Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 30 2017

How to Answer Your Calling � 3 Ways to Remember Why Your Soul Chose This Life

�You came here with something to do.

You are part of a universal consciousness, and there are no accidents in it.

In your true essence � not the false self, not the ego part of you, but in the true essence

of who you are � you are infinite and you have something very profound to accomplish

while you�re here.

Otherwise you wouldn�t be here.

Find it.

Pay attention to it.

Listen to the callings.

See the clues, the cues.

See the alignments, whatever they might be, no matter how absurd or bizarre they might

seem to everyone around you� if you have a calling inside that says there�s also

something else, don�t ignore that.

Don�t die with your music still in you.

Don�t die with your purpose unfulfilled.

Don�t die feeling as if your life has been wrong.

Don�t let that happen to you.� ~ Wayne Dyer

You Are On a Mission.

Prior to birth, just like an artist who is selecting which paints will go onto the blank

canvas, our souls choose a set of colors to work with which determine our parents, ethnicity,

country of birth, etc.

We also choose a number of possible paths that would allow us to experience certain

aspects of our being.

For instance, if courage is one of those aspects of ourselves we wish to experience, we would

collaborate with other souls in this physical realm so circumstances would arise in our

lives where we are required to invoke courage within us.

Likewise, we choose a certain mission, or a calling that would allow us to maximize

our full potentials on this live stage called earth.

In order to fully step into our calling with power and consciousness, we must first elect

to forget what it is at birth so we may, after years and decades, and for some, lifetimes

of soul searching, arrive at a point in our lives where we must make a choice to remember

who we truly are and deliberately call forth what gives us highest joy.

Personally, I see the long years of painful searching as nothing more than a rite of passage

with intended experiences and divinely placed circumstances that fully prepares us to be

who we came here to be.

The second we reunite with our soul�s calling, the universe registers our seriousness and

we come to the realization that nothing can and will stand in our way.

At that moment, all fears and obstacles begin fading as the path unfolds in front of us.

At that moment, we will move mountains and cross oceans just so that we can become one

with our highest intention and commit to our divine mission.

At that moment, our body, mind and soul become aligned with one single purpose � to experience

ourselves as our own grandest creation in this life.

Funny enough, once we remember our mission, we often realize the mission has very little

to do with us and everything to do with everyone else.

It is a mission that allows us to serve humanity and to light the paths for others through

servicing, healing, inspiring, teaching and empowering.

It is no coincidence that for many, in order to remember that mission, we must first experience

the pains and turmoil in life so we may later not only decide to transcend what limits us,

but also use our life journey as a tool to inspire and encourage others to do the same.

Some of the most influential teachers from Hay House such as Louise Hay, Anita Moorjani

and the late Wayne Dyer are but a few who had journeyed to the darkness and back so

they may light the way for others.

Know that wherever you are in life is exactly where you need to be.

You are not bound to any fate and you have the power to change and create anything in


It is my hope that by sharing the following 3 reminders, which are embedded in your soul

blueprint, you will begin manifesting your calling.


Identify Your Highest Joy

As beings of energy, we ourselves are literally the creation tools we are born with and our

feeling is the direct line of communication with our soul, or the higher self.

At any time when our thoughts, words and actions are aligned with the soul�s vision, we know

it immediately by the way we feel which is usually identified as harmony, inner-peace,

joy, gratitude and love.

Whenever we feel good, our vibration is instantly higher which easily leads to inspired action;

and by committing ourselves to inspired action, it leads to more joy which expands the breeding

ground of inspired action.

The more we can get in touch with the �feel good� component within ourselves and listen

to it, the easier it will be for us to define our mission in life.

For the longest time, I had not a clue what my calling was and I spent the majority of

my time complaining and wishing I could do something else with my life while holding

onto the belief that a job and a passion are mutually exclusive.

I did have many passions and since I felt miserable with my job, I indulged myself with

activities I enjoyed whenever I had free time.

Being a spiritual seeker since birth, one of my passions was alternative healing.

For many years, I heard and read about Reiki and there was always that little voice in

the back of my head whispering, �Take a Reiki class.� Like many, I brushed aside

the little voice with as many excuses as I could find but eventually, the voice became

so persistent that I decided to just go for it.

As someone who was also obsessed with doing the due diligence for everything I stepped

into, I spent hours researching for an experienced teacher.

I already signed up for a course elsewhere when the name of my first Reiki teacher popped

up in my search, and for reasons unknown to me at the time, I made a last minute decision

to go with this class.

During the two days of training, I met someone whom I became friends with.

Fast forward to years later, we currently share an office space doing healing work in

Midtown Manhattan.

Within the same year after the initial training the same friend introduced me to another Reiki

teacher who is the very reason why I eventually became a recovery and wellness coach as well

as Reiki master.

During those years, every time when I was guided by inspiration, life rewarded me with

more people, events and circumstances that helped me remember my true essence and carry

out my mission.

Do not despair if you do not yet remember what you came here to be.

Your only duty in this life is to follow your highest joy.

Believe me, it is much more than just a clich� line that we use as a bumper sticker.

Once we follow the first inspired idea, we are sending out the energy with the intention

of �I am my highest joy at this given moment� into the universe which slowly intensifies

and magnifies as we become more accustomed to singing our heart�s song.

What has started as a seed is given more opportunities to grow and flourish every time when we follow

our highest feelings because the energy behind that intention is literally snowballing and

creating more and more movement in the quantum field in bringing us what make us happy.

What inspires you?

What makes your heart sing?

What�s that one thing you�ve been wanting to do but have been putting off forever?

It�s time.

�Respond to every call that ignites your spirit.� ~ Rumi


Allow Your Being to Guide Your Doing

One of the most frustrating things we do to ourselves is we get stuck envisioning the

million tasks we must do to accomplish anything, that can also be the very thing that keeps

us from moving forward.

Answering our calling is very much a process like everything else.

The end result may look nothing like what we started off with or what we planned, and

that is completely okay.

Sometimes what we think we want only serves as a stepping stone that leads us closer to

fulfilling our mission.

The universe does not care about what we do that makes us radiate with joy, it can be

taking a Reiki class or a baking class, going on that spontaneous vacation or calling an

old friend we haven�t seen for years.

The universe only cares about the vibrational signature we give off when we are being that


By giving ourselves into inspired action, we may be meeting a teacher for life who becomes

our source of inspiration, or be welcoming an opportunity that otherwise would not be

there had we not chosen to follow our heart and arrive at that exact location and time.

The only decision we have to make on a daily basis is to start following whichever things

that give us whatever amount of joy out of all the available daily activities in front

of us rather than coming up with a huge plan of action to get ourselves from point A to

B because �it is the right thing to do� or �everything else does it.�

If your only daily activities are comprised of chores such as house cleaning, meeting

deadlines and cooking for a family of six, then invite yourself to do some (or all) of

those things with as much joy and presence as you can, and to squeeze in a couple of

little activities that bring you peace and make you come alive.

They can be as simple as having quiet time to read for 15 minutes or working on that

hobby when everyone goes to sleep.

You just never know what may come out of them!

Do not ever underestimate the power behind these little activities as they are what make

the energy accumulate.

Remember, it is always about being the �I am my highest joy at this given moment�

energy rather than flooding ourselves with tasks and running around aimlessly for the

simple reason that we cannot find our calling outside of ourselves, but we can remember

or create it within us.

The more we can allow that energy to flow to us and from us, the more the universe can

bring us everything that resonates on the same energy level to help us remember and

create our destinies.

Is the path of committing ourselves to remembering, and eventually embodying our calling always


The answer is no.

It is a journey that is made of a thousand little steps of learning and choosing.

Along the way of building my healing practice, I was constantly discouraged by my lack of

knowledge and tools to run a business as well as overwhelmed by the millions of tasks I

was constantly bombarded with.

I invested a great deal of energy on training courses from learning how to write my about

page to polishing up the content of my website so I can reach a larger audience.

No matter how much I tried to tweak my writing while working with business coaches and alike,

I was unable to meet their standards of using �simple and client friendly� language

where I could explain what I do in a couple of sentences to an eight-year old.

One day, exactly one year from the day I resigned from my last job, it finally hit me.

While I will always remain grateful of the knowledge and support I have taken away from

the courses, my writing reflects my true essence, and who I am at the core is someone who thinks,

feels and speaks like the spiritual geek that I am proud to be.

By giving myself endless tasks of to-do�s that do not align with my inspired actions,

I am neglecting who I came here to be � someone who helps others heal, awaken and create through

spiritual writing, healing and coaching.

In fact, this article was entirely inspired by hours of staring at weeks worth of unfinished

homework documents from my latest course with the sudden realization that the content of

my website may never appeal to everyone, and that is perfectly okay.

I was faced with two choices, to continue doing the daunting task of sounding like someone

I am not, or being immersed in the joy of writing.

The moment I chose the latter, a stream of inspiration poured in and gave birth to these


At the end of the day, it isn�t about what we do, how we do it, what our titles are,

how polished our website looks, how many credentials are displayed in our bios and how many award-winning

books we�ve published.

It is about whether we can allow ourselves to step into who we truly are, and boldly

and lovingly declare our authenticity to the world.

No vibration in the universe is more powerful than our energy when it becomes an extension

of our divine calling.

What are some things on your daily to-do list?

Which ones of those give you any amount of joy?

How can you insert more �feel good� activities into your life?

How can you replace the aimless �to-do�s� with more inspired action?


Your Calling is Your Own Creation

Our souls have chosen a certain mission prior to birth, but the moment we become fully conscious

of who we are and awaken to the creator within, we are no longer bound to any predetermined

paths we laid out for ourselves before coming into this physical body.

The more we are aware of our true essence and our connection with the divine source,

the more empowered we become and the more we can claim the gift of free will which ultimately

allows us to exercise our birthright as the conscious creator to Be, Do, and Have anything

our soul desires.

To achieve that, we must first free ourselves from everything that limits us.

Limitations can take the form of fear such as fear of uncertainty/change, fear of lack,

or even fear of success.

Limitations can also manifest as endless excuses ranging from �I have a full time job with

no time or money� to �I�m too old to do this.� In addition, limitations show

up as disempowering beliefs including, �There isn�t enough for everyone� or �I am

not special enough.�

There is no one way to initiate that journey of liberation, there is only what works for


Personally, I�ve found spiritual practices such as energy healing, Kundalini yoga, meditation,

working with a spiritual coach, being in nature, journaling and reading inspirational books

are all great ways to awaken.

I used to be the queen of �what-if�s.� �What if I failed?�� �What if I lost

it all?�� �What if I became a laughingstock?�� One day, I grew sick of my negative what-if�s

and decided to do a 180.

�What if I succeeded?�� �What if I learned something from this?�� �What

if I could help others?�� I made a point to do this every day for months and it made

a remarkable difference in my ability to exercise my free will.

Prior to tapping into our true creator role, many of us feel like powerless victims who

take whatever life throws at us.

We may be passionate about answering our calling as an artist but end up working at a bank

because we are afraid we won�t make ends meet.

We feel limited, even enslaved by the conditions in our lives.

We submit ourselves to our so-called fate and tell stories of how we aren�t fortunate

enough to be one of those who seem to have it all.

When we awaken, we become aware that we are who we say we are, and what we create as well

as how we wish to experience everything in life depends on one thing and one thing only

� our choice.

Your calling is something you soul chose in the realm of the formless before it took on

a body, and you can choose again at any time in this life because the truth is, your soul

remains who you truly are while your body and mind are only additional tools for you

to carry out your mission so you may experience your own creations physically in this 3D time

and space dimension.

That power of choice has never left you.

Once you decide, allow the universe to bring you the rest of the co-creators to make it


It is time to unleash your free will and write your own destiny.

There is nothing written in the stars that are foreshadowing who you are and what you

can become.

Once every part and every cell within you is aligned with this inner-knowing, you have

awakened to the divine power of creation you have inherited.

That power lives in you and patiently awaits for you to call upon it.

You are neither your past, your birth conditions, your roles, your accomplishments, your credentials,

your awards, your bills, your bank statements, your 9-5 job that makes you cringe every morning

upon waking up, nor are you your body, your mind, your beliefs, your thoughts, your baggage,

your limitations, your past relationships, even your soul contract.

Deep down inside, you are a being powerful beyond your imagination.

Once you remember all this, you will remember your sacred ability to create anything you

wish and your joyous vibration will make the world just a little brighter.

It matters not one bit if you do not know your calling.

If you could start from a blank slate and create anything you wanted in life without

limitations from this moment on, who would you be?

What would you create?

What is one small step you can take today to be that?

Follow your heart.

For more infomation >> How to Answer Your Calling – 3 Ways to Remember Why Your Soul Ch - Duration: 17:32.


It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 26 - Duration: 3:39.


For more infomation >> It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 26 - Duration: 3:39.


Katja Krasavice packt aus! Dreht sie bald eigene Pornos? - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Katja Krasavice packt aus! Dreht sie bald eigene Pornos? - Duration: 1:46.


Q&A – How can I keep mealy bugs from coming back next year? - Duration: 1:42.

"I have mealy bugs on my hostas and coleus.

"Is there anything I can do at the end of the season

to keep mealy bugs from coming back next year?"

This is from Miss Kathleen right here in Memphis.

So mealy bugs.

She wants to try to get rid of them for next season.

Practice good sanitation is gonna be one of them,

because they're gonna overwinter in crop residue.

That's one thing you need to do.

But here's the second thing, Mr. D.

You know about this.

How about late winter, early spring,

dormant oil application?

That way you can help get rid of the eggs

or any of those clumps that might be there.

That's the route I would go with that.

Of course you have to read the label

to make sure you have the right proportions

for the oil mix.

I think that'll do the trick.

- That's about all that I know.

The systemic insecticides don't do very well

with mealy bugs.

That, and then there are contact killers you can use.

You have to use them early.

- Insecticidal soap would be one.

Oil is another you could use.

They are kind of tight, but I would use those other.

I would, late winter, early spring,

I would do the oil application.

Just follow the label on that,

and that should keep you

covered, Miss Kathleen.

For more infomation >> Q&A – How can I keep mealy bugs from coming back next year? - Duration: 1:42.


Fruit Tree Planting Tips – Family Plot - Duration: 8:58.

All right, Mr. D., let's talk a little bit

about planting fruit trees.

What do we need to start with that?

Is this the time of year to be doing that?

- This is the time of year to be

really getting involved in planting fruit trees.

It's not the time of year to stick the trees in the ground.

But it is the time of the year to be preparing your soil,

making sure your pH is right,

and choosing the varieties that you're gonna plant,

and choosing whether--

Doing research on whether or not you need pollinators,

figuring out how many you need to feed a family of five

or whatever, depending on what you want to do with them.

Going out and choosing the site.

Now is the time to do that.

You can do some site prep.

Burn down, control some weeds and grasses,

go ahead and get ready to do that.

I've got some information that might help

with that a little bit.

Get my glasses on here.

Auburn has a real, real good publication.

(Chris laughing)

- Yeah, he knows all about that.

- I've copied a few things from the publication,

and it's entitled Fruit Culture in Alabama.

If you have a sloped area and you're planting rows,

don't plant your rows up and down the hills.

Plant them on the contour, because you don't want

to increase the chances of gullies forming

and things like that.

In a landscape situation, you don't have to pay

a lot of attention to the spacings

that I'm about to mention because you kind of

strategically place these trees around

to kind of help the aesthetic nature of your landscape.

This is for a family of five.

Tree fruits and nuts, five to eight apples.

They recommend the semi-dwarf apples.

Five to eight peaches if you want to go that route.

Five to eight plums, two to four persimmons,

three to five pear trees, four to six pecan trees.

I really don't understand that on the pecans.

And the spacings on semi-dwarf apples,

15 to 25 feet apart.

Because they're gonna spread and you want to be able

to get between them, especially with your riding lawnmower

or your mower or your bush hog and your sprayer

and all that.

Peaches, 20 by 20 or 15 by 20.

Plums, same as peaches, 20 by 20.

Anytime there's a choice,

if you've got the room, go to more distance between it

because it's amazing how fast those trees will--

- (Chris) Spread out.

- Overlap.

Pecans, 60 by 60.

That's some of the older pecan trees.

There are some precocious varieties,

some smaller pecans that you can plant

a little bit closer than that.

Pears, 20 by 20 or 25 by 30.

Some of the pear trees get a lot bigger.

On pollination, most apples need to be pollinated.

Some of the yellow delicious varieties are self-fruitful.

Pecans are wind pollinated.

Pecans need pollination.

You need a type one with a type two pecan tree.

Plums, peaches, and nectarines are self-fruitful.

You don't need pollinators for that.

Pears need cross pollination.

You need two varieties of pear trees.

- When it comes time to planting them,

how do you go about it?

- Okay, we've done all that,

you've chosen your varieties, you've ordered them,

you've got them coming,

the smaller plants you can get, the better off you are,

in my opinion.

Two year old plants are plenty big.

So go out, you want to dig a planting hole.

If you've got bare root plants,

it doesn't have to be that big a hole.

It doesn't need to be that deep.

But the most important thing when you're planting

any fruit tree is that you make sure

that you plant it no deeper than the depth

that it grew in the nursery.

If it's a grafted plant, usually two or three inches

of root stalk visible above the ground.

You can see where the graft took and came out.

You don't want to cover that up,

because if you plant it too deep, it'll die.

Not that it won't do well, it'll die,

because the above ground portion of a plant

is supposed to stay above ground.

Don't mulch it, don't pile mulch up against it.

The above ground portion of a hardwood plant

is supposed to stay above ground.

It needs air.

If you put it below the ground, it will die.

I can't repeat that enough.

Do not use a post hole digger to dig a planting hole

(Chris laughing) for a tree.

I don't care if it's a little bitty tree.

Do not use a post hole digger because you're gonna be,

you're gonna want to dig it deeper than it needs to be dug.

Use a shovel.

- Uh oh!

- You like that dirty shovel?

Use a shovel.

Dig a wide planting hole, not a deep planting hole.

Dig a wide planting hole.

Dig it the depth that, if it's in a container or pot,

dig it, take it out the pot, set it down,

and if it goes down an inch, take it out,

add dirt to the bottom, and get it so it is the same depth

that it grew in the nursery.

Then you bring the dirt around, put the topsoil,

if it's got any grass or anything, I'd crumble that up,

put it down first, and try to make a little kind of dam

well out away from the stem or the base of the plant

so that when it rains, everything's gonna settle down

a little bit.

Keep that in mind and if you dug it way too deep

and then you had to add a lot of soil in the bottom,

that's gonna settle down and it's gonna wash in

on it again, so keep that in mind.

You'll actually want it up a little higher

if you have a lot of loose soil in the bottom

of your planting hole.

- Put the native soil back in the hole, right?

It doesn't have to be amended.

- Right, it doesn't have to be amended.

Put the native soil right back in the hole.

Do that and you don't have to stake it.

If the plant, if it's a peach, plum, or nectarine,

cut them off at 20 to 25 inches.

If it's an apple or pear, it'll be 25 inches.

All you're doing is you're telling that plant

where the first limbs, you want them to come out.

And then if you've got a real tall tree,

I'd bring it down.

- Can I ask you this, though?

How do you pick the right tree for your area,

for your landscape?

- I go to choosing varieties for Tennessee.

Small fruit cultivars for Tennessee, PB-746.

Dr. Lockwood up in Knoxville put together

a great publication.

in it he's got peaches, varieties that are good

for Tennessee, and there's a bunch of them.

I'm not gonna read them all unless you want me to.

- We can get them on the website.

- Okay, put them on the website.

Apples, I've got three, four pages of peaches.

Apples, not as many apples.

Apples do better in higher altitudes.

We're here in west Tennessee in the Mid-South.

Our altitude is the lowest it is anywhere

in the state of Tennessee, but we can still grow apples.

The thing I like about this publication

is it'll also tell you about the problems.

And there are problems,

fire blight and brown spot,

and brown rot in peaches, plums, and nectarines.

There's one section on apples, disease resistant apples.

In a home situation, I would probably recommend that.

Keep in mind, resistance is resistance.

Resistance is not proof.

This publication will tell you what varieties

have proven that will work in Tennessee.

- So Mr. D., when do we plant fruit trees?

- Late winter.

Late February, early March is the best time,

in my opinion, to put them in the ground.

- It's an opinion I'd listen to.

- I would too.

Thank you much, Mr. D., appreciate that.

- Thank you.

For more infomation >> Fruit Tree Planting Tips – Family Plot - Duration: 8:58.


Q&A – Will Granny Smith trees grow in the Memphis area? - Duration: 2:14.

"Will Granny Smith trees grow

"and produce in the Memphis area?

"If so, what is a second variety that will cross pollinate

with them?"

This is from Danny right here in Cordova.

We just got done talking about fruit trees.

Granny Smith, of course, apples.

He wants to know, will they grow here and produce?

- They will.

They are one of the varieties that was on

that long list that I did not read to you.

They will grow here.

They will have problems.

Fire blight and things like that.

So I would probably get one of the

more disease resistant varieties to cross pollinate.

You ought to be okay.

- Do you have a couple of those to read off real quick?

- (Mr. D.) Yeah.

- Something we might be familiar with.

- Let me do that.

You might want to be prepared to spray the Granny Smith.

Let me read the Granny Smith.

Let me read a little bit about that.

Fruit ripens late, stores well, may develop

an orange blush on the side that's exposed to the sun.

If it's allowed to hang.

Trees are willowy, somewhat difficult to train.

They're susceptible to scab, fire blight, cedar apple rust,

and powdery mildew.

You may have to spray them.

The disease resistant apples I mentioned

are red free, liberty, freedom, enterprise, and gold rush.

The yellow varieties seem to be better pollinators,

and gold rush is the only one of these that's yellow.

Let me read you a little bit about gold rush.

The tree is highly resistant to scab, powdery mildew,

moderately resistant to fire blight.

Fruit is sweet, crisp, and good for fresh and processing.

Ripens late, keeps very well.

You may want to go that route.

For more infomation >> Q&A – Will Granny Smith trees grow in the Memphis area? - Duration: 2:14.


Lông Mày Mờ Nhạt, Mất Đuôi Cũng Đen Đậm Sau 7 Ngày Nhờ Loại Củ Thần Kỳ Này - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Lông Mày Mờ Nhạt, Mất Đuôi Cũng Đen Đậm Sau 7 Ngày Nhờ Loại Củ Thần Kỳ Này - Duration: 4:28.


Namorada de Marcelo Rezende bate boca com filho do jornalista - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Namorada de Marcelo Rezende bate boca com filho do jornalista - Duration: 3:43.


Q&A – How can I keep my plants from dying back every winter? - Duration: 3:02.

"How can I keep my plants from dying back every winter?

"Last year, a winter hardy gardenia looked awful all winter

"but when I went to pull it up, it had new growth,

"so I left it and it looks nice again.

"It was supposed to be hardy to five degrees.

"Can I spray plants with some sort of horticultural oil

"to help them?

"Also I have some mahonias that seem to take winter

"on the chin.

I don't want things to keep dying back every year."

This is from Miss Nancy.

How can we help Miss Nancy with that?

- Cover them up.

- I would just cover them up.

- But don't leave it on.

Cover them and when the cold snaps come in,

cover them with something that has a little bit

of insulation, and make sure the soil underneath them

is wet, is moist, because moist soil gives off heat

better than dry soil.

Gives off more heat than dry soil.

Just try to do a good job of covering them.

- We always say the term winter hardy.

What does that mean to you, hardy?


- The fact that this gardenia is still alive,

that's winter hardy.

- It's like disease resistant.

- We're actually at the point where you can

just about get by with growing gardenias in this area.

Just about.

They can get nipped if we have some bad winters,

without a doubt.

Yeah, I'd just cover those up.

I'd cover them all the way to the ground.

Most people just throw blankets and things

just right over the top of them

but you're still allowing air to come up through there.

- Make it like a teepee.

Where it's broad at the bottom and more narrow at the top.

It's okay to have breathable,

mama's old quilt or blanket or something like that.

Black plastic

is probably one of the least desirable covers.

An old tarp or something.

You're gonna have to have some ways of supporting it.

You don't want whatever you put on it to be so heavy

that you crush it.

But something with a little bit of insulating factor.

And there's some products out there

on the market that have a little bit of thickness to them.

- You're right, just cover it.

- Remember to take it off though.

When temperatures warm up the next day,

it may mean she'd have to cover up at night

and then take it off in the middle of the day

if it gets above freezing, you know.

Take it off.

You just leave it on there,

then you're doing more harm than good.

- I'm glad you mentioned that.

And she talked about spraying with an oil.

That's not gonna help you.

- That's how we control unwanted birds.

We spray them with oil and it makes them

freeze to death, right?

That's one the ways.

For more infomation >> Q&A – How can I keep my plants from dying back every winter? - Duration: 3:02.


Q&A – Are these sunflowers? Will they flower this year? - Duration: 2:40.

"I purchased these plants at Spring Fling.

"They are tagged dwarf sunflower, but are not dwarf.

"What are they, and will they flower this year?"

This is from Richard.

You look at the picture there, they're definitely not dwarf.

Those things are pretty tall.

- And Kathleen, they're not sunflowers.

- They're actually sunflowers.

- Are they a sunflower?

They're to a sunflower like I've ever seen.

- They're sunflowers, Maximilian sunflower.

Long leaves, thin leaves.

- [Mike] I've never seen that.

I've never heard of that sunflower.

- Grow anywhere from three to 10 feet in height.

Give them space.

Yeah, that's not a dwarf.

Give them space because they're gonna spread out pretty good.

- A lot of difference between three and 10 feet.

- A lot of that depends on, of course, soil type.

If you have a good soil type--

- I would consider three foot a dwarf.

- Yeah, 10 foot's not.

- Those are pretty tall, that's not dwarf.

- That is a sunflower.

- Maximilian.

- Does it got the big--

- Has a beautiful yellow bloom.

It actually blooms this time of year, so it's late summer, early fall is when it blooms.

- [David] Watch for your honeybees, they'll be on there.

- Watch for the honeybees, and some of your birds I'm sure will be on those as well.

- You had me stumped on that one.

- That's what that is.

Look at the long leaves.

- I was about to call it a mare's tail, a weed.

- You would call it a mare's tail?

- They'll get that tall.

It's kind of what it looked like to me.

- It's actually named after Prince Maximilian.

He actually came to this country from Germany, did some exploring, and happened to come across

these sunflowers.

So it's actually named after him.

- Pretty neat.

- That's pretty neat.

- It is a sunflower, any soil type.

It's a perennial so you have to give it a couple years.

For it to bloom.

- [Mike] Okay, it's a perennial sunflower.

- It's a perennial.

- I haven't seen that.

- Again, is it in the same genus?

- Helianthus.

It's a sunflower.

- Because regular sunflowers, are they perennials?

- Regular, some are, some are not.

- What we plant out in the field, I think they're annuals.

- Yes, especially ones at the agri-center.

- They're annual.

- Right, but these are perennials.

- We need to tell Bruce about that out at Agri-Center so he won't have to plant sunflowers

every year.

- [Chris] Get him on board.

- He might like that.

- He might like that.

For more infomation >> Q&A – Are these sunflowers? Will they flower this year? - Duration: 2:40.


PAW PATROL Toys Go To Jail - Duration: 11:13.

paw patrol toys go to jail Oh No why are the paw patrol in jail what

happened guys hey Dino pals this is toy Rex here let's

see what toy surprise we have today it's the evil Romeo what is he doing I'm

gonna play a prank on the paw patrol pups I'm gonna turn this play into a big

poop and then blame it on the paw patrol pups watch this

yes it worked now the police officer is gonna think

it's the paw patrol pups Wow what's this this must be the work of the paw patrol

pups time for all those paw patrol toys to go to jail

it's the Playmobil city action jail set that look so cool guys you can even lock

it up and turn it to a safe and opens up pickups a jail

so cool wow it has everything there's even a bathroom a chair a bad guy a

policeman let's open it up guys wow there's so many pieces will be put all

these pieces together we can build the jaw set let's put it together guys give

all these stickers and here's the instruction manual to put it together

let's build the jail set

and now let's put all the stickers guys

this part looks like the TV you can see the map and also the security camera and

it goes on the top right here and this is the control center you can see it

looks like a security camera with the buttons the camera can see outside and

here's a little microphone that goes right here and now the other side

these look like vents and here's the police station badge now let's build a

jail cell that's the door and here's the lock now you can lock the jail cell door

and it goes right here now we can put it all together and this side goes here if

you know penny blows trying to put into jail and now the jail's inside to cool

now the jail is all done let's build the little accessories we have this blue

table and these are the legs now we have a little table and here is a sink that

goes into the wall right here here's some little tap for the state to turn on

water and here's the toilet you can close and open the minute what's inside

there too and we put the toilet inside the jail same thing with the table and

then there's a policeman this policeman comes with the policeman's hat

this one also has these cool handcuffs we've got a gun that comes right here on

the holster and a big microphone so he can talk to everyone one Monday morning

there's this robber bad guy wow he looks so bad he's got all his beard a skull

t-shirt and he's got gold chain uh-huh he's a bad guy put him in jail and then

there's this keyboard and the keyboard goes right here we can take the

handcuffs and put it on the bad guy now he's all locked up and has to go in

prison there's also this gun and it's baton stick for the policeman and we can

put them up on this wall right here and we can hang the cuffs on this ball like

that you can even put the met you can even put the megaphone on here to know

the policeman has his gear wow the jail set is all done check it out guys

there's a bathroom toilet in there a bed and this is the jail cell and the door

can open cool and they can also lock like that no no one's getting out and

this is where the policeman stores always gear I see a microphone handcuff

a big jump there's the policeman logo and there's

also lights for the policeman to see in the dark they can catch the bad guys

there's two lights on both sides and this is the computer station look

there's the map you can see the security cameras of where the bad guys are well

you can even see the front entrance and this part is the computer station

there's the security camera to the outside

there's his keyboard and even a microphone wow this set is so cool now

that the gel sets finished that means the pups have to go inside

the jail hurry up paw patrol pups oh no the Popish wants to go inside the

jail now open up the door and here they go time to lock you pups inside that's

what you get for breaking the law Oh No what are we gonna do don't worry pups I

have evidence to prove that you guys are innocent mr. policeman sir yes I'm

listening if you look at the security camera over here then you'll tell the

paw patrol pups refrained what they were framed yes it was the evil Romeo okay

let me check the camera pppppp oh wow you're right it was the evil Romeo

I'm so sorry paw patrol pups I'm gonna have to let you guys out here you go paw

patrol pups please come out I am so sorry paw patrol pups that was my

mistake to make it up to you guys I'm gonna give all you pups a surprise toy

everyone gets Thomas the Train mystery minis Wow we got so many toys and

they're all Thomas and Friends mystery minis that's awesome I see Thomas he's

the number one Blue Train and there's a mystery one Wow

this train is brown he looks super cool he's got yellow stripes and black dot

the maroon Green train with black wheels let's check out the collectors guy Wow

look at all the trains you can get do you guys see this train let's see wow I

see it it's right here his name is d-10 cool hmm super cool and since he'd

yellow just like rubble this is true that's a rubble on the double and this

is the next one guys Wow I see an orange green and even a purple train let's see

what's inside here guys it's wicked Eastern Christmas bed there we go whoa

we got a red train this red train looks super cool he is covered in paint I see

blue paint green paints and even yellow paint and he looks so happy this train

is number five it's James turn red so happy fifties bread even his tires

are covered in paint James you're so clumsy

just like Marshall and you're also real just like Marshall this is Marshalls

dream they should both be stronger fighters Marshall is all fired up to go

train ready all right next bad guys I see like a Dinosaur

Train here and there's James again and that's the mystery one what's inside

guys let's go go this is an all green train whose number six red stripes black

top you've got a red trim and also green wheels Wow let's check out the

collector's guide there's so many trains do you guys see this green train he's

number six that means he's right here it's Percy Percy the green chain Percy

is super nice and city's green that means green for rocky green means go

we'd like to recycle so me and Percy are gonna go do some recycling three more

bags to go guys here we go this one is Thomas on it and there's his

cool green train let's open it up here we go what do we get well we got it blue

train fellas so cool he is number four he's all a blue got black stripes black

top he's got a big nose blue wheels and a

red trim let's check out the collector's guide this train is number four that

means he's right here it's Gordon Gordon the Blue Train he's

blue that means it's shades blue for chase chases on the cake let's go okay

here's the next one guys Wow look at this red train you look super cool I

hope we get him whoa we got this dark green trade and he looks super silly

he's got a really big nose huh he's all green with yellow trim and he's green

top and he also has black wheels let's check out the collector's guide do you

guys see a green train with yellow stripes let's see well he's right here

his name is Paxton he's packed in the green train okay Ryder Paxton is gonna

be your train cool a person is my king paw Patrol is on the roll let's go

Paxton down to the last bed guys I wonder what train we're gonna get I

heard there's a golden Thomas I wonder if this is gonna be a golden Thomas

train okay here we go guys whoa he looks super awesome he's got a

dinosaur on the side awesome he's got yellow cool yellow wheels too

and these these super cool dinosaur spikes on them and look at the top it

looks like it's a barrel awesome whoa that means so much train Zuma you get

the Dinosaur Train girl time to Train let's go make a splash

wow that was super-fun Daniel friends all the Papa trucks got out of jail and

got their own Thomas the Train toy super cool I hope everyone has an awesome day

and it's time to jump into the next video and find the evil Romeo thanks for

watching Dino pals you guys are awesome for more awesome surprises with me click

here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> PAW PATROL Toys Go To Jail - Duration: 11:13.


What is a Sentence? | Forms 101 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> What is a Sentence? | Forms 101 - Duration: 3:08.


Electronic weapons sonic attack harassment in Cuba - Duration: 10:22.

good morning warriors good afternoon YouTube good evening Internet okay I'm

talking about the sonic harassment in Cuba and I was just thinking this is the

stuff that those of us on YouTube have been talking about for quite some time

now like okay when I started having the problems like with my head that's what I

was complaining about and I'm thinking now why is it that people will listen

when it's put on mainstream media but when someone like me an individual like

me talks about something like this happening to us where we very well may

be being attacked then people just call us crazy and I'm thinking this is just

sounds like the identical same thing and I want to show you what happens this is

what happens when I put in this is the into the YouTube search it says

electronic harassment the end of electronic harassment symptoms and your

targets and symptoms that's from lookout charlie and so I'm

gonna put in well I'm gonna do a filter here and then I'm gonna put in by the

date I'm gonna put in today let's see what we get and look at this it says

health attacks on US diplomats electronic harassment has become

weaponized ace captive electronic harassment has been what weaponized

health attacks on American Embassy Cuba seem electronic SPECT OP advocates

electronic harassment linked pinned they're distorting our rhythm infinity

and and so it's it's kind of funny to think that I mean because this is the

stuff that like a lot of folks are talking about this and and and it's just

like okay so I'll tell you guys a little bit here what they talked about in Cuba

says the United States on Friday abruptly warned Americans not to visit

Cuba and ordered more than half of its Havana embassy personnel to leave the

island in a dramatic response to mysterious recent

specific attacks oh well they're calling them sonic attacks that's electronic

harassment it's a stuff it makes like buzzing in

your head you just feel like you're vibrating and buzzing and then you kind

of lose orientation in your head and I'm thinking so if it's done in Cuba like

why can't it be done here in the United States and and I actually think it has

been done here I think it has been used here you know I mean the some other

folks have you know said things about flash grenades going off or you know

things like that possibly to I don't know what it would be it just feels like a

big electrical pulse and it causes a lot of pain causes agitation you know

directed energy weapons that that's the same thing but yet they're telling

people not to go to Cuba but yet there's like hundreds of thousands of videos on

YouTube of people talking about electronic harassment directed-energy

weapons sonic booms and weapons and things like that but yet nobody will

listen to us that that's good that's crazy you know I mean I really believe

this has been happening and you know even when it was happening when it first

started happening I was asking my husband I said can you hear those sounds

and he would just lay still quiet he'd shut the fan off the furnace wasn't

running and he actually heard the noises that I was talking about so it's not

like he didn't hear them he did and and so it's just that my hearing like I

would hear these high high pitched like these BEEEEP I mean they were really really

high pitched tones and um and so that just was like it put my brain in a it

was kind of like I went into myself so it was kind of like I was in it's kind

of like I was way way inside of myself I would say inside of my indigenous brain

you know

fight or flight place it doesn't make any sense to me but but the thing is

it's like when I found other people on YouTube then it started to make a lot

more sense and so but we know all these weapons are legal in the United States

for people to use them and so that's kind of what I'm thinking you know that

they're selling all kinds of military weapons so how far does this go the

police departments have military weapons and then I'm also thinking you know like

with security so people who have some security systems and things like that

and then they have those sounds that emit stuff so how far does this go to to

the point where it's just disturbing people in their neighborhoods and things

like that you know so I mean I know there's crap that's been going on in my

neighborhood I already know that you know because I see it every day but I

don't I don't know why it's being done I am speculating that the movement is from

well it seems similar in line with common you know the Republican Congress

chris Christie and Bridgegate blocking the bridge and now there's

people who block the interstate they block up our roads and things like that

so yeah so a lot of this seems somebody's organized and they're

orchestrating a bunch of crap in my neighborhood and they're tearing things

up and then of course they're probably gonna blame us for doing it when we do

it we don't have giant trucks I mean these giant trucks are running over the

oh gosh the manhole covers and things like that all over town they're tearing

up sidewalks they're just making a huge mess there people are driving all over

the green spaces and things like that and so yeah it it just doesn't make any

sense so it does seem like that there's some sort of attacks going on here and

you know it's political that it's sure you know surely political now the thing

that I about though - is that the LRADS you

know they say they're used for crowd dispersal but at the same time they can

be used for crowd agitation so if you come into a community and you're trying

to agitate people why are you trying to agitate people that's what I'm curious

why are you trying to agitate people is it for prison and and so that that's

what I'm asking you is it for prison is that why this is being done and so

there's some reason that somebody's here being assholes you know so is it to try

to get people to become confrontational is that what it's about I I don't know I

mean the the people doing it they seem like nice people

they look like me there's women involved you know so so it's gonna be kind of

hard to blame the residents who live here when the people doing this look

like me if you know so so people who live here gonna know what I'm talking

about when I say that because the men look like me the women look like me so

it's gonna be really really hard to blame the residents but that's what they

do that's the thing they'll do oh look what they did they tore up their

community no that's not that that's not the case there's some sort of fleet

management or something from the Washington State Oregon area something's

going on there's a whole bunch of trucks from a specific area they're tearing a

bunch of crap up is what they're doing on purpose they're tearing it up and so

I've not quite figured out why yet but I I don't like the electronic

harassment part you know because it's painful and you know I'm sure a lot of

other people around here have probably experienced it and just don't know what

it is it causes pain in your back pain in your spine and you know I thought um

you know so something is going on from somewhere but I guess maybe it has to do

with guns being legal and stuff like that I don't I hear that's just what I'm

assuming that that's probably what it has to do with because then that means

directed-energy weapons are legal sonic weapons are legal LRAD are legal

the police can have any weapon they want to have and and then unfortunately

people end up hurt you know hurt to the point like the people in the Cuban

embassy but yet Rex Tillerson how why the fuck are you listening to us when

this stuff happens to us I mean I've had an MRI done and went to the doctor and

they didn't see anything you know oh your brain just looks like it should

look for someone your age you know and and so but yet for some reason like

after these attacks happened then I just start crying it's just like I just feel

really really upset start crying and it's just like my brain jiggles inside

my head and I feel like it's a directed-energy attack and weapon is

what's happening so I get what the people here are saying in Cuba it's like

why don't they listen to people here in America you know so who do you tell

that's the problem who do you tell when something like this happens cuz they're

gonna look at you like you're crazy you know so I'm telling you tube because

I know there's other people who actually identify with me and understand things

going on so because they've had it happen

so yeah but that's it for right now I want to thank you guys so much for

watching please thumbs up this video share it with your friends subscribe

smash and hit the thumbs up leave comments suggestions ideas I'll see you

guys soon I love you peace love and avocados

For more infomation >> Electronic weapons sonic attack harassment in Cuba - Duration: 10:22.


DVD Collection Update - September 2017 - Duration: 8:50.

Hello YouTube! FilmBuff06 here and before I start, by the time I'm recording

this, I have just come back from such an amazing two-week summer holiday in the

Heraklion region of Crete. I had such an incredible time there. With that said and

done, onto the real crux of this video which is going to be my DVD collection

update video for September 2017 and the two DVDs that I'm going to show you guys

are both movies that I have already reviewed on... on the channel in the past

so without any further ado, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, here we go.

Now the first... the first movie that I... that I collected this month... that I collected

very early this month in order to hopefully watch it when I was on holiday

was, is of course the 2011 behind the scenes story/biopic of the making of

The Prince and the Showgirl with Marilyn Monroe and Laurence Olivier which was of course My Week With Marilyn and if you guys want to

know my thoughts on this... on... on... on this underrated as hell movie, I will leave a

link to... to my "My Week With Marilyn" review in the description below and... but

um... in short, just such an underra- such an underrated movie, a great

direction from Simon Curtis, an amazing score by Conrad Pope, great writing and

fantastic performances across the board especially from...especially from Michelle

Williams as Marilyn Monroe and Sir Kenneth Branagh as Law... as fucking

Laurence Olivier, I mean... um... and... and what else can I say other than very happy to

have got this, um... I know, I know some of the-- I know some critics don't... don't

quite love this movie as much as I do, but still... but still I'm-- I'm very happy

to have got this especially when it, especially when this... when it's about a,

a slice of, um, of Holly-- of 1950s Hollywood history

so wow. So there you go My Week With Marilyn. And

the second and final movie that I managed to-- that I actually managed to

collect today actually is the only other David Fincher film other than Gone Girl

that I have already reviewed on the channel and that is of course 2007's

Zodiac which is obviously based on the tru-- the true story of the

investigat-- of the intense investigation that, as we all know,

ultimately went nowhere, the investigation into the crimes of the Zodiac killer.

Again, likewise with My Week With Marilyn, if

you guys want to know my thoughts on... on this.. just on such an underrated

masterpiece in David Fin-- in terms of David Fincher's filmography, I'm going to

leave a link to my "Zodiac" review in the description below as well so, um... but in

short... but in short it's a... it's a great... it... in short, Zodiac is a great

movie, drags a little bit in the second act, it's... it's... it's nowhere near as good... it's

not quite as good as the likes of Se7en, Fight Club, The Social Network and Gone

Girl in terms of David Fincher's filmography but in no way is it his weakest

either so... and just great performances across the board from the likes of Jake

Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Chloe Sevigny and company so... Yeah,

Zodiac. And... and believe it or not, that is that, guys, for this month, so please feel

free to leave a comment in the section below, please let me know your thoughts

on the two movies I managed to collect this month which, once again, are My Week

With Marilyn and Zodiac, plus feel free to subscribe to

my channel as always, as well as go to my channel page and click on the little

bell so that you get all of the notifications and updates from my

channel via email. And also if you haven't already, please don't forget to

join my Facebook group page, as well as follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

Do take care, everyone, and goodbye.

For more infomation >> DVD Collection Update - September 2017 - Duration: 8:50.


Farming Simulator 17 Deutz D16006 And SEMOIR NODET 4M Seeder - Duration: 12:04.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two Old Mods You can use to plant Fields.

Deutz D16006 3 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 40Km/h Top Speed

SEMOIR NODET 4M Seeder 1.000l Capacity 4m Working Width 15Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 70Hp No Direct Deeding

Lamborghini Mach VRT Trima + 4.1p Front Loader Fliegl Autoload Pallet Fork Chieftain Tri Axle Low Loader

For this unplanted areas is responsible the tractor The tractors 3 point hitch is too high and do not allow the seeder to reach the ground if the field is not flat

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

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