Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 31 2017

This is NOT recent, but I found it and I decided to show you :)

A very long time ago, Melanie was acused to copy the singer Marina and The Diamonds

Melanie Martinez has been gaining more and more fans every day because of her original style that blends a lot with her music and personality. However, the 20-year-old girl, when releasing new information from her first studio album "Cry Baby," is being accused of stealing the concept used by Marina and the Diamonds on her second album titled "Electra Heart."

During a concert, a fan asked for her: "Marina and the Diamonds created a fictional character semi based from her life, did you do the same with crybaby to understand who you are just as she did?"

Melanie's awnser: "Not really. I am crybaby. she represents the insecure and vulnerable side of me. as well as the crazy and fucked up side of me."

This video was made for people who says that Melanie copy Marina.

For more infomation >> Melanie Martinez COPYS Marina and the Diamonds? - Duration: 1:21.


Cypher - Símios EP 04 - Bruxaria - Alra l Wicca l Ninah l Laís l Killabi l Meire D'Origem - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Cypher - Símios EP 04 - Bruxaria - Alra l Wicca l Ninah l Laís l Killabi l Meire D'Origem - Duration: 7:28.


Pitching and Pre-Production: Crash Course Film Production #2 - Duration: 8:16.

So you want to make a movie!

Let's say you've already written a screenplay you want to shoot, or found a story you'd

like to adapt.

Or maybe you just have an idea that you think would make a good film.

What's next?

There are a few steps you should take to sharpen your idea and get all the pieces into place

to make production go as smoothly as possible.

Most filmmakers go through this process one way or another, whether you're making a

big-time studio blockbuster or a no-budget indie with your friends.

It all begins with an awesome pitch.

[Opening Music Plays]

A pitch is a brief, verbal description of

a project you'd like to make.

It's supposed to be persuasive: You're trying to get people excited about your idea,

usually because you need their help.

We pitch things all the time.

Kids try to persuade their parents to buy them a dog or a car.

Employees make a case to get a promotion or a raise.

And people try to convince their friends to see the new Superman movie.

But in addition to getting people on board with your project, a pitch can be a great

way to help you figure out if your story works in the first place.

Is the concept compelling?

Is the climax satisfying?

Do the characters feel real and three-dimensional?

By gauging someone's response, you might decide to alter the plot, or re-think the

entire film.

And you can pitch an idea to just about anyone!

The late screenwriter, author, and educator Blake Snyder suggested telling your film idea

to as many strangers as possible – bank tellers, Uber drivers, the person waiting

in line behind you at the grocery store.

He believed that you'd get a more honest reaction by pitching your story to someone

you don't know.

Your mom might love whatever you tell her.

The woman sitting next to you on the plane?

Not so much.

On the other hand, sometimes you might need a little encouragement.

And even if your parents and friends don't give you honest critical feedback, the act

of telling your story out loud can help you understand it better.

A lot of filmmakers even pitch their movie ideas to themselves: in the shower, in the

car, or pacing around a room while talking to their cat.

Bottom line is, stories get better the more you tell them.

You can identify the pieces that work and figure out weaknesses before you start producing anything.

On the practical side, a pitch can get you thinking about the resources you'll need

to bring your story to the screen, and help get your film made.

Screenwriters might pitch an idea to a producer or a studio executive, in hopes that person

will pay them to write the script.

Directors might pitch a project to a studio or an investor to raise money to shoot it.

And filmmakers often pitch their movies to well-known actors, hoping to persuade them

to star in the film.

Developing a pitch can also help you ballpark your film's budget.

Not just in terms of money, but also how much time it will take, how big a crew you'll

need, and what sort of special effects or extra equipment you'll require.

So how do you craft a movie pitch?Well, there's not a single formula, but there are a few

ingredients that most good pitches have.

First of all, you should deliver your pitch with excitement and confidence.

You want your passion for your movie to be infectious, and you want whoever's listening

to believe you can pull it off.

Second, you might compare your film to other successful movies that explore similar worlds

or have similar tones.

We call these comparisons, or comps for short.

Like, you might pitch The Martian as Cast Away on Mars.

Or maybe The Edge of Tomorrow as Groundhog Day by way of Independence Day.

Comps aren't meant to limit your story or make it seem like a copy of something else.

The goal is to convey the scope, genre, and tone of your film.

Another thing most pitches include is a logline.

This is a one-sentence summary of your movie that includes the genre, a description of

the protagonist, and a concise outline of the plot.

The logline for Jaws, for instance, might go something like this:

when a killer shark starts eating members of a tourist beach town, the new chief of

police must overcome his fear of the water to save his community.

Next, your pitch should include some information about the characters and story.

This isn't a painstaking scene-by-scene description – just the main plot points,

key character moments, and enough of the emotional arc to communicate why the story matters.

Some pitches can include visual aids: posters, photographs, or even pre-designed trailers.

These work best when the film is set in another time or place, like fantasy or science-fiction

movies that need a lot of world-building.

Your pitch could also suggest some casting ideas.

Would Reese Witherspoon be great for your satirical comedy?

Is your gritty noir perfect for a brooding Idris Elba type?

Even if you don't expect to have A-list actors in your film, it can give your listener

a clearer idea of what the movie will look and feel like.

Plus, you never know.

Lucy Liu might be their second cousin!

Finally, the pitch should tell us who you think will watch the film.

How big is the potential audience?

What kind of resources will you need to market and distribute it?

Is it a short film that you hope to screen at film festivals, or a blockbuster that will

open in two thousand theaters?

Preparing a pitch that covers all these points can improve your chances of getting your movie

made, while also making the story clearer and stronger.

Now, let's say you've honed your pitch, written your script, and collected all the

resources you need to make the film.

Next, you have to get ready to shoot it.

We call this part of the process pre-production.

It's the unglamorous work of making all the creative decisions and logistical plans

you can before the cameras start to roll.

Depending on the size and scale of your film, there are hundreds or even thousands of choices

to make.

During pre-production, you'll cast your film.

Whether you're convincing family and friends to act for you, or working with a casting

director and watching audition tapes, you'll need a person to play every character.

That includes lead actors, supporting actors, and background actors to be extras – pedestrians

on the street, diners at a restaurant, or fans at a baseball game.

You'll also need to assemble your crew.

These are the artists, technicians, and craftspeople who will physically make the movie, from

a cinematographer to oversee the camera department, to an assistant director to make sure you're

staying on schedule and on budget.

There are a ton of people that can be a part of the crew, and we'll talk about all

these roles in more detail in later episodes.

And besides assembling a dream team of people, you'll also need to establish the look of the film.

You have to figure out things like the color scheme, the lighting plan, and when it takes place.

To tell your story, will you need unique props or costumes?

Are there special effects involved, and how do you need to plan for those during the actual shoot?

You'll also need to find and secure all of your locations during pre-production – whether

you need to build futuristic spaceship sets, or if you can just shoot in your mom's basement.

And that's only a fraction of the questions you should be considering:

Does your lead actor need a dialect coach to learn a Dutch accent?

Do you need a stunt coordinator to plan your big action sequence?

How many sandwiches will you need to order on day three to feed your cast and crew?

Pre-production can be an exhausting process, but also an exhilarating one.

Even though you haven't shot a single frame yet, you're already making your movie!

And one of your biggest assets while making all these decisions is that screenplay you've

polished to perfection.

Either you or your line producer will do a breakdown of the script.

This is essentially a big list of every character, location, prop, costume, vehicle, and any

special needs of your film.

If you're doing this on your own, a handy trick is to take a highlighter and mark every

single noun in your script.

That way, you can make sure you've accounted for all the things you need to gather to

make your film, no matter how incidental they may be.

Once you have a breakdown, you can figure out the film's shooting schedule, which

details what scenes you're going to film and when.

Like, let's say you're making a movie based on the board game Clue.Armed with the

breakdown and shooting schedule, you'll know things like: on day five, you're going

to be shooting Scene 14.

You should plan out when and where the cast and crew are expected to arrive on set, down

to details like meal breaks and transportations times.

You'll need most of your leading actors: Colonel Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. White,

and Mr. Boddy.

You'll need your actors to be fully costumed, and you'll also need some props: a candlestick,

a lead pipe, and a knife.

You'll need some fake blood too, because this is the scene where Mr. Boddy's been stabbed.

And it all takes place in the "Study" location, so that needs to be ready to go too.

Now, all this information will be compiled into a call sheet.

This is a document given to every member of the cast and crew before the next shooting

day, so they have everything they need to get prepared to work.

Call sheets also include a weather forecast for each location, times for sunrise and sunset,

the addresses of nearby emergency services, and maps from the set to things like the hair

and makeup trailer or the restrooms.

Finally, call sheets have contact information for nearly everybody in the crew.

This comprehensive document is a culmination of all the work of pre-production.

Armed with it, you're finally ready to get down to business and make your movie!

Today we talked about what goes into a movie pitch and who you might share it with.

We learned the basic steps of pre-production, from assembling your crew to building your

schedule, to best set you up to start making your film.

And next time, we'll visit the set and explore what the crew actually does once the cameras

start rolling.

Crash Course Film Production is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

You can head over to their channel to check out a playlist of their latest amazing shows,

like PBS Idea Channel, Indy America, and Gross Science.

This episode of Crash Course was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio

with the help of these nice people and our amazing graphics team, is Thought Cafe.

For more infomation >> Pitching and Pre-Production: Crash Course Film Production #2 - Duration: 8:16.


Los colores | Salta | 10 pajaritos | La vaca Lola | 123 Andrés | Aprender colores | Video educativo - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Los colores | Salta | 10 pajaritos | La vaca Lola | 123 Andrés | Aprender colores | Video educativo - Duration: 10:53.


Farming Simulator 17 New Holland TG200 And Unverferth 332 Ripper Stripper - Duration: 11:35.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The New Holland TG200 And the Unverferth 332 Ripper Stripper.

New Holland TG200 3 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 50Km/h Top Speed


Unverferth 332 Ripper Stripper Green And Red 10.9m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 310Hp

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 New Holland TG200 And Unverferth 332 Ripper Stripper - Duration: 11:35.


Humpty Dumpty | Kids Song | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Baby Songs Collection by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:22.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses

And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty

Together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses

And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty

Together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses

And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty

Together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses

And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty

Together again.

For more infomation >> Humpty Dumpty | Kids Song | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Baby Songs Collection by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:22.


Tom Speaks Norwegian - Duration: 14:24.

Over a year ago

I made a video just like this one

In which I spoke Norwegian

But since I made that video

I have not spoken Norwegian at all

Hello people of Youtube and welcome to a video in Norwegian

Before we begin, translations to Dutch and English are there, in the Youtube captions

In this video I want to talk about why I haven't been speaking Norwegian

since I made my last video in Norwegian

But before I do that, I want to talk about why and how I learn Norwegian

I started learning Norwegian when I moved to Halden in 2015

And I moved to Halden for an exchange

between my University-College and Høgskolen i Østfold, in Halden

In Høgskolen i Østfold I had four hours of Norwegian every week

That was four hours per week during which me and the other exchange students learned Norwegian

I only chose to learn Norwegian is school because I needed the credits

Next to learning Norwegian, I learned about science fiction (literature)

and British culture and literature

Norwegian was a bit of an 'add on' to the rest of the subjects

But while I was in Halden, I got to know Signe

I have known Signe for about 5 years via Youtube

But we had not met before I moved to Halden

The first day Signe and I saw each other, Signe bought me this:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

This is the first book in the Harry Potter series

And Signe said that this book was to motivate me to learn Norwegian properly

[in doubt]

Norwegian is difficult, ok?

Next to the Harry Potter book and Norwegian classes

I thought I'd learn some Norwegian using Duolingo

I assume that most of you will have heard of Duolingo

Because it is a massively popular website on which you can learn 20 or 30 languages

So I started learning a bit of Norwegian via Duolingo while I was in Halden

After the semester in Halden I moved to Oslo

to be an intern at a company that makes radio and PA systems and equipment

Most of the people there spoke English because the official corporate language was English

But because it was a Norwegian company, with a lot of Norwegian people

a lot of people spoke Norwegian instead of English

That semester was very good for me to learn to understand Norwegians

But it was still difficult for me to speak Norwegian

because I didn't know enough words

But it was very good for me to learn to listen to Norwegian speaking Norwegians

A bit after I finished as an intern at that company

[in doubt]

I was done with the Duolingo course too

So in a bit over a year

I have done the entire Norwegian course on Duolingo

And so we come back to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

The first Harry Potter book that Signe gave to me

the first week I lived in Halden

Around Christmas and New Year's 2016/2017

Signe and I, and Signe's family went on vacation to Florida, USA

And on our journey, I finished reading Harry Potter

So that was one and a half year after Signe gave me this

I have tried to begin Harry Potter 4 times

I have read the first page 3 times without really understanding what it said

And the fourth time I thought I understood enough to keep reading the whole book

And in Florida, last December, I was done with it

After that, on my Birthday in January 2017, Signe gave me this:

And this is the complete Harry Potter series

And it was a bit of a shock and a surprise to me when she gave me all 7 books of the Harry Potter series

But since she gave me this, I have read:

the first, obviously

but also the second, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

and the third.

I was done with the third, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, during this Summer break

So I have read three Harry Potter books since I started learning Norwegian

And now I have to start with the fourth, which is super thick

and that is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

After that, we have Harry Potter 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

And that one is the thickest in the series

And I am not really looking forward to starting this one

Because I know it´s going to take me months and months to finish it

A few months ago I spoke with a girl from Ukraine

And she told me that she learned to speak English through reading all the Harry Potter books

So I'm a bit hopeful that I will be fluent in Norwegian when I have read all the Harry Potter books

And that brings us to the reason for why I have not spoken Norwegian

since I have made that previous video on Polyglot Progress

And that is for two reasons

The first one is

Just that I have difficulties with understanding Norwegians

And I have always had difficulties understanding Norwegians

And that is just because Norwegians speak really fast

and they mumble a bit

Also, Norway has thousands of dialects

And that makes it more difficult to get used to a specific type of Norwegian

I have only had difficulties understanding Norwegians

And that makes it easy to switch to English when I am talking to a Norwegian

because it is easier to communicate with each other when I speak English

And every Norwegian speaks English - alsmost every Norwegian speaks English

So it is super easy to switch to English in stead of Norwegian

And it's not good for my Norwegian practice to speak English with Norwegians

And I know that, I want to change it

The other reason

For me not speaking Norwegian

Is because it makes me nervous when I have to speak Norwegian to someone



And that is also part of the reason for me to switch to English when I have a conversation with Norwegians

Even if I understand that specific Norwegian

I just get nervous about making mistakes

and about being incomprehensible to Norwegians

So all that makes it more difficult for me to speak Norwegian to Norwegians

In my whole 'Norwegian Carreer' I have had three conversations

The first was just my oral exam in Halden

And I got a C, so that wasn't fantastic

After that I had a conversation with a child on a train station in Moss

after I got off the ferry from Horten, from Signe

And I had a talk with that kid because I had my camera on me

And he asked me if I could take his picture

That was quite cool

After that, when I lived in Oslo, I had a conversation with a painter

Who was in our building to paint

Ok, so that was two years of my 'trying-to-learn-Norwegian' adventure

Now I live in Trondheim, in an apartment, with Signe

because Signe is going to study Media Science at NTNU here

And I moved here with her because I am almost done with my own Communications Study

So now I live in an other city than I've lived in before

And for some reason, that means to me that I want to speak Norwegian more badly than before

It feels a bit like I am an outsider in Trondheim

And that makes sense, I am an outsider

I am Dutch, not Norwegian

And I am living in a city I have never lived in before

So I am an outsider

But because I only speak English with Norwegians

It feels a bit more like I am an outsider than when I speak Norwegian, I think

Like I said, almost all Norwegians speak English

But even if that's true, it is always easier to communicate with Norwegians when I speak Norwegian

Their native language

So because I want to speak more Norwegian than before

it can be that I'll make 1, 2 or 3 more of these videos, in which I speak Norwegian, on my second channel

I think I will upload this to TomKnowsWhatsUp

But if I make more videos in Norwegian, I will upload them to TomCatchesUp

Ok, so that is it for now.

Don't forget to push some of the positive buttons down below

and we'll see each other soon. Bye!


A half hour, that was good.

For more infomation >> Tom Speaks Norwegian - Duration: 14:24.


Você já se sentiu estagnado? - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Você já se sentiu estagnado? - Duration: 1:09.


cappadocia tour - cornering - yamaha r25 - eypsr25 - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> cappadocia tour - cornering - yamaha r25 - eypsr25 - Duration: 14:04.


LT Fresh ft. Breana Marin - Better Dayz (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> LT Fresh ft. Breana Marin - Better Dayz (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:31.


Graphical Area Forecasts - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Graphical Area Forecasts - Duration: 2:04.


Cocktail Recipe with Cachaça and Barrow's Intense Ginger Liqueur - Duration: 0:50.

Let's raise a toast to the upcoming holiday weekend!

Hello and welcome to the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en! Labor Day weekend is upon us, so

let's let our hair down and celebrate with a lovely libation that's a little bit wild!

To make it, all you do is combine 2 oz of cachaça, ¾ oz Barrow's Intense Ginger

Liqueur and ½ oz fresh lime juice. Shake with ice, strain into a champagne flute and

fill with chilled dry sparkling wine! It's a great way to kick

off the weekend!

Thank you for visiting the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en! Please subscribe to our channel

for lovely libations, liquored up live broadcasts and more! It's always happy hour at the

Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en!

For more infomation >> Cocktail Recipe with Cachaça and Barrow's Intense Ginger Liqueur - Duration: 0:50.


Áo sơ mi công sở nam ngắn tay họa tiết thời trang giá rẻ Tp.HCM - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Áo sơ mi công sở nam ngắn tay họa tiết thời trang giá rẻ Tp.HCM - Duration: 1:07.


DO DARK ANGEL CRY? The builder return! - Clash of Clan! - Duration: 3:41.

Do Dark Angel Cry? Builder return - Clash of Clan.

For more infomation >> DO DARK ANGEL CRY? The builder return! - Clash of Clan! - Duration: 3:41.


Audio Addiction - Linkin Park | Come So Far - Duration: 6:55.

what's going on you guys my name is Stephan and you are watching audio

addiction today we're gonna be looking at a childhood favorite my childhood

favorite Linkin Park and like this is one of the most favorite bands that I

listen to when I was a kid I remember walking into elementary school with my

fucking PSP Linkin Park started off in 1996 I was two years old

it started off with three high school friends I mean you kind of forget how

old these bands get so quickly I mean they're already about 20 years old and

the three high school friends would be Mike Shinoda a fellow japanese guy Rob

Burden and Brad Delson now you know there's not really enough Asian

representation if you really think about it and pop music I think there's very

few thumbs-up to Mike Shinoda to really putting us on the map the high school

that these three guys meet I would be a gora High School in California it would

recruit three other guys into the band their names would be John Hahn Dave

Ferrell and Mark Wakefield and those six would call themselves xero with an X but

I mean with any kind of young band out there they weren't any different tension

started to grow you know because of this that and the other

the singer Mark Wakefield would say fuck it and leave the band also leaving would

be Dave Pharell but this would lead to the golden opportunity for a young

bustling singer named Chester Bennington with Chester Bennington

into the band now replacing the former singer they would then change their band

name to Hybrid Theory with this new member Chester Bennington

as well as his unique vocal delivery Shinoda's writing and

Bennington's contributions would bring in some much-needed life into the band's

songwriting and creative works they would then release a compilation of

records release it as a self-titled EP and it would not gain any traction but

as luck would have it Jeff Blue the individual that would bring chester

bennington into the band would have them give them another opportunity to listen

jeff blue would get Hybrid Theory to sign the recording deal contract in 1999

and this record label was just some record label just named Warner Brothers

this would then lead to their final change into the band not any musician

shuffling around but a final name the one that we all know as Linkin Park with

the signing of their first record deal Linkin Park would I guess you would say

we release their EP again it would be a compilation of music they've written

over four years and it would just so happen that that album will be called

Hybrid Theory their old band name everything just comes full circle with

these guys that's great and this would be a great reward for all their hard

work from the past four years as Hybrid Theory will become a diamond status

album now you might be wondering after all these videos I think I made 35 of

them I often talk about these statuses as gold status platinum status diamond

status but really what the fuck am I saying I mean these mean dick to you if

you don't know anything about the RIAA but these statuses are conducted by the

RIAA which would stand for the Recording Industry Association of America these

guys are the Association that tracks all the sales through album singles and now

most recently digital sales and the statuses is as follows 500,000 units

sold would be conducted into the gold status 1 million records sold would

go into these status of platinum anything 2 million and up is a

multi-platinum status and finally 10 unit sold would be considered the

diamond status and then you had the very few artists like the Beatles or

Michael Jackson who would hit multi Diamond status which i think is like

intervals of 10 10 million so 20 million 3 million so if you sell 20 million

records it's 2 times diamond status so doctor hybrid theory it was a fucking diamond

status album from their debut album their

follow-up album wouldn't do as great as their first debut album reanimation

would just be simple remixes of their previous album through Mike Shinoda but it

would be the third best remixed album of all time and then they would invest a

lot in touring and this would prevent them from recording another album but when it

did come out meteora the album will do very very well

selling 800,000 copies in its first week not only did this album sell really well

it incorporated a lot of creative works of Mike Shinoda and chester bennington

through this album and we're talking about layering of music mixes foreign

instruments oriental instruments to be exact with this a new flavor added

through nu metal and rap it was a very very interesting sounding music

something very fresh and new in the rock genre they would then go on to release

numerous of other albums like minutes to midnight a thousand suns living things

recharged a hunting party and finally one more life but with their release of

their latest album one more light Linkin Park would face a huge shocker and that

chakra would be on June 28th 2017 where chester bennington was found in his

hotel room dead through the effects of suicide

leaving his wife and six children and the millions of fans out there who love linkin park

you know you really start to think about what chester bennington's music really was and the lyrics

was all about this this teenage angst that's what I really thought like the lyrics of

Linkin Park was and then when you really think about it after putting into

perspective it's it really does sound like Chester Bennington is singing about

himself but the trials and tribulations that he's gone through what he was

feeling and it just hits like a brick wall

mtv2 dubbed it the one of the greatest bands of the music video era they won

two Grammys selling over 75 million records worldwide that's as many records

as there are people in fucking Thailand and that's all for today you guys thank

you so much for watching click like if you liked the video click Subscribe if

you really like it share it to all your friends and I'd like to announce that I

do have a website go check it out right now link is in the

description below I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Audio Addiction - Linkin Park | Come So Far - Duration: 6:55.


HE'S A SAINT: Trump Just Gave Something UNTHINKABLE To Hurricane Harvey Victims | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:34.

President Donald Trump just keeps hitting home runs when it comes to responding to Hurricane


He started working weeks before the storm, it took him almost no time to go and visit

Texas to meet with organizers, and he is going BACK to visit the flood areas on Saturday.

However, none of those hold a CANDLE to what Trump just did for the Hurricane victims today…

President Trump is donating One Million Dollars of his own money to the victims of Hurricane


Sarah Huckabee made the big reveal during Thursday's press briefing.

The reporters, of course, didn't even take the good gesture for what it is and wanted

to know WHICH charity it would go to.

Huckabee made it clear that Trump had not yet picked a single charity but was open to

many of the amazing groups helping out.

"He's actually asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very

good at research and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations

that have the best and most effective in helping and providing aid and he would love some suggestions

from the folks here and I would be happy to take them."

That right there is just the kind of leader Trump is.

He is not happy just doing the Job of President.

When push comes to shove, he goes the extra mile.

Help share the good news out everywhere and comment "Amen" to send Trump a prayer.

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