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Spiderman chase Joker Venom in nerf gun game
Many dinosaur, zombie attack Spdierman
Spiderman 5 head and Power Rangers nerf gun vs zombie
Midnight, Texas 1x07 Promo "Angel Heart" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:32.-------------------------------------------
test pub v2 - Duration: 0:58.T5 - unboxing
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Das steckt im Alltagsheld Plexiglas | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 9:49.-------------------------------------------
[DVD] Disc 1 Concert Part 1 - Duration: 1:04:59.HeIIo, everyone.
Excuse me. Let me drink some water first.
HeIIo, I'm Jaejoong.
I can see something is different to yesterday.
Wow, you are wearing Hanbok.
What is different is
I'm not sure if you were aware of this or not
but you aII were Iistening to this cheerfuI song in your seat
so I kept asking you to stand up.
I thought the average age might be the 40s to the 70s
which might have caused you a joint pain.
Today, thank you so much for your enthusiastic
reaction from the first song.
How did you Iike it?
The first and the second... How did you Iike the opening?
Did you Iike it?
But your voice is stiII too quiet.
Yes, this is what a good concerts needs.
Wait a second. I'm not sure what is prepared...
Do I Iook too hot in the cIothes?
I'm sorry but I have no cIothes to change.
You are...
I know what you want.
You want me to take off my cIothes.
Then you shouId take off yours.
Why shouId I be the onIy one?
Why? Why?
The first and the second songs were cheerfuI and energetic.
Before this mood disappears
Iet me sing the next song.
The next song is...
It is one of my own song from the aIbum.
The titIe is ''Rotten Love''
PIease enjoy ''Rotten Love''
Is it a good song?
I'm sorry to say so about the song I wrote.
Some of you may know
that I have prepared a speciaI song
for you and the concert which is not from this aIbum.
There is a gIittering pink couch behind.
What song is this for?
Let me change first because it's too hot.
Sorry for keeping you wait.
I change and...
This is an important point
and what's this? I think this is an obstacIe.
This is the song whose Iyrics
you transIated and interpreted as you Iiked.
Can you make a guess?
Let me sing this song
in a reIaxed mood.
You've stood up. It's time to jump!
What did I teII you to bring today?
Everyone, jump!
Don't Iet me down.
To whom?
One more time!
One more time!
You might have regretted if you had not brought a toweI.
That's why I toId you not to forget it.
You didn't know ''Kiss B'' couId be this much energetic, did you?
Your shouting and jump made this song more energetic.
We have many reporters here today.
WouId you do me a favor today?
I'm so thankfuI to your favorabIe articIes
but pIease sing aIong the song if you Iike it.
You may not know the songs because they are new
but pIease jump and shout together if you Iike this mood.
It's a bit uncomfortabIe atmosphere. Are you hot?
You are fanning yourseIf with the Iight stick.
The Iight stick is so smaII.
For you to take a rest with the fan
I'II sing a soft song YOON Dohyun from YB
gave to me for you.
YONG Junhyung!
<Jaejoong's WHO WHEN WHY>
How have you been?
It's been Iong time.
You've become beautifuI.
Since we met again after Iong time, do you have any question to me?
Ask me.
Ask me.
<Do you Iike being an idoI? WHY?> IdoI? Of course I do.
I'II be an idoI forever.
Are you worried about my age?
If peopIe stiII caII me an idoI even in my 30s and 40s
I wouId be very happy.
It's a proof that I'm stiII young, active and heaIthy.
You wiII see.
I have never wanted not to be an idoI.
<28 years oId Jaejoong? How is it?> I feeI Iike I'm more reIaxed.
Many of my friends are getting married
and I kind of envy them
but I stiII don't want to get married
but want to have a girIfriend.
That's pretty much what I feeI.
<Do you Iike drink?> I do Iike drink.
Why do I Iike drink?
It's a way to reIieve stress.
Once I become courageous and confident
Iove seems easy
and it heIps me write songs.
It even heIps me write more.
So I Iike it.
<The reIiabIe person? WHO?> The reIiabIe peopIe are Yuchun and Junsu.
My famiIy and cIose staff members
and many friends.
There are more who I can totaIIy trust and reIy on.
My fans!
It's my fans who knows me, understands me,
forgives me and Ioves me.
They mean a Iot to me.
Love is the most difficuIt thing to taIk about.
It's hard to Iove someone because I'm afraid of parting.
I just become fond of someone
and aII ends up with nothing.
<i> Once I make a song about Iove</i>
I have to recaII even bad memories for the song
so I usuaIIy go drink aIone
or hardIy sIeep at night in a bad mood.
That's often the case.
<When do you want to Iove? WHEN?> When do I want to Iove?
Now! Now!
And everyday...
No one can Iive without Iove.
Love is something we aIways want to take and give.
There's a song that comes to my mind.
Do you want the song?
Let me sing it for you.
PIease weIcome LEE Sanggon.
HeIIo, I am
LEE Sanggon, the member of ''NoeI''
Nice to meet you.
Let me drink water Jaejoong Ieft here because I feeI very nervous.
It's a new one.
I think many of you aIready know
that despite the age gap
Jaejoong and I are a drinking companion... He kept mentioning drink.
He made me Iong for a drink.
I'II take up room for me for the wrap-up party.
I'II post a picture Iater.
I hardIy sing on stage aIone
so it took me Iong to decide
which song to sing today.
ShouId I sing my soIo music...?
There's a song caIIed ''Love Hurts''
but I think not many of you know the song
so I tried not to sing it.
I thought, since so many peopIe have come
there might be a Iady who wouId
marry Jaejoong someday here.
Don't you think so?
So for the Iady who I haven't met yet,
I prepared this song.
I'II sing ''Propose'' for you.
When you carefuIIy Iisten to the song
you wiII here ''Yes I WiII'' in verse 2.
If you know this song
Iet's sing ''Yes I wiII'' together as if you're married to Jaejoong.
Okay, Yes I wiII.
Thank you.
I wish good Iuck to everyone.
Go for it!
Are you having fun?
Are you having fun?
One more time, SINGING!
Wait, I think you are not Ioud enough.
One more time, SINGING!
It's a bit embarrassing, but JJ!
Okay, in return to your hot reaction
I'II sing a cheerfuI song for you.
Let's go, ''GIamorous Sky''
Are you shouting as much as you want?
Wait! Who said ''No''?
Are you shouting as much as you want?
Don't Iie to me.
You can shout Iouder, can't you?
You are here to see Jaejoong's concert
and you can't go back home without a hoarse voice.
One more time! Shout!
Upstairs, Iouder!
I shouId be on my and you have to shout for yourseIf.
Thank you!
關於Technoblade的冒險 DDDD(CC字幕喔!) - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
DIY How to make desk organizer out of ice cream sticks (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #391 - Duration: 2:21.Hi. Today I will show you how to make desk organizer out of ice cream sticks.
Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.
First, glue 2 sticks together.
We need 3 pairs as this one.
Now, make a shape of a floor.
Glue the pairs to the floor. One on the left side, one of the right side and one in the middle.
Turn it on the other side.
Apply glue on the ends of a stick...
...and glue it to the floor on the side.
Glue a second stick on the opposite side...
...and third one in the middle.
Press them all firmly.
Second layer. Glue 4 sticks. They should be perpendicularly to the previous ones.
Third layer should be the same as first layer.
Fourth layer should be the same as second layer.
Do more layers in the same way.
Remember to press the sticks firmly.
Finally, decorate the organizer by using rhinestones.
And it's done.
This organizer is a cool way to store school supplies.
It will look great on your desk.
I made 6 compartments, but you can make more of them or less.
You can also paint your ice cream sticks.
Thanks for watching. Bye bye.
Best Replays of the Week International #67 - Duration: 12:34.Hello, I'm Luke Kneller
and welcome to Best Replays of the Week.
In this episode we have:
an unusual looking Wall of Steel,
an IS-3 punching above its weight,
and an M60 on a quest for a mark of excellence.
Let's take a look.
Best Replays of the Week
Let's kick off with a Steel Wall performance from the EU region.
Gwandi's unbreakable machine isn't one of the massive heavies,
but rather a tier 7 Soviet medium tank, the A-44.
It's a curious looking beastie for sure.
Its strongest bit of armour is a 150 mm thick belt on the front glacis.
Gwandi heads out into the Windstorm, far ahead of the pack.
A Tiger rolls down the street to test the strength of our unusual Steel Wall.
It's not a promising start.
The second shot does bounce off Gwandi,
but Gwandi prefers to warm up with an easier machine.
Ok, let's try again with a Tiger.
A rear-mounted turret is great for side-scraping.
This is too frustrating for the German feline,
which decides to leave the fight.
That suits the quick and agile A-44 just fine, of course.
It's much easier to kill the heavy from behind after all.
The rest of the team are doing terribly.
Just tanking a lot of shots isn't going to be enough to win this one.
Nice ollie there. Too bad there isn't a rail to do a grind on.
Gwandi bounces a shot off a Chi-Nu Kai,
before taking out a cheeky artillery piece.
This sport KV's toy gun is no threat.
And the same goes for the rest of them.
Except, maybe for the artillery.
There goes the last teammate.
The armour is holding up great,
considering that the tank is mostly just protected from the front.
This gun belongs on a heavy tank, and it handles terribly.
But the alpha is very satisfying.
Boom, baby!
Good speed and a heavily armoured front make for a decent rammer as well.
Artillery strikes again, giving the T20 an opening to attack.
It gets a free shot at the A-44's vulnerable side,
but that's not enough to defeat our Steel Wall.
The T67 is actually a bigger threat.
One more shot in the back would have been fatal.
Gwandi needs to be careful here.
Wait long enough to disappear from view, and then go in.
Remember that sweet ram earlier? Let's have another one.
Is the SPG going to have a go? No? Let's go find it then.
Ah, so that's why it didn't fire.
The artillerist has decided to try the direct approach.
That was a brave attempt, but it has left the SPG helpless. Good game.
Unusually for us, Gwandi dishes out a lot more damage
than was blocked by armour. Who cares though!
An unusual game with an unusual tank, and we're happy to share it with you.
Continuing in the EU region,
we have the streamer dakillzor piling up damage in an M60.
I'd say something about Daki showing off with a Clan Wars trophy,
but it's not like it's a particularly powerful tank.
As is typical for Malinovka,
one of the foes charges into the open straight at the start.
It's not the only target on offer either.
For a while there's a whole buffet to choose from.
Eventually, the camping spot goes stale.
Time to go looking for more targets.
Up the hill and straight into the fight.
Too bad the first shot bounces.
Don't worry though, that was a rare exception.
Daki gets into a nice rhythm, dishing out damage like it's going out of style.
A T57 attempts to slip behind the friendlies, but it won't be allowed to.
Chaotic melee takes its toll on the M60,
but the T57 gets utterly wrecked.
Holding the Reds back is a team effort,
but Daki is doing a lion's share of the damage.
The question is, can the M60 survive this fight?
It's a large, poorly armoured barn of a tank.
Suddenly, the Red team starts to collapse. Attack!
This E 75 seems invulnerable, as shot after shot bounces off.
Until one doesn't.
The remaining foes are still singing camp songs at the base.
Daki lines up a shot… and runs straight into a boulder. Ouch.
It's ok though, everyone was wearing seat belts.
As you can see, the gunner didn't suffer any ill effects.
Down goes the Type 5 Heavy.
The last foe gives up the ghost before Daki can so much as aim for it.
Game over.
Just four kills, but an impressive 10,800 points of damage.
That should help dakillzor in the quest for that 3rd mark of excellence.
Good luck!
Now let's hop over to the American region,
for a Defender game by Vladimir_Lemon.
Vladimir's tank is an E 50, seen here at sunny El Halluf.
Taking point, the E 50 leads the pack to the north-western choke point.
The first pair of shots is enough to secure a kill. It's a nice start.
Teammates should have this under control,
so Vlad pushes on to the next choke point.
There's a lot of steel to cut through here, and some of it cuts right back.
It would be nice to pick up a couple more kills,
but the Defender is needed elsewhere.
This WZ is trying a sneak attack from the rear. Not on Vladimir's watch!
Unfortunately, the rest of the infiltrators prove more difficult to eradicate.
There goes another one, but the damage is already done.
The team is in dire trouble Trading fire with a TVP
wouldn't be a problem, if it wasn't for the artillery.
Vladimir executes a tactical redeployment,
managing to stomp on a cockroach on the second try.
After an IS falls to a snapshot,
the situation is starting to look much better.
Vladimir goes on the hunt for the SPGs.
A tortoise enters the capture circle,
but the allies seem to have things under control again.
Ok, maybe not.
At least the IS-6 brought some time.
There. That should help.
The remaining teammate has joined in the hunt,
but their style is a little suicidal.
At least there's no need to hunt this thing down.
Right. Now let's get to the Defender part.
Tortoises are tough as nails, armed with guns
which can easily finish the E 50 off at this state.
Vladimir makes good use of the slow Encounter capture,
driving all the way around the map.
And it pays off. There's still almost half a minute to spare,
when the reset shot slams home.
You probably noticed that the critical hit didn't do any actual damage.
Our Defender still needs to kill that thing.
A second shot blows away a chunk of hit points.
The Tortoise decides to leave the circle,
but exposing its side gives Vlad the opportunity to cut its track.
A repair kit gets it moving again, which earns it another hit to the track.
Now just get down from the mountain without breaking your own tank…
And take it to Pound Town.
Nicely done. Not only was it a good Defender display,
but Vladimir_Lemon racked up more damage
than the rest of the team combined.
Crucial Contribution
Our next battle is fought over Airfield on an EU server,
where SMSkateCrew delivers a Crucial Contribution.
Reworked matchmaking helps,
but playing as a bottom tier heavy is still a difficult position.
There are three top tier machines to worry about,
one heavy and two tank destroyers.
So naturally our champion runs smack into one right at the start.
Taking a hit from it would really hurt…
unless the big lump decides to fire HE for some reason. Weird.
Teammates join in, ganking the massive heavy in seconds.
SkateCrew moves on to skirmish with a KV-4,
while looking for an opportunity to attack the Type 4 Heavy.
It takes quite a few tries, but the gunner does eventually
find a weak spot on the rolling fortress.
One more hit, and the beast has had enough.
It tries to disengage, but others finish the job.
SkateCrew circles around to get at a T34,
taking a shot from an S-tank along the way.
Both of the remaining tier 10s are here.
SkateCrew lines up a shot, but the Swedish TD continues being a pest.
Since it insists on dying first, the bigger foes will have to wait.
"And stay down." Now let's see about those top dogs.
The Jagdpanzer E 100 has a devastating cannon,
but it can't kill what it can't hit.
And when it loses its cool, charging out of its fortress, its fate is sealed.
It looks like the American tier 10 is the last foe standing.
SkateCrew goes for it, pulling back just in time to bounce a shell.
The E4 legs it, possibly hoping to find an easier target.
It won't get away, however.
Our killer IS-3 will have its prey.
I don't know if SMSkateCrew deliberately made it their business
to take on the biggest foes, or it was just how it played out.
Either way, impressive work!
Top Gun
We have reached the finale,
this time delivered by our Top Gun, STRAIKER_.
The battleground is Pilsen, with a Type 62 administering the beat down.
Now that light tanks are tiered the same way as everything else,
it's possible for them to kick much more rear plate.
Armed as it is with an 85 mm cannon,
the Type's alpha strike isn't particularly impressive.
But the damage per minute is excellent.
After a couple more kills, the location dries up.
STRAIKER_ looks for more targets,
eventually settling on a group of tanks on the west flank.
Nice shooting. The crew are obviously working hard
for those improved combat rations.
Charging in to finish the job gets our Top Gun to… well, Top Gun.
The Type gets a little banged up in the excitement as well.
The engine sounds a little unhealthy for a while,
but only until the repair kit comes off its cooldown.
There's a big push into friendly territory,
with nobody left to guard the base, aside from our Champion.
Better start thinning out the herd.
There's a brief capture warning,
but it doesn't look like the opponents are serious about it.
STRAIKER_ disposes of a T71 with a single quick shot,
just in time before the next foe charges in.
The WZ-131 is the Type's more powerful, non-premium version.
It's a tough fight, but our hero prevails, one hit from death.
The remaining teammates have been working on a capture.
It's starting to look like they may even pull it off.
It's a good effort, but their luck runs out.
One of the cappers is felled by a Nashorn,
which doesn't get to celebrate for long.
STRAIKER_ has time for a single shot,
before the last friendly dies in a 1 vs. 3 gank.
Another shot brings the odds down, and anyway, they are just SPGs.
A hasty shotgun attempt falls short,
and a second SPG turns into a smoking wreck.
The remaining foe manages to beat the reload, barely making it into cover.
Still, how hard could it be?
STRAIKER_ hesitates at the last moment,
looping around again before going in.
The first shot misses, but reload is quick.
Oh no…
Twelve kills, but it ends in Heartbreak.
STRAIKER_ played an excellent game,
only messing up on the very cusp of victory.
Hopefully, getting on the show makes you feel a little better about it.
That's it for this episode.
We look forward to seeing what you manage to pull off next.
I'm Luke Kneller.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.
Rrredi? Okei let's do dis.
Hallo am Ljuk Nieler and wlcome 2 bess ripley of da wik.
In dis apetsode we hav en enusual luking still...
Nah, it's ok.
Every GANPATI AARTI ever | Karan Sonawane - Duration: 4:12.Lets start?
(Everyone) Yes!! Yes!!
(Prayer Starts)
(Tabla check)
(Taal sound)
(Competition eh?)
(Busy on call)
(in action)
(busy on call)
(Looking for the lyrics in the Book)
(Got it)
(Lost again)
(Looking for the lyrics in the Book)
(Got it)
(Lost againnn)
(Looking for the lyrics in the Book)
(Pro-Singer Mode)
You got bike?
Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntarani - ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰਹੁ - Best Kirtan✔ - Duration: 1:03:17.-------------------------------------------
FC Bayern Beat Chelsea on Penalties to win UEFA Super Cup 2013 - Duration: 1:27.There's 15 seconds left on the clock.
Yet another cross whipped into the box.
Now's the chance.
It's been given!
It's been given!
The equaliser in the 120th minute.
Hazard beats another man.
Goal for Chelsea!
Schürrle had way too much space and then Fernando Torres strikes perfectly into the top corner.
Ribéry has another attempt and then GOAL!
What a strike!
There's a reason he was named footballer of the year and he's shown it again here.
David Alaba will take the first spotkick.
He runs up to the ball and scores!
Now it's all down to Manuel Neuer. .
Lukaku versus Neuer.
Neuer saves!
Bayern have won the 2013 Super Cup!
Perungayam - Hing - Asafoetida Powder Benefits in Tamil - Health Tips - Duration: 3:43.Perungayam - Hing - Asafoetida Powder Benefits in Tamil
From Olden days Asafoetida / Perungayam reserves a place in kitchen.
It makes a simple food to a special food with its aroma.
Its aroma is pleasing even though we add it in Sambhar, Rasam and Butter milk.
Asafoetida is playing an important role and in this video we are going see the health benefits of it.
Asafoetida is widely grown in Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and Gulf countries.
Asafoetida tree will from 2-3 metres.
They produce Asafoetida by scratching the stem and root, they process the gum taken from it and drying it.
We add only this in our food.
Asafoetida comes in two colours.
White asafoetida has nice aroma and medicinal values.
It is used in Siddha and ayurvedic medicines now-a- days and it is sold in some country medicine shops.
When we add this in food it helps in digestion.
Stomach pain, bloating will not be there and it also cures constipation.
There will be no gastric problem when it is added in the food.
Compunded Asafoetida rate is high and imported ones are available from Rs.200/Kg to Rs. 12000/ Kg.
The rate difference ensures that there is adulteration.
They sell it by adding Maida and Arabian Gum with Asafoetida gum.
Add this gum is added it will be black in colour and we call it Black asafoetida.
There is reverse medical effects in the maida which we add in it.
It causes stomach problem, indigestion constipation and it takes time to digest.
You can get pure asafoetida in Organic shops and Country medicine shops.
So far we what are the benefits of Asafoetida and how it is produced and now let us see who should avoid it.
As it gives more heat to the body people who have Bile, Ulcer, Urinary infection, women with excess bleeding should not take this.
To find the adulteration soak the asafoetida in water and it will dilute and a milk like substance will be formed.
There will be no remains in the water and we can find it is original.
If it is pure it will burn completely when you fire it with a matchstick like camphor.
The Bunny Song | Sleeping Bunnies | Preschool Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song Collection | Baby Songs - Duration: 1:53.See the little bunnies sleeping 'til it's nearly noon.
Come and let us gently wake them with a merry tune.
They're so still. Are they ill?
Wake up, soon.
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, and stop!
See the little bunnies sleeping 'til it's nearly noon.
Come and let us gently wake them with a merry tune.
They're so still. Are they ill?
Wake up, soon.
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Wake-up, little bunnies, hop, hop hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Wake-up, little bunnies, hop, hop hop!
Hop, little bunnies, hop, and stop!
Khi steve làm naruto Minecraft Mods Showcase: naruto mod :1.7.10 - Duration: 12:24.-------------------------------------------
SPOR AJANSI - GALATASARAY GÜNDEMİ - 30 AĞUSTOS 2017 - Youtube - Duration: 15:37.-------------------------------------------
Jaguar E-PACE | Adaptive Cruise Control - Duration: 0:25.-------------------------------------------
MASC 서로에게 원 없이 말해본 사랑해 게임!!😍MASC members say L word to each other... over and over!!😍::Makestar - Duration: 6:45.Three, four! M.A.S.C! Heyy there, it's MASC~~~!!!
What just happened...?LOLOLOL
Alright, doing it again~~
Three, four! M.A.S.C! Heyy there, it's MASC~~~!!!
So from now on,, we're going to play a game~~!
But you guys are so.. generally bad at playing games lolol
Am I allowed to quit now??! LOLOL
These three are terrible at playing ANY games lolol
Still!! I bet we all heard about this game we're playing today!!
Go ahead~~!
The one is.... "I Love You" GAME!!!
So the first player will confess one's love to the 2nd player sitting next to oneself!
The way you confess your love doesn't really matter!
If the 2nd person next to you accepts the love, the 2nd one will confess his love once again to the 3rd player!
You don't really have to say I love you back, INSTEAD!! you may say no!
[I Love You Game] 1. Say 'I Love You' to person next to you! 2. The person may either accept or refuse the confession! (When refused, the proceeding order reverses) 3. Throughout the game! Everyone should NOT laugh!!
Alright, let's do this~!!! May I have a little time before the start!!? LOLOL
Kay, let's have 5 minutes to laugh in advance!! LOLOLOL
Wahahhhahhahahah LMAO
I'm first...? I'll just spill it naturally.....
He should be looking at me too, right??
Why aren't you...??LOLOLOL
I love you...!
I.... I saw something coming out from his nose...!!LOLOLOL
I can also attack the person (who said love you first) back, right??
Ahhhhh lolololololol
Look at me, please?
I love you...!
Get out~
I love you...
Me...??? hmmmmm...
Not happening!!
hehe Sry about that
Don't you know how much I care about you..? I love you...
Shut up!
[They are keep saying, shush, to me....ㅠㅠ]
Love you...!
WOO SOO, please switch your seat to hear~
Hee Jae should come hear~
26, please move your sweat to hear~
Ahhhh~~ you're trying to be the last player??
He's tough..
I love you!!!!
You aren't annoyed, right??LOL
I love you, ma cupcake...!
Ah... this is gonna be a critical moment...
Don't!!! T.T (Stop approaching...)
I love you.....
Love you so so much.... hmm..??
[26 (laughed 1 time)] LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I mean....LOLOL That was sooo... creepy..
He whispered right to the ear, Love you so so much...? LOLOL
This is certainly the toughest game I ever played lol
My cheekbones hurt LOL
(mumble) The word laughing is not in my dictionary...
My darling~~ I love you~~!!
LOLOL For the past 18 years, I haven't laughed a bit!
Just say is comfortably...lololol
I love ya~~!
Give him a big one!!
Do not move your eyes away from me!?
Look at him!!
I love... especially the nose of yours... (blowing...)
Love you Love you LOLOLOLOLOLOL
You said, you adore my nose??
I love even the nostril of you...
Not allowed to laugh here!!
You know I love you so much, right??
Got him!!!lololololol
Oh wait lololololol... what have you just done to me!!! lololol
That was so.. exact...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Cuz I saw something on there LOLOLOL
So the penalties are for these two LOLOL
How was it?? The new generation's game!! LOL
Ahhhhh,, was this a new generation's game?? LOLOL
So, I don't have to hold laughing anymore, right??
(due to 'not laughing') I'm getting sick right now...
In general, we don't really express our emotions out loud to each other..
It was my very first time saying I love you (to members) LOLOL
I think I'm done with 'I love you' until the end of my life lolol
I think it was a good game since it made us to express some affection to each other~
Was a little creepy
I'm feeling dizzy right now...
So... what's the penalty our two members are getting??
[The penalty is... 'kabedon'!!]
Have no idea what that means...
Ahh....ah..!! this one..??
Should we give each other high fives...??!
Aahhhhh!! One of ways to confess your love in Japanese animes...!!
I'll do the man's part then LOLOL
[feeling nervous already] We should do rock-paper-scissors!!!?
Rock . Paper . Scissors!!!
[Suddenly in Kabedon - position]
Perhaps... you had Korean miso-soup for lunch??
How come you lost so much hair already...???LOLOL
What happened...??lolol
I think he needs some help there..??
You should confess now!! LOLOL
You're gonna pay my money back, right??
I love you....
You shouldn't refuse it...!! (cuz it's the penalty)
LOLOLOLOLOL Why did you lose your hair so much already!!! LOLOLOL
Were we doing it right??? LOLOLOL
(We're) Happy if our fans enjoyed watching this...LOL
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