Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 30 2017

We learned so much from Season 5.

We understand what we got wrong.

Now it's time for things to change.

So I'm pretty excited to talk about some big new changes

that are coming to competitive play

for Season 6.

It should feel amazing.

We think you guys will have a ton of fun.

and be nice to each other.

(( and be nice to each other ... ) )

oh shut the FUCK up

are you gonna shut me up? no you're not, so why not shut the fuck up...

For more infomation >> Welcome to Season 6 - Duration: 2:07.


لن تصدق ما يمكهنه القيام بجسمه الكبير أوسكار هيرنانديز ربع نهائي مواهب أمريكا 2017 | مترجم - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> لن تصدق ما يمكهنه القيام بجسمه الكبير أوسكار هيرنانديز ربع نهائي مواهب أمريكا 2017 | مترجم - Duration: 4:30.


27 Most Awkward Moment of Bollywood Celebrities That You Can Not Ignore | Funny Moments of Bollywood - Duration: 5:21.

27 Most Awkward Moment of Bollywood Celebrities That You Can Not Ignore | Funny Moment of Bollywood

For more infomation >> 27 Most Awkward Moment of Bollywood Celebrities That You Can Not Ignore | Funny Moments of Bollywood - Duration: 5:21.


bike (verb) - Duration: 0:52.

bike (verb)

Verb Forms





1 [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) (informal) to go somewhere on a bicycle or motorcycle

My dad bikes to work every day.

See related entries: Cycling

2 [transitive] bike something (+ adv./prep.) (informal) to send something to somebody by motorcycle

I'll bike the contract over to you this afternoon.

See related entries: Types of vehicle

For more infomation >> bike (verb) - Duration: 0:52.


[YouTube字幕] 命運石之門-線性有界的表型分支圖(2)橋田篇 - Duration: 3:04:43.

For more infomation >> [YouTube字幕] 命運石之門-線性有界的表型分支圖(2)橋田篇 - Duration: 3:04:43.


Civil Disobedience - Yes or No? - Duration: 7:57.

From a broad panoramic view we see that the spiritual change in Believers brought about

by the advent of Christ, and the subsequent empowerment by the Holy Spirit, cannot help

but affect the tangible physical world we live in.

The notion that our faith can be separated from our

daily lives, behaviors, decisions and activities is not feasible if true and sincere faith

actually exists within us.

The effects of our salvation change everything in us and how we relate to everything around us.

Thus while a political philosophy can indeed call

for a separation between faith and state,

in practice for the true Believer this is an impossibility.

This reality automatically brought Peter and the

11 disciples (as well as their followers) into unavoidable direct confrontation with

the powers-that-be.

I don't recall who said it, but I once heard a person insist that if a Believer isn't

a pariah to the world then they aren't trying hard enough.

All throughout the Scriptures we are presented

with a mental picture of a wide, yawning chasm between the ways of the World versus those

who put their trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

"What has light to do with darkness?", Yeshua asks His disciples.

Therefore persecution of Believers by the World is inevitable and we should not

be surprised that when we come to faith it not only involves incredible gain but also

loss in the form of relationships and perhaps other things

that have meant so much to us in our past but are now incompatible with our new life.

Peter's admonishment is that since this fact is inescapable, why not consider it joy

if you are being persecuted (experiencing loss) for your faith in

Yeshua because in persecution and suffering there can be no better concrete proof that

you are firmly on the side of divine righteousness and holiness.

So it is an irony that a religion of peace and love was born and will remain in confrontation,

if not battle, with the World until Messiah returns to take charge.

This confrontation is what we're seeing in the Book of Acts, and it ought to be what

we're experiencing in our own lives.

Since this is the case, then last week we discussed the

thorny issue of what we should do when our government installs immoral laws and insists

that we obey them.

And here in Acts we find Peter making the decision that when God orders one thing and

human government the opposite our pathway is clear:

obey God, and let the chips fall where they may.

This brought us to the matter of civil disobedience, which from the Believer's perspective I

would define as knowingly and openly choosing to

disobey immoral manmade laws in order to be obedient to the Lord.

We'll not review that conversation from last week, but I will sum it up by

saying that the answer is that yes, if civil disobedience is our only avenue to obey God,

then as Believers we must take it.

And that may well mean we pay a price for it that includes loss

of personal property, fines, or perhaps going to jail.

What I'm proposing is not hypothetical or something that belongs in fiction books; it

is here and upon us now.

A few weeks ago in America's northwest a Christian bakery refused to create

a wedding cake for a gay couple.

The local government is currently trying to put them out of


In France, just this week, a political leader has been indicted on hate crime charges for

saying that Islam is a religion of violence and it

worships a false god.

I told you the story in our last lesson of a Canadian minister who spent 3 months in

jail for teaching from the Bible about homosexuality; not

publically but inside the walls of his own church, to his own congregation.

Were there demonstrations of Believers against this?


Did Believers try to bust him out of jail?


Did other Pastors intentionally speak out against homosexuality from the pulpit in support

and dare the government to arrest them all?


Did Believers go on strike or block intersections or hand out leaflets and besiege their government

in protest?


There was no civil disobedience and so it was kind of a back page story in the Canadian


And I say to you unequivocally, there should have been civil disobedience.

If Peter had been there, I assure you there would have been civil disobedience.

Fellow Believers, civil disobedience is absolutely called for when we are being forced to commit

immoral acts, or to condone government sanctioned immorality.

Should we seek confrontation?


Should we do everything as peaceably and non-violently as possible?


But make no mistake, there will be a cost.

There is no shame in going to jail or paying a fine over refusing to be obedient to human

civil government but obedient to the Lord.

You may even have a business taken from you for refusing to do the immoral.

But if that's the case then that is what should happen.

And whatever happens, we should all count it as joy that the Lord has allowed us to

suffer for His sake.

If this sort of thing is not already happening

where you are right now, it soon will be. So you better decide right now what you're gonna do,

and how you're gonna choose.

For more infomation >> Civil Disobedience - Yes or No? - Duration: 7:57.



For more infomation >> INSTAGRAM BADDIE INSPIRED MAKEUP | ELA. - Duration: 11:46.


► Le Regalo un Auto a mi Mejor Amigo | Luisito Comunica | EXTRA - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> ► Le Regalo un Auto a mi Mejor Amigo | Luisito Comunica | EXTRA - Duration: 2:55.


HyunA Shares How MAMAMOO's Hwasa Reacted To Her New Song "Babe" - Duration: 1:39.

HyunA Shares How MAMAMOO's Hwasa Reacted To Her New Song "Babe"

During the Naver V Live broadcast titled "Follow Me Babe" on August 29, HyunA spoke about her new album "Following" and reactions to her title track "Babe.

HyunA revealed during the broadcast that she sent text messages to her friends that said, "Listen to my song. Even if it's not your musical taste, take a listen." One of those friends included MAMAMOO's Hwasa.

HyunA shared how the two met, explaining, "During my promotions for 'Roll Deep,' Hwasa performed a song called 'Ice Ice' with me.".

HyunA then shared Hwasa's text message back to her that read, "Unni, I like this song the best. " HyunA said, "It felt so good to get her support," and told fans it gave her so much strength.

See Also: HyunA Shares Which Artist She Looks Up To + Reveals Meaning Behind Album Title "Following".

Her album "Following" was released on August 29 at 6 p.m. KST, and HyunA will be performing her first comeback stage on the August 30 episode of "M!Countdown.".

For more infomation >> HyunA Shares How MAMAMOO's Hwasa Reacted To Her New Song "Babe" - Duration: 1:39.


► Le Regalo un Auto a mi Mejor Amigo | Luisito Comunica - Duration: 12:27.

For more infomation >> ► Le Regalo un Auto a mi Mejor Amigo | Luisito Comunica - Duration: 12:27.


Chinese Man Hurts Himself From Too Much [S..e..x], Now He Only Has 5 Years To Live - Duration: 1:58.

Chinese Man Hurts Himself From Too Much [S..e..x], Now He Only Has 5 Years To Live

While sex is important and healthy in marriage, too much of it can be detrimental to one's health, like everything else.

This is the case for a Chinese man in his thirties, who allegedly had sex 1,000 times over a span of 100 days with his newly-wed wife.

According to sources, the man and his wife had sex daily for 100 days, from as many as two to four times in the morning and then again in the evening.

As the days passed, the man began feeling listless and felt that his health was in bad condition. He was rushed to the hospital where the doctor informed him that excessive sex had caused his sudden drop health.

The man was in very good health prior, standing 185 cm tall and weighing a healthy 85 kg (187 lbs), but when he visited the hospital, he had lost 35 kg (77 lbs), and his body's health had deteriorated to that of a 75 year old.

Furthermore, he couldn't use his penis anymore, and he was estimated to have only 5 years left to live.

Upon hearing the news, the wife allegedly expressed anger at her husband's condition, and opted to file to divorce. Their divorce is currently being processed at a divorce court in Sichuan province.

For more infomation >> Chinese Man Hurts Himself From Too Much [S..e..x], Now He Only Has 5 Years To Live - Duration: 1:58.


Special comedy Show of shiddik 2017_part-01 - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> Special comedy Show of shiddik 2017_part-01 - Duration: 4:42.


petite histoire : la cicatrice de taka / scar - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> petite histoire : la cicatrice de taka / scar - Duration: 2:21.


Insomnia 61: Sponsor Me! - VLOG - Gamers Assemble - Duration: 11:21.

hello welcome back to games assemble my name's Peter my name is James

my name is differ - Danielle we're currently insomnia 6161 6969 I'm here

with December my thirties party if I focus on your phone that would be really

creepy yeah we actually have to walk through a forest to go from the hotel to

the convention it's kind of cool my natural habitat vaulting men have died

in this forest just killed them all just to get to the convention to get the

convention is on a road of bones we built ourselves look at that bone right

now look at my yeah

than a real press but yeah you just fucked my testicles girl water-resistant

testicles nasty use them let me not leave dips they got the little hairs I

hope is rude I always thought that's where they got the idea for Velcro

velcro that's my asshole

we are currently on the Skywalk within this place on every window there is a

fact so it says did you know about Birmingham

hello Oh Sees video evidence of why I'm always the guy behind the camera look at

that mug what a disgrace hitting me so pretty

look at me I'm sensual attractive and delicious and I have a

sense of style that all the other members don't well we've just arrived

hang on we've just arrived at the actual Pollack we're in something yourself is

being held and we're looking for ha melodic our friends he's telling some

things that you have to watch this video I love you in a kind of way likes to be

hydrated do you like moisture do you like being

soothed and blessed inside then drink I am bro extra its playable with

I hope you don't mind I couldn't find anywhere to park

I study here



just like that one time where I actually would

we make it an expose

think about showing up we've got sponsor us photos Oh easy and then you're all

gonna draw

we'll try to promise anything we'll try

it's not besides the office side the chair

we have fun on here look at all these white rubber actually

sponsor me

best their best

sponsor me you know

this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make

I've to choose one of these four names

for a gaming convention I'm Mario

which is adult Pokemon not spelt the same like the coffee like the drink it's

not spelled the same it's aw hard why is life this hard

it gets a little easier but you've got a friend like that

sponsor a dog today and me

because lord knows I need to help

we've just enjoyed the delicious software subway sponsor sponsor us eat

fresh not press have it your way

position in your likes continue moving here ever put the come Romney understand

so you had like the Hulk music play as we slowly step backwards and let them

vanish into the distance

oh my god they gave us a sample cap Gary's a sim game is the thimble

have you ever said I can't have you a surprise I'm gonna die

just just hurry up and die Oh Joe it st. James good they give it all the way

James is gone I'm exhausted I'm

emotional I'm terrified I'm


why I've seen white fell in touch

I really need a coffee

let's cover sponsor me

For more infomation >> Insomnia 61: Sponsor Me! - VLOG - Gamers Assemble - Duration: 11:21.


How to Fix Aw Snap! Chrome Page Error - Duration: 5:38.

hi guys okay I'm gonna show you how to fix the Aw Snap now I was taking a

screenshot because I thought well sometimes what happens I get it and then

it goes away and so what you do is you click on the learn more here and I'm

going to show you where it took me it took me to this and it tells you how to

fix the Aw Snap Aw snap page crashes and loading yours it says you're getting

the aw snap error instead of a web page because Chrome is having problems

loading try try the fixes below reload the page usually you can reload the page

to fix the error computer at the top left of the screen click the reload and so

that's this thing here this is the reload right here watch will reload it

see it reloads just like that on a mobile device at the top tap more

which is the three vertical dots reload if that didn't work step one check your

internet connection make sure your device has a connection to the network

data or Wi-Fi step to clear your cache Chrome might have information stored

that's stopping the page from loading fully clear your cache and cookies then

try reloading the page so here you can click on this I'm going to right click

on it cuz I don't want to leave this page which clearing your browser data

close other tabs extensions and apps your device may run out of memory and

you can't load the site while also running your apps extensions and

programs to free up memory close every tab except for the one that's showing

the error message quit other apps or programs that's running and pause any

app or file download on your computer uninstall unnecessary extensions from

Chrome learn how to uninstall extensions on the air tab try reloading so I've got

something really weird here I don't know what's going on and it's the step for

restart your device programs or apps sometimes get in the way of the page

loading correctly restart your computer or mobile device try loading again

step 5 update Chrome and then open Chrome at the top right click more under

the vertical dots here on settings at the top left click

on menu here and these are the horizontal three lines about chrome

chrome will automatically check if there's an update available you might

have to wait a few seconds to see it if there's an update you'll see an option

to relaunch if there's no instructions your version of chrome is up to date

step 6 check for malware if you're using Windows use the chrome cleanup tool and

find and remove unwanted software if you're on a Mac or Linux computer see

our other suggestions for spotting and getting rid of unwanted software still

not working if your other sites open normally but one is one site is crashing

that site might be causing the problem so if you're trying to reload and the

site doesn't open click send feedback to let us know turn on automatic error

reporting to help us solve page crashes faster or report the issue to Chrome

contact the site owner to report problems you can also post in the chrome

help forum for help oh-hoh the chrome helped for them and the chrome web page

airs the following errors mean there's a problem opening the windows to fix

follow the troubleshooting steps above aw snap err name not resolved the host

name web address doesn't exist air internet disconnected the device isn't

connected to the internet error connection timed out air timed out so er

R must be short for air the error the webpage took too long to connect your

internet connection might be too slow or the webpage might be too busy air

connection reset something happened that interrupted your connection to the

webpage error connected change your device

disconnected from the network are connected to the new network while

loading the page air connection refused the webpage didn't let chrome connect

air cache miss the webpage needs information you entered earlier to be

submitted again so you got to submit it again error empty response the website

didn't send any data and might be down error SSL protocol error the webpage has

sent data that Chrome doesn't understand so bad

client authority certified I'm guessing it's authorities certified for short bad

SSL client off or maybe authorization certificate that could be what it is to

cert so it's probably on an authorization certificate I'm thinking

sign in to the site for example a bank or work website isn't working due to an

error client yeah client certificate so I should have read through it first

before you know guessing but that's okay you know

it's okay to speculate and guess but so yeah there we have for the aw snap

crash and so but I think that's it for right now you know what we'll look at

the source code a little later for all snap crash but I'm gonna take and

include this link in in the video so I want to thank you guys so much I'm gonna

put it in the video description and so then you guys can look at the aw snap

page crash so I want to thank you so much for watching thank you new

subscribers thank you old subscribers please thumbs up this video share it

with your friends subscribe leave comments suggestions ideas Thank You

Internet and I'll see you guys soon peace love and avocados I love you guys

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