Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 29 2017

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Dünyanın en çok tartışılıp araştırılan konularından bir tanesi hatta daha fazlası

ile sizlerle beraberiz.

Müsevilikte ki Mehdi kavramı Tevrat temelli değil Kabbala ve Talmudu referans almaktadır.

Cifr ilmine son derece hakim olan eski Yahudi kohenleri Aynı Hz Muhammed'in (sav) nerede

ne şekilde zuhur edeceğini bildikleri gibi dünyaya gelecek iyi kötü Mesih, Mehdi,

ve Deccal gibi bir çok zatın nerede ve ne şekilde zuhur edeceklerini çok iyi bilmekte

ve kendilerince düşman gördüklerine karşı tedbir almakta her an teyakkuz durumunda bulunmaktadırlar.

Yahudilerin mehdisi Deccaldir.

Zaten Müslüman ve Hristiyanların mallarını canlarını hayvanlarını kendilerine helal

saymaları, Dünyada ki her şeyin aslında seçilmişler olan Yahudiler için yaratılmış

olduğu diğer insanlarınsa Yahudilere hizmet etmesi için yaratıldığı anlayışı Deccalin

sünnetlerinden olup kabbala öğretisi haline getirilmiştir.

Yahudilere göre deccal tüm dünyada ki ekonomik gelişimi elinde tutacak ona biat etmeyenler

bir lokma ekmek dahi bulamayacak ayrıca Yahova'nın mucizeleri iki tarafında belirecektir.

Yani cennetle cehennem iki yanında o istediğinde açık şekilde görülecektir.

Fakat Mehdi'nin zuhuru ile o güne değil kontrolleri altında tuttukları Hristiyanlar

fırkalar halinde Müslüman olacak ve Yahudi hakimeyetinden çıkmaya başlayacaklardır.

İşte bu durumu tersine çevirmek ve deccaliyetin gelişine hazırlık yapmak için kohenlerden

kalma kehanetlerde bildirilen Mehdiyi zuhur eder etmez ortadan kaldırmak adına son derece

titiz bir çalışma yürütmektedirler.

Protestanlık haricinde ki tüm Hristiyan mezheplerinde mehdiyat olgusu farklılıklar

gösterse de ana hatları ile aynıdır.

Hristiyanlıkta ki Mehdiyat anlayışı da incil kökenli olmayıp kilise öğretisi

olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.

Hristiyanlara göre Mehdi tanrının oğlu İsa Mesih'in yardımcısı ve dünyaya

dönüş alametlerindendir.

Bazı Hristiyan mezhep ve tarikatlerin de ise Mesih ile Mehdinin aynı kişiler olduğu


İslami ve Musevi öğretilerin aksine Hristiyanlar için Mehdiyat'ın zuhuru zamanla değil

olaylar ile ilişkilendirilir yani çıkış alametleri tamamlandığında çıkacaktır

zamanın önemi yoktur ki bu alametlerin çıkışı Hristiyanların kendi çabalarına bağlanmaktadır.

Hristiyanlıkta Mehdinin çıkış alametleri Müslümanların yer yüzünde kuvvetlenmeye

başlaması, Hristiyan Devletlerle savaşması, orta doğuda İsrail devleti kurulması, İstanbul'un

tekrar Hristiyanlaştırılması ve önemlisi de herkesin yakından bildiği gibi Armegeddon

savaşlarının başlayarak sonlanması ile Mehdi zuhur edecektir.

Nitekim evanjelizm, opus dei gibi bazı radikal Hristiyan tarikatlerinin tüm güçleri ile

Armegeddon savaşlarını başlatma çabaları da bu inançtan öte gelmektedir.

Mehdi'nin zuhur etmesi ile yeni bir Hristiyanlık anlayışı doğacak, İnciller birleşecek

ve tüm Hristiyan mezhepleri bu inanç altında birlik sağlayacaktır.

Daha sonra ise tüm Yahudiler Hristiyanlığı kabul edece dünyada sadece Hristiyanlık

ve Müslümanlık kalacaktır.

İsa Mesihin de gelmesi ile Müslümanlara karşı top yekün bir savaş başlayacaktır.

Kuran-i Kerim de bahsedilen kıyametin en büyük alametlerinden bir tanesi de Hz Mehdi'nin


Hz Mehdi yüzyıllardır İslam alimlerini derin fikir ayrılıklarına sürüklemişse

de sırrını halen korumaktadır.

Hazreti Mehdi, Kıyamet Arefesin de gönderileceği Peygamber Efendimiz tarafından bildirilmiş

olan, Müslümanları zulüm ve sıkıntı ortamından kurtaracak, dünyada ki kötülükleri

ortadan kaldıracak, tüm dünyaya barış, adalet, bolluk, huzur, mutluluk ve refah getirecek

kutlu bir kişidir.

Peygamberimiz'den aktarılan sahih hadislere göre Hz.

Mehdi, çeşitli hurafelerle, batıl inanç ve uygulamalarla aslından uzaklaştırılmış

olan dini özüne döndürecek, Hz.

İsa ile buluşacak, Bir eteği Avrupa da diğer eteği Asya da olan İstanbul başkentli

büyük bir İslam devleti kuracak ve İslam'ı yer yüzünde güçlü bir konuma getirecektir.

Bu sebepledir ki Müslümanlar ne zaman dara düşseler Hz Mehdiyi hatırlamış ve onun

zuhur ettiğine dair çeşitli rivayetler tarih boyunca ortaya atılmıştır.

Günümüzde de olduğu gibi Mehdilik iddia eden yüzlerce kendini bilmez tarihte boy

göstermiş, sapkın tarikatler kurup itikatlara zarar vermişlerdir.

Nitekim Hz Mehdi'nin çıkış alametleri ve kişisel özellikleri ile alakalı bilgileri

bu kaldırım altı mehdileri ne kadar çekip çekiştirmeye çalışsa da hatta olmayan

hadisleri varmış gibi uydursalar da Peygamberimiz konuyla alakalı tüm şüphelerden uzak kesin

ve net bilgiler vererek ümmetinin gelecekte onu tanıyabilmesi için tüm gerekli bilgileri


Nitekim Hz Mehdi Peygamberimizin soyundan olacaktır bir sohbetin de efendimiz şöyle


"Mehdi benim soyumdandır.

İsmi Benim ismim ve künyesi Benim künyem, şekli Benim şeklim, sünnet ve tavrı Benim

sünnetim ve tavrımdır.

Halkı Benim şeriatıma, dinime teşvik eder ve Rabbimin Kitabına davet eder.

O'na itaat eden Bana itaat etmiştir ve O'na muhalefet eden Bana muhalefet etmiştir,

O'nun gaybetini inkâr eden beni inkâr etmiştir."

Mütevatir hadisler'de Hz Mehdi Medine'de doğacak ve Hz Muhammed SAV'ın soyundan


30 lu yaşlarında Yemen'de yerel ulama tarafından Mehdi ilan edilecek fakat o bunu

kabul etmeyerek Mekke'ye geçecektir.

Mekke uleması tarafından 2.

Defa Mehdi ilan edildiğinde bu sefer kabul ederek görevine başlayacağı belirtilmişsede

günümüz de nice iş güzarlar Arap edebiyatına atıfta bulunarak Mekke'nin tüm büyük

şehirler için kullanıldığı dolayısı ile bu büyük şehrin İstanbul olduğu yönünde

aslı astarı olmayan söylemler türetmektedir.

Göreve başlamasının ardından Hz Mehdi A.S.

Kabe'nin hazinelerini çıkartacak ve kutsal ahid sandığı gibi nice önemli emanetleri


Cenab-ı Allah Hz Mehdiyi bir takım mucizelerle kuşatmıştır.

Örneğin başının üzerinden bulutlar bu islamın imamı Hz Mehdi'dir diye nida edecek,

Kendisine karşı çıkanlara Melekler arkadan ve önden saldıracaktır.

Buna benzer başkaca bir çok mucizesi daha olacak böylece Müslümanlar onu rahatlıkla

diğer sahtekarlardan ayırt edebilecektir.

Mehdiyat konusunda ki en önemli tartışmalardan bir taneside Hz Mhedi'nin çıkış tarihidir.

Bir çok islam alimi bu konularda gerek ayetler üzerine ebced hesapları yapmak gerekse ilham

vasıtasıyla bazı tarihler ortaya atmışlarsada belirttikleri tarihlerde Mehdi'nin zuhuru


Günümüzde de tüm tarih boyunca olduğu gibi gerek bazı islam alimlerince olsun gerekse

bu konuda nemalanmak isteyen bazı sahtekarlar olsun Hz Mehdinin birkaç yıl içerisinde

çıkacağını hatta şu anda yaşadığını beyan etmektedirler.

Ancak bu konuda son derece yanlıştır.

Zaten Hz Mehdi'nin Zuhuru için gerekli şartlarda oluşmamıştır.

Örneğin Hz Mehdinin çıkacağı dönemde Dünya'da çok az Müslüman olacağı İslam

dininin yok olmak üzere olduğu bir anda Zuhur edeceği Mütevatir hadislerde açık

şekilde şüpheye yer bırakmaksızın beyan edilmektedir.

Günümüz de ise böyle bir durum söz konusu değildir.

Nitekim dünya çapında yapılan bir çok araştırma neticesinde İslam dininin dünyada

en hızlı yayılan din olduğu açıkça görülmektedir.

Ayrıca İslam dininin en sahih kaynaklarından bir tanesi olan Büyük alim İmam-ı Rabbani'nin

Mektubat-ı Rabbani'de naklettiği hadislerde Hz Mehdi'nin hicri takvime göre yüzün

başına zuhur edeceği açıkça ifade edilmiştir.

Günümüzde ise bu yüz yılın başı fazlasıyla geçmiş artık ortaları yaşanmaktadır.

Elbette ki en doğrusunu Allah bilir.

Ancak Mehdiyat olgusunun İslam alemi üzerinde yarattığı çok daha büyük bir hendikap

daha var.

Dünyada 2 milyara yakın Müslüman var.

Nüfusunun çoğunluğu Müslüman olan bir çok ülkede hali hazırda dünya sahnesin

de ki aktörlerden.

Bunların bazıları güçlü bazıları ise güçsüz devletlerden oluşmakta.

Dünyanın günümüzde ki yapısı Museviler, Hristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar olarak 3 kutba


Hristiyanlar Vatikan'a bağlıdır ve genel olarak Hristiyan devletlerin liderleri her

ne kadar İnkar edilse de Vatikan'ın güdümünde hareket ederler.

Musevilikse tüm dünyayı pençeleri ile saran ve sahnenin asıl sahibi siyonizmin

direktifleri altında istikametini sürdürmektedir.

İslam alemi ise Hilafetin lav edilmesi ile oto kontrol mekanizmasını kaybetmiş ve

Müslüman ülkeler zayıf düşerek siyonizmin kuklası haline gelmiştir.

Bölgesel olarak kendisini halife ilan eden liderler olduysa da bunlar bir itibar görmemişlerdir.

Nitekim Hilafetin alamete-i faikalarına sahip değillerdir.

Bir kişinin halife olabilmesi için öncelikle son halife yahut onun varisi tarafından Halife

ilan edilmeli Hz Muhammed SAV'ın hırkasını giyerek onun sancağını ve kılıcını

elinde bulundurmalıdır.

İslam inancına göre bir halife ancak bu şekilde meşru sayılıp İslam alemini sevk

ve idare edebilmektedir.

En nihayetin de hilafet dini bir makamdan daha fazla siyasi bir makamdır.

Hilafet veraseti günümüz de halen Osmanlı hanedanlığında bulunmakta Hz Muhammed SAV'ın

Kılıcı ve Sancağı Topkapı sarayın da hırkası ise Fatihte bulunan Hırka-i Şerif

camiin de muhafaza edilmektedir.

Resmi kayıtlara göre Türkiye her ne kadar %98'i Müslüman bir ülke olarak görünse

de bu durum gerçeği yansıtmamaktadır.

Aslında Türkiye'de ki Müslüman sayısı gerçekte çok azdır.

Ülkemizde yaşanmakta olan İslam dini geleneksel İslamdır.

Yani babadan oğluna doğrusu ve yanlışı ile geçen kulaktan dolma bilgilerle tatbik

edilen bir din halini almıştır.

Sosyal medyada ve diğer platformlarda İslam'ı en ateşli şekilde savunan bunun için başkalarına

saldırıp hakaret etmekten dahi geri durmayan kişilerin bir çoğu namazın nasıl kılınacağını

dahi bilmeyen kulaktan dolma bilgilerle körü körüne Müslüman olduklarını zanneden

cahil kimselerdir.

Nitekim yapılan kamuoyu araştırmalarında sokakta Müslüman olduğunu söyleyen her

10 kişiden 8'inin kuran-i kerimin Türkçe mealini bir kere dahi okumadıkları.

Yine her 10 kişiden 7 sinin sadece Cuma namazlarını kıldığı, Her 10 kişiden 8'inin İslam

Peygamberi HZ Muhammed SAV'ın kabrinin hangi şehirde olduğunu dahi bilmediği gibi

acı bir gerçek ortaya çıkmaktadır.

Bir insan nasıl ki durduk yere ben Doktorum, ben avukatım ben mühendisim diyemiyorsa

işte Müslüman olmakta aynı bu saydıklarımız gibi söylemler çerçevesinde dahil olunabilecek

bir olgu değildir.

Müslüman olabilmek için hayatın her alanında olduğu gibi eğitim gereklidir.

İslam dininin kendi iç dinamikleri gereği iman dairesinde kalınabilmesi son derece

hassas bir dengedir örneği bir kişi helali haram haramı helal sayarsa veya kafir olmayan

bir kişiye kafirlik sıfatı yüklerse yahut Kuran-i kerimde veya sahih hadislerde geçen

her han gibi bir olayı yalanlarsa iman dairesinden çıkarak mürted olmaktadır.

Sizlerin de hayatınızda sık sık gördüğünüz gibi ne yazık ki halkımızın din konusun

da ki bu cehaleti neticesinde bir çokları sosyal medyada dahi bir başkasını kafirlikle

çok rahat şekilde suçlayabiliyor veya bir ayet ya da hadisi inkar edip kendi inandıkları

çerçevesinde hadiselere farklı bir yorum getirebiliyor bu durumda o son derece dindar

görünen kimseler aslında dinden çıkmış oluyor.

Ülkemizde ki insanların büyük kısmı bu şekilde imanını kaybetmekte fakat kendilerini

halen Müslüman zannetmektedirler.

Bir başka durumda Ülkemiz de insanlar genel olarak geçim sıkıntısı çekmekte ve devlet

nazarında halkın batılı ülkelerde olduğu gibi refah seviyesi gözetilmeyerek insanlara

değer verilmemektedir.

Bu bağlamda halkın özellikle gençlerin büyük kısmı geleceğe güvensiz ve umutsuzdur.

Diğer Müslüman ülkelerin de bir çoğunda durum böyledir.

İşte bu teokratik ve sosyolojik durumu son derece iyi gözlemleyen Mossad ve CIA gibi

yabancı istihbarat servisleri Müslümanlar arasında nasılsa Mehdi gelecek, elimizden

bir şey gelmiyor, Mehdiyi bekliyoruz, Mehdi gelince her şey düzelecek, biz bir şey

yapamayız tarzı bir düşünce anlayışı aşılamakta ve çoğu cahil Müslüman buna

aldanarak rehavete kapılmaktadır.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, Yeni videolarımızı takip edebilmek için Kült TV'ye abone

olarak araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılmayı unutmayın.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana videoların altında bulunan mail adresinden


Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar.

For more infomation >> Hz Mehdi: İlahi Dinlerin Ortak Sırrı - Duration: 14:46.


Graphene Could Solve the World's Water Crisis - Duration: 3:29.

Graphene is the sexy new wonder material that seems to have a million and one uses.

From thin flexible screens to solar cells that work when it's raining, people are

finding all sorts of potential applications for this one-atom thick sheet of carbon.

Now scientists have added another trick to graphene's repertoire; making seawater drinkable.

Desalination is not a new concept; Israel gets over a quarter of its fresh water from

the mediterranean sea.

But graphene could make the whole process much more efficient.

The main technique used for large scale desalination is called reverse osmosis.

Normal osmosis is where water flows across a semipermeable membrane to areas of higher

saltiness, if you were one of those kids that poured salt on snails, causing the snail to

shrivel up as the water leaves its body, you've seen it in action and also, dude, c'mon.

The reverse osmosis used for desalination, however, is when pressure is applied to saltwater

to force it in the directions it doesn't normally flow, through special membranes to

areas of lower salinity, separating the H2O and telling the salt Na Na Na Na, hey hey

hey, goodbye…

Get it because sodium is…


Anyway, this all sounds great but it's not perfect: water from desalination is very expensive,

costing anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500 per acre foot, which is about the amount of water

10 people use in a year.

Generally it's cheaper to just use less water and recycle the water you do use, but

for some particularly dry places there's no other option.

Part of the expense comes from pre-treating the water, but pumping the water through the

jelly-roll-like plastic membranes uses a lot of energy.

Computer models have predicted that if we could use super-thin graphene sheets instead

of these thicker membranes, the amount of energy needed for reverse osmosis could be

reduced anywhere from 15-46%.

Less energy used for pumping means less expensive water, and that could make a huge difference

to people in the world's poorer and drier places.

Unfortunately reality doesn't always cooperate with computer models, and making graphene

that can separate water from salt isn't as straightforward as it appears.

Researchers found that when their graphene oxide membranes were submerged in water, they

swole a little bit.

They would still filter nanoparticles, organic molecules, and even larger salts but not the

common salts found in seawater, which are dangerous to drink because they just lead

to more dehydration.

That's normal osmosis at work again.

But now new findings from the same group of researchers have figured out how to prevent

the swelling and control the pore size.

Now the dissolved salts and the water molecules they bind to can't get through the pores,

but free water molecules can, and do so surprisingly fast, which is a good thing when you're

trying to make fresh water as quickly as possible.

The researchers hope that their discovery can make desalination more affordable, which

would be a huge boon to poorer drought stricken countries who can't afford to build billion-dollar

desalination plants.

With climate change threatening to make droughts even worse, graphene could do more than just

make flexible screens, it could help saves lives.

Oh graphene you're my hero.

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Do you think desalination is the answer to solving drought or is the problem to huge

to make a dent in?

Let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe while you're down there.

If you're worried that making graphene is still too expensive and hard to make to fulfill

it's promises, good news!

Scientists accidentally found out how to make it cheaper, and Trace tells you about that

right here.

Thank you guys for watching Seeker.

For more infomation >> Graphene Could Solve the World's Water Crisis - Duration: 3:29.


Future of Donkey Kong - The 5 - Duration: 12:08.

I love Donkey Kong Country.

I always have, ever since I was a little kid.

I have incredibly fond memories of playing through the original series with my family.

We've seen it transform over the last 20 years, from an ahead of its time platformer

to a 3D adventure, dipping its toes in spin off games, to its eventual return under a

new helm of Retro Studios.

When they announced DKC Returns at E3 2010, I remember jumping out of my chair and screaming

I was so excited.

Both Returns and Tropical Freeze were an incredible reincarnation for the series.

And while they did some things better than the originals, and some things not quite as

well, it caused me to start thinking about the future.

Whether we'll see Retro complete their own trilogy or a different dev team take the lead,

there are many things I would like to see in a new Donkey Kong title.

I've gathered 4 of my friends, and some of the biggest DK fans I know to talk about

5 areas that we would like to see improvements in future installments, or maybe some brand

new things altogether.

So welcome to The 5, let's brainstorm ideas for the perfect future Donkey Kong game.

The personality in the aesthetic of Rare's Donkey Kong Country games is, without a doubt,

one of the primary contributors to why they are held in such high regard.

And while the style that the (at-the-time) unorthodox method with which the developer

created the faux-three-dimensional sprites is what many remember about the games, equally

important was the toy-box art direction that Rare would become known for.

The world they created for Donkey Kong was bright, colorful, and endearing, and they

populated it with enemies that had real character.

For almost a decade there, King K Rool and his Kremlings were as much a part of what

made Donkey Kong Donkey Kong as Donkey Kong was.

For some gamers who discovered the series through the Super Nintendo, myself included,

they were as connected to the Kong as Bowser and his army of mushrooms and turtles were

to Mario.

The Donkey Kong Country series has returned in the capable hands of the developers at

Retro Studios, but unfortunately, the kremlings did not return with it.

And, I understand the reasoning behind this…

To Retro's staff, the Kremlings were Rareware's creation, and for a new team at a new developer,

being constrained to the ideas another studio created decades ago could be disheartening.

It's only reasonable to want full creative control over a world, lest you risk re-tracking

well-treaded earth or burning yourself out creatively… but man, I'd still love the

Kremlings to make a comeback.

The Donkey Kong Country franchise has firmly planted its flag back into the modern gaming


Maybe its time for the Kremlings to come and stake their claim too.

Damn do I love Donkey Kong Country.

Whether it's the original trilogy or Retro's revival titles, I think there's something

here for everybody.

Having grown up with the first game in the series as well as becoming especially fond

of its sequels in later years, I was no slouch when it came to determining the quality of

Returns and Tropical Freeze.

These games are absolute masterpieces in mechanics and level design, however; in an attempt to

carve their own niche into the series, Retro seemed to forget some of the features that

made the original trilogy so special.

One of these is obviously the lack of kremlings, which I can forgive despite how much it pains

me, while the other is a bit more puzzling.

While not absolutely essential to the formula, the lack of Animal Buddies in the Retro titles

is such a missed opportunity.

Rambi is certainly here, and his levels are great, which makes me wonder why more have

yet to be included.

I get the feeling that Retro didn't want to include more Animal Buddies because they'd

rather incorporate those abilities into the companion Kongs, like how most of Enguarde's abilities

were given to DK and his friends and how Cranky's abilities are a bit similar to Rattly's,

but I think there's still room for so much more!

I'm obsessed with the idea of bringing Expresso back, perhaps as a means of extending the

skill ceiling in DKC, particularly for speedrunning, and a playable Squawks similar to his role

in DKC2 is a no brainer.

For that matter, I think it'd be nice to see more levels dedicated exclusively to animal

buddies, even those that may seem unnecessary at first like Enguarde and Rattly.

These could be used to push series mechanics beyond what the companion kongs can do, to

their absolute limits, kind of like Animal Antics in DKC2.

I'd also love to see what Retro can do as far as brand new Animal Buddies.

The inclusion of the Snomads in Tropical Freeze showed that nothing is off the table, and

those enemies were so charming that I think Retro really has it in them to create some

solid animal companions.

While they may not be the most essential addition to this franchise, I think it'd be such

a shame for Retro to not go all out with a potential cap to their trilogy of DKC titles.

So let's see what you got Retro!

..Oh and also Rattly is the best animal buddy so you can fight me if you think otherwise

sorry pal.

If there's one thing the Donkey Kong series has always gotten right, its secrets!

I've talked at length about how DKC2 gets bonuses right by giving you tangible rewards

that unlock new and more challenging portions of the game, and Retro Studios has done a

pretty good job at keeping this tradition alive.

By collecting all the KONG letters of an area, it opens difficult temple stages that put

your skills to the test.

I love that you don't get any DK barrels in these stages, so if you lose your buddy,

you have to learn how to beat them with Donkey Kong alone, which ends up making you a better

player overall since you can't rely on powerups to succeed

that's some good game design right there.

And of course if you beat all of these temple stages it unlocks this final, crazy level

as your reward.

I think this is great - and it's refreshing to see the KONG letters used for something

other than just getting extra lives.

But I do have a slight problem with the regular bonus rooms Retro has incorporated.

They are very reminiscent of DKC1's bonus rooms, simple little banana collectables,

that end up repeating too often and don't have much variation.

The reward is a puzzle piece, which unlocks concept art and other extra stuff, which is

all fine and dandy.

But the rooms themselves lack the diversity I would like to see in a future title.

If you look at DKC2 and 3, while they only have a few different TYPES of bonus rooms,

every single one is still completely different from the last.

A simple "collect the stars" minigame could be set high in the sky of a ship's

mast, or on a dangerous roller coaster ride!

"Find the Token" could be a maze, an obstacle course, or a "choose the right chest"

sort of thing, and it never felt stale.

Nowadays, I feel like we could have even more variety in bonus rooms, some we've never

even seen before!

Anything that's more than the samey redundant banana collectathons of the last few games.

If they could keep the mystery of hidden levels, but combine them with ingenuitive bonus rooms,

That would be all I could ask for in the next Donkey Kong adventure.

Yo, there is no man like snomaN, and no game series quite like Donkey Kong Country.

And you know what, I totally agree with the rest of the crew! It's about time

That King K Rool and the kremlings come back in a brand new, Retro made Donkey Kong Country

in what might just become the greatest platforming trilogy since...well, since the first one!

I want it, you want it, the crew wants it, the fans want it, well except maybe this kid

Maybe he doesn't want it.

All we need is DK, King K Rool, and a new theme

and this time I think the game should take place in the wild west!

So each new Donkey Kong game typically has a new theme multitude of new locations

to adventure through. We've gone from Jungles, canopies, caves to pirate ships,

giant beehives, theme parks and most recently, a viking invasion!

So imagine after laying low for 17 years, K Rool finally returns to finish what he started

in one final epic showdown - western style.

K Rool is back, and with his new gang of baddies, he's traveling around world to world,

pulling off the ultimate heist, with DK hot in pursuit. Chasing down the bad guys, DK and crew

find themselves tackling these new environments. Remember the shadow puppet-esque levels

In Donkey Kong Country Returns? Well imagine monkey-rolling across a wasteland against a setting desert sun.

Imagine barrel blasting across vast canyons. Platforming up mountain ranges.

Discovering a hidden oasis.

You like bramble levels? Giant Bramble Tumbleweed!

Dust devils could make a return!

And perhaps best of all, just imagine the minecart levels!

You could build an entire world around platforming with minecarts, endcars, chasing trains and even more!

Until at the very end of the game you finally catch up with King K Rool for one epic showdown!

And perhaps most important of all - when you 100% the game and get all of the collectibles,

You unlock Deputy DK in his cowboy hat! I want it so bad.

3D platformers are known for and are ideally built around the inspiration of exploration.

From the moment the player first wanders through the entrance of a huge new level to explore and complete,

to the ever so slight tease of a sought after collectible, presented to our eyes,

but withheld from our item counters, games like Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64

aren't shy about goading you into completionism.

Every step of the way, games like these try to hint at the true expanse of the world they've offered us players

But they're still super cool about letting us off easy - just get 70 stars, and you can still fight Bowser.

I know I know, the clock level is REALLY hard. And we don't really explain how the

hands of the clock work - it's cool, it's cool.

Scale, scope and option are the bread and butter of a 3D Platformer when you really get down to it.

And Donkey Kong 64 in particular is my go to example for this.

There was so much to do in this game - the levels are huge, far reaching and versitile.

Each of the kongs had their own special abilities and ways of exploring the environments around us.

The prospect of a new 3D Platformer with the DK crew is high up on my gaming wish list.

And I not only hope that whoever tries to make one next will offer the same care and attention to the format -

I just hope that somebody will try it next!

I have no doubt in my mind that any developer Nintendo sees fit to take on a Donkey Kong title like this

Will be dedicated enough to properly fill the expanse of new worlds we've come to expect

from our major label games.

The biggest thing any designer will need to remember when making a 3D platformer with this kind of scale

is how we move within them - and I'm not just talking about teleport pads

or straight up flying overtop of stuff - 3D Platformers are about movement and mastering maneuvers

to make you feel like you not only know these levels like the back of your hand, you might as well

live here! And the characters in Donkey Kong are basically built for this stuff.

They are monkeys and gorillas, climbing, swimming, rolling, jumping.

This stuff shouldn't just be on the table when designing a future Donkey Kong 3D Platformer,

it needs to be the starting point for a game like this.

Future titles like A Hat In Time, Mario Odyssey, and the recently released Yooka-Laylee

have shown us that 3D Platformers are still exciting to many gamers,

And I can only hope that Donkey, Diddy and the gang can find themselves platforming in the 3rd dimension

as well before too long.

As far as mainline DKC games have gone, they are all pretty good!

I've been pleasantly surprised at every entry and how they've taken risks and

put together an enjoyable adventure at every turn.

Retro Studios has done the series proud and I would love to see them tackle one last game in the future.

But no matter what form it takes, if some of these thoughts are incorporated I think it could make

for a DK experience unlike any other, especially with today's tools and technology.

What are some things you would like to see return to the DKC franchise?

Do you agree with our thoughts, or would you like to see something completely different

that we haven't seen before? Let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for watching Donkey Kong month this year, it's been a wild ride.

I'll see you guys next time, stay frosty my friends!

Hey snomaN here, huge thanks to my guests in today's video! If you enjoyed,

please consider subscribing for more analytical content or sharing this video with a buddy.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter for updates on future projects,

and if you ever want to support the channel you can do that through Patreon. See ya!

For more infomation >> Future of Donkey Kong - The 5 - Duration: 12:08.



For more infomation >> КАК ПОЯВИЛАСЬ МАТРИЦА и как МАШИНЫ ЗАХВАТИЛИ ЗЕМЛЮ [THE MATRIX] - Duration: 5:42.


How to Change WhatsApp Sent Messages 😱 - Duration: 1:45.

most of you guys don't know that we can able

to change or modifies our whatsapp chat

so how cool it is

hello everyone Myself Sameer and you are

watching Samsoft Tricks this time I am

back with something really interesting

so you have to be ROOTED to use this trick

if you don't know how to ROOT your

device's just comment below

look at my chat before changing it and we are

going to change it so you have to

download this application from the

description box below

once downloaded install it and you may

get unknown source warning just click on the

settings and turn on unknown sources and

then again install it it

will be installed so once installed open

it up and click on the press here and it

will start checking root access of your

phone so just allow the Super User and

tap on the chat that you like so modify

give me a second to modify it for you

give me a second to modify it for you

you can see that the chat has been changed

you can take a screenshot of this and sent to your friends

you can take a screenshot of this and sent to your friends

and your friends reaction is just like this

When I write this?

but chat does not change from the database server it only change from

your phone.Leave a comment

below If you have any questions click on the

red subscribe button for more such

type of tricks.Share this trick as much as you can

and I will see you in the next one

For more infomation >> How to Change WhatsApp Sent Messages 😱 - Duration: 1:45.


Tài lẻ của BTS - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Tài lẻ của BTS - Duration: 6:46.


**Award-Winning** Sci-Fi Short Film: "The Fisherman" - Directed by Alejandro Suarez Lozano - Duration: 19:56.

For more infomation >> **Award-Winning** Sci-Fi Short Film: "The Fisherman" - Directed by Alejandro Suarez Lozano - Duration: 19:56.


FLICS US VS FLICS FR - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> FLICS US VS FLICS FR - Duration: 2:01.


El Video Eliminado De Fernanfloo!! - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> El Video Eliminado De Fernanfloo!! - Duration: 6:26.


Designated Survivor 1x19 Sneak Peek "Misalliance" (HD) Season 1 Episode 19 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:53.



[ Handcuffs clicking ]


[ Grunts ]

[ Door closes ]

For more infomation >> Designated Survivor 1x19 Sneak Peek "Misalliance" (HD) Season 1 Episode 19 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:53.


練累了嗎?來聊聊鼓人吧 #1 Gene Krupa - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> 練累了嗎?來聊聊鼓人吧 #1 Gene Krupa - Duration: 1:25.


Idiot Verse by Keaton Henson | Book Review (CC) - Duration: 5:33.

Hello everyone! I tried to do a pretty

braid today but it just all fell out all at once so I

guess we're just going for the ropey

look. Today I wanted to do a mini review

of a book that I just picked up and it is

Keaton Henson's book Idiot Verse. My friend

Karissa sent this to me just for

funsies and she knows I love Keaton

Henson so she just sent this my way and

it was such an enjoyable read. I really wanna

get to talking about it but first, have

to thank Karissa for sending this to me so thank

you Karissa! I loved it! If you're unaware,

Keaton Henson is a singer. I really don't

know how to describe the genre other

than, like, acoustic, very relaxing, soft

but depressing music. It's what I play

whenever I read or write or-- it's very

contemplative and quiet and soothing

music. He writes about relationships and

love and heartbreak and being an artist

and I think the reason why I love him so

much other than the quality of his music

is that he has severe social

anxiety which prevents him from being

able to play many concerts. So first of

all, he writes about anxiety in his music

which just speaks to me because I have

anxiety. He used to record his music in

his room and he released it that way. So

getting fame has made him a little bit

uncomfortable. So the fact that he has

released this and given us more, like,

more things that I crave? I'm just

ecstatic about. So I read this in one

sitting. All these poems are about

relationships and London and his feelings

and longing and desire and it's so

amazing. I want to talk about my deep

thoughts with these. I gave this book

five stars. Hand down. Loved it. So as you

can see, haha, I put a bunch of tabs on the

ones that I enjoyed. All of these are sticky

tabs for poems that I liked a lot,

which is a lot of them. I just think he's

a genius with his lyrics. The way that he

can express something that's so tragic

and just deliver in a way that you're

just, like, punched in the heart; that's

how I feel listening to his music and

that's how I felt reading this. Some

of my favorite songs off his new album

are "The Pugilist," "No Witnesses," and

"Alright," and if you like the lyrics and the

style of those types of songs, then this

book is really going to be your friend. His

writing style is extremely, extremely neat.

Sometimes he'll refer directly to the

person he's discussing in that poem and

call her like, "My dear" or, "My love," or,

"Darling," and it's like an ode to that

person and you can just feel the longing

that he has for this person or the

heartbreak that he's experienced over

this person. And it-- it just punches me in the

guts. It's such a powerful book. I'm not

even going to go through and tell you

which of these were my favorites because it

was like half of them. I just adored this

collection of poems. I do want to mention

that the beginning page of this is a

picture of him, and on this side of the

page it says, "Your life is a book/ it is

more than just the first and last page/

and it is mostly made up of and's and

the's." He makes things so simplistic but

in a way that makes you like, think and

delve into his mindset. I have now become

a fan of writing in books, so a lot of

these stanzas i've underlined. It just makes

me really, really think. I think one of my

favorite poems in here-- I love the poem

"Regret Me." I posted that one on Snapchat

and I was like, "This is literally warnette."

But something that I was not expecting

in this book and that made me so much

more emotional about his writing is that

it is interspersed with his drawings. Keaton

had a graphic novel in 2012 that was

limited edition called Gloaming. I found

out about it too late I couldn't get a copy,

but he is a very interesting artist who--

you can't really see that because the

window is right by me. He has penciled

in art in here that just makes it feel

like this was his personal copy of his

poems and he's just doodling around them. And

his art is a lot of the times

incomprehensible, just sometimes lines or

like this. I don't know that is but just

the way that the pencil strokes are? It's

just so meaningful. Like that sounds so

stupid, I'm like, "Oh, the way that his

pencil looks!" But in reality, like,

I actually-- I can feel what he was

feeling when he drew these and I can

feel what he was feeling when he wrote

these poems and the way that he can just

transfer that emotion from his body and his

soul to a page? And me, thousands of miles

away, I picked this up and I feel that

same heartbreak that he felt? I think he

just has an extravagant talent

for this. And I wish this was 500 pages

long. I'm gonna read a little bit

from "Regret Me" because I think that's one of

the most memorable poems I read. "Who

watches while you dance my dear/who

whispers softly are you well/and softer

still in moonlit spell/i'm lonely my

love, come and save me./Who listens to

your collars turn/your sleeves drip red

as arms and hands/reach desperate for

escaping sands?/I'm lonely my darlings,

don't break me." Just the way that he makes the

rhyme and the flow of it and the imagery.

Everything just works. It's not like

modern poetry where it's just random

skips in lines, but there's images and

there's detail and there's crushing

emotion packed into this. I thought it

was expertly done, will forever be a fan

of Keaton. I'm dying to meet him or see

him one day but I highly doubt that

that's even in the realm of possibility

at this point. If you're a fan of Keaton's

music or if you just want poetry that

really speaks to heartbreak and love and

feeling emotions passionately, this is

gonna be a great option. So I wanted to

thank everyone for watching. Hope you

enjoyed this review! If you're a fan of

Keaton or if you like poetry, let me know

if you have recommendations! I don't know what you

would recommend to me of Keaton's

because I have all his albums and I

love him, but yeah. Poetry recommendations? Let

me know. Let me know if you have any thoughts,

and until next time hope, you all enjoyed

and I'll see you in the future.

Bye everyone!

For more infomation >> Idiot Verse by Keaton Henson | Book Review (CC) - Duration: 5:33.


Sentinelles - Court-Métrage - Duration: 10:31.

- Hey !

You need help ?

Oh ! Can you hear me ?

- Well

I'd like your help.

Are you sure it does not disturb you ?

It's just that...I'm a bit a loner.

I don't like to speak.


So, what are you looking for ?

Newspaper !

As much as possible

(laughing) Newspapers ?

What for ?

It's none of your business.

All right...

Come, I'll show you where the newspapers are

Hum, what's your name ?

It's none of your business!


Do you know Harry Potter ?



You don't know Harry Potter ?!

But at least you know...

Georges Lucas...


Tarantino ?

Never heard of them...

Here are the newspapers...

Nothing interesting...


Ah, ok...

It's ok.

WAIT! Your bag !

Today, March 21st of 2017.

It's 9:18 pm.

To the library, there was a strange guy...

He forgot his bag...

I tried to run after him but it was to late.

I searched inside, so I could find an adress, maybe.

I found a notebook.

I red it, so I could find an adresse

It's written strange things...

He wrote about an organisation

For which he would work

Its job is to observe humanity.

For the humanity's own good

He wrote dates

that everybody doesn't care about...

Benin's independence day : August 1st of 1960.

April 2nd, 2005 : Pope Saint John Paul II's death.

January 12th of 1912 : Socialist succes on Reichstag election.

January 6th of 2016 : North Korea's nuclear tests

I don't know what to do...

There's an adress !

Einstein Street, 92 1-2B

With stranges insciptions above.

I'll think about that...

What do you want ?

you know it's me, Theo

We saw each-other to the library yesterday.

You forgot your bag and your notebook...

(Stressed) You opened it ?

Oh... Yes, but...

What do you know exactly ?

I just read 1 word on 10

Are you kidding me ?


I swear

How could you be here if you just read 1 word on 10

Stop threatening me !

Get up !

You see this gun ? It's loaded, so tell me all you know !


I just know you work for an organisation and you watch humanity...

...for its own good, that's all. I swear.

I'll have to keep you.

Keep me ?

Why and where ?

At my house

You'll follow a training during months

Why ?

To become a Sentinelle !

To become what ?

Sentinelle !

It's an organisation created thousands years ago, to watch humans.

If you want we are extraterrestrials who...

What ?

Don't interrupt me ! Thank you...

We watch their acts, we control their decisions and above all...

...we avoid them to do bullsh*t.

Well, you don't succeeded !

Don't interrupt me !

To avoid them yo do bad things we have physics faculties !

What ?

Superpowers !

There are 5 categories

Earth, water, air, fire...

There are only 4

Will you shut your mouth?

Because the last one is very rare

It's the faculty to control time

those who has it, are the supreme masters

Sentinelles's boss

They command everything

And what's yours ?


And I as well will become a Sentinelle ?

I'm afraid yes.

We always need new ones

and why ?

Because they die easily

And if I refuse ?

I kill you.

OK... I think I'll become a Sentinelles

Good, but no contact with the exterior !

What !?

"After the training months"

Sorry, do you know where Tesla Street is ?

Over there you go down the street...

3rd to the right and 2nd on your left

Ok thank you

Max ?

Can you remind me why we're here ?

Do it yourself

I don't remember anything

Or I have a bad memory

Or you didn't tell me

We are here to catch a traitor

A traitor ?

A traitor it means a Sentinelle who is against you ?

Congratulations, we can say all this months if training helped you !

Calm down, that was just to be sure...

What has he done to be a traitor ?

He used his power to improve humanity

What ? This is a traitor for you ?

You never listened my lessons ?

The Sentinelles' job is to watch and protect humanity

And in no ways we can interfere with humans' evolution

Why so ?

Because the arrival of a new technology they don't control could destroy them.

Let's take an exemple...

70 years ago, a Sentinelle give his intelligence to the humanity...

To creat "The Nuclear Energy"

He thought it'd bring a brand new energy, pure and unlimited

But humans used it to kill themselves

It took years to take it under control

Wait, you're saying that...

YES! Einstein was a Sentinelle ! He should have never been...

In your notebook when it was written...

Hey you !

You're doing a little walk?

To be continued...

Written and co-directed by

Co-directed and edited by

For more infomation >> Sentinelles - Court-Métrage - Duration: 10:31.


По следам Древних Цивилизаций #9: Мачу-Пикчу/Machu Picchu - Duration: 10:27.

In the wake of ancient civilizations

In this episode: Machu Picchu

The central piece of our travel across Peru is visit to Machu Picchu.

Each 20 minutes from nearby town Aguas-Calientes

there comes a bus full of tourists.

Machu Picchu is located 2450 meters (8038 feet) above sea level,

dominating over the Urubamba river valley.

In 2007 the landmark was awarded title of a New Wonder Of The World.

Now we walk a narrow footpath through the rainforest with the steep on the right.

Allegedly, this path was a secret entrance to Machu Picchu back in the day.

For tourists the pass ends up at the so-called Inca bridge.

The bridge appears to be several wooden boards lying over a steep.

It is a true surprise, that somebody ventured to walk there in the past.

However one may not look down and admire the landscape,

As it is stunningly beautiful here.

Here, allegedly there was a stone quarry...

But there are no traces on rocks...

which could prove that someone drew stone here

The rock is granite

Machu Picchu was named Lost City of the Incas

by American archeologist Hiram Binghem who discovered it

only in 1911.

Though there are local stories narrating that the location of the city ruins

Was known to some researchers before him.

Historians believe that Machu Picchu was constructed by Incas in the 15th century.

And at the end of the same century it was abandoned for an unclear reason.

However in the central part Of the ancient city there are

such Cyclopic objects whose construction was simply impossible for Incas.

It is visible that in some places the larger stone laying is damaged

With traces of several earthquakes.

It is strange that, a weaker laying, slipshod, Incan one, has for some reason survived...

while those giant blocks, have been moved aside...

Most likely it indicates that it is much later laying

On these blocks there are no traces of sawing

In Machu Picchu in one place all is collected that we met before

on the ancient monuments of Peru.

There are the Cyclopic laying here

and trapezoid niches

and tubular openings

and the mysterious Intihuatana.

And here there are the polygonal laying

and agricultural terraces in a huge number.

In Machu Picchu there are near two hundred buildings.

Basing on this, some historians make indirect conclusion that

The population during the noonday of the city

reached more than one thousand men.

We met the same laying both in cities Cuzco and Pisac

and in other places in Peru.

And here we see that the laying is a continuation of the rock.

And somewhere the rock so harmoniously fits into the construction,

that it is difficult to define at once, where there is the laying, and where the faceted rock.

There are also streamlets of water here like those we saw in Tambomachay.

There is also in Machu Picchu a granite rock surrounded along the perimeter

with a stone laying as in Pisac.

To sum up, in Machu Picchu it is possible to see everything!

And here it is also possible to meet local representatives

of camel family Обы beautiful lamas.

And finally let us visit megaliths at town Aguas-Calientes,

located at the bottom of Machu Picchu.

On one of the megaliths we have found such a trace.

However, it is left with a modern tool.

Translated from Russian by Dmitry Ivlev

For more infomation >> По следам Древних Цивилизаций #9: Мачу-Пикчу/Machu Picchu - Duration: 10:27.


IL ETAIT UNE CHEVRE chanson enfantine page 32 joué par Antoine Badrane - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> IL ETAIT UNE CHEVRE chanson enfantine page 32 joué par Antoine Badrane - Duration: 0:46.


Travel Vlog - Bali (Indonesia), 27.04.2017 - Duration: 5:06.

Today we are in Indonesia

exactly Bali


and yeah, and we're going for a tour

the plan is to see the temple on the rock..

to see the falls...

some waterfalls, I don't know...

And what?

And something else..

Oh! Rice fields..

Apparently they look nice


Yeah - I think I'm already quite late..

so time to go..

For more infomation >> Travel Vlog - Bali (Indonesia), 27.04.2017 - Duration: 5:06.


Small Brick Carriage Home in Reddick, FL - Duration: 2:27.

Small Brick Carriage Home in Reddick, FL

For more infomation >> Small Brick Carriage Home in Reddick, FL - Duration: 2:27.


Eine musikalische Nacht bei Freddys [Fnaf FAN Animation ,German] - Duration: 3:26.


(sigh) what a nice Job... I only Need to stay in this pizzaria over the night!

I can Play games or... basically do whatevs I want!

and I'll get paied for that!


*stops playing Pokemon* 0-0uhm... what ...wasthat...



Im the one who has to get my hands dirty!


Take in upon myself and make sure noone hurts me


I'm no different but the ohers aint chose me....

They call me Freddy so just follow MY LEAD


Im never gonna go away!

I look trough your right window

Yellow's all you gonna see today!





Dum de dum de dum de dum de dum....

I just hide in the shadow...

This is a prison to meeeeee

How I'd love to get out

Just so I could be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... my replacement is blue....

...It's got the latest tec tooooooooo... I could be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

...ooooooooooooooooooooooo... ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

...All I have is my guitar - lemme play a song for you! ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...


Hellow my friend :)

Back so soon again?

It seems to me that you like our company...

You play again...

and it's usually me

to be the first disturbing being that you see

( Bonnie Acapella)

They tore me apart

They used me for parts

They took away my face, They took away my arm!






... gimme ... purpous....


... wants ... to... LIVE....

Is... this... how it rlly Ends...?

if ... I ... had.... a.. ..Life g..i...v...e

[Camera zooms out and leaves Jonny to die]


For more infomation >> Eine musikalische Nacht bei Freddys [Fnaf FAN Animation ,German] - Duration: 3:26.


Hakuouki AMV - Dynasty - Duration: 3:43.

Some days

it's hard

to see..

If I was a fool

or you..

a thief.

Made it thru the maze to find my one in a million

Now you're just a page torn from the story I'm living

And all I gave you is gone

Tumbled like it was stone

Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake

Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made

Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up

The scar

I can't


When the more it heals

the worse

it hurts

Gave u every piece of me, no wonder it's missing

Don't know how to be so close to someone so distant

And all I gave you is gone

Tumbled like it was stone

Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake

Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made

Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up

It all fell down

It all fell..

It all fell down

It all fell...

It all fell down

It all fell down

And all I gave you is gone

Tumbled like it was stone

Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake

Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made

Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up

It all fell..

It all fell down

It all fell down

And all I gave you is gone

Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up

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