Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 30 2017

Cosmic Convergence 2012 and Beyond.

There are no more options for the NWO ruling cabal!

Hear ye!

Hear ye!

Starting the hot phase of World War III, Triggering a worldwide Stock Market Collapse,

Engineering the Second Great Depression, Staging an Alien Invasion via Operation Blue

Beam, Manufacturing a global Pandemic and Depopulation,

Inducing a series of catastrophic Earth Changes, Geoengineering a Global Warming �Extinction

Level Event� Steering an Asteroid into Russia, etc., etc.,

etc., None of these harebrained schemes will work

anymore for the Illuminati and their omnipresent Axis

of Evil.

Just as Pizzagate is catching up with the U.S. Establishment, Pedogate will catch

up with the World Shadow Government

The Millennium Report

It ought to be clear to every resident of Planet Earth that the New World Order ruling

cabal has been thrown into complete disarray.

That the Illuminati plot to install an overt One World Government is in absolute chaos.

That their multi-century agenda to foist a state-sponsored One World Religion on humankind

has been thwarted.

And that their many conspiratorial plots to depopulate the world have failed dismally.

The bottom line is that those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the planetary

power pyramid are clueless about how to proceed given the following state of affairs:

� Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be goaded into a World War III scenario�Period!

When the deployment of just one EMP can knock out grid USA, really what would even nuclear

war look like �without a functioning electrical grid.

The Kremlin also has access to Tesla-inspired, scalar-wave weaponry that has not even been

imagined by the Military-Industrial Complex.

� The stock market can be forced into a precipitous decline by way of a controlled

demolition similar to 2008; however, this time the guilty financial terrorists and economic

saboteurs will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

In other word, the whole world now knows that all financial crashes and economic collapses

have been meticulously fabricated by the banksters.

� The Second Great Depression has been ongoing since 2008 after having been triggered by

the 2000 collapse and the 9/11 War on Terror.

Hence, there�s no stopping the natural breakdown of the Global Economic & Financial System


Certainly the best financial engineers know this, as well as understand their utter impotence

to avert the final blow out.

All of the other �End Time� events highlighted above ought to be easily seen as practical

impossibilities for the Illuminati to implement, especially at this late date as their Global

Control Matrix literally self destructs in real time.

Controlled Demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System

Now many will quickly protest that there is nothing from stopping the NWO cabal from executing

a total yet perfectly controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System.

And, they are right.

However, if the international banking crime syndicate (aka banksters) tries this little

move one more time, their whole monopoly game goes away forever.

In other words the people throughout the entire planetary civilization will never again permit

them to run their fatally flawed game on them.

After all, the banksters have been outed like never before and now await a fate similar

to the aristocracy during the worst years of the French Revolution.

How so?

The Internet has simply allowed for the dissemination of so much raw truth and hard facts about

the true workings of the GE&FS.

We all now know who they (banksters) are, what they have done in the past, and where

they live now.

We also watch their silly false flag operations flop every other day now.

Some of us actually predict their nefarious deeds before they carry them out.

Who is not familiar with the wreck and ruin wrought on the planet by the Rothschilds and

the Rockefellers?

By Big Pharma and Big Oil?

By Monsanto and Halliburton?

They are all known by their actions and can no longer hide, especially with so many interlocking

directorships which mutually incriminate them all.

With so much extremely damning evidence uploaded to the Internet since 1995, the folks who

own and operate the GE&FS are all exposed like never before in history.

Should they attempt to take down the GE&FS to their benefit yet, again, they will be

hunted down and hung from the nearest tree�for real.

The people want justice like never before.

When their pension plans, IRAs, Keoughs and other retirement accounts have been gutted�look


The current state of the economy, both national and global, is such that everyone�s thinking

about when the other shoe will drop.

In their fear and apprehension about what the future may bring, many common folk are

researching and investigating like there�s no tomorrow.

That�s because � on some level � they know that there may not be a tomorrow.

The product of their sleuthing has put the banksters in their crosshairs.

Who doesn�t know that behind the banksters stands many more clandestine operators who

are even more culpable of enslaving and harming humanity?

That covert, ubiquitous network is known as Deep State.

The Internet

More than any other thing in recorded human history, the Internet has created a much more

level playing field.

Of course, this is anathema to the Illuminati as they have always been on top and will never

tolerate anything but a tilted playing field.

In this fashion, they are always playing with our money and our time and our energy and

our real estate and our gold and other valuable assets.

Were the cabal�s financial engineers and economic architects to carry out a controlled

demolition, they would guarantee themselves a lifelong cell at Guantanamo.

Yes, things have really changed that much; it�s just that most don�t know it yet.

Which is why this piece is being written before the critical Inauguration Day of Donald Trump.

More than any other monumental event of 2016, the election of Donald Trump illustrates just

how much things have really changed.

Even BREXIT pales in comparison to The Donald�s improbable victory.

Therefore, the writing is on the wall which clearly messages the ruling elites that their

game of greed and money and power is over�forever!

Should they deign to be so stupid as to pull the plug on the GE&FS, forces will step in

to short-circuit their nefarious plans and maintain order.

More significantly, such a convicting pretext will have been presented to frogmarch the

perps out of their alpine hideaways and seaside villas and into the nearest prison cell.

It will again be the Internet that will empower the inhabitants of Earth to police the planet

so that the banksters never set foot in a bank again.

Just as a global citizens investigation has been underway regarding the Washington, D.C.

Pizzagate and global Pedogate scandals, people power is emerging in ways and places never

seen before.

The Pizzagate revelations, which are coming out fast and furiously because of the power

and pervasiveness of the Internet, is creating a very conducive environment for the powerless

to take back their power.

Pedogate has likewise created an international forum for victims everywhere to speak their

truth to power like never before.

Truly, Pizzagate / Pedogate will provide the lynchpin for the malevolent global power structure.

The Illuminati, the Neocons, the Zionists and Alien-Human Hybrid Controllers

The ultimate disposition of this criminally insane cabal of psychopaths is the only remaining

challenge for the global village to meet straightaway.

Where will the world be safe with the likes of these entities still on the loose?

Who would volunteer to house such a dangerous group of genocidal murderers, incorrigible

kleptomaniacs, war-profiteering warmongers, and serial producers of chaos and pandemonium?

This difficult question, then, is one that must be answered decisively and swiftly.

Many commentators have spoken of a negotiated truce with these monsters, as though the planet

is big enough for them and us to peacefully co-exist.

No, not quite!

In any event, now that they have no place to go once they have been stripped of their

ill-gotten gains and misappropriated wealth, their influence and power over the affairs

of men will be greatly diminished.

Nonetheless, the wheels of justice must be allowed to turn so that their billions of

victims can rest safely and soundly.

Perhaps an off-planet penitentiary can be found that is within the legendary waterless


Actually, they will probably find a way to wreck that realm as well.

Special Note: The critical point of this article is that

TPTB (those who run the Deep State) cannot crash the economy like they have always done,

timed according to the Shemitah calendar.

If they are so reckless and ignorant as to try to sabotage President Trump�s term in

office via a coordinated collapse, then they, too, will lose everything.

And, they will never get it back.

Once the financial institutions are destroyed and economic systems devastated, they, too,

will lose their age-old power and influence.

The United States will be compelled to consider a whole new paradigm, specifically one that

is free from the endemic corporate corruption and easily manipulated institutional arrangements.

The banksters should be refused participation and prosecuted for their endless financial

terrorism and economic devastation of nations large and small.

Then, there will be no place for economic hitmen and financial terrorists who are employed

by TPTB to take down countries rich and poor.


�Ding Dong!

The Witch is dead.�

With the ignominious defeat of Hillary Clinton, the Trump and BREXIT movements will grow into

a worldwide phenomenon as the globalists are forced to retreat everywhere.

As a healthy brand of nationalism spreads to the four corners of the planet, the sheer

power and momentum may be enough to keep the cabal in check until they are dealt with appropriately.

Perhaps the best thing that a President Trump can do as of his first day in office is to

shut down the treasonous Mainstream Media.

He must also remove the numerous traitors from Congress and intelligence agencies, as

well as from the many other departments which comprise the U.S. Federal Government.

MAINSTREAM MEDIA: The True Enemy Of The People

The sooner that Trump takes these initiatives, the sooner the American people can take back

their government.

As an unrivaled change agent, his work will be largely dedicated to tearing down the highly

offensive Obamanation.

In that capacity Trump ought to bring his wrecking ball everywhere he goes until the

Obamanation has sufficiently fallen into its own footprint, so that the American Republic

can be rebuilt in the image of the Founding Fathers.

Every good builder knows that the better the demolition, the better the foundation for

the new edifice to be built upon.

With this crucial understanding, the first thing to go must be the present incarnation

of the GE&FS.

For the world has been transformed into a financial prison as it has an economic jailhouse

for most of humanity.

May the patriotic nationalists of the world rise up quickly to consolidate the gains that

have been thus far been made.

Only through a concerted effort will a complete emancipation from these warlords and wardens

be possible.

Deep State must be dismantled so that the New World Order can be terminated, once and

for all.

Were the people of good conscience to coalesce around the same Earth rehab plan, the serial

obstructionists wouldn�t have a chance to sow their seeds of discontent.

Why is it that the bad guys are always working together more efficiently than the good guys?

One would think that a righteous cause like saving Planet Earth would galvanize a movement

like no other in modern history.

For more infomation >> Cosmic Convergence 2012 and Beyond - Duration: 13:28.


Ñoquis - Gnochhi de Boniato o Batata - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Ñoquis - Gnochhi de Boniato o Batata - Duration: 4:00.


A White Nationalist Is Now In Charge Of National Security - Duration: 4:11.

Over the past weekend Donald Trump made an unprecedented move by demoting and firing

members of the National Security Council and in their place promoting top advisor Steve

Bannon to essentially run the National Security Council.

Steve Bannon, a white nationalist, a man who has given a voice to white nationalists and

white supremacists all over this country, a man who sympathizes with people who believe

that being white means being better, is now essentially in charge of national security

for these United States.

If you don't see why that's a problem then you are beyond help at this point.

Steve Bannon hates people who are not white.

He hates people who do not subscribe to the same religion as him.

Donald Trump being the brain dead president that he is decided to give Bannon this ultimate


It makes you question who's really in charge here because it is clearly not Donald Trump.

If he really wanted to make America safe again he would have appointed a general, somebody

who has spent their entire lives in the military, who understands military policy and military

action and military restraint.

That's the kind of person he would have put there, not a guy who spent a couple years

in the navy and then went off to run one of the worst fake news organizations in this

country, because that's what Steve Bannon is.

In the past this position that Bannon now holds has been reserved for some of the best

generals and military officers in this country, not people like Steve Bannon.

Not people who think that you're not okay if you're not white.

That's what's setting the policy right now in the United States, both domestic and foreign,

a white nationalist.

It's not President Trump, it's President Bannon.

That's what we need to be concerned about.

Steve Bannon is an extremist in every sense of the word.

Not just on racial matters but on conservative matters.

He is as far to the right as you can get.

He believes in these made up conspiracy theories like Pizzagate.

Now he's in charge of our national security.

Steve Bannon is the guy that's going to keep us all safe.

I can tell you as somebody who is a part of the progressive media machine, I do not feel


In fact I feel more like a target today than I did last week.

Steve Bannon is a national security disaster waiting to happen.

A thermonuclear disaster waiting, because that's what we're looking at here now.

We've seen other countries this past weekend launch nuclear capable missiles as a show

of force.

No warheads on them but they're capable of holding nuclear warheads.

Just to show the United States that they're not playing around.

You think Steve Bannon is going to keep us safe from that?

When other countries are firing pretend nukes just to see if they can get us?

We have very real problems in this world right now, and a lot of them are because of Donald

Trump's actions.

Steve Bannon is not the kind of guy that's going to keep us safe.

He's not the kind of guy that's going to let us rest easy at night, knowing that we're

not going to wake up in a war zone.

In fact it's the exact opposite.

Steve Bannon is a danger to the United States and Donald Trump just can't stop from giving

him more power.

For more infomation >> A White Nationalist Is Now In Charge Of National Security - Duration: 4:11.


Surviving never looked so fun! ...and terrifying - Duration: 6:07.

Geeky Gaming Hey Geeks, it's Andrea.

I go through a lot of trends with what kinds of games I'm playing at any given time,

but right now I'm really into survival games.

I absolutely love them.

Just in case you don't know what we are talking about, in a survival game you are

dropped into a world with pretty much nothing and have to build yourself up from scratch.

Making or finding your own tools, bases, and materials.

I'm pretty excited for this one.

There isn't a game on this list that I wouldn't highly recommend to any of you Geeks out there.

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Subnautica Let's start this out on a very high point.

Subnautica is undeniably one of my favorite games at the moment.

I know some people are a little scared of games in early access, but I think all of

the games on this list are actually still in early access.

I wouldn't let that hold you back from, well, any game you really like, but specifically

this one.

It is already higher quality than a lot of full releases I've played in the last few


Some of the enemies in this game can be incredibly terrifying.

I have found that often in underwater games I get a little creeped out just from being

in the water.

Which is not a bad thing in this case.

You should be creeped out.

You are in this gigantic alien world as a lone survivor after a crash.

Using solely what you can create from what you find around you mostly under water to


The dev team has stated that they have no interest in adding multiplayer to this game.

Which is actually not very common for a survival game because so many people do want to play

with friends.

And while I would love to get a friend or two in a game with me and create a great undersea

base together, it would kind of defeat the purpose of the game.

That being said, I can't deny that I would dance for joy if they gave in and added it.


Rust As far as survival games go, I would have

to say that Rust is one of the most straight forward of all of them.

What I mean by this is Subnautica is undersea survival, Osiris is space, ARK has dinosaurs,

and there are so many zombie ones out there.

Rust is straight forward in the sense that there is no obvious...

I guess you could say gimmick.

Which isn't a bad thing either way.

There were a few zombies at one point, but those are not in the game anymore.

Which I feel is a good thing, because Rust just doesn't need it.

There certainly is plenty there to keep you occupied.

Rust has some great multiplayer servers you can hop into or you could even host your own.

Which is what I always do.

There are some people that RP in this game and there is a large group of players that


Well, they'll destroy the hell out of you and take everything that was yours.

It's all in good fun and part of the game.

If you don't want that, definitely set up your own server.


The Forest This is the moment you realize how much of

a … I am.

The enemies in this game terrify the crap out of me.

Every time I try to play this game, when I see one I will accidentally close it.

I get so scared my fingers just go Alt F4 crazy.

Even when I turn it back on and tell myself don't close the game…

Well, you can guess how that goes.

I feel like this is one I really need to play with someone instead of completely by myself,

which is what I have done.

Simply because I am such a little bitch.

That all being said, it just makes me love the game even more.

You do have to survive, catch your own food, make your own water source, build your own

base, and all of those great things that you need to have in a survival game.

They just took the game so much further in the terror aspect.

At least for me.

I know some people that have played this extensively probably think I'm nuts, but the enemies

are freaking terrifying.

The premise here is that you were in a plane crash and now you have to survive on this


There is more to it, but you need to play the game if you want to know more.

They have a unique way of handling death.

Whenever you die you are actually captured by these monsters and wake up hanging in a

cave and if you can make your way out, you get to continue your game.

I will warn you, there are some fucking terrifying monsters in this cave.

At least they terrify me, but…

If you're new here, you will come to learn that I am not that hard to scare.


7 Days to Die There comes a point in any survival game where

you have your own sources for food or water.

You have decent gear and have stockpiled everything you could possibly need so you feel like for

the most part you are prepared for anything.

Your chance of survival is pretty high.

7 Days to Die complicates that a bit by making the game become increasingly more difficult

as the days pass by.

You will also have hordes of zombies attacking your bases, so you need to fortify yourself.

All the buildings and everything else you find is destructible.

I have so many great things to say about this game.

It is very straight forward and you should definitely make a server to play with your



Osiris: New Dawn This game is kind of an obsession of mine

right now.

I will admit, I don't own it yet because I am cheap and waiting for a nice steam sale

for it.

So, I have not personally played it, but I have watched it being played a lot.

As I did with most of the games on this list before buying them.

I'm in love with this one.

I know it probably triggers some people for me and a lot of people lately to say that

it is subnautica in space, but that's a compliment.

As stated earlier, I freaking love subnautica.

The cost of building in Osiris can be a bit expensive in materials because you have to

build all walls after creating the base, but I actually like that.

It adds more customizing and it really isn't that hard to farm mats in the current build.

Like a lot of great survival games, and four out of five on this list, you can survive

with your friends.

The last thing I'm going to talk about is the enemies.

They are epic.

They are large and do not hold back at the beginning of the game.

You'll probably see one within your first few minutes of playing.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

This is definitely one I want to check back with, so be sure to share your favorites below

so I can include your message in a future video.

As always if you're new be sure to subscribe.

And everyone drop a like and share with your friends.

Let's make this the year of the Geek.

Alright Geeks, I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> Surviving never looked so fun! ...and terrifying - Duration: 6:07.


Welcome to the Kraaft Shaak! - Duration: 1:11.

Welcome to the Kraaft Shaak!

My name is Heather and I bring my own unique style to the videos you that will see here

on this channel.

I never claim to be an expert nor do I try to be perfect.

Most of the time we're just experimenting together and figuring out fun ways to make

art and get kraafty.

We offer a fun and interactive one hour live event every Tuesday.

A playful watercolor series on Wednesdays.

Shorter and easier to consume videos of whatever I feel like sharing on Thursdays.

We even have a separate vlogging channel where we share behind the scenes news and updates.

On our website you'll find simple and basic classes that you can purchase which are posted

to get you into the basics and using supplies you probably already own.

It is my hope and dream to bring this show to a city near you so we've begun a GoFundMe

campaign to take Kraaft Shaak on the GO!

You can support this adventure with monthly pledges on Patreon, or of course you could

donate to the fund or just by watching and sharing our videos.

However you choose to support us, we are grateful that you are here and we hope you will have

a Kraafty day!

For more infomation >> Welcome to the Kraaft Shaak! - Duration: 1:11.


Vlog - The Outskirts of Nottingham - 2017 - Duration: 17:44.

Hello friends, my name is Arith Härger

and today we are going to see what's on the outskirts of Nottingham

come along

(relaxing music beings)

to Southwell Minster!


looks cool

it's bloody cold in here

it's too early in the morning

pagan Greenmen

on this church

here we go to Wollaton Hall

(ravens croaking in the distance)

(stones on ice) *thek, thek, thek*


*thek, thek, thek*

Hello friends!

this is the last part of this video

and today we are going to Sherwood Forest

Sherwood Forest is haunted my Lord!

(birds singing)

(chirping of birds)

(chirping of birds and Robins whistle)

I hope you have enjoyed this friends


see you on the next video

and tack för idag!

(birds chirping)

(the wind rustles)

For more infomation >> Vlog - The Outskirts of Nottingham - 2017 - Duration: 17:44.


How far I'll go (Norwegian) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> How far I'll go (Norwegian) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:44.


COW. LOT OF PUS - REPAIR ANIMAL - Duration: 10:18.

Cow Abscess

The treatment of abscess in cows

Veterinary Intervention



For more infomation >> COW. LOT OF PUS - REPAIR ANIMAL - Duration: 10:18.


Powerless (NBC) "Team Wayne Security" Promo HD - Vanessa Hudgens comedy series - Duration: 0:55.

Behind every cape, there's a baffled bystander.

Where there's a villainous laser, there's a cowering commuter.

With every super battle above, there's a super scared civilian below.

How in a world of day-to-day danger can hapless humans hang on?

Never fear, the team at Wayne Security is here!

With the products that give back power to the powerless.

The rubble bounces off, but it destroys everyone around it.

Some products are still in testing.

For more infomation >> Powerless (NBC) "Team Wayne Security" Promo HD - Vanessa Hudgens comedy series - Duration: 0:55.


Why Reproductive Responsibility Falls on the Female (Audio Fixed) - Duration: 4:27.

Alright this video is about why

reproductive responsibility falls on the

female. The first reason is because

nature puts the responsibility on the

female but I'll get more into that later.

But the more important reason, I think, is

because the women and their children are

the ones who suffer after the man skips

out. When you're a single mother instead

of splitting the responsibility of

running a household and raising children

between two adults, you have to do

everything yourself even if you're

getting child support. Also having

children out of wedlock reduces your

marriage options. Many men who had

themselves together and have higher

incomes and intelligence don't want to

get with a woman who started her

family without him.

Women don't have as many reservations

about dating and marrying single dads as

men have with single mothers. Women are

willing to forgive a lot if a man is a

good provider and has other attractive

traits...and if he makes pretty babies.

Another reason women should be more

responsible is because of diseases. If

you're having unprotected sex with a man,

you're more likely to catch something

from him than he is from you. If you

catch AIDS, you can blame the man all

you want but you're the one who's gonna

have to live with it. Alright, now let's

talk about child support. Unless you get

pregnant by a guy who's got some serious

money you're probably only going to get

a few hundred dollars a month and you

can't live off of that plus you're

taking all the losses i mentioned before

just to get a few hundred dollars a

month in return not worth it

just a little interesting side note I

used to date a guy who worked in the

child support office and I'm not sure

what the official name of the child

support offices and I don't have time to

look it up but anyway he said he would

see some women treat child support as a

means of income and before you guys fill

that this is a bunch of black women

think again in order for child support

to be your come up you got to get

pregnant by the right type of guys

doctors lawyers celebrities not go small

who works at taco bell somebody's take

your opponent three grand a month some

more and they had no jobs of their own

next point

here's why child support doesn't work as

a good to turn for men it's because

nature never intended for men to be

selectively more careful with their


and that's why they have so much of it

and that's why storm replenishes the

mail and most animal species seeks to

impregnate if many females as possible

he would do every single female if they

would let him but the female won't let

just any mail hit she wants the

strongest male with the best games so

the fact that the male will squirt it


it's balanced out by the fact that

females choose who she wants to the

Father for kids a male kin want to be a

father all day and all night but if you

can't convince the female to mate with

him and carried offspring he's sol I've

made a video about this before and maybe

i'll put a link to that video in the

description box but i don't agree with

child support

I believe men should be able to opt out

of parenthood just like a woman can and

i also believe they should change the

law so that if a wife has a baby by

another man and the husband can prove it

he should not have to be responsible for

the child if you choose not to be no man

should be forced to take care of another

man's legacy and lastly I'm going to

talk about why females being responsible

for reproduction does not fix the black


this is because in humans the community

is what keeps females alive in other

communities and in the past if a female

got pregnant out of wedlock she was

shamed by the community and she was a

disgrace to her family also other men

would not be as quick to marry her if

she already had some other man show

these things are not the case in the

black community women are proud of being

single mothers and there's no one to

shame them also there are still a lot of

men out there who are willing to take on

a woman who already has another man's

kids so where's the determined to black

women getting pregnant out of wedlock

there is not there's no shame and then

we'll still take them also women who

didn't have a father in their lives

don't see the value of a father in their

children's life you can't expect the one

who came from a broken situation to have

the same sense of someone who did come

from a big situation it's true that I

was raised without a father but my

mother always told me that that was

wrong and that I should get married

before starting a family

so a lot also depend on the mother too

but anyway that's all i've got to say

about that

get off the sugar get off the processes

drink water

For more infomation >> Why Reproductive Responsibility Falls on the Female (Audio Fixed) - Duration: 4:27.


My Trip To Morocco - طنجة - تطوان - مارتيل - الفنيدق - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> My Trip To Morocco - طنجة - تطوان - مارتيل - الفنيدق - Duration: 3:30.


Minecraft nowa przygoda 0dc. 1 - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Minecraft nowa przygoda 0dc. 1 - Duration: 7:18.


How to Make a Website /!! - Duration: 6:22.

Hey guys, it's Krystal and guess what! - if you type that in your browser - it's a thing.

It's live!

I made a website!

And you might be wondering, what can I find on that I can't find on Krystal

Key's YouTube channel... well there's a couple of cool things my friends.

Like a gear page where you can find all the gear that I use for my videos.

Amazon links and more information on them.

But my favorite part about the whole website is the gallery.

So with the gallery I kind of just have a bunch of pictures from all the best smartphone


And if you watch my camera comparisons, you guys know how much I love taking pictures

for them.

So I kind of just wanted a place where I can see them all in a nice beautiful arrangement.

And you'll find a lot of pictures on here that I thought were too silly to put on YouTube

and I don't know, just a lot of extra pictures that I wanted to share with you guys.

And I made 100% myself using Wix.

And I was just about to set live when Wix reached out and they said 'why

don't you make a video showing your viewers how you made'?

Because I know a lot of you guys probably want to make a website of your own and you

don't want to deal with any of that coding crap.

So thank you Wix for sponsoring this video and allowing me to teach you guys how to make

a website in the easiest way possible!

So I went with Wix because you can go the template route and use a template but you're

not tied down or restricted to the way it looks.

You can fully customize it and make it look completely different which is pretty cool.

Or do what I did and start from scratch so I built my website from scratch - blank page

and everything.

I just dragged and dropped and made it look the way I wanted it to look.

So I decided Wix was perfect for me and now let me show you guys a little behind the scenes

of how I made!

So first thing you gotta do is go to and then you decide what type of website you

wanna make.

Are you a business, restaurant, beauty blogger?

- I mean there's so many options here.

Let's go with photography.

So you've got all these templates here.

So many to choose from.

But it really doesn't matter which one you chose because you can go in and really customize

everything about it or you can chose a blank one.

So I like the way this one looks.

Family photographer.

Let's just go with that.

So we've got this template here and we have all these different objects on this page.

Depending on what I click on, you'll see I've got different settings for the different type

of boxes I have.

So the text box here is where I can edit text.

You've got all these settings here and we'll just type in, "Charlie the Dog".

And yeah - I mean you can go even further with this template and actually move things


But that's not what I did.

I actually just started from a blank template so let's do that.

So we've got our blank template here.

The header, the page and the footer.

And the first thing I did was change the header - the color of the header.

And you just do that by clicking on it and you've got all the settings that pop up down


So let's change header design.

I'm just gonna go with this plain blue one.

You can go even further with that remember, you can customize it.

So customize design.

I mean you can change the fill color, you've got the border, all these things you can do

to it, add a shadow.

And then I change the color of the footer so we kind of do the same thing.

Just click on footer and all the settings pop up.

And the next thing I want to do is add a menu bar to my header.

So I go to the left over here where I've got more options to change stuff and add things.

And I click the "+" sign here to add stuff.

You've got all the things you can add to the website like a gallery, button, social stuff,

all these options here.

But I'm going to go to "Menu" to add the menu bar.

And you've got all these different options for Menu.

But I kind of like this one over here, and remember you can customize them even further

so it really doesn't matter which one you choose!

But I'm going to add this one - you just click it and drag it over to your header, and voila!

Now this menu bar is looking pretty lonley because all we've got is a home page so let's

change that and add some pages and all you've got to do to do that is go to your top left

corner to "Pages" and "Add Page".

It's a simple as that.

Let's add a "Gear" page, "About Me" page.

Ok and just like that, they're all up there.

They just appear as you type them.

And you can easily rearrange them by dragging them and it'll change in the actual menu bar.

And that footer is looking pretty bare so when I was making my website, I thought that

would be a good place to put your social links and a lot of people do that too.

So let's go to our "+" sign - "Add" button, go to "Social" and drag and drop!

Move it wherever you want!

So let's go about filling one of these pages up and making it an actual page on the website.

It's as simple as going back to that "+" button and just add stuff!

I mean, I would add an image first.

Uh, let's do my dog, Charlie because he looks pretty nice.

Add to page.

You can move it around, do whatever you want with it.

And look - there's snapping tools so you can just snap it right to the center.

But it needs something else - it needs some text.

So go straight back to the "+" symbol - the "Add" button and add text!

I mean you can add anything you want but yeah, let's add a nice title.



But let's add even more to this "About Me" page.

One of my favorite things to do here on Wix is add a gallery to a page.

So just go right back to that "Add" button where you can add anything and there's a "Gallery"


And in "Gallery" there's just so many looks and styles - some of them even have animations.

So why don't we go with this one just to show you what it's all about.

You can move it around - let's move it a bit further down so we've got some space.

It's as simple as just going into the own settings it has right here.

"Change Images" and you can move them around, rename them, add different images.

They already have some really nice ones there but you know, of course you can add your own.

And you've also got this preview button on the right upperhand corner.

So you can preview and see what your website is looking like so far.

And I know this isn't the best looking website so far but don't worry Krystal Key is better

than this.

And if you click that little icon on the top and go into "Edit Mobile View", you can see

what your website looks like on a phone screen.

And it's cool because Wix automatically optimizes your website to make it look good on smaller


But of course if you don't like the way something looks, you can just go back to "Editor", you

can tweak it around and it won't even mess up the way it looks like on your desktop view!

So now that is finally live, go and check it out and uh, let me know if

you guys want to see anything specific on there in the future that's not there right


Just comment below and let me know.

Also if you guys are making a Wix website of your own, I wanna know what it's about!

So comment, lemme know!

Thanks for watching guys and I'll see you later!

For more infomation >> How to Make a Website /!! - Duration: 6:22.


[FREE] Migos x Lil uzi vert x Gucci Mane Type Beat 2017 "Ballin" (Prod. By TeiMoney) - Duration: 3:55.

[FREE] Migos x Lil uzi vert x Gucci Mane Type Beat 2017 "Ballin" (Prod. By TeiMoney)

For more infomation >> [FREE] Migos x Lil uzi vert x Gucci Mane Type Beat 2017 "Ballin" (Prod. By TeiMoney) - Duration: 3:55.


Black Sails 4x02 Promo "XXX." (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Black Sails 4x02 Promo "XXX." (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:28.


Warszawska Kolej Dojazdowa / Warsaw Commuter Railway - Duration: 15:46.

I am in Milanówek near Warsaw and in this episode we will check the operation of Warsaw Commuter Rail.

Let's watch!

One of Polish railway network rarity

is Warsaw Commuter Railway.

Rail was by many people associated more with trams,

because of route going through urban streets,

form of units servicing the line

and use of 600V voltage,

which is standard for trams.

With successive years remained less and less of these associations

and now better word describing WKD is light rail.

This can be attributed to narrow gauge of rolling stock

and lighter pressure on axles.

WKD rails are independent from national railway network.

Its network consists of three railway lines with a total length of 39 kilometers,

of which nearly 3.5 km is technological track in Pruszkow

for connection with nationwide rail network.

Line between Warsaw and Podkowa Leśna Główna station is double track

and further sections to Milanowek and Grodzisk Mazowiecki are single track,

which of course limits the possibilities of transport on these routes.

Along line trains stop at 24 stops and 4 stations,

all equipped with platforms,

shelters and lighting.

Lines intended for passenger service are fully electrified.

Railway primarily handle inhabitants' traffic from south-western area of agglomeration to Warsaw.

In railways' area lives around 100 000 people

from surrounding towns and villages,

including the largest: Pruszków (60k),

Grodzisk Mazowiecki (30k) and Milanówek (16k).

Annually WKD transports about 7.5 million people,

which means that daily it is used by 20,000 people.

However much more people are using railway transport,

because just a few kilometers from WKD line,

run parallel two adjacent PKP railway lines,

which in simpler route connects Warsaw with Grodzisk Mazowiecki.

Connections are provided in three basic relations

between Warsaw Downtown (Śródmieście) WKD

and Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Milanówek or Podkowa Leśna.

On main route section from Warsaw Downtown to Podkowa Leśna Główna (Main) station

trains reach a fairly high transport speed

of 36.7 km/h.

On other sections speed is lower.

Still, there is a possibility of further increase,

thanks to better railway crossings protection.

Along WKD route there are up to 42 road or pedestrian crossings.

Only part of them is equipped with a turnpike, halfpike

or warning signals,

there are even some marked only by road signs.

As a result, before part of crossings trains firmly brake

or even reduce speed to a minimum.

In current timetable,

during rush hour trains provide ability to carry

more than 3 000 passengers.

In peak on main section of route between Podkowa Leśna and Warsaw,

departures are held every 10 minutes,

off-peak every 15 minutes

and every 20 minutes on weekends.

Single track section connecting Milanówek trains run every hour,

a little different is in case of Grodzisk Mazowiecki,

where basic 60-minute frequency

is periodically increased in peak hours

and time of leaving and going back to depot.

First WKD train departs on 3:51 from Grodzisk Mazowiecki

and last one depart 0:20 from Warsaw.

Ride on longest route takes 55 minutes.

Unique specificity of line decided

that each vehicle had to be specially designed for WKD,

which also allowed to make unification of their parameters.

Currently, most trains in passenger traffic are new

and totally there are 21 units.

15 vehicles were produced by PESA Bydgoszcz

and latest are 6 "EN100" units

made by Newag producer.

Many call them "Predators"

due to characteristic front of vehicle.

With exception of one train, units are made of 2 triple-segment-long parts

interlocked with each other by backs,

so you can change front of train and move in both directions.

All units are about 60 meters-long

and will take on board up to 500 passengers,

of which depending on unit

¼ or 1/3 will seat.

One unit weigh more than 100 ton

and in operation move at maximum speed of 80 km/h.

Vehicles are only partial low-floor

- central segment of unit has a floor on one step level

and outer segments outside of door area are elevated by 3 steps.

WKD has mixed ticket tariff,

other for single and periodic rides.

In case of the first, tariff has three time zones:

journey to 19 minutes, to 38 minutes and over this period.

Full ride from Warsaw to Grodzisk Mazowiecki costs 7 zloty (1.60 Euro).

There are also subscription tickets,

priced for 5 trips,

but allowing to take one more free trip.

Within Grodzisk Mazowiecki and Podkowa Leśna areas are also valid urban tickets for 2 zloty (0.45 Euro).

In case of periodic tickets tariff has 5 traveled distance categories

counted in kilometers.

You should also know that in area of Warsaw to Opacz station

are valid periodic tickets of ZTM Warszawa Public Transport Authority.

Near part of stations and stops there are racks for attaching bicycles,

which as you can see inhabitants use also during winter.

In 4 sites are also Park & Ride parkings,

allowing to leave car and interchange to train.

Supervised parking lots has surcharge applied to purchased WKD tickets.

Such elements are made to increase railway range of influence,

but also to encourage drivers to give up driving to city center.

I wonder whether those parking's are commonly used.

Initially, Electric Commuter Railway (EKD)

was operated by vehicles looking like trams.

For operation was also used voltage of overhead lines identical to that used in tram networks,

which is 600V.

However in 2016 was completed project of changing voltage to 3000V, which is standard for rails.

Change was mainly made to increase average speeds

and trains frequency,

where earlier state limited possibility of more than one train running on same section of route

and newer units were using only 60% of engines power.

Change had also to improve efficiency of power grid

by reducing by about 25% loss in transmission of energy.

Also number of needed traction substations was decreased from 7 to 3

and one section cabin.

Change of voltage resulted also with withdrawal from traffic

characteristic EN94 units,

which WKD operated on line for 44 years.

WKD runs almost like Swiss watch.

In 2015, rate of punctuality reached almost 99%.

Besides, railway with this country is bound also by financial support.

During investments WKD benefited from Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme.

In addition to the purchase of 6 train units

project included construction of passenger information system

and monitoring on stations and stops.

Forecasts of departures in real time

are displayed on 101 double-sided electronic displays.

Project was also expanded on modernization of track and construction of crossing signals.

For upcoming years there is also plan for modernization of stations and stops,

because they are at present moment the most neglected.

Among WKD plans for future is also a solution of network bottleneck problem,

which is one-track section between Podkowa Leśna Główna station

and Grodzisk Mazowiecki Radońska,

where is WKD depot.

Existing track is going to be modernized

and next to it will be built another track.

Investment is going to improve parameters of this section of network

to increase capacity and safety,

shorten travel time

and help rationalize operation of line.

WKD, next to Tri-City SKM, reaches highest level of punctuality in Polish railways.

It's interesting, because both companies are not only operators,

but also infrastructure managers, which they use to run trains

(although in case of SKM, units also use nationwide railway network,

but there is not reverse situation in normal traffic - no other operator use SKM line).

It follows that if operator uses line,

of which is also owner

it is easier to intervene in emergency situations

that may occur both in rolling stock and infrastructure.

At the same time their lines are not used by other operators,

so traffic punctuality is not affected by response standards of other companies.

This parameter is affected by a number of other factors,

but it is interesting that those two companies achieve highest results in this scope.

Meanwhile, thank you so much for your attention and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Warszawska Kolej Dojazdowa / Warsaw Commuter Railway - Duration: 15:46.


10 BIZARRE Motives for MURDER - Duration: 12:07.

- Not everyone is going to get along

and disputes can happen over petty things.

But sometimes those petty disputes

turn into violent murders.

- Say hello to my little friend.


- On occasion people can get on

each other's nerves over silly things.

And while those things can be completely trivial,

those same arguments can turn the calmest person

into a cold blooded murderer.

Today we'll be looking at the strangest cases

of people who murdered someone

else over the weirdest reason.

These are the 10 most bizarre motives for murder.

Number one are concert tickets.

When people say that they'd kill to see their

favorite artist in concert, sometimes they aren't kidding.

That's just what happened in March of 2008

when 39 year old Robert Lyons from Chicago, Illinois,

murdered his 61 year old mother Linda in cold blood.

Robert's murderous rage was brought on by

his mother's refusal to buy him expensive seats

at an Avril Lavigne concert.

Yes Robert was so angry about not being

able to see Lavigne's show that he hit his mother

over the head with a bottle of cognac

and then preceded to stab her nine times until she was dead.

But it didn't end there because once she hit the floor,

the deranged man decided to pour household

chemical products all over her body including drain cleaner,

tile cleaner and insecticide.

And afterwards, Robert calmly drove to a bookstore,

bought a book and then drove around for hours

until he finally confessed to police.

Soon after he was arrested at a nearby Hooters Restaurant

and was later sentenced to

40 years in prison for the murder.

Number two is being in the Matrix.

In July of 2002, 48 year old Tonda Lynn Ansley

of Hamilton, Ohio, killed her landlord

by shooting her in the head multiple times.

The reason Ansley believed that

she was living in a fantasy world.

She believed that was being brainwashed

by not only her landlord but three other people

that she knew, all of whom were not real human beings

but instead computer programs.

That's right, Tonda was convinced that she

was actually in the Matrix.

When questioned, she said that she thought

her experience of killing a woman was just

a computer simulation created by sentient robots.

Unbelievably Tonda was not found guilty

of the gruesome murder by reason of insanity

and went to an institution instead of prison.

But shockingly she was not alone in using this defense.

In fact, several other murderers have used

what is now referred to as The Matrix Defense

in court over the years to try

to get away with their crimes.

Number three is TV remote.

While some people think that they're in a fantasy world,

others are sound of mind when it

comes to the decisions that they make.

In February of 2011, 13 year old Alexander Zajac

from Russia got into a heated argument

with his 17 year old sister Juliana.

Like typical siblings, the pair were arguing

over the possession of the television remote

and ultimately which program that they were going to watch.

However the argument took an unexpected

and deadly turn when a frustrated Alexander

stormed off only to return with his hunting rifle.

In a disturbing and sudden turn of events,

Alexander shot his sister square in the face

at super close range, killing her instantly.

Though he admitted that he had done the crime,

police could do very little as he could

not be charged for the murder due to his young age.

Number four are speed bumps.

In June of 2010, 48 year old Fairfax County, Virginia

resident Steven Carr had been pleading with the local

government to deal with cars that had

been racing down his road far too fast.

He finally got them to install

a speed bump near his house,

and while many of his neighbors seemed to support the move,

one neighbor in particular was greatly annoyed.

That neighbor was 44 year old David Patton

who violently confronted Carr about it

one morning in his own front yard.

Patton was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault

for the confrontation.

But soon after being released to await his trial date,

Patton decided to go back and break into

Carr's house to get revenge.

He tied up Carr and his girlfriend at gunpoint

and when Carr tried to escape the ties,

he shot him killing him instantly.

Carr's roommate arrived home to witness the situation

and was able to distract Patton long enough

that both he and Carr's girlfriend

were miraculously able to escape.

Patton was again arrested and charged,

this time with second degree murder,

all over a speed bump.

Number five is being teased.

On October 3rd, 2012, 16 year old Shaquira Dorsey

was beaten to death by a fellow 16 year old

female classmate while outside their apartment complex

in Warrensville Heights, Ohio.

The deadly brawl was caused when Dorsey apparently

teased the other girl for simply passing gas

and was soon after physically attacked over the jokes.

Disgustingly a number of people stood by

and watched the fight happen, many of them adults.

One of them was Dorsey's own stepfather

who waited until she had taken quite a few punches

before finally stepping in and breaking up the fight.

Witnesses say that Dorsey stood up and walked around

dizzily around the lawn before eventually passing out

and landing on the grass where she soon died.

The other girl, who's name is protected

because of her young age, was charged with manslaughter.

Number six is a free breakfast.

On October 23rd, 2010, 15 year old Joshua Davies

convinced his ex-girlfriend Rebecca Ailward

to meet him in the woods just outside

their village in Wales.

The two had broken up after dating just three months.

But since Josh was academically gifted and a church goer,

both Rebecca and her mother Sonia were ecstatic

about the idea of the two getting back together.

However, once Rebecca arrived at the spot

where they were supposed to meet,

Josh approached her from behind

and bashed her skull in with a rock.

But what's truly disturbing is that several days

before the murder, Josh fantasized with his friends

about killing her and actually asked what they would do

if he actually went through with it.

His friend jokily replied that he would

buy Josh breakfast if he did it.

It was discovered on Josh's phone just two days

before the murder that he texted that friend,

you may just owe me a breakfast.

After going through with the murder,

he later preceded to give his friends chilling details

of his actions afterwards and even showed them the body,

making sure to tell his friend

that he wanted his free breakfast.

He was ultimately found guilty of the murder

and was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Number seven is texting in a theater.

If you've been to a movie theater,

you've likely seen the ads to turn your cell phone off

because it can be distracting to other people.

How distracting?

Well someone figured enough to kill over.

On January 13th, 2014, 43 year old Chad Olson

was sitting in a theater in Wesley Chapel, Florida,

watching the movie Lone Survivor with his wife.

Periodically during the preview screening,

he pulled out his phone to text

his three year old daughter who was at home.

However, seated behind him was 71 year old retired

Tampa police captain, Curtis Reeves, Jr.,

who quickly became annoyed by the light

from the cell phone that Olson was using.

Now originally he had politely asked Olson if he could stop,

but when Olson refused claiming that they were

only the previews, an argument broke out.

Olson then became aggressive throwing

popcorn at Reeves while yelling.

That is when Reeves pulled out his gun

and shot Olson in the chest, killing him instantly

and wounding his wife in the hand.

Although he murdered a man for texting,

Reeves claimed to the police that the shot

was fired in self-defense.

Number eight is unfriended on Facebook.

On January 31st, 2012, in Mountain City, Tennessee,

23 year old Billy Jean Hayworth

and 36 year old Billy Clay Payne were murdered in cold blood

all because they unfriended someone on Facebook.

That someone was 30 year old Janelle Potter,

who after moving to the city in 2005,

had a lot of trouble making friends.

Now Janelle had numerous health problems

which caused her to spend most of her time in her

parent's house relying on social media for friendships.

But one day after a disagreement online,

Billy Clay and Billy Jean sent Janelle angry messages

and even unfriended her from Facebook.

That's when Janelle's father Marvin

and her boyfriend Jamie hunted down Hayworth and Payne,

shooting them both.

But the circumstances get even more disturbing

as it turns out that Janelle had used

fake Facebook accounts to bully herself online

and even coaxed her loved ones

into committing those murders.

Her and her family where charged with first degree murder

and sentenced to life in prison.

Number nine are Mondays.

Many people hate Mondays, but one person let it

get the best of them.

It was a relatively normal day in San Diego, California,

on Monday January 29th, 1979.

That is of course until 16 year old Brenda Spencer

started shooting at kids outside

Cleveland Elementary School.

The school happened to be right

across the street from her house,

so she decided to grab her semi-automatic Ruger rifle,

starting by killing the school's principal and custodian,

she moved into classrooms injuring eight children

and a police officer.

She then holed up in her house, talking to a journalist

over the phone before eventually surrendering to police.

When the reporter asked her why she would do such

a horrible thing, she chillingly told them simply,

I don't like Mondays.

Spencer was tried as an adult

and was convicted of two counts of murder

and assault with a deadly weapon.

Today, she is still serving her indefinite life sentence.

And number ten is celebrity obsession.

Born on May 29th, 1955, John Hinckley, Jr.

quickly developed a love for Hollywood star Jody Foster

after he saw one of her earliest movies,

the 1976 Scorsese crime drama Taxi Driver.

Hinckley's unnatural obsession led him to stalk the actress

and repeatedly attempted to make contact.

However having no luck doing that,

he decided the only way to meet her

was to become famous as well.

And to him there was no better way to become famous

than becoming infamous.

On March 30th, 1981, Hinckley decided that he

would accomplish this by taking a revolver

to the Hilton Hotel in Washington DC

and attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan.

As the American president was leaving a conference there,

Hinckley fired six times.

But he only managed to injure Reagan along

with a police officer and a secret service agent,

who he ended up killing was press secretary James Brady.

After the shooting, Hinckley was arrested

but was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

He was confined to Saint Elizabeth's Hospital

in Washington DC but was released on September 10th, 2016

to his elderly mother's care.

So those were the 10 most bizarre motives for murder.

But as always, I want to know from you,

do you know of another bizarre murder that happened

that deserves to be on this list?

Leave your response below because I'll be reading through

them and I'll pin the best comment to the top.

Thank you so much for coming by today.

If you enjoyed this, make sure you hit that like button

and remember to come back tomorrow at exactly three pm

Eastern Standard Time because

I'll have a brand new video for you.

See you then.

For more infomation >> 10 BIZARRE Motives for MURDER - Duration: 12:07.


future - Duration: 0:08.

wheouat let dog, niggas weren't fee


You really shouldn't mumble.

Because I can't understand a word you're saying.

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