Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 31 2017

This is a doggo diagram.

And a lot of people want to know how to make their own doggo diagram.

Here are the four steps.


Get photos of doggos.

Or cattos.

Or anything really.

Like this funky looking llamo doggo.

Download that one for sure.


Take your images and drag them into Lucidchart.


You don't have Lucidchart?

Click here to sign up for free.

All you need is the emails and you can follow along.


Do some shapes.

Add text.

Drag lines.

Drag more lines.

Add some more text.

Fast forward.

Change colors.

Keep on tweaking until it's perfect.

Final step.

Email to your friends.

Or post your beautiful creation to the facebook and twitters.

Or make a video about it.

That's how you visualize your doggos, or anything else, with Lucidchart.

Try it for free.

For more infomation >> How to make a Doggo Diagram - Duration: 0:44.


Our Infertility History: IVF #2, Low HCG, Miscarriage - Duration: 16:12.

we're here at my brother's house we're here to work on his yard I think I've

mentioned this but I have obligated him into letting me do his yard for the

summer I just need to make a little bit more money for IVF and he needed a

landscaper and so I said I'll do it for you before we start the yard work I'm

gonna finally share IVF number two with you now that my brother is not home I'm

gonna take the opportunity to use his house to record the story before we'd

start yard work the quickest recap is this we tried naturally for a long time

in 2011 we did clomid started three cycles who said no word then we did some

uterine inseminations or IU eyes ultimately after that we

started meeting with infertility doctors most said that it was unexplained and

then we finally found a doctor to listen to all of her problems he seemed great

we didn't know anybody who's the only infertility doctor we saw it was a

botched cycle so then in 2014 we met with a real doctor and we did an IVF so

we did the first for the first IVF with UFC Utah Utah fertility center link

below so I see professional vloggers doing I wish I was professional you got

pregnant had an early miscarriage we did a laparoscopy in 2015 yeah and we found

yeah stage for endometriosis and now this brings us to the next installment

of our story yes so we talked all about each of these things if you want more

details yeah we talked about endometriosis and laparoscopy already

you do that a new 2015 we did the laparoscopy even after the laparoscopy

my doctor said I still want to treat you with depo Lupron just in case there was

anything I couldn't get in side your abdomen I want to make sure we shrink it

with the depo Lupron and then we'll do your IVF so I did three months of depo

Lupron crazy just like I am now um and so I think in February

crazy but not that crazy I feel like birth control cake is worse than a

double loop run kanika last night I was talking to steuby cuz I was feeling a

little zombi like in my emotions and his words

to describe me were cold and dead well in my own defense

you just described yourself as zombie like and zombies are cold and dead so I

guess you could say we're on the same page so before we did the IVF I was

traumatized because every step of the infertility journey I was like oh this

is all it's gonna take all I'm gonna need is to chart my cycle oh I guess

that's not gonna work okay I guess all I need is woman oh that didn't work huh I

you I that's definitely gonna be the thing that works okay that didn't work

either okay IVF tons of people get pregnant on IVF we've had unexplained

infertility we're totally a pregnant this time and then it didn't happen I

feel like a lot of people are like yeah everybody I know it takes them a couple

cycles of IVF in my head I'm thinking no way first the first time and so and we

were more open the first time because we felt so confident that it would work um

so we told our family and friends and I mean we weren't like as open as we are

now but we were more open the second time I was a little bit more

apprehensive so I remember thinking wow nothing's guaranteed IVF doesn't

guarantee pregnancy even if you tell everyone about it even if you have

everyone praying for you even if everyone has good vibes and they think

it's gonna work there's no promises there are never

promises and even now that we have tons of answers which will come more as we

drag the story out there are still no promises the second time yeah we were

Wow the second time we didn't share as much

information so we thought for the first IVF at UFC we're like we just wanted

everybody to know because we wanted the support from everybody but then the

thing made it hard was the stress of everybody consistently and constantly

asking how things were going and what stage you're at and then when it didn't

work like I know nobody felt let down by us but at the same time we felt like we

were letting people down that it didn't work because so many people are were

emotionally invested in it with us so that was its whole other whole

their challenge they just do whatever feels best to you I don't know that

there's I think it's hard I don't think there's ever a right way to go through

something really challenging so in 2016 of February we started I mean this was

just a year and a half ago so we started the stim meds because I've been on loop

run for three months I had a slower response time apparently your ovaries

are just like put to sleep and so they have a really hard time waking up and

start moving and start juicing up those follicles again

so my it took me I think three or four more days of medication than it did

prior because my hormones had been cold and dead and zombie like because I was

so slow to respond they put me on an extra estrogen pill and then things

started moving a little bit better and each time I went in they were seeing

more and more and more follicles I didn't blow the second time I didn't

feel the cramping and stuff like I did last time and so that made me think I

wasn't responding as well I was on human growth hormone and then it was retrieval

time and I love egg retrievals because I loved anesthesia I would be a total drug

addict if I could be probably I just think it feels so good you just go to

this happy place and it's great I'm the exact opposite I hate being drugged and

not feeling like myself at all well when it's a short anesthesia trip it's fine

when you're under for like hours and hours and never laughing gasps oh I love

laughing guys makes me feel paranoid and they break out good like cold sweat and

my body's like huh oh my gosh don't fall asleep I was gonna so I'm looking

forward to my coming up egg retrieval it's like the best best thing of ibf

ever I can't wait anyway that's not my part what's your

favorite part so no we did the egg retrieval and we ended up getting 36

eggs last time with Utah Fertility Center we got 31 so we got you and more

eggs than we did last time which was so surprising because I didn't feel the

same and because they were slower growing 23 were mature 18

there was a point when I was panicking and I was like I'm just worried about

this I mean who knows if they're gonna work and I don't know I was I was

getting really sciency and Stewart was like these are your babies like these

are these this is how every baby is created it starts in a different kind of

way we all start as cells that divide and he said don't send them your worry

and your panic only send them your love and so whenever I was getting nervous

and anxious I would reflect on that phrase only your

love nothing but love and even now sometimes when I get nervous I mean the

eggs we use are inside me now and so I try to remember send them my love send

them only my love don't send them my panic and my worry like they are

fighting to be with us just as hard as we were fighting to be with them on day

five our transfer day the we actually had our doctor was out of town so one of

the other fertility specialists came in and she I remember we were both like

okay we're ready to take the bad news and she said there's no bad news I only

have good news and we couldn't believe it and she said you have two really good

looking embryos they look really good they're blastocyst they've expanded

they're just about to hatch out of their shell did you know that embryos hatch

out of a show it's crazy I did and she said you have a 50% chance of twins and

a 75% chance of a single baby and we just couldn't believe it she told me to

drop my pants and she'd be back in a minute I remember a sweet little stewed

choked up a little bit he couldn't believe that we'd gotten to a point

where like the embryos looked good and we finally had a proper treatment to

have good quality embryos so we were really excited about that and we also

had five still five embryos that were still growing and they were gonna let us

know the following day if they could freeze any at that point we had seven

embryos the next day they did call me and they said that only one of the five

looked good enough to keep so we had one frozen yeah because I think the only

frozen if they're freezing if they're a better higher grade anyway so a few days

after not a few days about a week after um

transfer I I remember feeling like some uterine twinges and like some minor

cramping on dates okay so that was day six when I felt the uterine twinges on

day seven I had a moment where I lost my mind and I convinced myself I had to

take a pregnancy test and I stared at that thing so hard that my eyes were

probably close to bugging out of my head but I thought I could see just the

faintest little line just barely barely barely I was like oh my gosh it's my

miracle baby I was so excited I took a home to stay that night and he could see

a little teeny line I don't remember we've wasted so much

money on pregnancy tests I'm not gonna take any test this time I swear it I've

seen lots of almost faint lines that I'm like I can't tell maybe yeah so once I

had started that once I'd opened Pandora's box I had to keep taking them

every day so I'm day eight pack eight days past transfer I took a test and the

line looked the same and so I know that each day it needs to be improving and so

I was like oh well this is a bust and stupid and then day ten I was

getting my blood drawn so on the way to the clinic

I just told Stu I was like you know what I just either want a really strong

positive or a definite no I don't want that Limbo garbage we went through last

time where it's like oh you have HCG but we just can't promise anything like

let's just see let's wait a few days like I didn't want to do that again our

clinic says that anything over a five is considered pregnant with your HCG levels

and the IVF prior to that my HCG started at a twenty-one which is not a good

number to start out but they're all these forums online where people are

like I started it a zero and somehow it managed to a full-blown six month old

crawling around on my floor there's all these amazing exaggerated stories online

and I was just like hoping that mine would be that situation so anyway we got

a call on after the blood draw day ten or day ten days post transfer and they

said your HCG is pause if you're pregnant and I'm like are you

kidding me the tests are negative what do you mean and she said your HCG is at

a five point one and I started laughing I'm like this is a joke my body hates me

God hates me this is not happening and so it was so annoying and I said oh my

gosh just let me quit let me stop the progesterone this is not turning into a

baby and she's like no no no no no I've seen it work before keep with your

progesterone shots we'll test you again in a few days your tests and we'll just

need to be over at ten so I'm like this is so stupid

we I waited a few days convinced myself that whole weekend like I if I was

pregnant it's coming back down so by the time I test again it's gonna be a zero

so when we I went in a few days later she called me she's like your numbers at

a 17 and I'm like like 17 is not a good number but she's like keep going keep

going it could work it could work so I'm like fine and she's like the next step

is we just want you to be over a 45 so I'm like okay so a few days later I

think I was spotting a little bit so I'm like ah see it's over and I did start I

took another pregnancy test and it was definitely positive I think I still have

the image so maybe I'll add it here it's not like it's a super strong line but

it's it's positive so got the third blood draw and my she's like again we

wanted you over a 45 and so it was way over what they wanted I was at 114 so

I'm like okay we've just been through so much it's like everything every step of

the way unfortunately just given our experience it's like with guarded

optimism so it's like well then I'm sure great that's crazy maybe one of them

just implanted late maybe something something but the same

time I don't know we should the number should still be higher and even though

they're claiming it just feels yeah but after that test I remember looking over

at Stuart's face and just thinking because I'm like clearly this is only a

single baby that this is not the number that people have with twins but I was

like it's my baby can look like you I said probably yes it'll have a beard

but I was look like a 30 year old missin finally letting myself like let go of

the idea that it wasn't gonna work and finally I was like this might work

I mean I'm technically pregnant like I am pregnant I'm pregnant

there's HCG something's implanting and so I finally was like okay and so we

tried to like be joyful we still hadn't told our family and friends yet

because we didn't know for sure and I didn't want to do anything until we had

like at least our six week old her sounds but because the number was still

relatively low considering how far I was um they wanted me to come in again in a

few days and so she said at that point we want your blood to be at 245 so I

went in and my blood was at 19 so we lost him

we lost the pregnancy and that sucked because also I was at work then when I

got the call that my numbers had dropped and I took the call and she's like I

don't have good news so I went hid I

went and hid in a filing closet and like kept the lights down low so people would

know I was wouldn't know I was in there and I just slumped against the wall and

just cried and cried and cried and cried oh so that that is the end of IVF -

pretty much well except that I was still not convinced that we had all the

answers I thought that there was still something going on especially now that I

was in the boat of recurrent miscarriage we had two tests done that I'll explain

soon one was MTHFR I'll just tell you I have it and so does this guy and then I

also got natural killer - natural killer cell tests done and I'll tell you that

now - that is elevated anyway we still have a little bit more we want to talk

about with with IVF but that is enough for now

so going forward we're going to talk about the frozen embryo that we had

we'll talk more about MTHFR and the natural killer cells I also want to talk

about IVF supplements and then the full gamut of what we're doing for this plan

I mean that pretty much brings us up to the

current state of where we're at the way we should probably go work on my

brother's yard at this point so thanks for watching and thanks for following

along on this journey please send good vibes ok say goodbye say thanks for

watching to say goodbye thanks for watching my gosh so again I'm like I

can't do anything everything reminds me of fertility I mean to the point where

like I would see people driving beside me and I'd be like oh they were ones I

hope the embryo and their mom got to be pregnant with them like every human

being hurt my feelings this is like not sad somehow this has turned into a


For more infomation >> Our Infertility History: IVF #2, Low HCG, Miscarriage - Duration: 16:12.


I PUSHED HER IN | Day in the Life - Duration: 8:42.


















For more infomation >> I PUSHED HER IN | Day in the Life - Duration: 8:42.


Explicación: Los Tipos de Poderes Más Fuertes (CAP 104) | Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Explicación: Los Tipos de Poderes Más Fuertes (CAP 104) | Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 10:05.


The Little Book (2017) - Duration: 26:13.

The book of Revelation discusses a little book with a thunderous message.

God revealed the truth about the little book thousands of years ago to the Apostle John.

But God also told John not to write it down.

Learn why the little book was kept secret until this end time.

Prove that the little book shows where God is working today-next, on The Key of David,

with Gerald Flurry.

Greetings, everyone.

In the 10th chapter of Revelation of the Bible, it describes a "little book" and what that

little book is all about.

It actually comes on the scene when the Church of God is experiencing the greatest crisis,

perhaps the greatest crisis EVER and certainly it IS the greatest crisis in terms of numbers

because more members REJECTED God at this time than any other era of God's Church.

The little book also comes on the scene when world events are in the worst crisis EVER!

It's never been worse!

And the little book also comes on the scene just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,

and it is actually even a SIGN of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

So there is good news, a lot of good news in this little book, and that's all explained

in chapter 10 of Revelation, the book of Revelation, and the conclusion is in Revelation chapter


But there it talks about the little book having seven thunders.

I mean seven claps of the worst possible thunder you could hear, warnings indeed, warnings,

and at the end very good news.

But seven WARNINGS really.

And when the angel cries out, it says that it's like a LION'S ROAR, and it really ought

to get our attention.

God wants it to get our attention.

That's why you have all these vivid descriptions!

It needs to get our attention!

Now, why IS this little book so important to you?

Why is it so important to you?

Why is it so critical to you?

Because it shows you EXACTLY where God's Work IS and it shows you PRECISELY where the message

of God is going out from, or emanating from, the place in this world.

Where is it?

What does it mean to you?

I mean it's going to reveal where God is, and what's more important than that?

So what is this little book?

Where is it today?

Notice Revelation 10 and verse 1.

It begins describing the little book here: "And I saw another mighty angel come down

from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it

were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:" Now, this is an interesting little verse,

and this angel's face looked like the SUN, and what does that tell you about YOU?

Well, if you look at Hebrews 2, verses 7 and 8, God says He's going to put us over ALL

THINGS, that is, man is going to be created as members of God's Family, sons in God's

Family, and they'll have more BRILLIANCE and more POWER and more might than angels, and

yet it says angels have faces that shine like the sun!

What does that tell you about YOUR future, if you're loyal to God and want to live God's


The POTENTIAL of man is just truly, well, mind-shredding; it's just that great!

But this little book also has a rainbow upon its head, or the angel does, and well, there's

a rainbow around God's throne, so it's letting us know that this is coming from God's throne,

and it's that important that it's coming directly from God's throne!

Then verse 2, it says: "And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right

foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth," that's verse 2, on the sea and the


In other words, this is for the whole world.

And then verse 3 is when the lion roars, or the cry of the angel SOUNDS like a lion's


You have this one BLAST of thunder after another, seven thunders, and then you have this angel

crying out like a lion's ROAR!

This must be terribly important, and it must be a WARNING we should heed!

How could you not see it that way?

The seven thunders-seven is the number of completion.

Once those thunders are completed, Jesus Christ returns to this Earth.

And those thunders are ALREADY sounding and you're hearing them if you're listening spiritually,

all seven of them, and we need to really take note of that.

Verse 4: "And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:

and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders

uttered, and write them not."

So it's revealed over 1900 years ago, but God didn't want it written down then, and

He told John not to write it down, but TODAY He says it would be written down, and we MUST

know where it is and what it is or we can't even understand the book of Revelation.

We must know this!

God put it there for us to know in this end time and you can prove that it's very much

on the scene.

You can absolutely prove this because it's for this end time and it has been written


Verses 5 and 6: "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted

up his hand to heaven, (6) And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created

heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth," this is the source of the little


How could we not heed that message? "and the things that therein are, and the sea, and

the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:" It really means "no more


There's going to be a great change in God's own Church and in world events; they're going

to move much FASTER than they EVER have in the history of man!

Have you noticed a super-fast movement of events in this end time?

Let's say from five years ago or ten years ago or fifteen years ago?

It's phenomenal the changes that are coming upon this world so rapidly; that's EXACTLY

what the little book is talking about.

No more delay!

No more holding things back!

No more slow movement!

Just RACING ahead like, well, the speed of lightning!

So there's a REASON you see why this is all happening though.

This "no more delay," it really revolves around the casting down of Satan and his demons,

and then they became confined to this Earth-all of them, millions of them-and that big change

in world events and in God's Church is because of THAT!

Because of Satan being cast down.

You can see Revelation 12, verses 7 through 12, where it talks about Satan rose up to

fight God and try to overthrow His throne, and then they were cast out.

They lost and they were cast out and totally removed from every place except this Earth,

and now they're confined to this Earth and THAT'S WHY, that's the main reason why you

see events in this world RACING along so fast!

But who believes these prophecies of God?

That Revelation 12 follows immediately after the vision of Revelation 10 and 11 about the

little book.

It's all falling into place and we must know what it means or we won't understand where

we are in Bible prophecy, and we won't understand precisely what is happening and where God

is working and what He is doing!

How important is THAT, would you say?

Verse 8: "And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and

take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the

sea and upon the earth.

(9) And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book.

And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it

shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.

(10) And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in

my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter."

Now, what does that mean?

What is that all about?

Well, God commands His people, His very elect, 'You take that little book and you eat it


You digest it!

And it's going to be sweet as honey in your mouth, but then it's going to be very BITTER

in your belly.'

In other words, there's good news and there's bad news.

But the good news overshadows the bad news by far.

But how can you really digest this great message if you don't really study it and understand

it and prove where it is?

You must know where it is and digest it and see WHY it's as sweet as honey in our mouths

and as bitter as can be in our bellies.

Why is that?

We must KNOW or we don't understand Bible prophecy like we should.

The little book is CRITICAL for you to understand where God is working today and where His message


Now, He said Himself in this end time, this little book is going to be revealed!

It HAS been, and we can prove that to you, but you must know what it is and where it

is, see, if you're going to be protected by God from these terrible events that are racing

along and getting much worse, many times over, a hundred-fold over just a few years ago,

it seems.

But God says, 'Look, I will protect you if you will HEED what that little book says,'

and we're going to send it to you today if you request it, and you can prove that it

IS this little book of Revelation 10.

Notice verse 11.

After we digest the little book, what do we do?

Well, here's the answer: "And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again BEFORE," or concerning

and about, "many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings."

So there's a lot happening and God says, now, those people that have the little book are

going to be out there prophesying AGAIN the way somebody had prophesied before, and then

that work was destroyed and a new work had to be raised up to prophesy AGAIN.

What is THAT all about?

Well, the little book will explain that to you, and it will make it really, really starkly

clear to your understanding.

So this is just a mind-bending message.

Now, that little book is Malachi's Message to God's Church today, a book that we have

and that we'll send to you, and you'll see why it's the little book, and then there's

a companion booklet entitled The Little Book, and it explains to you what the little book


Now, here's an amazing miracle!

That little book was written BEFORE we even knew anything about the TITLE being the little

book, and there was not anything known about the seven thunders.

That's what we can prove to you.

So what does that mean?

Well, it means that God is orchestrating all this.

It's not a work of men; this is what God says HE would do in this end time.

No man can do that!

Men can do NOTHING apart from God.

But HERE God says, 'I'm going to do this in this end time.

I'll make it unfold piece by piece by piece, and then you will see where the little book


You must know!

It has a message that is for this entire Earth, and PARTICULARLY for God's own people.

So we'll hope that you'll request BOTH of those.

You really do need both of them to understand this.

I just explained that to you because, look, only God can reveal something like this, and

it is for this end time.

It's for us today and that little book is on this Earth and is being used and you can

prove all of that.

And how inspiring and how sweet as honey is it in your mouth.

But there is some bad news, as well; that's what the seven thunders are all about.

Except the conclusion, the concluding clap of thunder which is the Second Coming of Jesus


That's the best news we could possibly hear.

But where is that little book?

And what is it?

Well, now you can prove that to yourself.

This is a little book that has seven thunders.

I'll just quickly go through those seven thunders to you.

The first one is the Laodicean Era, or the lukewarm era.

In other words, Satan has LITERALLY taken over God's Church and the people have become


Ninety-five percent of them!

And there's only a little remnant, a little five percent that are willing to get out there

and deliver God's message because they have the little book.

They have been given the little book, and God says then, once you have that little book,

you've got to get out there and prophesy again.

There's a work that has to be done!

There's a work and a message that has to go out to the entire Earth!

And that's why God is using us today if we're getting that message out, and that's why He

protects us because He rewards us for doing the work when it is a work that most people

will only receive as a witness and not do with it what they should.

That's just the way it is and the way it's ALWAYS been with God's message.

Number two, the thunder, is following Elijah, or the end-time Elijah, or the man who preached

the Gospel around the world, the man who became-that's Matthew 24 and verse 14-this man also came

before the Great and the Dreadful Day of the Lord, Malachi 4, verses 5 and 6.

This man ALSO restored ALL things, Matthew 17, verses 10 and 11, but then Satan LITERALLY

overwhelmed the Church of God and destroyed that work for 1150 days, and then God raised

up that little remnant and there was the little book that came on the scene and CLEANSED the

sanctuary, as Daniel 8 says.

And you can read that in our booklet on Daniel, about Daniel, that we have that we'll give

to you.

It's Daniel, Unsealed at Last, and you need to understand that.

It's all very clear if you just study into your Bible.

Number three is the Joshua thunder.

Now, this is some thunder because here is the most pathetic scene probably inside God's

Church because the very high priest in God's own Church is in BONDAGE to the devil!

That's why the Church was taken over and HOW it was taken over.

I mean the person or the being that is in the spotlight here throughout is Satan the

devil, but God of course is in CONTROL of everything.

But Satan just keeps appearing again and again and again.

Thunder number four is the man of sin, or the son of perdition, the son of destruction.

That is a title that was given ONLY to Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ and as

a result he became possessed by Satan the devil, and that's an indication that there's

a man on this Earth in this end time that will have the SAME problem; that's why he's

called the son of perdition.

The only other man who has that title is Judas Iscariot, the man who became possessed by

Satan, the devil.

Then you can see in II Thessalonians 2 where it talks about at Christ's coming, this son

of perdition would come on the scene, and it'll show you there where Satan entered into

Judas and how it all happened anciently and how it's going to happen in this end time.

That man, it says in verse 4, actually exalts himself above God!

Now, you know something's wrong if that's the case.

That's II Thessalonians 2 and all that will be explained to you in the little book.

It's emphasized.

And even Lange's Commentary will tell you that II Thessalonians 2 is about the spirit

of Satan!

And it's all EMPOWERED by Satan's energy.

And Satan is motivating and moving and doing it all himself.

He actually got inside God's own Church and really, really got control of a man.

Now, that's a great danger.

God calls it the mystery of iniquity, or the mystery of lawlessness.

That's just of the devil.

That's what it's about!

Verse 9 in II Thessalonians 2 talks about the wicked.

The King James Version capitalizes the W; they know it refers to Satan, the devil, that

son of perdition being used by Satan the devil.

Then it goes on to talk about THE lie, it should read and DOES in the Greek in verse

11, that strong delusion about THE lie, which is actually Satan showing himself and actually

convincing a lot of people that he is God!

He comes as an angel of light!

And yet people don't understand that, and that's why they're so deceived by him.

Well, it goes on in Revelation 11 and verse 1 talking about the inner court and the outer


The inner court, or the inner temple, is where God dwells!

The outer court is where the rest of God's people are, 95 percent of them in the outer

court; they're not where God dwells!

They're lukewarm!

They've rebelled against God!

They've rejected God's precious truth!

That's why we had the 1150 days of the work being destroyed and it had to be resurrected.

We had to raise up the ruins!

Number five is "prophesy not."

That's what the Church that rejected God DID!

That'll all be explained to you.

They just rejected prophesy, said, 'No!

Don't prophesy!'

And yet God says in Revelation 10 and verse 11, 'You prophesy AGAIN!'

He ALWAYS says, 'Prophesy!'

But men naturally don't like that.

They don't want to be prophesying; they want to be enjoying the "sins of this world."

There's a very short-term enjoyment because those sins bring horrible prophecies to pass

and pain to the people who disobey God.

We need to understand that.

Number six is the Church division.

There's a split in the Church.

That's explained in Revelation 11, verses 1 and 2, inner court, outer court.

The Church is split and should not be.

Then we have in the seventh thunder, Malachi's Message-that IS the little book.

Malachi's Message.

Let me just read to you about that Church split.

Let's go back.

Well, you can see where it says: "And there was given me," verse 1 of chapter 11, "given

me a reed like unto a rod," he has authority, some man does, "and the angel stood saying,

Rise and measure the temple of God."

Rise up!

Rise up and measure the temple!

And he says that court which is without, is going to be given over to the Gentiles, in

the times of the Gentiles, because they rebelled against God and they became lukewarm, and

they wouldn't deliver God's message.

They said, 'Prophesy not!' instead of DOING what God said, and He says, 'Prophesy again!'

Let me just read to you one last scripture here, Revelation 11 and verse 15.

This is the same vision of the little book, and I want to show you the wonderfully good

news that God has for you and for all of us.

Revelation 11 and verse 15, notice this best news you could ever possibly hear.

Verse 15: "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying,

The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our God, and of his Christ; and

he shall reign for ever and ever."

Now, THERE'S the good news!

See, there's certainly quite a lot of bad news here, but God is saying, 'Now, you have

to have the vision to see the END of all this.'

The kingdoms of this world, those EVIL kingdoms that are getting nuclear bombs and HATING

each other and wanting to DESTROY EACH OTHER; that can't go on or there would be no flesh

saved alive, as it says in Matthew 24, verses 21 and 22.

There would be no flesh saved alive.

But Jesus Christ is going to make sure there IS flesh saved alive, there are people saved

alive, and the kingdoms of this world are going to become the Kingdoms of God!

And ALL of this about the little book is just a preface to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!

That's what it's all about!

It's a SIGN of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and it shows you EXACTLY what Christ

is doing now, and what He's going to continue to do until His Second Coming.

Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry, goodbye, friends.

Revelation chapters 10 and 11 contain a pivotal prophecy about the "little book."

Request Gerald Flurry's free booklet The Little Book to learn the vital importance of this

unique message.

God's church receives this warning in a time of "no more delay," the worst time of suffering

in church history.

The little book is delivered by a mighty angel.

It is sweet as honey, but bitter in the belly.

It is a real, tangible book.

You can hold it in your hands and flip through the pages.

Read The Little Book to identify this book and its astounding implications for God's

church and every human being who has ever lived.

It is a story about God's Church gone off track and what God did to correct the tragedy.

Request Gerald Flurry's free book Malachi's [MAL-uh-kye's] Message To God's Church Today

to understand this story of drama, deception, lies, destruction and lawlessness.

Discover how God turned a spiritual crisis into an inspiring story of loyalty, perseverance,

resurrection, redemption and hope.

Read Malachi's Message To God's Church Today to learn how God cut off revelation to His

rebellious church-but restored it a few years later to a tiny remnant of steadfast saints.

Discover the specific strategy that Satan used to destroy God's church-and the marvelous

way that God raised His church from the ashes.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you.

Request The Little Book and Malachi's Message To God's Church Today.

Order now!


For more infomation >> The Little Book (2017) - Duration: 26:13.


Why Forefoot Running May Be More Efficient Than Heel Strike Running - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Why Forefoot Running May Be More Efficient Than Heel Strike Running - Duration: 7:45.


The Flash 4x01 Arrow 6x01 Super Season Trailer Breakdown Killer Frost Returns!!! - Duration: 7:24.

it's not what I had in mind when he said we should hit the town this is my sorry

I'm late the curls were not cooperating this

morning hope you had a light breakfast

it's my car fast she could summon the power to us to protect the city

now on I only date

the weight of the whole city falls on my shoulders

what is good do to boost you here with another video on the flash season for an

arrow season 6 mainly so last night during a special presentation of vixen

CW released a Super Session trailer which shows part of the flash season for

arrow season 6 Super Girl Season 3 an elation Smart's season at 3 so the

show's comeback in this order a super go will be a Monday the 9th of October the

flash Tuesday 10th of October followed by a legends tomorrow again on Tuesday

the 10th of October one hour after the flash and then arrow will be on Thursday

the 12th of October remember it's switch places with

Riverdale so Oliver Queen this might be a late night looking like he's still the

mayor which is interesting because even though we got to see him as the mayor

last season we didn't really get to see much of that mayor side come in from the

arrow season 5 so I'm really looking forward to seeing if they're going to

explore the mayor storyline in more depth as it is quite a big part of the

Green Arrow comic books so Cisco says Cisco's the curls will not be corrupted

or something on them lines so Cisco does have a CCPD badge on him which this

makes sense to me so he can work side oh.what alongside the police without

getting questioned but one thing that needs to be addressed is where was Barry

for six months because when he was disappeared for six month Julian I I

presume wasn't there left a job so did they hire a new CSI temp or something as

Barry Allen was stuck inside the Speed Force for six months I presume in real

time so I believe Joe West will have to tell captain Singh that Barry Allen is

indeed the flash because otherwise he would have got fired and it will make no

sense where Barry Allen was they can't say who was stuck in a coma when he

initially got by lightning so that's gonna have to be

the case captain Singh said you have a light breakfast I was like no I had

pancakes and sausage so berry look she looks very confused in this scene which

could be confused to him looking drunk or hungover but Barry Allen can't get

drunk with normal alcohol I know some people can say yes he can

I know but it was Caitlin snow she made a special kind of drink that could he

couldn't kind of be percept that basically with allowed to get drunk

temporarily but our version the Barry Allen can't

get drunk by normal alcohol this those in a Barry Allen scenes more chilled and

relaxed at this part of trailer but it seems to seem to change later in the

trailer heatwave looks hilarious in this trailer

one of the main reasons why legends is such a fun a light-hearted show we see a

new shot of Deathstroke on the island which looks insanely great from a visual

point of view I can't wait to see this shot of Slade boost and Deathstroke in

our of season 6 whenever this kind of part pops up as we don't know which

episodes are from we can just presume that from the first couple of episodes

so guys I don't know I've not seen anyone talking about this part so maybe

you missed this part but we see killer frost slamming someone's head into a

table which looks like it could be at STAR Labs at glance it maybe looks like

a version of Harrison wells to me but it's hard to tell I think it's just some

more long hair 24 to 25 seconds in if you want to see it I overlay an image

you have to pause it because or slow it down because the trailer does fly pass

pretty fast we see Cat grin said go ahead fry way she's in the White House

cat grant for me is only one of the reasons why I watch Supergirl without

her it lacks character Batman it lacks storyline it lacks everything so the

fact that cat grant is gonna be involved with Supergirl season 3 means I'm

actually gonna watch it so Barry Allen at the weight of the

whole city falls on my shoulders so here we see battery going

to be in himself being a bit more serious looking like he wants to be a

superhero obviously in a clip with captain Singh Barry is just confused

perhaps maybe I don't know the rights did say that we're going to see a very

different version of Barry Allen when he returns from the Speed Force as he would

have lived his life out thousands of times over inside the Speed Force unlike

when Wally was in there for five minutes but inside the Speed Force time is a

linear so it makes no difference how long you're in there when you're in

there you feel like you in there for eternity so we see Dinah Drake in her

new black canary suit which goes over really fast so it's hard to tell how it

looks but for my glands he does look pretty cool I'm such a big kind of fan I

guess of the Dinah Drake character I think it's a potential character that

could be awesome and I'm really looking forward to the kind of relaxed iron

versus black connector storyline it's gonna be awesome so Nate Hayward takes a

selfie with Julius Caesar himself which is pretty ridiculous I'm pretty funny

like I said what heat waves it's a hilarious thing about the show because

as we know we're legends varsity season 2 ended with 2017 dinosaurs being in LA

so if you really think about it guys when time gets back to normal the

picture would never have actually happened when the versions of our

timeline gets fixed so it's pretty funny so everyone over all guys this trailer

it was pretty decent I mean a 30-second clip there were a few parts that I hope

you picked up if I've missed anything guys that you guys picked up on that I

did I mean I went over it a couple of times I mean the killer frost bit where

she stands head and I'm not sure if people see in that so hopefully if you

didn't pick it up you have now picked it up so guys you want to please like

subscribe and comment that would be awesome as it helps the channel grow if

you want to join the warheads crew hit a notification button just below the

subscription button and we will see you in the video

and very soon guys catch ya know you know

For more infomation >> The Flash 4x01 Arrow 6x01 Super Season Trailer Breakdown Killer Frost Returns!!! - Duration: 7:24.


The best gimbal on the market? FEIYU ALPHA 2000 test - Duration: 6:37.

This is my presentation of the Feiyu Tech Alpha 2000 gimbal.

This unit is used by professional filmmakers and vloggers

Feiyu Tech companie provided this testing unit.

This is not a paid video, my comments reflect my true opinion

The packaging is esthetical

,the equipment and its accessories are good looking and truthfully designed.

It comes with an English Instruction Manual.

The overall fit and finish is perfect

Accessories include two batteries

and a little foldable stand.

Easy assembly and quick balancing

Its imprtant to place the camera in the very middle.

If the center of weight is positioned well

you can avoid unnecessary operation of the electric motors

and so you will extend battery run time.

For more about balancing see the link below,

Correct example

"Mode" button to be used to switch on/off

the unite and changing functions.

We can set what sort of movement

would be filtered and stabilized

If I walk around my object I would want to control that

, by turning the lower bar.

You can also turn it upside down.

A great support for better videos.

But for perfect videos you have to use it correctly.

You can hold with two hands for increased stability.

Your elbow bent , arms not stretched out.

Walk relaxed and Softly.

Follow otheese simple golden rules

and the Gimbal will help you create

new videos in a professional art manner.

With Alpha 2000 gimbal

Without gimbal

With Alpha 2000 gimbal

Without gimbal

With Alpha 2000 gimbal

Featuring Bluetooth operation control

There is how to set the time lapse parameters.

I can set a time of the full rotation either horizontal or vertical

but at the same time there is always a horizontal and vertical movement

Note: should you want to film a time lapse of a landscape,

you would find the undesired vertical camera movement problematic.

I think this can be improved with the new version of the Android app.

In case of any related questions please leave a comment.

Thanks for viewing, please like.

Thumbs up, and thanks again to Feiyu Tech providing the Alpha 2000.

That is a lot of help for YouTuber.

By guys have a nice day!

For more infomation >> The best gimbal on the market? FEIYU ALPHA 2000 test - Duration: 6:37.


Celebs Who Let Fame Go To Their Heads - Duration: 6:27.

Fame is an intoxicating drug.

While it often affords a lavish lifestyle and a sweet bank account, it can also be isolating

from the real world.

Fame doesn't care if you're a brand new reality star or a seasoned actor.

It's a ticking time bomb for anyone who can't take the heat.

Justin Bieber

After one of his YouTube cover songs caught the eye of a talent manager in 2009, then-13-year-old

Justin Bieber found himself with a record deal and Usher as his mentor.

While he handled early fame well, things started going south as he approached his 18th birthday.

While Bieber's mom told Vanity Fair in 2011 that she believed her son was a literal gift

from God, Bieber compared himself to "the Beatles.

Michael Jackson.

[And] Tupac."

Bieber slowly transformed from squeaky clean pop star to bad boy wannabe, as the details

of his life, like his relationship with Selena Gomez, suddenly turned into sleazy tabloid


Bieber eventually ran afoul of the law after allegedly egging a neighbor's house with his

buddies, and not even two weeks later, he was arrested for drag racing while allegedly


There were also the drugs, racist jokes, public urination, and lots of assault.

There was--- also a habit of storming off stage and leaving fans hanging if he's in

a bad mood:


Taylor Swift

Tay-Swift's initial fame was refreshingly free of controversy.

However, the star's ego revealed itself when she ignited a Twitter feud with Nicki Minaj

by needlessly injecting herself into Minaj's criticism of the 2015 VMAs.

The two eventually made nice, but The Guardian called Swift "at best...patronizing and ignorant;

at worst vacuous and self-absorbed."

Swift nabbed the spotlight again in 2016 thanks to a fling with Tom Hiddleston and #Taymerica.

But just two weeks later, Kim Kardashian would rain on her PR parade by releasing a series

of Snapchats that showed Swift approving of the lyrics to Kanye West's "Famous," despite

acting blindsided and hurt by them in the press.

To the public, Swift suddenly looked like a liar and more manipulative than ever.

But, speaking of team Kimye...

Kanye West

Kanye West's ego knows no bounds.

According to Newsweek, the rapper's even gone so far as to compare himself to Steve Jobs

and Walt Disney.

But that attitude may have cost Yeezy his closest friend and supporter.

In November 2016, West made headlines after going on an unhinged rant about best bud Jay

Z, as well as his wife Beyoncé, during a concert, then stopping the show after only

15 minutes.

Kanye would be hospitalized for psychiatric evaluation a few days later, but insiders

allege that stay was purely for insurance purposes.

Jay remained quiet until June 2017 when he dropped his new album, 4:44, which included

a direct shot at Kanye.

The diss lyric not only reignited a feud between the two rappers, but also dragged their whole

families into it.

While Kanye's ego is almost entirely to blame, according to Page Six, there's also another

reason: "We're told the feud stems from West 'forcing [his wife] Kim Kardashian' on the


Reese Witherspoon

When most people think about out-of-control celebs, Reese Witherspoon probably doesn't

come to mind.

But in 2013, the actress let her fame get the best of her when her husband/agent Jim

Toth was pulled over for drunk driving in Atlanta.

Instead of cooperating with the police, the presumably drunk Witherspoon allegedly began

arguing with an officer and found herself charged with disorderly conduct, according

to TMZ.

"I'm a US citizen, and I'm allowed to stand on American ground…"

And after the actress demanded the cop's attention, she got cuffed.

"I'm now being arrested in hand cuffs?

Do you know my name, sir?"

"You're about to find out who I am."

After the A-list rant, Toth told the cops, "I'm sorry.

I had nothing to do with that."

To her credit, the Legally Blonde actress apologized for her actions and hasn't shied

away from addressing the embarrassing incident.

She said in a press conference, "I guess maybe we all like to define people by the way the

media presents them, and I think that I showed I have a complexity that people didn't know


It's part of human nature.

I made a mistake.

We all make mistakes.

The best you can do is say sorry and learn from it and move on."

Katy Perry

Katy Perry has remained relatively scandal-free — however, according to Mic, she's skirted

controversy when it comes to cultural appropriation, and hasn't shown the best judgment when it

comes to racial sensitivity.

While those musical choices could easily be chalked up to unfortunate creative decisions

made by her team, Perry personally overstepped her bounds by making a racially-charged joke

about Barack Obama, via Instagram Live:

"Aww, someone says, 'I miss your old, black hair.'

Oh, really, do you miss Barack Obama as well?

Okay, times change.


The Internet lit up, with tweets from critics, like, "What does black hair have to do with

Barack Obama?

You're cancelled katyperry" and "Wow Katy Perry.

The reference to former President Obama was offensive & a poor, tasteless attempt at humor.

Your privilege is showing."

The situation got so bad that Perry arranged a live-stream conversation with Black Lives

Matter activist, DeRay McKesson.

She seemed genuinely sorry, but situations like this won't go away with a PR stunt.

Shia LaBeouf

Transformers star Shia LaBeouf at least managed to finish the third film in the series before

his ego got the best of him.

It was then that he proceeded to trash the Transformers franchise that gave him the opportunity

to work in independent film, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

But LaBeouf was just getting started.

After attempting to prove himself as an artist, he got caught plagiarizing a Daniel Clowes

graphic novel for a short film.

LaBeouf initially apologized and admitted his mistake, but soon changed his tune, saying

the entire incident was actually a performance art piece.

LaBeouf soldiered on, embarking on a series of elaborate art pieces that were predominantly

focused on "examining" his celebrity status.

But most of them just looked like excuses for everyone to pay attention to LaBeouf,

which bored even him to sleep.

Lindsay Lohan

While fame slowly crept up on other celebrities, Lindsay Lohan sprinted straight toward it

and immediately found herself hooked on exactly the wrong kind.

The Mean Girls star aggressively courted paparazzi attention, according to Vanity Fair, which

only furthered her reputation as an out-of-control party girl.

It didn't help that, at the time, gossip sites like TMZ were starting to grow in popularity.

The studios could no longer explain away her on-set antics as a case of "exhaustion" when

there were clear-as-day photos of her partying all over the internet.

Despite two DUI arrests and being called out by Jane Fonda, Lohan failed to change her

ways, and her career went down the drain.

While she was handed opportunities for a comeback, Lohan continued to be an unpredictable nightmare

to work with, according to the New York Times' account of her behavior while filming The


The message was loud and clear to Hollywood: Lohan isn't worth the risk.

Insurance companies wouldn't touch her, and directors were all but guaranteed days of

screaming matches and mysterious disappearances.

However, in June 2017, Lohan shocked the entertainment world by landing a role on British TV series

Sick Note.

Could this finally be the career turning point she's been talking about for a decade?

We'll just have to wait to find out.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Celebs Who Let Fame Go To Their Heads - Duration: 6:27.


Arnold from Opal | Synthetic Oil Change - Duration: 0:07.

My name is Arny Williams

I come from Opal

I came to Redwater Dodge today to get my oil changed!

For more infomation >> Arnold from Opal | Synthetic Oil Change - Duration: 0:07.


Mother charged in connection with child's death - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Mother charged in connection with child's death - Duration: 1:33.


Jeong Sewoon Feat. Sik-K – JUST U (vostfr) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Jeong Sewoon Feat. Sik-K – JUST U (vostfr) - Duration: 3:24.


Inglés para Empresas - Ejecutiva de PepsiCo Karla (Mexico) - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Inglés para Empresas - Ejecutiva de PepsiCo Karla (Mexico) - Duration: 1:24.


[170831] 溫新聞 #24 溫哥華本週精選必去的5個活動 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> [170831] 溫新聞 #24 溫哥華本週精選必去的5個活動 - Duration: 2:53.


Grings - Regra de L'Hospital - ( Aula 8 ) - Duration: 23:42.

For more infomation >> Grings - Regra de L'Hospital - ( Aula 8 ) - Duration: 23:42.


Die Realität des Selbstmordes - Duration: 10:15.


In this video, we will talk a little bit about the issue of suicide.

As we all know, Switzerland has some of the highest cases of suicide in Europe.

Every year 15,000 to 25,000 people try to commit suicide.

More than 1000 people are successful. This is 3 times more than traffic related deaths.

What is the reason people are committing suicide?

What can one do against it?

Is there a solution?

I recently saw an interview in Tages Anzeiger (a local newspaper) of a professor and a psychiatrist.

The reporter asked: Switzerland is at the top in Europe.

We have some of the highest living standards in Switzerland.

Why are we nevertheless among the unhappy ones?

The professor answered: This is always a difficult question. There are no clear answers.

In a superficial way, the educated professor and psychologist is right.

From a material point of view, there is no explanation why someone should take their life in a prosperous country

or why more people commit suicide in Switzerland than in poorer countries.

People who try to commit suicide are trying to escape from suffering or misery.

In the case of drugs, a person feels he can escape simply through forgetfulness of his existence.

In the case of suicide, a person feels his only means of escape is to end his existence.

In both cases, a person wants to escape from misery, that is to end or to forget his existence.

If you were to add all the heavy drug users (illegal and legal such as anti-depressants)

and all the people who have tried to commit suicide, the result would be a huge portion of the population.

With this, it is clear to see that a vast number of people in the West are miserable and feel they have no purpose in life.

The origin of the suffering of a person can have many reasons but from the above statement we can agree

that the solution of the problem cannot be found externally.

To understand the problem of suicide we must first recognize our true essence as eternal spiritual beings,

that we are a spiritual spark, a part and parcel of the Supreme Being.

To experience happiness and fulfillment,

we have to fulfill our eternal function as the loving servants of the Supreme Soul.

What we really need is Love.

To be loved and to love. Love for the highest being - love for God.

Suicide is not a solution. It will not end the true problem or one's existence.

The self is of a spiritual nature; it is imperishable and is not slain when the body is slain.

In addition, the self will take whatever feelings and desires he had at the time of death along with him.

If he committed suicide because he was sad or lonely,

he will still feel lonely, unloved and unhappy after the suicidal act.

Furthermore, he will come into a hellish situation.

They become a ghost and experience even greater suffering.

Devoid of a gross physical body but still covered by the subtle body, (mind, intelligence and false ego), they live as a ghost.

In this ghostly state, they continue to desire enjoyment and relationship

but they don't have a gross body to use anymore.

Consequently, they experience great frustration and anxiety.

So, suicide would make one's situation worse.

It would be like jumping from a frying pan into the fire.

To solve the problem, we must learn what is true pleasure.

What is true happiness and what a person really needs to be truly satisfied.

A hedonist claims that sensual pleasure is the highest form of pleasure,

and that sensual pleasure is enough to make a person truly happy.

But if that were the case, we would not have any suicide in Switzerland.

There are so many wealthy people who have lived a hedonistic life

yet they are so miserable that they are taking drugs or committing suicide.

In other words, the limits of sensual pleasure are recognized.

What people really need is spiritual food.

Spiritual food is, briefly said, the all-expansive love and service to the Supreme Being.

Such unconditional love in the heart quenches the fire of craving, dissatisfaction and frustrations.

A successful society develops materially but also spiritually.

In a balanced society, where people have information about their own spiritual self

and also know the real source of happiness, the problem of suicide becomes very small.

And if someone applies this information in their daily and personal lives,

the issue of suicide can actually be solved.

Thank you very much.


For more infomation >> Die Realität des Selbstmordes - Duration: 10:15.


SnackCrate Unboxing - France Part 2! - Duration: 10:20.

[singing] Happy Birthday to me!


But, yeah.

Back by popular demand…


So, my mom enjoys these videos so much…

I think it's just 'cause she likes to see Fella.

That's what I think.

[laughter] Um, she enjoys these videos so much that she

decided to give this SnackCrate subscription to me for my birthday early.

I realize it's August.

Or, probably not October when this video goes up.

'Cause I'm an October baby.

Uh, was supposed to be September

Anywho! That's a different story.


So let's get into this SnackCrate opening.

Thank you again to my awesome mama for gifting this to me.

[scissors cutting tape] Okay, that's open.

Now we're going to open the box and show you guys first, 'cause that's a little

bit of a tradition.

Welcome if this is your first time seeing SnackCrate.

Also, I don't know- sorry that was kind of a teaser there in case you saw what was in it.

Tell me!! Tell me!!

Um, if, uh, what was I gonna say?

I don't know!

If I think of it I'll let you know.

Um, Oh!

That's what I was gonna say.

This might be a new one, this might be a repeat.

I have no idea.

I don't find out until I open them.

So here is what the inside looks like with the paper.

[papers fall] Oh oh.

[gasp] It's France again!



Okay, that's kind of why I signed up for it when I did.

Because I really enjoyed the France one.

Pop back over to, um, the previous video with France.

Oh I'm so excited it's France again!

Oh I'm so excited.

Okay, so I'm going to take off this little sticker.

And then I'll show you guys what's inside.

Yay there's the strawberry things again!

Oh I love those so much.

I'm so glad I get more.


So here's what the inside looks like.

Okay, so we already know I like those I do believe I need to pop some of those into my

mouth again.

Just because I love them so much.

I'm so glad it was France again.

[while laughing] Somebody just drove by and saw me dancing

and chewing.

That was pretty funny.

She was like [makes face] looking through my window at me.

Alright, so these chips I've tried before.

Go ahead, go back to the other video. I won't mind.

Welcome back!

Okay, so I've tried these before kinda boring, didn't have a whole lot to them.

I'll leave those for later since I've had them before.


Why is there green tea Kit-Kat in this awesome box?

Why is there like, Japanese stuff in here with France?

I don't mind though, I love these.

[opening packaging and sniffle] So green tea Kit-Kat, you can also find these

at Rocket Fizz.

Not sponsored.

They're green.

And they taste like Starbucks's Green Tea Frappuccinos.

Which I'm slightly addicted to.

Thanks Jake.

Another thing I see in here that I've had before is…

This, and this has coconut, so we're gonna go ahead and leave that for Husband.

Aw, bummer.

This next item that I was going to look at turns out has coconut in it.

So we're gonna leave these for Husband.

I might try a tiny little bite.

But it also seems like it wouldn't be safe for braces.

Shout out to Bailey Orthodontics.

If you're looking for a great place to make your smile even better than it was before…

Head on over there and tell 'em I sent ya!

So these look like [Fella woofing quietly] What?

What's wrong?


He is whispering to somebody.

What do you see?

[growl] Really!?

What Baby? I don't see anybody.


Where are you going?

No, what are you doin'?

Okay, bye.

Well, Fella's bored.

[woof] What?

[dog shakes off] Oh good rattle!

Okay, so these have coconut in them [dog hacks] And they look like…

[dog gags] Oh…

So these look like they have coconut in them and they look like they won't be safe for


But they are called Carambars.

And they are "carmel", caramel, "carmel".

Looks like there's three original, one strawberry, one lemon, and one raspberry.

That's really too bad that I can't have these.

I'll let you know what Husband thinks of them.

And I will read through what this says about them.

"Rich caramel mixed with cocoa and formed into thin sticks.

Each candy has jokes written on the inside of the wrapper."


I love jokes.

Leave your favorite joke in the comments!

I would love to hear your favorite joke.

I love puns.

Let's try these guys.

They look like gummy candies.

[package rustles] Ooh.


I'm thinkin' it might be bubblegum flavored.

This is really cool.

Alright, well, I'm gonna open these up.

They look like little soda bottles.

Hopefully you can see that.

So we'll try one.


Oh sour!



That has quite the bubblegum aftertaste.

That was really good, I really enjoyed those.

Be careful with braces on those, they're very chewy.

And jaws, be careful with your jaws.

Let's see what the handy-dandy flyer says about the bubblegum candies.

Lutti Bubblizz "Pink and blue gummy bottles with a slight fizz.



I agree with that.

I agree that they are delicious.

Yup, I like that.

Alright, let's do…

This guy!

He looks like a candy bar.

So we're gonna try this tasty looking, pinky waving, Nuts.

Looks like hazelnuts.

Alright so it is a chocolate bar.

[packaging rattles]

It's a super hero WEEEERRRRR.


Super creamy.

That's really good.

Oh man.

Creamy, chocolately.

Almost tastes like Nutella.

In a candy bar.

With a small tiny bit of caramel that feels like it's safe for braces.

But I'm not a professional so don't take my word on that.


[while sighing] Oh that was so good.

[package crinkles] Moving right along "Jug-a-jung-jug-a-jung".

Let's try… this.




Ooh raspberry.

I think?

That's really good.

Let's see what this says about the raspberry thing and about the Nut thing.

"A delicate crunchy wafer with a ras--rich raspberry filling."

That was really good!

That's really cool.

And then the Nestle Nuts. [clears throat] Excuse me.

"Milk chocolate candy bar with a filling of caramel and hazelnuts."

That was so good.

I'm so glad there's two of those.

Those will be devoured.

Alright, the last thing that has yet to be tried.

…is this thing called Rose Drops.

Let's see.

Looks like they're little mints.

[shaking mints] Maracas!

Alright, I think that's maybe how you open it?

[pops open] Oh oh!

How cool is that there's a little tabby openy.

Doesn't really smell like anything yet.

[shaking mints out] Oh they look like fat little TicTacs.

I don't need that many, I just wanted one.

There we go! [snaps closed]

That's delicious!


Let's see what this says!

"Small mints flavored with rose petals and licorice.

A great after dinner treat."

Those are really good.

I definitely taste the licorice and I love licorice.

And again, in the little [big sigh] whatever this thing is.

It has fun facts and I read a couple of those back in my other video.

So if you'd like to hear some fun facts head back over there.

Well I'm so glad I got France again.

I was kind of hoping that I would because I really enjoyed these Haribo strawberry flavored,

circus peanut textured, awesomeness-es.

So yeah, that was pretty cool.

Well thanks again for joining me for France's SnackCrate.

If you'd like your own, head on over to

Again: I am not sponsored by them.

This was an early birthday gift from my mom.

Um, so yeah.

Let me know your favorite joke, and your favorite French snack in the comments.

Thank you guys so much for watching, I'll see you next time.


[clicking] Turn off!!!

For more infomation >> SnackCrate Unboxing - France Part 2! - Duration: 10:20.


How to Sign: Want You Gone - Duration: 9:31.

Hey, guys. My name is Sarah.

And today I'm going to teach you how I PSE signed

"Want You Gone" from the video game called Portal.

Let's start.

Remember that the screen might be flipped.

This is my right hand, and this is my left hand.

Learn the signs accordingly to what your dominant hand is.

I'm right handed, so whatever I sign on my right hand

Should be what you sign on your dominant hand.

It starts off with the first verse, which is

"Well here we are again."

So I said, "We--" and "We" is a "K" hand. Like, "you and me."

"We're here again."

"It's always such a pleasure--"

I just said, "It's always--" which is this (demonstrates)

"It's always nice to see you."

"Remember when you tried to kill me twice?"

I said, "Remember you tried--"

I've seen two versions of "Try."

An "A" hand like this

Or "T" hands.

I prefer "T" hands. There's no reason for it.

"To kill--"

And, "Kill--," The best way I can describe it is

Your finger is a knife and this is a body

And you're stabbing someone and twisting the knife in.

Not a nice description, but that's what the sign is trying to show.

"Kill me twice."

And the sign I've seen for "twice" is a "K" hand against a flat hand and up like this.


And since GLaDOS was talking about how this was something that happened in the past

I did the sign for "before"

So I said, "Remember you tried to kill me twice before."

"Oh, how we laughed and laughed--"

I said, "We laughed--" And I repeated the sign for "laugh" a lot.


"Except--" I said, "But I was not laughing."

"Under the circumstances, I've been shockingly nice--"

I didn't directly translate this.

I did my own interpretation of it

Because I couldn't really figure out how to sign it correctly.

So I said, "I'm thinking about this."

I was trying to show that I'm thinking about it.

"Thinking about-- I'm thinking about this."

"I've been shockingly nice."

I said, "Why--" Which is--

I've seen two versions of "Why"

You could have it come off and close into a "Y" hand

Or you can have your middle finger going like this.

"Why have I been nice to you?

And since that is an extended answer question, I had my eyebrows furrowed.

So instead of "Under the circumstances, I've been shockingly nice,"

I said, "I'm thinking about this. Why am I nice to you?"

If you have another way you want to sign this, go right ahead.

"You want your freedom--" I said "You want to become--"

And "become" is like this.

"Free." And the sign I've seen for "Free" is two "F" hands crosing each other.

"Free." And since that is a yes or no question

Like, "Do you want to be free?"

I have my eyebrows raised

Because you have your eyebrows raised if it's a yes or no question

Meaning it can be answered with "yes" or "no"

And you have them furrowed when it's an extended answer question

"So you want your freedom--"

"Take it--" I said, "Go on."

Like, "You want to become free?"

"Go on."

I've seen this before.

For, like, "Go on," "Do it," "Whatever."

Um, so, "You want to become free? Go on."

"That's what I'm counting on--" I said, "That's what I want to happen."

"I used to want you dead--"

I said, "I wanted you dead--"

And "dead" is, like, (demonstrates)

It's supposed to convey rolling over and dying.

It's not nice, but that's what it's trying to convey.

"Dead before--"

So, "I wanted you dead in the past."

"But now--"

And by the way, "now" is closing into "Y" hands.

"Now I only--"

"Only," You start with a "D" hand like this

And turn it around like this.

"Only want you gone."

And then it moves on to the second verse, which is

"She--" so I said, "Girl" and I pointed over there, so, "The girl is over there."

"She was like you"

And "like" is a "Y" hand like this.

"Maybe not quite as heavy--"

I just said, "Fat"

And the sign I've seen for "fat" is (demonstrates)

Like that.


"Quite as heavy,"

So I said, "Maybe not fat like you."


"Now little--"

I don't think she meant "Little Caroline" is literally little, like she's an inch tall.

I figured "little Caroline" means "Young Caroline."

So I did the sign for "Young."

Which is this (Demonstrates)

It's this hand formation reaching up like this.

"Caroline." And I fingerspelled that.

"Is in here, too--" I just said, "Is here."


"One day-- one day."

"They woke me up--"

So I said, "Wake-up me."

"So I could live forever."

I said, "So I can live--"

I did this.

This sign here.

"Live forever."

"It's such a shame the same will never happen to you--"

I said, "It's a shame the same thing will never happen to you."

And then it moves on to the next build-up, which is

"You have your short--" I said, "Little sad life--"

And the sign I did for "life--" You can either do this or this. The same goes for when you sign "live."

But I did this.

So, "Life."

"Leftover," I just (demonstrates) "That's it."

And then I said "That's what I want to happen."

You know, like "I want you to have you--"

You know, like I did before.

"I'll let you get right to it--"

I said, "I'll let--"


I don't really know how to describe that.

"I'll let you get right to it--" I said, "Start--"

Which is this hand formation with your finger here and twist it.

"I'll let you start fast."

"Now I only want you gone."

And then it moves on to the third verse, which is


I said, "Good bye."

You can just say "Bye," or whatever.

I said, "Goodbye."

"My only friend."

"Oh, did you think I meant you?"

And since that is a "Yes or no" question

You have you eyebrows furrowed--

Eyebrows up, sorry.

"That would be funny if it weren't--" I said, "Not"

"So sad."

Uh, "You have been replaced."

"You have been replaced--"

It's an "F" hands changing places with the other one.

"You have this. Have this instead."

So, "Replace."

It replaces the position.


"I don't need--"

And "Need" is an "X" hand going down once.

If you do it twice, it means "Should."

Once is "need."

"Need any--"

And "Any" is an "A" hand like this.

"One--" So "Any one now."

"When--" And "When" is rotating around your finger and landing on it.

"When I delete--"

And "delete--" The sign I've seen for "delete" is your left hand is like this

And you have an "X" with your right hand and you flick it like this.

"When I delete you maybe--"

It's like weighing options.

"Maybe I'll stop feeling--"

And "feeling" is your middle finger dragging up your chest.

"Feeling so sad."

And then, because...

If you played the original video game, in the credits they have the lyrics to the song.

And when it came time that GLaDOS says, "when I delete you maybe I'll stop feeling so sad."

It said those lines were redacted.

It said those lines were redacted, so, like...

GLaDOS was pretending she never said it.

So she didn't mean to say it.

So I did this.

Like, "I shouldn't have said that."

Or... something... (laughs)

Then it's on to the third and final build-up/chorus.

And it's "Go make some new disaster."

I did the sign for "go on"

"Go on, make--" I said, "Cause--"

"Cause a new disaster."

"That's what I'm counting on--"

I said, "I don't care."

I know it's a different meaning--

So, "Go on and cause a new disaster, I don't care."

And "Don't care" is like this.

That's just what I chose to do.

"You're someone else's problem--"

Two bent "V" hands like this.

"Now I only want you gone."

And then a repeat of that.

And then that's the end of the song, so...

I hope you enjoyed

And I hope you learned something.

And I will see you again next time.



For more infomation >> How to Sign: Want You Gone - Duration: 9:31.


Finder Preferences | The Mac with your face, very handsome ! - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> Finder Preferences | The Mac with your face, very handsome ! - Duration: 10:04.


THE HITMAN'S BODYGUARD - Review [SUB ITA] - Duration: 5:17.

Hi guys it's Debbie and today I would like to speak about "The Hitman's

Bodyguard", a comedy-action film directed by Patrick Hughes and starring Ryan

Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek and Gary Oldman. Ryan Reynolds portrays

Michael Bryce, a once very successful and highly requested personal bodyguard

but which unfortunately failed to protect one of his clients, resulting in

his death. So although his skills in the field of personal protection are still

exceptional, this negative event leads Bryce to end up living a miserable

existence as a sad, cheap, depressed bodyguard.

Samuel L. Jackson instead portrays convicted hitman Darius Kincaid. He's

considered one of the most dangerous man on earth because of his unreasonably high

body count and his unreal ability of getting out of any sticky situation.

Kincaid's wife Sonia is also in jail but she is offered the life-changing

opportunity of walking free if Kincaid agrees to testify against the ill-famed

dictator of Belarus. Kincaid's testimony is organised but things soon slip out

of control when this ruthless dictator sets his men on the hunt for Kincaid

before the trial can take place. And Kincaid ends up being protected by our

good old bodyguard, Michael Bryce. The two men end up in an insane journey across

various countries, getting into countless fights and escaping from very rough

situations. When I first saw the trailer for this film I wasn't interested in it

even on the slightest level. I expected it to be ridiculous and boring and I

thought it was just taking advantage of the "Ryan Reynolds as funny Deadpool

factor". Well I was wrong. Although it is after all just a simple summer

box-office hit, I found it very fun and entertaining and in particular I liked

the dialogues and the chemistry between the two main characters. Bryce

and Kincaid have completely opposite personalities, but they clash on the fact

of wanting to be the best when it comes down to fighting. Kincaid is definitely

more skilled in combat, he is older, he acts more instinctively, he has seen

more on the field but he appears more cold-hearted, claiming that being a

hitman doesn't necessarily equal to doing something wrong. Instead Bryce

always sticks to the protocol, to rules, he never strays away from the plan and

often criticises Kincaid for his cold heart. But throughout the journey, with

its ups and downs, both characters discover that they can learn something

from one another and they start to reflect upon their personal past and

their decisions. And after all the general idea of this plot is just that

of a very long journey with a series of "obstacles" along

the way, so we needed good dialogues, a good chemistry between the characters,

something which would keep us watching and laughing for two hours. And Ryan

Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson definitely managed to convey on screen the eternal

bickering, fighting, discussion filled bond which forms between the two

characters, with many lines which I think were actually improvised, giving us the

feeling of watching two people, not two actors playing them. But the film also gave

us continuous references to Samuel L. Jackson's angry, menacing looking,

swearing, debatable, somewhat knowledgeable and thought-provoking

characters. For example Bryce often complains about how his protégée has

absolutely ruined the concept of a specific swear word he often says,

stripping it of all of its meaning. I also liked the character of Sonia,

Kincaid's wife. She's portrayed by Salma Hayek and is a dangerous, demanding,

arrogant felon which spends her time in jail acting as a queen, rudely

interacting with her guards and cellmates and insulting Kincaid for

letting her get behind bars. But we soon discover that deep down she has a

heart and she cares for her husband. I know there have been complaints about

the film being too simple and overflowing with action cliches, but I

believe one of the real goals of this film was actually that of embracing

every possible overused concept we have seen in the last 20-30 years of action

films and use it as a comedic device. We have characters jumping off rooftops

into dumpsters, highly unfeasible car chases, groan-worthy one-liners, huge

explosions billowing behind the character silhouettes, unlikely calm

phone calls during highly stressful situations, fist fights in bars in

central America and so many other familiar stunts. For example Bryce

calmly speaking about his client while a huge explosion packed attack is going

on behind his back, just for pure comedic effect and to wink at all the over

repetitive features we all know so well from comedy-action films. It's obviously

a film which knows its limits and doesn't aim at being a game-changing

masterpiece in the world of cinema. But if I could pick a feature to change, I

would cut the running time by 15... even 30 minutes. More than once it was nearly

on the edge of slipping and becoming boring, but

in the end it never did, it always then just managed to pull us back into the story.

Also if you're into action films and want to enjoy a good fistfight or car

chase this film is packed to the brim with punches, explosions, kevlar,

machine guns but differently from other comedy-action films it tries to not make

too much fun out of the violence. It doesn't portray the villain, the dictator,

as the baddie with evil plans, which just ends up making the audience laugh. Gary

Oldman as the dictator has a very short screen time but yet we had already

enough material to absolutely despise him and want our characters to make it

to the trial. So out of all the comedies which have been released this summer (and

I'm speaking of films like "Rough Night", "Snatched") "The Hitman's Bodyguard" is easily

one of the best ones. Let me know what you think about this film with a comment

here below. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did make sure to subscribe for more

movie-related content. See you soon, bye!

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