Hi this is Dr. Young. In this video I'd like
to talk about cancer prevention and you
might be wondering why plastic surgery
is related to cancer and what I'd like
to tell you is that plastics and
reconstructive surgery was born out of
fixing people with cancers and other
issues so it's definitely part of
plastic surgery
hi this is dr. Philip young were
aesthetic facial body plastic surgery
and the Beauty docs on youtube. After
watching this video we would love to
have become visit our website and learn
about my award-winning theory that
describes the mathematical answer to
beauty. Thanks for watching and visiting
our channel. If you enjoyed watching this
click the like button below and I've had
a lot of experience doing reconstructive
surgery including facial free flaps
Where I've taken a Fibular bone like in
your leg and I've put in the jaw or I've
taken a Radial Forearm Flap and I've
connected the vessels to put in the
throat That's something i did in
training and I don't do that now.
Plastic surgery is definitely related to
cancer in some ways and what I do
sometimes I do have patients that that
have cancer and you know that's part of
our lives and the people that we know
and so today what I'd like to do is talk
a little about cancer prevention because
I think there's a lot of things out
there that people don't know that
they're that they're still doing that
could be causing cancer so I just really
wanted to put this out there to help
people so you can avoid getting cancer.
So here we go in terms of cancer
prevention tips
one I want to talk about drinking
there's a lot of studies that if you do
excessive drinking in fact there is a
correlation between drinking too much
and leading to more cancers but there
are some fascinating articles where they
show that one to two drinks tonight
could decrease your risk for cancer as
well as strokes and heart disease and
how did that and and I thought that was
Why does drinking leads to a decrease in
some cancers. Now cancers in the throat and
the mouth area are equivocal.
Maybe there's some association to an
increased risk of cancer in the head
neck area. So that would tend to tell you
to drink a little last like maybe one
drink tonight. But they've shown that if you
drink 1-2 drinks a night. You can
decrease your risk for strokes heart
disease and cancer and so why does that
leave the cancer reduction and I just
that fascinated me and you know it's
related to some of the things I've
learned like for example I went into this
lecture just out of the blue that had
nothing to do with head and neck surgery and it
talked about how blood flow can lead to
to cancer. if you have decreased blood flow
you're more likely to lead to oxygen
radicals that can lead to mutations in
your DNA that can lead to cancer so
having more blood flow is important. So
that there is some association with
exercise in that regard which I'll be going
into later. But drinking alcohol is like a
chemically induced form of exercise and
they thought about how it could be
antioxidant. It's related to the grapes and wines
but now they found that
any type of alcohol can have the same
effect including shots beer wine etc. So
my what I had thought is that it's
related to being a chemically induced form of
exercise. So drink one to two drinks a
day and if you can just stick with one
and know that if you drink three or four
more three or four or more than two
drinks like three or more it actually
reverses everything and it leads to an
increased risk of heart conditions or
cardiovascular conditions like strokes
and heart disease and cancer so don't
drink more than two drinks a day to
prevent cancer. So there's a lot of
studies on having a plant-based diet
leading to less cancer some of the
studies show equivocal results but in
general what I found through the american
cancer society and other articles
eccentrics that done the research for
this is that having a plant-based diet
leads to less cancer. Processed meats
lead to more cancers processed foods
refined sugars. So there is some logic of
of those diets that are that are related
to less processing the more natural they
are the better
There's even studies on grilled meats
and grilled fish if you grilled too much
and have too much fat that can lead to
cancer and that might be kind of a
downer because people love barbecuing
but whenever you char something that
black is actually carcinogens so do within
moderation i'm not saying not to do BBQ
but the less grilling you do the less
charring you do the better now
they also talked about plant-based diets
and you might be wondering okay where's
my protein and then you think okay if I
take out my meats I don't have any more
protein but the good thing is there's a
lot of protein in certain vegetables and
some of the top ones include peas
legumes like beans you can also have
protein and kale spinach Brussels
lima beans those are all good sources
so there are protein in in vegetables
and also if you want to increase your
protein you can also get more nuts
there's actually studies show that
people who eat more nuts have a
decreased risk for cancer so that's
another thing that I thought was a
now obviously smoking is a really
important factoring in leading to cancer
now I did a lot of head neck surgery you
know in the past during my training etc
and there's a lot of studies on both
smoking and drinking potentiating their
separate effects they found that if you
smoke and drink your risk of cancer goes
markedly up so don't smoke first of all
try to reduce your risk for secondhand
smoke as well and don't drink too much
to keep the drinks down to 1-2 drinks
a night
now there's some really also fascinating
studies on vitamin use and I just had
this discussion with another patient who
said that she had breast cancer and she
goes I don't know why i got breast
I was just sitting in the room with her
the other day talking we were doing
consultation and she says i don't have it in my
family and and I don't know why and I
said well let me just go through the
same things that I'm going through with
you right now about things to prevent
cancer and she goes "You know I am a vitamin
user. I use a lot of vitamins" and she
didn't know she didn't know that
vitamins can actually lead to cancer
that that's the point that i want to
bring up there's a recent article out
there where the national institute of
cancer or the American Cancer society looked
at 20 different studies that looked into
people who regularly take vitamins and
they found that people who did take
regular regularly take vitamins had an
increased risk for cancer which I've
heard a long time ago but now its even more
substantiated and one time I remember
when I wasn't in USC university southern
California I brought this up during the
grand rounds discussion where I presented a
patient and it's part of our learning
process and I said yeah certain vitamins
are associated with cancer and even my chairman
was like whoa i didn't i didn't know
that and he was shocked too and I tell
people I try to tell people that all the
time when I meet people during my
consultations that don't take too much
vitamins because that can lead to cancer
and and time time again people are just
shocked about hearing that so also the
other thing is i read through these
articles i found an antioxidant if you
take too much antioxidants that can lead
to cancer too
so moderation is huge don't take too many
supplements in fact i would not even
suggest taking too many vitamins or
any vitamins at all just have a good balanced
diet you're going to get plenty of
anti-cancer substances which i recently
found my yogurt and grape peel so
a plant-based diet is huge void vitamins and
and antioxidants in excessive amounts so a
really important part of reducing cancer
is exercise. In fact they even found
that if you do leisure exercise it
reduces your cancer risk even if you're the
same weight which is amazing and the
trying to figure out why that is and but
there's there's 13 cancers that are
associated with a decreased risk of
cancer based on the fact that you
exercise and that includes colon breast
endometrial throat liver stomach kidney
and leukemia are related to exercise
meaning that if you increase your
exercise you will have a decreased risk
in those cancers and they also even
showed head neck cancers rectal and
bladder cancers were also decreased in
people who exercise so make sure you
exercise that's going to help prevent
cancer now what I also again bring up
the fact of positive attitude
Positive attitude has definitely
been shown to help in some many different
factors they have shown that endorphins
which are the positive hormone in your
body has beneficial effects to your
white blood cells and all sorts of
things and make sure white blood cells
which fights off infections and cancers
work better and there's a lot of studies
on heart disease that have shown that
people who have a positive attitude are
more likely to recover from a heart
attack prevent heart attacks and all
sorts of things. I did a recent snapchat
on stress and holidays and they found
that stress can lead to heart attacks
why does it do that well lead to
cortisol release which can eventually lead to
the fight-or-flight response it can vasoconstrict
your vessels leading to more
heart strain i even discovered that
stress is part of the evolutionary thing
where when you get in a fight and you get
stressed and you get cut your body wants the
clot to prevent blood loss so you can
survive so stress induces a pro
clotting state meaning that if you have
to just vasoconstriction in your heart
or your body more strain in your heart
and you also have a more likelihood of
clotting you're more likely form a clot
in your heart that will be to a heart
attack so decrease your stress levels
and part of that is increase your
positivity watch a happy movie avoid
stressful situation as much possible or
learn some emotional meditation effects
you know watching a comedy is important
to bring more endorphins in you. you
know instead of a stressful movie so
watching comedies are really important
as well obviously avoiding sun is really
important you know sun can lead to be
these thymidine dimers in your skin cells that
basically cause your DNA to bind onto a
different DNA and that's how the the
Sun can lead to cancers in your skin
and there's a lot of interesting facts
about skin cancer that I can go into more
detail but you can also write me as well
Obesity is also associated with
cancer you know in it on top of not
having a lot of exercise
apparently they've done studies in mice
to show that certain mice who are obese
are less likely to to put out this anti
suppressing hormone called guanylin
which eventually leads to
epithelial changes in your colon and
rectum which is the lining of the colon
and rectum so obesity by itself can lead to
cancer so they also talk about certain
viruses leading cancer and I've
definitely learned that during med
school there's certain like epstein-barr
viruses that can actually lead to mutations
in your cells that lead to some
type of leukemia lymphoma
so getting in with immunized is really
important so getting immunized for
hepatitis and even human papillomavirus
human papilloma virus associated with
cervical cancers and also head and neck
cancers in fact I know someone that has
throw cancer and he believes it's from
having oral sex so make sure to get
vaccinated from human papillomavirus so
avoid radiation if you can if you don't
have to get radiation don't do it
decrease your number times you get
radiation from doing dental exams as
well CT scans a new study that that
showed that if you get a CT scan
childhood you're going to have increased
an increased risk for leukemia and brain
cancer if you have a CT scan and
childhood in that next decade so avoid
and I here also sorts of stories oh i got these
oral cancers cause I got a lot of
x-ray exams you know by my dentist when I
was younger so avoid radiation lastly I
want to talk about avoiding
environmental toxins now sometimes you
can't avoid everything in your life you
might as well live in a sterile
environment like that kid in the bubble
but if you know this you can kind of
avoid things now I had a family relative
that had
lung cancer and we're trying to figure
out why He didn't have this in his family history
but he did have paint a painting company
or some paint in his in his business
that eventually led to have him having
cancer so avoid avoid certain
environmental toxins like asbestos
benzene aromatic amines and PCBs
there are poly chlorinated biphenyls now
where do you find benzene benzene is found in
detergents adhesive glues paints inks dyes
and gasoline so make sure to avoid those
things service stations are also
associated with benzene so obviously you
can't avoid all those things but don't
eat paint chips don't sniff glue all
those things have benzene in it and can
lead to cancer aromatic amines are also
carcinogens and they are also found in some of
the things like perfumes dyes and they
find aromatic amines in grilled fish
and and meats so if you do a lot of grilling
that's also tends to be more
cancer-causing and again I mentioned
that back earlier on that you should
know you don't have to avoid BBQ but
just kind of cut down on too much grilling
actually the part that's grilled that
really dark part are carbons that
are charred and those are part of the
portion that can lead to cancer so if
you want to reduce your carcinogens
decrease that risk of taking that
charred part and polychlorinated
biphenyls are found in the same things
inks dyes etc
in fact contaminated water evaporated
contaminated water can also lead to more
polychlorinated biphenyls for example
the Great Lakes anyways thank you for
I I wanted to bring up cancer prevention
because I talked about a lot with my
patients and it definitely applies in my
life and it applies and all you know
everybody's lives no one wants to get cancer
so I thought this was going to be really
beneficial because I talked about it
again with my patients all the time and
I just want to do something that can
benefit people more in general because a
lot of people don't know so
some of these things so anyways
thanks for watching and leave me a
comment or email me if you go to my
website you can email me it goes straight to
me and I'd love to hear from you thanks
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side of what we do we'll do this by
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patient's and try to find some moral or
learning point hopefully we'll be able
to enrich our lives together
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