Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 30 2017

JULIE: God wants my best and, you know, God's same power--I'm

healed, I'm whole. He's not done with me. So if I get to

live to 120, that really gave me a lot of hope.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way

for me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: It is God's will for you to be well. Settle that

issue today as Kenneth Copeland equips you with the Word.

Jesus is you're healer and you can live healed pain free

and strong. Next on the Believer's Voice of Victory.

KENNETH: The healer's in the house today. (Cheers &

Applause) His name is Jesus. Father, we thank You for Your

Word this morning. (Audience Agrees) The 107th Psalm, you

said you sent Your Word and it healed them. (Audience Agrees)

And, of course, we know Jesus is the Word. (Audience Agrees)

Hallelujah. There can absolutely be no doubt whatsoever that it

is the perfect will of God that every human being on this planet

be healed and well and strong. (Applause) Amen. (Audience

"Amens") Oh, absolutely. "Oh, Brother Copeland, what about

those terrible, awful people?" Hey, this may come as a shock to

you, but Jesus' blood was not shed for just a lot of sweet

folks. (Laughter) AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: No, no,

no, no. The worst of the worst sins have been blotted out.

(Audience Agrees) Hallelujah. And all it would take is just a

few seconds to receive Him as Lord and Savior. Amen. But I'll

tell you something. He'll heal you and then you can get saved.

AUDIENCE: Amen. (Audience Agrees) KENNETH: Oh, yeah,

absolutely. Oh, I wish I had to go into--the time to go into

some things concerning that, but--and maybe as the morning

proceeds. Open your Bibles with me to the book of Genesis,

please. And let's look in the 6th chapter of Genesis, in the

please. And let's look in the 6th chapter of Genesis, in the

3rd verse, "And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always

strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days

shall be a hundred and twenty years." (Audience Agrees) When

this was written, nobody was born again. AUDIENCE: That's

right. KENNETH: Everyone was spiritually dead. Now, when the

Bible talks about death, it never--unless it specifically

says so, it's not talking about physical death. It's talking

about spiritual death. Spiritual death is to be separated from

God, spirit separation. Now, you remember the Scripture said,

"And when we were dead in our trespasses and sins"? So the

three-fold chord of the curse is spiritual death, sickness and

poverty. That's the three-fold chord of the curse. It came on

Adam when he was what? Separated from God. And God told him, "The

day you do that, you'll die." Well, he didn't die physically

for 900 years. But that day, his spirit became dead to God. Why?

He separated from God. Well, you can't just be separated from God

because there's another spirit in this world. You separate from

God and you're going to be connected to Satan. (Audience

Agrees) Amen. So that's what spiritual death is, and it's

very important that--to understand that. Now, science

has declared over and over and over again that this physical

body should last 120 years. And they didn't get that figure from

the Bible. They finally caught up with the Bible, but that's

not where they--see, that's the reason the Bible is way ahead of

science. (Audience Agrees) And over the years, science is

finally catching up. And science thought they were way ahead of

the Bible, but they've been wrong more than they've been

right. (Audience Agrees) And this things turns out to be

right every time. Amen. Now--ooh, I wish we had time to

get into that, but I don't. What I wanted you to do now this

morning is realize, that is just as much the Word of God as, "by

His stripes you were healed." I mean, God said that. God said

that. So put--lay that as a base under what we're going to see

from the Word this morning, that it is God's perfect will for you

to live 120 years on this earth. (Audience "Amens") That is His

will. If it wasn't His will, He wouldn't have said it. (Audience

Agrees) KENNETH: Amen? AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now, see, that's

not a promise. That's a Bible fact. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH:

Actually, "He bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that

we...should live not unto sin, but unto righteousness: by whose

stripes ye were healed." That's not a promise. That is a Bible

fact. That has been done and we can lay hold of it any day of

the week, 24 hours a day, any day of the month. Hey, it is

there and it is established and it is a fact and it's for you.

(Audience "Amens") And it's for me. Now, there are three views

in general. One, really, doesn't even--isn't even worth

mentioning, but still, it's out there, that "God doesn't heal

anymore," and then blah, blah, blah. Well, you can throw that

out because, you--I can personally throw that out

because I've been healed, you understand? So that's gone. But

then there is another view that is held quite widely, that God

does heal, yes, but it's--that--on special acts of

mercy or some special act of faith and so forth, and

sometimes He does and sometimes He doesn't, and then

I'll--ha-ha--in my mind, I'll always hear what I've heard so

many people say, "Well, you just never know what God's going to

do. You just never know." Do you have a Bible? AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: You can know. AUDIENCE: That's right. (Applause)

KENNETH: (Laughs) Hallelujah. All right. Thank You, Lord.

Thank You, Lord. We praise You, Father. Now, the third view,

which is the Bible's view--and we're going to see this this

morning. Well, in fact, let's go back--let's just turn over there

and read that in I Peter 2:24 that I quoted there a moment

ago. Good to point your eyes on it. And notice this: "Who his

ago. Good to point your eyes on it. And notice this: "Who his

own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree." Now,

that--was that everybody's sin? AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Well, it

had to be, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only

begotten Son, whosoever believeth on him should not

perish, but have everlasting life." Whosoever, amen. "He bore

our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to

sin, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes

you were healed." Well, was all of that on the same day? Did He

bare our sins in his own body one day and then bore our

sicknesses and diseases some other time? No, no. AUDIENCE:

It's the same day. KENNETH: If you go to what Peter was

quoting, if you go back to the 53rd chapter of the book of

Isaiah, we know He bore our--He bore our griefs, He bore our

sorrows, He bore our sins, He bore our sicknesses, He bore our

diseases, He bore our weaknesses, and He bore our

pains, and He bore our poverty and fear. (Audience Agrees)

Hallelujah. All on the same cross at the same time. And then

He went to hell and paid the price for that curse. My, my,

my, my, my. I hadn't been here that long, I done preach me

happy. Glory to God. (Laughter) Thank You, Jesus. Amen. All on

the same day. Now say it, "It is the will of God--" (Audience

Repeats) "--for me to be well, for me to be strong, and pain

free, for me to prosper, spirit, soul and body, financially and

socially. He wants me well, and I take it. Hallelujah." Glory,

glory, glory. (Applause) Now then, let's go to the 91st

Psalm, please. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Psalm 91. Did you ever

notice there's something a bit peculiar about the wording of

the 91st Psalm? If you start--if you just set out to put "I" in

every one of those, it kind of gets crosswise of you. You have

to change it a little bit. Well, it's not written wrong. It's

right. It's a lack of understanding of what's

happening in the 91st Psalm. And so we're going to look at it

this way this morning. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of

the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I

will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God;

in him will I trust." Now, that's the way--that is the way

you enter into and dwell in the secret place of the most High.

You can't get in there without believing it in your heart and

speaking it with your mouth. And that's what that declaration is.

And you notice it says, "I will say. I will say it." Okay, well,

let's do that. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most

High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Now,

read that with me. TOGETHER: "I will say of the Lord, He is my

refuge and my fortress: he is my God; and in him will I trust."

AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. Glory. KENNETH: "Surely he shall

deliver you." Well, now, whoa. Wait a minute. AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: Now, what's the matter here? "I will say of the Lord,

He is my refuge he is my fortress: he is my God; in him I

trust. Surely he will deliver thee"? Now, that's what I was

talking about. Now, here's what I want to point out to you. "I

will say of the Lord," that is you or me speaking. "Surely he

will say of the Lord," that is you or me speaking. "Surely he

will deliver you," is Jesus speaking. (Audience Agrees) I

said my peace. I'm like Jairus. We studied that last night,

"Man, I said my faith." Amen. "I say of the Lord--I say of the

Lord, He's my fortress: he's my God; and in him I do trust."

Now, who is the Lord High Priest over our confessions? AUDIENCE:

Jesus. KENNETH: Third chapter of the book of Hebrews. All right,

hold your place here and let's turn there because this is

what's happening in this Psalm. The Lord High Priest, Jesus

himself. Hebrews 3:1, "Wherefore, holy brethren,

partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle,"

or the one God sent, "a High Priest of our confession, Christ

Jesus," or the anointed Jesus. Now, I want you to pay really

close attention to the word "Christ" right there, and the

word "apostle." "Apostle" and "Christ" are both Greek words.

The word "apostle" means to be sent, or a sent one. And we

talked about earlier what "Christ" literally means. The

word itself in Greek just simply means, to pour over, to rub, or

to smear. But in the case of referring to Jesus, it is the

Greek translation of the Hebrew word "messiah," which means to

pour on, to rub, or to smear. But now, you put those two

together, and you have "The one whom God sent and anointed to be

High Priest." Can you see it there? Now, look at it again and

let's see what it's saying because it's telling us

something here about the anointing, the anointing of

Jesus. And this is part of that anointing. It's part of His

responsibility, His anointing as High Priest. (Audience Agrees)

Amen. And there's a lot involved with high priests. And that's

what the book of Hebrews is about. Jesus is our Savior.

(Audience Agrees) Remember the three-fold chord of the curse,

spiritual death? Well, the three-fold chord of the--of

redemption. Spiritual death, Jesus is our Savior. Sickness,

He's our healer. (Audience Agrees) Poverty, He's our

Melchizedek. (Audience Agrees) He's the High Priest of the

blessing of the Lord. He is the High Priest that receives tithes

in these days. And He's responsible for the opening of

the heavens and pouring out blessing that you can't find

enough room for it. (Audience Agrees) So say it, "He's my

Savior--" (Audience Repeats) "--He's my healer, and

He's my High Priest." Let's say it like this,

"He's my Savior--" (Audience Repeats)

"--He is my healer, and He is my Melchizedek."

For more infomation >> It Is the Will of God for You to Be Well with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 5-2-17) - Duration: 22:39.


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For more infomation >> 【○○したい妻vs○○したくない夫】夫婦関係を良くする秘訣 - Duration: 3:58.


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Щенячий патруль все серии подряд Развивающие мультики Герои в масках Игрушки Paw Patrol PJ Masks - Duration: 20:47.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль все серии подряд Развивающие мультики Герои в масках Игрушки Paw Patrol PJ Masks - Duration: 20:47.


A RHYTHMIC EFFECT to enrich your gypsy jazz "pompe" - Learning Gypsy jazz - Duration: 6:44.

Hi, Clément here

so, in this video I will talk to you about rhythm in gypsy jazz

and I'll show you a small effect you'll be able to do on the "pompe"

to give some punch and energize your accompaniments

I wrote an article on the "pompe" on which I gave tips

to improve your "pompe"

you can click on the 'i' for info in the top right corner of the video

if you haven't seen this article

and in this article I told you there is one thing to not do to have a nice "pompe"

it's to do effects on the rhythm

because if we're accompanying a soloist

the goal of the accompaniement is to put the soloist in a good light

to make him feel at ease and highlight his improvisation

if the accompanist does many effects, rhythmic changes, tremolos

in the end it'll spoil the thing and the soloist won't be at ease

and it's something you must avoid to have a good "pompe"

In this video I'll try to present an effect that you can do in your "pompe"

a relatively sober effect

which will allow you to enrich your "pompe" without making it bad

so of course as I was saying in the article

those effects are really to be used with restraint

It's like cooking in fact if you're using chilli pepper

if you put just a little it gives a nice taste, it's nice

but put the all bag and it because inedible

so when you're using effects, think about kitchen spices

you have to give it just a little touch to enhance the thing a bit

don't put too much or it becomes bad

So, let me show you this rhythmic effect

so I will do it on Am, E7

So I play a Am6 and a regular E7

this position

so, here is how it can sound

So, here it's a bit exaggerated because I do it multiple times

it's the kind of effect you can do once a chord chart

and even not all chord chart or it can become a bit annoying

so in fact I do a rhythmic variation to revitalize the rhythm

so, the thing I do is

up and down

so here I go back up the strings

and very quickly a downstroke

I will do it once with a metronome so you can realize how to placed rhythm wise

I'll put it on 75bpm

here you go

so in fact you can think of it like

you have to find an onomatopoeia to remember the thing

a bit like a drumer that would go like

it's the bit the effect we try to have on the guitar

I will give you a bit of an example on the "Minor swing" chord chart

so here I did it twice in the chord chart and it's already a bit too much

what you need to absolutely avoid is to think "Awesome I learned a new effect I'll put it everywhere"

you'll do the very opposite of what you're supposed to do

as I said with spices, if you put it everywhere in the chord chart like the pepper it'll be inedible

and your "pompe" will be very bad if on "Minor swing" you do this

if you do that for example the soloist will stare at you

wondering what you're doing

so that's an effect that works if well placed rhythmically

but be careful to use it with parsimony

once maximum at the end eventually to begin the next chord chart

that way it give the soloist a hint to know where he is in the chord chart

but really don't use it too much because it can be a bit annoying

So it was a small exercise on how to enrich your "pompe"

I will make a small summary PDF on all of that

if you are on Youtube you can click in the description there is a link to the website

at the end of the page on the website you'll be able to download the PDF

if you have questions on all of that, ask them in the comments

think about giving a thumb-up under the video

and then that's it for today, see you soon for an upcoming video

Hey! Did you like the video?

So think about liking it, it's always appreciated

You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there

and if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar

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See you soon for an upcoming video


For more infomation >> A RHYTHMIC EFFECT to enrich your gypsy jazz "pompe" - Learning Gypsy jazz - Duration: 6:44.


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For more infomation >> Travel Vlog :Top 5 Street Shopping Places IN Delhi - Duration: 3:26.


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For more infomation >> The dinosaur on the Remote Control Giganotosaur Mioshi Active unboxing REVIEW of Toys - Duration: 7:16.


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For more infomation >> 我的投影播放 - Duration: 3:22.


You Have the Spiritual DNA of Jesus with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 5-4-17) - Duration: 22:37.

TRACI: I said, "Sickness and disease is under the curse. I've

been redeemed from the curse of the law and released to the

blessings of Abraham. You said there's no good thing You will

hold from me if I walk uprightly before You."

(Singing) I know my God has made the way

for me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: No matter what you're facing, healing belongs

to you. You have Jesus's Word on it. Today Kenneth Copeland

talks about Jesus's spiritual DNA in the born again believer

and hows that applies to living a long, satisfied life.

KENNETH: Let's go back over there to the 91st Psalm

now. "He'll cover you with his feathers, and under his

wings shall you trust: his truth shall be your shield and your

buckler. You'll not be afraid of terror by night; nor the arrow

that flies by day; nor for the pestilence that walks in

darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at

noonday." Pestilence is all part of the curse of sickness and

disease. All kinds of sicknesses, all kinds of strange

warfare could be put underneath that; chemical warfare,

biological warfare. And the 61st verse of the 28th chapter of

Deuteronomy, which is the curse of the law, says all sickness

and all disease that's not written in this book of the law

is under that curse--(Audience Agrees)--and will come on you.

Amen. (Audience "Amens") See, all of it. I don't care how many

new diseases they come up with. AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: They

can't find one that's not covered in there. AUDIENCE:

Amen. KENNETH: I mean, because--ha-ha-ha-ha--the devil

can't come up with anything new. He's not a creator, you

understand this? He doesn't have anything new. (Agreement &

Applause) Amen. (Audience "Amens") He can't do that.

(Audience "Amens") I mean, when you get on this Psalm, I'm

telling you right now, you've got him by the nose, and there

ain't nothing he can do about it. You just give it a good

twist and say, "Get on your knees." (Cheers & Applause)

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: But now, here's another thing:

Whatever you're believing for--in this case, we're talking

about healing, right? Don't go into this--don't go into this

battle without being well armed in the Word. (Audience Agrees)

Now, this is part of your--this is part of your weaponry right

here. And our "weapons of our warfare are not carnal." They're

power. They're "mighty through God to the pulling down of

strongholds." Amen. So you let the Word fight its own fight.

(Audience Agrees) Amen. A lot of people, you ask them, you know,

"What Scripture are you standing on for your healing?" "Well, you

know, all of them, I guess." (Laughter) No, you're not. Amen.

There's no use pulling an empty gun on anybody. (Laughter) No.

They just laugh at you. But let me tell you what, sweetheart,

you pull that sword on him--amen--and you let him run

up on that a few times. (Audience Agrees) He comes

storming in there over you, and you just start quoting that 91st

Psalm to him. (Audience Agrees) You just start quoting I Peter

2:24. Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Just stick it in him

and twist it. (Audience Agrees) Hallelujah. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. KENNETH: Amen. Say, "Satan, this is who I am. This

is what I have. Glory to God. I'm not trying to get this; this

belongs to me. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He's the Lord, high

Priest over this Psalm. Glory to God." Now, notice this: "You

will tread upon the lion and the adder, and the young lion and

the dragon you will trample underfoot." Amen. (Audience

"Amens") You believe that? AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Well, of

course you do, because--now, suddenly, we've changed persons

again. Ha-ha. From Verse 14 on is the voice of your heavenly

Father. (Audience Agrees) Look at this. "Because he--" "he" is

me. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "Because he--" Well, to whom is

he speaking? He's talking to Jesus about me. Whoa. "Because

Kenneth has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver

him: I'll set him on high." Do we sit on high? AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: We've been raised up together and made to sit

together with Him in heavenly places, far above all

principalities and powers! Far above! Far above! Far above!

(Audience Agrees) He is the head. We are the body. The feet

are in the body. (Audience Agrees) Hallelujah. Far above

principalities and powers. He set His love on me. And just so,

so much--I do this a lot. I begin to praise God and I say,

"Father--" I like to--I like to make a combination of the--of

what was said in the Old Covenant and bring it over into

the New Covenant. "I want to praise You, Lord. I want to

praise You, my heavenly Father. I love You with all of my heart,

all of my soul, all my mind, and all of my strength. I love my

neighbor as myself because that pleases You, and I--" Now, here

I come over to the new covenant. "--and I love the brethren even

as you loved the brethren and gave Yourself a ransom for us

all. Gave Yourself for us, gave Yourself to us. Then, Father, in

the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose I am and Whom I

serve, I place my love upon You today. Hallelujah. I bless You

today with all my heart and all my soul. Hallelujah." "Because

he set his love upon me, I'll deliver him: I'll set him on

high, because he hath known my name." (Audience Agrees) Now,

that is referring to covenant authority of the believer. "In

my name" indicates authority. Amen? (Audience "Amens") In

other words, he understands and knows his authority in Me, and

he uses it. Amen. (Audience "Amens) "Because he's put his

love upon Me, and he has known My name, he'll call on Me, and I

will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver

him, and honor him. And with long life will I satisfy him,

and show him my salvation." (Audience Agrees) Amen.

(Applause) Now, wait a minute. Erkk! Hold it. Back up just a

second. Kkk-kkk. Erkk, erkk. (Laughter) What does "long life"

mean? We--it's sitting on the rock base, right? God's

referring to the 120 years. (Audience Agrees) He established

that long before. He established that back here in book number

one. Ha-ha-ha-ha. "With long life--" What life? 120 years.

Hallelujah! Isn't that wonderful? (Audience Agrees) I

mean, hey, glory to God. Thank You, Lord. Now, I have--I

noticed, back when--oh, I had just--I was approaching 70. And,

of course, you know, the devil's trying to beat me around the

head about it. And I noticed some things with my physical

body and so forth and so on. And I spent some time praying about

it and so forth. And the Lord said this to me, He said,

"Kenneth--" Well, one other thing. I take after my mother's

side of the family. And my grandfather, grandmother,

great-grandfather, great-grandmother and the family

around that as I looked up the family tree and so forth, they

all died in mid to late 70s. And, you know, the devil's

trying to use that on me, too. (Audience Agrees) Well, the Lord

said to me, He said, "Kenneth, you're paying attention to your

natural DNA." (Audience Agrees) He said, "Don't you remember in

my Word, it says you're 'born again, not of corruptible seed,

but incorruptible, by the word of God, that lives and abides

forever'?" I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "You've got My

spiritual DNA." He said, "I'm your Father, son. And your DNA

and Jesus' DNA are exact." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: "You're

exactly like Him. You're not a little like Him. You're like

Adam was when I created Him. He was exactly like Me in every

respect, in likeness and in image." (Audience Agrees) Whoa.

So I began to put pressure on that. And these other things

would show up, and I'd say, "No. No, no, no, no. That's the

natural side of the family. This is the supernatural side of the

family." (Audience Agrees) And I noticed this, as I my physical

DNA began to lead me down this way, my spiritual DNA came in

and arrested that. (Agreement & Applause) And in a lot of

ways--I'm talking about physically now. In a lot of

ways, I'm stronger today than I was 20, 25 years ago. (Cheers &

Applause) And so--now, this is very important. This is

extremely important. AUDIENCE: Yes, yes. KENNETH: Now, your

spiritual DNA was programmed to keep your body strong for 120

years. (Audience Agrees) Now, where is the problem? There's

really--let me--let me take this another step further. When you

turn over there to the book of Leviticus and so forth, and you

run into all of those food laws-- AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH:

--oh, people don't want to hear that. "Oh, no, this is New

Covenant. We can eat anything you want to." Not and live 120

years, you can't. (Laughter) God hasn't changed, His Word hasn't

changed, and pigs haven't changed. (Laughter) A pig is

still a pig, and he ain't fit to eat. AUDIENCE: That's right. Say

that again. KENNETH: Now, I know some of you will say, "Well, you

know, I think I'll go on home now." (Laughter) No. "Well,

Brother Copeland, that was under the law." Well, the reason it

was under the law is God made it a law to keep them from eating

pigs, because he didn't create the--He didn't create the swine

for food. That thing had another purpose. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH:

Now, all--all of the foods that are in the good column, that

whole thing is designed based on 120 years. It's not based on you

eating something you don't want to eat. AUDIENCE: That's right.

KENNETH: It's base on this physical body being nourished as

it should-- AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: --for that whole

120-year period of time, because that's the bedrock upon which it

sits, is that statement God made, "His days are 120 years."

Well, you ought to be healed for the whole 120-year period, too.

(Audience Agrees) That--the physical part of it, that's not

having correct spiritual food, not having correct mental or

intellectual food, and not having correct physical food,

because you've got to eat, spirit, soul, and body. And

Jesus made the statement, "Man can't live by bread alone, but

by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." So the

spiritual food is important. Now, religion is not spiritual

food. (Audience Agrees) No. And it--religious tradition and so

forth won't feed your spirit. But the integrity of the written

Word will feed your spirit. And when your spirit is well fed,

you have faith. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Because faith cometh by

hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. You can't get strong

spiritually by hearing someone say, "You never know what God's

gonna do." (Laughter) Well, tradition never knows what He's

going to do, but Word people know. (Audience Agrees) Because

He's going to do exactly what He said He's going to do. (Audience

Agrees) Amen? (Audience "Amens") So you can see the principle.

Now, the other thing that is terribly damaging is

unforgiveness-- AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: --not walking in

the law of love. AUDIENCE: Yes! KENNETH: And since it is a law

that we love the Lord our God and one another even as God

loved us, it is a law. It is not optional. And it is the key

issue to long life-- AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. KENNETH: --that has

to be in place. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: You can have--I mean,

you can eat right and all that, but--you're feeding your

physical body right, but if you're not keeping the law of

love, then you're not feeding your spirit right. (Audience

Agrees) It can't. That's--that's poison-- AUDIENCE: Yes, it is.

KENNETH: --to the human spirit. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: It's

poison to the human brain. Fear and unforgiveness thoughts have

poison to the human brain. Fear and unforgiveness thoughts have

been--how many of you watched Caroline Leaf on our program?

AUDIENCE: Amen! KENNETH: It has been proven scientifically that

fear and unforgiving thoughts damage the brain. Now, you hear

all kind--you know, all kinds of funny jokes and stuff about

getting old and can't remember anything. But the problem is not

with the brain, because the brain is the only physical organ

that gets better with age. (Audience Agrees) The problem is

what the thing is being fed both spiritually, intellectually, and

physically. And then it starts having all kinds of chaos,

particularly if there's fear and unbelief, because you get--the

brain gets into chaos, then the chemistry of the physical body

is not working like it's supposed to. Anyway, I said all

that to say this: We're supposed to be well. (Audience Agrees)

We're supposed to be healed. (Audience Agrees) Hallelujah.

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: Glory be to God. AUDIENCE:

Glory. Glory. KENNETH: Are you receiving this morning?

AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. (Audience Agrees) KENNETH: Well, this

whole--this whole time this morning has been spent

establishing the fact that healing belongs to you and me.

It is paid for, lock, stock, and barrel. And there was an

enormous price paid for it, and if you will just relax

and receive it, it's belonged to you for 2,000 years.

For more infomation >> You Have the Spiritual DNA of Jesus with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 5-4-17) - Duration: 22:37.


Learn English-Weekly Tip 28 for Speakers of Indian Languages - sended or sent? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:07.

Hello once again everybody, and welcome

back to 'One English Tip in One Minute for

Speakers of the Many Indian Languages'

where each week I talk about in some

detail one common English mistake made

by people from India...and this is video

number 28.

Nice going on working to improve

your English. If you've heard that

many times before then you know how this


I show you a slide, and on the slide

there are two sentences: One is the

correct way that a native English

speaker would say it, the other is the

wrong way that many people from India

say it. Your job is to decide which one

is correct.

Read the sentences, pause the video if

you have to and think about your answer,

and I will discuss that answer in the

slide that follows this slide.

If you got this wrong -- or you just

happened to guess correctly, and because

it's a 50-50 shot --

you're not alone. There's many people

from India who also...get...make this

mistake. That's why they're in these

videos. What you have to do is you

have to start to study and try to get it

right. To start you off on that

process I've given you three sentences

that you can study from. Memorize these

sentences, review them -- really drill them

into your brain -- and put into practice

what you've learned through speaking or

writing or both. You might make

mistakes -- you probably will make mistakes --

but after time you just get

keep working at it.

For more infomation >> Learn English-Weekly Tip 28 for Speakers of Indian Languages - sended or sent? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:07.


May Setup | 五月行事歷設定 ★ - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> May Setup | 五月行事歷設定 ★ - Duration: 2:16.


앵그리 죠 데뷔작 "Madden 09와 시리즈의 미래" - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> 앵그리 죠 데뷔작 "Madden 09와 시리즈의 미래" - Duration: 6:01.


Golf training techniques by Pro Wee [Ep.2, Eng. sub] - Duration: 5:18.

Hello there again! It's time for some training!

Today, we are going to start practicing golf, but as you know that before that, we will have to perform basic strength training exercises for optimum activity.

Are you ready? If yes, let us begin!

Hello, I'm Pro Wee.

Previously, we learnt about how stretching our muscles helps us during training.

Today, I am going to introduce to you the muscles of the body and their functions.

For example, the rotator cuff muscles (shoulders) and how they rotate.

Our waists and how the abs work.

Ok, let's begin.

With the first technique, start off by standing with both feet touching one another, and then separate them one by one.

And then place your club on your shoulder, then push your hip backwards and rest your knees.

When we rotate, think as If our left shoulder has replaced our right shoulder.

And then rotate to the left, by flipping your right foot over.

then start over.

Next, the second technique will teach you about the function of the waist and how we rotate it.

By placing your club behind and perpendicular to your back; and lock both ends with your arms, like this:

Push your hip backwards. Your back should not be bend too much.

The first step is to rotate your waist to the right.

The second step is to rotate to the left, as If you are tossing your waist upwards; and flipping your foot over.

These two techniques will start to cooperate with one another. That is, when your waist rotates, your shoulder also does.

And then toss your body upwards, taking your weight to the left.

In these techniques, your muscles will cooperate with each other, because if we are able to create a familiarity with our muscles, performing a golf swing would be considerably easier.

Stretching your muscles as preparation for training will help reduce the risk of injury from movement.

For more infomation >> Golf training techniques by Pro Wee [Ep.2, Eng. sub] - Duration: 5:18.


Silent water מים שקטים לזכרה של קרן טנדלר - Duration: 3:39.

-Silent Waters-

In memory of Master Seargent Keren Tendler 1979-2006

Screenplay, direction and animation: Yair Harel

Backgrounds: Assaf Kress, Niv Spiegel Helicopter design and animation: Avi Odenheimer Compositing: Dima Tretyakov Coloring: Yarden Kuller, Guy Osnat

Original music: Ofir Gal Sound editing and mixing: Assaf Rappaport and Ofir Gal at Sofa Sound Studios

Thanks to: The Tendler family, Naama Mashiah, Osi Wald, Dima Tretyakov, Bosmat Agayof, the Harel family

Content management: Yotvat Fireaizen-Weil Curator: Osi Wald Coordination and production: Liran Lifshits Media promotion and management: Yuval Malchi Research: Aviv Laks Original concept: Yohay Haddad

Produced as part of Beit Avi Chai's "A Face. The Day. A Memorial" project

For more infomation >> Silent water מים שקטים לזכרה של קרן טנדלר - Duration: 3:39.


God Has a Healing Process with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 5-5-17) - Duration: 23:22.

LAMONT: Like, but I was wheezing and it was tight

when I got here, but--(Breathes Deep)--like,

I just feel great, man. It's a complete difference!

(Singing) I know my God has made the way

for me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Healing and long life are part of God's plan. It's

His way and His Word reveals how to do it. Today Kenneth Copeland

takes us through the healing process of forgiveness, love,

and joy, and then prays a healing prayer for you.

KENNETH: Let's move now over into the book of Matthew. And

we'll move into the receiving part of this message this

morning. Matthew 9, we're going to read this incident from

Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Chapter 9, Verse 1, "He entered into a

ship, and passed over, and came into his own city. Behold, they

brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: Jesus

seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of

good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee." Now, I want you to notice

and make note of "be of good cheer." That particular phrase

doesn't come up in the other two, so make note of that. "Be

of good cheer! thy sins be forgiven thee." So I'm going to

tell all of you this morning, I don't care what's going on in

your body. I don't care what's happening in you now. Cheer up!

(Audience Agrees) Cheer up! (Audience Agrees) You need to

learn to do that when you first get out of bed in the morning.

(Audience Agrees) "I don't feel like cheering up." Yeah, you do.

(Laughter) AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. (Laughter) KENNETH: Yeah. You

just walk in there and say, "Joy!" See, the joy of the

Lord's your strength. (Audience Agrees) It's part of the healing

process. (Audience Agrees) It's obvious this man was sin

worried. It may be one of the--probably one of the reasons

why this sickness, this palsy, had worked in his body to the

point where it was about to kill him. And Jesus just fixed that.

Cheer up, boy! Hallelujah. So make a note of the "cheer up."

"Be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. And certain of

the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemes.

Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think you evil

in your heart? Whether it is easier, to say, Thy sins are

forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk? That you may know that

the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then

saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up your bed,

and go home. He arose, departed to his house." Notice this: The

power to forgive and the power to heal the body are one and the

same. (Audience Agrees) So when one is not in forgiveness, when

you're not exercising forgiveness, you're aiding the

sickness and the disease because the power to forgive is the

power to heal! (Audience Agrees) My, my, my, my, my. Now, let's

go over to Mark 2, and let's look at Verse 1. "And again he

entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised

that he was in the house." This was his house in Capernaum there

by the--by the lakeside. "Straightway many were gathered

together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no,

not so much about the door: and he preached the word unto them."

Now, make a note of that one, "He preached the Word." "And

they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was

born afore. When they could not come nigh unto the--for the

press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had

broken it up, they let him down around the--they let down the

bed wherein--wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When Jesus saw

their faith, he said to the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be

forgiven thee. There were certain of the scribes sitting

there, and reasoning in their hearts, Why does this man thus

speak blasphemes? who can forgive sins but God only?

Immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so

reasoned within themselves, he said, Why reason these things in

your hearts? Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the

palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, take up

your bed, and walk? That you may know that the Son of man hath

power on earth to forgive sins, (he said to the sick of the

palsy,) I say unto you, Arise, take up your bed, go your way to

thine house." Now, Luke 5. We're going to see something else

again here in the 5th chapter of Luke. Verse 17, "And it came to

pass on a certain day, as he was teaching--" So He was preaching,

and He was teaching. Amen? Now, how does faith come? AUDIENCE:

By hearing. KENNETH: Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing

by the Word of God. Now, there's another statement here. I want

you to look at this, notice it very, very carefully. And

"--there were Pharisees, doctors of the law sitting by, which

were come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem:

and the power of the Lord was present to heal them." Huh?

It--the power was present to heal them. Well, if the power

was present to heal them, the power was present to forgive

them. (Audience Agrees) But they didn't get it. Why? They stopped

listening to His teaching and preaching, and got over in their

religious thinking. Now, while they're sitting there thinking

about Him speaking blasphemes, then they're no longer hearing

anything He says. (Audience Agrees) They're listening to

their minds say, "There's something wrong with him." Well,

you know what that'll do to your faith. It'll kill it. And you

don't have--you don't have--it doesn't have to be something

that drastic, either. You can just be sitting there thinking,

"You know, I wonder why Brother Copeland wears so many blue

suits." (Laughter) Well, that's simple. Gloria likes blue suits.

(Laughter) Amen. She also likes gold suits, too. (Audience

Agrees) But I like blue suits because Gloria likes blue suits.

And I found out God likes blue suits because--go check out the

high Priests' clothes. He-he-he. (Laughs) Amen. But see, you can

just get over and start thinking about something like that and

not hear a--just be a whole line of something there. And if the

devil is doing it, I'll guarantee you it was lying you

needed to hear to receive your healing. AUDIENCE: Yes, yes!

KENNETH: That's just the way he does things. Amen. So I wanted

you to notice all of those because you put all of that

together. Had they been listening, and they could have

not only received their forgiveness, not only could they

have cheered up, but they could have received healing just the

same as this one man did. Everybody in the room, the

presence was there, the healing power of God was there because

Jesus was in the room. He's the healer, and He's trying to get

all of them healed! He's trying to get all of them forgiven!

He's trying to get all of them out of their problems, praise

God, and bring a jubilee! (Audience Agrees) That's what

He's doing here this morning! Hallelujah! (Cheers & Applause)

Glory, glory, glory, glory. I said, "Glory, glory, glory,

glory, glory, glory, glory, glory." Hallelujah. Hallelujah,

hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Let's praise the Lord. Let's

praise the Lord. (Audience Praises) Let's praise the Lord.

Healing and long life is God's plan, it's God's way, it's God's

Word, and He is here to heal you right now. Glory to God.

Somebody just got a really bad sore throat healed right then,

just while I was speaking that. And--(Praying in the

Spirit)--some of you came today noticing symptoms beginning of

flu, symptoms of beginning of a cold. I curse those symptoms in

the name of Jesus! (Cheers) Disappear right now! (Applause)

Hallelujah! AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: I mean it.

Disappear. Right now, you disappear. Glory. AUDIENCE:

Glory. KENNETH: Yes, sir, we can do that, Lord. Thank You. Let's

all catch hands with the person there next to you. And if you

can reach across the aisle, fine. If you can't, that's okay.

But we're going to do this as a congregation this morning.

(Audience Agrees) Agree with it in your heart, with all your

heart. "Father--" (Audience Repeats) "--I make it official.

In obedience to Your command and to Your desire, I forgive. If I

have ought against any, I forgive. I am determined to

forgive. I'm determined to walk in love. I confess the sin of

unforgiveness, criticism, judging, and all forms of

unforgiveness. Cleanse my spirit, cleanse my mind, cleanse

my body of all fear, doubt, and unbelief that comes from

unforgiveness. I receive my forgiveness as I forgive

others." Now just stop and think about that just a second.

AUDIENCE: Yes, Lord. KENNETH: How did Jesus say it? How did He

say it? "Our Father, which art in heaven--" TOGETHER:

"--Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done

on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily

bread." AUDIENCE: "And forgive us--" KENNETH: Give us.

AUDIENCE: (Indistinct Responses) KENNETH: "Forgive us--"

TOGETHER: "--as we forgive--" AUDIENCE: "--those who--"

KENNETH: Put it in the first person. TOGETHER: "Forgive me as

I forgive those that have trespassed against me." KENNETH:

Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: What did He

say? "Your will be done, on earth," your will be done in

this--in this building today and online, everybody that's

listening and watching. Amen? (Audience "Amens") We've

absolutely determined from the Bible what His will is. His will

is for you to be well. His will is for your mind to be clear and

sharp. It's His will for you to live 120 years of satisfied

life. Hallelujah. Amen. (Audience "Amens") So take it.

Release all that. Get all that stuff out. Just turn it loose.

Don't wait till you feel better. Declare it by faith. (Audience

"Amens") Declare it by faith. They are forgiven. Glory to God,

I release it. They're forgiven right now in the name of the

Lord Jesus Christ. Now receive your healing. Now just lift both

hands and just form this big old funnel and receive. Sin,

sickness, demons and fear, all kinds of curse, all kinds of

deadly diseases, in the name of Jesus, we bind you and cast you

out of this place! Get out of here right now! You loose God's

people! In the name of Jesus, Whose I am and Whom I serve,

take your hands off of God's property! You take your hand off

of every mind in this place! You take your hand off of ears! You

take your hand off of everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody!

Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Glory. KENNETH:

Gloria, you and George come up on up here. Glory to God. Tracy,

you come on up. Praise God. Terry Mize, you come on up.

Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God.

(Applause) Now lay both hands on top of your head, and boldly

declare, "I receive my healing in my head." (Audience Repeats)

"I receive healing in my ears. I receive healing for my brain.

Brain cells, live and not die. Memory come alive and not die. I

receive healing in my eyes. I receive healing in my sinuses. I

receive healing in my nose. I receive healing in my mouth. I

receive healing for my tongue, my tonsils, my throat. In the

name of Jesus, I receive healing in my neck! I receive

restoration for my spine, all the way from my brain stem to my

tailbone, a new spine. No more back pain, no more disc

problems, no more nerve problems throughout my whole body. I

receive peace for my whole nervous system. I receive

healing in my shoulders. I receive healing in my back. All

the muscles in my back, all of the skeleton of my body, all the

bones, all the marrow in my entire physical skeleton, I

receive healing. I receive restoration. My elbows are

healed. My wrists are healed. My fingers, my thumbs, all the

joints of my body. Arthritis, leave my body. You're under the

curse, and I'm redeemed from the curse. Weakness and pain, leave

this body now. Hips, you receive your healing. I receive

supernatural hip replacement. I receive supernatural knee

replacement. I receive healing in my veins, in my arteries. I

rebuke you, plaque. I cast you out of my arteries and veins. In

the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, my arteries are cleansed

by the washing of the water of the Word.

I'll not have a stroke. I'll not have a heart

attack. I am healed in the name of Jesus."

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