Traditional Chinese Music for Acupuncture (relaxing sounds)
Traditional Chinese Music for Acupuncture (relaxing sounds)
Traditional Chinese Music for Acupuncture (relaxing sounds)
Traditional Chinese Music for Acupuncture (relaxing sounds)
Super Bowl Party Chicken Wing Butcher | Hardest Jobs in Sports - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
DU HÝ CHÂU ĐỐC - AN GIANG (Part 1) l Yến Nhi Official - Duration: 10:52.-------------------------------------------
Meditación Guiada para Chile [Día 7 ] · MUNDO PRÁNICO - Duration: 14:26.-------------------------------------------
Thế giới tâm linh - Tại sao tháng 7 âm lịch dân gian lại xem là tháng của quỷ đói - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
Hoàng Thảo: Bvd Kult - Made Of Something (feat. Will Heggadon) | Nocopyrightsounds - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate No Longer the Question - Duration: 13:23.To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate No Longer the Question
by Edward Morgan
Breaking News: a Polish colleague, renowned naturopath Jerzy Zieba, just sent through
a complete game-changer piece of information on exactly the subject I am endeavoring to
write about. This is it �Judges at the German Federal Supreme Court have confirmed that
the measles virus does not exist and that the measles vaccination may have been injected
into millions of unsuspecting German citizens for sinister reasons.� This really is a
bombshell, because although many vaccine sceptics have, for many years, expressed grave doubts
about the veracity of vaccination programmes, this is the first time a High Court has ruled
on the issue.
The seriousness of this expose is beyond question. Millions of children worldwide have been immunized
against a virus that does not exist. It is surely the medical scam of the decade. What
substances have been transferred into the veins of these innocent children?
Please read this dynamite report for yourselves, here.
So, where to go from here.. I would like to open-up the whole subject for wider scrutiny,
exploring the bigger picture issues that hover just under the surface of the status-quo�s
giant propaganda exercise to sell conventional pharmaceutical medicine as the only reputable
road to protection and cure of known diseases.
After some 40 years as an organic farmer who shunned the use of all the pharmaceutical
�cures� recommended by non-organic practitioners and vets, I can say quite categorically: a
natural diet and living conditions that express and promote the psychological and physiological
needs of sentient animals (and plants) go at least 90% of the way to producing a disease
free life.
Now I say this because I witnessed it on my farm � and have to report that I marveled
at the results. Once my dairy herd, beef cattle, pigs and chickens had been offered the life-style
that each needed in order to live-out their natural propensities in a stress and toxic-free
environment, everything fell into place. I never had to call the vet to administer pharmacological
drugs, vaccinations or emergency revitalization remedies of any description.
To put this in perspective: modern agrichemically assisted farming practices are awash with
pharmaceutical veterinary aids, to both prevent sickness and try to cure it. Sickness in intensive
farming of dairy cows, pigs and hens is endemic; antibiotics are used prophylactically in the
feed to avoid almost certain death in the indoor mass production units that supply the
supermarkets with eggs, table poultry and pig meat.*
The Human Dilemma
Now you might be thinking �Yes, that�s all very well, but what about humans?� And
my response is this: humans are also animals and have very similar needs, but are blessed
with the added capacity of (with effort) becoming conscious and enlightened beings capable of
free will and rational discernment. However, the road which enables us to express such
attributes depends upon adopting an appropriate life-style. One which sees �health� as
much more than just the absence of disease. Real health is a dynamic, which incorporates
positive thinking, creative actions and an empathy for fellow creatures/humans who co-occupy
this planet. It manifests in body, mind and spirit.
Pharmaceutical vaccinations administered to children, starting at birth in some countries,
bear no resemblance to such an enlightened approach. Their brutal administration is akin
to a declaration of war. It can be likened to intensively raised farm animals being force-jabbed
in the name of medical protection, even when there is no disease present. Conventional
chemical assisted agriculture takes this view about all aspects of �the management of
Why is this? Because it knows that the animals and plants being raised under its punishing
regime have to be pushed beyond their normal tolerance levels in order to produce enough
milk, meat, eggs and wheat to provide a significant profit for the farmer and the corporations
who provide the medications, pesticides and other field operational inputs. Pharmaceutical
drugs are just �props� to keep animals on their feet while intensive stress laden
programmes are relentlessly pursued, for profit.
In exactly the same way, children being raised within the demands of an intensely competitive
status-quo, are deemed to need prophylactic medical treatments (including vaccinations)
so as to �protect� them against certain diseases capable of manifesting themselves
within the society.
The parents of these children have some important thinking to do. Do I want my children to be
subjected to the standard stresses and strains inherent within our neoliberal, competition
led, materialistic and increasingly barren urbanized societies? Do I, their mother or
father, even want this kind of life for myself? What options are there for setting out on
another route altogether? A route which would be the human equivalent to a low stress pro-ecological,
free-range farm; as opposed to a high stress, intensive, chemically assisted factory farm.
Big Pharma � Big Problem
The mass use of vaccinations should never be considered �a solution�. Because the
true treatment of disease � �dis-ease� � is to explore and treat the cause and
not to simply try to eradicate the symptoms. This is a fundamental principle of holistic,
common sense health management. One always has to look deeper to find the truth.
Big Pharma, and the various government health ministers under its control, do not approve
of common sense holistic thinking. Such thinking presents a threat to the highly lucrative
empires each aspires to be the beneficiary of. The pharmaceutical industry wants to keep
the population of the planet in a state of permanent sickness; as this ensures the continuous
growth of its billion dollar bank account.
Concerning vaccinations, countries vary in the administration of �health policies�.
In England the policy dictates that the first vaccinations are administered at the age of
two months: diptheria, tetanus, whooping-cough, polio and influenza (type B) all in one injection.
In the USA, the recommendation is to start at birth with a hepatitis B jab; another one
month later, and a third at two months. Then the 5 in 1 regime kicks in, as in the UK.
In Poland, where I presently work, they also give the first jab at birth, and under a �mandatory
immunization programme�. Most children under this regime will have received between fifteen
and twenty immunizations by the age of two.
The complexities of these arrangements can be viewed on the net. However what is not
complex is the fact that the administration of mass vaccination programmes is either mandatory
or psychologically so close to mandatory, that many feel scared to confront the doctors
who are paid to convince one to accept the treatment.
This is the factory farm approach. The animals must be immunized. The alternative is
�irresponsible�. You are risking the lives of those under your care. Vaccinations have
wiped out Smallpox, so they can wipe out all other similar threats. Don�t argue. Don�t
be selfish. Don�t take needless risks. It�s all perfectly safe. Well, that is what you
are likely to encounter if you feel uneasy about the mass vaccination agenda and express
such unease to your mainstream doctor.
Eradication � Drone Technology
Some vaccination programmes are reported as having succeeded in their chosen goal of �eliminating�
disease. But what are we to believe now we know that the measles vaccine was a complete
scam? Most viral diseases were associated with poor hygiene and substantial improvements
in this arena already had the majority in manageable check. Pharmaceutical interventions
have not been anywhere near the �great success� that they are claimed to be.
No one can deny that there have been severe health reactions in innumerable cases. The
problem starts from the whole concept of �eradication�. This is drone technology. �Eradicate terrorism�!
�Eradicate cancer�! �Eradicate weeds�! Wherever you hear this cry, be warned, it�s
totally antithetical to the reality of how nature works.
An out of balance natural environment will produce out of balance manifestations. Disease.
That is the law of nature. The solution is to rectify that which is out of balance as
opposed to attempting to eradicate its symptoms � which is called �putting the cart before
the horse�.
It is an example of the tunnel-vision Newtonian scientific paradigm which examines one thing
in isolation from the others to which it is related, and as a consequence, untold damage
is done to our planet and its peoples.
Whenever �eradication� is practiced, that which is being attacked has a tendency to
return again, twice as strong as before. There is a powerful lesson to be learned here, and
Big Pharma is deliberately closing its eyes and ears to the truth.
In the USA the vaccination programme is a Sate run affair, and the rules vary. However,
it is now common for a parent to be told that their child must be immunized if he/she is
to be allowed to go to school. It�s a world of threats and relentless pressures to conform,
prevalent throughout our Western World � and beyond. However, a few escape clauses do exist
and typically involve persuading officials that one has religious or philosophical beliefs
that prevent one following the official procedures.
Donald Trump has put a large spanner in the works by declaring a deep distrust in Big
Pharma�s domination of the immunization programme, and indeed the programme itself.
He cites cases of healthy children sickened by their vaccination jabs. And the point should
be well taken, because even when one doesn�t see the results straight away, the chances
of a negative side effect emerging later in life have been borne-out. There have been
accounts of debilitating conditions like autism and auto immune disease being directly attributable
to mass vaccination programmes.
The adjuvants added to vaccination formulas are designed to stimulate the immune response
system. But for a child straight out of the womb to be hit with such a shock doctrine
is both brutal and dangerous. Our immune systems are sacred territory and need to be respected
as such. Giving them the basic challenges that come with a diverse, natural and robust
life style, is in all ways superior to the forced methods practiced in the reductionist
halls of monocultural conventional medicine.
Freedom to Choose
Remember, we are talking about an industry. One of the largest multinational corporate
industries in the world. A conglomerate churning out a vast factory-fed conveyor belt of drugs
capable of performing almost any distortion that might be deemed �necessary�. The
mind/body �control system� starts here. It�s a monster, and dependency upon it is
a form of slavery unfit for intelligent human beings.
Would you willingly put yourself in the hands of a paid-up robot of the drug industry? Many
doctors themselves feel uneasy about their role as dispensers of quick fix pharmacological
solutions to minor ailments � and so they should! Vaccinations are supposedly rolled-out
to deal with potentially more severe cases, but is this so? Or is this actually a form
of sinister secret depopulation agenda ? A way of introducing a type of covert mass genocide
on the people of this planet? Quite easy to roll-out under the edict: treat the people
as a �one formula fits all� herd.
What is left of genuine �freedom of choice� is under severe threat in many arenas today;
it is a precious right and we need to exercise it � with discernment. My farm has transformed
into a �vaccination free zone� and my own health is robust enough to ensure that
I haven�t been to a allopathic doctor for more than 20 years. I have no doubt that you
can achieve this in your lives and the lives of your children. Take my advice and get started
now. Good luck!
Dark Souls 3 PvP - Black Knight vs Storm Excalibur! - Duration: 2:14.Hey, this Black Knight in undead match
OMG, this guy use the most powerful weapon
known as the Giantslayer for the residual strength of storm that brings giants to their knees.
I'm totally f*cked up
Seriously is that it?
I thought it gonna be..
Never mind just let finish this
Oh finely, I hope never see you again
Oh no not again..
Seriously man this is useless
And you guys dont forget to like and subscribe for more.. See you soon!
ЕЩЁ ОДИН ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫЙ СУНДУК С 8 АРЕНЫ В КЛЕШ РОЯЛЕ - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
DOMINATE HUMBLY, WE KILLED IT! | CHRIS BARIS - Duration: 5:59.-------------------------------------------
Out | The Thin White Walls - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Preview - Boneco Estátua Link The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild - Fist 4 Figures - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
A Visit to IO Interactive - The Creators of Hitman - Duration: 29:56.figgehn visits IO Interactive, The creators of Hitman
Hello and welcome to my channel
I am figgehn and I'm at IO Interactive in Copenhagen
IO Interactive, what do they do?
The are the Studio behind Hitman
I'm here to ask some questions, some of them are from my viewers
Well, I have now spent a whole day at IO Interactive
The creators of HITMAN
A quick reminder
31 January 2017
is the date when HITMAN will be availible in physical stores
I hoped you liked this video
Please leave a comment, press like and please subscribe
Good bye!
איפה ג'ו?! - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
Talking Angela Sings – Happy Birthday to Me! (NEW Song) - Duration: 1:28.Here's a question for you, my Little Kitties...
...what do you call a day you can have a cake for breakfast?
Ok, here's a hint
It's a happy day...
Got any ideas?
Well, why don't I sing you the answer?
Chocolate cake with some cream
Almond pie is my dream
Cupcakes, tarts and macarons
Glitter cards and ballons
Happy birthday to me
All the cakes are yummy
When my friends come along
Let's all sing a song
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday, dear Angela
Happy birthday to me!
Ha ha! That's right! You call it a birthday!
I don't know about you, but now I'm really in the mood to celebrate
Time for cake!
And happy birthday to you!
Whenever your special day is.
Hey, what's your favorite kind of birthday cake?
Let me know in the comments bellow.
And don't forget to subscribe to my channel, so you don't miss any of these fun videos!
See you next time, my Little Kitties!
Talking Tom's Brainfarts - Selfie Perfect - Duration: 2:21.Don't do duck face, please!
This is the only acceptable duck face.
Did you know that when the first official selfie was made in 1839... had to stand in front of the camera for like 3 minutes...
...completely still?
An behold: the first ever duck face selfie.
Nowadays it's much easier to take a selfie.
Specially if you have a selfie-stick!
Which is also really good for self-defense.
Or, as I call it...
The other cool thing about a selfie-stick is... can expand it!
And take selfies...
...from the distance you want!
Isn't that cool?
Another great tip...
...use emotions in your selfies.
For example
This is happiness.
This is fear of spiders.
This is an unpleasant surprise.
And this is horror!
But more horrifying is that new emotion called...
Duck face!
And because you don't wanna make boring selfies...'s another tip:
Every selfie is better with a celebrity!
Here, let me help you.
Oh, and always make sure that you have something cool on the background.
...a beautiful sunset...
...a robot army...
...the world!
Oh, look!
There's you!
And you!
A-and you!
Oh, wow!
I just made a selfie of us all!
Houston, we have a problem.
This video is ending.
Now go out there and be awesome in your selfies!
See you next time!
Subscribe to my channel!
Ooh! Satellite!
Squeezes at home big Zit
BLUE YETI MICROPHONE REVIEW + TEST | BEST FOR ITS PRICE! - Duration: 11:57.Yo! How's it going guys?
And welcome to a review for this beauty!
Okay, first of all i need to say that the audio right now
is recorded by an iPhone 5S
I don't have anything that records better
And I believe that the quality is good enough to watch
Also, it's my first review so don't judge me strictly
So please leave a like if you find that review helpful (and sorry for my bad english too)
At the moment we're looking on the Blue Yeti Blackout Edition
Great microphone, "Blackout" means that the mic is painted black
And it comes in a package like this
Very tight fit, yours probably would have a different package
Because it depends on model & color
There's two versions of Yeti, I have a USB one
Yeti's can be in XLR and USB versions
XLR is 3-pin connection, you've probably seen it
And it connects to your mixer
And than it goes to your PC or recording device
In the actual box we've got another box
Microphone sits in here with stand
That's a lot of styrofoam, you know
You just need to take one part out and there it is, the main part of mic
And a stand, of course.
Also, there's a manual, which you can read while sitting on toilet
And of couse, my favourite silca gel, which keeps your mic dry.
Setup is simple: there's two screws in a stand, two holes in mic.
Just screw 'em in, I don't even know why am I talking about that, everyone can do this easily.
I've got a pop-filter with my mic, it's called Konig & Meyer
Great thing, but it's not "original", because Blue makes their own ones.
But i thought "If that thing does it's job, so why would you pay more?"
It works great, but there's a twist, which i will tell you about later.
Going through setup: there's no drivers/programs etc. needed
Blue Yeti has it all iside of it, that's why it's great
I don't see any point in taking XLR version because it's good as it is (USB)
And if you want XLR mic you can find something better that that.
Okay, we're taking mini-USB plug into the mic port
and the big USB (2.0) goes into your PC
There's too much USB stuff going on, but it's fine
Be very careful with cables
When i tried to set mic up i messed up the housing and I've bent the cable
*now i am describing how i did this* nevermind about that, just be careful and go to 4:43
At the bottom you can find two ports
One of them is mini-USB
And the other one is 3.5mm output to your headphones
It can also act as your output for PC, while giving out no-delay audio from microphone itself
When I record, I can hear myself and game at the same time, which is awesome
And on an actual recorded audio I get two separate channels for PC & mic
When the mic is turned on the red light appears
"MUTE" button basically turns on & off mic
It's blinking when the mic is not recording
It's pretty handy when you use Skype and you need to turn off your mic - you always know you can do it by pressing a button on your microphone
On the front we have a mute button and the volume control
Front panel is the panel with the logo on it, by the way
Volume is changing your 3.5mm output to headphones, not your recording volume
On the back there's two control switches
Upper one is gain
Usually microphones need a separate power, but Yeti doesn't which is one of the pros of using it
All of its beauty is inside of it
I personally use it without any gain, because I'm always close to it, because if the gain go up - background noises go up too
The bottom switch changes modes, from 1 to 4, you can record 360 degrees audio, 2-way audio, 1-way (front side) and stereo too.
I use cardioid preset (front-way record)
Before we go to the test i want to tell you about mounting non-original pop-filters
I've spent too much time doing it right and I want to tell you how to do it properly.
It's pretty easy:
We want to install it over here
It wont affect rotation angles too much, but you can't rotate the mic with pop-filter on it too much
That's the price you pay for not buying Blue pop-filters. :|
Okay, now it's done. Pretty good fit, nothing is swinging, which is nice.
Just make sure that the slot on a pop-filter screw pad is right here
It's time for some tests!
Right now I'm recording with Blue Yeti
If you want more audio from it - check out my latest videos!
I'm in a not ideal room, you can hear a cooling system of my laptop
Also, it picks up noises from my desk, look:
Also, I'm right by the window, so you can hear a street outside too
But I've done that on purpose, because I record in the same spot everyday
So, right now I'm reading a little bit just to test out the sound, listen.
At the moment I'm recording from 10-15cm from the microphone with pop-filter between my mouth and mic.
It has been recorded with Audacity without any sound FX, compression and editing magic.
It's time to sum it up.
Microphone is good, but it's not ideal. For it's price it's one of the best offers.
But you can always pay more and get Rode or Audio-Technica
Why i chose Yeti? It's easy to use
It was made for lazy people, who don't want to pay much money, but want a quality of a studio microphone
It has simple construction, but it's solid, Yeti weights over 1kg.
It has all outputs you need for a simple, clean recording
Comparing it with Kraken Pro's, which i started with it's heaven and earth and I'm happy with my Yeti.
Going through cons: it's very sensitive and it's very heavy
But sensitivity can be reduced by an boom stand (arm)
And why would you care about weight when the mic is most of the time is in one spot?
Not all arms will fit because weight. Rode PSA-1 would handle Yeti, but it costs almost the same as mic.
Alright, now the decision is on you. Thanks for watching and liking, and I will see you tomorrow. Bye!
VIDEO: Carlsbad police investigating shooting death of 2 year old boy - Duration: 1:08.PMORNING.
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