Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 30 2017

My late husband and I purchased a Liberty Safe to hold valuables and important documents.

Most recently, we had a home invasion.

The perps broke the handles off.

They used a hatchet, an ax, an electric chain saw.

They used a crow bar, they used a sleever bar; they used everything they could think

of and the safe held.

So, I am immensely happy that we purchased a Liberty Safe and I obviously will be purchasing

another one.

For more infomation >> True Life Story of Home Invasion - Liberty Safe, Protecting Your Valuables When You Need It Most - Duration: 1:35.


دونالد ترامب - أبرز 8 خطوات قام بها الرئيس الأمريكي الجديد بعد توليه منصب الحكم (Donald Trump) - Duration: 1:58.

عفوا، لاتوجد ترجمة للفيديو

For more infomation >> دونالد ترامب - أبرز 8 خطوات قام بها الرئيس الأمريكي الجديد بعد توليه منصب الحكم (Donald Trump) - Duration: 1:58.


5AG Reunion at NerdCon: Nerdfighteria! - Duration: 2:39.

Hey girls, it's Monday!

So, it's been awhile, hasn't it?

Oh, come one, it hasn't been that long since we uploaded here.

It's only been like…three years.

And it's been a pretty eventful few years for the fiveawesomegirls.

I started working at Microsoft, started doing cosplay and got engaged.

I had a baby!

His name's Rory, he's really cute, he's a year old.

I took a break from school and worked at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California for

two and a half years and now I'm back in London to complete my degree in media and

public relations.

So I guess you can say we've been pretty busy.

But this January marks the ninth anniversary of fiveawesomegirls!

In honour of their tenth anniversary, John and Hank Green are hosting the very first

NerdCon: Nerdfighteria!

Nerdcon is taking place in Boston, MA on February 25th and 26th.

Only a month away!

And we'll be there!

On Sunday the 26th at 10am, we're hosting a reunion panel.

So bring your coffee and come hang out with us!

Unfortunately, we'll only be fourawesomegirls at NerdCon, because Liane isn't able to


But we'll miss you, Liane!

And we have one other little surprise for you guys.

We came together to brainstorm ideas for a set of enamel pins that embody what fiveawesomegirls

is all about and I designed these!

Lauren did an amazing job and these pins represent our love for each other, our love for our viewers,

how Harry Potter has inspired us and of course, our motto: to find awesome in every single day.

We really wanted these pins to reflect our friendship, as well as our connection with

you, our loyal viewers who've been watching us for NINE YEARS!

We also wanted to use this as an opportunity to give back to other awesome women, so all

of the proceeds from the pins will be donated to Planned Parenthood.

You can pick up the pins from the DFTBA booth at NerdCon or on their website right now!

We hope you love them as much as we do.

Alright, I think that's everything.

Let us know in the comments if we'll be seeing you at NerdCon!

And definitely let us know if you have any questions for us or suggestions for things you'd like

to see or hear about during our panel.

We'll also be recording it for those of you who can't be there, so we'd love to hear from

all of you!

And while you're at it, tell us what you've gotten up to over the last few years.

Seems like we probably have a bit of catching up to do.

Today is awesome because we're posting a fiveawesomegirls video for the first time

in ages!

Lauren, I won't see you tomorrow, but I'll see you in Boston next month.

For more infomation >> 5AG Reunion at NerdCon: Nerdfighteria! - Duration: 2:39.


How To Make a Beautiful Pot for Plant | DIY - Duration: 5:35.

How To Make a Beautiful Pot for Plant | DIY

How To Make a Beautiful Pot for Plant | DIY

For more infomation >> How To Make a Beautiful Pot for Plant | DIY - Duration: 5:35.



For more infomation >> ARCANJO MIGUEL - ''LEMBREM-SE DE QUE TUDO COMEÇA COM VOCÊS'' - Duration: 5:14.


SKYWARS IN HYPIXEL #4 | Teomanya - Duration: 7:05.














Follow me on my social networks. In Facebook and Twitter :D

BUG :(

For more infomation >> SKYWARS IN HYPIXEL #4 | Teomanya - Duration: 7:05.


COMO INVESTIR EM IMÓVEIS COM POUCO DINHEIRO? Fundos de investimento em imóveis, FIIs - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> COMO INVESTIR EM IMÓVEIS COM POUCO DINHEIRO? Fundos de investimento em imóveis, FIIs - Duration: 3:55.


Voice In - Cheap Thrills (Live Session Acapella Cover) - Duration: 4:03.

Hey guys

We decided to record a live session

'Cause you asked a lot

And from a song we love: Cheap Thrills - Sia

That was also asked so much by you

We hope you enjoy

So everyone, if you enjoy, Subscribe to our Channel

Like our Facebook Page, follow us on Instagram

And leave us comments with suggestions of songs we might sing



For more infomation >> Voice In - Cheap Thrills (Live Session Acapella Cover) - Duration: 4:03.





Babies don't need yoga | Workin' Moms - Duration: 0:53.

Yeah and if you want to bring one foot forward

into a lunge and a half-moon cresent.

And then come down for a boat pose.

Can we all be brave adults and just admit that babies don't need yoga?

Okay, we can move on to something else.

Who's got a new topic?

- I'm incontinent. - I'm pregnant.

(Excited gasps) Anne!

Congratulations, Anne!

Sheila, if you mind we'll revisit your incontinence

after we've talked about Anne's good news.


For more infomation >> Babies don't need yoga | Workin' Moms - Duration: 0:53.


ENIGMAS DEL ANTIGUO EGIPTO - José de Alberto ( Conferencia Mayo 2010 ) - Duration: 51:35.

For more infomation >> ENIGMAS DEL ANTIGUO EGIPTO - José de Alberto ( Conferencia Mayo 2010 ) - Duration: 51:35.


SHOT Show 2017 Second Amendment Foundation Legal Update - Duration: 9:06.

Welcome to our continuing coverage of

SHOT show 2017. That's right, the Shooting

Hunting Outdoor Trade Show in Las Vegas

Nevada with almost 65,000 people in

attendance and thousands upon thousands

of brand-new products.

We're going to cover it throughout the

week with regular updates, so stay tuned.

Hi. This is Joel Persinger. I'm the GunGuy.

Thank you very much for watching my

channel. I really, deeply appreciate it.

It's another day at SHOT show here in

Las Vegas and I ran across somebody I'm

a big fan of. Alan, I am a big fan of

yours. Thank you. You do some tremendous work.

This is Alan Gottlieb of SAF. In

case you don't know what SAF stands

for, I'm gonna have him tell you. It

stands for: Second Amendment Foundation.

Now, you may not have heard of the Second

Amendment Foundation, but I have. They

have filed so many lawsuits to protect

your second Amendment rights that it's

amazing and their success rate is beyond

stellar, So I wanted to have a couple of

minutes with Alan for him to update us

on what's happening with the lawsuits

that they have going on right now. It's

important that you understand that if

you support organizations like this they

can do great work, but they can't do it


We have to pull together and support

them financially, we need to get the word

out and those things. That's what I want to

do here.

Thank you. Tell us a little bit about

what's happening currently. Well, we have

about 30 cases right now in federal

court and some of them are moving

rather quickly right now. It's only been

a few weeks into the new year here and

one case Baginski in Massachusetts.

A restoration the rights case. A guy got a DUI

many, many years ago and Massachusetts

won't let him have a gun because of that.

We're in federal court on that and we just

want a big motion against the government that

tried to dismiss the case and a judge

said, "Oh, no. People have Second Amendment rights."

We just want another one motion like

that against the state of Illinois on foster care.

In Illinois and some other states as well, if you

want to have foster children they don't allow

to have a gun in your home. Wait a minute.

Say that again. If you

want to have foster children. You want to

have foster children. And help kids out

and give them a home, you

can't have a gun in your home. Right. So we filed

a suit against the state of Illinois and they

also moved that, you know, well if you

apply for foster children, you lose your

Seconds Amendment Rights. The judge said, "Oh no, that's not

true" and denied

Illinois's motion to dismiss. We've won to

big motions so far this year.


it's January! Yeah. Then we have

two cases: one known as Senderoff/Flores.

The two of them got combined together. The Fourth

Circuit Court of Appeals ruled our way

both of them. They got combined en banc for an

en banc panel to review it.

The en banc pannel ruled our way again and

that the Justice Department... Obama's justice

department on his way out of office filed a motion

for Cert (certiorari) for the supreme court to hear

the case to overturn our victory.

So this is a case that may very quickly get

to the U.S. Supreme Court because we want to

knock out a law, then what happens is

the court stands a very good chance of

hearing it. That's a big domino you're knocking over.

Right. And of course with the Justice Department

changing leadership, maybe the Justice Department

will argue on our side.

So that's kinda a nice. Then you've

got out of California... Yeah you know I'm

from the people's socialist republic of

california. Then you get your Peruta case

the plaintiff moved for cert to the Supreme

Court and of course our case (Richards)

which is the same thing.

It's tied to it. The en banc court

in the 9th circuit

overturned our victories in at the appeals

court level in that. Their tied together,

so that may also end up

going to U.S. Supreme Court. We have two

bites at the Apple at the U.S. Supreme Court in

gun rights cases that probably will come up this year.

Well, you know that I do have a concealed

carry permit in California. I think if I

meet the other guy that's got one, we can

start a club. Probably. We may be the only two

and that's gotta change. Probably. And we

just filed a brand-new suit against the

city of Seattle. We have one filed

against Seattle that been joined with the

Second Amendment Foundation by the NRA and

National Shooting Sports foundation to challenge the

gun ammunition tax that Seattle passed.

Well, in the interim, our publication "The" under the Public Records Act


the city of Seattle... we want to know

how much money they've collected in this tax.

They say it's between $3,000 and $5,000.

We think it's more like twenty or thirty

thousand dollars. But they don't want to

give us the data because

they're embarrassed. So they're making the

argument that. "Well, there's only so

few gun dealers left in Seattle,

if we tell you the amount you can figure out

what their businesses

volumes are and under privacy we can't

do that. We don't want that information.

We just want the gross number of dollars

in tax that you got. They refused to give it to us.

Washington state has a law that the city of

Seattle for not turning it over

to us, has to pay our legal fees and a

hundred-dollar a day fine. So what's

probably going to happen... we

just moved for a summary judgment motion

this week... what's probably going to happen

is that the court will rule in our favor. And

what the city of Seattle is going to do is that

twenty or thirty thousand dollars they collected in tax...

They're going to write a big check. To the Second

Amendment Foundation so we can sue

them again.

It's gonna be a busy year.

Absolutely. I love it. One of the reasons

I want to talk

with you today is because I've been

following you guys a lot and... I'm not a

millionaire. If I was I'd write you a

really big check, because I'm grateful for

the work that we do.

Can you tell the folks that watch my

channel... I love them.

They're awesome. I get great comments

and people want to fight these battles

but they don't... a lot of them don't know

what to do. I think it's key that they support

organizations like SAF because you

guys do such great work, but it costs

money. Lots of dollars. These things cost a lot of money.

Our average case probably ends up costing

us when various states or the federal

government puts roadblocks in our

way in one of our bills... The

average case is now costing us about a

quarter of a million dollars. A quarter of a million.

You know I didn't pay that much for

my house right? I know yeah. It's worth

more now because of San Diego, but when I

bought it 20 years ago. But I mean

it's really kind of scary and we have 30

cases ongoing. That's a lot of dollars.

That's a lot of dollars, yeah. So, I'm going to talk

talk directly to your audience. I mean,

I'm going to plead with you. This

really helps us out a lot.

And remember about eighty percent of the

case law protecting Second Amendment Rights rights

in the court were made by the Second Amendment

Foundation's lawsuits. So, I mean almost

everything's ours. What's your success rate?

It's hard to tell what our success rate is

because we file so many cases and you

know, a lot of times its rule by man not

rule by law, depending on what judge yet . But the

important thing is eighty percent of the

case law supporting Second Amendment rights, came

about as a result of our litigation.

So, if we were around

80% of the case law supporting Second Amendment

rights in our court systems would be gone.

What I appreciate

about you is you're not locked into one

state. You're filing lawsuits

across the country and by the way that

include California.

The complaint I get a lot is, "I don't want

to join this organization because they've

abandoned California" or "I don't want to

join that organization because I don't feel

like they're doing anything." I want you

to understand what I understand having

watched this. These folks are working hard

across the nation.

They're working extremely hard in the

people's socialist republic of

California. So regardless of what state

you're in,

if there's any kind of

infringement of your second Amendment

rights you're going to see this fine

gentleman somewhere in that battle. Yeah.

But again, they need funding. So please,

please, please, support them if you can.

We have a lot of cases going on in

California. I know you do. We're challenging the

waiting period for people who have already bought

a gun in California. We're challenging the

handgun roster. We're challenging zoning

ordinances that put gun dealers out of


We're challenging confiscation

measures with people who got

guns confiscated and the government just doesn't

return back when no charges were filed even

though they're innocent. Right.

We've got a number of cases in

California. California is really hot bed

place for us.

Well, part of the problem with California, is then it

travels. Right. We see that in Oregon and

Washington. Right. So, at any rate...

to help us out, you can go to

SAM ALPHA FRANK dot org or put Second Amendment

Foundation in any browser and our website

will pop up. Our membership is only

fifteen dollars a year. We're like the cheapest

gun rights group out there, because we just want

you involved. So if you join us,

donate to us, we would greatly, greatly

appreciated it and it makes it help.

Can I join


Sure! Okay. I'm going to do that right when

we get done. Thank you. But

it's really important now to, because

our funding is going to have a

problem this year. With

Trump winning the White House and Republican

controlled House and Senate on a

national level,

the gun rights community is not under

attack anymore. A lot of Gun owners

feel, "Well hey, now i don't have to do

anything. You know we've won the battle.

Obama's out of the White House." Our

funding is going to go down. But there are cases

we can now file. We're getting good judges

appointed and getting the nineth judge

on the Supreme Court. Now is the time to

really go on the offense, but that

takes dollars. Absolutely. So, please help us out. I'm

going to put the link in the description

so if you don't want to go hunting for it

that's fine. I'm going to put all the links in the

description so you can go directly to the SAF website.

I urge you, please join. Please donate. Please

help. Thank you very much Alan. Thank you.

Thank you for all your help.

Have a wonderful week. Thank you very

much for watching. Keep watching for more

updates from SHOT Show and whatever you

do.. wherever you go

please be safe.

For more infomation >> SHOT Show 2017 Second Amendment Foundation Legal Update - Duration: 9:06.


Jurassic World - The Game Episode 184 Plesiosaurus Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay - Duration: 18:59.

ok guys welcome back let's see what we

got to do today so first thing like Jurassic World - The Game Episode 184 Plesiosaurus Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay

usual episode we're going to go ahead

and get some food production going as

long as possible and then we're gonna

get DNA going then I'll let's see what

dinos have pack looks like our legendary

unit orrin hatch go ahead and collect

this guy's place them in there and I

think that was the only one that we had

catching it's fine so let's go ahead and

drop something else in here if I got

anything common looks like all common so

common guy in there

ok so we were working on the microflora

it's like you failed again so let's go

ahead and continue i'm not going to

speed it up because I've been trying to

conserve my cash then I reflecting the

free pass to always collected every then

jumps right into the battles because

some of you guys probably watched my

videos just for the battles so I mean if

you want to watch all of it

that's great if you wanted to watch the


ok then I'll get the battles over early

ok as you can see that card pack ones

are really hard so I'm going to go with

the Rajah's take up the sword in equal

agree so let's jump right in here that I

guys gonna kill me 11

the price go down can't kill me with

your eyes don't think I killed

ok let's go ahead and try out down that

was not going to be cardboard first

report of continuing guilty to take

three heats out last fall

backstreet take saddles pretty much

stronger board but they are everything

three out before this court of first

before you don't see yourself down

17,000 might a nicole agree is

celebrating battle one's in the bag

ok so 50 DNA we jump into battle number


ok so for battle number 2 i'm going to

use for battle number 2 i'm going to use

mr. on to Saurus Dominus dress and a

pterodactyl is those goose battles rude

ok Laurence first priority

seriously not going to kill me with it i

will put one into hope one of the other

two because it and they can't be left

himself defenseless

that's not a good idea

no that was sweet

ok so it's always taking out everybody

left himself defenseless board 396 up

and he's going down over 10,000 57

damage victory

ok so 50 DNA moving on to battle number

three okay so it's three carnivores

which always makes the night because

then i will pick 3 and billions and the

battle is pretty much yours is there

such a difference last advantage for one

is probably not gonna kill me with a


yeah I was pretty close

okay I got the thing is I'm just going

to dr. white guy reserve i'm just going

to put the 435 also that left three

it's only block for 15,000 every card

pack mind off so this is the new and

fibia and clients or at least said it's

the new Indian it looks kind of familiar

so thousand DNA hundred cash and a

legendary flores been doing a lot of

those all aquatic which the battles are

super hard guys so let's go ahead and

ask this guy right now I got two of them

here okay i got supply stores which I

won the last episode I guess they didn't

put a minute and then I got a lot of

pliosaurus and oh ok so on to legendary

aquatics in there that is also and then

I let's go through the park is the stuff

done we're going to do before revenues

hours as he watched my apples

powered by wind and then I like to go to

see if there's anything i can trade for

preferably with coins

ok so it's got lots loyalty points to

pay cash cash almost tempting because I

do need cash

oh I don't have a VIP voice so this guy

wants food your payment coins no do not

trade your guy you will regret it i

guarantee i created my what did I just


oh I hit subset Oh II i hit the wrong

button smalls

well I got lucky with dad

sometimes you do hit the wrong one

okay sue we already like this yesterday

so i'm not going to go back there again

ah news ok

nothing really big news battle wise

thing left is the food one I don't I

don't much like doing these I mean you

don't get that much food and a second

battle is really tough because you got

to use your common dinosaurs my comment

dinos are not all that strong

ok so for right now that's pretty much

all i could do right now because I am

still building up my Indians i got one

way to kill the old sort of stuck there

i am going to jump into the

velociraptors if you've seen this before

I mean just might be 42 use

he is a good time for you to leave and

if you do want to go i want to thank you

for viewing and being gospel but you

want to stick around stick around if I

have better lost at winning any of our

texts Enki do sometimes when I go

through the four velociraptors I 145

card back other times absolutely

inducted for its not looking very great

and I don't have to die know if you

don't have the Scientology take ash

quite that that

ah me and I just missed the rare pack

that sticks

come on Charlie Charlie doesn't like me

i have lost it get that far everyone is

pretty simple fix let's watch you have

it the more deeply the guy you want

guy back once you have absolutely no

control it does get kind of boring after

a while

ok so just missed some good was super

rare pack stop stop

are you saying yes I don't like charlie

don't like Charlie never anything good

echoes any difference does it look like

it's gonna be okay rare pack this is one

of the rare packs that don't have

anything just that that is boring

this is war

ok call me something good

that was one of the better ones because

you are the outside show DNA

ok so its resting all stop stop stop

super rare pack stop are you serious

totally not they're not that next don't

have been in car track stuff very

annoying and I don't care for that one

was missing quite a few days

ok super rare pack also one of the

better ones you can see there's DNA cash

or coin okay 60 cash DNA


so i guess a lot doing all that bad at

least that one of X ok good look cool

that's the match know that i'm also

specially inca wall 374 dollars get at

that II that was high

Wow and it's college not dollars are a

lot harder to get them destroyed ok

looks like the only thing we got that is

indeed has do any of you guys actually

use the card back for fighting i tried

fighting in the arena before with heart

attacks but she is a doll like it too

give me something

blues my favorite but lately given me a

bunch of junk

mr. I get the more rare the dyno that

you're missing the more they make you

pay is walk unseen not going to help me

then fell school so this is my last

chance with blue and is just strikeout


okay let me make sure there is nothing

else to do today I'm not seeing anything

else do this exactly what common Dino

here for another probably wanted

so let's go ahead and throw another

common one into the tank there okay

log I thought that's going to bring us

to the end of today's episode if you do

enjoy my videos please click off like

that the thumbs up button under the

video and drop me a comment like reading

your comments of your back to you as

soon as possible and safes reviewing and

being also click the boxes below for a

lot more fun videos that if you want to

see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> Jurassic World - The Game Episode 184 Plesiosaurus Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay - Duration: 18:59.


Scared To Be Lonely - Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa - Fingerstyle Guitar Cover[FREE TABS] - Duration: 4:05.

Hi guys, just a quick update,

at every last video of the month I will make "comment of the month"

so how I do,

I need to go and watch all the comments from every video

that I'd posted in that month and chose one that I like the most

and I'll make a screenshot with it and put it at the end of the last video of that month.

So now,enjoy the video!

For more infomation >> Scared To Be Lonely - Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa - Fingerstyle Guitar Cover[FREE TABS] - Duration: 4:05.


amazing gun game#7 - Duration: 13:32.

For more infomation >> amazing gun game#7 - Duration: 13:32.


Bentaleb: Köpfe hoch! - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Bentaleb: Köpfe hoch! - Duration: 0:29.


Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell – Spineless GOP Leaders Afraid Of Trump - Duration: 3:31.

It took Donald Trump eight days to get to a net negative favorability where more than

50% of the country disapproves of the job he's doing, eight days.

The reason that is so important is because of all the presidents prior to him, starting

with President Reagan, it took them no fewer than 450 days at least to hit a approval rating

below 50%.

The reason I bring that up is this, where the hell is the Republican leadership right


Yes, we have John McCain out there in the media telling us that Trump is screwing up

left and right.

How does Donald Trump respond to that?

He goes on Twitter and he attacks John McCain.

Where is Paul Ryan?

Where is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell?

Where are those two men, number two and number three most powerful Republicans in the country?

Why are they not standing up to Donald Trump?

The reason is simple obviously.

They're afraid of him.

They don't have the courage to do it.

They don't want to go against their own party.

Well, keep in mind, Donald Trump for most of his life called himself a Democrat, only

became a Republican so that he could run for president.

But these Republicans, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, are so spineless and so brain dead that they

won't even stand up to this man because they think that in spite of all the bad things

he's doing they might get one or two little gifts out of it, like a full repeal of Obamacare

that's going to kill 48,000 people a year.

That's what they want.

That's why they're not standing up to him.

But more importantly, they're afraid.

Republicans put two men in charge of their party in the House and the Senate that are

terrified of going against Donald Trump.

They're terrified of standing up to anyone.

They're terrified of being confronted.

Paul Ryan for the last four days has done nothing but tweet out bull shit nonsense about

repealing Obamacare and we're going to get to work and we're going to work with the president,

just catchy little things.

We're going to create a patient-centered program, which literally means nothing.

Those are just words he's strung together and Republicans eat them up, but that's all

they're focused on.

They're not out there talking about, you know what, maybe the president shouldn't have done


Maybe he shouldn't have done that.

Wow, look at the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people that have

gathered in the last eight days to protest him.

Maybe, just maybe, we should grow some balls and say something about that.

But no, not for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

They don't have it in them to stand up to somebody, to stand up to a man who is oppressing

huge populations, not just in the United States, but around the globe.

These men are not fit to lead.

They're not fit to be in charge of the House or the Senate.

As much as we need Donald Trump to go, it's also time for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell

to hit the road because they don't have the guts to stand up to this bully.

For more infomation >> Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell – Spineless GOP Leaders Afraid Of Trump - Duration: 3:31.


10 Popular Anime Series That Won't Freak You Out (Too Much) - Duration: 4:20.

10 Anime on Netflix You Can't Miss

Whether it's because of giant monsters, lovable characters, or simply because they are a major

part of animation history, there are certain anime that everyone needs to see.

These are our picks for the top ten anime on Netlflix that can't be missed.

Death Note What would you do with a notebook that could

kill whoever's name was written in it?

That's the question that faces Light Yagami, a college student who discovers the Death

Note -- a notebook bound to a shinigami, or god of death.

Though he only uses its powers to rid the world of evil, he struggles with the temptation

to use it for his own means.

Death Note explores the precarious balance between good and evil -- and how easy it is

for that line to blur.

Bleach Huge, terrifying shadow monsters, a rebellious

youth with a sharp tongue, and lots of action -- Bleach has it all.

This anime follows Ichigo Kurosaki on his journey to become a Soul Reaper, a warrior

sworn to protect humans from evil spirits and help guide the dead to the after life.

It's one of the longest running anime series out there, with a total of 366 episodes, though

only three seasons are on Netflix.

Naruto If you've never seen the Sexy Shadow Clone

Jutsu, you haven't lived.

Naruto manages to strike a balance between silly and serious.

The anime is about a group of three young ninja from the Leaf Village, Naruto, Sakura,

and Sasuke, as they master the various jutsu and abilities that come with their training.

Naruto, of course, is the main character -- a kid with a dream to become the Hokage, the

leader of the village and most powerful ninja around.

Gurren Lagann If you crossed Dig Dug with Gundam, you'd

get Gurren Lagann.

In the distant the future, the earth is ruled by a tyrant that forces people to live in

subterranean cities.

Two friends, Simon and Kamina, discover an ancient mecha and use it to fulfill their

ultimate wish: to go to the planet's surface.

While the anime may seem like pure action, the friendship between the two characters

is one of the strongest in animation history.

Rurouni Kenshin The heir to a powerful style of swordsmanship,

and the greatest warrior Japan has ever known, suddenly disappears after the last battle

of the Meiji Revolution.

The story follows Kenshin Himura, a man who wishes to atone for the crimes he committed

during the war, but finds himself dragged back into the fight time and time again.

Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved anime of all time, and with a total of 96

episodes and three OVAs, will keep you watching for a long time.

Fate/stay Night When a young student unwittingly witnesses

two people battling as part of an ancient, invisible war, he finds himself an unwilling

participant in a fight he isn't prepared for.

Shiro Emiya is a student at the Homurahara school, but is almost killed when he witnesses

a fight he was never meant to see.

Shiro accidentally summons a woman known as Saber, and accidentally becomes a part of

the war himself.

Unlike a lot of anime, Fate/stay Night is designed around a specific theme.

There are two sequels that each explore different themes, as the anime seeks to teach a lesson

through telling a story.

Mushi-shi Mushi-shi is rare among a lot of anime because

it's episodic, rather than an overarching story.

Ginko, the main character, is one of a select few individuals able to see the Mushi, a primitive

lifeform that create problems for normal humans.

In a way, the Mushi are the main characters, as the story often revolves around their effects

on the world around them, even though the majority of humans are unaware of their existence

and incapable of interacting with them.

Sword Art Online Anime doesn't get much better than Sword Art


SAO, as it's called by fans, tells the story of Kirito and Asuna, two players of a full-dive

MMORPG, when they are trapped in the world and unable to logout.

Death in the game means death in real life.

As time passes, the real world becomes little more than a distant memory, and the idea of

what is real and what isn't is explored in depth.

In a day and age when virtual reality is becoming ever-present, SAO makes you wonder what the

possibilities of its use are.

Soul Eater The story of soul eater is simple: students

study to master weapons capable of defeating evil spirits at a school run by the Grim Reaper.

Like many anime, Soul Eater borrows heavily from both eastern and western mythologies.

With a full cast of outrageous characters and a main character that transforms into

a giant scythe, Soul Eater is the perfect anime for someone who wants something that

doesn't take itself too seriously.

Attack on Titan If you're looking for a lighthearted anime,

Attack on Titan is not the right choice.

Attack on Titan tells the story of the remnants of humanity, people who live behind high walls

and train with specializes armor that allow them to take down the Titans, a group of beings

as tall as skyscrapers that feed on humans.

The anime is dark and heavy, and you can feel the desperation of the characters as they

struggle to survive.

It paints the brutality of war in a light few anime ever manage to do.

What's your favorite anime?

Which do you think should be on this list?

Comment below and let us know your thoughts, and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for all

your entertainment needs!

For more infomation >> 10 Popular Anime Series That Won't Freak You Out (Too Much) - Duration: 4:20.


友人「彼氏できたから犬いらないわ」と飼い犬を公園に放置! → その後、友人に天罰が下る!?【ちょっと良い気味だった話】 - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> 友人「彼氏できたから犬いらないわ」と飼い犬を公園に放置! → その後、友人に天罰が下る!?【ちょっと良い気味だった話】 - Duration: 2:42.


Jan, a self-employed florist that may never retire - Duration: 2:14.

Absolutely not. I don't want to retire

and I will never ever retire at all.


Because it's way too nice to live.

It's way too nice what I'm doing.

I have the loveliest clientele of the world.

Why should I retire?

The freedom. The absolute freedom in all respects.

From morning to evening, I can do whatever I want.

I don't think about it

When it comes

it will be there.

When it doesn't come, it's nice

But I intend to become

ninety eight,

a hundred,

something like that.

Why shouldn't I go on. It's too nice.

I have made from my hobby my profession

and I think that when you make from your hobby your profession

you can keep on going and going and going.

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