Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 31 2017

I've heard many reasons why would-be students of singing don't take voice lessons.

Inside this video I'll highlight the top 5 reasons for not taking voice lessons and

I'll "bust them"!

Hi I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

I've taken and taught voice lessons for years.

During this time I've heard many reasons for not taking voice lessons.

Here are the top 5 reasons for NOT Taking Voice Lessons

I've heard these multiple times.

#1: I'm No Good at Singing

I know many teachers that will take a non-singer who's motivated to learn and make them singers.

Those same teachers also will take a singer who want's to improve and makes them better.

If you think you're no good at singing that's a great reason to start taking lessons.

#2: I Don't Have Any Money

Will you eat tonight?


The next day?

Then you have money.

What you're saying is I don't want to learn to sing intensely enough to make the

sacrifice of time and effort to get the money to take singing lessons.

If you want it badly enough, you will find a way.

A favorite quote of my from years ago is attributed to Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the

firm resolve of a determined soul."

A determined soul will find a way to afford lessons.


#3: I Can Learn To Sing On My Own

Yes you can, maybe.

Some people have done it.

I know at least two.

The rest spend hours, days, months, years watching YouTube videos, watching Idol or

The Voice or anything but actual lessons and never make any breakthroughs in their own


#4: Voice Teachers are Scammers.

Yes, probably some are.

In every field of life there are scammers.

So you've go to find someone reputable, trustworthy and experienced.

When you do, hire them and get some help.

It's likely you'll be surprised how fast you improve.

#5: There Aren't Any Good Teachers Where I Live

Try SKYPE or other online options.

Try courses.

As you're learning to sing, face to face lessons can be very powerful and effective.

Even if just a few to make sure you're on track.

Here are Three Reasons You Absolutely Should Take Singing Lessons

Number 1: A trained instructor will hear things you're not able to hear in your own voice

and will be able to help you.

You'll get better, faster.

Number 2: With the right teacher, You'll save 100's of hours or more.

Your progress will be rapid.

As a result you will save $100's of dollars instead of wasting time (and money) trying

to find improvement for free.

Number 3: You could be singing and performing and happier so much sooner.

Instead you've been stranded in "Vocal Neverland" trying to learn on your own.

Personally I've spent 1000's of dollars on lessons, courses, workshops and seminars

taking voice lessons and learning to teach.

I've always improved with every investment that I've made.

I've never regretted 1 cent spent on my voice or my teaching.

Caveat: Even the best teachers sometimes don't match up well with everyone.

If you don't get the progress you're looking for, and you've done the work, change teachers.

Learning your vocal type and practicing exercises for your vocal type is a great way to improve

your voice rapidly.

Do you know your vocal type?

Go to and take the vocal test which I call the PowerTest.

Take the quiz and discover your vocal type.

Then go to the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal type.

Download the free exercises for your vocal type and start improving your voice rapidly.

These exercises will help you experience real vocal progress now and get you ready to take

singing lessons from a skilled singing teacher.

If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, make a comment, share it with a friend

and please subscribe.

I'm Chuck Gilmore with PowerToSing.

You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.

I'll see you inside the next video.

For more infomation >> The Top 5 Reasons for NOT Taking Voice Lessons BUSTED! - Duration: 4:25.


Laura Ribeiro - Pra Sempre (cover) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Laura Ribeiro - Pra Sempre (cover) - Duration: 2:36.


Роберт Адамс - Три простых способа для достижения прогресса. (Аудиокнига Nikosho) - Duration: 33:42.

For more infomation >> Роберт Адамс - Три простых способа для достижения прогресса. (Аудиокнига Nikosho) - Duration: 33:42.




In a recent attempt to understand how conventional physics �explains� reality, I began to

read Lawrence Krauss� A Universe from Nothing

Krauss is one of those famous scientists like Richard Dawkins who doesn�t find anything

strange about the fact that existence IS.

Instead he takes EVERYTHING for granted and attacks, like Dawkins and Bill Maher, the

low hanging fruit of organized religion and its dogmatic, unproven Gods created in our


When I tried reading his book I got a bit frustrated and then checked the index for

the word �consciousness,� and when I did not find it, I put the book aside.

The question really is � �what� exactly is �nothing�?

First and foremost it is a concept.

Nothing does not exist.

What exists is, well, everything.

Nothing is the word or placeholder we use for null � similar to zero in math � but

in both cases (words and math) they are human abstractions or interpretations of Nature.

As such they are a step removed from reality and flawed by the limitations of our own perceptions

and consciousness � a fact that escapes many modern physicists but which was in fact

apparent to great thinkers like Einstein and Schrodinger.

As I�ve noted, we can use the concept �infinitely large� to �understand� the truth about

� and yet, for example, while we know what a prime number is, and we know that there

must ALWAYS be one larger, we are incapable of going to the �next� larger prime without

� now � a supercomputer.

We can�t identify the greatest prime, but we can inadequately describe it as �infinite,�

and as soon as we do we know that, yes, there must be another.

How he finds geometry within a vacuum, or what science deems to be �nothing,� is

similar in my view to finding code (DNA) running in our cells.

His description of a mathematical geometric structure potentially at the heart of nature

(or a vacuum � or �nothing�) that has energy flowing equally in all (infinite) directions

is to me very dramatic.

It �resonates� profoundly (Nassim�s website is the Resonance Academy) with the

notion of dimensions that was described in a recent article on similar thinkers.

What I loved about the video above is how it directly supports the notion of �As Above

So Below� in the same way propounded by Rodney Collin � that 3D may be infinite

at a lower scale; that is perceived as a line a level below (2D) and as a point (one dimension)

from another level �lower (1D).�

(So that, for example, what we deem �infinite� as the Universe is limited in our view (by

our instruments) to a perspective related to our relative (smaller) scale.

A year for us is but a moment for the Sun, or more accurately its relatively shorter

movement in its scale).

Nassim also relates this sacred geometry to nature, pointing out the ubiquity of Phi (the

Fibonacci sequence) in how life manifests, among many other examples, and of course relating

both Phi and Pi to the ancient monuments of Egypt and other civilizations that did not

suffer from our own myopic scientific constraints.

�It was Buckminster Fuller who discovered the significance of the full vector symmetry

in 1917 and called it the Vector Equilibrium in 1940.

With all vectors being exactly the same length and angular relationship, from an energetic

perspective, the VE represents the ultimate and perfect condition wherein the movement

of energy comes to a state of absolute equilibrium, and therefore absolute stillness and nothingness.�

According to the physics of Nassim Haramein:

��the 64 tetrahedron grid is the seed geometry of what eventually becomes, with

more and more octave growth, the infinite holofractographic vacuum structure of the

entire universe.

As well:

64 codons in human DNA.

64 hexagrams in the I Ching.

64 sexual positions in the Kama sutra.

64 classical arts listed in many Indian scriptures.

64 �tantras� (books) of the �tantrism,� which is a form of Hinduism.

64 is the maximum number of strokes in any Chinese character.

64 is the number of cells we have before our cells start to bifurcate (differentiate) shortly

after conception.

64 is fundamental in computer memory bits and coding.

64 things are needed to be able to approach the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord according

to the 2 copper scrolls that were found among the 300 Dead Sea Scrolls.

64 is encoded in the description of the Tetragrammaton in the Hebrew Bible, which is the 4-letter

theonym YHWH which means God in Hebrew.

64 is the number of generations from Adam until Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke.

64 forms or manifestations of the Lord Shiva in Hinduism

64 squares on chess and checker boards.

64 Braille characters in the old 6-dot system 64 demons in the Dictionnaire Infernal

64 is the smallest number with exactly seven divisors.

Even The Beatles knew: �When I�m 64� (hehe)

This all could, of course, just be a coincidence�� (Nassim�s Facebook Page)

(Note: I find the use of the word �octave� extremely interesting in the context of how

Gurdjieff and Ouspensky use this same term for the energetic unfolding of everything

in their cosmology.)

This is the essence of both number and dimension to me, then � both are pointers, as are

most philosophical statements, to a greater Truth that we can only know beyond the intellectual

� that Being is a vastly infinite and intelligence field in which �we� (another unexplained

concept) operate temporarily.

And the true science that can help describe it needs to be not only �scientific� but

also reverently �Sacred� in the face of its immensity.

This is a notion to which today�s most vocal atheists remain oblivious.



The Expanse SEASON 01 EPISOD 01 - Duration: 44:24.

For more infomation >> The Expanse SEASON 01 EPISOD 01 - Duration: 44:24.


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For more infomation >> Top Sexy Funny Commercials - Duration: 6:23.


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For more infomation >> Factoid Friday: Stanley Kubrick and his passion for chess - Duration: 1:37.


Corporate Thugs Target Consumer Groups And Consumer Lawyers - Duration: 11:19.

We've all heard the worn-out jokes about lawyers coming from comedians and politicians, and

even our friends.

They refer to lawyers as opportunistic ambulance chasers who are only out to make a quick buck

off of someone else's suffering.

These comments aren't as innocuous as you might think.

In fact, they're focused and developed as a highly financed, well-coordinated, decades-long

smear campaign carried out by business interest groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and

the world's biggest insurance corporations.

In 1971, Lewis Powell, before he became a justice on the United States Supreme Court,

sent a memo to business and political leaders, where he outlined what he believed were the

challenges facing the business community, coming from a group that he referred to as

the New Leftists.

During Powell's entire career, as a matter of fact, as a lawyer and as a judge, he was

a loyal, loyal servant to a system where the interest of corporations was always superior

to the interest of consumers who were victimized by those corporations.

In this memo, Powell suggested that business groups, specifically the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,

needed to come forward with direct campaigns in the media and by lobbying politicians to

paint anti-corporatist groups like trial lawyers and consumer groups as enemies of democracy

who are only out to serve themselves.

By the 1980s, the campaign was well underway, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the insurance

industry was leading the charge to discredit and dehumanize and vilify trial lawyers because

they were the only ones holding corporations accountable when they killed or crippled American

consumers with defective products.

Sadly, the public was willing to buy into those lies.

The Chamber of Commerce created a new department that they called the Institute for Legal Reform.

This group was created to be the attack dog of big business and Republicans.

Their only job was to go after trial lawyers for two reasons.

The first reason was because businesses didn't want to pay for their crimes.

The second is because, at the time, trial lawyers were the largest donor group for the

Democratic Party, a trend that's only ended once Citizens United allowed Wall Street bankers

to buy the loyalty of the Democrats.

Once the Chamber and their allies in the political world smeared the image of trial lawyers as

a whole, they began to target specific attorneys and law firms.

In a report issued by the Institute for Legal Reform in October of 2013, the group specifically

listed law firms and individual lawyers who they believed posed the biggest threats to

the profits, the profits of big business.

The attacks from corporate interest groups and politicians took a sinister turn.

In the last few years, they've provided just a small glimpse of what corporations really

want to accomplish, and that is putting consumer trial lawyers behind bars.

That leaves government regulatory agencies as dysfunctional as the FDA, as dysfunctional

as the SEC and the EPA, to keep their eye on corporations and try to keep corporations


Then, of course, there's America's corporate media that today is fully owned and operated

by huge corporate advertisers who threaten to pull billions of dollars in advertising

from ABC and CBS and NBC if those corporate media types go too far in protecting consumers

against corrupt corporations.

My guest tonight understands the attacks on trial lawyers better than anyone.

He was targeted for prosecution for filing claims against oil giant BP after the Deepwater

Horizon disaster.

Thankfully, he was acquitted by a jury of all 66 counts brought against him by the federal


Throughout the course of his trial, in which he represented himself, he proved that he

was actually a victim of fraud himself.

Joining me now to talk about this is attorney Mikal Watts.

Mikal, take us right to the beginning of the story.

What were you doing that made BP so angry, where the federal government actually sided

up with BP, along with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in this fight?

Mike, I think it's interesting that in the largest environmental disaster in American

history, an oil spill that lasted 85 days and killed 11 good men, the United States

Department of Justice did not succeed in convicting a single individual within BP for the crimes

that led to that catastrophe.

What it did do is it set up, in conjunction with BP, a fraud task force, where average

citizens were hauled before courts all throughout the Gulf of Mexico and accused of submitting

fraudulent claims against BP.

Unfortunately, as part of that effort, our law firm got swept up in the middle of it

within two weeks of the time that the trial was supposed to begin, so the timing was very


Yeah, it was well-planned.

There's no question BP ... The ugly thing about this is that the U.S. government got

so close to the wishes of BP, it became like a lapdog for BP in many ways.

What did BP do to try to stop you from doing your job?

How extensive was it even before you went to trial?

Where do I start, right?

The bottom line is that about 360 different lawyers working together were putting together

the evidence against BP and the fraud allocution trial where the judge was going to decide

who was responsible for what percentage of the fault and who was liable for punitive


That trial was supposed to begin on February the 25th of 2013, and much to my shock, 17

days before, two of my offices were raided by the United States Secret Service.

There was an assistant United States prosecutor from the Southern District of Mississippi

who traveled to Texas to oversee the raids.

I was in Miami at the American Association of Justice Winter Convention and found out

about it through frantic phone calls, frantic texts.

We didn't know what was happening.

What I knew is is that I was one of the primary lawyers that was supposed to take on BP in

what was the trial of the century supposed to start 17 days later, and all of the sudden

my offices got raided.

It was a surprise, to say the least.

Mikal, I can tell you, let me say this for you.

You were regarded as one of the most effective trial lawyers on the team that was supposed

to be ...

I appreciate that.

... trying the case against BP.

You had taken the key depositions.

You had hammered BP.

You showed their criminal conduct.

You showed 100 different ways that the feds should have thrown these corporate thugs in


Deposition after deposition, you showed that, so I have a hard time believing this was just

a coincidence that all of a sudden BP talks the federal government into prosecuting you.

Let me get to the good part of this story.

You took them on, and you said, "Okay, you want a story?

Let me try my own case in front of you in trial."

You tried the case in Mississippi.

What were the results?

The results were as I predicted.

We didn't do anything wrong.

We knew it from the start.

It was a completely specious prosecution, what the motives were.

It's hard to even fathom that a United States attorney would try to wreck a law firm and

the 140 people that work there with the scant evidence that they had.

It helped that we didn't do it.

I felt that I was uniquely situated to defend myself, so I could talk to the jury every

day about what was happening and extol the virtue of what mass tort lawyers like you

and I do on a daily basis.

I think that that helped get the jury behind what was going on in terms of what the goals

were, and this case against BP was a righteous lawsuit.

Mikal, one thing you did is you rocked the world of a federal prosecutor who routinely

had set up for corporations versus trial lawyers.

You weren't the first one.

This was not the first time a corporation talked the government into going after a trial


You rocked this guy's world.

I think he quit right after the case.

Tell me about it.

In terms of not being the first time, some of the most prominent trial lawyers in the

United States ... A gentleman and a friend of mine now, Paul Minor, who you knew well,

in Mississippi was indicted and sentenced to 11 years for something that is beyond me

that he did anything wrong.

I think it was outrageous.

The largest class-action lawyers in the country got prosecuted for things that, I don't know,

I didn't see anything criminal there.

Dickie Scruggs, everybody is prosecuted under the Bush administration.

Mikal, I know you lived through the time when corporate America had the U.S. Chamber of

Commerce, they had the biggest insurance companies in the world, that had this plan that they

had focused for a decade how to go after trial lawyers.

Then it finally evolved to one thing we're going to do is, if it's a trial lawyer going

after a corporation, we're going to figure out how to put that trial lawyer in prison.

Let me ask you this.

Out of this, if you were to give us your ideas about what needs to be reformed, I mean immediately,

what do we need to do to change this scam type of prosecution that's been taking place

in the last 10 years?

The bottom line is it's without doubt that for the last 40 years it has been a goal of

the opponents of the Democratic Party to defund the party by going after trial lawyers, and

that's been a very conscientious, deliberate effort with $660 million of paid advertising

designed to, in effect, affect juries before they sit.

This phenomenon of criminalizing our politics, as has happened since Karl Rove took over

the Bush White House in the early 2000s and going after trial lawyers criminally, is I

guess now about 12 or 13 years old.

It's just shocking that this kind of thing could happen here in the United States.

To answer your question, there's a lot of things that ought to be done.

First, the entire federal criminal justice system is built upon the pressure that the

government can put on individuals who cannot bear that pressure, getting people to roll

over on people, to say things that aren't true, to threaten witnesses.

If they don't do X, they don't do Y, they're going to get prosecuted along with them.

Buy your peace by rolling over on someone else.

We were able to show that that happened in our case, but there's absolutely no consequence

whatsoever to any United States attorney that brings charges, however specious, however

false, however ridiculous as the charges against me were.

At the end of the day, I just got to go home, but there was no consequence on the prosecutor

for leaking evidence to the press, for bringing false charges, for pressuring people, for

putting their lives at jeopardy, just so that this guy could get a notch on his belt.

It was wrong then.

It's wrong now.

That needs to change.

There needs to be a substantial process where the United States Department of Justice remembers

that when its prosecutors take that oath, they're swearing, not that they're going to

get every conviction, but that they're going to do justice, and the goal is convictions.

This is a prosecutor that probably should not have been around that long after we saw

what he did in other cases.

Mikal, thank you.


Keep up the fight.

I'm glad you're out there.

For more infomation >> Corporate Thugs Target Consumer Groups And Consumer Lawyers - Duration: 11:19.


Paw Patrol Francais, Paw Patrol Dessin Animé Pour Enfant, Pat Patrouille En Francais, - Duration: 7:10.

paw patrol tracker jungle rescue click

play to start play

paw patrol to the lookout Ryder has a

new mission the legendary golden banana

is missing somewhere deep in an ancient

jungle temple but it needs to be brought

to the museum the paw patrol needs to

call in some help for this mission

trekker the jungle puff no job is too

big no pup is too small first tracker

needs to swing over to the ancient

temple health tracker swing through the

jungle coolest truck creaks along the

way to keep up his energy press the

spacebar on your keyboard to help

tracker launches cable and swingers

action watch out for Ross and other

obstacles in the way join over this one

when pressure starts 2-12 press the

spacebar again to keep him swinging

through the air nice swing way to blow

nice way to Brody


you helped tracker get to the temple the

golden banana is somewhere inside

tracker needs your help to choose the

right doors through the temple you need

to follow the right animals by listening

for their sounds tracker has the perfect

pair of years for that listen with him

first you need to find the room with a

parent listen to the sounds behind each

door hmm that doesn't sound right you

need to find a parent try again the

parent that's it next you need to find

the room with Abby and a parent listen

to the sounds behind each door hmm that

doesn't sound right you need to find a B

and a parent try again that way now you

need to find a room with two frogs

listen to the sounds behind each door

hmm that doesn't sound right you need to

find Q frog try again

remember to frog sounds like this hmm

that doesn't sound right I here which

room has to frog tried mr. that's the

door tracker

getting closer almost there the golden

banana is behind three locked doors this

code on the door will show you how to

unlock them make each part match what's

shown in the code and the door will open

click the number that matches the one in

the code on the door then click the door

when you think everything matches you

crack the code another door with the

coast now there are two parts you need

to change click the pedestal to turn it

to show the gem that matches the one in

the code on the door the door is open

great just one more to go and look there

are now three parts you need to change

click here to turn the dial to point as

a picture that matches the one in the

code on the door perfect keep moving you

did it you helped tracker find the

golden banana now it can be displayed at

the Museum so that everyone can see it

thanks for saving the day tracker what a

great pup click play again to go on the

adventure again


For more infomation >> Paw Patrol Francais, Paw Patrol Dessin Animé Pour Enfant, Pat Patrouille En Francais, - Duration: 7:10.


INTERVIEWS COSPLAYERS JAPONAIS 2 👩‍🎤 Nipponbashi Street Festa 2017 - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> INTERVIEWS COSPLAYERS JAPONAIS 2 👩‍🎤 Nipponbashi Street Festa 2017 - Duration: 15:09.


♥ Informacja ♥ - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> ♥ Informacja ♥ - Duration: 3:43.


Uniq Poet - Digital Tsunami (Spoken Word Video) - Duration: 1:11.

All hail to the binary gods!

The web is a new place for finding a job Virtual existence, new form of life

Even nerds get girls on porno sites Hands glued to a celly, are you using it right?

Advancements got me thinking what the future is like?

It's amazing!

How we all connect through the wave length Humans are gods, look at what we created-

Robotics, Electronics.

Yeah, it all is a boon!

Homo-sapeins taking civilization to the moon!

Computer search the universe, take a trip from your room!

Real soon, you'll see a baby with a laptop shoot out of a womb!

Crazy, ain't it?

Let's stay creative And welcome ourselves to a generation of databases

Enter a greater matrix, It's pivotal to embody Let's sweep the planet clean with

a digital tsunami!!

For more infomation >> Uniq Poet - Digital Tsunami (Spoken Word Video) - Duration: 1:11.


Clash of Clans | TH10 Farming Base 2017 | TESTED IN CHAMPION LEAGUE! | BEST Town Hall 10 Hybrid Base - Duration: 10:08.

Clash of Clans | TH10 Farming Base 2017 | TESTED IN CHAMPION LEAGUE! | BEST Town Hall 10 Hybrid Base

For more infomation >> Clash of Clans | TH10 Farming Base 2017 | TESTED IN CHAMPION LEAGUE! | BEST Town Hall 10 Hybrid Base - Duration: 10:08.



Please Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe

For more infomation >> CIC FT CASIMONEY,CHRISTOPH & CHILLER COOLNANIE - SHOUT OUT (Liberian Music 2017) - Duration: 5:43.


É O Fim Clipe Official (AMANDA WANESSA)2017 - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> É O Fim Clipe Official (AMANDA WANESSA)2017 - Duration: 4:09.



hello beautiful people so this video is

a very personal one and you might be

wondering why the hell is he even making a

video about something this personal you

know behind closed doors and all that

I want to talk about this because A:

I've never talked about my relationship

status on my channel before, B: this is

pretty recent so it's a big part of my

life right now and I like sharing my

life with you guys and C: because open

relationships are so controversial and I

want to take a little second to talk

about my experience being in one and my

thoughts on open relationships and I

might as well just say now that I don't

think there's anything wrong with them.

So this may, this video, this title may be

a huge shock to a lot of you out there a

lot of people didn't know that I was in

a relationship at all some people did

some people didn't some people will be

surprised by this video title because

they didn't know that we've broken up

and some people be more surprised to

find out that I even had a boyfriend in

the first place and I just want to clear

a couple things up I my boyfriend and I

my ex-boyfriend and I lived very very

different lives and so I didn't

constantly bring him up in conversation

with my friends they didn't always need

to and there was never a part of me that

was hiding this relationship obviously

it's a big deal to talk about it on my

channel I finally feel comfortable

talking about it especially now that

it's over and I'm not going to be as

immediately in the fire zone of open

relationship hate as it were which is

maybe a little bit cowardly of me or

whatever but I did have a lot of anxiety

about being honest about the fact that

my relationship was an open relationship

I have two people that knew about it

probably didn't know that was open you

know anyway so that I imagined the

reception's this video super duper mixed

so I just want to talk about it a bit

very recently I broke up with my

boyfriend that I had a two and a half

year relationship with so the first half

that relationship was completely

monogamous this was when I first came to

Cardiff University and it all moved very

very quickly and it was my first ever

relationship and I was all honeymoon

lovie wr8 feelings all around and it was

really really really special and I'll

always cherish that because it was my

first relationship and it was so bad I'm

special it was really special and it's

really good it was a positive

relationship but after about a year I

realized that I hadn't experimented at

all I had only ever kissed one person in

my life and I was feeling pretty

disillusioned about relationships

because I didn't have anything to

compare it to either in terms of sex or

in terms of romance or in terms of

anything I just had no basis to base

relationships or sex or romance or

anything off of and I explained all of

these anxieties to my partner and they

were really understanding about it and

we talked it out and we decided to be in

an open relationship and it was a weird

decision to make and you know open

relationships are very controversial but

we did it for over a year and a half and

honestly it was great it was a really

like by and large a really positive

relationship we did live very separate

lives we were pretty independent from

each other for the most part and we were

very non-monogamous and yet we still had

this really special relationship and so

you know stuff happen outside of the

relationship romantically and sexually

and that was all okay and it worked and

we didn't have conflict with that and

you know I'm not going to say that it's

all perfect you know sometimes feelings

get hurt sometimes there are

complications to open relationships but

they absolutely can work and they can be

really positive to certain people and

it's one of those things that's not for

everyone but it's also one of those

things where you see someone else doing

it and you go you know what it works for

them I'm happy for them I'm going to

respect them and their life it works for

them it's not my business you know I'm

going to let them live their life and

not be judgmental about that and it

worked for us and obvious then the

reason we broke up you're probably

thinking well it didn't work he broke

out well it did work and it was a great

relationship and we parted very very I

make ibly

and decided that we needed to go our

separate ways it it was kind of like

we'd been living very different lives

for a long time and we just needed to

kind of official eyes that but we're

still really really close and he'll

always be a special person to me and

yeah that's all there is to it really I

want to talk more about open

relationships and polyamorous

relationships and that sort of thing in

the future and some my future videos so

if you'd like that please let me know in

the comments below and if you enjoy this

video please give it a big thumbs up and

now y'all finally know about my

relationship life and my dating life and

one reasons I haven't talked about it

much was because I on one hand if I

wanted to talk about my dating life

which was occurring they would put it

would alarm everyone that felt that I

was in a monogamous relationship but on

the other hand if I talked about my

relationship it would you know make

everyone confused anyway it just it was

kind of a lose-lose scenario and it so

hard i am one of those people that will

always be on apologetically myself

that's why I'm making this video but

it's hard to come out to the world and

you know as a gay for one thing then to

come out to the world as having had an

AA monogamous relationship with another

thing it's really hard to do that

especially when I have close family

members that I've said one of the only

reasons they're tolerating my

homosexuality is because I'm in a

monogamous relationship and it's hard to

be like well no I'm not an amorous

relationship and so yeah now that the

relationships ended I feel comfortable

talking about it and now I am a lonely

his sad single pringle but like that's

the way life is sometimes um so there

you have it thank you guys so much for

watching if you haven't already please

subscribe to my channel I love you guys


For more infomation >> MY TWO YEAR OPEN RELATIONSHIP AND BREAK UP!!! - Duration: 6:46.


The Flamin' Hot Cheeto Bagel of Dreams | Food Network - Duration: 0:52.




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