Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Feb 1 2017

As we all know, nothing can be scarier than our imagination. Knowing full well of an artifact,

like video footage that once existed, or currently does exist and just can't be seen by the public

eye, leaves us with anticipation of what was, but can no longer be seen.

Meet Timothy Treadwell, a filmmaker and environmental bear enthusiast, who founded the Grizzly People

organization in the 1990s. After publishing his first book in 1997 and making appearances

on television, he quickly became a very popular figure in environmental circles. Timothy had

some past conflict with the National Park Service because of how audacious he was when

it came to approaching bears, as well as breaking many of their violations and doing unauthorized

tasks. This is very likely what lead to his death. On October 6, 2003, Timothy and his

girlfriend Ami Huguenard were brutally mauled to death by a grizzly bear. Their remains

were found near their campsite at Katmai National Park. One of the objects that was recovered

at the scene was a video camera. It had captured the entire event. No video was ever recorded

because the lens cap was reportedly still on the camera when it was found, but the audio remains.

"Fight back! Fight back! Fight back! Fight back!"


"Oh my God!" "Fight back! Honey, fight back!

Oh my God! Fight back!"

The tape is currently in the custody of Timothy's ex-girlfriend,

Jewel Palovak, who has since kept it inside of a safe deposit box. She has no intentions

to release it to the public.

"This is station W2XK, an experimental transmitter with the National Broadcasting Company..."

While some footage is merely confidential,

others have been commonly regarded to no longer exist, like the Television Ghost. The Television

Ghost was a TV program that aired from 1931-1933. The story was different every episode, but

the premise was the same. The ghost of a murder victim would be featured, explaining how they

died. It is considered the very first TV show ever made. Each episode lasted about fifteen

minutes and aired on the W2XAB station in New York City. Since this was back when television

was in its infancy, only live broadcasts existed and archiving wasn't a traditional method

yet. This means that as of now, no recordings of the Television Ghost are known to have

survived. There is so little information about this TV show, that there are only two documents

that validate the show's existence. They are both newspaper articles mentioning the show's

name, with one containing the only photo known to exist. Unlike other cases, the Television

Ghost is mostly concluded to be a lost cause. We will likely never be able to see it, but

we'll just have to wait and see. One of the most famous and innovative silent

horror films in cinema history is London After Midnight, a film that hasn't been seen in

over 50 years. The movie starred Lon Chaney, who was most famous for his role in Phantom

of the Opera. The film was about an unsolved murder that was reopened by detectives who

are trying to find out who the killer is. While the film received average ratings, it

was a box office success. Like other films, London After Midnight was archived at the

MGM vault, where it would meet its fateful death. In 1967, the vault was caught on fire,

burning everything inside, including the one and only known copy of the film. The lost

movie has increased drastically in value, and is currently the most demanded form of

lost media. Until further updates, London After Midnight remains as nonexistent.


♫♫♫"The Dick Cavett Show!"♫♫♫


♫♫♫"Tonight with special guest..."♫♫♫

J. I. Rodale was a nutrition expertise who died on stage while doing an interview on

the Dick Cavett Show. He became the founder of the company Rodale Inc. and is also one

of the earliest advocates for organic farming technologies in the United States. Through

his books, magazine corporations, and his thriving company, he achieved national fame.

June 8, 1971, was when Rodale became an interviewed guest star on Dick Cavett's TV show, and endured

a very ironic death. Just after finishing his interview, Rodale boasted about how healthy

he was and that he decided he was going to live to be 100. Seconds later, Rodale suffered

a heart attack, which killed him shortly after, all recorded on camera. The only people who

witnessed the event were Dick Cavett, his production crew, and the studio audience,

the episode was never aired. The strangest thing about this fact is that many people

disagree. According to Dick Cavett, multiple people have confronted him about the episode,

swearing that they watched the entire thing from their living room. All of the details

in their stories were also fairly congruent to what really happened.

"Well it's down now

to maybe four times a year, but nearer the event it would happen frequently. Somebody would

say 'I'll never forget the look on your face when that guy died on your show.' Now I have

the choice at that moment of saying 'You were there?' 'No.' 'This is interesting because,

I'm not calling you a liar or any means, but it never aired.' 'What are you talking about?'

would be one reaction or 'Didn't it? My God I could reached out and...and

they weren't there. These people could pass a polygraph test that they saw it and they're

kind of hurt and they're kind of disappointed that they had this memory taken away from them."

"Turned down its own petitions and the whole

thing is sort of scotched as a whole. It's been obvious..." On Monday morning, July 15,

1974, news anchor Christine Chubbuck arrived at work at the WXLT-TV Television Station

with a script, informing her co-workers and the television team that she was going to

read the live newscast that day for their local TV program "Suncoast Digest," a segment

on current events. What followed is perhaps one of the saddest,

and most shocking and unusual moments in television history. With her live screen time, Christine

Chubbuck began the newscast as normal before segueing into the Current Events broadcast,

and finally informing the television audience that they were about to witness the first

on screen suicide. Seconds later, Christine pulled out a gun, and shot herself in the

head. She did not survive. While televised live to thousands of households,

there are no confirmed tapings of the broadcast with the exception of the footage captured

by the News Station that day. The footage of this event was sealed in an effort to protect

it from the public. Viewer discretion is advised.

"In keep with channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts and in living color, you're going to see another first,

attempted suicide."


Thank you so much for watching. If you want more, press that new and also now, mobile

friendly subscribe button. Now, go check your attic. There might be something there that

the world wants to see.

For more infomation >> Freaky 5 - Lost Footage - Duration: 9:35.


Top 10 AMAZING Things You Didn't Know About AIR FORCE ONE - Duration: 9:37.

Top 10 AMAZING Things You Didn't Know About AIR FORCE ONE


There are Massive Rolls of Carpet for it Lying Around Somewhere

While most of the things aboard Air Force One come fitted as standard, like bulletproof

windows and, we presume, high-tech anti-ninja technology, the President and his spouse have

some control over what the interior of the plane looks like so it better suits their


Much like a fancy car, the President, or more specifically the First Lady, can choose the

color of the interior of the plane.

To this end, they can make it as pimp or spartan as they like.

But here's the best part: after the First Lady or President picks out a particular style

of carpet or type of soft furnishing they want to decorate the plane with, some hapless

sap from the Secret Service has to go get a special fire-retardant version specially

made, because regular carpet is seldom thermite proof.

Because everything aboard Air Force One has to be spotless, this carpet is replaced frequently,

leading to a massive stockpile of it being kept in a secret location in case someone

spills beer all over the floor or something.


It Can Fly Forever

As the President can be required or called upon to attend a meeting anywhere in the world,

Air Force One is understandably equipped with additional fuel reserves to limit the amount

of time it has to refuel.

In the event the plane does actually need more fuel, it is fully capable of doing so

in mid-air.

This means the jet has an estimated range somewhere north of infinity miles.

This, coupled with the fact the plane is specially equipped with the ability to communicate via

everything from morse code to email, and can fly thousands of feet higher than even most

military planes, means it could theoretically stay aloft, beaming down freedom, forever.

In reality the plane could probably only stay aloft for a few months before it needed to

stop for food (in a pinch even this could be delivered in mid-air), which is probably

a good thing considering…


Everybody Aboard is a Picky Eater

Like with everything else, no expense is spared when it comes to the kitchen aboard Air Force

One and prior to a flight, secret service agents will painstakingly seek out and purchase

the freshest, highest-quality ingredients one at a time from nearby stores to minimize

the risk of the President being poisoned.

The gourmet chefs working aboard Air Force One are said to be able to cook virtually

any foodstuff known, are trained in virtually all culinary disciplines, and have access

to every kind of cooking implement possible (except a deep fat fryer, for safety reasons).

This is an issue because the most popular foodstuff aboard is burger and fries.

Yes, despite Air Force One being basically a flying 5-star restaurant, most people aboard,

including the President, normally just order burgers and sandwiches.

While the food has gotten healthier, mostly thanks to the efforts of First Lady Michelle

Obama, it's noted that journalists still mostly opt for sandwiches, coffee and soda,

with the kitchen going as far as stocking peanut butter for especially picky eaters

who don't want to eat any of the fancier fare Air Force One's chefs can cook up.

While officially Air Force One does serve balanced meals, anecdotally most people just

eat junk food, partly because everyone except the President is charged for their meal, with

the exception of a free bag of M&M's every person aboard is given after a flight.

Not that the President is immune from encountering food they don't like.

For example, George H.W. Bush is said to have literally ordered that brocoli be banned from

Air Force One because he hated it that much, once stating: "I do not like broccoli, and

I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it.

And I'm president of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli."


They Destroy Everything that Doesn't Work

As a symbol of the American presidency, most everything aboard Air Force One is fittingly

adorned with either the presidential seal, the current sitting president's initials,

or both.

On top of this, every item aboard is polished, cleaned and meticulously maintained to avoid

the embarrassment of a foreign leader or diplomat being given a chipped mug to drink out of,

or a journalist tweeting a picture of a dirty towel.

You know, stuff that would make the President and, by extension, America look bad.

To deter thieves, extensive checks are carried out on everyone leaving Air Force One and

you can be sure anyone selling an official Air Force One toilet roll holder on eBay would

be soundly detained and questioned by the FBI.

As an added measure, anytime anything stops working on Air Force One or becomes unacceptably

damaged or dirty, it is quickly removed, pulverised into dust and then burnt.

An extreme measure we'll admit but one that ensures the air of mystique about the impossibly

high-standards aboard Air Force One is maintained.

Hey, speaking of that…


Every Member of the Staff Could Kick Your Ass

Like any plane, Air Force One has flight attendants and other staff who perform basic custodial

duties aboard the plane, like telling you where the emergency exit is and handing out

little bags of peanuts.

Unlike a regular plane, these staff members are all highly trained military personnel

with spotless records, who are carefully screened and subsequently trained to handle nearly

any conceivable emergency.

As a result, every member of the crew aboard Air Force One is well versed in emergency

survival techniques, weapons handling, and generally messing up your day.

In other words, every member of staff aboard Air Force One, from the pilot to the guy who

cleans the toilet, could snap your neck with a rolled up newspaper or beat you to death

with a shoe without breaking a sweat.

Essentially, while flying through the air in his big plane, the President is surrounded

by an entourage of highly capable killing machines who also just so happen to be able

to make a mean margarita or whip up a steak on the presidential grill.

As if this wasn't enough, when he takes off he is also…


Being Watched by a Special Team of Snipers

The President is an important dude, and spends much of his time being flanked, shadowed and

watched over by an elite team of bodyguards versed in 80 plus ways to obliterate a human

testicle at 80 yards, with their eyebrows.

Specifically, whenever the Commander-in-Chief is about to board Air Force One, though, he

is also being protected by a special team of sharpshooters armed with 50 caliber sniper


Why 50 caliber?

So that in case someone tries to hijack the plane, they can shoot through the normally

bulletproof windows and decorate the cockpit with the part of their brain that thought

hijacking Air Force One was a good idea.

These snipers are amongst the best, if not the best the US has at its disposal, and are

said to be able to hit a target the size of a dog's butthole from a half mile away.

Their identity is obviously a secret, and they're additionally used to protect the

President during speeches and possibly while he checks his mail.

And while we're on the subject of secrets…


Who Made the Toilet is a Big Secret

As noted, everything aboard Air Force One is (usually custom) made to the highest possible

standard of quality, using the finest available materials.

Now, you'd think any company making a product that was being used aboard freaking Air Force

One would boast about that fact because, well, why they hell wouldn't you?

As it turns out though, no company involved with manufacturing anything involved with

the plane is permitted to advertise that fact, mostly due to it being a possible security

risk, and partly because it's kind of tacky.

This means that we have literally no idea who made the toilet, or indeed any item aboard

Air Force One.

The government is such a stickler for this that it sent a very stern letter to the company

that manufactured the oxygen masks aboard Air Force One after they advertised that fact

in a magazine in 2001.

This is a shame for the companies who do make the items aboard Air Force One, because along

with being associated with the presidency, they would also get to advertise their products



On a Nuclear Bomb-Proof Plane

Like the staff, Air Force One is prepared for virtually any possible emergency scenario

and is equipped to deal with nearly any potential threat, from a rogue jet firing sidewinder

missiles at it, to a nuclear explosion.

Along with being immune to the effects of an EMP blast, such as one produced by an exploding

nuclear warhead, Air Force One is shielded against conventional damage in the form of

bulletproof plating and flares to deter heat seeking missiles.

In the event these systems all fail, Air Force One is built sturdy enough to weather an undisclosed

number of direct missile hits and could probably smash into the ground at Mach 3 and still

not kill anyone aboard.

Not that you'd ever get anywhere near the plane, given that it can fly in the upper

stratosphere and secretly call on supersonic jets to aid it over any allied country.

Even if you managed to do enough damage to hurt the President, he'd probably be fine,



There's a Special Fridge Full of Blood on Board

The full specs of Air Force One have never been disclosed but we do know that it has

a fully stocked medical bay staffed by seasoned medical professionals.

So prepared is this medical bay that it carries, at all times, an emergency supply of blood,

drugs and vaccines for most known diseases, poisons and illnesses and is specially stabilized

so that doctors aboard could give someone open heart surgery during an emergency take


You know, if they really had to.

Even better, if they had to, all the potential assassin would see is a fiery ball of freedom

ascending to the heavens because…


Air Force One is Polished to a Mirror Sheen

The extreme efforts the government goes to in maintaining Air Force One can be no better

summed up than by the exterior of the plane itself, which is said to be polished to such

an offensively bright mirror sheen, you can use it to make sure your hair is suitably

on point.

Though it's likely few people reading this will ever get all that close to Air Force

One, people who have are often shocked by just how perfectly clean and shiny the exterior

of the craft is, with some noting that workers sometimes wear sunglasses while polishing,

buffing and otherwise maintaining it.

Are there more interesting facts about Air Force One?

Probably, but we think the fact that the plane is maintained to such an extent it could potentially

blind foreign leaders with sheer bling is a pretty strong note to end on.

For more infomation >> Top 10 AMAZING Things You Didn't Know About AIR FORCE ONE - Duration: 9:37.


How to Get Away with Murder 3x11 Sneak Peek #2 "Not Everything's About Annalise" (HD) - Duration: 0:30.

They're talking to Atwood.

She'll have to drop the charges now that Frank's been arrested.

I've scheduled a call with Judge Malik

to get the paperwork moving.

I'm getting you out of here, Annalise,

by the end of the day.

Tomorrow at the latest.

Trust me.

I trusted you to get me out on bail.

Look how that went.


For more infomation >> How to Get Away with Murder 3x11 Sneak Peek #2 "Not Everything's About Annalise" (HD) - Duration: 0:30.


Why Does Red Meat Turn Brown When Cooked? - Duration: 2:17.

Why Does Red Meat Turn Brown When Cooked?

This is thanks to a protein called myoglobin, which also is what makes the raw red meat

look red, not blood, as many people think.

Myoglobin is a protein that stores oxygen in muscle cells, very similar to its cousin,

hemoglobin, which stores oxygen in red blood cells.

This oxygen store is necessary for muscles which need immediate oxygen for energy during

continual usage.

So how does the myoglobin end up making the meat turn brown when cooked?

This darkening effect is due to the oxidation state of the iron atoms in myoglobin.

When the myoglobin is exposed to oxygen, before you cook the meat, the iron atom oxidation

level is +2 and it is bound to a dioxygen molecule (O2), which makes the meat appear

bright red.

As you cook the meat, this iron atom loses an electron and goes to a +3 oxidation level

with this process ending up turning the meat brown.

White meat, on the other hand, doesn't turn dark brown like red meat because it has significantly

less myoglobin in it.

In fact, the myoglobin levels are actually one of the main factors that officially distinguish

white meat from red meat.

Bonus Facts:

Contrary to popular belief, "searing" meat does not in any way "seal the juices


Water in seared meat evaporates at either the same rate or a higher rate, in some cases,

than non-seared meat.

What searing does do is play a role in browning, which can affect the flavor.

But, in this case, the browning is caused by caramelization of sugars combined with

a chemical reaction with amino acids and

the sugars.

For more infomation >> Why Does Red Meat Turn Brown When Cooked? - Duration: 2:17.


Scandal 6x02 Sneak Peek "Hardball" (HD) Season 6 Episode 2 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:54.

[ Sighs ]

What the hell is going on?



Sit down.

I am not --


[ Sighs ]

You too.

You two need to talk.


Ways to avoid the implosion of the United States of America.

We are at a crossroads, and the fact that no one knows

who will be sitting in the Oval in January

isn't exactly helping,

so I'm gonna need the two of you to come up with a way,

a plan, a compromise to get us out of this mess.

You think you can do that?

Do you think you can do that?!




Get it done.

For more infomation >> Scandal 6x02 Sneak Peek "Hardball" (HD) Season 6 Episode 2 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:54.


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - [PV] "Kagerou Daze" (No Bonus) (Romaji/English Subs/Sub. Español) - Duration: 4:02.

It happened at around 12:30 pm on August 15

The weather was nice

Showered in sunlight bright enough to make me feel ill,

I, having nothing to do, was chattering with you

"But I think I kinda hate summer." While caressing a cat,

You muttered brazenly

Ah, chasing after your runaway cat,

You found yourself plunged before a red traffic light

A passing truck suddenly

Ran you over and drove away, while I screamed

I began sobbing

At the color of splashed blood mixed with your scent

The heat haze was sneering at me,

Reminding me that it wasn't a joke

I blacked out at the cicadas' noises

That were disturbing the surface of the summer lake.

When I came back to my senses in a bed, I hear the echoing sound of a clock's hands

What time is it?

The hands of the clock

Point to a little past midnight on August 15

I remember the annoying noises of the cicadas

But wow, it's kinda mysterious

I remember the dream I had yesterday in the same park

"I should go home for today." When I was on my way,

The people around me were all looking up with their mouths gaping

A falling metal pole

Pierced through you

A tearing shriek and the sound of wind chimes

Echo through the trees

The heat haze was sneering at me,

Reminding me that it wasn't a dream

Through my darkening eyes

I thought I saw you smile

The sneering heat haze plunders away one darkened world after another

It's been repeating for tens of years

You probably have noticed by now

This kind of frequently told story

Has only one ending

But it can be found beyond those repeating summer days

When I pushed you aside and jumped in,

The truck slammed into me

The color of my splashed blood reflected off your eyes

And your robotic body

The seemingly annoyed heat haze

Was laughing, as though saying "Take that!"

It's quite a regular summer day for me

But something has come to an end this time

Awakening on August 14 in a bed,

A girl

Hugging her cat alone

Said, "It didn't work again."

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - [PV] "Kagerou Daze" (No Bonus) (Romaji/English Subs/Sub. Español) - Duration: 4:02.


Best Bot Auto Click Adfly Software 2017 - Download Free Earn Up To 87$/day - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Best Bot Auto Click Adfly Software 2017 - Download Free Earn Up To 87$/day - Duration: 8:11.


She cried at la la land & 2017 goals - Duration: 11:15.

you guys have always cover your high

status he has life imprisonment for 2010

you you will feel like the future so you

know over here unique role you need

company you got keep your life right

next thing you're going to need to wait

japanese software is not alive

what is that unit so I was like okay I

get a gold something man lies that keep

me alive

give me fighting for something so i

would like very was given

so you ideas please your mother you know

that what it was and it is war was when

I grow up I just got rolling the

superseding so I never really liked to

throw words nice model is used here

right but you know what they said

I am really really someone who likes we

really really like those models smaller

that you know the United it feels really

hard actually it is free goes but you

don't write you a note right so i'll try

my best and I'm sure you sure for sure

for sure i'm sure you're everything nice

to what I mean how long anyway what they

want and praying ym grain with 43 where

I'm doing everything I assure you

everything dude like real sure you

everything and you can see I don't know

maybe nothing more


I don't we

we'll see I don't know

i'm pretty happy about it all they can

wait for me

because of stuff you know that you

anyway fine don't lose your cool

wait we're late for a wonderful it's

like I think it's like very mature

makeup anyways i'm going to Lalande

somebody so nearly works at right here

normal has the LA you know later

I'm going through fields movie at the


well not a defeat for the preschool so

there's like so

yes I'm supposed to be working out i

used to work out

amore well now or you working out in the

morning are you no way how I'm going to

move the other means today

now that's a blood of course i will work

actually I Chris were probably at the

beach but I right clothes right right

clothes my ok we'll see with Holly goes

I want to see the memorial so we're in

the movie and its really well I mean

Matt people but it's really rather than

that they have many can be friends

really much more and i can get community

I mean I can I just a 12 through you

know we're trying to achieve goals are

not kind of telling us that we're gonna

actually is already pay off 50 shades of

darker nothin by it but something

healthy not really intelligent so yeah

that party is that survey of the life

now going to fight around you like you

hate it

why do you hate those

I really like this from lowell and it

was a really nice time and I want to be

done but we can yeah and you want to

i'll show you those guardians of the

galaxy of here I want to hear about in

the movie mallu it was grew well

sometimes he was like too much dancing

to my speaking French a little bit i

mean the music music culture is supposed

to lay down but a little i was a door

like concerns were like overlays you're

smart girl is everything within 13

really dress intention the way that they

feel it's very cool but it's free that

too because they're not to given beans

so the sad the briefs and super super


I don't like she was crying she was

screwing yes she was crying because they

are not together at the insurance us not

excited totally it simply tell your

screen so I you want to know us Christ

and no number we work out what's really

really stupid

oh well I'm starting to become super

here and and now i'm not saying you now


yeah no I'm serious to buy a kids didn't

warn you guys we finally home

that's cool that don't we went through

the movie we watched on wheel and you

she's going watches maybe like let me

know what you think maybe three times

and he can see it's really sad for me

look at something and he went ahead and

be but you thought growth water in Saudi

Arabia where you can see you like he's

only been created universe

I like I really like me over I don't

know what you you have to work already

it went away because you were nice for

the world changed like a lot now is

reportable before it was too close of

ideas again it's been a while he's I'm

being there i'm going to be back for


now that where it's going nice signs and

but I'm really happy that I'm headphones

because i think is finally and that's

really high

I'd like three they do it low-key but I

said now I before you before you leave

like a like a crazy day and you feed

ellie community in eight years check

whatever city the calories they had

anything you see they're straight but

now I'm really careful in I don't need

outside I don't need outside alone in my

home cause you know i can really know

what I'm using computer intuition

Clark's they can see exactly for many

grams or five min grants or nothing

and so regular salary everything so you

know exactly what i'm eating what are

you eating what is don't throw that

luxury now i have two white here I just

because it's white

how do i do is i don't look I don't

think so i just like my is my wife I put

it in the microwave and i think yes that

is no oil no salt no papers no

everything is my wife and that is is

showing a fan is the best of Lexington

beg your without the dogs here oh yes

first wife

I mean it's pretty busy putting

construction it's super with LOL am

really really like it especially not at

all good so and I think that I don't

know what else needs taking a lot of

things are in place for animals chicken

energy love here example


for me I mean the horseman you know

you're the wife and I have seen it

already but I'm careful of the world

with careful mean I have like a mountain

you know you like it seemed like

original cut my hours have the amount of

calories in your mom or something that I

want to get baby

so that's how I know any yeah right now

or anything that even in the morning

because i wasn't moving he goes ready

i'm going to eat horse course and one of

these songs i don't so I'm going to be a

partially goes twice but not not sure I

do a counting-house after the morning

house in a nice actually i'm just going

to the very memory that's fine which is

usually no way before / not anymore

because a ride in the morning coffee

having ordinary female like you know

that and I see more than what the United

something just you're just starting your

undoing the right way so excited about

the idea right so yeah I didn't do it a

no I really want to keep my goal going

I'm really serious about it and i'm sure

i want to show you in until the kind of

progress with you in a public can do it

is like really hope I can do it and

maybe maybe he worked for me you

nose right so we'll see

high schools and very much for now

all right here by the way I normally use

sounds and looks a little bit even

buzzed well first the computer broke and

they that I don't know what that fruit

helping with a microphone can you see

the kind of brown or they're like I

don't know I guess I don't know what

happened if you're not working

easy and like I don't know something

inflows inspired for rather don't have a

clue in also a headphones they brought

everything is bro but i think is going

to have to buy everything again it's ok

it's given time and everything's going

to be fine right and get the Caddy that

he was ticketed be

For more infomation >> She cried at la la land & 2017 goals - Duration: 11:15.


The Fosters Season 4B "This Season On" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:30.

Stop the car right now!

Watch out! (screaming)

Their lives came crashing down.


Oh my god.

Now this season...

I'm afraid something's really wrong with Jesus.

When will he wake up?

They have everything to lose...

Is there a chance she could be -- Pregnant?

It's our divorce papers.

I don't think that I'm ever going to be able to trust you again.

It's an all-new season.

You're going to go to prison for years!

The Fosters, every Tuesday at 8/7c on Freeform and the app.

For more infomation >> The Fosters Season 4B "This Season On" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:30.


The Fosters 4x12 Promo "Dream a Little Dream" (HD) Season 4 Episode 12 Promo - Duration: 0:50.

When will he wake up?


Jesus was just trying to help, and now he's in a coma.

Some mistakes you can't take back.

They're fighting to hang on.

Hey, hey!

She's under arrest, for felony hit-and-run.

I love you so much, I can't lose you.

Do you still love me?

Jesus, baby I'm right here, can you hear me love?

Stay with me.

Some mistakes you can't take back.

An all-new Fosters, Tuesday at 8/7c on Freeform and the app.

For more infomation >> The Fosters 4x12 Promo "Dream a Little Dream" (HD) Season 4 Episode 12 Promo - Duration: 0:50.


2017 Kia Rio Review - Duration: 1:43.

Since its first appearance in Australia, the Kia Rio has been the king of fast-track


This latest model stays true to that tradion; it's larger, safer and better value.

And it's here just five years after the previous model was introduced.

But the new car faces some hurdles in this market.

Only one engine will be offered initially, a 1.4-litre four-cylinder.

We won't get the fancy new turbo triple offered in

Europe until 2018.

And the automatic transmission opion remains a four-speed unit, although Kia is

understood to be working on a six-speeder for the Rio, due here around mid-year.

Unfortunately too, there's no longer a three-door Rio, for those who appreciate the

sporty look.

Kia is marketing the Rio in three levels of trim for the Australian market – S, Si and

the range-topping Rio SLi, all of which come with standard Android Auto and Apple


Kia's designers have gone to town enhancing the Rio's interior.

There's this 'floating' tablet for the infotainment systems,

with a seven-inch display in the up-spec variants, and the instrument layout and controls

are easier to use.

With suspension tuned locally, the Rio is an enjoyable drive.

Few of its direct rivals turn and ride as well as the Kia.

Although the engine produces respectable output, its

performance is blunted by the four-speed automatic, although there is the manual

option for buyers who care about straight-line acceleration in a city-focused hatch.

The latest Rio may not be a huge step forward for Kia's light hatch, but it is an

honest, accommodating car for urban millennials.

And within a year or so, Kia will update the Rio again – adding a new engine, upgrading

to a new auto transmission and introducing new driver-assist technology.

For more infomation >> 2017 Kia Rio Review - Duration: 1:43.


Big Game Commercial with Cam Newton & Miranda Kerr | Buick - Duration: 1:01.

Ready. Set. Hut, hut.

SFX: Playing and crowd cheering

SFX: Whistle blows

That's alright son, get right back up. You're alright.

Woah! Check out that Buick.

Wow, that's nice. But if that's a Buick,

then my kid's Cam Newton.



Blue 42. Set hut!

SFX: Crowd cheering

I'm open, I'm open.

No, no.

SFX: Whistle blows



SFX: Crowd cheering

♪ ♪

Some people just can't believe the new Buick.

That's a good looking Buick, right there.

If that's a Buick, then I'm a supermodel.

Nice play, Billy!

Miranda Kerr? SFX: Crash

For more infomation >> Big Game Commercial with Cam Newton & Miranda Kerr | Buick - Duration: 1:01.


Probation Conditions Ban Playing Video Games - Duration: 2:23.

Hey everyone, Melvin from Censored Gaming here!

The debate over whether or not violent video games have any link to real life violence

has been going on for years without a conclusive answer.

While there hasn't been any real connection between the two after several studies, including

one that was recently retracted as we reported earlier, that hasn't stopped people from making

the correlation.

19 year old Denver Skey from West Kootenay, British Columbia, was arrested last summer

for making threats of death and bodily harm at his high school's graduation.

He was sentenced for three months jail time, which he has already served, and three years


Judge Phil Seagram handed out 14 probation conditions, one of which is that he is no

longer allowed to play first-person violent video games.

Probation conditions are usually decided on a case by case basis after hearing suggestions

from the Crown, which is Canada's version of a prosecutor, and reports regarding their

medical and mental well-being.

Victims may also influence a decision with their pre-sentence suggestions.

This condition may be quite difficult to monitor as mentioned by school of criminology director

David MacAlister at Simon Fraser University.

He mentions that Probation officers can check up on him and ask his family members about

his activities, but that cooperation is unlikely if its just about playing video games.

To quote MacAlister "I just don't know how readily enforceable it really is."

Video games have been in the spotlight surrounding real life violence for quite a while now and

it has been a popular scapegoat for many parents and politicians.

In 2015, the American Psychological Association reviewed over 150 different studies surrounding

violent video games and their effects.

They came to the conclusion that although violent video games can increase aggressiveness

in people, there isn't enough evidence to prove that they can influence people to commit

real world acts of violence.

Correlation doesn't equal causation, after all.

That will be all for now but thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Probation Conditions Ban Playing Video Games - Duration: 2:23.


FaceMelt Crew | Coming to a Festival Near You [] - Duration: 0:33.




For more infomation >> FaceMelt Crew | Coming to a Festival Near You [] - Duration: 0:33.


Ranked Hearthstoner! #2: Paladins Destroy Pirate Warriors? - Duration: 23:51.

Hey what's up yo!

It's RazzyNZ here, got another wee clip of my uhh...

Murloc/Barnes Paladin deck for ya

again today *looks up at remains of spider on wall*

I was actually gonna do a video of


An arena run, but..

Problem was, audio went all funny for it

aaaand also, there was a spider in my room at the time

and I was freakin out about it (biiiiitch), so...

I decided we'd just do the arena run's tomorrow, or actually, maybe even next week

who knows? We'll see

but there will be a day for getting Hearthstoned in the arena

comin up very shortly anyway

anyway! I hope you guys enjoy, and I'll catch you guys later!

Solemn Vigil's sopp (sopp = good)

Equality, sopp

Consecration sopp, who am I playing? Priest

This God damned deck tracker stuff, the things Im doin for you guys, Oh my God

Mah niggersindallas

How ya goin!?

My niggas my niggas *sung terribly*


For more infomation >> Ranked Hearthstoner! #2: Paladins Destroy Pirate Warriors? - Duration: 23:51.


Sustainable Permaculture Business Model & Ideas -Practical Experience Sharing From Business Graduate - Duration: 4:11.

Eco friendly Permaculture Business Models And Practical Idea.

For more infomation >> Sustainable Permaculture Business Model & Ideas -Practical Experience Sharing From Business Graduate - Duration: 4:11.


David Beckham cuddles his four children - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> David Beckham cuddles his four children - Duration: 1:45.


Colleen Lopez 9.72ctw African Amethyst Drop Earrings - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Colleen Lopez 9.72ctw African Amethyst Drop Earrings - Duration: 2:42.


Colleen Lopez 7.78ctw African Amethyst Topaz Ring - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> Colleen Lopez 7.78ctw African Amethyst Topaz Ring - Duration: 8:15.



jesus christ

my name is jeff

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