Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 30 2018

Today, is one of my favorite days of the year, WE Day! Now some of you may know me

because of my book, 'Wonder'. Now if you've read 'Wonder' or watch the movie, you know

that I am passionate about kindness. I talk about how kindness is something

incalculable. Even the smallest kindness can make a difference. But think about

kindness as it spreads. Someone does something kind for you, and you're more

likely to do something kind for the next person.

The beauty of kindness is that we do it not for personal gain, but to follow the

very basic human impulse of finding joy in being kind, like like when you make a

baby laugh, it brings you joy. So I have spent the last six years going around

the country and to other countries talking about kindness, and I've no doubt

that the tens of thousands of kids I've talked to get it. I know you guys get it

right? But you also know, you know that we're living in strange times right now...

times in which some of the adults in the world are not being especially kind. Not

to the planet we live on, not to immigrants and refugees who come

to our country because they want a chance to work hard so their kids can

have a better life. That's what my parents did when they came to this

country, and why I stand before you today a proud first-generation American, and

what I'm here to tell you guys today is that despite what's going on in our

politics, don't lose hope in the power of kindness. Know that sometimes it's not

going to be enough to choose kind. You might have to fight for the right to

choose kind. You might have to stand up for those who can't stand up or take a

knee for those who can take a knee. You might have to speak loudly for those

who can't speak for themselves and remind your leaders we want kindness

from you. We want tolerance. Ee want empathy, and if you say that enough times

and you believe it enough change will happen. That is what "Wonder" is all about.

After all, it's about believing that every person has something extraordinary

inside them. All you have to do is look hard enough. To experience 'Wonder' in all

its forms, all you need is an open mind and impulse for kindness and a

willingness to be that kindness in the world. All right, so you guys are awesome.

WE Day, you're awesome. Thank you so much! And now our next guests are a true

example of what it means to take collective action in order to create a

more inclusive world. Let's take a look at their story. Thank you!

Breaking news: I'd say heartbreaking news. A heartbreaking day in Florida and sadly

an all-too-familiar one. In February of 2018, a gunman opened fire at

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida killing 17 students and staff

members, and injuring 17 more. But Parkland marked a turning point for

young people. A month after the Parkland shooting, millions around the world

gathered together to march for gun control. Led by a group of student

activists, March For Our Lives was a way of saying Never Again to losing

children, teachers, friends and family to gun violence.

We cannot Keep America Great if we cannot keep America safe!

Fight for your lives before it's someone else's job. Look around. We are the change.

Since then, it has sparked a passion in young people. It's proof of the impact young

people can have when they come together to make their voices heard.

For more infomation >> RJ Palacio (author of "Wonder") speaks at WE Day UN - Duration: 4:08.


أغنية شارة عالم الأقزام مع الكلمات - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> أغنية شارة عالم الأقزام مع الكلمات - Duration: 1:22.


Comment chuter dans la rue - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Comment chuter dans la rue - Duration: 5:50.


Superfood Smoothies To Die For ♥ How We Stay Healthy & Focussed At The Cabin - Duration: 9:21.

Here we are back in the Canadian land I'm so cold

we got our scarves on boots on it is officially fall and

We are being whiny again we're being whiny and Prince is eating dirt

All right, let's get to the intro

this little guy just appeared out of nowhere right into say hello


So this is cottage living Oh

Welcome to Canada, I got my big oversized sweater that I'm literally living in

I've got eight pairs of long underwear yesterday for lord knows what were you saying at? The cottage isn't winter?

I think we got like heaters all over the place just to kind of keep ourselves warm, but speaking of the cottage

Let's give them the two cent cottage door

This is my desk

This is where I spend most in the time with my laptop next to the fireplace

most of the time because I'm always cold and then mark got his area over there which has

Computers and speakers his big headphones, which usually wears for like eight hours a day, and I never hear from this kidding

And then Chris has a little cave as well where he spends a lot of the time sleeping snoring and farting away

That's pretty good. Mormons is life in the best shell and actually that's pretty much the two seconds doer

Not very exciting

The reason Fry's doing this video today isn't really to show you our tiny cottage that we just work in all the time

We wanted to share with you guys a very very special recipe that we've been

making a lot recently because it's been

And that is the superfood hot chocolate smoothie

For somatic this amazing mushroom


got in touch with us a couple of months ago and sent us a box of stuff for us to try out and once we

Started trying it

Although we decided that a video like this would make a lot of sense and we're gonna be using one of their products today

But we just want to show you really quickly and what they sent us here. So I'm right here. I like mushroom sampler box

So this here's a sampler box with everything in it. They sent us the chaga mushroom elixir mix. That's the chargon mushrooms

This one's mushroom lemonade. It's more of a cold drink, but it comes to charcoal in

there's the matcha mushrooms my favorite which is the coffee mix the hostess mushrooms and coffee and I couldn't see tea oil in it and

Unsweetened coconut milk. Can I just cut in say these are the good mushrooms like superfood mushrooms? Yeah, I think


So much let's be clear this varies

Recreational mushrooms and then there's healing and this is the healing path and you won't be going on any fun trips with this

My favorite and that's been the mushroom hot cocoa mix and actually the smoothie that we're going to be showing you today

We're gonna be using this guy right here, which has reishi mushroom

Which helps boost your immune system and keep you from getting colds and flus, especially in the fall

So let's take you to the kitchen and let's get the smoothie going through the school

All right

So the first thing what we're gonna do is all the coconut milk and that's gonna give your smoothie that hot texture

So we're gonna use about a cup of coconut milk here. So I'm gonna measure it out

Now Ravin thrown this milk over into the pot

And let it come to almost boiling


so when the milk is

Starting to boil we're gonna add two squares of this raw organic dark chocolate and that again is just gonna make it super super

yummy in two three

Now from here we're gonna move on to creating the actual smoothie so what we're gonna use first is our bananas

So are you gonna take your blender?


Bananas really tough this peel so usually I like the little more ripe

So I just cut them to a couple pieces here and throw the banana in and then we got a tablespoon

Big tablespoon, it's gonna really thicken it up a little bit here for you

And then we're throwing in a few super food

ingredients we're gonna throw in a teaspoon of maca powder to give you a little bit of that energy and

Then I got about two tablespoons of raw cacao powder so those could that go thick as well

And then we're going to add

This for signetics mushrooms hot cocoa mix which has the v-shape mushroom into it and reishi mushrooms

Like I said earlier are amazing for helping boost your immune system

So when it comes to the fall or winter seasons and the flu is everywhere

you want to start including these into your regular diet and

Then we're gonna add just a little bit of pinch of sea salt and that's just gonna give it a little bit of a kick

Once you have your boiling coconut chocolate milk, you pour it into the mixer

And throw the lid on this bad boys and you mix it up

Final piece

is coconut whipped cream

vegan approved

Actually almost healthy doesn't build tons of sugar and I only get to buy it when we do videos like this. So oh

my god

If you know how to do it

One of marks disgusting habits so once I caught him doing that in the elevator and you put it on top and

Last touch a little bit of accountant

And there you go voila



Okay, you're gonna have your it's the superfood hot chocolate smoothie

Perfect for a super cold and wet day and it's vegan approved

We actually have included a couple variations to the recipe such as a cayenne pepper different levels cacao

One with those salt it's all with all the measurements in the complete recipe that you just saw in a link below in the video

Description as well. You'll find pour sig Matic giving all our viewers

15% off on your first purchase of the mushrooms

So all of that details is in the description of this video

so, please check it out and go on their website and check out all the different variations of

Mushroom elixirs that they offer it's pretty awesome and see what really speaks to you

So if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up leave some comments down below

Let us know how you liked it or what other kinds of videos you'd like to see us make or if you also have any

Different recipes for hot drinks that are healthy for you, please share

We would love to learn more about ways we can keep ourselves warm in this nice beautiful cold cottage amazing guys

Thank you so much

For more infomation >> Superfood Smoothies To Die For ♥ How We Stay Healthy & Focussed At The Cabin - Duration: 9:21.





Blackened Mahi Mahi Fish Tacos - Mango Salsa Recipe - Duration: 9:27.

are you looking for a easy healthy blackened mosh my fish taco recipe we've

got one coming up

welcome to dishes and stitches I'm your host Charles Carr and I'm teaching this

channel we bring you healthy recipes cosplay tips and tricks and general life

hacks to help you make healthier choices for their cosplay lifestyle if this is

your first time to our Channel please consider subscribing and just a reminder

everything that we're using in this video and any other information and

stuff is located in the show notes down below you can feel free to check them

out and anytime we've got a great recipe for blackened mahi mahi fish tacos it's

healthy and it's fresh and we're gonna share with you so let's get started so

for this recipe we're going to have half a red bell pepper chops one jalapeno

diced but the seeds remove one chopped mango a half a red onion diced and juice

from one lime and we have one can of black beans that we're going to warm up

and to eight hours pieces of Makemake that we have marinated in lime juice and

garlic salt one whole avocado that we're going to mesh about 1/2 a cup of sour

cream and also another line and we got whole-wheat tortillas to put everything

on we grabbed a bag of coleslaw mix that we are using for the cabbage filling and

you can also get some cheese and some cilantro on top for garnish if you like

so all of the items here are actually for the salsa these two you actually

have to cook so we'll put the mahi in the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes on

holders at 350 for 350 350 degrees these are your garnish for on top of it and

these are actually for like a little extra sauce on top all these are from a

recipe that we found online so we were giving it a try

and we're gonna go ahead and share that recipe with you guys in the show notes

so don't forget to check them out all right so the first thing you want to do

is the mahi is gonna take about 30 minutes to

so we want to go ahead and put these in a pan and then we're going to use our

blackened seasoning we're gonna go ahead and throw them in the up I'll be your

piece babe awesome I love like you can have adults

I can't have enough so you want to go ahead and rub it in a little bit make

sure you get even coverage over the fish hey there we go

it's a work in progress but it looks good I was a lot be careful I'm pretty

quick we're gonna go and throw this in the oven 350 degrees we're gonna set a

timer for 30 minutes okay Google set timer 30 minutes and then while that's

cooking I'm gonna put the black beans on the oven and heat them up

all right well that's cooking in the oven we're gonna throw together tangos

awesome mmm that's my favorite part looking forward

to he has he's ate like half of these already it's the fruit of my people so

we're going to add the mango then me half a red pepper these are incredibly

hopped so I'm going to test it out with just like a little bit

yeah the jalapenos that we got was very hot so be careful I have a little bit

under my thumbnail still because I went to bite my thumbnail and now my mouth

burns so now her eyes are bleeding a little bit so be careful and then also

the how to read and then the squeeze one lime juice

just the juice and once you have all that in the hold together you're gonna

mix it all together actually after you mix this up you want to put it in the

fridge to let it cool down that way all the flavors will blend together mmm that

smells real good okay give it a shot see what yeah it's very good it's a spicy

and sweet if the balances out really really nice

yeah yeah and the jalapenos don't seem to be that hot in this so now this is

excellent I would try it and see my head explodes or my eyes

okay okay the the mango balances yeah it really brings it down

holy nicely okay alright so what do we have next we have the avocado the sour

cream and the lime that we're going to add together you're actually gonna mash

up the avocado balsam and it's kind of like a creamy topping for it it looked

like besides just the salsa that we had so we mesh up the avocado first and then

add the rest of it yeah okay awesome let me get to that all right so now we

got it all whipped up and I'll share with you a little tip when picking out

avocados so that you can whip it up like this you want to make sure that the ones

you do pick up are really soft to the touch

wanna grab them you just kind of want soft to the touch that means they're

right and you'll be able to get a nice puree out of them just like this that's

why I sent him to get the avocados I don't never pick out the right ones all

right so let's add a sour cream and this does come with a little bit of salt and

pepper to taste

3-1-1 we're using a little Himalayan pink salt little fresh cracked pepper

simoleons pink salt really good we kind of switched a couple months ago on

really enjoy are you going when you're done you got like this little pace that

we're going to use this as the topping for on top of the taco so we're gonna

throw these in the fridge we'll be right back

alright so 30 minutes is past we went ahead and took the money out of the oven

and it looks delicious it's and Mel's delicious too I think we

are ready to throw this together cut these up first alright alright so we put

the tortillas in the oven for just a couple of minutes to kind of warm them

up so you can take one it Braham you could take one of those put

some beans on the bottom make sure to drain those good

it just sees a couple pieces of fish maybe three pieces these these are kind

of big tortillas

you're probably gonna like this more than I'm going to like this and I don't

like avocados I'm gonna try it but I'm not a big avocado fan I'm excited about

this salsa it looks delish then we'll do this on one pound yeah do that on your

empire that whack tell you how it comes out it look it's delicious we try the

cilantro for the keiki we went ahead and took some of the leftover coleslaw and

actually made coleslaw just vinegar and a little bit of garlic salt it's like a

Spanish coast law there's no no mayo all right guys well there it is all plated

this is a blackened mahi mahi fish taco with a mango salsa and it looks

delicious are you ready to go to the birth by then

very good hmm just that mix of spicy and sweet flavors and you taste that little

cilantro kicking in this is delicious highly recommended yeah this is very

very good it's a very light very nice little treat well we're gonna link the

recipe and the bio and in all the ingredients used in the show notes

thanks for joining us guys hope you enjoyed this let us know in the comments

if you do try this and let us know how it came out and as always that dishes

and stitches we put the confidence back in the cosplay well hey guys thanks for

checking out our video if you'd like to see videos on our cosplays check the

link over here and if you'd like to subscribe for more videos click on the

link above and if you'd like to see more cooking videos click on the link over


it's it I can't take it

For more infomation >> Blackened Mahi Mahi Fish Tacos - Mango Salsa Recipe - Duration: 9:27.


Definition and steps of the Scientific Method - Duration: 2:24.

We continue with the week number 1 we will now see the scientific method.

What is the scientific method? The scientific method is a set of steps

ordered mainly used to find new knowledge in science.

To be called a scientist, a research method should be based on the empirical

and measuring, subject to the principles of reasoning tests. method

refers to the steps that must be followed to achieve, and scientific concerns

I linked to science, ie the production of knowledge, and the whole

techniques and procedures used to do so.

Steps of the scientific method: Problem, observation, hypothesis, experimentation,

theory and scientific law. In the scientific method is part of a problem

or phenomenon. Then we observe the phenomenon or problem,

This is called to observation. The observation is to examine carefully

natural phenomena, data and samples are collected. Then comes the hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a tentative explanation of the observed phenomenon that can be true

or false. To verify if a hypothesis is true

or false, an experiment is designed. So is the design experimentation

in a controlled situation, reproduction is controlled as a phenomenon.

Either the experiment verifies the hypothesis, or experiment determines that the hypothesis

It is false and again a new hypothesis is generated.

Experimentation is important because it verifies whether our assumptions are true or false,

by repetition. Then comes the theory.

The theory is verified hypothesis is an explanation of the general causes of

certain phenomena with considerable evidence or facts supporting it. It is a model

or a way to examine the nature. Finally, the scientific law.

A scientific law is an accurate statement of the behavior of nature without exceptions

and often it expressed in precise terms, using mathematics.

Then a scientific law can be a formula. In chemistry, we use many formulas,

many of them are scientific laws.

For more infomation >> Definition and steps of the Scientific Method - Duration: 2:24.




For more infomation >> SADDEST MINECRAFT INTROS 😭 - Duration: 1:34.


Subject vs. Predicate - A Tutorial 2018 - Duration: 7:21.

There are many ways to divide up a sentence in this lesson we'll be looking

at how to divide up a sentence into its subject and its predicate

hi today we're looking at subjects and predicates within a sentence if this is

the kind of content you're interested in and that is lessons about reading and

writing and literacy strategies please hit the subscribe button down there in

the corner and also click on that notification bell so that you will be

notified whenever I upload a new lesson about reading writing or literacy today

we're looking at how to divide a sentence into subjects and predicates

we're going to look at subjects and predicates and then at the end of the

lesson I'm going to show you a few things you might want to be wary of that

might get you confused if you have to do this on an assignment for school first

so let's just get started with subjects and predicates here is a sentence we're

going to look at first the dog barked at the cat the subject is the noun that

this sentence is about in this case it's the dog and what the dog did is the

predicate barked at the cat now you might also be asked to identify the

simple subject or the simple predicate in a sentence in this case the simple

subject is dog the simple predicate is barked the is just a modifier that kind

of tells which dog the dog and at the cat is a prepositional phrase that's

thrown in just to kind of modify that verb barked to show what direction the

dog was barking in let's look at another example here's another example the first

grade teacher wrote the lesson on the board the subject of the sentence is the

first grade teacher what the first grade teacher did is the predicate wrote the

lesson on the board the simple subject of this sentence is going to be

teacher the again tells which one teacher and first-grade further

identifies the teacher so those are just what we call modifiers they help the

reader figure out which teacher is being referred to in the sentence wrote the

lesson on the board is the predicate for this sentence the simple predicate is

wrote the lesson is the direct object what was written and on the board is a

prepositional phrase that tells where the lesson was written here's our next

example the lady with the hairnet served lunch in the cafeteria

the subject is the lady with the hairnet and the predicate is served lunch in the

cafeteria notice that the subject includes all of

those words and phrases that describe or actually point to which lady they're

talking about in this case they're talking about the lady with the hairnet

the predicate served lunch in the cafeteria is telling what she did and

where she did it so the simple subject of this sentence is lady the simple

predicate is served all of the other information in the sentence is just

defining the lady further or defining how or where the lunch was served

something that can really be thrown in to get you confused about subjects and

predicates are adverbs adverbs are words that often end in ly but they're words

that always further modify a verb usually adverbs come very close to the

verb or after the verb in a sentence but sometimes the syntax of the sentence

that is the order of the words in the sentence can be changed around and that

adverb put at the beginning of the sentence here's an example the girl rode

the boat lazily she was kind of lazy Rowen at her very best pace but lazily

describes how the girl rode the boat here's another way you could write the

sentence lazily , the girl rode the boat now in this case lazily is really close

to the girl but it's not describing the girl it's describing how she rode the

boat so lazily is really modifying the word rode how she wrote the boat let's

look at another example of an adverb in an unexpected part of the sentence that

might confuse you if you're trying to determine the subject in the predicate

here's this sentence I will go to the store tomorrow I is the subject in this

case that's all there is to it just I and the verb is go with its helper will

will go to the store tomorrow well that's pretty straightforward tomorrow

we can see is describing when I will go but I can also write the sentence this

way tomorrow I will go to the store now tomorrow in this case even though it's

near the subject in the sentence is not modifying I it's still modifying when

I'm going to go it still is modifying that verb it's an adverb so even though

tomorrow comes before the subject in this sentence it's actually part of the

predicate I hope this lesson about subjects and predicates makes you more

confident about identifying subjects and predicates and sentences as well as

simple subjects and simple predicates also remember to be aware of adverbs

that are out of order in a sentence just because they come before the subject in

the sentence does not make an adverb part of the subject subject is always

going to be a noun adverbs always describe actions or verbs so even

though you might have an adverb at the beginning of a sentence it is going to

be part of the predicate so don't get mixed up on that this lesson was helpful

to you please give us a thumbs up consider subscribing and stay tuned for

the next lesson from never stop learning


For more infomation >> Subject vs. Predicate - A Tutorial 2018 - Duration: 7:21.



For more infomation >> WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL | FIRST VIDEO | JAYDE - Duration: 1:07.


Baru..!! Katalog Tupperware OKTOBER 2018 | Tupperware Indonesia - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> Baru..!! Katalog Tupperware OKTOBER 2018 | Tupperware Indonesia - Duration: 12:11.


Immersive Worldbuilding Part 2: for writers and DMs, novels or RPG campaigns - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Immersive Worldbuilding Part 2: for writers and DMs, novels or RPG campaigns - Duration: 10:55.


Balkan Raceroom League 1st round Monza WTCR - Duration: 1:35:20.

For more infomation >> Balkan Raceroom League 1st round Monza WTCR - Duration: 1:35:20.


Captain Marvel (2019) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Captain Marvel (2019) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson - Duration: 1:57.


ASMR Shhh! Shave 💭 in Men's Paradise Studio 👼 Care about men in special salon 😉 - Duration: 21:02.




Welcome back to Men's Paradise Studio!!

And I hope today you will melt in my hands.

And you will have very very pleasant shaving.

So - Are you ready?

Then... Let's start.

And firstly, I want to know: Are you comfortable?

Maybe you want something?

For example, blanket?

Or maybe... you want a drink?

Water? Whiskey?



I'm happy you're fine.

So... I want, now you...

... relax.

I want that your shave will...

... will be very very pleasant for you.


And... maybe you even will want to fall asleep.

That's really okay!

I will be really happy, so...

Anyway, anyway... Let's start the whole procedure.

And firstly, let me take a look at your beard.

Yes, let's see... Oh my God, it's so long!!

Let me just touch your hair, I want to feel the hair structure.


And here...

... near your cheek.

Did you really... didn't shave anymore after our last procedure?

Oh my God!! It was almost one year ago!

That's why you have so long beard!!

Your hair is so silky!!

I think it's more silky than *my* hair!!

So, I'm a little bit jealous of you!! You tempt me...

... but of course I don't want to have a beard, sorry.

Okay, let me take a look at the hair, on your face...

... if you don't mind.

Looks pretty good!

You have some... I see you have some sensitive skin.

I will be very very careful.

Let me take a look at you...

... perfect... perfect... perfect.

I think I need to take a comb.


Okay... I just want to take a look at the skin.

And just want...

... just want...

... to see... what you have.


Perfect... perfect... Okay.

Let me brush... brush your beard a little bit.

Just for comfortable shaving.

So - what new shape of your beard do you want?

You want to cut it off?? Really?!?

Are you sure?

Oh my God!!

Okay... Okay!

I will do all that you want... *But*...

... do you really want to cut everything??

Yes? ... mm-hmm. Good.

Okay, so... So I think firstly, I will take scissors, and we'll cut off the main length.

Yes, and after that, I will shave you... with foam.

Do you agree?


Okay - I will take a comb and scissors, and now I will cut off your...


... and here...

... this one... and here there are... just a little bit...

Perfect! You've got that chin.

Unusual feeling? Yes!

Okay, let's go to... shaving!!

Yes, but firstly I think we need... to open up your pores...

... yes, for the best and... gentle shaving...

... and best result.

And I think I need to take my... towel.

This is our towel.

It's so gentle!

Yes, I like it.

Here, you can feel.

Do you like the texture?

Very good. Now I will put it in the very very warm water,

and after, I'll put it on your face.



Now put it on your face, okay?

On your jaw...

and on your cheeks...

... like this...

Does it feel good, and comfy?


Perfect... okay.

And now...

... and now on your cheeks...

... to here...

Let's make a little massage...

... with the towel.

Now you can relax...

... yes?



Let me check...


I think that's enough.

We will need the towel later.

And now let me apply foam on your face, okay?

Do you see what a beautiful foam they have?


Yes, a lot of foam!

Because you had very very big "bird"- ... "bird"... *Beard!!*

You can hear how gentle it is.

This is really really pleasant sound.

Okay, let's start.

I am applying everything, where you were gentle.

I don't want you to feel any discomfort.


And a little bit here.


And here...

Let me pay special attention to chin.

I will make such a movement...

Just want to apply foam better.

Perfect, and... ... and here & here, your cheek...

Okay, and on that cheek too.



Let's start!

Listen, don't be afraid!!

I know it looks a little bit dangerous, but I'm gonna be very very careful with you.


So, now...


Let's shave...

Let's shave...

... your chin.

Perfect. And on your...

... on your... cheek.

And your other cheek.

Okay, let me shave on your neck... and beard...

You can breathe normally, don't worry.

I'm professional at that.

I didn't cut anything wrong!

Okay... Perfect! Perfect.

Perfect! Now let me clean your face from foam,

if you don't mind.

Your cheek... Your other cheek...

Okay. So, how do you feel? Good.

Okay, let me take a look - Let me take a look at your skin,

I want make sure we're doing... shaved off everything.

And here... perfect... I can't see any extra hair.

Is it unusual feeling, yes?

Perfect! Now - let me use that special spray...

... yes, for safety reason.

Okay. You feel good?

And at the end of our procedure, I will apply some lotion on your face, and massage a little bit.

Okay? Just want to rub it between my fingers, and...

now... just want... to apply... some... lotion...

... on your face.

You look so good!! Really!

Really really like it! Okay.


Just let me tap... under your chin.

And on the neck, and on the cheeks.

So - I hope you enjoyed!!

Thank you!! Thank you!!

Thank you for being with me.

Thank you for come back!

We're really very happy to see you again, in the Men's Paradise Studio.

Bye bye.

For more infomation >> ASMR Shhh! Shave 💭 in Men's Paradise Studio 👼 Care about men in special salon 😉 - Duration: 21:02.


Dance Moms: Sarah's Solo "On My Own" (Season 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Sarah's Solo "On My Own" (Season 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:27.


What If Bathsheba Was Real? - Duration: 6:02.

Hello Internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions - the place where we can't help ourselves when it comes to dreaming up

an imagined world where demonic entities are as common as a garden gnome.

What's going on guys - as per usual, I'll be your spirit guide Jack Finch - as we scramble

around the basement - hope to high heaven that our exorcism classes have paid off - and

curiously ask the question - What If Bathsheba Was Real?

Roll the clip.

Before we slide on in - you know what's up, hit that thumbs up button if you're

a fan of this video, Ed and Lorraine Warren - The Conjuring universe - or just LBQ in

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On with the show.

Bathsheba Sherman, the evil spectre of the devil worshipping witch who reigned throughout

the 1800s - is tied vicariously through local legend, horror cinema and factual historical

evidence to the Haunting in Harrisville, Rhode Island.

She makes an absolutely terrifying antagonist for the 2013 horror film The Conjuring - written

by Chad and Carey Hayes and directed by James Wan - which left audiences lingering with

a prominent sense of dread, and a reignited curiosity for the macabre world of New England


Witches - both through legend and modern interpretation - can be spooky, right?

Take the Salem Witch Trials - a mirror between two worlds, the factual study of mass hysteria

- and a peculiar insight into the Occult.

Two separate entities divided.

We sleep soundly at night with the cold, hard cap of logic - for the most part, we can rest

our laurels on witchcraft and demonic apparitions being the stuff of fiction, a story to scare

children into behaving.

But - what if Bathsheba was real?

Well, I hate to break it to you - but she was.

To segway - the name Bathsheba is interesting enough in itself, and while it may sound like

a Demonic utterance - it's actually badass - and rooted in some pretty heavy history.

The name consists of two elements - the first being bat, meaning daughter in Hebrew.

And the second being sheba - meaning seven.

As a whole it means to make an oath.

An oath to who, you may ask?

Well - in this case, perhaps the Devil.

But I'm avoiding that correlation and saying nothing.

Or am I?

According to historical records, Bathsheba was born Bathsheba Thayer in Rhode Island

in 1812 - she married fellow Rhode Islander Judson Sherman at a small ceremony in Thompson,

Connecticut on March 10th 1844, adjudicated by Vernon Stiles, a local Justice of the Peace.

In actual fact - Bathsheba and Judson were a fairly well off couple - where Bathsheba

filled the role of housewife and Judson worked as a farmer on their land.

The two of them eventually had a child in March of 1849 - where Bathsheba was 37 years

of age.

There is an allusion to the couple having three other children as well - but none of

them survived past the age of seven.

A red flag?

Perhaps we'll see.

If we take New England folklore as gospel - then Bathsheba Sherman lived an incredibly

nefarious life.

But this is the point where historical lines are blurred, and a demonstration that sometimes

- a society chooses to fill in the gaps themselves.

The tale has varying degrees of severity, but we'll try and fill in all the holes

as best we can.

Suspicion initially grew when an infant child mysteriously died while in Bathsheba's care.

After the baby's death was examined - it was found that the mortal wound was caused

by a large sewing needle that had been impaled at the base of the child's skull.

Eventually - a court found that Bathsheba was innocent of any wrongdoing, and was in

no way related to the infant's death.

Although she was legally cleared of any misdeeds, the public however were not so convinced.

As the legend goes - Bathsheba was actually related to a woman named Mary Towne Eastey

- one of the many witches who were controversially executed in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692

- and this bloody ancestral tie was never forgotten by Bathsheba.

A week after she had given birth to her baby son - her husband Judson caught her in a twisted

and vile form, a spectre of the woman that he'd married - while attempting to sacrifice

their baby to the Devil himself.

Exposed - Bathsheba climbed to the top of a tree outside the family home - cried into

the night sky, proclaiming her love for Satan - and cursed all those who would ever step

foot on her desecrated land.

She then hung herself from the tree - but supposedly, her spirit lingered on.

On that point - it is interesting, because historical records show that the Sherman's

farm - known as the Old Arnold Estate - actually had a very bloody and mysteriously murderous


According to Andrea Perron - of the family that later lived in the house, eight generations

had lived and died in the Old Arnold Estate prior to their arrival.

As The Black Book of Burrillville shows - the towns public records book - over the span

of the property's history - there were two suicides by hanging, one suicide by poison,

the rape and murder of eleven-year-old Prudence Arnold, two drownings, and the death of four

men who froze to death.

Is this bloody history down to Bathsheba's curse, or just mere unfortunate circumstance?

As with all things old and mysterious - it's hard to tell.

So what happened with the Haunting in Harrisville?

The Perron family, plagued by a perturbed spirit - allegedly punctured repeatedly with

a sewing needle from an unknown force, and fell victim to over ten years of violent paranormal


But - ten years?

That's a long time to live under the threat of a malevolent demonic witch, right?

The Perron family, Roger Perron and his wife Carolyn - purchased the property in the winter

of 1970 - a place to raise their five daughters: Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cynthia and April.

Eventually - they moved out in June of 1980 - after paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine

Warren advised them that the property was plagued by demons.


A folk tale that was responsible for the grave misdeeds of the past.

Perhaps they were wrong.

Perhaps Lorraine had struck lucky with her investigation, and found a local legend that

fit neatly as an explanation to the unexplainable.

It's comforting to have reason - isn't it - even if it is a demonic spirit.

Well unfortunately - that's all we've got time for today folks - what are your thoughts

on the Bathsheba legend?

Speak your mind in the comment box down below.

Cheers for sticking around to the end - if you've enjoyed this video go ahead and leave

us a thumbs up.

As per usual, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

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