Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 29 2017

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel

two weeks ago I decided to challenge myself

in the "one week sketchbook tour challenge"

which consists to fill a sketchbook, like this,

in a specific time, like a week

unfortunately I must admit that I completely failed this challenge,

because to finish it I spent almost two weeks

unfortunately I had other commitments and other bickering and I could not finish it in a week.

If you follow me on Instagram and you see my "Instagram stories"

probably, some sketches that you will see you already know

cause after I drew them I immediately posted them on my profile Instagram.

These sketches are made very quickly, like less than one hour

the technique that I have used are the acrylic colors and watercolors

so, I hope you enjoy this video, and now I leave you with the sketchbook tour.

For more infomation >> ONE WEEK SKETCHBOOK TOUR CHALLENGE - Duration: 4:32.


When Do Spirits Stop By The 4 Most Common Times A Spirit Or Guar - Duration: 4:18.

When Do Spirits Stop By?

The 4 Most Common Times A Spirit Or Guardian Will Visit You

Once you identify when and how your loved ones or guardian spirits will likely visit

you, you�ll be increasingly more aware and prepared for the next time they want to stop


In general, in order for a spirit to visit you, a great deal of energy must be expended

on their end � coming down to the physical realm, shifting their energetic vibration

so they can be felt, moving objects or making noise if they can, etc.

Since it takes so much energy for them to visit � your loved ones want to make the

most of their attempts to connect with you.

To make the most of their visit, your guardian spirits have a few preferred times, where

connecting with you, would be most noticed.

The 4 Most Common Times To Be Visited:

:: When you�re alone

Your alone time is one of the only times of day when you are not distracted by other people

� thus more likely to notice the subtle shift in the presence of another.

If your alone time is in the evenings or in the very early morning, you might even be

less distracted because you are preoccupying yourself with fewer tasks.

In the evening, many of us are winding down for the day, and naturally, unloading all

of our distractions � communications, media, chores, to-do list, mental chatter.

The fewer distractions you have, the clearer your mind is, and the more likely a deceased

loved one might be able to get your attention.

:: When you�re sleeping/dreaming

An extension of when you are alone, this one happens in an altered state of consciousness.

Even if you do share a bed with someone, usually, when you are woken up from a sleep � you

are doing so as the only one awake in your house.

Thus, sometimes, a loved one may attempt to visit you at night, especially if this is

the only time you are calm and your mind is quiet.

While your loved ones don�t always *intend* to wake you up (sometimes they just like to

be with you!), occasionally they will.

Next time you are suddenly awoken, a visit from a loved one may be the reason.

:: During a difficult time in your life

You are going through a rough time � a time of transition or crisis, a time or existential

reflection, a relationship shift, a period of release and letting go, or time of questioning.

If you lost someone who was your cushion to fall on, your comfort and support, or your

shoulder to cry on � your loved one will still visit you to provide you this comfort.

In fact, this is a really common one for grandmothers and romantic partners who are on the Other


:: During family memory events

Wedding, engagements, births, sporting events, ceremonies, presentations, promotions, buying

a house, sending a child of to college, winning an award, freeing yourself from a bad situation,

and many others.

These are all events that your loved ones do not want to miss.

Concerned that your mother passed just before the birth of your child?

Don�t be.

She�ll be there.

These are the four most common times, however, here are also times of days when the veil

between the spiritual world and the physical world is thinnest � which can make it easier

for you to sense Spirit, and therefore, see them or feel them more than you normally would.

For more infomation >> When Do Spirits Stop By The 4 Most Common Times A Spirit Or Guar - Duration: 4:18.


Celebs Who Had Babies When They Were Just Teens - Duration: 6:04.

While many people wait to have children until they are older and established in their careers,

these future stars all had children before they reached the age of 20, and many of them

raised their kids all on their own.

The path to fame is never easy, but these celebs were able to juggle parenthood and

career success!

Anna Nicole Smith

Before she launched her modeling career, Anna Nicole Smith was a high school dropout working

at a fried chicken restaurant.

It was there that she met her first husband, Billy Smith.

The couple were married when she was just 17 years old, giving birth to son, Daniel

Wayne Smith, less than a year later.

The marriage was a short and unhappy one, but Smith remained a devoted mother.

Then, tragedy struck when Daniel died from an accidental overdose, at the age of 20,

while visiting Smith in the hospital, 3 days after she gave birth to her daughter.

"She wakes up, and she turns to him, and he's dead.

Fiction couldn't imagine a moment like that."

When Anna Nicole then died a few months later, her ex-boyfriend, Mark Hatten, told In Touch,

"When I heard Daniel died I knew she wouldn't last long.

I've seen people pamper their kids but he was literally her world.

She died of a broken heart."

Wendy Davis

Politician Wendy Davis had a challenging life before her success as a Texas State senator.

She told Broadly,

"I was pregnant at 18.

I got married, I got divorced"

"I looked like I was gonna be headed down the same path that I had watched my mother

head down."

She recalled her struggles trying to make it as a young, single mom, telling TODAY:

"I was having a really hard time making ends meet, paying for my childcare, paying for

a car payment, making sure I had enough money to keep the lights turned on.

Sometimes, it didn't happen."

But the young mother never gave up.

She eventually remarried, had another daughter, and went on to study law at Harvard.

"I'm not an overnight sensation.

I'm a Texan.

And I'm a Texas success story.

I am the epitome of hard work and optimism."

Loretta Lynn

Country superstar Loretta Lynn has never made a secret of the hard life she had before becoming


She wrote in her autobiography, Coal Miner's Daughter, that she was married at the age

of 13 and had four children by the time she was 18.

Still, despite a difficult childhood and and life as a teen mom, Lynn pressed on in her


"Country Music Entertainer of the Year is Loretta Lynn"

She was the first woman honored with the CMA award in 1972.

And she hasn't stopped making music, since.

Taylor Hanson

Remember the Hanson brothers?

"Mmm-bop - bop bop do wap, da da wap, bop, do wap… da da doo"

Well, in 2002, middle brother Taylor went from "teen heartthrob" to "teen dad," when

the 19-year-old became a father to Jordan Ezra.

His wife, Natalie Anne Bryant, was just 18 at the time.

Hanson told the press, "We are so excited to start a family...Having Ezra is the best

thing we've ever done.

Life and art are all about these moments."

Taylor, who now has 5 kids, may have been the first of the Hanson brothers to have a

baby, but he certainly wasn't the last.

Today, the three brothers have twelve children between them.

Jourdan Dunn

Model Jourdan Dunn was 18 when she found out that she was pregnant with her son, Riley.

Dunn told Vogue that the hardest thing about her pregnancy, was telling her mom, saying,

"She had me at a young age and didn't want me to go through her struggle."

Dunn's son has sickle-cell anemia and has to be monitored carefully.

Fortunately, Dunn has the support of her mother who is helping her raise Riley.

"What I love about bein a mom is the unconditional love that I have for my child and that he

has for me."

Dunn said that her son keeps her motivated, saying, "I'm his voice, I'm his lifeline,

I have to be driven...I've always been ambitious, but now I have more focus.

I'm more hardworking."

Natalia Vodionova

While it's common for mothers to struggle to lose extra weight after giving birth, Russian

supermodel Natalia Vodionova had no trouble getting back on the runway after having her

son, Lucas, at the age of 19.

In fact, it actually made her famous.

She told Vanity Fair, "I lost a lot of weight for my height...In two weeks after giving

birth to Lucas, I was on the catwalk.

I was so skinny and the clothes just sat on me incredibly and no one could believe it.

Everyone wanted to put me in their shows.

I did everything."

But the model was already used to juggling family and work, having been raised by a single

mom, and tasked with caring for her special-needs sister, as a kid.

"By age 11 I was working, there was no time to play."

Vodionova was thrilled to be a mother, saying, "I have always dreamed about having children,

a lot of children."

As of 2017, the model-mom's family has grown to five children!

"I'm a survivor"

"there's not many things that can pull me down, that can stop me."

Maya Angelou

Renowned poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou raised her child as a single parent

with the help of her mother, Vivian Baxter, who, Angelou told Oprah, made her feel confident

as a young mom:

"She never ever made me feel that I had done the wrong thing."

When the 16-year old Angelou originally told her mother she was pregnant, and that she

and the baby's father were not in love, her mother told her:

"She said We're not going to ruin three lives.

We're going to have a beautiful baby."

Angelou was the first African American woman to be a non-fiction bestselling author for

her memoir I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings in 1969, and received many honors and awards

before her death in 2014.

Aretha Franklin

"R-e-s-p-e-c-t find out what it means to me"

Vocal powerhouse Aretha Franklin was already making a name for herself as a singer when

she had her first child shortly after her fourteenth birthday.

But motherhood didn't deter Franklin from her career goals.

By the time she was in her 20s, she was the mother of two, and churning out hits that

topped the music charts, winning 18 Grammy Awards by 2017.

So what does the godmother of "Respect" consider to be the key to her success in life?

"You want to give people dignity and respect, and you want to receive it.

You have to receive it"

More than a statistic

There's often a stigma surrounding young parents, with many wrongly assuming that they have

ruined their lives.

Having a child can be a challenge at any age, but these celebs prove that with hard work

you truly can accomplish anything.

"You do the best you can, the good will come out of it"

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Celebs Who Had Babies When They Were Just Teens - Duration: 6:04.


Let's Talk About: Charlottesville - Duration: 18:40.

Let's talk about Charlottesville.

First off, what happened.

A group of white nationalists congregated at

the University of Virginia's campus on Friday night.

They chanted slogans, some more hateful than others.

For example, "You will not replace us" and "White lives matter".

The Friday night rally was a peaceful protest,

aside from a minor scuffle near the end.

Then came Saturday.

The day that the Unite the Right protest and

counter protest were scheduled to take place.

The counter protesters arrived earlier than when the

Unite the Right protest was scheduled to take place.

They marched up to McGuffey Park, where they had a permit to protest.

They arrived and set up in McGuffey park.

The white supremacists set up on the only street which

was open for people to enter and leave McGuffey park.

The white supremacists then began throwing tear gas,

balloons filled with urine, using pepper spray and tasering people

The police then came into McGuffey park and pushed the counter

protesters into the street, and into the white supremacists.

The counter protesters had to walk through the crowd

of white nationalists who were yelling things like,

"I believe that we will win",

"Get the F*k out of here"

and "Appreciate the bat"

So, the white supremacists were verbally aggressive

and provoking the counter protesters.

The obvious then happened.

Some counter protesters snapped.

They fought, and people got seriously hurt.

Then later on, as the counter protesters were trying to leave in their vehicles,

one of the white supremacists hit the car of a counter protester with a bat,

because the counter protester was driving

recklessly through a crowd of white supremacists.

The counter protester drove into the crowd

and a group of about half a dozen white supremacists,

descended on the car with bats and clubs.

The counter protester seemed to panic and drove in reverse

into the club wielding white supremacists.

That sounds really bad on the side of the white supremacists right?

It really sounds like they were violent.

But, wait. I told you the story in reverse.

It was the white supremacists who were kicked out of Emancipation Park,

and pushed into the hands of Antifa and BLM (What really happened in Charlottesville).

It was the white supremacists who were told to

"Get the F*K out of there", and "Appreciate the bat".

It was the white supremacists who were tasered,

pepper sprayed, had balloons of urine and tear gas cannisters thrown at them

(Footage of C-P Violence).

It was some of the white supremacists who snapped and fought the counter protesters.

It was a counter protester who began to beat an elderly white man

for no apparent reason (AltRight Parking Garage Battle).

The counter protesters were also the ones waving

bats and clubs at the white supremacists, trying to

get the white supremacists to fight back. (AltRight Parking Garage Battle).

Let me run you through the video evidence and the location of the two sides.

This is a video of the Friday night march through the University of Virginia campus.

In this picture you can see the distance

between Emancipation park and McGuffey park.

Emancipation park is where the statue was and where

the white supremacists had a permit to protest.

McGufey park is where the counter protesters had a permit to protest.

They are separated by 1 block.

This is the parts that were closed off by police.

And these are the two exits through which White Supremacists were pushed out.

This is where AntiFa and BLM where positioned.

Here you can see the tear gas being used by Antifa

(Footage of C-P Violence).

Here you can see counter protesters and white supremacists fighting

(Street War: Charlottesville).

In this video, you can actually see the white supremacists

being pushed into the crowd of counter protesters

(Footage of C-P violence).

Here are some videos showing the white supremacists

walking through AntiFa and BLM.

Also shows the aggressiveness of AntiFa and BLM (Moral Equivalence).

Here you can see an elderly white man being attacked by

what seems to be a member of AntiFa (AltRight Parking Garage Battle).

Here you can see footage of the car that killed Heather Heyer (Moral Equivalence).

Now that you know what happened, we need to talk about 2 things.

These 2 things are completely unrelated.

The first is, the behaviour of both sides.

The second is, what each of the two sides stands for, and who is right.

First of, the behaviour of both sides.

As you can see in this video clip,

the counter protesters were verbally and physically aggressive.

You can also see that the white supremacists

were also verbally and physically aggressive.

The only cases in which violence can be tolerated,

and to a certain extent, are in a war and self-defense.

Neither side in the Charlottesville protest was in a literal war.

There were some cases, however,

of self defense in the Charlottesvillle protest.

But, each and every one of these cases were instigated by an aggressor.

Aggressors came from both sides,

white supremacists and counter protesters.

It is in light of this fact that both sides are guilty of unjust violence,

and thereby, both sides carry blame in this tragedy.

Like President Trump says,

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred,

bigotry and violence on many sides"

(President Trump Statement on Charlottesville Saturday).

This discussion on the behaviour of both sides should have ended here.

But, the media made it clear that they do not agree that blame lies on both sides.

So, let me explain.

It is illegal to violently attack another individual,

and all the media, especially those who are critizizing President Trump,

would be outraged if the sides had been reversed,

like what I said when I started this video.

They would be condemning the actions of this member of Antifa,

had he been a White Supremacist (AltRight Parking Garage Battle).

They would be condemning the actions of these

counter protesters beating this White Supremacist,

had he been a counter protester (AltRight Parking Garage Battle).

And in fact, some media did.

Here is Deandre Harris, a hip-hop artist

who was beaten in the same fight as the aforementioned white supremacist.

You can see him in the blue hood with the backpack.

Deandre Harris was said to be a victim of this fight.

Suffering a blow to the head.

The media say he is an innocent bystander

who was unjustly beaten by aggressive white supremacists.

But, the counter protesters were the ones

who were aggressive and instigated the fight.

In fact, the first blow in the fight came from Deandre Harris.

Let me walk you through some more footage showing you how the fight began.

Please note that I had to use 3 videos as none of them show the full fight.

Only disjoint parts.

Here are the white supremacists walking down the street.

Note how the white supremacists are peacefully walking down the street,

and it is the counter protesters who are verbally aggressive.

If you go through this video, you will see the man in the red shirt

hit a white supremacists with his stick, which is assault felony.

Assault felony is, "striking or threatening to strike a person

with a weapon or dangerous object" (

Then a counter protester attempts to take the flag of one

of the white supremacists. and they begin a tug of war.

The counter protesters actions, attempt to

take the white supremacist's flag, is theft.

For a case of theft to be proven, it must be shown that the acussed

intended to take a person's property without their permission permanently.

Even in the case where the accused was not succesful.

For example, trying to walk out of a store with some merchandise hidden

in your jacket, and getting caught before succesfully walking out.

Here is video evidence showing that the counter

protester trying to take the flag is part

of Deandre's group of friends there, and that

they did steal another flag and burned it.

Meaning that although he was not succesfull in this

attempt, he still intended to steal the flag permanently.

It is a controversial flag, but that doesn't matter.

It is not his property and is therefore theft.

Please see the find reference explaining theft for more information.

Back to where we left off.

At this point, the man in the red shirt is not engaged in a fight.

Deandre Harris is behind him, although you can't really see him.

In this next video you will see the man in the red shirt still not engaged,

tug of war going on and Deandre Harris behind the man in the red shirt.

Now you see Deandre Harris step in and hit the guy trying to keep his flag.

This is the first blow that we see in this footage and is clearly not in self defence.

The only thing that we see happening before this blow is a tug

of war between a white supremacist and a counter protester.

This act falls in the felony category of crimes.

As it is, "striking or threatening to strike a person

with a weapon or dangerous object" (

Here we have a small gap, as when YouTuber, DuerstTheWuerst turns around,

the man in the red shirt appears engaged.

The man in the red shirt is then pepper sprayed and he runs backwards into Deandre,

knocking Deandre and the white supremacist with the white helmet over.

The supremacist with the white helmet then hits Deandre.

This is assault felony as well, as Deandre was not threatening anyone at that point.

Then he immediately starts running as some counter protesters converge on him.

At this point, it is clear that he is no longer a threat because he

is running from the counter protesters that are coming towards him.

The counter protester in the grey shirt hits him over the head with his bat.

Which is felony as the supremacist was not threatening anyone at that point.

A group of counter protesters then begin beating

the supremacist who is down on the ground.

Again assault felony because he isn't threatening anyone.

Some supremacists then come in and push the counter

protesters off the supremacist who is on the ground.

It is unclear at this point how aware the supremacists

were that Deandre was not a threat, as people

are being hit and falling over from both sides,

and they also know that Deandre has hit someone.

This man walking accross lets you know that there is no gap between these 2 videos.

Deandre is initially beat and then allowed to leave, being told, "Get out of here".

So, Deandre Harris was beaten.

Unclear how aware his attackers were that he was no threat.

Deandre Harris beat someone.

He was aware that his victim posed no threat.

Deandre's friends and the counter protesters there beat a supremacist.

They were aware that he was no threat.

The supremacist beat Deandre. He was aware that Deandre was no threat.

The narrative, that the counter protesters were innocent here and

the white supremacists bear the full blame is clearly false.

Both sides committed assault felony.

To make it clearer, what I am saying is, if it is

wrong for Deandre Harris to be beaten like this.

Then it is also wrong for this white supremacist and

this elderly man to be beaten in the same fashion.

Moreover, here is footage of the Friday night march.

The media hated on this display saying that it is impossible

for any innocent person to be in that crowd, because

"if you are a good person, and you are in a rally,

and people start marching 'Jews will not replace

us', and you stay there, you are not a good person"

(Did Good People Attend Charlottesville).

First off, the counter protesters like BLM and Antifa here are chanting,

If you agree with the Fox News specialist said,

then you would have to agree that if you are in

a crowd with people yelling things like this,

and you stay there, then you are a bad person.

Like Deandre Harris who is right there.

But as you can see, not everyone in both crowds were

partaking in the violence (AltRight Parking Garage Battle).

Secondly, the chant "Jews will not replace us" is either the FOX news

mishearing what the protesters were saying, or a deliberate miscaption.

You can clearly hear it here, the White Supremacists are chanting

"You will not replace us" (Unite the Right torch rally Charlottesville).

I agree, this is still racist,

but the reason this ticks me off, is that the misinformation does not end here.

Many media networks have declared that the White Supremacists

bear the full blame of the rally,

and President Trump's declaration that both sides were guilty,

a 50-50 blame, is a win for White Supremacists.

But, I would argue that it is win for neither side.

As you can see in the Friday night march,

the White Supremacists were peacefully protesting.

There was a minor scruffle near the end with the Alt-left.

What they said was racist, but they weren't physically attacking anyone

(Unite the Right torch rally).

On Saturday, you had members of AntiFa and BLM tasering, pepper spraying

and throwing bags of urine and tear gas cannisters at white supremacists.

The White Supremacists were forced out of their protest zone,

and through this violence.

The White Supremacists fought back (AltRight Parking Garage Battle).

For more information on the white supremacists and

counter protester exhibiting the same behaviour,

please see ShortFatOtaku's video in the description.

The point is that both sides were violent, and

therefore both sides carry blame for the injuries.

The form of this argument is: Premises:

Violently attacking someone is bad behaviour.

Protesters and counter protesters violently attacked each other.

Conclusion: Therefore, both sides partook in bad behaviour.

The form is: Premises:

X is Y. A and B did X.

Conclusion: Therefore, A and B did Y

Now, let's analyze the second point of this event.

What does each side stand for and who is right.

Like I said, this point has nothing to do with the

previous point on the behaviour of both sides,

because anyone can be violent for a 'cause'

(ie. IS, and the shooter at the church in Charleston).

So, what do the protesters (White Supremacists, KKK, etc) stand for?

They are against the removal of confederate statues and monuments.

What do the counter protesters stand for?

They are for the removal of confederate statues and monuments.

Who is right?

Well, what is a statue or a monument?

They are 3D representations of either a person, persons or event.

Why do we have statues?

They are to remember someone for a specific act that they did,

or an event for what it signified.

For example, a statue of George Washington

might be erected to remember him for his indispensable help in defeating the British

and allowing the USA to come into existence.

The statue of George Washington in this case would have nothing to do with his

being a slave owner, and should not be taken down because he was a slave owner.

The reasoning behind this is that the statue does

not promote or glorify his being a slave owner,

rather his work in defeating the British.

If the statue was erected to remember him as a slave owner,

then it should be taken down. As in that case it glorifies slavery.

As an argument, this is: Premises:

The purpose of a statue is to remember someone for a specific act that they did,

or an event for what it signified.

If the specific act, or significance of the event

remembered by the statue is forbidden by law or statute.


Then that statue is forbidden by law or statute.

The form is: Premises:

A is B If B is C

Conclusion: Then A is C

That's it. Until next time.

For more infomation >> Let's Talk About: Charlottesville - Duration: 18:40.


How To Clean Your Buttercream Tools - English Susbtiltles - Duration: 2:06.

Take it easy.

You won't be washing your materials all day long.

And you won't be needing to do this.

Or this.

Subscribe. If you use a candy themometer for the syrup, first you need to let it cool down on top of a kitchen cloth.

NEVER put a hot (glass) candy thermometer in contact with a cold surface.

Or else...

See these waste/remnants from the sugar syrup. In order to remove them, fill the saucepan with water and bring it to the stove.

When the water is hot, rub it with a wooden spoon in the places where the sugar is solidified.

Rub the water as many times as you need, until the whole sugar is removed.

If there's sugar on the outside of the pan, repeat the process.

At this stage even if you've missed any spot, it's easily removable with your fingers or the dish/kitchen sponge. Because the hot water has already softned the sugar.

Now you can wash normally with the dishwashing detergent.

Back to the already cold thermometer, wash it carefully with the soft side of the dish sponge

And it is done. Your tools are clean.

These images were made after the washing of the tools. ;)

Thank you for watching.

Please leave your like and subscribe the channel.

Share with your friends on your social networks.

For more infomation >> How To Clean Your Buttercream Tools - English Susbtiltles - Duration: 2:06.


Family's Last Days Visiting Me in China - So Sad! | ESPAÑOL CC - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Family's Last Days Visiting Me in China - So Sad! | ESPAÑOL CC - Duration: 5:33.


How to Draw Simple Worm for Kids with Nursery Rhymes - Drawing Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 1:35.







Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How to Draw Simple Worm for Kids with Nursery Rhymes - Drawing Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 1:35.


NEW! YouTube's Latest Features of 2017 🆕 - Duration: 9:24.

Hi there everybody!

Welcome to CreativesLab.

I'm your host Banksia Lebel, helping you grow your youtube channel starting from zero.

YouTube has come a long way since 2005.

And in today's video, we will be going through all of the YouTube's latest and greatest feature

of 2017.

Let's get right into it!

The first feature we are going to talk about is the YouTube Studio App for your mobile device.

With this app, you can now schedule your posts right from your phone.

You can select the date, the time and the video publishing type.

whether that's being private, unlisted or public -- you can now do that right from your phone and notify your

subscribers whenever your video is about to release.

The next feature in the YouTube Studio App is the subscriber count card.

For those creator out there that are passionate about building audience and subscribers,

YouTube has now just added a prominent subscriber count card right at the top corner of the YouTube Studio app dashboard.

Coming up next, we have the Analytics Insight Cards.

With this feature, it is now a lot simpler and easier to understand your channel stats.

Not only that, but the cards also suggest what to do and ways you can grow your YT channel.

You'll also be given links to insightful resources based on your channel needs in order to grow.

According to YouTube's official blog, you'll receive a personalised message

whenever there is an important change as well as updates happening on your YouTube channel.

YouTube has also stated that they will be adding more helpful tips on the YouTube Studio app very soon --

so definitely stay tuned for that!

Next up, we have the custom thumbnails feature. The good news is, you can now upload and customise

your own thumbnails right from your mobile device on both ios and android.

Good news to gamers out there!

If you're a gaming channel looking forward to earning extra income via YouTube,

YouTube had just recently introduced a feature to help you do that and also help you connect

with your subscribers better through sponsorships!

With sponsorships, your subscribers can now purchase digital products and good directly

from your YT channel and support you via monthly subscriptions starting from 4.99 USD.

The sponsors will receive exclusive perks, such as custom badge and emoji that will help

them stand out during your live stream.

These badges as well emojis will be designed by you, the creator, to your subscribers.

Sponsors will also get exclusive access to sponsors-only live chat, which is an awesome

way to connect with your supporters.

Sponsorships are now available to all eligible creators on the YouTube Gaming app platform.

So if your channel meets the requirement and is eligible, you can now start by visiting

the website: and begin collecting and growing your sponsorship base.

YouTube will also be testing out another version of sponsorships with non-gaming creators on

the main YouTube app platform.

Coming up next, we have a better-updated version of the YouTube Livestream -- which has now

become a lot more accessible, faster, reliable and easier to set up.

One main changes are the Real-time interaction feature.

To give you, the creator, a better experience when interacting with the audience.

YouTube had just introduced a tool called ultra low-latency -- in which you can enable it during live streams.

That way you'll be able to answer your subscriber's questions and get their reaction during your

live streams a lot easier and faster.

The best thing about this is the fact that it is SUPER easy to set up and it doesn't require

any additional software, apps or extensions in order for it to work.

The next feature within the YouTube Livestream category is the three new live chat moderation tools.

The first one being the: Inline moderation tool

This tool allows you to quickly hover through your chat feed by simply pressing and holding

the shortcut keys on your keyboard -- which is "alt" or "option" button.

What this does is that it pauses your chat feed.

And once the feed is paused, you can immediately skim through the comments

to approve or remove it as you wish with only one click.

You can also assign a moderator you trust, to help you out during live streams.

The second tool is the message review tool.

By opting-in, the messages identified by YouTube's system will be held from posting on your streams,

that way you can decide whether or not to approve it, hide it or flag it.

You can also block certain words or phrases that are inappropriate or offensive to you.

Last but not least is the shared hidden user lists feature.

This feature lets you and your moderators use the same hidden users list across comments

and chats your during live streams.

YouTube also mentions that in the future hides will work in both comments and live chat,

despite where you take that action.

In addition to all of that, YouTube has now also made streaming a lot easier for iPhone

and iPad users when using the YouTube app.

With Apple's ReplayKit, creators can now live stream directly from any of the popular apps

that supports Replay Kit on YouTube Gaming.

Not only that but You'll also be able to use your phone's microphone and front-facing camera when streaming.

So let's kick off with the design and going back to the YouTube mobile App:

The most obvious one would be the clean and modern design to the app itself: YouTube decided

to make their header's color white so that the content stands out even more and also

moved the navigation tabs way down to the bottom of the app -- making it closer to your thumbs.

In addition to that, YouTube had also added new Library and Account tabs that give you

easy access to whatever you're looking for.

The next feature is related to gestures.

Earlier this year, YouTube introduced a gesture that enables you to double tap on the left

or right side of a video in order to either fast forward or rewind 10 seconds.

YouTube also introduced a feature that lets you jump between videos using one single swipe of your

hand: left for the previous video and right for the next one.

If you're familiar with using the speed up or slow down tool on videos on your desktop.

YouTube has now featured this tool onto their app for you to enjoy videos at whichever pace you prefer.

YouTube stated that soon, the YouTube player will continuously change shape to match the

video format you're watching, such as vertical, square or horizontal automatically -- including

vertical videos without having black bars on the sides!

Also, YouTube recently introduced a feature that lets you view a row of suggested videos

while you're watching a video in full screen.

They also stated that they are now working on converting the area below the player so

that you can browse videos in new ways.

Looking beyond the YouTube app itself, They've also been working on a new desktop design

-- it is now officially available to all users around the world.

The new look implements Material Design to YouTube and presents a modern, simple and

intuitive user experience where video content stands out.

One of the most popular features of this new desktop design is the Dark Theme feature,

in which turns the white background to greyish, black

-- and it gives you more of a cinematic look when you're watching any videos.

One of the most obvious changes to YouTube is the logo and icon itself.

The updated logo combines a cleaned up version of the YouTube wordmark and icon, forming

a more compliant design that works a lot better across a variety of platform or devices

-- which is a lot easier and clearer to see.

In the last few months, YouTube has been spending time addressing concerns from advertisers

regarding their ads placement.

With new restrictions and guidelines implemented, many creators have seen their earnings starting

to normalise once again as the advertisers resumed their campaigns.

Because of these recent changes in the guidelines and algorithms, however, some videos remained

classified as not suitable for all advertisers -- therefore limiting the number of ads being placed on those videos.

If you would like to learn more about this, you can always head over to YouTube Help website

for further information regarding monetization troubleshooting or any other issues

to see what actions you can take on your video.

The link will also be in the description box down below, so definitely check that out.

A few months ago YouTube introduced a new feature called creator hearts.

You can now heart a favourite comment to show some love and appreciation to the person who wrote it.

Creators can also pin comments they like to the top of their comment feed to be sure that

all your fans can see them.

Youtube has been working on a new approach to comments that will help your subscribers

get even more value out of your channel.

YouTube calls them comment topics, and in this feature, it gives the viewers ability

to browse comments accordingly to the topics being discussed.

It's an excellent way to highlight what's different and interesting about the conversations

you have on your YouTube channel.

The great thing about this is the fact that it is absolutely optional,

so if you don't feel like having the comment topics, you can always delete individual topics or disable

them altogether anytime you want.

Last but definitely not least, is the new monetization tool called Super Chat.

This feature is designed to let you, the content creator, interact directly with your subscribers.

It is also a new, great way to earn a side income from YouTube as well.

So here's how it works: during live streams, fans can pay you highlighted chat messages

that stand out from the crowd.

YouTube stated that over 65% of channels that use Super Chat have more than doubled their income during live streams.

Super Chat's already available for creators in 21 countries and they recently just added 17 new countries to that list!

For more information regarding the Super Chat feature, you can visit YouTube's Creator Blog

or by simply click the link in down below.

So that's all I have for today guys. Thank you so much for watching!

And if you found this video useful, please give it a thumbs up

and also subscribe if you haven't already.

I'll see you next week :)

For more infomation >> NEW! YouTube's Latest Features of 2017 🆕 - Duration: 9:24.


navratri special rangoli | vijayadashami rangoli, simple and easy rangoli designs for diwali - Duration: 0:54.

easy rangoli designs

For more infomation >> navratri special rangoli | vijayadashami rangoli, simple and easy rangoli designs for diwali - Duration: 0:54.


Ark Survival Evolved - We're Turning Into a Dino Nursery! - Duration: 12:03.


Guys welcome to the video

For this beautiful little guerrilla, baby soonish on the face hey

That's a good way to kill the baby

You produce a

Where's my stuff that

It looks like a black punk rocker

I am going to do this

No, you nice in Cameron Cameron did not do shit away from the baby. This is another episode


Am the boss to be ever so long actually I'm the Godfather's minute

Gonna be CSI who the fuck killed dead


still can't I still killed and Paul I still can't believe that I went to the grocery store just for a couple of minutes and

You guys literally?

touch one how many

Are the

For the live commentaries down stuff. Oh, yeah regular, Mike. Oh, you're you're in the sound panel

Yeah, yeah


Camera no sweetie. I

Got the five words on top


Hold on. She needs to sit closer to the fire

It's for the baby. We need to get to that closely. Oh my god. She is fat. She is fat

10 seconds come on

Tyson Tyson do it

You know the father so that way

Wait by the way

He's only a baby

You're watching them the whole time


We gotta get the highest level mail, maybe that's okay

I'm gonna get we're gonna get the highest levels and we're gonna put them together all right

So you you and Anthony do you guys magic while I watch the?

Talking make sure the game, you know I think some champagne it's chocolate


He's a juvenile now

Shut up, my baby

I watched you Nicolette they were helping and almost died

Yeah, shut up, man. I am


Over there all right all right 94% all right?

Wait wait wait why do we have to name the Jew why do you have to name the juvenile?

Maybe but maybe by the fireplace hundred ninety-two thousand Hertz

What was it so where's the campfire?


We'll make a grave. I think the Iggy patient is supposed to go down


My god oh my god

Like it's not gonna die. It's not gonna die. I'm saying. I'm taking some of the dad's food

Cuz we need resources

He's surrounded by see the world see what the world has to offer see how?

Much the ones care 40 seconds, I'll give it all

It's mine

Medicare may chemical P

You wanna cameras want to care for it? Do you want to care for it? Do you want to hear?

I'm about to care for him in 20 seconds

Wow Oh

What oh he's running, oh, let me see that he's quick

What's yeah? Oh?

Wow he's a little sprinter

What what was that was he laughing yeah

It's a red streak on my like it was laughing

Wait wait 100 Reds on this left ear

You see this much I



All right

Are you guys ready to sell out sell out to the seas and the adventures and everything else?

She'll new all right. We are out


Just got quiet I got very very quiet, I thought someone was almost about to assassinate us, I know what the problem is

For more infomation >> Ark Survival Evolved - We're Turning Into a Dino Nursery! - Duration: 12:03.



welcome to Wright ideas with Susan! I know it gets really busy as we get closer to

the end of the year and Christmas coming up so I thought I would help you guys

and share with you an idea that can help you get all your Christmas lessons

planned and done by just making a simple teaching resource and that is making

your own set of Christmas Story cards so today I'm going to share with you how I

make these cards and then I'm going to show you the many techniques that I use

for teaching kids age 4 all the way up to 10 11 12 year olds

I like using story cards for the teaching segment of my lesson because I

can teach the Bible story several different ways so let me give you an

example what I might say to younger children I might say, '"hey kids I'm going

to tell you about something that happened about 2,000 years ago and I

need you to really listen closely and pay attention because after I go through

it I'm going to put the pictures up and I'm going to need your help

putting them in order" and so all I would do is go through and read the story from

the back of the pictures and then once I've finished reading the story I'd mix

all the pictures up whether I put it up on a board like this or I might even

have the kid sitting in a circle and put the pictures in the middle and I might

say 'hey I wonder who could find the first thing that happened? and they'll

come up and they'll take the picture of what happened at the beginning and I say

'oh, I wonder if someone can tell me what happened or show me the picture that

happened next? and then they would come and put the

next one up until we have them all in order and once we have them in order

then I would say to the kids 'I wonder if you can tell me'... I just point to the kids

I say 'who can tell me what happened at the very beginning?' and I get them to

tell me 'who can tell me what happened next? and next?' and so I'm getting them to

retell the story. now with older kids I would do pretty much the same sort of

thing I would basically read the story from the cards and then I'd say 'okay, now

I want to get a few of you up here if you can reread the story for me' and so I

would do would hand out to the cards so the kids who have their hands up get

them to come up and I say, 'hey I want you to get yourself in order' and then I'll

get them to reread the story from the back and once they've done that I'd keep

them standing up there and in the order of the story and then I'd say 'okay is

there someone out here who can tell us the whole, give us a summary of the whole story?

and then I would get someone from the group to tell the whole story just

looking at the pictures and in the order that they're in

now there's a benefit from using story cards week after it helps with familiarity of the Bible

story and you can easily use it for review because you're going back to the

beginning of the story each week before you add on another part of the story now

you can take five weeks to cover it or sometimes you can combine two of the

stories together I tend to cover the Christmas story over three to four weeks

and when you get to the end of this series I end up having the whole class

around the edge of the room in each of them - there's about 26 cards when

I do all the stories so 26 kids can each have a card and we go around and review

the whole events of Christmas and it really helps them learn the Christmas

story really well now each week after we go through the story for that day I like

to follow it up with a fun activity maybe Play dough or maybe just drawing a

picture from the story that day or a craft idea of some sort and another

thing we can do is play a game like pictionary

or we can watch a video clip about the story and I've got a whole playlist of a

good Christmas video clips that you can have a look and I also have a great

Christmas song and dance that you can teach your kids as well

so there you have it. a very low-tech resource you can make and you'll have all your Christmas

lessons planned a year after year after year and then if you wanted some more

simple Christmas lesson ideas I have got a whole playlist that you can check out

when you have time and if you like this video can you give it a thumbs up and

let me know and if you'd like more ideas like this

all you have to do is subscribe tap that little bell and you'll be notified when I put my

next idea up thanks again for watching and may God

bless you as you teach the next generation about Jesus.

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