Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution

Have you ever wondered� what level of consciousness you�re truly at?

Not in terms of it being a contest, or to say you�re better/worse than other people,

but as a kind of inner GPS that simply tells you where you are.

As humans, we tend to have very distorted and biased perspectives, especially when it

comes to ourselves.

It�s really easy to go on a yoga retreat and think you�ve transcended stress forever,

or think you�re enlightened after reading a few spiritual books.

This is why it�s crucial to have references that �tell it like it is� and objectively

reflect where you�re at.

The 8 Stages of Conscious Evolution

Note: The first 2 stages are considered lower consciousness, while stages 3-8 are considered

higher consciousness.

This is not a judgment of being better or worse, but simply a means of classification.

Stage 1: Life Happens to Me (Externalization)

Stage 1 is categorized by patterns of externalization and an overall victim mentality.

The dominant emotions are fear, disdain and hopelessness.

There is also a belief that life cannot be trusted.

In this stage, blame is placed on other individuals, society, government, nature, disease, etc.

and other elements believed to be outside of one�s conscious control and influence.

The motivating forces of stage 1 are safety and security.

Stage 2: Life Happens by Me (Control)

In this second stage, individuals realize that they have some degree of control.

Yet this control is often motivated by fear and survival.

For example, war is an extension of this stage of consciousness.

The enemy is perceived as a threat, and because of this, people believe they are morally justified

to kill, eliminate or repress that enemy.

This level of awareness is cut off from the following deeper understanding: Life is not

a random series of events over which control must be exerted, but a deeper reflection of

the internal psychodynamics of a person�s own mind and consciousness.

Stage 3 : Life Happens in Me (Creator)

In this stage, the individual begins to understand the direct connection between their own perceptions,

beliefs and emotional state and the conditions of their life, relationships, experiences

and reality as a whole.

This level of consciousness is represented by a fundamental shift, from disempowerment

to empowerment.

In order to fully complete this stage, an individual must undergo a deep transformational

process that includes the purging of all perceptual distortions (limiting beliefs) and the healing/release

of all emotional wounds and traumas.

Stage 4: Life Happens For Me (Receiver)

In this stage, we see the evolution of the self into the beginnings of deep joy and peace.

As the resistance to perceived undesirable circumstances in life falls away and one begins

to understand that there is an intelligent �flow� operating in every moment guiding

the evolution of consciousness on both an individual and collective level through what

could be dualistically termed positive and negative experiences.

The individual realizes here that even in great suffering, there is great wisdom and

potential for expansion and evolution and that nothing is out of place, ever has been

or ever will be.

Stage 5: Life Happens Through Me (Philosopher)

At this stage of consciousness, the individual begins to understand and observe that the

Universe is evolving itself through them.

The individual begins to realize that all perceived suffering or negative events are

either: a) Created or called into their reality by

aspects of their own consciousness in an effort to be resolved and transcended as part of

their individual evolution and as part of the larger collective evolution or�

b) Exist due to their conscious or unconscious resistance to what is unfolding, which is

essentially a resistance of oneself.

Individuals in stage 5 live more through their intuition, as intuition becomes clearer and

clearer as one moves up the stages.

Stage 6: Life is Me (Sage)

At this stage of awareness, the individual begins to understand that reality does not

exist independent of consciousness, and therefore consciousness, or awareness if you prefer,

is the causative factor of the universe and all that exists�that consciousness is creating

all reality.

Individuals in this stage experience a profound sense of unity and oneness with everything.

When an individual fully enters and embodies this stage of awareness, their simple presence

itself becomes a transformative experience for others.

Individuals in this stage often become teachers or leaders, dedicate their lives to service

of others or seek solitude to spend time in introspection, although they may also choose

to live very normal and inconspicuous lives.

Stage 7: I Am Infinite (Avatar)

Individuals at this stage of growth begin to transcend the physicality within which

we are proverbially �trapped� until we reach this point.

Here individuals begin to harness conscious control over this process by directing their

awareness in such a way (through belief, emotion, thought, visualization, the manipulation of

energy, intent, accessing transpersonal aspects of the self and likely other mechanisms not

yet discovered) as to be able to make use of these �higher order� quantum-transpersonal

abilities of the self.

Stage 8: I Am Energy (Mystic-Shamanic)

Individuals at this stage tap into phenomena like:

The ability to project consciousness across space and time, which encompasses the ability

to see, experience and remember aspects of the self existing in other dimensions of time

(past, present and future).

The ability to interact with and communicate with other forms of consciousness such as

plants, animals, objects and consciousnesses not currently existing in physical form.

The ability to intuitively pick up sensory data beyond the limits of the physical senses.

As an individual becomes more grounded in the later phases of stage eight�which encompass

this dimensional awareness�and simultaneously completes their evolution through lower stages,

one would theoretically achieve complete enlightenment or non-dual self-realization.

This framework is beautiful because it allows you to effectively calibrate where you are.

It naturally creates self-awareness.

Awareness is the first step toward any change, and transformative in and of itself.

For more infomation >> The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution - Duration: 7:38.


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Why the Battles Against Liberalism, Globalism and the New World Order Are All Related

Do you love liberty and freedom?

If you ask that question to people randomly on the street, you are going to get the same

answer over and over again.

Everyone wants liberty and freedom, but what they don�t understand is that there is an

inverse relationship between the size of government and the amount of liberty and freedom that

we get to enjoy.

Every time a new law, rule or regulation is established, our liberties and our freedoms

are restricted in some way.

So the bigger government becomes, the less liberty and freedom we actually have.

On the federal level, there are now literally hundreds of thousands of laws, rules and regulations

And when you throw in the state and local levels, the total number of laws, rules and

regulations governing all of our lives is in the millions.

This is something that we learned about in law school, and it always stuck with me.

Of course we can�t do away with government entirely, because then we would have anarchy.

For example, we don�t want the �freedom� to run around murdering one another at random.

So it is very good to have laws against murder.

But in general, our founders intended for this to be a nation where government was limited

and where our freedoms and liberties were maximized.

Sadly, what we have today is radically different from what our founders intended.

Government has just gotten bigger and bigger over time, and this is true on the federal,

state and local levels.

And the bigger government gets, the more oppressive it tends to become.

North Korea, Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany are three examples of what can happen when

big government spins wildly out of control.

As I run for Congress, this is something that I am working very hard to educate people about.

I am running on a pro-liberty platform, and that means that I want to try to restore the

constitutional balance that our founders originally intended.

In order to do that, we need to dramatically shrink the size of our federal government,

and doing so would mean much more liberty and freedom for us all.

But you should see the looks of horror that I get from some liberals when I suggest shutting

down certain government agencies.

We have been living with big government for so long that they can�t imagine the federal

government not managing every area of our society.

When I try to explain that we would be better off transferring a lot of authority back to

the states, they look at me as if I am from another world.

They have been trained for so long to believe that intervention by the federal government

is the answer to any problem, and so to them anyone that wants to reduce the size of the

federal government is an �extremist�.

Fortunately, most people up here in Idaho�s first congressional district greatly welcome

my message about limited government.

When I ask them what they want from government, most of them tell me that they simply want

government to get off of their backs.

I have a friend named Bob that lives up close to the border, and he is sick and tired of

government control freaks.

He is a cattle rancher, and federal bureaucrats are making things so miserable for him that

he can barely run his business anymore.

I have promised to try to help him once I am elected, but for now things are really

tough for him.

Other Idahoans have other concerns.

My friends over at Health Freedom Idaho simply want the freedom to make health decisions

for themselves and for their own families.

But because big government politicians in Boise are constantly pushing government interference

in heath issues, they find themselves engaged in constant political battles.

We need to work hard to remove big government politicians from our state legislature and

from state legislatures all over the nation.

I have also been speaking to many small business owners throughout this campaign.

Over and over again I hear about red tape and oppressive levels of taxation, and I can

sympathize with them because I experience the same things as a small business owner


For decades, both major political parties have been dominated by big government politicians,

and so both parties have been marching us down the road toward big government socialism.

We have now gone so far down that road that anyone that wants to restore true conservative

values to Washington is considered to be an �extremist� by the left, and of course

they say �Christian values� are not allowed at all because of �the separation of church

and state�.

But of course they have no problem at all using the structures of big government to

advance their liberal agenda and to impose their liberal values on all the rest of us.

This is happening on a global scale as well.

The global elite have been using international organizations such as the United Nations and

international treaties such as the Paris Climate Agreement to impose their liberal values on

the entire planet.

And they are using international trade agreements to slowly but surely merge all of us into

the emerging one world economic system.

In the end, they want more and more power transferred into international hands, because

they believe that more �global governance� will allow them to achieve their ultimate


For Americans that love liberty and freedom, this is a fight that we cannot afford to lose.

We should strongly fight any attempts to erode American sovereignty, and we should greatly

resist any attempts to give global bureaucrats the power to make decisions which will affect

the daily lives of all of us.

These days even the mainstream media regularly uses terms such as �globalists� and �globalism�.

At the top of an article last year, the New York Times even ran this stunning headline:

�Besieged Globalists Ponder What Went Wrong.�

The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump were never supposed to happen, and in

so many ways we are starting to fight back against the globalist agenda.

Unfortunately, a lot of people out there still don�t think that we can win.

In fact, there have been Christians that have criticized me for getting into politics because

they are convinced that there is no possible use in fighting the globalists since they

are so powerful.

Yes, the globalists have immense amounts of power and money.

And of course their ultimate goal is to form a single global system that will manage every

single man, woman and child on the entire planet.

Should we just lay down and allow their �New World Order� to happen without any resistance?

I cannot do that.

I am going to fight any effort to steal the freedoms and liberties that previous generations

fought and died to secure for us.

And I am going to fight for my daughter�s future, because if the globalists ultimately

win, they intend to totally wipe out our way of life.

Big government is the enemy of liberty and freedom, and a �New World Order� would

be a complete and utter nightmare for humanity.

This is a battle worth fighting, and I hope that you will help us fight it.

In the end, it is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.

For more infomation >> Why the Battles Against Liberalism, Globalism and the New World - Duration: 7:55.


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