I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And today I'm going to show you my 4 simple exercises I do before I hit my first ball.This
is something I do before every practice session and before every game of golf.
It's really simple.
It gets my back loosened up and my muscles ready to fire when I go and hit some balls.
If you are interested in this.
Stay tuned.
So the first exercise that I do is a pelvis rock.
So I just put my hands up against the wall.
And I get into my golf posture.
And all I do is I rock my hips from side to side.
I don't want to slide backwards and forwards.
All I am doing is rocking from side to side.
I am doing it slowly.
And I am using my hands to stabilize everything.
And I do 10 each way.
And just progressively turning a little bit more and holding it.
So that gets my hips activated.
And we do need to use and activate our hips during the golf swing.
Now the second exercise I use a rubber band.
Now I just bought this from a variety store.
It was about $5.
You can also use a bicycle tube.
That's one I got puncture on last week.
And we do it something similar.
So we tie the bicycle tube up here.
If you want you can tie a knot in it.
So you could put a big knot in the top and put it in the through the top of the door.
Put the knot on the other side of the door and close the door.
It actually does the same thing.
A very good cheap training aid.
It has also come up with a use for a tyre ah or a tube that I would normally throw away.
So they are always handy to have.
So I have put this into the frame and it's up high.
So what I do here is I get my golf grip.
And I just start pulling my hands down.
Ans as I am pulling my hands down wards.
My left hip is engaging a little bit.
I am not doing it hard or fast.
It's just a slow move.
But when I am doing it I am using my left shoulder as resistance.
So I am not turning my left shoulder.
I am keeping my left shoulder stable.
And I am pulling down and engaging my left hip.
So I would then hold that for about 5 seconds.
And then I would do it again.
So Iam just resisting with my left shoulder, pulling down and holding it.
And I do it again.
So I would do 10 on that side.
And then I would follow it up by doing the same thing on the other side of my body.
So I would grip it like I would a left handed grip.
So the left hand up on top.
So there I pull down stabilizing my right shoulder.
And my right hip is activating.
Same thing just hold it for about 5 seconds and I would repeat that 10 times.
So as soon as I feel my shoulder turning.
I know I am doing it incorrectly.
So I am doing it smoothly hands pulling down and my right hip is turning left while holding
my right shoulder there.
So the 3rd one I use.
I would get my bicycle tube.
I put it underneath my right foot.
I shorten that And from there I'm turning.
So it's a very similar exercise to the lst one.
I am turning but I am just trying to pull out that way.
My hips engage.
And that really gets my hips tuning.
I am using my shoulder as resistance.
Very similar to the last one.
And I would do that 10 times.
And then I would swap feet.
The I would go on to my left foot.
And I would practice that.
So trying to keep my right hip there.
And I am not trying to turn too much with my shoulders.
It jus activates my hips quite nicely.
So as I said I would do that 20 times.
And the last exercise that I do is I find a seat.
And I do this in the middle of a game of golf too.
Sometimes later in the round I feel my back tightening up.
So I just sit down and I grab the side of the seat with both hands and I just gently
try and pull my hips around and turn, get my shoulders turning.
It's especially the shoulders.
And then I hold it.
I can feel that straining on my back just ever so slightly.
And then I do it the other side.
So I gently pull and then hold it for about 5 seconds.
And then I do it again.
So I am trying not to do that sort of movement as I go.
I am trying to hold with my feet stable.
And I am gently pulling my shoulder around.
Holding it for 5 seconds.
And then I do it again on the other side.
So I do that 10 times.
So by the time I have done those exercises I feel nice and loose and warmed up.
So now I am ready to hit my first shot.
It gives me a nice feel.
I feel loose and ready to go.
Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.
I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And if you like my videos you can subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the round
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