Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 12, 2016

Waching daily Dec 31 2016

This was me five years ago. これが5年前の私。

I uploaded my first video to help out a friend 英語のレジュメを書いていた友達のために

who was working on her English resume. 初めて動画をアップしました。

So embarrassing!

So this is the last video of the year! 今年最後の動画です!

And! This is our 500th video!!

That is crazy! 信じられない!

and I should let you guys know そして、言っていた方がいいかな

It's my birthday today! 誕生日なんです!

It's actually my 32nd Birthday!

I am getting so old! 年取ってきたな〜

So to celebrate our 500th video 500本目の動画ということで

I thought we should go back and take a look at 昔の動画を見ながら、

some of my older vids 昔の動画を見ながら、

and reminisce on our history together on YouTube! 私達のYouTubeでの歴史を振り返りたいと思います!

We're going to watch a bunch of video tonight!

Good morning!

I'm Chika the Bilingual Blogger.

I lived in the states for 16 years.

and came back to Japan 4 years ago.

I currently work at a consulting firm.

I would wake up early and film before work. 早起きして仕事に行く前に撮影したり。

I really shouldn't be vlogging right now.

I want to do a lesson really quickly

I'm running a bit late. ちょっと遅刻気味です。

I'm at my parents' house in Seattle.

This is the way your pronounce Seattle.

Whenever I come back to the states

I always start craving cereal.

For those of you who have been in Japan all your life

You might think you've never had anything so terrible

I think I've gotten a little better at food vlogging lol

Around my 40th video, I realized I had "subscribers"

People that didn't know me were watching!

I was so shocked!

I felt like I needed to start taking this seriously

and start branding!

So this was when I came up with

the name Bilingirl.

Today's lesson is something you all have trouble with

Pronouncing Ls and Rs!

But then! そしたら!

I got my first hater comment! 初のネガティブコメントが来ました!

You're so boring, you piss me off!

That is so rude! That's so mean! 超失礼!なんて意地悪!

I was really hurt, but at the same time

I kind of agreed with them.

I wasn't sure how to make my videos more entertaining

so it kind of fired me up.

and motivated me to try harder.

not sure if this was the right direction, but...

I remember being so reluctant to click the publish button 公開ボタンをクリックするかためらいました。

I was just so scared as to what all of you were going to think! みんながどう思うか怖くて。

Only my mom knew this part of me! 母親しか知らない私の一面!

But because of this video I was able to show a part of myself I hadn't been able to.

and things started to change.

I used to be able to upload videos without thinking much about it.

I am quitting my job at the end of the month!

It is the year of the horse! 午年です!

My New Year's Resolution is 新年の抱負はフルタイムでYouTuberになること!

to become a full time YouTuber! 新年の抱負はフルタイムでYouTuberになること!

I quit consulting job to do this このためにコンサルの仕事を辞めました!

I started a new channel where 新しいチャンネルを始めました。

I will be sharing lots of unique things about Japan. 日本のユニークなことを沢山シェアしていきます。

Japanagos? What?

For those of you who watch my Japanagos channel ジャパナゴスを見てくれているみなさん、

I am so sorry that I haven't been able to upload videos 全然投稿できていなくてごめんなさい。

But it's definitely on my to-do list. 確実にto-do listに載ってます!

Keep your fingers crossed for me. 祈ってて!

My first collaboration with a brand. 初の企業コラボ!

I had to get creative!

We've had some good times together. 楽しい時間を過ごしました。

Especially recently in Hawaii. 特に最近は、ハワイで。

They played this video at an event and Max Murai (YouTuber) was like

You really go all out!

Yeah, I go all out!

See, it really was me. 本当に私だったんですよ。

Furugitune-san (chikatomo) drew the background.

So it was a collaboration with a chika-tomo.

I'd be fun to collaborate with more chika-tomos in the future.

This took forever to edit!

I think it turned out really good.

Yeah, I think so.

Thank you Co-san for writing such a good song! 素敵な曲を書いてくれてありがとう!

You make an imaginary girlfriend.

You have to be aggressive

and get their attention.

You have unnecssary converstions

Yeah, I make something up and start talking

and purposefully put myself in a tough situation.

These people say "i love you" like "good morning"

and now I'm going to tour around Berlin! これからベルリン観光!

Earrings perfect for Bilingirl!

Wow, that looks good!

I am in Sydney! シドニーに来てます!

I am in London! ロンドンに来てます!

It's actually pretty deep!

The mountains here in Hawaii are insane!

The view is amazing!

This view is so epic! 雄大な景色!

I am in Vienna! ウィーンに来てます!

Welcome to Los Angeles! LAにようこそ!

You can be Fiona today.

That's a little embarrassing lol

I have such supportive friends!

I'm so blessed!

Thank you guys! Love you guys!

Who would have thought this video would get この動画がまさか

over 2 million views now! 200万回以上再生されるとは!

That is insane! 信じられない!

You just never know! 本当に分からないですね!

I am getting married! 結婚します!

Do you really need the mask?

Wasn't that embarrassing? Everyone is watching.

Someone is like "You don't need to come out as a monkey!"

I think we could sell those shirts!

We're about to start the ceremony!

I got married last November (2015) and this was definitely the year of the Monkey lol

We had a lot of opportunities to work together

Videos I couldn't make by myself, I can now make.

I feel like I've reached the next level.

A little weird, but I'm writing a letter to myself. ちょっと変ですが、自分に手紙を書いています。

I'm always like "hey guys!" and all happy, but

of course I feel down at times,

Everyone does.

Everyone goes through these phases.

There are times when I open my Twitter account ツイッターを開いて

and I see something that gets me down for the whole day, 一日落ち込むようなコメントがあったり。

and I'm not quite myself. 様子がおかしくなったり。

I'm going to take a break from uploading videos.

This was actually a difficult decision for me to make.

Sometimes I get comments saying my older videos were better.

and I can see that.

I understand, but

it's so hard to go back.

As a creator, I want to make better, higher quality videos.

But on the other hand, you guys that are watching

might think my older, more casual videos were more interesting to watch.

and I can understand that.

It's just so hard,

that balance.

Some people say that I feel far away, less close to them

I'm still right here. 今でもここにいますよ。

I really haven't changed. そんなに変わってませんよ。 (髪の色以外w)

I have better equipment and I can edit better. 機材がよくなったり、編集も上手くなったけど

but it's still... それでも

me. 私だよ。

Your likes and your comments

all of your support

all of that

is what makes this channel.

Thank you so much for everything.

Thank you guys so much for all of your love and support いつも温かく見守ってくれてありがとうございます。

Because if it weren't for you guys, as I always say, みなさんがいなかったら、いつも言いますが、

I would not be here. This channel wouldn't exist. バイリンガールはいません。 このチャンネルも存在しません。

and all of these videos, all of these 500 videos そして、この大勢の動画も、500本もの動画も

would not be here. ないです。

So thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. なおで、心の底からありがとう。

Watching my older videos has actually been very inspiring.

like "these casual videos were kind of nice,"

Maybe it's okay for me to upload more casually at times.

So I want to take that all in and

keep moving forward, but not forgetting the past.

I've uploaded a variety of videos

I would love it if you'd tell me your favorite!

Let me know which video is your favorite. お気に入りの動画を教えてください。

My favorite?

That's a hard question. 難しい質問ですね。

I'm asking you guys a very hard question. みなさんにかなり難しい質問をしてますねw

It's my bday so that can be a little present for me. 誕生日なのでちょっとしたプレゼントとして♪

Next year, I really hope I can figure out a way to work more efficiently lol

But I'll probably be saying the exact same thing next year.

But I'm going to try my best

and I'll definitely be uploading a lot more videos

Alright guys, thank you so much for watching. 見てくれてありがとう!

There are so many more things I want to tell you guys もっともっと伝えたいこと

that I want to talk to you guys about 話したいことが沢山あります。

but this is probably already a video that is way too long すでに長過ぎる動画なので。

and most of you guys are probably not even watching by now. もうほとんどの方が見てないんじゃないかな。

Are you guys watching still? まだ見てますか??

Have an amazing countdown to 2017! 素敵なカウントダウンを!

and I will see you guys next year! そして来年お会いしましょう!

Thank you for everything this year!

Isn't he nice?

You went and bought this because you knew I was vlogging, huh?

Wow! 500!

Thank you!

Thank you guys for 500 videos!

Gotta aim for 1000 videos!

Another 5 years?

I'll be 37.

You'll be?

Shut up!

For more infomation >> Looking back at my old videos! 500th video celebration! - Duration: 16:04.


Sợ Cái Ấy To Ra thì người yêu cũ không thích, Vợ tôi đã từ chối sinh con để thoải mái Mây Mưa - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Sợ Cái Ấy To Ra thì người yêu cũ không thích, Vợ tôi đã từ chối sinh con để thoải mái Mây Mưa - Duration: 4:29.


Jeśli nienawidzisz poniedziałków - obejrzyj to MOTYWACJA NAPISY PL - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Jeśli nienawidzisz poniedziałków - obejrzyj to MOTYWACJA NAPISY PL - Duration: 0:49.


The Breakthrough is Near — Current Events & Intel Compilation - Duration: 16:01.

The Breakthrough is Near � Current Events & Intel Compilation.

By Jonathan Carty.

Greetings everyone, I hope you are all doing well.

In this article I would like to present a compilation of current events and intel that

show how close we are to a final breakthrough here on Earth.

I know the words near, soon and imminent have been used to death but when we realize how

long this planet has been in quarantine and under control of the dark forces, 25,000 years,

it makes a few months or years seem manageable; do-able, if you will.

Or perhaps survival-able is better.

Yes that one sounds more correct.

Now no one knows when The Event will happen.

We can try to pinpoint a date or time period but it�s not easy to do this as there are

billions of people with free will who are constantly changing the course of events,

not to mention the clearing of the remaining Plasmic Toplet Bombs to ensure the safety

of the planet and its inhabitants.

The main timeline though, per Cobra�s sources and intel, is a positive one and victory of

the light has been assured, so we needn�t put too much focus into the negative.

One of the ways we can tell we are close to a grand change is the highly discussed wave

of energy hitting the planet right now.

This information got me really excited as it lined up with some of Cobra�s information

about the Galactic Center (the Pleroma):

�Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of

26,000 years.

Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart,

which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years.

So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave,

either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000

years after each large one��

ere is another excerpt about the Galactic Wave from a previous post on Cobra�s blog:

�This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around

the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings��

Here is the video from YouTube channel creator Dutchsinse about the energy wave engulfing

the planet:

In one of Cobra�s previous articles he goes on to describe the importance of the interaction

between humanity�s group consciousness and the energies coming from the Galactic Central


�It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our

global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us

based on our ability to receive them.

This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible.

Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback

loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.�

Here is an article from Ascension With Earth that contains several articles from various

sources about the galactic wave and the energies travelling to us from the Galactic Central


ECETI founder and contactee James Gilliland has released some information about these

energies, here are a few excerpts, although I recommend reading the entire post:

�Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet.

It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is.

It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much


It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid.

This ascension wave is the solution.

It is the soul activator, the initiation and support of the light workers and warriors

who came to the earth to liberate her and her people.

The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal

Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.

This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.�

Let us not forget earlier this year Cobra and David mentioned the sun would sneeze at

some point in our near future:

(Blog Post Link) �If they do not cooperate, and cooperate fast, the negotiating conditions

may change, because the planetary and cosmic situation will change as the Galactic Central

Sun is about to �sneeze�.�

(Blog Post Link) �I am going to need to add something to the book about this.

ALL the major aspects of Corey�s testimony have been confirmed � and Tompkins has no

idea who he is!

Oh� and get this� he said the Sun is going to �sneeze� soon, it will have a quantum

effect on human evolution, and that�s why the spheres are here!!!�

I think it is quite possible that the combination with the PizzaGate scandal, the U.S. being

exposed supporting terrorists in Syria and the intense dislike of the candidates and

exposed rigging of this year�s election, this is creating an incredible amount of global

awakening all at the same time.

Never before has everything been so open, obvious and unhidden.

The PizzaGate scandal became even worse for me yesterday as it was discovered that a pedophile

ring existed on YouTube, out in the open.

One YouTube user created a video based on research done by citizen investigators on

Voat that exposed many videos of children in various poses and positions.

Some of these videos have millions of views and several horrific comments.

Apparently all you had to do to find these videos was type in �web cam video� and

there you had it:

his is in addition to the recent TwitterGate scandal where millions of accounts were found

to be openly sharing child pornography.

Some of the accounts had tens of thousands of followers.

Norway also announced the largest pedophile bust in history with 51 men being arrested

and 150 terabytes of data being confiscated.

To put that in perspective I found the following about how much data that is:

�150 Terabytes: Estimated size of all Web pages indexed by Google on Dec 8th 2005 (not

including databases or video).

(See this article for the figures I used)� This is beyond a colossal amount of child


It is more and more obvious that children are being sold, used, sacrificed and disposed

of on an industrial scale.

I think we can anticipate more of this information coming out as time goes on.

This is the gunk we need to clean out of the shower drain, it�s been festering in there

for decades and must be removed and cleaned, and it will be.

I�d like to move on to the financial aspect of this whole thing and divert your attention

to something that isn�t getting enough attention.

We know the Cabal is being systematically cut off from their money supply via money

laundering, drugs, oil and so on via the hard work of the Alliance.

One of the things that we can see happening is the recent bankruptcy and nationalization

of the Jesuit�s bank �Monte dei Paschi di Siena�.

Here is a quick quote from Cobra�s blog about the importance of this bank to controlling


(Blog Post Link) �The Chigi family are bankers for the Jesuits and they control Banca Monte

dei Paschi de Siena.

As I have stated over a month ago, the Eastern Alliance is disrupting their financial machinations

and here are the results��

(Blog Post Link) �Also the Eastern Alliance has allegedly made a trading attack on Banca

Monte dei Paschi di Siena, disrupting Jesuit financial machinations.

That bank is one of the most important banks in the current Jesuit-controlled banking system.

It is owned by the Chigi family, a main black nobility family from Siena.�

(Blog Post Link) �The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain

the quarantine status of planet Earth.

It is good to know that the Jesuit organization is a 16th century creation of the Farnese

family, which is one of the most powerful papal Black Nobility families in Italy.�

Cobra has mentioned before that there will be no huge financial event until the Event

happens, which will actually be the financial reset, but we can notice various public displays

of the work of the Alliance cornering the Cabal and their financial machinations which

is very nice to see!

As David Wilcock talked about in previous talks and episodes of his show Wisdom Teachings

on Gaia the ultimate downfall of the big banks is that they will be fined into oblivion.

We can see more of this happening recently:

There are more than that and these are just recent.

It is important that we put our money into something that has value like land, gold,

silver and other real world items.

There have already been bail-ins which all banks in Europe were required to have legislation

for at the beginning of this year.

We needn�t worry but quietly prepare, now especially more than ever since events have

been accelerating.

If anyone remembers the series of episodes Michael Tellinger did on Gaia with regard

to the UBUNTU Movement which is a philosophical way of living without money, also known as


He addressed all 13 main problems that come up over and over again when he does these

talks around the world.

Michael ran for president under the name of the Ubuntu party not too long ago.

There was an enormous amount of interest but unfortunately it appears the elections are

rigged in Africa as they are here.

He just did an update a few days ago as of the time of this writing where he talks about

the success of the adaptation of this way of living with various small towns and villages.

He was hoping to get only 1 town to do it but several are interested and are currently

working to implement it:

Now I�d like to turn to the geopolitical view of this operation.

The United States and friends who are controlled by the Cabal sustained a massive defeat in

Syria recently with the liberation of Aleppo.

I would like to recap the situation in Syria as it the epicenter of the galactic proxy

war occurring here on Earth right now:

(Blog Post Link) �The situation in Syria is the geopolitical turning point for the

planetary liberation.�

(Blog Post Link) �The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for

the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the

planetary energy grid.

Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy

leyline system on the planetary surface.

Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness

of humanity.

When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian

pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.�

The Syrian Army has been making advances towards Raqqa in the recent past but has begun to

move more in that direction which we can see from these articles:

Rudaw � Syria Defense Force Have �Reached the Euphrates� 10 Days into Campaign for


�The clashes come on the tenth day of the SDF�s second stage of their Wrath of Euphrates

operation to liberate ISIS� stronghold of Raqqa.

Their forces have reached the Euphrates and retaken a large area northwest of Raqqa, they

announced on Tuesday.

During the first 10 days in the second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates, which

was launched from the directions of Qadiriy� and Kerdosan villages with the goal of liberating

western Raqqa, fighters have liberated 97 villages, dozens of hamlets and strategic

hills in a total area of 1300 square kilometers,� said spokesperson Jihan Sheikh Ahmad in a

press briefing.�

The Washington Times � Turkey Amasses Troops Along Syrian Border as March to Raqqa Continues:

�The Turkish troops and weaponry began making their way toward the border region on Sunday

as Turkish and Syria fighters continue to tighten the noose around the al Bab, the northern

Syrian enclave controlled by Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, Agence France-Presse


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said �Al-Bab is nearly finished�

almost a month after the offensive began to retake the city, which lies 100 miles west

of Islamic State�s so-called capital of Raqqa, Syria, AFP reported.�

Although I don�t trust the Turkish leadership at the moment I think they are under pressure

from Russian and the Alliance to stay in check, I don�t believe Mr. Erdogan would like Russian

sanctions being implemented on his country again.

Lesson learned.

Let us not forget Putin is a master chess player and is being aided by our Galactic


This planet will have a happy ending, it is already decided.

The cancerous cell known as Earth will be transformed and healed into the paradise it

is supposed to be.

Recently, per Benjamin Fulford�s weekly intel report, his sources claimed this week

that various Cabal members are on house arrest and won�t be allowed to go anywhere.

In an interesting and possible confirmation story the Queen and Prince Philip had cancelled

their trip to Sandringham because they both had colds.

But they apparently went anywaysby helicopter instead.

They cancelled their trip on the 21st of December but felt well enough to go the next day December

22nd by helicopter?

I suppose that it is possible they did have colds and took a different mode of transportation

but given the intel and events that have been playing out I might suspect something else

going on here.

Perhaps Ben will go over it in his next update.

One more thing I will add that I thought was significant was China�s announcement of

their �imminent� use of NASA�s �impossible� engine in some of their satellites:

�Scientists in China claim they�ve created a working prototype of the �impossible�

reactionless engine � and they say they�re already testing it in orbit aboard the Tiangong-2

space laboratory.

The radical, fuel-free EmDrive recently stirred up controversy after a paper published by

a team of NASA researchers appeared to show they�d successfully built the technology.

�scientists with the China Academy of Space Technology claim NASA�s results �re-confirm�

what they�d already achieved, and have plans to implement it in satellites �as quickly

as possible.�� This is all I have for now.

I hope this article, which is somewhat of a recap, helped bring everyone up to speed

on what�s going on.

Thank you for reading, much love and victory of the light!

P.S. for more information about The Event and what it is I created a tab on the main

page of this blog that is titled �The Event�.

It has a ton of useful information and includes the weekly meditation we are doing to speed

up this whole process.


You might also enjoy this video I made where I discuss some of

the things written in this article:

For more infomation >> The Breakthrough is Near — Current Events & Intel Compilation - Duration: 16:01.


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 ! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 ! - Duration: 1:55.


Lego Star Wars Rogue One Haul - New Wave 2 Sets & Series 4 Microfighters - Duration: 4:25.

Hey guys its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today Ive been to Toy Town a chain of toy

shops here in the UK and today I want to share with you

a haul of legos ive just purchased from them.

these are all from the rogue one lego release range!

I love star wars lego!! check out this toy haul which includes the following sets; Lego

Star Wars Tie Striker Microfighter Series 4 set 75161, Lego Star Wars Krennic's Imperial

Shuttle Microfighter Series 4 set 75163, Star Wars Lego Imperial Trooper Battle Pack set

75165 and finally Lego Star Wars Rebel Trooper Battle Pack set 75164.

These sets are all new and from the rogue one release range.

I am so excited to be able to finally open and build these sets it adds to my imperial

army im building!

Please Subscribe and Support the channel!!

Links *****

Instagram: Twitter:

Facebook Page: Website:

Steam Profile:

About Me ********

Hey guys I am your host SuperSorrell, This channel has everything from Toy Unboxing Reviews,

Mystery Boxes by Loot Crate & My Geek Box to in depth Action Figure reviews of Star

Wars Elite Series, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends and Marvel Ultimate Series.

I love Funko Pop Vinyls, Dorbz and collecting Vinyl figures too!

My wife has joined the channel under the alias Mrs SuperSorrell where we do Disney Store

Haul videos and Tsum Tsum Tuesday Mini Plush reviews!

I am a huge LEGO fan! and love to do complete opening and building videos!

I also love blind bags, blind boxes like Mystery Minis and more!

I am a huge scifi geek and love my Dr Who & Star Trek too!

I read Marvel Comics and starting DC too!

I am a huge movie and pop culture buff and therefore I attend a lot of conventions across

the UK come and say hello!

I always answer comments from fans so feel free to ask anything in the comment section!

So don�t forget to subscribe!

- *New content uploaded daily!

My Equipment *************

Console: Xbox One/360/PS2/PS4/PC Camera: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240

Vlog Camera: Samsung Galaxy A3 Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000

Mic: Blue Snowball Blackout USB Capture: Elgato Game Capture HD

Headphones: Turtle Beach Star Wars Battlefront Sandtrooper Gaming Headset

Software: Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum

Are you apart of the Rebel Alliance or Imperial Empire let me know in the comments below!!

#StarWars #StarWarsRogueOne #StarWarsRebels #LEGO #LegoStarWars #legostore #toys #review

#unboxing #disney #DeathStar #rebelalliance

Lego Star Wars Rogue One Haul - New Wave 2 Sets & Series 4 Microfighters

lego rogue one,lego rogue one 2017,lego rogue one wave 2,lego store haul,lego star wars,lego

star wars haul,lego star wars rogue one haul,lego star wars microfighters series 4,supersorrell,toy,toys,unboxing,haul,review,speed

build,jangbricks,lego star wars sets,75163,75161,75164,75165,tie striker microfighters,krennics imperial shuttle,rebel

trooper battle pack,imperial trooper battle pack,death trooper lego,lego minifigures,lego

minifigure death troopers

For more infomation >> Lego Star Wars Rogue One Haul - New Wave 2 Sets & Series 4 Microfighters - Duration: 4:25.


1MILLION China Tour 2016 - Duration: 11:09.

i guess it's healthy food

its so hurts!!

Our next tour destination is Wuhan, and it will be in July. Bongyoung is going too.

Mina is going too.

Yes, together-

See you again, Nanjing-

This is what it's like five minutes before workshop starts.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. We are now at the venue for 1MILLION Dance Studio workshop.

Don't we look like an idol group just about to debut?

What should we name our group?

Wearing "Gachi" merch together

Let's do this

We are going in now.

Going in-

So we are about to begin our first workshop in Wuhan - hello

There's no AC here, so it's super hot.

See you again, Wuhan-

It's okay if you are not perfect, just have fun- please.

I could really feel your energy.

Great work!

Hey everyone, this is Mina.

The energy here really exceeded my expectation.

It was so much fun. Everyone did so well.

I love it.

See you again, Shanghai-

It's my first time trying out a feminine choreography.

Thank you so much for coming to our workshop.

I want to thank everyone for being so focused,

I had a really great time.

mina you look like movie star in 'Yellow Sea'

'Are you come from China?' (Voice imitation)

i can't

I really should sleep. My eyes-

Can you see my eyes? The creases are getting deeper.

For more infomation >> 1MILLION China Tour 2016 - Duration: 11:09.


Happy 2017 everyone! - Duration: 0:21.

-Hi, I'm Nika!

- I'm Fred

- We want to wish everyone

- A happy new year

- We also like to leave an advise for 2017

- Don't mess with black magic

- All the best

- See you next year


For more infomation >> Happy 2017 everyone! - Duration: 0:21.


GMŤ 957(๑•̀ω•́)ノ|What's In Our School Bag ?! 我們的學校書包?! - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> GMŤ 957(๑•̀ω•́)ノ|What's In Our School Bag ?! 我們的學校書包?! - Duration: 7:25.



we want to reach our target our target

is a comet the team as expectation from

you every day and you always have to

think I had the user cannot come in the

morning and say what you have to do


you're always have to think well I had

been deposited are often presented

doesn't wake up permission will already

be over our fingers are crossed for the

first signal to make it to us as a no

comments to the other on the day of

population exit was high expectation

that we successfully come out of

hibernation when that time in the

morning occurred you think well okay

that's it now we just wait are you wait

for the spacecraft that stopped spinning

22 warm itself up and to get ready to

send this signal

hello everybody and welcome inside the

main control room which is quite

exciting we also get a good view of the

countdown clock here before Rosetta will

wake up requires 45 minutes for the

signal to travel at the speed of life to

come from the spacecraft

there's a big success for everybody now

we got it back now it's up to us to

drive into the government you want to

see this clean peak and that's what we

got we you wait a few more seconds and

you see this clean carrier signal and

that's all you need to know

possums are all we have no idea what is

waiting for us out there

Rosetta will use its navigation camera

as it gradually closes in on its target

comet churyumov-gerasimenko before

shifting to the trajectory that will

finally bring it to its destination then

it will start to orbit the comet map it

and characterize it

this will enable us to search for a

landing site and landfill Lander in

November 2014 in London feeling upset he

lays dead tired finna is the part of the

rosetta mission that will land on a

comet so we will really have the

opportunity to investigate the

primordial dust and ice material on-site

be like for art

you gotta watch yourself in this is what

we're looking at fifty percent of the

comments gonna be made of material like

this we can look at the water on the

ocean of the earth and compare that

ratio to what we find on comets whether

it's like sheet is always more dusty is

possibly this water could have been

delivered to the earth by the Comets

this is why we're going to this comment

to see where that water comes from to

see is it connected to work at all and

that's then connecting to whether we

ourselves are connected to comments

maybe who knows

Braden and filled with this mission with

entering new territory in Berlin we have

built three instruments for this lambda

and then at about the Rollins camera on

the bottom of the lander will acquire

six or seven images that will reach

Earth hours later the movements device

will be hammered into the surface to

measure the thermal properties these

will then be refined using the other

instruments to understand what kind of

environment quick landed on this base

camp is now on a trajectory to the

comment but it doesn't have yet the

right velocity to actually arrive at the

comet and stay there we activate our

thrusters the this small rocket we're

bored and we accelerate the spacecraft

to reach the exact velocity of the

common and we do an acceleration of

about 800 meters per second

thanks a lot of acceleration we start to

see this pin prick in the distance and

then you realize this is reality it's

not a theoretical concept anymore to

real comment we're seeing this this

pinpoint of light getting closer and


it wasn't like this great data that we

first imagined that it was actually much

more interesting appreciated consists of

two parts this double structure was not

expected and we all had the same initial


how will we land on this it hasn't made

things any easier

yeah we don't feel like to end up on its

back like a beetle or crash all these

things are much easier to solve on a

spherical target and on a very rugged

surface with valleys even canyons cliffs

and crevices

these are difficult conditions therefore

we have a ground reference model here at

the lander control center to test all

the sequences over and over again it

takes some time but we have to make sure

that it works the landing sequence will

be started at a specific moment at the

same time the orbiter must adopt a

specific orientation as the lander will

be pushed away from the orbiter as soon

as the Landers feet touch the surface

two harpoons will be fired to Anchorage

that's my middle

to further secure the lander I screws on

the feet will then draw it towards the

surface in your wallet or offices that's

one must prepare as best one can we will

spend the time in characterizing the

coming when the faintest idea of the

gravity potential of the comment the

gravitational forces so we have to

measure them and then with an orbit

development and there we will start

mapping we need to do a very good map to

decide where to land all these we have

to do it before otherwise we're not even

able to discuss about the instability so

it's a massive challenge technologically

but at the same time the reason we're at

this comment is for science

no other reason we're doing this to get

the best size to characterize this comet

as has never been done before

doesn't what will be interesting for the

scientists will be to observe the

changes what the comment does as it

approaches the Sun becomes increasingly

active and starts to outgassing for jet

around the hearts of the Comets surface

are dead and connective nothing is


Donnie and there are some places where

plenty is going on there at the moment

some 500 grams of water per second or

outgassing from the comet closer to the

Sun this will rise to 300 kilograms what

would happen if the lander were to touch

down in one of these places it would

probably not guarantee a long operating

life if we target an active area an area

where there's lots of outgassing

sublimation so lots of material coming

off of the surface it's going to be

difficult to get the land down there

after the island of using a spectable

accessory after considering all the

different aspects of the possible

landing sites we have decided on landing

site J we've also selected an

alternative landing site see on the body


everything is into complex of dimes

enough anyone following is undertaking

is so complex that a single person would

be overwhelmed by it

it simply isn't manageable is only

possible in large teams you have to get

together and discuss and the good thing

is that they're all great people people

with their feet on the ground who you

can really talk to

it presents particular challenges but

ultimately Rosetta shows you what you

can do by collaborating internationally

it's just great to be here is great to

be involved in this and be involved with

the scientists the guys that are doing

this to be able to interact with people

like that is that's it can imagine how

privileged we feel to be the ones to

have to lend this object on the comet at

the same time you can understand the

level of responsibility that sits on our

lands and our shoulders

we've spent years with the colleagues of

the lander team may lead bullets from

class and DLR to work out strategies to

define them to trade them off to

negotiate them to fit all the

constraints and the objectives were for

this operation face and now we have to

implement it for real time has come to

make it happen


history about the only person around it

doesn't have TV coverage of the things

and then they got the black up now

you're gonna feel better in the morning

TV picture now epic fail yet we are

getting a TV picture children now d-1



For more infomation >> ROSETTA: LANDING ON A COMET - NEW SPACE DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 10:39.


Final Fantasy X - Suteki da ne - Sub-italian / traduzione in italiano. [COVER] - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Final Fantasy X - Suteki da ne - Sub-italian / traduzione in italiano. [COVER] - Duration: 6:04.


좀비고등학교 Quurtz° 진좀전문클랜 클모 /2017/(10분) - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> 좀비고등학교 Quurtz° 진좀전문클랜 클모 /2017/(10분) - Duration: 10:01.


This Is The Most Visited City In The World - Duration: 3:22.

International travel is at an all-time high, with more than one billion people venturing

outside their home country every year.

It should come as no surprise that world-class cities like Paris, London and New York are

all popular destinations, but none of them actually occupy the top spot.

So, what is the most visited city in the world?

Well, according to Mastercard's Global Destination Cities Index, which tracks spending on travel-related

services, the most visited city in the world is Bangkok, Thailand.

In the 2016 Index, Bangkok saw more than 21 million overnight visitors, compared to Paris

and London, which saw roughly 18 and 19 million visitors, respectively.

More than 85 percent of Bangkok's international visitors were there for travel or leisure,

as opposed to business.

This is relatively unusual for Asian cities.

Shanghai, for example, sees fewer than half of all foreign visitors there for leisure.

During the 1980's and 1990's, Bangkok became a hub for business travel, as many

multinational corporations established headquarters there.

Although the city has been a popular vacation stop for decades, the Tourism Authority of

Thailand embarked on an ambitious campaign in 2015 to increase tourism even more.

Although it's still in its early stages, the so-called "Discover Thainess" campaign

is expected to increase visitors to the country's largest region by nearly 30 million.

So, what is so special about Bangkok?

Well, the Thai capital is home to countless historical monuments, including royal palaces,

Buddhist temples and Hindu shrines.

But studies show that most visitors seek out Bangkok because of its diverse and inexpensive


In 2013, the city's enormous luxury shopping mall, the Siam Paragon (SIGH-AM PAIR-AGON),

was the most Instagram-ed location on earth.

Bangkok also has a booming illicit sex industry.

Although prostitution in Thailand is illegal, it is extremely visible, reportedly happening

inside massage parlours, saunas and hotels.

Sex tourism is so pervasive that it has earned Bangkok the unofficial nickname the "Sin

City of Asia"

But beyond what Bangkok has to offer, a number of other factors play into the city's role

as a destination.

Bangkok is the gateway through which most foreign visitors enter Thailand, often on

their way to the country's picturesque beaches and lush mountains.

The Thai capital is also a popular destination for China and Southeast Asia's rapidly growing

middle class—people who, a decade ago, likely didn't have the money or time to travel.

In fact, most visitors to Bangkok come from other parts of Thailand or from neighboring


This is all against the backdrop of Asia's fast growing economy, which is fueling both

business and leisure-related travel.

In fact, the region houses half of the top ten most visited cities on the index.

Bangkok isn't the only Asian city that is rising in the ranks.

Cities like Tokyo and Seoul are seeing a ten percent or more increase in visitors every


Osaka (oh-saka), Japan is the fastest growing destination city in the world, seeing more

than 13 percent more international travelers between 2015 and 2016.

As global economic power continues to shift to Asia, we may soon see other cities in the

region compete with Bangkok to be the world's most sought-after tourist destinations.

Bangkok tops the list in terms of most visited cities.

But Thailand is not the most visited country.

Far from it, in fact.

So what are the most visited countries?

Find out in this video.

Well, travel and tourism are huge industries, which currently are thought to account for

nine percent of the global GDP or $7 trillion.

In 2015, over a billion tourists traveled the world.

Thanks for watching Seeker Daily!

Don't forget to like and subscribe for more videos every day.

For more infomation >> This Is The Most Visited City In The World - Duration: 3:22.


Kaabil Trailer English subtitles- Release date changed to 25th Januay - Duration: 2:23.


I am Rohan Bhatnagar.

A man's self confidence is his strength.

You and me, we are not weak.

How can two negatives become positive?

Darkness cannot brighten darkness. Isn't it Rohan?

But if we have some with us in this darkness,

then the darkness may seem reduced.

It seems as if in real life also,

two negatives are becoming positive.

You have completed my incomplete life.

Hey open up!

Come on! Open up!

Su are u all right Su?

Tell me what happened Su?

Tell me what happened? What happened Su?

There is more darkness in your law and order than in our world.

They started this game,

you all watched it happen,

I will end it.

Just one more thing

There will be no lifeline in this game, sir.

For more infomation >> Kaabil Trailer English subtitles- Release date changed to 25th Januay - Duration: 2:23.


HSN | Coin Collector featuring New Releases 12.31.2016 - 05 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Coin Collector featuring New Releases 12.31.2016 - 05 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


レーザービーム Perfume フル 歌詞付き - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> レーザービーム Perfume フル 歌詞付き - Duration: 3:32.


Сон на улье (интервью с изобретателем) Сон на пчелах - Duration: 21:15.

Sleeping on a beehive

Nikolay Yaravoy - interview with the inventor of the remediation "sleeping on a beehive", artist, bee-keeper

I have started to study and practice methods

of remediation with the help of honey bees since 1998

and I have gained vast experience in this field.

First I have constructed a beehive where one could sleep

in the fresh air right over a bee family.

Now I have 8 such beehive beds.

Medical treatment I suggest is complex and multidimensional.

When I was sick, I have been using only one beehive model

and I was quite satisfied with it.

However, during the process of recovery I have felt that some energies have become excessive

and one beehive can't respond to all the diseases or complains.

Thus we have started experiments

and tests which resulted into patented inventions.

My first patent has been issued in 2006, it was a patent of a beehive for an apiarist.

Since that we have been popularizing this remediation method.

In 2007 we have patented another invention,

and a documentary "Family portrait" has been made about our method.

We are constantly trying to improve our method by taking new challenges

and looking for the answers to questions we get during our practice.

What does the medication look like?

Before applying therapy and getting a patient into a beehive bed,

we conduct a diagnosis and examine a patient.

With the help

of an acupuncture electrodiagnostic device

and palpation we measure energy flow disturbance

in 12 acupuncture meridians.

This gives information about the health of a patient, including circulatory or digestive systems and general well-being.

Depending on the result of the examination we suggest to a patient

to sleep in a certain beehive bed for 20 minutes up to 2 hours.

After that we conduct acupuncture electrodignostics again to find out the effect of sleeping in a beehive.

I can suggest the type of a beehive bed

for the therapy without this complex diagnosis basing

on the situation of condition of a patient.

However, the subtle change in energy flows

is difficult to be measured without specific devices.

The measurements also help to choose the most proper

beehive type for a patient.

Some beehives would have

Some beehives would have

good effect on certain organs, one would raise his energy strength

and the others reduce the redundant one.

The main goal is to get the balance of all systems in the organism,

and to improve

both physical and psychological health.

Therefore we apply various models of bee houses for the treatment.

We invented and patented different types of beehives.

We have seven technically useful model patents.

This embraces sixteen models

we can produce.

Now we produce four of them as experimental models.

It takes up to five years to conduct a research,

test a beehive model in practice

and improve it so that it has an indisputable healing effect

on a human organism.

There are many factors which have to be considered for creating an effective beehive bed.

The main principle is the way we use the warmth and the micro vibration coming from a bee family.

Some people cannot breathe with the air from a beehive,

so the bed should have an open air access, it should be closed and opened.

Another thing

is that the bee family

should live in a most natural way, in the fresh air,

among flowers and close to the ground – all these elements

all these elements have their own vibrations and positive effects.

One should not feed bees with sugar,otherwise their vibrations would change

and it would be reflected on the cells of the human organism immediately.

How are honey bees helping to restore energy flows in a human body?

The thing is that honeycomb cells

create cluster system

which is balancing the energy of the earth and the energy of the sky.

It is a natural filter helping

to change and balance energy flows.

A study conducted together with scientists gave an interesting result.

We have left water in a beehive

and later it has been proved

that the water has changed its structure.

Thus, when a patient is staying in a beehive,

the "distorted" water in his organism

gets naturally structured.

The processes during a sleep in a beehive

help human body to save its energy

it would spend

otherwise on structuring cell water

or warming itself.

The released energy

is directed now to the organs and body parts,

which have been "neglected" earlier.

Blood circulation improves; muscles and vessels are functioning better.

If there is pain, it is naturally relieved; the fixing of fractured bones or resolving of tumors

is happening fast and other damaged places are getting healed.

Our main task is to bring the work of inner organs to harmony.

Our long experience has proved

that a single beehive,

as well as a single pill,

cannot cure all diseases at once.

We advocate for a complex

treatment with a cumulative effect.

Different types of beehives

have different impact

on a human body, as well as his diseases.

Now there are many attempts to build such centers of beehive therapy,

however, the vast investments and efforts turn out to be inefficient

if one applies only one type of a beehive

and suggests only one-sided treatment.

Such approach can help human organism

to cure one type of diseases,

however, it cannot harmonize the work of a human body in general.

Even now

I chose a different beehive to sleep,

depending on the weather or simply on my mood.

I think it is even not safe to stay for a long time in one type of a beehive,

because it might lead to excessive energy or even heat stress.

As a result one becomes week,

sleepy and inefficient at working.

That is why I want to stress that each beehive model is fulfilling a completely different task

and we insist on a complex treatment of any ail.

The construction of any functioning and efficient beehive medication center demands not only investments into building,

but also investment into research, contact with the inventors and orientations not only towards profits, but towards progress.

As to us, we are still working on our inventions,

perhaps, we make small steps, but we believe this is the right direction.

We do not take many patients,

but work with each of them individually and try to get always best results.

We conduct statistics and have also our experimental center.

My main helpers and also experimental subjects are my family members.

For fifteen years they have been sleeping in beehives during the whole beekeeping season.

We take measurements and run diagnostics, observe their health condition and draw conclusions.

We wish

the progress were over the profit goals of an industrial beekeeping.

For the situation of a bee today has changed and leaves much to be desired.

For millions of years the nature has been refining upon a bee.

Today we are interfering within its life by worsening ecological situation

or turning a bee into a mere object of an industrial beekeeping, bringing it under the threat of dying out.

I want to add that the complex treatment we suggest includes not only sleeping in different types of a beehive,

but also many other remediation methods, such as: manual massage, fresh herbs, structured water,

apiary products, bee-moth, pollen, honey, bee glue, as well as extracts and tinctures.

These simple products and methods

help to harmonize the work

of different systems in a human body,

so that redundant and low energies are balanced

as well as the accumulation and consumption of energies.

We would like to encourage scientist, doctors and businessmen to join us to combine our efforts.

We hope in future

there will be an opportunity to create successful

and efficient laboratories with sustainable work on research and remediation,

with good doctors and beekeepers.

I think our main task is to enable recovery without medicines,

with the help of natural sources.

Thus we should not "extract" a bee from nature,

but to bring a man back to nature.

For creating an artificial environment for a bee

like bringing beehives even to balconies or building up vast beekeeping objects

is unnatural and thus counterproductive.

But we could improve the situation by developing beekeeping in the places with the best natural environment and bring patients there.

This is our main goal currently.

Interview with the inventor of the remediation "sleeping on a beehive".

For more infomation >> Сон на улье (интервью с изобретателем) Сон на пчелах - Duration: 21:15.


Olhar do Riso - Especial de Ano Novo "Erros de Gravação" (Special new year bloopers) - Duration: 3:10.

Special new year bloopers

We want to thank all of you who have honored our channel


You have to have patience is a lot of patience

This text is mine

What is yours is also my Carvalho.

What's mine is mine?

what's mine is yours?

So you can pay my debts

You can pay that shirt is still with the label has not yet been paid

I just have something to say

me too

happy New Year

Wishing you all a happy new year

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