: 3:11.


【Minecraft】マイクラの全ブロックでピラミッド Part63【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:19.

Hello, this is Teryi.

Good evening, it is slowly.

Thank you for your viewing.

Thanks dear.

Well, we have approached is finally Jiendo go. Tension runs.

It I was long since decided to go.

Last time, digging an underground passage from the darkness of the village until the pyramid outside, were various transactions.

While leaving the 50 pieces of emerald ore, it was aligned the block for level 4 beacon was good.

The timing to go to surprisingly digging obsidian, may have been appropriate.

I did not have been able to reduce the number to dig if more to postpone?

Is not it bland and too small.

In, the direction of armor, will be enough remains of the strongest equipment.

We Are want to increase the risk of hell bound.

Honestly, from falling into the abyss is one of the thousands of such operation mistake. If here has determined that should enjoy a more thrill.

Also still one of the possible ten thousand, to reduce as much as possible suffer from eleven Ender Pearl.

I'm talking of Once Well is thrown into the moment.

In, ready on Hippegashi the map. In immediately, it will head to the end portal.

Well see you I'm coming back soon to leave something up.

Now with stomach is reduced in the place ran a pyramid aside about 1 minute.

This is strange, but on past experience, you may occasionally be reminded suddenly when you are eating a steak.

Brain to chew well do you activation.

Are not you eat like swallow.

In, like crazy rummage the chest and somersault in the base, I finally found a bottom line of the pumpkin.

Because the pumpkin had already secured as the next of building material, it was transferred to a building material spare chest.

Well you will once again re-starting, but because from the Jiendo want to return straight to the pyramid sites, I want to like do not use the bed while on the move.

By the way, the end portal, you have to remember that there is the other side of this mound.

We'll have a decent distance.

So it was a little impatience feeling.

Already I think also he who noticed, this is the is that after a few minutes I realized that was completely fool's errand.

Uo, lug's after a long time is tough.

And, I arrived traced on the verge of coming sinking sun at the entrance to the end portal.

In, to eliminate degree, immediately beside the bookshelf mining site, which came to the room of the end portal, is finally where I thought it was breath.


It left something most mental damage is greater in recent years.

Really, it did not should rely on memory.

After review of the past play data after this, the Jiendo had by visiting the fortress that was found in two or plant eyes.

And I think I'm two or plant eyes of the fortress was not willing to be close from the pyramid base. I remember I saw the play data.

It means that the game is resumed from where it was exhaustion.

Well was wasted is a place called round-trip 10 minutes a little.

No, because while to recover the way home ran out sugar cane, not meant to waste.

There would have been raised in a sugar cane if base.

If so while recovering the beef that has been reduced considerably, not meant to waste.

Not a just want to take it out?

In addition, since did not while updating the map of this scale, not meant to waste.

To another near the pyramid, so that has not been updated.

Apparently even come this far should be noted that the pyramid is just outside only me is displayed.

Perhaps to, do you display of laden transmission block at regular intervals have been priority.

In, and to try Well, we tried to ascertain the map more and more up the pyramid.

Wow. Kinda I want you to pardon.

It Is fate that can not be run away from a black shadow.

Heck, this What'll I do? Will specifications of always appearing mystery in this pyramid structure.

I wonder not a deeply engraved the curse to save data simply.

Well we finished the organizing items back to the base. Now what will head to Jiendo.

In a two-or office eyes of Jiendo portal because the banks of the lake, the map need to carry is unlikely.

When running in the east-northeast is also 70 seconds from the site, we found a unceremoniously entrance.

I'll close after all.

Well too close to be I'm a problem.

Extremely Will impression was thin with easily found 's because. It did not unreasonable also have disappeared from my long-term memory.

Are you saying what the hell.

Now in about three minutes, we found a bookshelf mining site.

In addition in about two minutes, you discover the treasure that had been missed to take before.

It did missed taken to have been searching up to the immediate vicinity.

Since the scarcity value of the iron is up is delicious iron.

In, like somehow there is an abandoned mine over there. What what was found when the previous search.

Where there are still torches, I like a rediscovery.

Any time to recover the yarn and rail of spiders, is useful likely.

In, end portal where a of you do?

I was looking for yet.

After all 10 minutes over a little, it is finally re-discovered the room of the end portal.

When the pre-torch is placed, it's where I'm the not sure whether you search.

I I I should have put mark the route up to the room.

Well, we have words run, and then to be the risk of a beacon in company abyss fall.

Throw Ender Pearl remains closed to Ender chest is the wrong way.

Perhaps to, does not or not expect that the fall in the abyss?

We pay close attention so as not to fall as much as possible, but when the fell when fell Well.

Well, the Itto of Ender Pearl, beacons and 164 pieces of ore block, ready to bet the pickaxe of the strongest equipment and efficiency enhancement Five now ready.

Uo alive. It is clear.

This, it I did not fall and compelling that there is no.

Well Ender Man is come to warp on top of the obsidian portal exit, as long as you do not hurry, we have stepped it's okay.

Well, from here it is the production.

In fact, if you are playing for many years Micra, the ones that still made Ender Crystal, I do or not be viewed up close.

In, in this situation, which dug crispy the much trouble obsidian, but it is I want to take a look intently the Crystal.

In other words, I Are supposed bow is left Crystal in bad thanks.

In, the time being because the crystal do not see, I will Nagameyo climb the tower of this obsidian towering right next to the portal.

164 pieces of ore block is fully assembled in about 3 minutes.

It suitable time just ramen is completed.

In, will this in the beacon track record is released Speaking.

Now all that is left, presented the diamond to overkill.

And potions created under a little, time of its right of adventure.

And, wizard is already so punitive that already, level 4 beacon track record, five.

It should be noted that at the time of tying the previous work of the height, had been adjusted so as to release the beacon track record at the same time planning complete with.

So it means that virtually, was tied level 4 beacon prohibited.

Well I wonder it becomes that.

This project in fact, we have put a decent use of level 4 beacon in mind. This will Ainari and finally production.

But it was quite late.

Let's just take the obsidian mining.

To start in the diamond after all.

Without also mean that there was insistence is separate from, I diamond is not the most undue importance without.

At least for now, is low value than iron to be consumed by the scissors of sheep shearing.

It should be noted that the number of obsidian required 540 pieces, is the place to say that roughly 8 stack and a half.

Without a beacon, if you use a diamond pickaxe without enchantment, at 9.7 seconds per one obsidian, but will be one and a half hours in the guide.

In the current situation, which has been strengthening maximum mining, it says 540 obsidian is the amount of work to the extent that cut 20 minutes.

In other words, I can I can afford to have in various playing.

Then, climbing dug about 4 minutes in a spiral staircase, where pulled spotted the top of the tower, this time will be up here because there is a good Kiri.

Oh, there is or would be survival of Ender Crystal.

Not try a little moved jump throw Ender Pearl?

You dismissed. It falls or rather.

Now people of play after this, so we are to the point where finished digging the obsidian, will next take on architecture.

In we work hard the next time.

see you next time. Buying and selling.

For more infomation >> 【Minecraft】マイクラの全ブロックでピラミッド Part63【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:19.


PEWDIEPIE - Youtuber Sculpture - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> PEWDIEPIE - Youtuber Sculpture - Duration: 4:42.


Райское место (18 серия) - Duration: 48:36.

For more infomation >> Райское место (18 серия) - Duration: 48:36.


Health Tips in Urdu kan ke dard ka desi ilaj kan dard ka ilaj in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 2:38.

Health Tips

Health Tips in Urdu

For more infomation >> Health Tips in Urdu kan ke dard ka desi ilaj kan dard ka ilaj in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 2:38.


Куда пропала библиотека Ивана Грозного. Нераскрытые тайны! Документальный фильм 01.02.2017 тайна - Duration: 24:00.

For more infomation >> Куда пропала библиотека Ивана Грозного. Нераскрытые тайны! Документальный фильм 01.02.2017 тайна - Duration: 24:00.


İlluminati Oyun Kartları - Duration: 8:56.

Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran insanları.

Tüm Dünya da kriptoloji ile az yada çok uğraşan herkesin en büyük beyin fırtınası

haline gelen İlluminati kart oyunu hakkında bilgiler vereceğimiz bir video ile sizlerle


Aslında İlluminati denen oluşum Teşkilatlanması gereği birçok dala ayrıldığı için hakkında

değinilmesi gereken bir çok konu var.

Ancak bu videomuz da biz sadece kart oyununa odaklanacağız.

Gerek internette gerek bazı dergi ve gazetelerde olsun İlluminati gelecekte gerçekleştireceği

eylemleri yıllar öncesinden bir oyunla açıkladı tarzında birçok bilgi mevcut.

Peki nedir bu İlluminati kartları?

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri merkezli Steve Jackson Games firması 1994 yılında monapoly

gibi kendine has bir kart oyunu piyasaya sürmüştür.

oyunun ismi illuminati yeni dünya düzenidir.

Oyunun ilham kaynağı Robert Shea ve Robert Anton Wilson tarafından 1975'te yayınlanmış

The Illuminatus!

Trilogy adlı bir kitaptır.

Oyunun amacı, oyuncuların dünyayı yasal veya yasa dışı yollardan yönetmesini sağlamaktır.

Oyunun sloganı ise belki bu oyunun arkasında da illuminati vardır her yerde oldukları


Buraya kadar her şey normal görünüyor değil mi?

peki ya size oyun kartlarının üzerlerindeki resimlerin bir süre sonra gerçekleştiğini


94'lerde piyasaya sürülen bu kartları incelediğimizde onlarca kartın gerçekleştiğini görüyoruz.

Fakat diğer yandan da birçok kart daha gerçekleşmemiş olayları kapsıyor.

Bu kartların 370 tanesi açıklamakta zorlandığımız ve daha gerçekleşmemiş olayları kapsıyor.

400'e yakın İlluminati kartı var. şimdi bu kartların bazlarına göz atalım.

Kartın ismi: Terörist saldırı Kartın üzerinde bulunan ibare : "Bu kartı

kontrolünüz altında bulunan bir şiddet grubuna +10 güç ya da +10 direnç

vermek için kullanın."

Günümüzde artık İkiz Kuleler'in bizzat Amerika tarafından yıkıldığı bilinmekte.

İlluminati için çok önemli bir komplo olduğu sadece bu plan için yaptığı subliminaller

den anlaşılıyor.

Örneğin Matriks filminde ve kimi Walt Disney yapımı çizgi filmlerinde birçok 11 Eylül

subliminal mesajlarına rastlamak mümkün.

Kartın ismi: Terörist saldırı 2 Kartın üzerinde bulunan ibare bu kartı

terörist saldırı kartına +30 güç vermek için kullanın

Bu kartta da Pentagona yapılan saldırı açıkça görülmekte pentagona yapılan

saldırının ana saldırı olan ikiz kuleler saldırısının zararını arttırmak için

yapıldığı düşünüldüğünde oldukça ironik bir durum ortaya çıkıyor.

Kartın ismi: Amerikan başkanlık seçimi Bu kartta da eski Amerika başkanı Bill Clintonu

çok net bir şekilde görüyoruz.

Bütün Amerika başkanları Kurukafa ve Kemikler isimli bir cemaatte yetişmekte olduğuna

dair bir teori var, açıkçası bu kartlar teoriye delil oluşturur nitelikte, bu teoriye

göre 10-15 yıl sonra kimin Abd başkanı olacağı önceden belli.

Kartın ismi: Amerika yeni başkanını seçiyor Clinton'dan sonra gelen kartımız da Abd'nin

ilk siyahi lideri Barack Obama da Açıkça görüldüğü gibi oyunda ki yerini yıllar

öncesinden almış.

Bu kartta açık şekilde Kurukafa ve Kemikler tarikati teorisine delil teşkil ediyor

Kartın ismi: Gelgit dalgası Bu kartta "önceden planlanmış" bir devasa

deniz dalgası görülüyor.Japonyanın başına gelen felaketleri hatırlayalım.

Ortalığı yıkıp geçen,önünde hiç bir şeyin duramadığı tsunami dalgaları, bu

olayın videoları hala var internette mevcut.

Suyun gücünü izleyerek anlayabilirsiniz Japonya ile ne alaka ? diye düşünüyorsanız

acele etmeyin sıradaki karta bir göz atın Kartın ismi: Nükleer felaket

Tarih 2011 Töhoko Depremi ve sonrası.

japonyanın Fukuşima Nükleer Santralinde atmosfere radyoaktif madde salınmasına sebep

olan olaylar dizisidir.

Uzmanlar kazaları Çernobil felaketinden sonra en büyük ikinci nükleer kaza olarak

tanımlamakla birlikte, tüm reaktörlerde sorun yaşanması kazaları bugüne kadarki

en karmaşık nükleer kaza yapmaktadır.

Kartın ismi: Deprem projektörü Kartın üzerinde bulunan ibare bir bölgede

planlanmış deprem yaratın özelliği ise bu kartı nükleer felaket kartıyla kullanırsanız

+10 güç verir.

Abd'nin haarp silahını duymuşsunuzdur.

bu silahın başlıca fonksiyonlarına bir göz atacak olursak.

* Dünya üzerindeki petrol ve doğalgaz gibi stratejik yeraltı kaynaklarının yerlerini

tespit etmek.

* Gerekli zamanlarda ABD ordusu dışındaki haberleşme kaynaklarını kesmek.

* Olası bir füze saldırısında, füzeyi havada imha etmek.

* Depremler yaratmak.

gibi fonksiyonları varır.

Yani tam olarak kartın oyundaki işlevi ile harpın gerçek dünyadaki işlevi paralel

şekilde birbirinin aynısı.

Kartın ismi: Kombine felaketler Karta baktığınızda anlamışsınızdır

zaten.anlamadınız mı?

Saat 11:11 ' i gösteriyor.

11:11 nedir diye soruyorsanız; Fukuşima Nükleer Santral kazaları 11 Mart

2011'de meydana geldi.

Yani 03/11/2011 Ve ilginçtir ki kartta yıkılan kulenin

gerçeği Wako Saat kulesidir.

Japonya Tokyo'dadır.

Şu ana kadar göz attığımız kartlar şimdiye kadar gerçekleşen olaylardan sadece bazıları.

Birde henüz gerçekleşmemiş felaket kartları var insanlara labaratuar da üretilen zombi

virüslerinin bulaştırılması, kurtulması gerekenlerin uzayda bir koloniye taşınması,

uzaylılarla anlaşıp dünyanın bazı bölgelerinin işgaline izin verilmesi, ekonomik krizler

yaratılıp toplumlar üzerinde baskı kurulması, basın yoluyla insanların manipüle edilmesi

gibi daha nice olaylar silsilesi ile kartlar uzayıp gidiyor.

Ancak sadece şimdiye kadar gerçekleşmiş olan olaylardan dahi yola çıkarsak, kartların

söyledikleri komple teorilerini çoktan aşmış durumda.

Bir çok büyük olayı yıllar öncesinden birebir tarif etmek.

Ve bunu her defasında ayrı ayrı yaparak gerçeğe paralel şekilde henüz gerçekleşmemişken

bildirmek hiçbir komplo teorisi ile açıklanamaz.

Bir çok uzman kartların belli bir düzenle şifrelendiğinin ve şifre çözüldüğü

takdir de hangi kartta ki olayın gerçek hayatta ne zaman vuku bulacağının bilinebileceği


Kendiniz de incelemek istersiniz diye ben size videonun altında tüm illuminati oyun

kartlarının olduğu bir indirme linki veriyorum.

Diğer yüzlerce kartı incelediğinizde eminim kafanızda binlerce komple teorisi uyanacaktır.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana videonun altında bulunan mail adresinden


Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi adına videoyu facebook twitter gibi platformlarda

paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızı takip edebilmek için Kült TV ye abone olarak araştıran

insanlar topluluğuna katılmayı unutmayın.

Bir başka videoda daha görüşmek üzere hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar.

For more infomation >> İlluminati Oyun Kartları - Duration: 8:56.


CARP FISHING - EUROBANX 3 with Alan Blair and Oli Davies - Nash Tackle - Duration: 1:34:05.

Miles travelled 2880

Red Bulls Consumed 24

Countries Visited 5

Venues Fished 18

Alan new rigs 82 Oli new rigs 4

Cameras lost 1

Number of showers 2

number of carp 32

This Eurobanx 3

As always these trips require so much planning and preparation

But even with the best of plans as usual it all came round so quickly

Lets rock

We hit the road but not before saying a quick goodbye to my girls


See ya

Love you

Even though we were running a bit late we decided a Burger King was essential to get the trip started

This however ensured that we missed our crossing by a few minutes

Because it was peak season we were delayed for 5 hours

Well I have just opened the side door and there are some maggots which means

It has gone from bad to worse

Not only have we missed our crossing but the very limited supply of maggots

Are somewhere underneath that

That is bad times

Not the best start far from it in fact

But we quickly made friends with some fellow travellers to pass the time

Well that is the van reloaded again

I am not pissing I am collecting the flowers for my girlfriend

She likes flowers a lot

Wait a moment

Well if you ain't driving you are tying

Too right this is it mate we are going again

Round 3

We are in France drive on the right let's roll

Our first destination was the incredible Paris

which in the grand scheme of the adventure was only a short trek away

Due to the long delay at the tunnel it was approaching midnight when we finally arrived in the city to meet our friend Sebastien

Sebastien had sorted out the fishing permits and was going to show us a couple of very special park lakes in the heart of Paris itself

I don't know if it's going to be the best coffee you dink in your life

Thank you

We had a good look round before baiting lightly with a few Citruz boilies ready for a return early the following morning

We have got tonight and that is running away with us We are going to go and put the rods out on the river somewhere

but really we have got one day in Paris tomorrow to make the most of it Have a go on these two park lakes and see if the Eiffel Tower is going to be kind to us

We left the park behind us and followed Sebastien across Paris to check out some spots on the mega River Seine

Searching for somewhere to drop in for a few hours until morning came round

We both flicked out the rods and much to my surprise within 20 minutes one of mine was away

6oz lead on a drop off and it has come off on the take and just come straight up in the water

It did feel like a catfish it still does feel like a catfish the way it is fighting

Welcome to Paris

Really nice one

It's not a giant but look at the mouth on it

My first River Seine carp and it took about 20 minutes

Let's go catch a park lake carp

Let's do this

Back at the park lake a little later than we had hoped for we dropped onto the spot we had baited a few hours previously

Two rods out First proper day yesterday was a bit of a write off with regards to fishing

having spent so much time travelling and waiting at the Eurotunnel

It was soon apparent that the spots we had baited were not going to be the one It was time to try and hunt them down

It's a funny old morning

Oli has had to go and put a jacket on

I'm half tempted to put one on

There are fighter jets shooting across the sky everywhere

Army on every roundabout

Men walking round with some serious guns protecting boiling and houses

It's a little bit strange

There is a big military parade I think

So as much as we were going to stay in Paris for another day and night

I think it's time to venture to pastures new

If there were carp here in front of us now I wouldn't be here talking to you

I would have a rod in my hand and we would be trying to catch them

We had pretty much given up hope of catching a carp at the park

But Alan refused to give up and while I loaded the van he went for one last look

There is a carp there two carp

One behind the patch one going that way off the patch

I need to get a stronger rod and stronger line

Hopefully they will be there when I get back

Grab Oli and see if we can get one

It just shows that just another walk round was enough to track some down

I instantly had another chance but my luck really wasn't in

It was a really nice mirror

How's your luck I have lost two this morning and I have just hooked a third one

I'm trying to keep my calm but when you have lost a couple it can really get to you

So I'm trying to keep calm and take deep breaths

A group of fish came through and I have managed to hook another one

Finally things took a change for the better

and with maximum effort the lake had given up one of its jewels


Carp oui

Are you putting it back

Of course

Just taking a picture

Are you a fisherman in England as well

You do that with so much care

Just to get that shot of the Eiffel tower

We did it


Now we will travel to Italy to Bologna Florence and Rome

And you are going to catch a carp

This is the plan

With the sun now beaming down it was a totally different day to earlier on

and I was sure there was another bite to be had

Well done mate

Yes Paris

I lost two and then landed two and I'm absolutely made up with this one

A real chunky park lake mirror

Simple tactics a size 4 Uni a Bread Bomb and a big chunk of bread

The adventure continues and we still have many more days ahead of us

Buzzing absolutely buzzing

Thank you

Au revoir

Today has been un bon jour


We were literally going to drive off

The weather was appalling it was freezing cold with drizzly rain and a big chop on the water

Just not appealing

I didn't even want to fish myself and that is me saying that

It was a case of lets go somewhere else where we might have a better chance

One walk down the other bank and a little bit of sunshine coming through

Buzzing man

They are certainly receptive to a bait if you can get it in front of them

I wish I had filmed that take as he turned round when he decided to take it

Most of the bites I have had has been a 3 lap thing with them looking at it

maybe nibbling or knocking a bit of the bread off

And then eventually they come up and when they nail it they proper nail it

He knew what he was doing from 10 feet away

He was eating that piece of bread

We are going to get on the road I need to get out of these clothes

big up France lets hit the road

After just 12 hours in Paris we were back on the road

Heading south on the next leg of our journey with our victory souvenir proudly displayed on the dashboard

While Alan ate up the miles I backed up the memory cards

So back in the motor and we are heading to Italy

However what with the lack of sleep last night we have decided wisely I think

To pull over and get some sleep tonight rather than try and make it all the way down to Italy

We are definitely getting there absolutely shattered

So Oli has done what wise people do in this situation and get on the phone to Nick Helleur

Nick has very kindly recommended like he did last time somewhere for us to stop off

Where are we going

We are going to somewhere blue

That was a pretty mammoth van tidy there

We have a bit of a problem

Will it not shut


Lets go fishing

How comes you have so much less stuff than me

Look you have a tiny barrow

Bloody hell

After no sleep in Paris and a long day on the road we finally got to the Blue lake just on dusk

We flicked the rods out and got our heads down for some well needed sleep

So we find ourselves rudely awoken by the bailiff this morning

You say that but since I have been up he has been over there looking over and waiting for us to wake up

So thank you sir for letting us have our sleep before coming round

and nicking 42 Euros off us for a day ticket

It's not some big public French lake it is OK to pay

And we caught well you have done alright and had a couple

I've had a couple yeah one 20lber and one maybe not quite that big

Disappointingly I lost two half decent ones

One was certainly a 20 plus mirror right at the net

As you do in fishing you have to evaluate where you are going wrong

First one I got the rig back on the spot

The second one Oli has looked at me and growled let me see that rig

Is that the same rig as you lost one on before

Yeah exactly the same rig Ol

Citrus Cultured hook bait in a bag chucked out and I'm getting the bites really quickly

What size hook

A small one

Get a big hook on they have got big rubbery mouths

1am there I am tying more rigs to add to the list of rigs I have tied

Big hooks size 5 and stronger braid

Cast back out and caught 2 skimmer bream

I doubled the hook bait size and size of the hook and caught two skimmers

Anyway I had a little mirror and more importantly we got some sleep eh mate

It's not Bream Banx It's definitely not Skimmer Banx

Lovely little starburst mirror

Thank you fella lets have a look what Oli caught

They are a bit larger than you but I'm very happy

Mini carp

Number 1

They go like trains and you can see the size of the fins and tail

This one was on a TG Cultured I had the smaller one on a Citrus pop-up

Over about half a kilo of bait as well

So last night's hotel came complete with carp

Let's hit the road

Well you are definitely in Italy when one of them pulls up next to you

After another long day on the road we arrived in Northern Italy in Bologna

where we met our good friend and Italian Nash manager Matteo at a very special lake up in the mountains

Matteo has treated us all to a pizza

It is very good Matteo


Yes pizza with bolognese

Pizza al ragu for Englishman

When in Italy and all that

Do something completely English

Night Alan

Night Oli

Well we are in Italy we got set up really quickly as it started raining

The boys brought us a pizza

Which was lush I hasten to add

The rods are out two each and it has been a long day

I know what I am dreaming about

All those photos those lads showed me on their phone

Big commons big mirrors beautiful backdrops

It's certainly an amazing place

Welcome to Italy

Get some sleep mate see you in the morning

The night was very quiet not just on our rods but in general

With no shows and nothing to really go on

As the temperature rose to almost unbearable levels it was clear the fishing was going to be tough

Well Alan being Alan it was a bit boring sitting round

It was getting that way mate

No carp about but lots of other little fish

Look at that little beauty nailed on a fly

Well we are going for a quick drive round the lake

Very little happening where we are fishing

I have seen one fish show tight to the dam in god knows what depth that was

One fish late last night but other than that it was quiet Matteo

Because of the quick change in weather

Hot to cold

15 degrees less

Last night was it really that cold

The water is coloured

So maybe carp

Don't know

So have I been minding the rods

We have been for a drive round

I say we have been to look for fish but actually I just wanted a nice drive in Matteo's Maserati

Through the mountains

So we have had a good look round and the lake is really busy

Matteo says the nice weather and the fact it is Saturday has brought out many Italian anglers

Anyway so we went back round the dam and all the way down this part of the lake

and I might have found a few fish

There is a back channel with a big pipe across it

On one side of the pipe I noticed the water to be a different shade

The more I studied it the more I started to see bubbles and sets of bubbles coming up

It's difficult to say but I'm pretty sure there are some better sized fish down there

I'm in a bit of a dilemma as I have come back and they have seen one show here

When do you sit on your hands and when do you move

Me personally I am moving I have sat on my hands for long enough here

For sure we can come back here later on

but I think for now I would like to go and have a look where the water is a bit different

Potentially something to go on so I'll give it a go

What have you caught there

I was just kicking back on the air cradle up there almost drifting off

And after a series of beeps I nailed one

I'm actually quite buzzing about that

That's an Italian carp yes mate well done

It certainly wasn't the 20 kilo carp that I was dreaming of but it was a bite in very tough conditions

The only fish to have been caught from the lake while we had been there

I also found a group of small fish right in the corner but they were very spooky

We ended up going back to the original spot for the night

Well it has been a long but enjoyable day in the sun and there has been some sun

I don't know quite how hot it has got but 28 to 30 degrees

Certainly I have caught a bit and Oli has done really well

I'm back round in the swim that we fished in last night

There is not a lot to go on or any places to fish to be frank

The lake is very busy

I have had a play around with the marker float and rather than just chuck them out there anywhere

I have located what I can feel to be a much smoother area

If I keep coming I hit rock and it starts coming up

I am fishing in 20 to 25 feet of water on both the rods

One of them down to my right here

In case any fish do come in and out of this bay

I'm going to fish a pop-up and just spread a few boilies around it

This one out here is in slightly deeper water

It's about 26 feet but again it is that nice clean bottom and I will fish a bottom bait out there

Matteo is sorting out some dinner for tonight

He very kindly offered to arrange food tonight and presented us with two options

One option was cheese and olives bread and this antipasti type dish

The second options this traditional Italian pasta dish

I told him how it is

I need both Matteo

You can't offer me two amazing things and then expect me to pick one

So I'm looking forward to sitting down with the lads later on and having a bit of tea

and soaking it all in really

But for now lets get those rods out

In spite of finding the perfect spots the carp were just not playing ball

At first light we packed the van and headed into the historic city of Florence to fish the River Arno

So we have left the lake driven down the mountain and we are on our way to Florence

All in all very quiet

The most amazing place to chill for a couple of days

I think at a different time when it wasn't so busy with the flexibility to move about

and a bit more time there are some special fish in there to be caught with beautiful backdrops

But for now lets go to Florence and see Giambastiani

There are carp about but Matteo is saying not so many

But Sebastien said the same on the river Seine and Oli went and banked one

So I'm staying optimistic about it

Got my shorts on the suns out going to have a Cornetto later

And we are actually on the right road

This the road

This is the one where we had a massive detour the wrong way

Theres that bridge

We are going the right way now

Off to Florence

Hey cats fancy meeting you here

Florence one of the best cities in Italy

Beautiful city

Urban Banx in Florence

See man driving Italian whip

Another Ferrari

How is that bucket treating you Al

It's crippling me I didn't realise it was a 500 metre walk

I could have travelled a bit lighter in hindsight

But we are nearly there

There is a beautiful bridge just up in front and we are going to pitch up there for a couple of hours

Seen a catfish seen a carp so it's looking positive

Our great friend Giambastiani had organised for us to fish an inaccessible stretch of river

right beneath the famous Pont de Vecchio bridge in the grounds of an exclusive rowing club

where there was the chance of a monster river carp

It is deep and there are many rocks

So you can fish on the bottom or on the surface

You think they will take on the surface

They eat bread


Hopefully they are doing some carp spotting for us

Seen any carp guys

Well just as it was looking like it was going to be all quiet

Giambastiani has one I don't know quite what

What is it

Its a catfish a very small catfish

Well its not what we came for

Small channel cat

Pretty fish well done

We did get the big net but it wasn't required

We gave it a couple of hours at this picture postcard spot

but with the temperature in the mid 30's and rising and no shelter to get away from the blistering heat

we were forced to seek a shadier spot for the afternoon

This is mental

They must be good at rowing

I think they have won a few trophies by the looks of things

We stepped out onto the busy streets and Alan was instantly recognised by an angler

It's a small world

Good to meet you man



Seen the back of that T-shirt

I like that

Four tuna salad

After lunch we were invited to join Giambastiani's friends Tiziano and Yamuna at a spot further upstream

Here there was welcome shade from the relentless sun and hopefully some obliging carp

Tiny but it is a carp though a real carp

Well it's like a carp Al only smaller bless him

Grow up to be a very big carp

He has got a lot of combatting to do out there first

He is catfish sized and there are big cats in here

Well done mate

I was just putting out that other rod and this rod here has gone off

I'm in a right pickle here

Bella bella

Not so small

Have you got a better one

He is a bit bigger than the pound and half one

No photo then

Another awesome baking hot day

I managed to catch myself two fish and now I'm sitting here loving life

I'm pretty confident we have got all the rods in position

I've even stuck a cat rod up by the bridge

I'm going to get some sleep because I need to get up early to head on the next leg of the journey

We are going to Rome

I have never been to Rome

It's been good A hot day and the fishing has been hard

Florence in July isn't really top carping conditions

But hey you have managed to bag one well two

We spent a very pleasant evening with our new friends talking the universal language of fishing

With just as small catfish to add to the tally the following morning it was time to leave our new friends

and head off on the next leg of the mission

Got our souvenir from Florence our little David


I had a lovely time and I'm a bit sad to be leaving

The fishing wasn't great but the company was exceptional

Really nice people really looked after us

And of course we have learned a little bit of Italian

Molto Bene

What is good luck

Bocca al Lupo

In the jaws of the wolf

I like it big saying

We are driving through Florence now and we have a 2 and a half hour hop to Rome

How many times have you played this tune

Mate hundreds

It's a banger it's amazing

That's a yard


Finally got settled for another evening down on the river in Rome

Got here at about 11am and met up with David and Michele

We went and saw three amazing river spots all quite different in their own way

Along the way we had a guided tour through Rome and I had to up my game with the driving

It was bedlam and chaos

You did well mate

We went to visit these three river spots and in amongst all that also stopped off at a park lake

A really big lake with a lot of boat activity that take place there

I did an entire lap of it and found them at the far end

I met back up with the boys and we had a bit of lunch under a tree in the shade

It was too hot to do anything for more than an hour

After that you had to wind down for a little while and get your breath back

I headed back down to where I had seen the fish but only saw a couple of small commons actually roll

I couldn't see them drifting beneath the surface like I had previously

David and Michele had a walk down on the bottom bank and noticed a couple of fish so I shot round there

Very quickly I managed to catch myself a nice Roman park lake common

Good angling mate


I had to do it

I could easily have sat in the shade somewhere but I had to do it

I got the bite second or third cast

I've got myself an Italian park lake common

Again it's no monster but I'm absolutely made up

We then went to the supermarket and we have ended up back here

This is actually the first spot we came and looked at

There is a bridge here and what is the bridge up there called lads

Ponte Milvio a beautiful bridge up there

You have a nice fast run here and it drops off into some deeper water

You have the football stadium just up here yeah we are in the middle of Rome

Oli got his rods out nice and quickly

I set up underneath the bridge

Bad angling really I should have not just sat there because the picture would look amazing

People have been living under there in numbers

The guys have explained that they have had a government policy where they all have to go

and all these people living under there have all been sent away elsewhere

but the remnants of them are still there and it's pretty grimy

So I've moved up here with Oli and we are going to have a social

Oli got his rods out quickly and managed to catch an incredible common

A really dark beautiful fish

First Italian carp and it's a banger

And we are at the Urban Carpfishing spot yes we are

hashtag urbancarpfishing

I've also lost two myself

I set up the barbel rods

We were both keen to catch a barbel and they are overgunned for barbel really being 3lb Scopes

But they are just not up for the job here

Carp yeah

You have a lot of flow running down through the middle

The first one did me in a snag and the second stripped 20 yards of line before again doing me in a snag

No more barbel fishing barbel rods going away

These are 3lb Scopes with 20lb hook link and size 8 hook

Small hook again barbel rods bye bye

The big guns have come out

I'm going to get some heavier gear out there

Bigger hooks and longer stronger hook links

Look forward to the night ahead

It's so snaggy out there

It's a really nice one

Scalded pellet

Whacked the kettle on and scalded it up

I have just been moulding a bit around the hook bait protecting the hook point as well

and also wrapping a bit around the lead

It releases loads of attraction off down the river pulling these bad boys up onto the hook bait

And what a background with the angry urban carp over your shoulder

I'll take you a couple of stills

We were going to stay the night here

but it turns out there are a load of people living in the bamboo behind us

We are going back into the city itself

We are on the outskirts a bit here like I said the football stadium is just up there

but we are going right into the thick of it now

Scarf you

I'm not a big football fan but for any of you guys and girls that love football this quite a big deal


Big team

Do you know them


I don't I'm naive to the world of football

I'm a fisherman thats all I know

There is football and there is fishing


Forza Roma

This is a bit more of an upmarket bridge

Just slightly

It's ok to go upmarket sometimes

It's alright slumming it

Yeah that was slumming it though

Real different gravy

The river is just there and we are actually driving right along it now

This whole trip I have been longing to fish out of the van

Up until now it has been nothing short of mission after mission

Gear in and out

Upstairs downstairs upstairs downstairs

Look at that

With the party boat just downstream pumping out the tunes we got to work tackling up

But what I didn't need was alan tipping the contents of my tackle box into the dust

Where many of my swivels and rig rings still lay buried to this day

Right so here we are in the posh part of town

It's lush but why I think I was getting so much interest at the last spot

I was taking my hook bait and this is some scalded smaller micro pellet

Give it a good squeeze

Bit of paste

Basically mate

A bit of flow and few smaller fish pecking way at it

Lots of scent and attraction tumbling downstream

I do exactly the same to the lead

I also find it helps not only with the casting but when it goes down the extra weigh helps hold bottom

and lets everything get settled

Usually by the time it is dislodged your lead has found it's grip on the bottom

Dead simple

Good morning Italy

Good morning David good morning Michele

I was just having a mega van sort out showing the boys my new scooter

and it absolutely buckled over

We were literally on our way really

Just getting packed up

It looks like a better fish

It might just be the flow

There is a far old flow

It's whacking through there

The water has come up

Same as last night a big long hook link and a size 4 Twister

It's not a bad one

Double take

Go on Michele


You alright there mate

Fish or flow

Na flow

Well the second one wasn't a bite

That might not have been a bite

But we have got one in the net

It's pretty safe to say this will be my last Italian carp of the trip

We haven't been here very long

In and out of most places we have been to but thoroughly enjoyed it

Good company beautiful food and incredible carp from some really special places

Made up big up Italy

Definitely couldn't have done it without these lads

You know I said that would be my last Italian fish well Rome wasn't quite done yet

Alan should have reeled in

Another ripper nearly had the rod out of the pod

They are the most violent takes out of absolutely nothing

When in Rome you go fishing

With the van loaded we decided it would be rude not to see a few of the sights

and sample some of the local delights before we said goodbye to David and Michele and headed North again

Serious cake

In Italian you would say a or avete just one word

You have or do you have

Our 24 hours in Rome had flown by and although we hadn't banked any monsters

it had been an amazing experience in this incredible city

sampling some of the often overlooked urban fishing

Romeo done

We drove north back across the border to France chasing the setting sun

and hoping to arrive in the French Alps before dark

to meet Bastl and Robin who had travelled up to meet us at some very special lakes

You are off road now boy

I was busy looking at the map then

Mega peaceful well other from a Yout on a moped

We didn't fish that night choosing to have a social and a catch up and half decent night's sleep

Ready for an early start the following morning

So first morning in the Alps with the man like Bastl

And the man like Savage

A beautiful dark Alpine mirror

Bastl is this your first French carp

It is my first French carp

The first of many my friend

I hope so

And hopefully the smallest

Thats a pretty one

It's a lovely one

This was followed shortly after by another even bigger one

I can't believe it

Look at it

The boys have come down

The boys have dragged themselves out of bed

A better description

After a couple of hours sleep

Look at that sun though Ol

There's big dirty mark on that lens a big fingerprint

Shower I'm going to be jumping in the lake in a minute

That's what I mean mate au naturel

It's a really mad one

That's a lovely one

Yes Bastl second French carp

Step by step to a 25kg fish

Thanks for helping

We love it wet

About time those socks got washed

And this is Savage chasing a Snake across the lake to go and catch it

Beat him

It was a viper

Savage by name savage by nature

Watching Robin having a swim and in dire need of a shower I couldn't resist having a dip myself

However the local wildlife was less than welcoming

What is that

Is it biting you

Put your little toe in

He has got a little nip on him

He is the winner

Look he has reinforcements

Pop-up rig tying

Bastl is going to join the pop-up team

As usual after a couple of hours I started to get itchy feet

I went off to do a bit of stalking on the intimate lake next door

Bad times straight out of it's mouth

With no further bites that morning we headed into town to pick up a few essentials

Time for a bit of shopping

Top of the list was a disposable barbecue which proved a challenge to locate in the giant hypermarket


I'm so hungry

Going to chill out with the boys now and get the barbecue on and flick a couple of rods out

See if we can get a monster

In the heat of the day there was nothing else to do

but get the rods out fire up the barbecue and chill out

That's got to be a bite hasn't it



Only a small one

Yeah I can see it's a small one

I've been picking them out

Oh mate we came to the Alps to get a monster

It's a bite and I've really had to work for it

God knows how many miles I have walked and how much sweat has dripped out of me today

A little pineapple crush Fluoro pop-up and just a smattering of Pineapple Crush boilies over the top

That's the only one I had on a brighter hook bait and that's nailed it

Selecting bigger fish is an art in itself

Mate you have just got to fish for bites at the end of the day

At the moment most of the bites are coming from the mosquitos

You ain't wrong

As the day came to a close Bastl joined Robin and Oli who were set up on a big wild lake nearby

chancing their arm for a public lake whacker

At first light Bastl left the boys on the big lake

and we joined forces again for our second day in the Alps

It will be a monster one day

A stunning little Alpine mirror

Certain it's been born in the lake

One day it will grow to be a really impressive beast

Well we have just released that small mirror

We have looked at each other and thought it ain't really happening up there

There are definitely a few fish boshing out further down

I think we are going to get the rods in drive down this track here

and have a go down the bottom end where Bastl caught that amazing mirror yesterday

I put quite a bit of bait out there yesterday evening and managed to catch one just on dark

I think it's well worth going and checking down there

It's really quiet up here

Let's do it yeah

After a move back to the area we had baited Bastl quickly bagged a nice mirror

I said half an hour

You said 30 minutes

Key again 20mm


It's not that small

what is it about 11 kilos

Yeah something like that

Number 3 for the lucky boy

Nice one mate

Lets get him back

Bye bye

There is nothing exciting about tying bait to the hook

Do you use bait floss


How do you do it then pierce it

Just using some cut off Chod Link

And then burning it

The fish won't mind

It's a good method mate I have done it loads

It's quick it's simple

Do Nash sell bait floss


Oh bait floss is way better then

There were definitely more fish up at this end

and again it was Bastl that had the next take

You got it on tape


You are very quiet Bastl

Sorry my body doesn't know what to feel

It is huge

Good fish

Big battle

We have to call the boys

My phone

Last year a Gopro

The back

Is this one filming


Now your phone

It's dead

Was it worth it


Come and look at this

20 kilo

45lb 8oz

How much is that

20 kilo

I don't know how much that is

Just over 20 kilos

Yes Bastl

I don't know what to say

I fell dropped my iPhone

Out of nowhere

It was the next rod to reel in

Happy days

It was a big fight

Basil is so modest he is going to put his T-shirt on

You are looking good Bastl

That's what no sleep no eating and many fishing does to you

It keeps you trim

Let's go

Feed the fish

The Key and Pineapple Crush unbeatable

C'est bon

Pour les grande poisson

I never used to fish pop-up rigs

I tried years ago but never felt good using them

This time Robin was saying go for a pop-up

A huge 20mm pop-up and it worked 4 times now

I used pink but we ran out of pink pop-ups

I just brought 3 or 4 as I caught 4 fish now

That's it

Oh well

Alan brought everything but no Key pop-ups

I brought the leftovers from Austria

Did you get that

This is our second day here now and though I have managed to catch a couple of small fish on pop-ups

Bastl has done incredibly well and only a little while ago he banked

an impressive monster of 45 pounds

I thought I'm going to try and catch them right in the edge

While Bastl had about 3 hours sleep earlier I have been up and down this lake

Just priming areas with pellets and tigers

Eventually I got a few fish grubbing around here

I refined my rig and took the choddy off

I put a nice short hook link on and two little tigers

Yeah go on the Alps

I managed to get about 10 fish grubbing around

None of them were monsters

I just wanted to get a bite

So I have gone a little bit shorter and fished a double tiger nut on there on a blowback like so

I don't think it's the tigers it's the pellet

It's definitely the pellet

They love pellet carp love pellet

I'm sure that attracts the crays

First thing tomorrow morning they are going to get whatever pellet I have left

Bring as many cray and poisson chat in as possible

Let's have a party and hopefully there will be a few more of these incredible fish along with it too

Just look at that for a common

He doesn't want his picture taken

Is it a carp

Yes a common carp

Would you like to come and see

Big fish

Stroke his scales

Splash him

Say bye bye

Au revoir

5 second rule

The heat had brought the locals out in force and in spite of the disturbance the fish were still feeding

Bastl was starting to make it look easy

So we left Bastl on his own for a while and look what happens

Those rigs

Pop-up rig strikes again

He is nice one man

Maybe not quite 30 but not far off

Still don't believe in pop-up rigs but they have been working

Sorry it's gone

We are having a really nice time

Robin is sticking it over on the big forgotten lake

Oli is going to go back over there this evening and chuck the rods out with him

Bastl and I are going to go on then stalking pond and in the morning head off north back to the UK

One final stop though and I'm looking forward to it

We are going to do a bit of canal fishing in central Amsterdam

Meet up with everyone on Saturday evening and have a barbecue and a social

There are a few people meeting from various parts of Europe

and on Sunday we are going to go to a festival to unwind

Ready for a big reality check when I get back to the UK

And a big box full of emails

But don't worry about that now cos look where we are

All that matters now is trying to get the next bite

Bonjour Bastl

My body is aching everything is

Yeah the back of my legs are aching

Too many mosquito bites

You boys are hardcore

It's only you and Oli who can do this

No one else can is as crazy

It is starting to kill me though

We got up again this morning at silly o'clock

There has been lots of rain and we haven't caught anything

But we are smiling

Fake smile

It has not worked out this morning bizarrely

Put a bit of bait out last night

To be fair everything looked really good

I don't know if it's the constant changes in the weather

Anyway I have just had a phone call from Oli and Robin

They have packed up on the super duper special lake and they have not caught anything either

Not really the ending we were hoping for but we had a really great time

As we packed the van almost ready to bid the alps farewell it very kindly gave us one more carp

This is the future

As Scopes are

Then we have a 10 hour drive up to Holland into Amsterdam

and the boys are coming with us

I wasn't sure they would

To be honest we weren't sure we would

It's such a beautiful place we were going to stay

I thought the boys were going to stay as well but they are coming with us

We are going to have a party and try and catch some Dutch canal carp

Let's see what happens

I think you are the first one to catch him

I have caught three that I was the first one because I catch so many small ones

Let's do this

See you later

Address change country


654 miles its a short one

We can do this

After over a week on the road exhaustion was kicking in

and we reached a point where Haribo and strong coffee were the only things keeping is going

This is a picnic

We are having a little road trip picnic

I have just done a very dangerous thing

Went shopping when hungry

Hungry man went to supermarket

So while i drive and film Alan is making lunch

When you don't have knife just use the top bit

I have had to do this many times

Thats about done

That's a good sandwich nice one mate

Give it to me

Feed me

And for desert

Well we have arrived in central Amsterdam

The day is coming to an end really

We have watched the sun go down as we were driving along and we are here in the thick of it

Lot's of people about going out for dinner

It's Friday evening so it's going to be pretty busy

I have just made a quick phone call to Timon one of the lads from the Benelux Nash team who we are meeting

We are going to go and chuck the rods out with him for the evening down the canal

So lets get the rods out here tonight get a few ours sleep and get up bright and early and head over to some park lakes

See where the day takes us a few of the nash lads from the uk are coming over to have a party on sunday

Timon will be here somewhere

There's our man

Got a bream mate

This is not Bream Banx

Arriving just before dark we met up with Dutch consultant and top lad Timon

who was already set up in the centre of Amsterdam at the junction of five canals

We have got a park bench and a bin


I bet you close by there could even be some toilets

Living the dream

Check it out porcupines

Baby zebra

Many beautiful birds

A swan sorry queen

The queen doesn't own the ones in Holland

True that

We grabbed a quick bite to eat but wasted no time in getting the rods out

Loving it absolutely loving it

Isn't it funny we went from the busyness of Rome to the tranquility of the Alps

and now we are back in the city again

It's been a real rollercoaster

A mad adventure

And now we are in Amsterdam

Plenty of bream tonight Timon

Well we are off

Didn't catch one well none of us caught one

Timon had 11 bream I had 4 Bastl had 3 and the wise man Robin had none cos he fished with double 20mm

I didn't go to sleep until about 4.15am

I ended up changing to double 20mm and I didn't catch another bream

There is a major tip for you there guys

If you don't want to catch a bream stick two 20mm baits on

On one rod I had two 20mm pop-ups on the other I had two 20mm Cultured hook baits

Perfect no bream

Timon is up in front we are following him around central Amsterdam looking for some carp

Here it is I am not going to try and pronounce it I'd be better off spelling it to you

but it starts with B and I think it ends in M

It's a park lake and I wouldn't say it was the ghetto

Some people have described it to me as the Ends

Not the nicest part of town but I think it's quite affluent

That house there is lovely

Anyway it looks like a gorgeous park

You have got a kids play area a couple of connecting canals so lets go for a walk round

Find some fish and try and nick one bite

We spent a few hours exploring the maze of waterways in the park

and although we found the carp we couldn't quite tempt them into feeding

We decide to call it a day and meet up with some friends at a massive lake on the outskirts of the city

That's it boys where we are going to spend the night

The barbecue is already on

There is something on

Yeah there is something

It's stuck in a snag but you can still feel it Dave

So Alan just because he is bored

He has got some balls man

Never a dull moment hey

He's out

This is not Bream Banx

What have you got there

I caught some kind of cloth

Well done Dave

PB cotton

I think that's for the blooper section then

What we have over here is some Englishmen and some Dutch people for some nice celebrations

Do a trick

It's a fishing scooter Rachel

Please do not tell me

It is a fishing scooter

The Sawn off net goes in there and then you wrap it round there

No man

you put your R3's in the front of it like that

You pop this up

It's a rod pod as well

Where are your front stabilisers Al

My man Neil Stanley check him on Facebook he went in

Clip your Sawn offs in

Ah man I'm building a rod pod I can ride on

Surprise surprise Bastl is now in charge of the food he loves his food this boy

Oh yeah that's looking good

Of course Savage can't help but touch a sausage

With his bare hands

Touching all the sausages

Czech style

We had an evening filled with good food fun and laughter and of course the rods out too

It was the perfect way to end a sweltering summers day

Sometimes it really is about more than just the fishing

It actually turned out to be quite a productive night

In the hours of darkness I managed to bag one as did Bastl and Dave

With the others sleeping off their hangovers

I was up bright and early to try and stalk myself a final carp

Hopefully the lads will be up soon

Nice one Dave sorry to wake you up buddy

No problem man

Lovely times

Let's go party

Let's go and have a shower

I need a shower

For our final night we had booked a hotel mainly so we could have a shower

before we hit the festival later that day

We treated ourselves to a proper meal with knives forks and napkins

The dancing shoes went on and it was time to party

Here we go

It was an amazing way to end the best adventure roll on eurobanx 4

For more infomation >> CARP FISHING - EUROBANX 3 with Alan Blair and Oli Davies - Nash Tackle - Duration: 1:34:05.


9 Reasons Why Men Suddenly Disappear - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons Why Men Suddenly Disappear - Duration: 2:02.


Teen arrested after shot fired in building - Duration: 2:18.








































>> THE
































For more infomation >> Teen arrested after shot fired in building - Duration: 2:18.


1952 Eddie Mathews Topps#407 Rookie Card for sale; graded PSA 6 @PWCC Auctions - Duration: 1:42.

This is a 1952 Eddie Mathews Rookie card Topps #407 for sale at PWCC Premier Auctions.

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This 1952 Eddie Mathews rookie card for sale would be a great addition to your Eddie Mathews

card collection.

For more infomation >> 1952 Eddie Mathews Topps#407 Rookie Card for sale; graded PSA 6 @PWCC Auctions - Duration: 1:42.


Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Tomates Rellenos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Tomates Rellenos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:04.


Might & Magic® SHOWDOWN- Dev Diary #3 - The Tactics of Battle - Duration: 2:27.

The game is about controlling miniature figurines with programming.

It has a planning phase and an attacking phase which is very different than most games in our genre.

The programming takes part in the tactic editor.

You decide: which creature I'm going to take with me, and which target I want them to attack.

what we tried to do with the programming is to give the player as much choice as possible.

It's like having a checklist.

the conditions are reading top to bottom, so like that you check if the first condition

on the top is valid, do this.

If it's not valid, check the other conditions.

You're able to choose to a very fine amount of detail the stimuli and the target that

you want to choose, whether it's an ally for a healer, or an enemy creature for your tanks

and DPS.

So when you're entering the combat you're really controlling your hero so you have the

abilities at the bottom of your page where you really choose which abilities you want

to call for your hero, and you select your target and just manage which target is the

right one for you to attack, and selecting the right spells that are not in cooldown

and cycling through them.

The fact that you control the heroes allows you to change the pace of the battle.

For instance some of our heroes have taunting abilities.

If you see your enemy's starting to destroy one of your creatures that you need in your

strategy, well you can take your hero and say "no no no, that's not going to happen".

"His hero is not programmed, he's actually controlling it".

It's the wild card.

"I didn't think he was actually going to do that.

Next game, I'm going to program this guy to couteract what he's doing if he does the same thing.

Finding the right balance between hero and creature is really important.

You can't win the game just with your hero.

You need this good synergy between these creatures and your hero.

The best tip I can give the players is to start a battle with a strategy and stick to it.

If it fails, the fight is just going to last 3 minutes.

So you program your guy, you see if it works, you did something, you're like "ok that worked,

those seven things didn't work".

And then if it didn't work, fix it, try again.

See what your problem is and then correct it.

It's a very different game.

There's not much out there that's like it.

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