Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

Three new houses of worship.

Thousands aided through a series of Aid For Humanity events.

In this special report of Church News,

join us as we look back in the historic events

that took place in the continent of Africa.

In the fast growth of the Church Of Christ in the African continent,

the pastoral visitation of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo has a big role

in the Local Congregation of King William's Town last August 30, 2014.

Multitudes of people attended the worship service, evangelical mission,

officiated by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo.

The Executive Minister saw the joy of those who attended

and their yearning to know the teachings that we believe.

After two years,

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo returned

to personally officiate a series of dedication of new houses of worship to God in Africa.

The Local Congregation of Johannesburg was first dedicated,

followed by the Local Congregation of Cape Town, both in South Africa.

After a year, another series of big activities were witnessed in this part of Africa.

From Johannesburg, capital city of South Africa, it is almost 400 kilometers going to Thaba Nchu.

This place is an area in the province of Free State.

It was February of this year, when the construction of the house of worship began.

After only 6 months of construction, the house of worship of Thaba Nchu was finished.

This house of worship can accommodate 180 worshipers in each gathering.

July 30, 2017.

The new house of worship was dedicated to God.

Led by the ministers and ministerial workers,

the Church members in this place offered praises to the Lord God.

By the instruction of the Executive Minister of the Church Of Christ, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo,

the first worship service in the new worship building of the local congregation of Thaba Nchu

was officiated by Brother Matt Pareja, minister of the gospel.

For members of the Church Of Christ,

the successes they witnessed gave them renewed inspiration in their services to the Lord God

especially for the pioneer members in this place like Sister Monica.

Just for this moment, many of the residents already showed their interest

in examining the Church Of Christ.

From the new house of worship in Thaba Nchu in Free State, South Africa,

we once again traveled to another project that was just finished.

This time, we need to cross countries to Semongkong, in the country of Lesotho.

From Maseru, the capital of Lesotho, we traveled for another two hours.

It was only last year, 2016, when the teachings of the Church Of Christ reached this place.

One of the ministers assigned here is Brother Andrey Silva.

The life of people here is really simple, they are self-sustaining for the food they consume,

they have a farm, they have their own livestock.

When we conducted evangelical missions, when we conducted our Bible studies,

they just sat down on the grass.

For the immediate propagation of the faith, they were assisted by translators.

Because of the intensive work of propagation of faith in this place,

led by the ministers, ministerial workers together with their respective translators,

there was a rapid increase of membership in the Church of Christ.

At present, many of the residents in this village are now members of the Church Of Christ.

That is also one of the primary reasons why they were given a house of worship.

At present, the 300-seater house of worship is the only landmark in Ha Fochane village .

On August 2, before the worship service started in this place,

led by the village chieftain, they showed their acceptance of the Church Of Christ through a parade.

Afterwards they attended the worship service together with many people who are examining the Church,

new members, and Church members from nearby places.

The dedication to the Lord God of the house of worship

was led by Brother Glicerio Santos Jr., minister of the Gospel.

In order to understand the teachings of the Lord God,

the translator for the English language was Brother Rommel Sanvictores

and for the Sotho language was Brother Moiloa Monatisa.

We thank God for using the Church Administration as instrument

because the worship service was brought closer to the people here in Ha Fochane village.

After the first gathering in the new house of worship in Ha Fochane,

they conducted the activity "Aid To Humanity."

After the Aid To Humanity in this community,

we proceeded to Maseru where a multitude of poor residents were waiting for us.

Countless "kea leboha" or "thank you"

this can be heard from thousands of residents who received aid.

This is the second time that the Church Of Christ held an Aid To Humanity here at the Setsoto Stadium.

According also to him, this outreach program is very timely

because of the extreme poverty experienced by the people of Maseru.

In the Aid To Humanity held for the people of Maseru,

the first ones to be given aid are the residents with disabilities.

The people went home happy

not only because they brought home food parcels

but because of the inspiration brought by the love and care for them by the members of the Church Of Christ.

Brother Eduardo Manalo really loves the Africans

because he sees the poverty of Africa;

he sees that Africans are truly kind

and religious people.

The Church Of Christ is propagating the words of God

for them to know about the true God.

Second, we give out food, and livelihood opportunities

because that is the commandment of our Lord God that we love our fellowmen.

After the series of activities in the country of Lesotho,

we traveled back to South Africa.

A day before the dedication to God of the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Ladybrand,

the brethren continued in the intensive propagation of God's words.

Our companions in the distribution of pamphlets, God's Message magazines, and invitations

are those in the process of joining the Church Of Christ.

Although they are not yet full-fledged members of the Church Of Christ,

they are already very excited to join the Church activities

like what we are doing now, the propagation of God's words.

The next day, the brethren prepared early to attend the first worship service

in the newest edifice here in Ladybrand.

This can accomodate 800 worshipers each gathering.

The dedication to God of the house of worship in the Local Congregation of Ladybrand

was officiated by the Executive Minister of the Church Of Christ, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo.

Brother Roger Rafols has been in Africa for already 40 years.

He is one of the pioneer members who first reached this continent.

He is overjoyed for the successive victories he witnessed.

I am truly grateful to God that I reached this day.

I am already 77 years old.

I saw how the Church spread,

and the construction of many houses of worship here.

My heart brims with thankfulness to God for the blessings he bestowed to this place.

This is all from God and He used as an instrument our beloved Executive Minister

so that the Church will spread here.

The three new houses of worship in Thaba Nchu,

Ha Fochane,

and Ladybrand

are only parts of the series of projects here in the African continent.

After the dedication to God of the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Ladybrand,

a huge Aid To Humanity event was held.


this is considered as the poorest community here in the municipality of Mantsopa,

in the province of Free State, South Africa.

This venue of the Aid To Humanity activity is only a few meters away from Manyatseng

where the poorest residents of Ladybrand live.

During the activity (Lingap) the need of the residents here can be truly felt.

Like the Aid To Humanity that was held in Maseru in Lesotho,

the giving of aid to the residents was also peaceful and orderly.

Through a video presentation, both the residents and former pastors of different religions

the giving of help of the Church Of Christ

and its victories in the many aspects of services to the Lord God.

The leaders of the town of Mantsopa also extended their gratefulness

for the Church Of Christ's contribution to their community.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo wants to extend not only this temporary help

but to provide permanent livelihood and housing projects as well.

We saw how poor they are.

It is important that we join hands in order to fight poverty.

At present, the Church Of Christ is already established in 139 countries and territories...

... and like what can be witnessed in different places,

in the neighboring areas of South Africa and Lesotho,

the [Church Of Christ] continues to show concern for our fellowmen

especially when it comes for the sake of their spiritual life.

We are truly thankful to our Executive Minister

for their continued help and pastoral visitations here in the District of Africa.

This brings us joy and renewed faith

because we earnestly feel his love, concern, and help,

and we see that Brother Eduardo is God's instrument

for the further growth of the Church Of Christ not only here in the District of Africa,

but throughout the whole world.

For more infomation >> Africa | Church News Special Report - Duration: 22:01.


Ary News headlines 22 septemeber 12:00 pm - Duration: 3:39.

cricket video

For more infomation >> Ary News headlines 22 septemeber 12:00 pm - Duration: 3:39.


💪Ödüllü Yarışma ve Çekiliş | Oyun Evi Hediye🏆 | Radyo Bebek Yarışma - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 💪Ödüllü Yarışma ve Çekiliş | Oyun Evi Hediye🏆 | Radyo Bebek Yarışma - Duration: 1:30.


KING SHAKIR: Exam Night - Episode 37 (Cartoon) - Duration: 13:10.

Hello dear friends! Today I'll present to you "Alien Hunter Professor 3".

As you know this game has been waited for 10 years


I'm recording now mom!

Are you studying for your exam next week?

No mom! I'll study on the last night.

Last night?

Last night!

Last night?!

Yes, last night!

Are you sure? Last night ha?


Just keep doing what you are doing, I just like opening and closing doors.

- When will you study? - Last night.

- When will you study? - Last night.

- When will you study? - Last night.

- Exam? - Last night.

- Exam? - Last night.

- Exam? - Last night.

- Exam? - Tonight! Tonight is the last night. - Oh finally...

Notebook... Book... Eraser... Sharpener. Yes! Everything is ready.

WAIT A SECOND! I FORGOT! My lucky pencil! Where's my lucky pencil?!

Not here! Not there! Not here either! WHERE'S MY PENCIL?!



What are you saying Necati?

I kind of liked when everybody yelled.

It was obvious. He did everything not to study for a week.

He left it for the last night. Now he will use this pencil as an excuse.

I'm using the pencil as an ex- I mean where's my pencil?! Have you seen it?

I don't know son, I cleaned your room today but I haven't seen it.

You know I cannot study without my lucky pencil!

Did you check the garbage son?

I threw it out. It's on the street.

Hurry then son! You need to find it before the garbage truck arrives.

I'm coming too Şakir! I love garbage trucks!

Hiiaaa! Where has he been?

Oh my! It's the police! I have to go. I am sorry buddy.

Hoh! Hoh! Hoh! I'm here! Huh? Where's this guy?

Oh man! Cops are coming! What do I do? Hinh! Hinh!

Hinh! Hinh! He must have run away.

Huh? What's this? A mask! The robber dropped his mask.

Garbage bags are over there! Check that box uncle Necati! Hinh! Hinh!

Hinh! Hinh! What's this? A gold bar... Next!

This? Diamond ring! Next!

AAA-HA! Skeleton costume!

Leave them, just focus on the pencil! Not there!

The garbage truck is coming!

Hinh! Hinh! I'll take that too.

But... But... I haven't found it yet.

How do I look Şakir? There's one more, it's your size.

Ohh what's that? You are so skinny that I can count your bones! Hahaha!

Hehehe! For the first time you have told a good joke!

Come on! Hehehe!

What does he mean by counting bones?

He means that he looks skinny.

Really, I stopped eating bread, maybe that's the reason.

Hahaha! He's even funnier than you Gürol!

Come on let's go, stop horsing around!

My lucky pencil is gone, pfffff!

Don't worry Şakir, here wear this. Hinh! Looks good. Hehehe!

Oh they forgot that one. My pencil could be in it. I'll go and take a look.

I'll go and scare the grocer then, hehehe!

Grocer man! Grocer man?! It's closed. Anyway I should go and scare the butcher.

Hu? How? This is Ercan??!!

Pisst! Ercan! Ercan! What are you doing man? How did you come here?

Oh Şakir, how did you come here, whose car is this?

Get in the car quick, cops are coming!

Cops? Are we playing a game now? I love thief-cop game! Go, step on it! Oleey!

What took you so long?

Oohh so we are talking with different voices. Ok then.

I don't know man, I could barely escape from the cops.

Where's the money?

Money? Money... It's in a safe location of course.

Safe location? What's that?

Don't tell me you don't know the safe location man. Every thief knows that.

Don't make me angry Ercan! Where's this safe location?

Safe location is at... Ahhhm...



At a wrap restaurant! Yes, the safe location is a wrap restaurant.


Yes! Go to the nearest restaurant now!

Oh my!Cops are behind us I guess! We need to throw something!

What? What are you doing? That's a seat!

Every thief should throw away the seats while escaping. Iaaggh!

What's this seat doing here?

An old model seat, the thieves' car was old too. They must be somewhere around here.

Wait a second, who's over there? A-ha! Skeleton masked robber!

He wore the mask again! Over there by the garbage!

Let's get him! Hinh! Ighhh!

It's not here! That's it, I'm going home!

A-ha! Caught you! To the car now!

Whoa! What are you doing?!

You are making a mistake, I didn't do anything.

Sure, you didn't rob that bank, did you?

What bank? I was going home to study.

Yeah I'm sure.

I have an important exam tomorrow. Please let me go, I need to study.

Ok then, I'll ask you one question. If you answer it correctly, we'll let you go.

Ok, go ahead.

Tell the prime number from zero to ten.

Ehmmm.. Prime numbers... What was it... What was it...

Aaaaa! Time's up! Answer is 2,3,5,7. You cannot fool us Mr. Robber!

I'm not a robber!

Can I get an ayran? Can we order plase? Nam... Nam... The kebab is amazing here.

Are you sure you stashed the money here?

Yes yes! Chef can you bring us two chairs over here?

What do you want to eat?

Don't be silly Ercan, I don't want to eat. We will grab the money and go!

Ok ok I'm buying, relax.

Since we got the robber, can we eat a wrap over there? Ha?

Good idea. Wait in the car dear Mr. Robber.

Still calling me robber! Opfff!

Just finish it and go get the money. I had enough!

Ok Şakir. I'll go and get some hot pepper.

Who's Şakir?

- Chef, can you prepare one adana and one urfa wrap to us

Let me get those peppers. Ohh cops! Are they in the game too?

Huh? Uncle Necati! Psst! Uncle Necati!

Oh Şakir, when did you finish your kebab? Did you at least pay the bill?

Uncle Necati! Get me out of here. They think I'm a robb-

Don't worry Şakir. The adventure goes on. You found a very realistic police car.

No no no! Don't you start now!

Ohh our plate number is 1881. Atatürk's birth year.

Well done young lad.

Anyway let's roll.


Hoaa! Whoa! What's going on?

Hey there chef, did someone leave here a bag full of money?


This is the safe location apparently.

What are you talking about son?!

Chef! Chef! They took our police car, did you see anyone with a skeleton mask?


Don't run! Come her now! I said come here!

Oh man! What will I do with all this money?

I wonder where Birol is? Ohhh! Policemen are coming!

Brogghh! Brogghh! Let go off me Şakir!


Ohhhh! Look what we did. Sir! Are you alright sir?


Don't worry man, I'll help you. Come on get into the car, I'll take you to the hospital.

Hih! Here you go. Hinhhh.

This guy... This guy! Bags full of money... This is the guy the police is looking for!

Ahhh... what happened?

We caught the robber uncle Necati!

This is the best night ever! So fun!

But they still think we are criminal too, how are we going to fix that?

Attention all units. A police car has been stolen in the vicinity of truck restaurant.

The policemen caught the robber and waiting for help there.

Nearby units revert to the location for this ridiculous situation

That's it.

Yes, the car is talking!

No that's the radio! Did you hear that? The policemen are still at the restaurant. I have an idea.

Where's the back up?

Take off that mask already.

We taught you the prime numbers and is this how you repay us?

What prime number?

They are waiting in front of the restaurant. Are you ready uncle Necati?

I am ready Şakir.

Let's push slowly. Push! Hiiii...


Huh? Aaahhmm... That's our car!

What? There's someone in the back.

Aaahh... Birol, what happened to us?

I don't know Ercan. I didn't know. Something weird happened.

Money is here too! We got them! We got them both!


Yehuuu! Come on, you are going in too!

I cannot believe it. We spent all night outside.

I'm so sleepless and couldn't study for the exam. I'll fail so bad.

Never mind Şakir, at least you had your best adventure. Hehehe!

I'm going uncle Necati, wish me luck.

Good luck.



Offf! I am so done!

Ok kids, I changed my mind about giving an exam.

Instead you will have an oral test.

Aaaa! Ooo! Come on teacher!

This is life and it's full of surprises. You never know what will happen and when.

Şakir! You are the first, come to the board.

Oh, I am done...

Here I go. Tell me, what does counting bones mean?


- What does he mean by counting bones? - He means that he looks skinny.

It means that looks too skinny.

Very well... Second question... What is the importance of the year 1881?

Ohh our plate number is 1881. Atatürk's birth year.

1881! Atatürk's birth year!

Very good. Can you tell the prime number from zero to ten?

Aaaaa! Time's up! Answer is 2,3,5,7.


Wow... This is the last one... Very easy,

what are the positions of mountains in Black Sea region?

PARALLEL! PARALLEL! That's the only thing uncle Necati knows!

Bravo Şakir. I give you 100. Go back to your seat.

I cannot believe it! I cannot believe it! I passed! I passed the test!

It's pure luck! But I'll never leave it to chance again.

Ole- Horrrrr.... Pfffff....

For more infomation >> KING SHAKIR: Exam Night - Episode 37 (Cartoon) - Duration: 13:10.


ఈ3నక్షత్రాలు వారు ఈ నైవేద్యం పెట్టి ఈమంత్రం జపిస్తే | Devi Navaratrulu | Dasara Pooja | NAVARATRI | - Duration: 4:41.


For more infomation >> ఈ3నక్షత్రాలు వారు ఈ నైవేద్యం పెట్టి ఈమంత్రం జపిస్తే | Devi Navaratrulu | Dasara Pooja | NAVARATRI | - Duration: 4:41.


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SUPER Beautiful Daughters Of Bollywood Villains That You Have Never Watch Before!!

For more infomation >> SUPER Beautiful Daughters Of Bollywood Villains That You Have Never Watch Before!! - Duration: 4:34.


[ENG] #LuHan message for per-order vivo X20 - Duration: 0:16.

Hello everybody, I am LuHan

Vivo X20 Mobile phone already starts to pre-order

I hereby prepare a secret gift box for you

besides a new Vivo X20 mobile phone

also have a mysterious surprise inside

take them home quickly

For more infomation >> [ENG] #LuHan message for per-order vivo X20 - Duration: 0:16.


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For more infomation >> L'OURS BENJAMIN - Alerte rouge - Duration: 22:31.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 22 EYLÜL 2017 | SABAH SPORU GS GÜNDEMİ | ÇİĞDEM CEYLAN & İLKER DURALI | Youtube - Duration: 15:37.


Thief Baby Steals Dog - Police & Power Rangers Chase Arrest Baby in Jail - Duration: 1:21:14.

Please "SUBSCRIBE" our channel! Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Thief Baby Steals Dog - Police & Power Rangers Chase Arrest Baby in Jail - Duration: 1:21:14.


Hass im Netz – Auch gegen oberösterreichische Politiker - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Hass im Netz – Auch gegen oberösterreichische Politiker - Duration: 1:56.


How To See Who Subscribes To You On YouTube 2017 - Duration: 2:02.

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How To See Who Subscribes To You On YouTube 2017

this is creators tutorials and in this video I will teach you how to see who

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How To See Who Subscribes To You On YouTube

how to see your subscribers on youtube

For more infomation >> How To See Who Subscribes To You On YouTube 2017 - Duration: 2:02.


Güçlü Tır Yarışı - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Güçlü Tır Yarışı - Duration: 3:05.


Farming Simulator 17 FORTUNA PACK PART #1 AUTOLOAD TRAILERS - Duration: 16:01.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You an Updated Version of Fortuna Trailer Pack which I have presented in the past.

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D2 Dolly

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SW42k-SW52k Forage Trailers 42.000l Capacity 52.000l Capacity

SA T Multipurpose Semi Tanker 56.000l Capacity

Log master Semi Plateau Autoload Semi Trailers

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One more New Mod Tatra Phoenix AR Truck 2 Engine Setup 2 Wheel Setup 2 Design Setup Colorable Body And Rims 90Km/h Top Speed

In this video I will Test Only the Autoload Trailers

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