Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 29 2017


Concerned New York City residents have recently noticed mysterious metal towers popping up

at local tunnels. Now information has come out revealing that soon they will begin to

be built around bridges as well. Those in charge of the MTA - those in charge of the

towers - will not say why they are being used, or what exactly they even are. Jose Lugo,

a resident, said the tall metal towers appeared shortly after the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel


really know what�s the purpose of this, � he said. What is known is that it is a

$100 million MTA project shrouded in secrecy and that 18 of them will be built around tunnels

and bridges in the city. But what ARE they? MTA's man in charge of the bridges and tunnels,

Cedrick Fulton, has dodged the issue when asked about it.

�I said no comment, � he repeated several times when asked.

Some of the MTA board members, including New York City Transportation Commissioner Polly

Trottenberg, claim that they are also in the dark � even though half the money has already

been spent and some of the towers are already up. �A lot of the board members felt they

didn�t have all the details they would have wanted, myself included, � she said. Residents

are generally confident that there is a lot more going on than meets the eye, and many

of them are uncertain if the populace at large will ever be allowed to find out what is going

on inside of the pillars. �I�m going to guess that it�s not just a decoration, � Alyssa

Renkas, of the Upper West Side, said. �It�s a bit mind-boggling that the MTA is approving

$100 million for what appears to us to be big, decorative pylons, � says John Kaehny,

the leader of a local watchdog group named Reinvent Albany. �What we�re asking for

is transparency from the MTA.� Locals soon began to demand answers and started asking

their representatives questions. One man pointed out, �Some of your own board members say

they don�t know the specifics.� Lhota responded, �The base of these new pieces

that are going up include whatever fiber optics are necessary for those Homeland Security

items.� From that comment, it seems that what New Yorkers may be dealing with is anti-terror

technology. Some are concerned that this technology could that one day include facial recognition

software. At this time, the public does not know, and Lhota won�t say. �I�m not

at liberty to discuss that, � he told Carlin. So as more of these expensive towers are constructed,

with whatever surveillance technology they may have, their mysteries remain tucked inside.

What Lhota was willing to say is that all necessary Homeland Security technology remains

in place at all crossings, including the ones that do not have the new towers. The question

now is what these new surveillance devices will be used for, and why does the government

want to keep people in the dark? Even though many Americans are not aware of the degree

to which the government is watching them and infringing on their rights, such a public

display of surveillance technology is certain to interest many locals. As these people begin

to ask questions and to realize that a system is literally being set up to watch them all

the time, and potentially identify them based on facial recognition technology, hopefully,

they will begin to realize how serious this situation has become. Unless that happens,

it appears that the government has taken another step to consolidate its power and prevent

anybody from escaping its grasp.



Tutorial » Painted Text (+ BRUSH PACK) [Minecraft Graphics] - Duration: 14:49.

Hi guys, my name is DRS

and welcome to a new Tutorial!

It's been a while since my first tutorial

Thanks to everyone for 6000 subscribers

I would like to teach you how to create my Text style

contains some brushstrokes

how this for example


I would like inform you

about my first Brush Pack

contains 18 brushes

it's only a recopilation, I didn't do these brushes

So, includes my Private Brush

too much people wants that brush

You can purchase it in my Sellfy (link in the description)

I will use that Brush Pack in this tutorial

because I usually use that brushes

for create my text style

And now...

Let's go with the Tutorial!

This is Cinema 4D

I use the R15 version

Now, click in ''MoGraph''

and then, press ''MoText''

here in ''Text'', you need to put a name

I selected Text

I usually use the same tipography

its name is Verbena

I use this for create my text

You can now download the font (link in description)

it's free



put more Horizontal Spacing

because this font shuts in the other letters

you need put a space in the middle

for then put the render in

then, two clicks down

and select a dark colour in the material

I prefer a dark colour

You can copy the features

the RGB

close that window

and then put that colour to our text

so, you can do the text in Photoshop

I prefer Cinema 4D

And, put some extrusion

looks great!

so, you copy the characteristics too

20 cm of extrusion

25 or 20, you choose

Almost done

Now, you can click ''C''

and then to recolate the letters again

for a better incorporation


you can put some shallow depth of field

this text is easy

I use the Aether + Flash lightroom

I putted 1080p

The size in Photoshop will be 1920 x 1080

and then, press on ''Direct alpha''

and .png format

and in ''Route'' you will choose a place in your pc

I will save it in the desk

Now, I will click to render

Good, we are now in Adobe Photoshop

I use the CC 2017 version

First step

To create a degraded in the text

In ''Fusion Options''

Click in gradient overlap

Press on ''Black to White'' degraded

then in OK

And then in ''Overlay''

I don't like too much opacity

for example, in 30% opacity

it's good now

So, you put other colour degradient to the text

here is it if you prefer other colour

and then in ''bevel and relief''

but I don't like it

so, finally in Inner shinning

sometimes I put something

for example 18% opacity

and then press on ''overexpose color''

looks great now!

and finally click ''OK''

then press on ''Raster Layer Style''

and this will be our Text layer

good, second step

choose Brush on ''B''

in the brush fliperboard, will be appear my

Brush Pack if you purchase & installed before

always will be down

I selected that brush for example

then, create a new layer

and then, create a cutting mask

and now, you can add brushes to the text

selecting one colour according to the banner colour

if the banner is red,

then you need select red colours!

different reds

for example

dark red, light red...

and you will select all this in the color palette

choosing that colours for example

I will use a dark red at the moment

and then , putting brushes

on the text

to the different letters

of the text

in this way

some brushstrokes

it's too much easy create this!

so, you can select other colours

for example the color reversed to the default

then, I will choose a green

in this way!

in this case, I will use other brush

I will use now one default brush

of Photoshop

so, I use a lot that brush

You can choose that in the beginning

100 pts

some brushtrockes

and now

I will use a blue colour


in this way

and the final step

Press on the overlay options

you need choose the better for you

(i'm choosing one)

and quit some saturation

and now you can put more shadows

creating a new layer

select a white colour

here for example

and now, you can selecting this part

on this way

so, you can select this with the pen tool

and now, paint this zone

then, clipping mask

and then click in Overlay

and then, quit some opacity

and repeat the process

but in this case, would be a shadow

and select again the part

and now, select a black colour

in this way

and with the erase tool

delete that zone

and repeat the same process

and now, black colour

and repeat the same process

in this way

and now

put together

Click + Shift in the text layer down


You must put one render

I will use the Revivor Render

of my last Speedart

And if you want to learn how to edit a render

you can press on my first Tutorial

(and that tutorial is with english subtitles too)

and now

I will put the render in the middle

like this

I will select the X and T,

and now

and then, copy that in a new layer

how now

and I will rename each texts layers

and now

you can move the ''TE'' to the left

and the ''XT'' to the right

and now, put together the two text layers

and now, you can rotate something the text to the left

and now, we finished the Tutorial

and then, you need to put more effects

so, you can add a brushtocke

with this brush

and select one random colour

I selected the black

like this

(i'm confused)

or two brushtockes

like this now

and now yes, we finished the Tutorial


I hope to helped you today

Give me a like if you want!

and subscribe for more


For more infomation >> Tutorial » Painted Text (+ BRUSH PACK) [Minecraft Graphics] - Duration: 14:49.


〖年度最WTF〗母親! |聖經寓言解析 - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> 〖年度最WTF〗母親! |聖經寓言解析 - Duration: 7:50.


Sept Wrap Up Part 2 - Duration: 17:19.

Hi everyone. I'm rincey and this is rincey reads. Today i'm going to be doing

part two of my September wrap-up. Last week I posted in my part one because

I've read a lot of books this month. I decided to break up my wrap-up into two

parts, which I normally don't do. But I figured this would give me a chance to

talk a little bit more about the books and not feel so like super rush to get

everything in within like a 20 minute time frame. These videos are still long

because I still have a lot of books to talk about, so let's jump right in.

So the first book I want to talk about is Joyland by Stephen King. This is,

I think it's technically a novella. Actually I'm not sure about that. Don't

take my word on that. For the read or dead podcast which is the mystery

thriller podcast that I co-host for book riot, we were doing a Stephen King

specific episode and so I wanted to read a little bit more Stephen King. I haven't

read a lot of Stephen King by any means. Joyland was recommended to me by a

couple of different people. And I knew that it wasn't like one of his like big

horror novels, which is not something I'm interested in. I am a big, big baby so I

don't generally read like most horror books. So I decided to go for Joyland

because I heard relatively good things about it. This is basically

a coming-of-age story which was not what I was expecting. I was expecting like a

mystery or suspense book. You are following this guy named Devin who is in

college and over the summer he ends up getting basically a summer job at this

carnival called joyland. There are some like mysterious elements that are

happening here. There's this woman who was murdered on one of the rides and so

supposedly it's haunted. But the majority of the time you're basically just

following Devin as he like figures out his life. You know, they pitch the story

as it like solving this mystery of this woman who was murdered a long time ago

or at least years ago and that is definitely part of the story. But, like I

said, it's mainly a coming-of-age story which was okay. I thought this book was

just like okay. It wasn't bad. It wasn't great. It didn't really pull me in.

I didn't find the mystery particularly engaging. It was fine. I can't really

like recommend it. I won't say that it's a bad book because I don't think it's

really a bad book. It's just kind of there. The one thing I will say is that

it seemed like the main character Devin was really obsessed with his

girlfriend at the time. So the way this book is structured it's,

Devin's telling you the story, like a present-day version of Devin is telling

you this story of what happened to him over the course of this like year.

And assuming that this guy is probably you know in his like 50s or 60s when he's

telling this story, they don't really say that but you know he's older.

He's definitely like grown up. He talks about how like people in his life have

passed away because you know they've grown up. So you know that he's

significantly older. He still seems really bitter about this girlfriend

which was like my one main turn-off about this book, I will say that. The next

book that I finished was chemistry by Weike Wang. In the story, you are

following this unnamed narrator. She is getting her PhD in chemistry. She is just

under a lot of pressure in order to get the results that she needs in order to

like complete her PhD. She's dating someone who wants the relationship to

move faster than she's really willing or wanting to she's constantly comparing

herself to her peers and the other people working at this lab. She has a lot

of pressure. The main character's Chinese. I believe she's also a Chinese immigrant.

And so she feels a lot of pressure from her parents to succeed and to do great

things and all this stuff and all of this pressure is really getting to her.

And then suddenly like basically she cracks one day and she's forced to

figure out what she's going to do next after this major episode happens.

This was a really interesting reading experience. This is a really short book

and it split basically into two parts. And I was really into the first half of

this book and I was not so much into the second half of this book unfortunately.

I think that the author explores some really interesting things in terms of

living your life sort of wanting to fulfill your parents expectations and

not being able to do so and trying to figure out how to live your own life or

how to live a life that's fulfilling to you and realizing that that might not

like go towards what your parents want in your life. There's also a lot of

really interesting discussions in here in terms of like love and relationships

and especially how different cultures sort of deal with that. The main

character in here, like I said, she is a Chinese immigrant and so the way that

she deals with people is very different than the way like her American boyfriend

does. Her boyfriend is very like loving and expressive and shows his feelings.

And she's very much like an inward person. She's not as

expressive with her emotions. She's very like logical and things just very limit

linearly. And there's even just like a little bit of just stilted-ness in terms

of her understanding just because she's also Chinese immigrant. So there's like

language barriers also happening. There's a lot of things about like various

metaphors that don't make sense to her because obviously she didn't grow up with

the language and such. But after this sort of like major episode happens,

the story starts to like fall apart a little bit. It loses a lot of structure and then

it feels like it rushes in the end to just kind of wrap everything up and I

feel like the way it wrapped up was like a little bit too neat and nice for the

way things were going. um I think that if this were maybe a little bit of a longer

book, it would have been nicer to just kind of like spread out that ending a

little bit more to make it feel more natural. The writing in here is very

stilted and again I think that has a lot to do with like the narrator's point of

view. English is in her first language. And she's a very you know not into like

flowery language or metaphors or anything like that. There's a lot of

references in here to like chemistry and scientific methods and things like that

which I actually really like. Like I like that sort of play on what's happening in

her life and how she views it through the lens of a scientist. But yeah I just

kind of wished everything was developed a little bit more. By the end, again, it

just felt like it was all being rushed to be finished and it didn't really like

have an organic ending to it. So yeah I gave it a 3 out

of 5 stars. It's not a bad book. It's a relatively short book. But if it sounds

interesting to you, I would check it out. But I know that this is not going to be

everyone's cup of tea. So yeah liked it, didn't love it. All right next up I got

bluebird, bluebird by Attica Locke. This is probably one of my most anticipated

books of the year. This is a brand new release. It just came out in September

and I got it from the library immediately. I love this book. I'm

actually gonna do a full review on this book so I'm not going to talk about it

too much here. But if you have read Attica Locke before and you enjoy her

books, then you should definitely pick this one up. It's not my favorite. Cutting

season is still my favorite out of her books but this one is now a close second.

In this story you are following this character named Darren who is a Texas

Ranger. He left his hometown to like go to school and he was like on his way

of being a lawyer and then stuff happened and he ends up becoming a Texas

Ranger. When you started off, he's like in the middle of this big case

and trial and you kind of see what sort of state his life is in. And then he gets

pulled into this case in a small town which just like reminds him a lot of

like his home and the things that he had to deal with.

Yeah Attica Locke is just like a really great writer. She intertwines the ideas

of like a general mystery along with what it's like to be a black person in

the United States right now. Even beyond that, like the characters in here are so

so complex. Darren is that a great person by any like measure. I mean, he does good

things but like he's also done some really bad things as well. um And so

Attica Locke creates these sort of characters who very much live in the

gray area of the world and I think it's just like a really interesting

exploration of that. So yeah, that's all I'm gonna say. I gave this book a 4 out

of 5 stars. And I will be doing a full review on it

next month. All right then the next book that I finished this month was one dark

throne by Kendare Blake and this is the sequel to three dark crowns. This book I

believe is gonna be a four book series. And I'm not going to talk too much about

the synopsis because it's literally impossible to do this without spoiling

things about the first book. I really enjoyed the second book. If you read the

first one and you really liked it, you're going to like this one as well. If you

didn't like the first one, you're not gonna like this one either because it's

literally like along the same lines as the first book. This is a very like slow

paced, character driven fantasy story, which i think is my personal favorite

type of fantasy stories. It reminds me a lot of the queen of the tearling series.

Queen of the tearling is a lot more like violent and a lot more in-your-face and

yeah just like a lot more adult. But if you like that series and you also like

young adult books I think that you will like this series as well. Kendare Blake

just does a really great job of just creating this really interesting cast of

characters. My one complaint would be that there are a lot of characters that

you have to follow in this series. But I really love the three Queens a whole lot

and just seeing how things develop is crazy to me. I was so surprised. Like

there are certain things where I was like okay it's very clear certain plot

points are going to happen in the second book just based on the way things are

unfolding. And I was reading this going, how is she going to accomplish this and

still make this a four book series? And then the events

happened and I was like completely in awe of Kendare Blake. So yeah, I'm

really enjoying the series. Feel free to talk to me about it down in the comments

below if you read these books as well because I would love to talk about it.

Just make sure you mark your comments like spoilers for the series and stuff

so that way people don't get spoiled if they haven't read it already.

But yeah, if you are someone who likes slow paced character driven fantasy

series, I recommend checking these out for yourself. I'm also going to link to

my favorite books of 2016 video just because I talked about three dark crowns

in that one. I believe it's that video. I'll find their video where I talk about it

because yeah it was one of my favorite books of 2016 and this is just

continuing on and it's still one of my favorites. I very rarely love a series

this much anymore and this is still one that oh I'm so excited for the next two

books. I'm very upset that they don't come out for like another year. Although

there are prequels coming out. I think their novellas. But yeah, I want the real

books now or not, you know, they're all real books book. Whatever. You know what I mean.

Next up, I finished a kind of freedom by

Margaret Wilkerson Sexton. This is a book I picked up because it was longlisted

for the National Book Award. I don't know if I talked about it on this channel yet.

I talked about it on Twitter that's for sure. When the long list for the National

Book Award was announced, I was really excited by the fiction long list, as well

as a young adult fiction long list. So I decided to try to read as many of

those books as possible because I've already read three out of the ten.

This will be four out of ten now. So I figured I might as well just read as much of the

long list as I can. Some of them aren't out yet

so I can't read those. Although I guess I could try to get ARCs but I don't care

that much. Anyways. This is a multi-generational novel that spans from

the 1940s through about present-day. I believe the last year is around like 2010

or 2011. And you are mainly following three characters within this family.

The first one is Evelyn who is this Creole woman living in New Orleans.

She is growing up in sort of like the midst of World War Two. I believe that the

story for her starts around like 1942 I want to say. And then you follow her

daughter Jackie who is living in about like the 1980s and then you're following

Jackie's son named TJ who is again in sort of like present-day. Yeah this is

one that's a very, very short. It's less than 300 pages long. I will say

the one like complaint I have is that I wish it was longer because I think

they're still like so much with this family that could have been explored.

But I did give this book a 4 out of 5 stars. It's really, really moving, really, really

heartbreaking. You can definitely tell it has like debut novel-ness on it.

And another thing is that it doesn't follow the family like linearly. Like you start

with Evelyn in the 1940s but then you jump to you Jackie and then you jump

to TJ and then you jump back to Evelyn and you kind of like go through all of

them in cycles. And I just realized the character's name is not TJ it's TC.

Which is a really interesting way to tell the story. And sometimes it was nice because

you at least know that like things are going to come. But there are certain like

links that I wish were made. There are, you know, kind of big gaps in between all of

these different decades and so there are big parts of this family's history that

you don't necessarily get. But I think that this novel does a really great job

of sort of showing how the things that affect sort of like one generation sort

of like trickles down through multiple generations. This is a black family so

you definitely see a lot of like how society changes and how they are treated.

There's a lot of like discussions in terms of like forgiveness and what

family means and expectations and just all of these different things are

explored in here. It's just, if you're someone who likes multi-generational

novels then I think that you will like this book. Again it's on the shorter side

and I kind of wish it was a little bit longer so it could have been like

slightly more developed with all these different characters. But I think that

all of these characters were really interesting. It's one of the rare

instances where I actually liked all of the different points of

views. A lot of times either multi-generational novels or with just

like multiple perspectives in general, there's usually at least one where I'm

not really that thrilled by. But I found all of these characters completely

interesting and I wanted to see what was going to happen and I wanted to see sort

of like how the dots were going to connect between these different

generations. And just even seeing how like obviously like people from

different generations are obviously going to show up in these different

characters stories. So sort of seeing how different characters, like even side

characters, progressed over time was really well done. So yeah, I gave this

book a 4 out of 5 stars. Again, if you like multi-generational family stories,

this is definitely one you should put on your list. Alright, and then the final

book that I finished this month was the finder by Rene Denfeld. I was really

excited for this book because the enchanted is one of my favorite books of

all time. If you've been watching my channel for a couple of years, you will

know that because I talked about it a lot. It's one of the few five-star

ratings I gave. This one I gave it 3 out of 5 stars. I found it to be again just fine.

In the story, you are mainly following this character named Naomi who

is dubbed sort of like the child finder. She is someone who goes out and looks for

children who have gone missing for various families. Like she's hired

independently like a private investigator.

The main investigation that she is doing in this story is for this girl named

Madison who disappeared in the woods one day. The parents are obviously very

much believing that their daughter is still alive and she's hoping that

Naomi will be able to find her out in the woods. There's also like a secondary

storyline in terms of an investigation but that one isn't given quite as much

importance again because it's secondary. Yeah this book was a little bit of a

mess in my opinion. It's relatively short. This is another one, I read it as an

e-book so I'm not completely sure, but I think it's less than 300 pages. It just

felt like it was a little bit all over the place. You see things from multiple

points of view. So you see Naomi's point of view as she's like searching for

Madison and you also see things like about her own life and like how she

became an investigator in her relationship with different people.

But you also see things from Madison's point of view. And like the way that they broke

up the chapters, like sometimes I would be chapters where half of it was from

Naomi's point of view and half of it was from Madison point of view. When I was reading

that I was like, why wouldn't you just break this up into separate chapters?

That would make more sense for me logically. Because there would just be

sort of like the large paragraph breaks and I wouldn't realize that it was like

switching perspectives because there was nothing that really indicated that until

you started reading. It wasn't like the large paragraph breaks indicated

switching perspectives because sometimes there would be a large paragraph breaks

and you'd still be in the same perspective. The story is also like too

good or like too saccharin. I don't know how to explain it. But it's like the way

that they talk about love sometimes is like super cheesy in my opinion. And even

the way they described things like abuse and missing kids and all of that just

felt too simple. I don't know if that's just me being too critical because

obviously I'm not someone who's been in those situations and Rene Denfeld works

as an investigator and I believe has experience

with even just like foster kids and stuff like that. But yeah, it just felt

like too cheesy I think and it lacked like nuance and complexity. And I don't

know. It feels like this should have been a book that it was worked on a little

bit more or just edited a little bit more. Like I said, there's a secondary

storyline which while interesting I don't think really added much to the story.

Naomi is a very damaged character for understandable reasons. And I feel like

even the way that she deals with her own sort of baggage is very too easy, too simplistic.

I can't highly recommend this book the

way that I do the enchanted. If you want to read Rene Denfeld, go read the

enchanted. This book again it wasn't bad but it just wasn't great either. It just

was. And I think that there are some like good ideas and concepts and stuff that's

talked about in here, especially dealing with children who are fostered. I really

like the fact that there are like good foster parents in this book which is

really hard to find in stories. Let me tell you because I look for them.

I just was disappointed. So yeah that's everything that I read in the month of

September. If you've read any of these books, feel free to leave a comment down

below letting you know what you guys thought of them. Or if you have any

questions feel free to leave a comment about that as well.

Or if you don't have any of that, feel free to let me know when your favorite

read of September was. Mine was either sing unburied sing, which I talked

about in my last video, or it was bluebird, bluebird, which was also fantastic.

Or maybe Orhan's Inheritance. Oh man, I don't know. I read a lot of great books

this month. So yeah that's all I have for now and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Sept Wrap Up Part 2 - Duration: 17:19.


SURFING in the CITY (SCS Vienna City-Wave) - FrediSaal - Duration: 4:27.



Hey Steve!

Yeah Walter!

Today I am at this Wave Station here

I am going surfing, it is going to be fun!

I have never done this before!

Let's go surfing for the first time!

Come with me!

Are you crazy!

So that is what it looks like, if you are Pro!

This was the first Surfing Session ever in my Life!

It is so much fun!

I can only recommend you to try this too!

Really awesome! Now I will go watch my friends

because this crazy dude wants to go again!

It is so cold!

oh dear...

And how does it feel?

Hard ni**les


It feels great!

So yeah guys!

That was it, City-Wave Austria

It was amazing a lot of fun!

I would definitely do it again!

If you want to do this, I definitely recommend it

With that said, i hope you liked that video

leave me a like if you want to see me again!

and yeah.. Have a nice day and see you in the next video!


For more infomation >> SURFING in the CITY (SCS Vienna City-Wave) - FrediSaal - Duration: 4:27.


Bacon-Wrapped Spinach Dip Crostini | Food Network - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Bacon-Wrapped Spinach Dip Crostini | Food Network - Duration: 0:50.


Crossout Carnage! - Duration: 1:57:17.

For more infomation >> Crossout Carnage! - Duration: 1:57:17.


Deadpool Mutation Scene | Deadpool (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:54.

If this doesn't unlock your mutation, then, well...

nothing will.

Now, what we're going to do is lower the oxygen concentration in the air...

to the exact point you feel like you're suffocating.

If your brainwaves slow, meaning you're about to pass out...

then we'll turn up the O2.

If your heart rate slows...

meaning you're able to catch your breath...

we'll turn it back down.

And that's where we'll leave you. Right there.

And I thought you guys were dicks before.

You know the funniest part of this?

You still think we're making you a superhero.

You. A dishonorable discharge.

Hip-deep in hookers.

You're nothing.

Little secret, Wade.

This workshop doesn't make superheroes, we make super-slaves.

We're gonna fit you with a control collar and auction you off to the highest bidder.

Who knows what they'll have you doing?

Terrorizing citizens, putting down freedom fighters.

Maybe just mow the occasional lawn.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're never going home after this.

Now there's a brave face.

Wait, wait! Wait. Wait.

Seriously, you actually have something in your teeth now.

Enjoy your weekend.

"Weekend"? Back up.


Did I say this was a love story?

No, it's a horror movie.

Fucking hell.

Looks like someone lost his shot at Homecoming King.

What have you done to me?

I've merely raised your stress levels high enough to trigger a mutation.

You sadistic fuck!

I've cured you, Wade.

Now your mutated cells can heal anything.

It's attacking your cancer as fast as it can form.

Yeah, I've seen similar side effects before.

I could cure them...

but where's the fun in that?

Now, I'm gonna shut you in again, Wade.

Not because I need to.

Because I want to.

Oh, well.

Go ahead.

You smell like shit.


It's all right, it's all right.

I think we owe him that one, yeah?

You take off. Go on.

Off you go.

Quick question.

What's my name?

Didn't think so.

Sorry, Francis. My lips are sealed.

You don't want to kill me.

I'm the only one who can fix your ugly mug.

What's my name?


I didn't just get the cure to el cáncer...

I got the cure to el everything.

But there was only one thing...

that really mattered.

Come on, let's go.

Oh, that must hurt.

Thank you so much.

God, he's so fucking gnarly.

Look at his face.

Oh, my God. Poor guy.

Honey, don't stare.


No way. I'm not making her life as ugly as mine.

Come on, Wade, it can't be that bad.


I'm a monster inside and out. I belong in a fucking circus.

Wade, Vanessa loves you. She doesn't care what you...

Do you like what you see?


You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado.


Not gently. Like it was hate-fucking.

There was something wrong with the relationship...

and that was the only catharsis that they could find without violence.

And the only guy who can fix this fugly mug...

is the British shitstick who ran the mutant factory.

And he's gone. Poof!

Yeah, well you gotta do something to remedy this...

because as of now, you only have one course of action.

Damn straight.

-Find Francis. -Star in horror films.


Star in your own horror films.

Because you look like Freddy Krueger face-fucked a topographical map of Utah.

Here's what I'm actually gonna do.

I'm gonna work through his crew until somebody gives up Francis...

force him to fix this, then put a bullet in his skull...

and fuck the brain hole.

I don't wanna see that or think of it again.

But the douchebag does think you're dead, right?


That's good. You should keep it that way.

What, like, wear a mask?

Yes. A very thick mask. All the time.

I am sorry...

you are haunting.

Your face is the stuff of nightmares.

Like a testicle with teeth.

You will die alone.

I mean, if you could die.

Ideally, for others' sake.

That'll do.

All you need now is a suit and a nickname...

like Wade the Wisecracker...

or Scaredevil, Mr. Neverdie.



I put all my money on you and now...

I just realized I'm never gonna win the...

Dead pool.

Captain Deadpool.

No, just...

-Just Deadpool, yeah. -Just Deadpool.

To you, Mr. Pool.

Deadpool. That sounds like a fucking franchise.

This shit's gonna have nuts in it.

Where's Francis?

Where's Francis?

Seltzer water and lemon for blood.

Or wear red. Dumbass.

Don't make me ask twice.


is Francis?

He made me ask twice.

Is the mask muffling my voice?

Where's Francis?

Where the fuck is Francis?

You're about to be killed by a Zamboni.

Where's Francis?

No! Please!

Oh, God! I'm so sorry!

You little spider monkey!

Where... is... Francis?

This is confusing.

Is it sexist to hit you? Is it more sexist to not hit you?

I mean, the line gets real... blurry.


Tell me where your fucking boss is or you're gonna die!

In five minutes!

Don't hesitate to call me.

Nice to see you, Jared.

I'll take the footlong...

fully loaded.

41 confirmed kills.

Now it's 89. About to be 90.

Mr. Wilson?

You're looking very alive.

Only on the outside.

-This is not going to end well for me, is it? -This is not gonna end well for you, no.

Where's your boss?

I can tell you exactly...

Oh, you'll tell me, but first...

You might wanna look away for this.

Now this little piggy went to...

Thank you, Agent Smith.


Hop in! Great day for a ride.

And we all know how this turned out.

Whoops! You weren't meant to see that.

There. All caught up.

We're here.

Sorry about bleeding in all your garbage.

Seltzer water and lemon for blood.

Some kinds of anger can't be managed...

like the kind where your year-long plan ends with the wrong guy getting dismembered!

That said, when it comes time to licking wounds, there's no place like home.

And I share that home with someone you've met, the old blind lady from the laundromat, Al.

God, I miss cocaine.


Fourth-wall break inside a fourth-wall break.

That's like 16 walls.

She's like Robin to my Batman, except she's old, and black, and blind.

And I think she's in love with me.

Wait, pretty sure Robin loves Batman, too.


Morning, sleepyhead.

It smells like old lady pants in here.

Yes, I'm old. I wear pants.

But you're no lady.

So comfy.

Upside of being blind: I've never seen you in Crocs.

You mean my big, rubber masturbating shoes?

Yes, I know.

Downside of being blind...

I hear everything in this duplex.

Sit on a stick.


Yeah. Bactin should do it.

How's that Kullen coming along? IKEA doesn't assemble itself, you know.

You're telling me. I don't mind the Kullen.

It's an improvement on the Hurdal.

Please. Anything's an improvement over the Hurdal.

I'd have taken an Hemnes or a Trysil over the Hurdal.

No, I didn't get excited till I saw the Kullen.

Screw, please.

Here? Now? Just kidding.

I know it's been decades.

You'd be surprised.

Pretty grossed out.

Ta... Da.

I wish I never heard of Craigslist.

And I quote, "Looking for roommate, blind to life's imperfections.

"Must be good with hands."

Or would you rather I build the IKEA, and you pay rent?

Why such a douche this morning?

Let's recap.

The cock thistle that turned me into this freak...

slipped through my arms today...


Catching him was my only chance to be hot again, get my super sexy ex back...

and prevent this shit from happening to someone else.

So, yeah, today was about as much fun as a sandpaper dildo.


Found out who our friend in the red suit is.

Fucking Wade Wilson.

Suppose I'd wear a mask, too if I had a face like that.

I only wish I healed the same.

Still, we'll put him out of our misery.

On our terms.

Right. And when he heals?

He can't.

Not if there's nothing left of him to heal.

You know, it's funny. I almost miss the fucker.

I like a challenge.

But he's bad for business.

Now let's go find him.

Tylenol PM?

You can stick that where you stuck the Bactin.

I raided my stash of wisdom tooth Percocet...

and I am orbiting fucking Saturn right now.

But I appreciate the gesture.

Am I crazy, or is your hand really small?

About the size of a KFC spork.

I get why you're so pissy...

but your mood's never gonna brighten till you find this woman...

and tell her how you feel.

What do I keep telling you, Mrs. Magoo? She wouldn't have me.

If you could see me, you'd understand.

Looks aren't everything.

Looks are everything.

You ever heard David Beckham speak?

It's like he mouth-sexed a can of helium.

Think Ryan Reynolds got this far on his superior acting method?

Love is blind, Wade.


You're blind.

So, you're just gonna lie there and whimper?

No, I'm gonna wait till this arm plows through puberty...

and then I'm gonna come up with a whole new Christmas Day plan.

In the meantime, you might wanna leave the room.

I bet it feels huge in this hand.

Go, go, go.

So, the doctor says, "The bad news is you don't have that long to live."

So, the patient says, "How long do I have?"

The doctor says, "Five."

The guy says, "Five what?"

The doctor says, "Four, three, two..."

Can I help you ladies?

I do hope so.

I heard you might be able to point me in the direction of a friend of mine.

Name of Wade Wilson.


I don't know the name.

Hey, you're not supposed to be behind the bar.

I've seen this girl.

This must be Vanessa. I've heard so much about you.

Sweetheart, you might wanna look around.

This isn't really the place to do something like that.

Easy, Angel.

Put the little man down.

We have everything we need now.

You sure?

You don't want any clothes that are not monochromatic?

Have fun at your midnight showing of Blade II.

Thanks for having my back, guys.

Wade, we have a fucking problem. And by "we," I mean "you."

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Is there a word for half afraid, half angry?

Yeah, "afrangry," I guess.

Have you decided what you're gonna say to her?

Fuck me!

Maybe not start with that.

Hey, coming onto our stage right now...

give it up for Chastity!

Or as I like to call her, Irony.

Better find her fast before numbnuts does.

How do you know she's in here?

Because I'm constantly stalking that fox.

Every time I see her, it's like the first time...

Especially from this angle.

You can't buy love, but you can rent it for three minutes.

You weak motherfucker!

Come on!

Come on, get it together. This isn't about me, this is about Vanessa.

Here we go.

Maximum effort.


Someone out back asking for you. Something about an old boyfriend.

I knew it was you.

The weird, curvy edges.

Like a jigsaw puzzle.

You have Wade Wilson to thank for this.

Hey. Hey! Where'd she go?

I saw her head to the back. Go get her, tiger.


-Wait, wait. Let's... Just... -Cock juggling...

-We can talk about what we're gonna... -Jiminy! Fuck face!

Okay, or you can hit that.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Fuck! Fuck!

-No, no. All right. Hey! -Fuck! Fuck!

-Fuck! -Hey.

Relax. Relax. Okay.

Okay. I think that's a good start.

I'm gonna rip his motherfucking...


-Find it! Find it. -What?

-I'm gonna get angry. -Okay. All right.

All right. Okay. All right.

Here. This is Vanessa.

-What? -No, wait. It's Francis.

He wants you to come to him.

-What is that? -That's the shit emoji.

You know, it's the turd with the smiling face and the eyes?

I thought it was chocolate yogurt for so long.

I need guns.

Okay, which ones?

I need all the guns!

All right. Okay.

That's about 3,000 rounds.

We all know what I can do with 12.

Hey, hey, careful with that, Ronnie Milsap!

We're downrange.

I was gonna spend the night assembling the Börje, but this is holding my interest.

I told you, we're going with the Urvaj, not the Börje.

Get it through your head or get out of fuck town.

Shit. That's all the pieces in the house.

Nah. Come on. Let's go. Cough it up.

Up, up, up.

Down, down, down.

Fuck you.

.45 cal. I like it.


I'd go with you, but I don't want to.

Listen, Al...

if I never see you again, I want you to know that I love you very much.

And also, there's about 116 kilos of cocaine buried somewhere in the apartment...

right next to the cure for blindness. Good luck.

You wanna get fucked up?

Put her down over here.

Go on then.

Thanks, dickless. And I mean you.

Wow. You're a talker too. You and Wade.

I've been trying to tell you assholes, you've got the wrong girl.

My old boyfriend, he's dead.

See, I thought that too. But he keeps on coming back.

Like a cockroach...

but uglier.

Now, I may not feel, but he does.

Let's see how he fights with your head on the block.

Ripley, from Alien 3!

Fuck, you're old.

Fake laugh. Hiding real pain.

Go get Silver Balls.

You guys going for a bite? Early bird special?

Like there's something wrong with eating before sundown or saving money.

No, you know that bad guy that you let go?

He's got my girl.

You're gonna help me get her back.

Wade? Is that you?

Yeah, it's me, Deadpool, and I got an offer that you can't refuse.

I'm gonna wait out here, okay?

It's a big house. It's funny that I only ever see two of you.

It's almost like the studio couldn't afford another X-Man.

And that is why, in my opinion...

the movie Cocoon is pure pornography.

Who brought this twinkly man?

Twinkly, but deadly.

My chrome-penised friend back there has agreed to do me this solid.

In exchange, I said that I would consider joining his boy band.

It's not boy band.

Sure it's not.

So, any luck winning Gita back?

I tried to hold on tight, Mr. Pool...

but Bandhu is more craftier and handsomer than me.

Well, I think you're pretty darn cute.


What was that?

That was Bandhu in the trunk.

Ban who?

My romantic rival Bandhu. He's tied up in the trunk.

I'm doing as you said, DP.

I plan to gut him like a tandoori fish, then dump his carcass on Gita's doorstep.

I did not tell him to do that.

Absolutely not. It got lost in translation.

Dopinder, this is no way to win Gita's heart back!

I'm so proud of you.

Drop Bandhu off, safe and gentle-like.

Kill him.

And then, win Gita back...

the old fashioned way: with your boyish charm.

Kidnap her.

He's super dead.

I presume a crisp high five?

For you? 10.

Okay, guys, let's get out there and make a difference.

You know what to do.

Knock 'em dead, Pool Boy!

Time to make the chimi-fuckin'-changas.

Not often a dude ruins your face...

skull-stomps your sanity, grabs your future baby mama...

and personally sees to four of your five shittiest moments.

Let's just say, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.


Where's your duffle bag?


Leave a message and have a happy day.

God damn it!

I'm gonna do this the old fashioned way...

with two swords and maximum effort.

Cue the music.

Wade Wilson!

What's my name?

I'mma fuckin' spell it out for ya.

Go get some.

Superhero landing.

She's gonna do a superhero landing. Wait for it.

Superhero landing!

You know, that's really hard on your knees.

Totally impractical. They all do it.

You're a lovely lady, but I'm saving myself for Francis.

That's why I brought him.

I prefer not to hit a woman, so please...

I mean, that's why I brought her?

Oh, no, finish your tweet. It's not... That's...

Just give us a second. Yeah.

There you go. Hashtag it.

Go get her, tiger.

I so pity the dude who pressures her into prom sex.

All right, then. Fire!

Finish fucking her the fuck up!

Language, please.

Suck a cock.

Look away, child.

Look away!



Cease fire!

Cease fire!

Fellas! Hey! Hey!

You only work for that shit-spackled muppet fart.

So, I'mma give you a chance for y'all to lay down your firearms...

in exchange for preferential, bordering on gentle...

possibly even lover-like treatment.






Oh, my God, I haven't seen you since...

-Jacksonville. Fridays. -Since TGI Fridays.

Well, what the hell!

God, come here, you.

How are the kids? Good?

And Gail? She's still fixing that tuna casserole?

So good! But bad for the waistline, if you know what I'm talking about.

Your... On the left. You are beautiful woman.

That is so sweet.


Does he write you notes too? He's such a romantic.

Don't worry, baby. I'm comin'.



Climb on!


Motherfucker should have worn his brown pants.

You were right, beautiful.

Red really is my color.


Don't worry, baby...

I'mma get you out of that shit-box.

What better way to crawl back inside that head of yours?

Oh, you never left.

But you did, asshole!

Deep breath, darling.

Oh, wait.

Wrong choice of words.

I hope they blocked pain to your every last nerve.

'Cause I'mma go lookin'!

I hear you grow back body parts now, Wade.

When I'm finished...

parts will have to grow back you.

Good one.

Yep, that was a good one.

Let's dance.

And by dance, I mean...

let's try to kill each other.

Fine. Fists.

Sounds like your last Saturday night.


Hang in there, baby!

-Wade! -I gotcha!

I got a plan. You're not gonna like it.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Don't worry. I'm totally on top of this.

Damn it!

Maximum effort!


Just take it slow.

Oh, my God! That was so...

There are no words!

Me and you are headed to fix this butterface.


You stupid fucking idiot.

Did you really think there was a cure... for that?


You heard me.



So, you mean to say...

after all this, you can't fix me?

It sounds even stupider when you say it.

Like the kind of stupid who admits he can't do the one thing I'm keeping him alive for?

Any last words?

What's my name?

Who fucking cares?


Four or five moments.

I'm sorry?

Four or five moments, that's all it takes.


Be a hero.

Everyone thinks it's a full-time job.

Wake up a hero, brush your teeth a hero, go to work a hero.

Not true.

Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that really matter.

Moments when you're offered a choice.

To make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend...

spare an enemy.

In these moments...

everything else falls away.

The way the world sees us.

The way we...


You were droning on.

Sure, I may be stuck looking like pepperoni flatbread...

but at least fuckface won't heal from that.

If wearing superhero tights...

means sparing psychopaths...

then maybe I wasn't meant to wear 'em.

Not everyone monitors a hall like you.

Just promise...

Yeah, yeah, I'll be on the lookout for the next four moments.

Oh, shit.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just a boy, about to stand in front of a girl...

and tell her...

What the fuck am I gonna tell her?

Well, you better figure it out.

I can't even tell you...

I deserved that. That, too.

No, no, no, maybe not the nethers.

Start talking!

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

For everything, I'm sorry for leaving...

I'm sorry for not cowboying up sooner.

It's been rough couple of years.


I live in a crackhouse.

With a family of 12.

Every night we spoon for warmth.

Everybody fights for Noelle. She's the fattest.

There's nothing that we don't share. Floor space, dental floss, even condoms.

So, you live in a house.

I should have come and found you sooner.

But, baby, the guy under this mask, he ain't the same one that you remember.

You mean this mask?

And this one.

In case the other fell off.

All right. Yeah, just...

Like a Band-Aid, just give it a...

Owdie 5,000.

Wait, wait, wait...

Are you sure?

I'm sure.




After a brief adjustment period...

and a bunch of drinks...

it's a face...

I'd be happy to sit on.

I'm not the same underneath this suit, either.



Come on, Wade. Language.

Young one is present.

What are you still doing?

Get out of here. Go make yourself useful!

You, go be a really big brother to someone.

Tell Beast to stop shitting on my lawn.

And you, chicken noodle...

nothing compares to you.

Sinéad O'Connor, 1990. Sorry.

That's all right. You're cool.

What in the ass?

That was not mean! I'm proud of you!

We will make an X-Man of you yet, Wade.

For a second there, it felt like we were three mini-lion robots...

coming together to form one super robot.

There's a stupid.


And now, for the moment I've all been waiting for.

Come here.

Wham! As promised.


You don't need to be a superhero to get the girl.

The right girl will bring out the hero in you.

Now, let's finish this epic wide shot. Pull out.

There we go, that looks nice.

That's gonna be about the only thing that's pulling out tonight.

Who doesn't love a happy ending, huh?

Till next time, this is your friendly neighborhood pool guy singing...

I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you

You're still here?

It's over. Go home.

You're expecting a teaser for Deadpool 2. Well, we don't have that kind of money.

What are you expecting? Sam Jackson to show up?

With an eye patch and a saucy little leather number?

Go. Go.

But I can tell you one thing, and it's a bit of a secret.

For the sequel, we're gonna have Cable.

Amazing character. Bionic arm, time travel.

We have no idea who we're gonna cast yet, but it could be anybody.

Just need a big guy with a flat top. Could be Mel Gibson, Dolph Lundgren...

Keira Knightley. She's got range. Who knows.

Anyway, big secret.

And don't leave your garbage all lying around. It's a total dick move.


For more infomation >> Deadpool Mutation Scene | Deadpool (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:54.


ON A REÇU LES ALBUMS + Nouveau tshirt - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> ON A REÇU LES ALBUMS + Nouveau tshirt - Duration: 7:32.


10 Reasons Why She's The Right One - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 10 Reasons Why She's The Right One - Duration: 2:52.


Where Does Music Appreciation Come From? Q&A #2 - Duration: 9:09.

hey, welcome to 12tone! we're doing another Q&A this week and joining me to ask the questions

is Inés, from Draw Curiosity! hey, folks! we've got a lot to get through, so let's get


Kaylor Hodges asked "Would you consider textures and such (like in your recent video) to be

a part of music theory?"

absolutely, yes.

I find that there's a tendency to think of theory as just about harmonies, melodies,

and maybe rhythms, but I don't think that's accurate.

the point of theory is to understand the structures that makes music sound and feel the way it

does, and which structures those are depends on what kind of music you're looking at.

I think the focus on harmony and melody comes in part from jazz theory.

jazz has what are called standards, which are popular songs that lots of different bands

and musicians play.

they play them so differently, though, that the only real, consistent identity they have

is their melody and, to a lesser extent, their harmony, so that's what jazz theorists focus


everything else is viewed as part of the arrangement, not the composition itself.

but not all musical cultures play so fast and loose with what a song is.

many, including modern popular music, view things like instrumentation, textures, and

even audio effects like reverb or delay as important structural elements, which makes

them a part of theory in those contexts.

next question!

Dave Davidson asked "What do you think composers do when they get "writers block"?

it depends on the composer.

I don't tend to write with super strict deadlines, so I usually have the space to just walk away

for a bit and come back to the problem with fresh ears after I've gotten some more sleep

or something.

another option is reference material: go listen to something similar to what you're trying

to do to get yourself more in that headspace.

don't just copy it, of course, but giving yourself the right mental prompts can help

to push you over those roadblocks by reminding you what you like about that sort of music

in the first place.

or you can just go improvise for a bit, you may not use anything you come up with there

but it's a good way to get ideas flowing.

what's next?

Edoardo Talenti asked "is the way we perceive emotion in music built in our brain or is

it just the result of our cultural development?"

I think it's a mix of both, but there's definitely a lot of cultural influence, which can sometimes

be hard for theorists to accept.

we put a lot of work into building these mathematical models that perfectly explain how things work,

and we like to believe we're uncovering some deep objective truth, but in reality, for

pretty much every assumption we make about how music works, some culture out there has

developed a musical tradition without it. and that, honestly, makes sense.

artistic experience is way too subjective for there to be some absolute, fundamental

model that captures everything, no matter how refined it might be.


Cogito asked "If a person had never heard music before.

What would you play for them?"

Ooh, good question...

Yeah this is a hard one.

the most obvious answer is to just play them my favorite songs, but I have no reason to

believe they'd understand or appreciate them.

like I mentioned before, music is really subjective and cultural, and if they've never heard it

before then I can't predict how they'd react to things like harmony, melody, or rhythm.

but if they've ever heard words, then I have one tool left: lyrics.

I'd pick a song with great lyrics, something that tells a powerful story and also used

its musical elements to support that story, and for me, that means something by Jackson


probably Song For Adam which, if you've never heard, you should go listen to.

moving on...

jason black asked "From a music theory perspective, why is Nyan Cat so earwormy?"

I mean, I could probably do a whole video on this at some point, but briefly, it's just

fast and high, which give it a lot of energy.

even the lower-end parts are mixed so that they sound pretty bright, which might seem

weird 'cause we're taught to balance the different frequency ranges, but really committing to

the high end makes it seem relentlessly cheery, which is what it's going for, and the constant

onslaught of notes helps keep that momentum going.

the two different sections also help: whenever you start to get sick of one, the other jumps

in and takes you to a new place.

the second section sits a bit lower in range than the first, which gives you a little time

to rest.

oh, and it's also got some cool melodic features: it's in B major, but it's full of D naturals,

the flat third.


Grant Hurst asked "If you could have everyone in the world read one book, fiction or non-fiction,

which would it be?"

I suppose I should list some music book, 'cause that's kinda my thing, but instead I'm gonna

go with Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett.

I mean, I'd recommend everything from Discworld, but you said one book, and Small Gods is the


next question!

Olivia Anderrson asked "What are your thoughts on musical fractals?"

I think they're really cool! for those of you who don't know, this is a thing Adam Neely's

talked about a couple times, where he takes a midi recording of a melody and then speeds

it up really really fast to the point where it just sounds like a single note, then uses

that to recreate the melody out of itself.

it's a fascinating idea and a great illustration of the relationship between rhythm and pitch.

practically speaking, though, I don't think it's all that useful.

it doesn't sound good, and I don't know how to fix that without losing the original concept.

but anyone who knows me knows that I couldn't care less about the practical applications

of my theoretical toys, and this is no exception.

next question!

Vincenzo Frosolone asked "What are your favorite things to do outside of 12tone and music in


games, mostly.

I play a lot of video games.

I also play board games when I get the chance, although my regular playgroup doesn't really

get together that often.

outside I also design games as a hobby, although I've never gotten anything to the point where

I could publish it.

maybe I will some day… speaking of which, next question!

Copper Frog Games asked "How does video game music impact play experiences?"

in roughly the same way that film underscoring affects the experience of a movie.

the music can create or release tension, and helps set the mood on top of which the story

is told.

it's one of those things that you don't really think about a lot of the time unless it's

going wrong, but to understand how impactful it can be, imagine playing Dark Souls, but

with the Super Mario Brothers theme.

good game music tells you how to feel about the events that you're playing through.

I think it's trickier than film music, though, because what the characters do isn't fixed.

your music can't rely on timing cues because you don't know exactly when the player's going

to attack.

you also don't know how long your song will be playing for, which means you need to build

in loops, and you have to think about ways to avoid letting that become repetitive and


if you want to learn more about game music, though, I highly recommend the channel 8-Bit

Music Theory.

they're really good, and they know a lot more about this stuff than I do.


zac asked "What do you think the future holds for music careers?"

*sigh* yikes.

I'll be honest, I'm not optimistic.

well, I am, in a way, but also… ok, here's the thing.

we're living through the rise of large-scale automation, and at this point I have no idea

what the future holds for the concept of careers in general.

I suspect that the music jobs that exist will last a little longer than many others 'cause

what we do is harder for computers to learn, but that doesn't make them safe, because entertainment

industries don't scale well.

if you take a population and double its size, it suddenly needs twice as much food, water,

shelter, and lots of other things, but it doesn't need twice as many songs: the new

people can just listen to the same stuff as the old ones.

you might see some new artists pop up due to increased market segmentation, but nowhere

near what you'd need to support twice as large a music industry.

so as other jobs become less and less available, more people are going to be flocking to entertainment,

and we just don't have the space for them.

plus, computers are taking over a lot of our work too, just a little more slowly.

that's not to say don't get into music: nowhere else is safe either.

just… be careful.

next question!

Tomer Feiner asked "Is there any set range for what kind of songs or compositions you're

thinking about analyzing?"

well, yes and no. it's not set in stone, but I do have a general process.

first off, to be clear, I don't really look at suggestions that aren't from our Patreon

patrons. this isn't out of spite or greed, it's because we get so many that I need some

filtration system, and Patreon seems like a reasonable one.

trust me, I'd love to analyze every song that gets requested, but I'm only human, and there's

only so many hours in a day.

even Patreon gives me way too many suggestions to work with: my current list of patron requests

is at 44 different songs, and it's always growing.

so how do I pick from that?

honestly, it's mostly gut feeling.

I'm looking for songs I like, because it's way easier to get into an analysis if I already

enjoy the song, and I'm also looking for things that are well-known and popular.

there's definitely a bias toward rock 'cause that's who I am, and also because I think

it's underserved by theorists.

we tend to talk about jazz and classical a lot, but the harmony of rock and pop songs

can be just as complex and interesting, and it deserves to be recognized.


Quinn Lanahan asked "do you know of any resources for making non-12TET music?"

I do! the xenharmonic wiki is fantastic.

or x-enharmonic?

I'm not sure.

either way, it's my go-to source for anything microtonal.

it can get pretty dry and technical, and it has its own terminology that can be hard to

follow at first, but it's just got so much great information and all those terms have

their own pages with explanations so it shouldn't be too inaccessible.

ok, one last question:

Tri asked "How did you come up with the little 12tone symbol with the treble and bass clef?"

I didn't! that's the work of our original animator, Emmanuel, who worked with us for

the first 6 months before moving on to other things.

Emmanuel was awesome, and he had a huge impact on the visual aesthetic of the channel: the

elephants are his design too.

in fact, you can still see his hand in this video.


if you rewatch the intro, that's Emmanuel's hand, not mine, which, for those of you wondering,

is why it's a right hand when I clearly favor my left.

anyway that's it for questions! thanks to Inés for helping us out, she runs an awesome

science channel called Draw Curiosity where she dives into all sorts of topics like chemisty,

biology, and math. she's also a PhD student studying insect flight and an all-around wonderful

person, so really, go check her out. and also, while you're checking things out, I recently

recorded a podcast with Friedemann from Holistic Songwriting.

we talked about music theory and composition and it was a blast.

we're planning to do some more, so if that sounds interesting, there's links to that

and Inés's channel in the description.

thanks to everyone for the questions, and thanks to you for watching! if you want early

warning for the next Q&A, our Patreon patrons get notified first, and we also collected

questions on twitter, facebook, and through our mailing list too, so follow us on any

of those platforms, check out our store, and keep on rockin'!

For more infomation >> Where Does Music Appreciation Come From? Q&A #2 - Duration: 9:09.


UWM On Snapchat: UREC Fest - Duration: 2:13.

Hi guys, my name's Courtney. I'm taking over the Snapchat today for University Recreation.

Tonight we have our biggest event, it's called UREC Fest, it's at 7 p.m., and it's free.

All you need is your student ID to get in.

Hey guys, so I'm at the pool right now...

Battleship is all ready to go - to start at 7 p.m. - so don't forget your swimsuit and your student ID.

You guys, look at this beautiful sight!

All of these cookies! And they are free for you.

Pizza is to come also!

Hi guys, I'm signing off for the night. Thank you for joining me at UREC Fest.

This event goes to 10 p.m. tonight, so there's still plenty of time! Good night!

For more infomation >> UWM On Snapchat: UREC Fest - Duration: 2:13.


Crossout! - Duration: 1:51:29.

For more infomation >> Crossout! - Duration: 1:51:29.


森咲智美、超ハイレグ水着でお尻&横乳を大胆露出! 過激サービスショット連発でファン歓喜 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> 森咲智美、超ハイレグ水着でお尻&横乳を大胆露出! 過激サービスショット連発でファン歓喜 - Duration: 5:38.


Former Harrisburg cop pleads guilty to stealing $22K from government - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Former Harrisburg cop pleads guilty to stealing $22K from government - Duration: 0:24.


Travel - Croatia, Medveja 4K UHD / Check This Out - Duration: 13:58.


Have a good day everybody! Leastwise it's daytime at you.

We are going to the Medveje into Croatia across Barcs, Kutina, Zagreb and Rijeka.

It's 3:30 am.

That's all. We will logging in on the way. So. Bye.

We crossed the border at Barcs.

It was not a problem on the Hungarian side, but...

One of us had to escape on the Croatian side, because were found weed in his pocket.

No! There was not a problem nor, we had to wait 5 minutes.

You can came into Croatia with a identity card from Hungary, because the two states agreed in this.

There was not any problem.

No heavy traffic here at 4:45 am. This is the good part of the day.

Plus curiosity: When we came on the Hungarian border...

Was a semi-lane road closures on the bridge with concrete block and barbed wire.

It was very cool. I had a feeling as we would be in Walking Dead or war. It was interesting.

We are the ring road of Zagreb now.

We left the motorway toll gate.

No motorway vignette Croatia only toll gate system.

So before go up on motorway you will receive a ticket and when leave it you have to pay.

I will give you a tip: Use it the bank card line, because there is the line moving faster.

We used it the cash line, but it was not a problem, because we could pay with bank card and no congestion in the morning.

We are in good time.

It's 6:30 am.

We will logging in.

We arrived at the camping of Medveja. There was a bit of mixing.

We arrived at 10:00 am and they said we can go to our place before 2:00 pm.

Let's go in and settle down.

We got a standard place which it was busy. We went back and we told them that we booked a Deluxe pitch.

The Deluxe pitch bigger than standard.

She said no problem. She gave another place which was the right size.

We are not used to camping. We brought four chairs but we didn't think about a table.

That's all. We go swimming in the sea.


Huh. After the beaches of Balaton this place is very pebbly for me.

First i went in with slippers, but it began to pull down. I felt that my slippers will kill me.

My slippers want to kill me!

I threw to the beach.

I thought everything is ok, but when i came out, that the pebbles have started to press my sole.

I needed to climb out on all fours. :D

That's all.

If you have time, then you must come into Moscenice.

It is south of the Medveje.

You can turn right about the main road of 66 and go up the hill.

This is a very cozy medieval village.

There is a lookout point from where you can see Rijeka and the Kvarner bay.

They are building something here, therefore you can't go out there.

But the mood is very cool also.

*Next Day*

We are in Rijeka and look at the Trsat fortress.

The view is very beautiful onto sea and the surrounding mountains.

If you are here, then check out this castle, because worth it.

And how do you know that you aren't in Hungary?

That the toalett and the entry is free! I was surprised and I was happy for it.

I have a strange feeling about Rijeka. When we went to the downtown, then it was as if we would be in Budapest.

The city is a seaport and built on the mountainside...

About 130.000 people live here, but it looks much bigger.

There are a lot of fifteen-story houses which is strange in this case. But it's interesting.

We are here on the beach pier of Medveja.

Sum it.

Our accommodation it was in the valley behind me. It was 20.000 HUF (65 EUR) per night for us.

The round trip toll (Kutina - Rijeka - Kutina) was 10.000 HUF (32 EUR).

The petrol cost was 25.000 HUF (80 EUR).

I think that you should come here once.

The Kvarner bay the nearest seaside from Hungary.

And the wind is very blowing.


That's all about that.

Starring: Hajdu Örs

Cameraman: Csuka Dániel

Cutting: Dér Ádám

Thanks for viewing.

For more infomation >> Travel - Croatia, Medveja 4K UHD / Check This Out - Duration: 13:58.


문재인 대통령 특전사 출신 국군의날 행사 격려|KT-KR - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 문재인 대통령 특전사 출신 국군의날 행사 격려|KT-KR - Duration: 3:44.


Woman Gives Up Teaching To Create Optical Illusions With Makeup, And It's Messing With Our Minds - Duration: 5:32.

Thank for watching my video , Please help for 100.000 Subscribe :)

For more infomation >> Woman Gives Up Teaching To Create Optical Illusions With Makeup, And It's Messing With Our Minds - Duration: 5:32.


How to Make Your Wedding Unique - Duration: 2:25.

Your wedding day should be a unique expression of your love story

So how do you avoid falling into a sea of the same thing and make something that's uniquely yours

Stay tuned for my tip on how to make your wedding day different from all the rest

So are you ready for my tip on how to make your wedding day unique different and most importantly fun

So here it is

I want you to pick one wedding tradition that you are not

Totally in love with and I want you to replace it with something that's uniquely yours something that you probably don't see it weddings

But something that you would love to include on your wedding day

See for example if you don't like cake I don't know why people don't like cake

But there's people out there that don't like cake put in a dessert that you actually love do you love pie

How about a fun pie bar?

there's no rules to this you can take out any wedding tradition that you like and

Insert something else that's unique to you and your fiance and something that is meaningful and special to you

I guarantee on your wedding day that people will be blown away by something. That's totally unique and fun

All right

I know what you're thinking you might be a little nervous about

Ditching one of these wedding traditions or maybe there's a family member or friend

That is kind of pushing these wedding traditions on you telling you that you can't change this you can't do it that way

Guess what there are no rules when it comes to your wedding day?

You can change whatever you like and I think you might be pleasantly surprised at people's

Reactions to the different traditions you trying to put into your wedding day

weddings today are more unique than ever before and now's a great time to introduce something new and fun and

Something that is going to be uniquely yours

So tell me in the comments below what wedding traditions are you getting ready to ditch?

Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video today. Don't forget

I upload new videos every single Friday here on YouTube

So don't forget to hit the subscribe button and stay tuned for the next video next Friday

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