Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 30 2017

Human civilization is more advanced today than at any time in history.

Yet man's problems are multiplying at an alarming rate.

What is the cause of this confounding paradox?

Learn why human civilization is on a crash course for disaster next, on The Key of David,

with Gerald Flurry.

Greetings, everyone.

Herbert W. Armstrong wrote Mystery of the Ages, and he believed it was the second most

important book on this Earth, and of course it was like an outline summary of the entire

Bible, the whole Bible, the Old Testament, the New Testament, or the Hebrew Bible and

the New Testament.

So it's easy to understand, but it's not EASY to probe and really dig INTO this book where

you understand the DEPTH of it.

There IS a way I think very strongly that you can PROVE this book is the greatest book

in this world next to the Bible, and that is by going through it with an open mind and

studying it very DILIGENTLY until you KNOW that this is a book NOT from the mind of a


No man could write this book as I see it, and I believe you will agree with me on that

if you FOLLOW this instruction.

I KNOW that many people read this book, that don't TRULY understand the depth and I want

to encourage everybody to do just that.

I have a letter here from a person who HAS the book and requested it.

He said: "I just finished reading Mystery of the Ages for the third time.

It is such a WONDERFUL thing!"

That from Texas.

And another one said: "Mystery of the Ages was so good to me!

It saved my life!"

Now, these are REAL people, this one from Ohio, the last one, and they were moved and

it changed their LIVES in dramatic ways, and that's not phony information, and you can

have that SAME reaction yourself if you just read and really study that book.

If you comprehend how profound it is, it's going to make you KNOW this is a rare, rare

book on this Earth.

Now, if you already have Mystery of the Ages, well, I just want to challenge you to read

and study it and meditate on it as deeply as you can.

If you don't have it, I hope you'll order it.

All of our literature is free.

But every single one of you, I don't care if you read this book several times, you will

find that every time you get more out of it.

Let me read to you one more letter, this one from Pennsylvania: "Mr. Armstrong spent a

lifetime accumulating all these truths written down in Mystery of the Ages.

All this truth wasn't just handed to him in one day.

He had to FIGHT for them.

He spent most of his life PRAYING for that wisdom and understanding and truth, digging

into the very Word of God and looking for the truth as if it were gold or silver.

He fought EVERY DAY to stave off all the lies this world has to offer for the true gold,

the true silver, the true rewards for living the way that PLEASES our wonderful and merciful


Another one said, I'll just read this brief one from Texas: "Thank you for filling this

empty space in my life."

And there IS an empty space in the lives of most people in this world, a dreadful, EMPTY

SPACE because they don't know why they're here.

They don't know what the PURPOSE of human life is.

And how can you possibly not have a big empty place in your life if that's the case?

We don't know who and what God is, and how can we not be frustrated and empty when we

lack that knowledge?

One more letter here that I want to read to you: "It is a great testimony of true character

for a man to emotionally proclaim in his 94th year that it was a big day of his life because

of sharing, in the form of a book, the revelatory gift of God concerning the great MYSTERIES

of life that have PLAGUED the world."

Plagued the world!

Plagued this world's civilization!

So today I want to discuss the Mystery of Civilization, mystery number four in the book,

Mystery of the Ages.

I mean how can ANY subject be more of a mystery than that of this civilization?

Here we have all the marvels of science and technology, and yet at the same time you look

at the simple human problems, at least they SHOULD be simple to solve.

But problems in the family, problems in group relationships, problems of peace between nations,

all of our history we've never been able to solve those problems, except for a little

tiny few that God has used in very dramatic ways.

If you look at the developed nations and all the awesome progress that they have, every

luxury you could possibly imagine, and yet at the same time they are CURSED with CRIME,



What is wrong with this civilization and why can't we solve those problems?

We MUST solve them or we can't SURVIVE!

Well, there's a lot of filth and squalor in this world, and it's not God's world.

It certainly has many HORRENDOUS problems, and who is that can solve those problems?

Well, that gets into another subject that is spiritual.

If you realize that we're living in the last days, it's like entering into a movie, let's

say, and here you just see the very END of that movie and you don't know the rest of

the story, you don't know where this civilization really began, and you don't know about the

developments AFTER that beginning that led up to these last days.

You don't know.

Now, look, people can scoff at this if they want to, and there are some that do, but let's

go back to the Garden of Eden, the original Garden of Eden.

Because right there is the FOUNDATION of this world, the very foundation of it!

And really the Bible is the only BASIS for Christians today, the only basis for their

religion, and so we need to prove these things to ourselves.

But can we really BELIEVE what happened in the Garden of Eden?

I tell you it explains EXPLICITLY how this civilization was founded, and there's NOTHING

that can explain it any other way, but being the WRONG way.

There are two trees there with Adam and Eve.

Two trees, one was a tree of life and the other was a tree of the knowledge of good

AND evil, or you could say, the tree of death.

Now, these two symbolic trees explain the very foundation of this civilization.

Adam and Eve had to choose.

They had to choose, the tree of life or the tree of death, and they chose the tree of

the knowledge of good and evil, or the tree of death.

That's the one they chose, and they led ALL of their children, the whole family of man,

into this very horrifying civilization.

And Satan took charge and really took Adam and Eve captive from the very beginning, and

he has been holding mankind captive ever since!

That's what this civilization is all about.

I know by personal experience that people in the early days of Mr. Armstrong's, well,

not just the EARLY days, but during the days of his ministry and especially when I was

very much a part of it at college, taking the courses there, that people would wonder

why Mr. Armstrong went back to the two trees so often.

Why did he go back to the Garden of Eden?

Well, it's the FOUNDATION of this world, this civilization!

And if you don't understand that, you're going to be deceived.

You're going to be deceived, and people that sat there and heard him WERE deceived and

95 percent of them turned away when he died because they didn't really BELIEVE about going

back to the very foundation of this civilization and see WHY mankind has gone so WRONG.

What is WRONG with man?

What is CAUSING all these terrible problems?

And now we're facing as our number one problem, that of human SURVIVAL!

And nobody knows how to solve it, except the Bible, and certainly it's all explained in

Mr. Armstrong's book.

But look, this world is just filled with filth and squalor as I said.

And yet if you look at God's Kingdom, His throne up in heaven, and He describes it in

the most, well, saying that it had the most brilliant splendor and quality and beauty

and character that man can even IMAGINE!

And God LIVES in that, and He doesn't BELIEVE in living in filth and ruin.

God wants us to have the very BEST!

But He says, first if you're going to have it, you're going to have to have the beauty

of HOLINESS; that's the beauty that God REALLY looks for.

I Chronicles 16 and verse 29; you can read that.

What has man done on this Earth, if you're just honest about it?

Well, he's polluted EVERYTHING, the water, the air, just about everything you can imagine,

he has polluted it and he has DEGRADED his own character.

Instead of BUILDING the very character of God, Matthew 5 and verse 48, he has degraded

his character.

And ALL of this is because the first man rejected and turned away from God right there in the

Garden of Eden, just turned away from God and God CUT THEM OFF from the tree of life.

Cut them off from that!

And that is the FOUNDATION of this civilization.

We're cut off from God, the world is cut off from God, and God is soon going to change

ALL of that and I mean VERY soon.

We're in the last days, and Jesus Christ is going to open up all the truth as soon as

He gets here to ALL the world, and then later resurrect all those who have lived and never

knew God, and give them a chance to know and understand who and what is God, and The Mystery

of Civilization, remove all of that; the mystery will be gone.

Well, Adam's children have followed in his footsteps.

That's the problem, and that IS the civilization that we have.

Mr. Armstrong had three colleges and he was given all kinds of awards for having the most

beautiful colleges in the United States, as far as the beauty and the landscaping and

all of that, and yet what he praised so much MORE was the Godly character of the STUDENTS!

It was a character-building institution.

Today we have two colleges, and we work toward building character.

Now, we're sinners, all men are sinners.

But we OUGHT to be working FEVERISHLY to overcome those character problems or problems that

we have and BUILD the very character of God.

So Adam and Eve really just took things to themselves and said, "Well, we'll work it


We'll do it our own way."

They just turned away from God.

They didn't want the tree of life; they rejected it.

And you see the result when you look around at this civilization, you see what happened.

The world ever since has been in captivity to the devil.

Now, God had to pay a ransom.

God the Father had to pay a ransom and send His Son to this Earth to be savagely BEATEN

so that we could be healed today and then crucified and marred more than any man ever

was on this Earth so that we could be forgiven for those sins and we could be brought to

God the Father.

Now, you see, there had to be a Lamb, and all those people in the past that have sinned

are going to have an opportunity to get to know God through a resurrection.

The Bible talks about that throughout.

But there is a Satan the devil today who is called "the prince of the power of the air,"

Ephesians 2 and verse 2.

In other words, he broadcasts all the time, just like the sound and the pictures going

out into the air and being picked up by television.

That's really similar to the way Satan broadcasts, and he broadcasts in feelings and attitudes

and moods and impulses, and he reaches mankind THAT way because we don't look to God and

let God empower us to DEAL with Satan, the devil.

Let me just read to you here, something that is phenomenal I think.

[John 8] Verse 44 says: "Ye are," Christ said to these people, "Ye are of your father the

devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

He was a murderer from the beginning," from the beginning, well, what does THAT mean?

"and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Now, THINK about that!

Satan was a murderer from the BEGINNING!

In other words, from the time that Cain killed his younger brother, Abel; that was the very

FIRST son or child born in this world and he killed his brother.

He murdered his brother and God says, "HERE is the cause of that!

Satan did that from the beginning!


And he's the god of this world, II Corinthians 4 and verse 4.

How about that bit of truth?

That ought to sober ALL of us!

But Satan stirred Cain and got him into a hostile attitude, and he worked on his feelings

and his attitude and his bad mood and all of that, and he's been doing it from the BEGINNING!

From the first murder to all the others down through the ages, he's been inspiring them

and stirring people to commit murders and then LIE about it, as Cain did!

After God faced him about this CRIME, this horrifying crime, killing his own brother,

he lied about that!

And Satan was there from the beginning, the very first family on this Earth, and they

weren't of God, like they should have been.

But it was all caused by Satan the devil; that's where he took man captive and he's

been captive ever since, and only the blood of Christ is going to pay for our sins.

If there is a law, there has to be a penalty.

Christ paid that.

But here Satan comes as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11 and verse 14), an angel

of light, and he is a MURDERER and a LIAR from the beginning!

He's the father of liars!

And this is our civilization; this is the way it's always been.

It's always continued in the way of Adam and Eve because they chose the wrong tree, and

God wants us to choose even today.

He's offering us to choose from the right tree.

The whole world is deceived, Revelation 12 and verse 9.

Almost nobody believes that, it seems, but it's true.

It's right there in your Bible.

And Satan is the god of this world.

That's a GHASTLY scene when you think about it!

What a HORROR to think, well, Satan the devil is the god of this world, and there's no truth

in him.

No truth!


Not even a little scintilla of truth in that being!

And he's the god of this world; he's the god of this civilization!

And that's ALL about to change, very soon.

When he lies, he speaks of his own, Christ said.

I mean you think about it, that's like a HORROR movie!

To think that this could be our world!

That this could be our world?

He's the father of liars, and he's the father of man's civilization!

Here's the way to change all that.

Notice verse 21 of Revelation 3: "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in

my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."

We have to overcome the way Christ overcame.

In Matthew 4 he had a titanic struggle with Satan the devil, and He overcame the devil,

and He says, "Now you have to overcome, as I overcame.

And if you do that, you see, I'll give you My civilization NOW in embryo."

And that's what's happening, that's what's happening to the very elect of God.

Again, you see, we are here to overcome that way of life, our own human nature, and the

way of this civilization and the way of Satan, the devil.

And we CAN overcome and Christ will EMPOWER us if we make that choice and go that way.

Remember, see today He says in Revelation 19 and verse 7: "...his wife hath made herself


We're going to be the bride of Christ if we choose to do God's Work today BEFORE the Second

Coming of Jesus Christ.

We're going to be sitting on the throne with Jesus Christ!

Now, He doesn't offer that to any other human beings EVER; that is AWESOME just to think


In the millennium, after Christ gets here, He's going to put the devil away into outer

darkness, but today he's here, and if we overcome him and help God do His Work today, He says,

"I'm going to sit you on My throne with My Son," that is, the Father says that.

[Revelation 3] Verse 22: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto

the churches."

What the SPIRIT says unto the churches.

See, the solution to our problems is SPIRITUAL!

This is talking about the Spirit of God!

We're going to have to get input from God!

This is the KEY to understanding the civilization of this world.

They chose the wrong tree.

They chose the tree of death, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

"Well, yeah, OK, we'll work it out ourselves.

We just don't want God to tell us how to do it!

We'll establish our OWN religion and our OWN science and our OWN education.

We don't need God to do that!"

And God says, "OK.

Go ahead."

Because we have to voluntarily choose His way of life to build character.

Otherwise it isn't character.

But again, see, our problems are spiritual!

They're spiritual!

And we'll NEVER solve them until we understand that and apply that in our lives.

Well, you can go on to see that Noah, after 1500 or 1600 years, it got so bad in that

civilization that God had to destroy ALL the population of the Earth because they were

so evil.

Now, they're going to be resurrected soon and God is still going to reach them, but

look, there was only ONE MAN at that time, ONE MAN that was righteous on this Earth.

The rest were just FILLED with every thought being on evil, and well, Christ said it's

just like that today in this end time.

You can see that in Matthew 24 and verse 38.

They're eating, drinking, and marrying, but they're not doing it God's way.

None of it's done God's way.

Look at Revelation 20, verses 11 and 12.

God is going to resurrect ALL those people, and He's going to give them a chance to know

who and what is God, and why man, and what is his purpose.

Then you get on down to Nimrod, a black man who ruled the Earth at the time, and it says

in Genesis 10 and verse 8 that: "...he began to be a mighty one, a mighty hunter before

the LORD:" but the word "before" should be "against."

He was actually AGAINST God and he was the ruler of the Earth at that time.

Now, that's just the way it's been throughout our civilization.

That IS what happened as a result of what Adam and Eve did, and man has continued that

to this very day.

We need to see the whole movie, and you have to go back to the very beginning to do that.

I want to read to you just one more comment.

This one says: "Mystery of the Ages stirred my imagination to what lies beyond this Earth."

How GREAT is the God who created all these things, and now He's offering us to rule the

Earth and the whole universe.

And this person says: "Look at the stars, moon, and sun, and even beyond!

They are waiting for us!"

That's exactly right!

God wants to give us rule over the Earth and over the whole universe, and those that serve

Him today before Christ's Second Coming are going to be ruling on THAT throne of God forever

with Jesus Christ!

Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry, goodbye, friends.

During his ministry, the late Herbert W. Armstrong spoke frequently about the two trees: the

Tree of Life, and the Tree of Death.

Request our free booklet Mystery of the Two Trees to discover the theme of the entire

Bible: God opening the Tree of Life to mankind.

God opens and closes the Bible by talking about the Tree of Life.

But human civilization was founded on the Tree of Death.

Expose the evil being who led mankind astray.

Understand how God will lead mankind back to the Tree of Life, the only way to lasting

peace, abundance and joy.

To uncover the foundational truth that has been unknown to man for 6,000 years, read

Mystery of the Two Trees.

You will also receive Lesson 29 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence


This free Bible course is now available online or in print.

Request to enroll in this course to discover the solutions to world problems, from personal

and family relationships to national economics and foreign policy.

The Bible was written for this generation.

No book is as up-to-date.

It reveals the events that will shake the world in the coming years.

Yet this incredible book is the least understood of all books.

Study Lesson 29 to understand more about the two trees and man's catastrophic choice.

Request to enroll in the whole course to begin to understand the entire Bible, mankind's

instruction manual.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you.

Request Mystery of the Two Trees and Lesson 29 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible

Correspondence Course.

You may also request to enroll in the entire course.

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For more infomation >> The Mystery of Civilization - Duration: 27:48.


Sylenth1 v3.0.3.0: Mise à jour + Test banques de sons [sound banks test- EN SUB] - Duration: 52:58.

For more infomation >> Sylenth1 v3.0.3.0: Mise à jour + Test banques de sons [sound banks test- EN SUB] - Duration: 52:58.


Kronikles - The Arrival - Duration: 4:31.

Oooh! My buddy, my friend-o!


Nope! Don't tell me about that guy.

Everybody knows that he's a Staa-bunny.

Yah. Yaah!

We'll talk later, OK? Toodles

(Music Playing)

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to 10 over 10

and our list goes, at number 10

we have the sheppard leading his sheep to greener pastures


At number 9, we have MF Doom


Minister Give them DOOM!

When the devil is bugging you, he will be spr-

Oh Lord!

Breathe in Somizee.

I am just sick and tired

Of all these pastors who think they can come and dictate our lives


Get that into your skull!

My soul is alright with my God

Let me deal with my God

Don't - don't tell me.

Don't tell me!

I am a proud gay man, and I will be gay for the rest of my life

Until I die!

(Buzzing noise)


Oooh! Ooooh!

Oooooh! Shem!

For more infomation >> Kronikles - The Arrival - Duration: 4:31.


Juan Carlos Osorio opinó sobre el aumento de cupos al Mundial del 2026 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Juan Carlos Osorio opinó sobre el aumento de cupos al Mundial del 2026 - Duration: 0:42.



- Oh no.

- Ow (laughs).

- [Michael] Sarah, no, get these out of here.

- Someone protect my coffee.

- [Johnna] Don't throw it.

- [Michael] Oh, God.

Oh God.

Oh God.

Oh, oh God!

(upbeat instrumental pop music)

- Hello, the internet!

Today we're going to be throwing ...

- Is that what we're doing?

(laughs) - Yes.

- [Josh] Hello all you wonderful,

beautiful people of the internet.

We are here for your enjoyment,

to smash eggs on our heads.

Are you ready Evan? - Yeah.

Are you ready Johnna? - Yes.

Are you ready Paige? - No.

I'm here with Paige Ginn, the Paige Ginn,

you've probably seen her videos online

where she's falling.

Paige, thank you for being here with us.

Why don't you tell us what we're doing, Evan?

- Okay, okay, okay.

- I'm not tongue twisted.

- No no no no no no no.

- Oh, this is going to be fun.

- Okay, just ignore her, say boo to everything she says.

Today we are going to be throwing eggs on our heads

on purpose thinking it's funny.


- Great.

Thanks for babbling incoherently.

Appreciate that.

We've got this fun little spinner for our egg roulette

that my wife made.

Look how cute this is.

- [Michael] Who made it?

- My wife.

- My mom.


- I know what you're doing.

So let's just talk about how you play egg roulette.

We're going to be smashing eggs on our heads.

Some of these are hard boiled,

some of them are raw.

The first person to smash two raw eggs on their head is out.

Last person standing is the winner.

Wins an amazing prize.

And we have the option of cracking one our egg on our head,

two eggs on our head, passing one to the left,

or passing one to the right.

I predict all of them are going to land on Johnna.

She's going to be the egg magnet.

Johnna, sorry, that's just the way I see it.

Do we have a way to figure out who goes first?

- Rock, paper, scissors.

- Oh!

Uh oh.

- [Both] Ah!

- Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!

- Black hole.

- You're not allowed to invent things,

it's rock, paper, scissor.

Alright let's do a real one, ready?

Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!

- Black hole.

- Do you want to do it for real?

Alright, rock, paper, scissor, black hole!


Rock, paper, scissor, bam!

Rock, paper, scissor, uhn!

Rock, paper, scissor, yeah!

Rock, paper, scissor, hunh!


Alright, so I'm first.

- Oh, that's bad!


- Wait, did I just...


Do I go first?

And my first spin says, one egg.

These better not be cold.

Oh, I don't like it.

You guys ready?

- Yeah.

- Woo!

Hard boiled!

How about we make egg salad

and feed it to AJ and his friends and don't tell them?

- Yes.

- Yes!

- ♫ Du nuh du nuh dunt dunt!

- Donna?

Okay, what'd you get?

Pass right, ooh!

You pass one egg to Johnna.

This game is ruthless.

- So I choose this one for...

- Johnna.

You can't shake it or change your mind!

Alright, Johnna.

- Noooo!

I don't want it to crack.

- [Josh] Oh my goodness.

- [All] Ooooh!

- [Sarah] How did you know?

You felt it jiggle?

- I felt it, I was like, oh no!

- Guess what, Johnna, it's your turn to spin.

- Wow, that sucks.

- Okay, Johnna just got a...

- [All] Pass one to the right

- Oh no.

- [All] Oooooooh!

- Alright, you got a one.

Oh no, you have to crack one on yourself.

- [AJ] Yep, cracked.

- There we go.

- Here you go, AJ.

- ♫ Egg Roulette

♫ It's so fun

♫ It's the most fun I've had on a Friday this week

I got a one.

Oh crud.



- Evan got a pass one left?!

- Ha!

- So if this one cracks I'm out?

- Yes (laughs)

- This one looks raw.

- It is, it is.

- Why do I feel like I'm the first loser of this game?



- At least you didn't get me.

- I'm going to go with this one.

Okay, please don't.

- Luna!

- [Josh] The dog is eating the raw eggs, Sarah.

- [Michael] Whooooa.

- Pass one to the right which is...

- But you're out.

- I'm out, so that's Evan.

Evan, she has to give you and egg and you get to pick it.

- No no, please!

- Yes, yes, yes!

- No no no please please, just let me skip one turn!

- (laughing) Let's see him play, too.

- No not on... ooh!

Not on me.

Did he just smash a raw egg on me?

- [Michael] Yeah.

- That was your turn on yourself!

Alright, Evan has one.

- [Sarah] Here Evan, put it in here.


- What are you doing?

Which one did you just smash?

- Pass one left!

- Okay, give it to Evan.

Give him a raw one.

- Pass it, and just do it straight on his head.

- No, Johnna, you're not...


- [Johnna] Evan!



- Evan dodges two raw eggs.

Was that Johnna trying to smash on Evan's...

- Again it was hard boiled!


- You're wasting all the hard boileds.

- That was my egg!

You had two eggs on me!

- Everyone just take a deep breath.

- You got two eggs one me.

- This is the Josh Darnit moment of zen.

It was, one was supposed to be on him,

the second was her passing left and he dodged it.

So he's technically out.

Even though he didn't take an egg.

- [Paige] Two?

- (laughs) I'm gonna win.

- [Michael] Oh, two.

- Oh, I think I just broke my...

- (laughs) That was the rock.

We did stick one rock in there.


It was ceramic.

Do you have to do another one?

- Yeah.

- I'm so sorry.

- Oh, ow!


- We've seen this on other egg roulettes,

sometimes the egg is just hard.

- How about we just smash it on the

ground to see what we get?

- Oh!

- Oh, that was a raw, oh!

- [Paige] That was a raw egg.

- I can't believe Paige is...

Did Johnna just win?

Did you take an egg?

- Now we smash all the rest on Evan.

- Man, this is uncomfortable.

- Hey Evan, to quote one of my favorite Evan vines,

you deserved it.

- You deserved it.

- Oh no.

- Ow (laughs).

- [Michael] Sarah, no, get these out of here.

- Someone protect my coffee.

- [Johnna] Don't throw it.

- [Michael] Oh, God.

Oh God.

Oh God.

Oh, Oh God!

- Ah, ha ha!

- No, this is a cool game!

- Shout out to commenter Dynamic Sports for their

amazing comment on YouTube, thanks, keep 'em coming.

Also, Johnna, Johnna you ready for your prize?

- Yeah.

- Because you are the big winner,

and a big winner deserves this.


- Great, man.

- In a world where people do this for a banana.


Alright here come...

Insert wasting food comment.


Hey guys, thanks for tuning and watching us destroy

ourselves with eggs.

- Hey this is healthy right?

- Yeah it is.

- This is, it's really good for your skin and hair, I think.

- Oh my God!

- Special thanks to Paige Ginn for coming all the way

up to our house and hanging out with us

and making a livestream and playing egg roulette.

It was super fun and being such great sport about this.

Because who would do this?

- Probably just me only.

- I'm gonna go wash my hair.

- We'll leave a comment below with her information.

Definitely give her a follow, she's a lot of fun.

- (making vomit noises)

- What's wrong?

- Oh no, get away!

- Get away.

- You guys are the best, thanks.

Like and subscribe.

Leave a comment.

Peace out, the internet.

Aright, guys, I'm really struggling, so.

Originally, they were going to prank me with these.

This is balut.

For those of you that don't know what this is.

This is like a partially...

It's like a

(dry heaving)


- It's like a partial chicken.

- There's a partial chicken in this.

Is it chicken?

Or is it a different kind of bird?

- [Michael] Sure.

- It's a...

- So, bonus round, we're going to smash these on our,

on our heads.

And I'm just trying not to throw up.

I'm having a really hard time.

- I say we eat 'em.

- I'm no, no.

(dry heaving)

- Just crack 'em and put it in our mouth.

We can spit it out.

- I can't.

I can't even do that with raw eggs.

- Just try it.

- Three, two, one.

Uh, oh, what is this?

Oh God!

(dry heaving)


- I almost threw up and I didn't even...

Wait, let me see it.

- [Michael] (laughing)

- (screaming)

- [Josh] Oh, I hate it.


- [Michael] Oh my God, oh, that's so gross!

For more infomation >> I PLAYED SMASH OR PASS WITH MY KIDS??!! AND PAIGE GINN??!!! - Duration: 9:05.


Here & Now for Thursday 30 March 2017 - Duration: 1:01:44.

For more infomation >> Here & Now for Thursday 30 March 2017 - Duration: 1:01:44.


Mujer es llamada feminazi en Chile - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Mujer es llamada feminazi en Chile - Duration: 2:44.


# pedindo informações e dando ataques nervosos 😂✌ - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> # pedindo informações e dando ataques nervosos 😂✌ - Duration: 0:30.


Dragon Ball Super: " LA TRANSFORMACION DE GOLDEN FROST EN EL TORNEO " Puede Alcanzar La Fase Golden? - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super: " LA TRANSFORMACION DE GOLDEN FROST EN EL TORNEO " Puede Alcanzar La Fase Golden? - Duration: 5:48.


아침에 듣는 감성 & 좋은 노래 모음 kpop Good morning music - Duration: 1:02:07.

For more infomation >> 아침에 듣는 감성 & 좋은 노래 모음 kpop Good morning music - Duration: 1:02:07.


Get ready for Trumpcare 2 0 White House reverses course, looks to renew health care battle - Duration: 5:12.

Get ready for Trumpcare 2.0 White House reverses course, looks to renew health care battle

Despite his loud proclamations to the contrary, President Donald Trump appears ready to tackle

health care reform again.

�I would say that we will probably start going very, very strongly for the big tax

cuts and tax reform.

That will be next,� Trump told reporters in the White House after the GOP failed to

rally enough support to pass the American Health Care Act last Friday.

Yet only days after the embarrassing defeat of the House Republicans� bill to repeal

and replace the Affordable Care Act, which Trump backed and lobbied Republicans on the

Hill to support, Trump is still looking to dismantle the signature legislative accomplishment

of his predecessor � one way or another.

According to the New York Times, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is already meeting

with members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and the more moderate Tuesday Group,

in an effort to hash out a compromise between the bitterly divided factions of the Republican


White House staff �has met with individuals and listened to them,� press secretary Sean

Spicer explained to reporters on Tuesday.

�Have we had some discussions and listened to ideas?


AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, confirmed to the Washington Post

that Ryan meet with Trump at the White House on Monday and also met separately with Vice

President Pence, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and chief of staff Reince


Spicer said lawmakers from both parties have reached out to the White House since the repeal-and-replace

measure�s collapse on Friday.

�So there has been a discussion and I believe there will be several more,� he said.

�I�m not saying we�ve picked a strategy and we�re going to go with this group or

that group.�

It was, of course, the Freedom Caucus that Trump publicly blamed for sinking his health

care plan:

On Twitter Monday night, Trump hinted that he may be more inclined to negotiate Trumpcare

2.0 with Democrats, many of whom are up for reelection in 2018 in states won by Trump,

than with the most recalcitrant conservative members of the Republican Party.

�I�ve been saying for years that the best thing is to let Obamacare explode and then

go make a deal with the Democrats and have one unified deal,� the president told the

Washington Post immediately after demanding House Speaker Paul Ryan pull the American

Health Care Act from a scheduled floor vote Friday.

�And they will come to us; we won�t have to come to them.�

But while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently took formal steps to work on improvements

to the law that Republicans have derisively called Obamacare for seven years, it is virtually

inconceivable that a Democratic Party that is beginning to move toward coalescing around

single-payer health care would suddenly go along with any possible bill put forward by

Ryan and Trump.

After all, the Congressional Budget Office has said that while the market for individual

coverage is currently stable in most of the country under Obamacare, the first version

of Trumpcare would eventually have left 24 million more Americans uninsured.

Perhaps that�s why Trump was so quick to shift the discussion of his major policy and

political failure on Friday to focus on other agenda items.

Republicans, on the other hand, appear eager to jump back into negotiations over an issue

they have campaigned on for the last three election cycles.

�We saw good overtures from those members from different parts of our conference to

get there because we all share these goals, and we�re just going to have to figure out

how to get it done,� Ryan said after a meeting of the entire House Republican conference

on Tuesday � the first since Trump traveled to Capitol Hill last week to threaten members

of the Freedom Caucus to support Trumpcare.

�I don�t want us to become a factionalized majority.

I want us to become a unified majority, and that means we�re going to sit down and talk

things out until we get there, and that�s exactly what we�re doing.�

Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the House Republican whip aligned with conservatives

in the conference, made the curious claim, �We are closer to repealing Obamacare than

we ever have been before.� He continued, �We�re going to keep working� because

�this issue isn�t going away.�

According to the Washington Post, the Ryan told Republican donors during a Monday conference

call that a plan is being developed in time to brief them in-person at a GOP retreat in

Florida scheduled for Thursday and Friday.

�In a strange way, this really merged our teams � our team in the House with the president�s

team � even more closely,� Ryan reportedly told

the GOP donors.

For more infomation >> Get ready for Trumpcare 2 0 White House reverses course, looks to renew health care battle - Duration: 5:12.


Secretary Tillerson's Statement to the Press in Ankara - Duration: 4:33.


Minister Cavusoglu, and I am privileged to be visiting Turkey today, a NATO ally and

a friend of the United States in a very turbulent part of the world.

I met with President Erdogan and the foreign minister to convey President Trump's commitment

to strengthening the relationship between our two countries.

Today's conversations built on three mutual long-term goals: working together to defeat

Daesh/ISIS; building stability in the region; and bolstering economic ties

between our two nations.

Turkey's been a NATO ally since 1952, and we continue to exercise military cooperation

in that alliance and in the global coalition to defeat Daesh.

Our discussions today reaffirmed that we will prevent the resurgence of Daesh in previously

held territory, and aggressively stop the emergence of new terrorist threats on the

ground as well as the recruitment of terrorists online.

Over the past 18 months, the U.S. Military's ability to operate from Turkish bases has

enabled us to increase operations against ISIS by 25 percent without the utilization

of any additional aircraft required.

The Turkish Government has stopped the influx of foreign fighters into Iraq and Syria.

Turkish troops have permanently pushed ISIS off the Turkish-Syria border.

And the United States is grateful for Turkey's important contributions as a member of the

counter-ISIS coalition, including the participation last week of Foreign Minister Cavusoglu at

the recent coalition meetings hosted by the State Department in Washington.

We stand alongside Turkey in their fight to stop terrorism directed against its country

and its people.

The PKK attacks in Turkey last year remind us of how close to home the threat of attack

is for the Turkish people.

We extend our condolences for all those who have been lost, who have lost those with loved

ones to PKK terror, and we mourn the more than 70 Turkish lives lost inside of Syria

in the brave fight against Daesh.

Turkey has shown leadership by helping to alleviate the ongoing refugee crisis

stemming from the conflict in Syria.

In four years, Turkey has accommodated more than 3 million refugees from Syria, Iraq,

and Afghanistan, and done much to provide them food, shelter, health care, and education.

We look to Turkey as a key partner for stabilization effort in areas once held by ISIS and for

ensuring our NGO and UN partners can continue to provide humanitarian relief services

inside and outside of Syria.

We commend Turkey for its efforts to find a peaceful solution to the nearly six-year

Syrian conflict.

I also came here to deepen our countries' trade and investment ties.

Bilateral trade and goods between our two countries was more than $17 billion in 2016,

and we're eager to grow that number.

American and Turkish scientists collaborate on research to improve energy efficiency,

health, and education under the framework

of the U.S.-Turkey Science and Technology Agreement.

And we're also fostering public-private partnerships that support technology-based

innovation and entrepreneurship.

We will work with the Turkish Government and the private sector to expand economic cooperation

that benefits both of our countries.

The United States and Turkey share many broad goals for the region: reducing Iran's ability

to disrupt the region; finding a settlement in Syria that allows Syrians to return home;

and supporting Iraqis to build a strong, independent, and inclusive government in Baghdad.

In the United States, the people of Turkey have a trusted ally and a partner who is committed

to its safety and security and advancing economic opportunity.

We look forward to approaching these challenges together, and the Trump administration will

continue to build ties with this longstanding ally and our friend.

And I thank the foreign minister for his hospitality today.

For more infomation >> Secretary Tillerson's Statement to the Press in Ankara - Duration: 4:33.


Resident evil 7 (retransmision de twitch) - Duration: 39:11.

For more infomation >> Resident evil 7 (retransmision de twitch) - Duration: 39:11.


Walk For Life (2017) - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Walk For Life (2017) - Duration: 3:12.


Chaves em Desenho Animado - O Livro Mágico - Temporada 6 (Legendado) - Duration: 22:29.

For more infomation >> Chaves em Desenho Animado - O Livro Mágico - Temporada 6 (Legendado) - Duration: 22:29.


News Conference: North Carolina Final Four Preview - Duration: 22:42.

For more infomation >> News Conference: North Carolina Final Four Preview - Duration: 22:42.


Decio de María y la Confederaciones: "Que esta copa permanezca por mucho tiempo en esta casa" - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Decio de María y la Confederaciones: "Que esta copa permanezca por mucho tiempo en esta casa" - Duration: 0:28.


Ways to protect your online search history? - Duration: 1:15.























>> TO BE



































For more infomation >> Ways to protect your online search history? - Duration: 1:15.


Trans 101 - The Basics - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Trans 101 - The Basics - Duration: 7:49.


Frozen Anna Hulk Mickey Joker Prank Fun Superhero in Real Life! Spiderman SAVES McQueen Cars! - Duration: 10:01.

Frozen Anna Hulk Mickey Joker Prank Fun Superhero in Real Life! Spiderman SAVES McQueen Cars!

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