Bildspel Babblarna Babola Salabim Tecknad film för barn - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
I AM ONE FOR ISRAEL (Trailer) - Duration: 1:10.a crowd started to gather
the men were chanting in Arabic
"Allah hu Akbar! Allah hu Akbar!"
and my father and I
as I was holding his hand
were pushed to the front of this crowd
in the center of this crowd
was an Arabic woman
dressed just like this
and she was tied up
and she was sitting on a box
next to her was an Arabic man
and he did a traditional Islamic prayer
on the floor
and he got up from the floor
and from his side
he pulled out this very long golden sword
and he beheaded the woman
my legs are shaking
and my heart is going fast
and my father said
if you don't listen to the teachings
we are instilling in your life
this will happen to you one day
Japan vs. Belgium | Group H | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 23:32.-------------------------------------------
DALE UN CHAMPAGNE - NANOMIX [REMIX] 2017 ʜᴅ - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Pepa Pig Flash Finger Family Lyrics Lollipop - Duration: 2:03.Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
How to Download 360° Photos and Videos from Facebook, Streetview, YouTube and Google Plus - Duration: 4:17.[[Like & Subscribe]]
Hey guys its me Rahul, and today i'll show you guys how to download 360-degree videos
and photos from Facebook, streetview, YouTube and google plus.And also i will show you ,how
to view those 360 medias on your pc as well as on your android phone.
If you want to know how to take 360 photos with just your smartphone, click the link
the description or click on this card .
First i am show the simplest thing that is how to download 360 videos.it is actually
very easy, you can use any online video downloader you want, i recommend savefromnet and clipconverter.cc
those are some really nice websites to download videos from facebook or youtube, you just
have to copy the link and paste it onto the text field and download.
Downloading 360 images from facebook,streetview and google plus is a bit tricky.
To download from Facebook : you need to use chrome and download an extension called Azimuth:
Download Facebook 360° Photos/Videos ", then find a 360 image on Facebook then just click
on this icon and select "equirectangular".
And that's it.
The 360 image will be downloaded to your downloads folder.
To download street view 360 photos you need to goto a website called istreetview.com ,and
download their software and install it on your pc., then you can load panorama views
either using a link or using coordinates, if you want to download a 360 image that you
saw on your phone in the street view app just share the link or copy it and paste it on
to this website click load, then copy the panorama id and paste it onto the software
and give a new name and hit "Download panorama".You can also search for places and view available
360 photos from the website and download them if you want to.
Next, I'll show you guys how to download 360 photos from google plus.Unfortunately
there is no extensions or softwares for this, so you need to pretty much do it manually.
It's actually not that hard.
First find the image that you want to download make it fullscreen then hit "ctrl+shift+i"
or right click and select inspect element, which will open this tool,then hit ctrl F
to bring up the search tool , then type in "hnAeA", it is in the description so don't
worry about it.
Then just double click and copy the link that is above the search phrase , then paste it
on next tab and delete the last 5 letters that is starting from this hyphen to the o
then hit enter and then right click →> save as image and save.
So that's pretty much how you can download 360 photos and videos from major sources.
You can always find new 360 videos and photos from facebook,youtube and google plus with
a simple search with keyword 360.
To view this downloaded 360 photos and videos, you can use gopro vr player on your pc, it
is available for both windows and mac, when you open the video files,if it is shows something
like codec error or something goto to its settings and change the video decoding backend
to windows media foundation.This player is actually kind of cool, you can change the
projection , there is a lot of cool features .yeah i totally recommend this software.
To view 360 medias on your phone , you can download an app called "VR media player-
360 viewer" it supports both photo and video.
You can either use the touch controls or you can use the vr mode--if you have a google
cardboard or something like this, It works really well.
So that's pretty much it.
TOP 10 MOVIES OF 2017 - Duration: 15:46.So 2017 is finally finished, having given us some great stuff, some middling stuff,
and well...the other stuff.
But today we're gonna talk about the great stuff!
Today I'm counting down my 10 favorite movies from the past year.
Now, little warning upfront, there are some films I haven't seen form this year.
Mainly the Oscar films, cuz all of those don't come out for a while where I live.
So movies like Ladybird, Shape of Water, Disaster Artist, Call Me By Your Name, The Post, haven't
seen them.
When I have I'll make a video on all of them, but that won't be until late February,
so I wanted to talk about the other movies of the year now at new years and all.
There are also just other movies that might've made my list that I just didn't get the
chance to see yet, like Coco, Logan Lucky, Wonder, Kong: Skull Island, Jumanji, and It
Comes At Night.
But besides all that, I think I did pretty well.
So, enough introduction, let's get into the list.
10) American Made.
It was a tough choice for my number 10 cuz there were a few that I'm bummed couldn't
make the main list, but in the end I'm going with American Made.
I feel like no one really talked about this movie at all, which I find strange cuz I thought
it was pretty great.
In a time where Tom Cruise movies are a little….hit or miss, this was one of his best in a while.
It's very fast paced and has an interesting almost Wolf of Wall Street-like style that
makes it very entertaining to watch, and really I can say I was never bored while watching
It's about an interesting real-life subject matter and whether it handles it accurately,
it handled it in a way that made it very engaging.
Don't think a ton of people have seen this one, so I'd recommend you check it out.
9) The Lego Batman Movie.
Now I've only seen this movie once and a couple of people have told me that it doesn't
hold up at all on the second watch, but I'm sorry, that first watchthorouh was just so
much fun for me.
This is the most I've laughed in an animated film in a while.
Sure it's very heavy with the references and easter eggs and all that and maybe that's
not for everyone, but hey, this is subjective and I thought it was funny as hell.
Plus some people checked out by the time all of these different characters showed up and
all that cuz it was too silly, but I enjoyed how crazy and meta it got.
So….yeah, as a Batman fan and a fan of funny movies, this is the best animated film of
the year for me….keeping in mind I haven't seen Coco.
8) Dunkirk.
This is one of those Oscar-type movies that I acutally ahve see at this point.
I mean at this point, Christopher Nolan has a pretty bulletproof track record, for me
at least, and this was another impressive entry into his filmography.
This is different from the sort of stuff he's done before, and I really enjoyed it.
Or enjoyed isn't really the word, it's a harrowing experience, but I think it's
a great film.
Visually it's stunning, the performances are great, it's extremely tense and extremely
effective at conveying the horror and terror of this scenario.
A lot of people drowning and almost drowning in this movie, let me tell you.
It's also easily the loudest film I've ever seen.
Don't know if that's a positive or negative, just feel like it should be pointed out.
Some people didn't like how the story was told in a different way than what you might
expect and the fact that you don't really get a lot of info about the characters save
for two or three, but I was fine with that.
For me this film was more to show the experience of this specific part of a war and how people
tried to survive and it did that brilliantly.
So yeah, it's gonna make my list.
7) Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Now yeah, I know this is a somewhat controversial pick for the list.
I'm ready for the 50 comments that say, Last Jedi above Dunkirk!?
Dislike, unsubscribe!
If you hated the Last Jedi that's fine, if you loved the Last Jedi, that's also
It's weird that I even have to say that.
I was one of the people who loved the Last Jedi, so number 7.
I was thoroughly entertained through and through by the film, I thought it was more creative
than the last, the action was awesome, there were some really great character moments,
and while the story wasn't....you know, perfect, I still found it really interesting.
A well made Star Wars film that was a ton of fun, that's pretty much all I want out
of these as a pretty causal fan of the series.
6) John Wick Chapter 2.
One of the reasons I love these John Wick movies is that they're pretty much exactly
the type of movies that I always wanted to make when I was younger.
Just you know considerably more violent than I imagined as an 8 year old.
Straight ahead, super entertaining revenge action films.
And while the first is great, the second one stepped things up in a huge way.
Besides the action, Keanu Reeves is perfect as this character, his….style of acting
absolutely fits this kind of action hero, the world is interesting, and the story is
simple but it totally works for a kind of throwback to older action films.
In terms of the action though, it's insane.
You can tell these movies are made by former stunt people, the action's mostly practical,
it's shot so you can see it, it's brutal, it's just spectacular.
These movies have the premise of classic older action movies and the best action of today.
It's a great combo and I can't' wait for the third entry.
5) Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Yes, the only MCU movie to make my top 10 this year.
Which is not saying the other films are bad at all, it's just a testament to how great
this year has been just overall.
This is my favorite Spider-Man film to date, and I really enjoyed, you know some of these.
It does everything a Spider-Man film should do, and it strikes the perfect balance of
Spider-Man action type stuff and Peter Parker high school type stuff.
This one movie made me relate to and care more about this version of Peter Parker than
two Andrew Garfield movies could and I'm sorry to say even three Tobey Maguire movies
I like those movies, but I feel this just did this character perfectly, and especially
for the modern times, this feels like a realistic high school with a realistic high schooler
from today.
This also has maybe the best MCU villain to date, some really cool action, and some hilarious
This might be the funniest MCU movie of the year, which is tough when compared to Ragnarok
and a Guardians film.
Probably the biggest surprise of the year for me, I left his film totally satisfied.
4) Blade Runner 2049.
It really sucks that this didn't do better at the box office, because this movie was
so fantastic.
I mean, I expected a film this amazing from Denis Villeneuve at this point, and once again
he delivered.
Visually this may be the most gorgeous movie I've ever seen, pretty much every shot in
this film is worthy of being printed off and framed.
Beautiful movies can still be really bad though but this film also has excellent performances
even from certain….not super enthusiastic actors, a great soundtrack and a complicated
but fascinating story.
Also, the world building in this film is some of the best in any film ever, all the tech
and buildings and all this stuff, it feels like a real world.
It helps if you've seen the first, but I don't think it's really a necessity.
Plus you don't at all feel the really long runtime.
So, if you're one of the many people apparently who didn't see this in the cinema, definitely
watch this at some point and on the biggest screen you can get.
3) Logan.
This is one of the films I've talked about the most this year so you might be sick of
hearing about it.
So hey I'll keep this brief but there is a reason I and everyone have talked about
this so much.
Honestly I think this should get nominated for a bunch of Oscars.
It almost definitely won't cuz for some reason the Academy hates these kinds of movies,
but best picture, best actor, best supporting actor, this deserves it.
Couldn't ask for a more perfect way for this character to go out, this is an almost
flawless movie with great action and an interesting story with lots of emotional moments and a
darker look at these characters, and that's the last I'll say about it….Hugh Jackman
I love you.
2) Get Out.
I always love going into the cinema expecting...well you know a pretty good film and leaving having
seen something phenomenal.
And that's exactly how I felt with Get Out.
This goes beyond just being a scary horror film, which it definitely is.
But on top of that it's very funny in parts, really clever with the storytelling and subtle
foreshadowing, and a great commentary on race.
My favorite kind of horror stuff is less of the jumpscare-y stuff and more just stuff
that gets more and more horrifying the more you think about it and this was a perfect
example of that.
Plus I love stories where slowly throughout you can tell that something is wrong but you're
not quite sure what and it keeps building and building until this horrific reveal and
it was just perfectly executed here.
Also, one of my least favorite parts of horror films is when characters act like idiots for
no reason or don't do anything logical, and in this film there's none of that, everything
that I could hope would happen happens.
Basically, for me, this is the perfect psychological horror film, and I absolutely loved it.
So before I get to my number 1 choice, here are some other movies that could've made
my list, but hey there are only 10 slots.
A well made horror movie with likeable characters and some genuine scares.
Fate of the Furious.
So stupid that it's pretty fun to watch.
Nothing exceptional though.
The Big Sick.
A very funny and heartfelt romantic comedy that leaves you with a smile on your face,
very nearly made my list.
Solid thriller with one of the best performances of the entire year at the center.
Guardians 2.
Doesn't live up to the first, but is still very funny and pretty creative.
Wonder Woman.
Come for the action, stay for the great characters.
Leave cuz the finale's not that great.
Thor: Ragnarok.
Super funny with a great world and really good new characters, feels a bit fluffy though
in terms of emotion or story.
And Murder on the Orient Express.
A very enjoyable mystery film with great performances, specifically from the man himself Kenneth
Branagh as Poirot, the surprises aren't that surprising and it slows down a little
too much in the middle, but overall I had a very good time with it and I would totally
recommend it.
And my favorite movie of the year is….Baby Driver.
Yeah, no surprise there, but no movie's been as big of a deal the entire year for
me at least that Baby Driver was.
I was insanely excited for this based on the trailers and the director, like to the point
where I'd watched the trailer probably more than any other trailer ever, and it somehow
still exceeded my expectations.
I honestly thought that was going to be impossible.
Edgar Wright movies strike the perfect balance of being incredibly well made and still really
Pretty much everything in this is so well done but it's never pretentious or boring
or calling attention to how clever it is, it's still entertaining and funny and exciting
the entire time.
I love this movie because of how fun it is to watch and the story and characters and
action and all that, but I also love it because I just really respect when people put a ton
of effort into something.
And especially into tiny things that most people who see the film will never even notice.
I really appreciate that, and there are tons of those things to spot in here.
I've seen this film maybe 10 times and I still find new stuff in it each watch.
Beyond that though, yeah, it's an incredibly enjoyable stylish heist action comedy with
great performances and an amazing soundtrack.
It's definitely my favorite film of the year and one of my favorite movies of all
It's an original film too, which is just the cherry on top.
My parents have so many original movies to talk about from when they were growing up,
so I just think it's really cool when in the current state of Hollywood we get those
kinds of films that I can talk about some day that aren't just rehashes or a redos
of something that came before.
Glad to see it get as much mainstream attention as it's been getting, it couldn't deserve
it more.
Ok, so now as I do every time at the end of the year, just a little wrap up of how the
year was for my channel and what to expect next year and a few little announcements and
all that.
So if you were just here for the top 10, it is done, you are free to go.
But for those who care, stick around.
So 2017 has probably been my favorite year of doing YouTube so far.
Now just one last thing, I never really do shoutouts for people, not because I'm trying
to be mean but it's just once you give one person a shout out you have to give everyone
a shoutout and soon it's just a whole video of shoutouts, so that's why I don't do
But today I
just wanna point
you in
the direction of a certain channel.
My friend Jana has a YouTube channel, it's called Jana Stipac, there's a link down
below, where she does fun little artsy vlog type videos, and she puts a lot of effort
into them and she really likes doing it, and it would mean a lot to me if you go over to
her channel and check it out and maybe subscribe.
She didn't ask me to do this, I'm just doing this because I know how much she puts
into her videos and I genuinely think they're great, so link down below, go ahead and check
that out.
Alright, so, thank you all so much for a great 2017, hoping to step things up even more in
2018, and I'll see you in the new year.
Finger Family Farm Animals Wrong Heads Farm Animals with Wrong Body | Funny Animals Video for Kids - Duration: 3:15.Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am How do you do?
NEW "HIGH EXPLOSIVES" ROCKET-RIDING VICTORY! (Fortnite: Battle Royale) - Duration: 13:21.-------------------------------------------
Lachflash XXL: Anne Wünsche schaut ihre 1. YouTube-Videos - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
(FREE) "DETERMINED" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental | Dark Trap Rap Beat Instrumental - Duration: 3:24.(FREE) "DETERMINED" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental | Dark Trap Beat Instrumental
সরাসরি আজকের তাজা বাংলা খবর..বিটিভি ওয়ার্ল্ড সংবাদ ৩০ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭-BTV World Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:46.mother showed me Chicano power shopper a graffiti hakuna on the channel T sub
structure from Hama Pony bungee coj reciprocal Prakash Pratt make a bachelor
party nobody macaque Akshata new album jz o JD CT p rashid of milk ipad
production plateau McComb atomic story chic hearty the journal been able a back
to post on twitter and constitute important : presentment - sheikh hasina
ever apology on orede every part to poo stock woodshop
I'm Julie Kuhn Ali Pasha Pasha deity owner abuddin rocked a lock-up hit peak
Shama Zico patient education with and cooler party Rashtrapati Bhawan Abdul
Hamid II oven
AG immediately universe wanna be NPK Jonathan Avenue protection Kobe album
addiction Champa Duke orbital career months ago Iran Iran tonight Aaron
Schock whitish ahora dude into a shark ability become a poor shot a shallow to
be gone with him
ever Melbourne a England to Australia with hooker ashes we did a total protest
draw assalamualaikum dr. shom but they interpret the Cameroonian at sea I'm the
to John I'm sure naturally even are we Muhammad Abdullah Halima would rather
touch on what exact approach are either hood c bt bt b 1a 1b t which octagram
can wrote again at the connection option lim it will be study to able should
prefer McCoy if Teddy Chicano pani poori copy Cyril Junior School Certificate JSC
or junior duckin certificate JDC Polycarp all prakasha recharge chocolate
presently Sheikh Hasina haughty Polly polish encanta Laden she comment with
newly stamina he'd even traffic or Ganesha commentary Mustafa snowman body
they heard Arturo she commercial bina moon labor to boost up bitter and karma
shooted understanding with Putin current pradhan mantri Sheikh Hasina boiler
January - Oh baby IATI Oh poo poo stupid shop - JP - hobby Shikata Mukesh on
guinea mr. Raja not seen a seafood Amman camera claim to Dubai a dishonest
exhibition November or see the hypothetical if Today Show body politic
annyong should I finish luxury which is chic Hartley's whenever gone over a
button monthly Sheikh Hasina at a shop secret till Holly don't only be too late
then but amigo gonna she come on three
advocate Muhammad Ahmad a issue I boosted chillin oh no decay Ostrom
strain it Junior School Certificate JSA bung junior duxelles thought if you get
jealousy Pollock high partial her delay she - a big toy basket on sujod
shark song Qian mo tree hugger too late and she commentary new realism na hit
poly a kekkaishi caboodle chairman don't utter
Shawn sister border:solid pollution can present with my co-host under Korean a
raggedy that Arusha kibosh a baby nurse story secret about the particles to
bitter Ankara criminogenic open Korean Putin mantri
Sheikh Hasina Sarada be namul a boy baturin songs away she carter had a
issue a note on boy - laden pradhan mantri every guru Kareem abdul-jabbar
John Tobin a male poetry scored Italy's La Paz
Habibullah open tone shall apply charcoal to hide this luxury which is he
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this day but if only she Carpio understand it one month later Bob Dubay
this hiccup oh sorry charcoal grid oh baby no joke to let her
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her today October she she category to the Potomac succession upon even J's the
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Volvo the officials report to hobby lack of our quarterly done lack of rhetoric
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Eddie cages among jealousy poor ecar Pakistani Putin Monty Balan pretty
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Toronto John Romita biblical a presently need edge then she karmani she de nada
para nor did she leave a like a pariah Corby amber shablow kosher joke the
teeth the shigani that are Philco bacon on Jenna Phil call
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Coren browser Magog on oh shit come on Jay Mustapha sadaham on a bomb she come
on chain only slamming ahead let's briefing it proud to meet oh god
oh shit come on G Mustapha sadaham on proud to me do it today sheikh osama
pani poori car passion hard to do rebel him shake us in a short card shop my
party week shikakai take good to the ash day a falafel target Arabic Kutub oh
gosh yeah bear pattern Ishikawa pani poori K more stability on oh boy
hazardous follow John Pollock arty on super incorrect but it cut it demo day
boy do I lack - one more Hodja team show jnanam bojong she cut a demo day good
Tina watch a o'clock oh no did I shuddered shot shot tinge on partial
harpy bitch ni a bar party okay today she Keshava pani puri kai shot be buggy
MO - eh a body shall be back even to shoot - de la mode de prata mastani
reach a couple guns if they should come up on a podium or dual-action know how
that in general no boys on Saturday on sugar incorrect more relaxed for three
cigars are so qu Allegiant shock you'll be sure till no a passer harborin oh boy
- Oh make sure on oh boy Pratham siekerka tree carpaccio top rocker
incentive devera say I'm rochester fortune to coalesce tics may be no
propel it a Dowager doctor effort there was a police car car until just a
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austin a she come on junior Eastham ma hit Bolin
ever much rubbish luck villa she has a teen should be a legion pudica t-they
coz reciprocal action AI mo de Pascua a bitch snuck a tahajud do show a captive
Jakarta a bar God fashioned her she does she does make type a shortened show Mook
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has a choice auto-attack john psaropoulos s Honka about chip do so
Universidad she kept a distance she come on - Malin Hippolyta Bogota watch a
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the basket about it people turn the cover to cover to pass for a ducat
initially over a single base briefing it should have a pony Kenya or shot action
way for Prakash a show Joey doctor I shown system on trolley car micarta
gonna watch some Cornish Cho chocolate predict hitam putih / - Karen she
continually slum Naheed among Fatima kogarashi Comanche mustafizur Rahman
Afrin Jahan Baloo - television Chaka
ashay should our balan Ala Moana
question she cut the post a Asha follow a committee in her say ibero-america
regime up even already generated hundred percent pass each and a mulatto ironic
acne at say I report on watch a bachelor one important quality after gotta say it
won't have me Buddhist about today but we should you know
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it's my shadow shaman Mahmud Bangladesh television haka Angela Khun Danai Pasha
Pasha - you know abot entr'acte ellika bit especially Bo ssam addiction go to
na ho doll mod mission show became advocates Corps of Engineers in Russia
by Muhammad Abdul Hamid teeny at Rattata near Mill pour le haut aroma mention
hoshiyomi tear Nabu Navy taupe Avenue Putin ogia photos Tony Yayo concernin
beside to Jonathan Farrow comment
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critic a tree on Solaris official with the Joe trohman she knows omitted
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lunatics opening an oval window tied on over to need with shitty so funky edgy
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ostrich fully unique we need mr. Rockwell pitch
off to Rome or senator would it be in Japan butcher try someone and someone
said pass a territory even paddle coal money short very possibly even a son
Bertram was 20 with one victim okay okay after hobby is always good even a video
probe up move over the court a helical monitor Jumanji pika
Roper Roberto and fossil totally features doll away forever co-op
botanically newton-john Doodlebops encore coffee
brother Mohammad Sheikh Mohammad Shah Baba do pradhan mantri cars Allah SDC
shark Raja monarch moment I will column other the travel deterrence trainee show
meteor shower body Mohammad Abdu London can O Muhammad McLaren among so many
emotions if Mahmud her ownership October again eroge roster
Muhammad Abdul Hamid Mir poor children on sector a breeder Amish English
omitted no one in with a baboon what goes on Cora a bull ok Ackman ogoun
shango critic understand as Ankara hides
Kermit Bangladesh television sham protection oil they should be penalized
on Yashar Kinnear Boccioni I was very practical Beecher got holy curry of
America shampoo provancha to Montreal by Delgado bullets in our immediate it is
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Muhammad pure B RTC bus depot production Shashank medic terracotta balan yamuna
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show Aslam will hoc OB ATC German freedom
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- hit her own in Canoga Newton Richard Channing dr. Kamal Haasan a shampoo tick
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dietitian should never turn a doctor come on Hussein Venapro t don't eat I
need wotty - hey chi'lan the hula teeny okie avoid for chilly October color
cover until you take over Sydney balance to decode QoP book sounds captain
What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
29 dec. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
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Padmavati पर Censor Board का फैसला जानें पूरी हकीकत ? (padmavat) - Duration: 3:13.: पद्मावती की रिलीज की राह खुलती नजर आ रही है
क्योंकि सेंसर बोर्ड ने यू/ए सर्टिफिकेट देने का फैसला कर लिया है
लेकिन इसके लिए फिल्म का नाम 'पद्मावती' से बदलकर 'पद्मावत' करना होगा
फिल्म पद्मावती पर रोक लगाने की मांग को लेकर देश भर में पिछले दिनों जमकर प्रदर्शन हुए हैं
सेंट्रल बोर्ड ऑफ फिल्म सर्टिफिकेशन (सीबीएफसी) की 6 सदस्यीय कमेटी ने 28 दिसंबर को पद्मावती फिल्म देखने और रिव्यू करने के बाद एक बैठक की
इस बैठक में सभी ने यह फैसला लिया है कि यूए सर्टिफिकेट के लिए फिल्म में कुछ बदलाव करना होगा
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