Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 30 2017

CHRIS [voice-over]: I was the wrestling champion of the world,

until I lost it all.

Now I'm starting over, and I'm going to be

the greatest actor of all time.

If someone else said that to you,

you probably wouldn't believe them.

But I'm Chris Jericho.

♪ ♪ ♪

CHRIS: You know, you've got to

wonder how good of an acting coach this guy

must be if he's accepting Groupons.

>> I don't know.

I heard really good things about this guy.

> Yeah, maybe so.

But he's like ten minutes late.

>>> Exactly!

[German accent] Where is this famous

acting teacher if he's ten minutes late?

I demand a refund.

> Relax, it's --

>>> No! I will not relax!

I paid good money for this course!

Who is this person I hear so much about?

What's he doing, preying on our money?

It's bull-you-know-what.

And I will not stand for it!

If he's not here in ten minutes, I'm out of here!

> It's really not worth getting so excited about.


>>> Fooled you!


Ohhh, people.

It's me, your acting teacher A. J. Merkin.

Now how many people out there thought

that I was actually a young acting student,

eager to learn?

No, fooled you, newbie.

That was actually one of my most famous characters,

Horst Blueker, the German exchange student

from the 1986 indie comedy

School of Har-Har Knocks,

starring a very young Chad Blower.

Much younger than I had been led to believe.

Umm, I think it was Shakespeare,

William, who said

"All the world's a vampire,

and we are nothing but actors in it."

I think that that would've had more of an impact

if any of you had seen my Planet Suck series.


No one?

Homework for you: why don't you watch

all of the Suck movies.

Anyway, enough about me.

Some of you might notice that we have a new one here.

A new eager student.

What's your name, eager student?

> Hi, my name is Chris.

Chris Jericho

>>> Chris Jericho

What a musical name.

Hmmm? What a historical name.


"The walls of Jericho."

Tell me something, Chris Jericho:

if I blow your horn, will your walls come tumbling down?


> I don't think so.

>>> Give it time.

Chris Jericho, what is it about

the dramatic arts that draws you in?

> I...just want to do it.

I want to act.

>>> Not good enough!!

I'm going to ask you one more time.

What is it about acting that draws you in?

> Ummm, I want to study the craft of acting?

I want to become a better entertainer,

and just learn.

>>> Really.

>> Yeah.

>> I do it for the chicks.


No, seriously, I do it for the chicks.

The chickens.

I keep chickens in my backyard,

for the eggs.

You know what we like to do, Chris,

with our new students?

We like to have them improvise a scene.

How about that, newbie?

Would you like to "do-bie" a scene?

>> It's okay. I'm good.

>> Oh, you're good.

If you're so good,

then why don't you prove it?

>> Oh, that's not what I meant.

>> Oh, really?

Is there anybody out there

who would like to help our "good" acting student,

Chris Jericho, prove how "good" he is?


>> Okay.


>> Come on.

Ohh, watch the props.


Chris, come along.

Get up!

>> Okay.

>> Up we go!

Watch your big feet.


>> Hi. >> Hi!

>> Get to know each other, I won't be far.

♪ ♪ ♪

Where'd that come from?


Come on, let's go.

Come along, Chris.

Don't be afraid. Sit down.

Oh, you're a big boy.


So, here we are.

>> Mmm-hmm.

>> First scene.

Your first improvised scene.


>> Uh, I guess.

>> Good. You should be excited.

Now, here's what's going to happen.

The two of you are teenagers

discovering the pleasures of the human body

for perhaps the first time.

CHRIS: Mr. -- umm --

>> Call me A. J.

Or "Aj".

>> Okay, "Aj".

I have to be honest with you,

and this is not a slight to you,

I feel really uncomfortable doing this.

>> Oh, okay.

>> He feels uncomfortable.

>> I'm sorry.

>> Yeah, we're both sorry about that.

But I'd like to say something:

this is a safe space. You're safe here.

Isn't he safe here?

>> Very safe.

>> This is all a little bit sudden for you.


Feel you've been thrust into things before you prepared?

Well, that's the nature of the acting beast.

In acting, you must always be prepared

for anything.

You must be ready to give yourself over

[whispering] to the thrust.

What if that young actor in American Pie

said he wasn't comfortable with sexing an apple pie?

>> That's not really a good analogy, Aj.

And, besides, American Pie?

In your acting class?

The acting in that movie was awful.

>> Hmmm....

Hear that?

American Pie factually was nominated for

two Teen Choice awards,

and managed to win both of them:

Choice Comedy, and Choice Sleezebag.


>> Okay, whatever.

Alright, let's try this.

>> Okay.

>> Good.

So, in the scene, you will be football hero, Branson --

handsome, popular, charismatic, good-looking --

and you will be Gwen --

best student in school, most beautiful, most popular,

and the apple of her Daddy's eye.


>> Okay.

>> What will happen is

the two of you will be making love,

and I will walk in on you, as the father,

and catch you in flagrante delicto.

>> Okay.

>> Oh, yes, and action.

Now, I'll just be on the other side of this door,

so don't be afraid, I won't be gone for long.

>> Okay.

>> And, action.

>> Daddy won't be back until 7:00, so if we're gonna

do this, we're gonna have to just do it fast.

>> Okay, let's do this.

>> Chris, take her shirt off.

>> What?

>> Take her shirt off.

>> It's okay.

>> What kind of an acting class is this?

>> He does it every week.

>> What, soft-core porn?

>> I don't know.

It's okay.

Just breathe.


>> Chris! Chris.

Ask if she wants you to use a condom.

>> What?

Ask if she wants you to use a condom!

It's the 90s, get with it.

>> Do you want to use a condom?

>> Uhh...... Yeah.

>> Yes.

>> Yes. Yes.

For sure.

>> Okay.

>> Here.

What, you want me to put it on for you?

>> How far do you want me to go with this?

>> How far are you willing to go?!


Don't worry, you won't have to have sex with her.

I just want you to mime it with your clothes on.


>> Okay.

>> Okay.

>> Wait aren't you going to put the condom on?

>> Ohhh, yeah yeah.

>> It's okay.

>> I always hate unravelling these things.

>> Just stay positive.

That's pretty good.

>> Interesting choice.


Enter her!

>> I did!

>> Really?

Well maybe you'd like to practice on me then.

>> No, no, no!

>> He's in!

[ bed squeaking ]

>> Are you gonna come in here?

>> Huh? Oh, yes. Of course.

Hey there kids!

>> Pastor McGee!

>> What are you doing?

>> I'm sorry for having sex with your daughter.

>> Having sex with my baby girl?

>> Yes, sir, please don't kick me out of Bible camp.

>> Okay, I won't.

And..... scene.


Oh my goodness!

You nailed it!

>> Thank you!

>> Yes!

Very good!

Everybody, give them a hand! Wasn't that wonderful.


Now, everybody stand up and shake it off.

That's right, shake it off,

and let's move on to our next class.



>> Yeah!

>> Over here.


Good first day.

>> Oh, thank you!

>> But there's always more to learn, isn't there.

>> Absolutely.

Yeah, that's why I'm here.

>> Yes!

Good for you.

I have this book that I'd like to read, for next week.

It's an acting -- uhh -- treatise, that I published?

Self published.

But anyways, it'd be helpful for you.

>> Oh, I'd appreciate that.

>> If you're not comfortable with

a physical edition, I can have an e-book sent to you.

>> Uhh, no this is fine.

>> Because I could have it digitally inserted

into whatever kind of reader you have.

>> No insertion necessary.

>> No?

>> No.

>> You alright with the old technology?

>> Old is good.

>> Good answer.

>> Thank you.

>> Not really a cover on this, but...

>> No, it's subtle.

>> Very!

>> Really great work. You should be so

proud of yourself, you felt amazing.

>> Oh, thank you!

[ chuckles ]

>> If you wanted to rehearse another time,

say, my place, I'm totally open to that, yeah?

>> Yeah, that'd be great!

>> Cool. Awesome.

>> Okay.

>> Okay! Bye Daddy! >> Goodbye.

>> Love you! >> I love you.

>> Hamburgers tonight?

>> Lovely.

>> Okay, bye.

>> Bye, baby girl.

>> She's really your daughter?

>> Oh yes. Be gentle with her.

>> Unbelievable.


>> Goodbye, son.

If things work out.

CHRIS: Groupon?

♪ ♪ ♪

A.J.: Tongue!

What is this, kindergarten?

Kiss her like you're in grade four!

More tongue!

Captioned by: InterKaye Services

For more infomation >> Acting Class | But I'm Chris Jericho | Ep. 4 - Duration: 10:44.


Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:16.

Biker: What are you doing?

Biker: What are you doing?

Woman: Listen to me..

W: Dirt bikes are not allowed to ride so fast

B: sure but you don't need to cut me off...


B: Get the f%^# out... (x2)

Angry man: You exhaust is too loud!

Biker: What are you going to do about it?

M: This thing is a lot too loud! Do you understand or should I explain this to you?

B: What do you want to explain to me?

M: You and your friends are Racing here like freaks ! Every Day !

Did You See Me Racing ? WTF? im going 30Kmh, in a 30 Zone

B: It is your problem?!

M: Stay still you Piece of... im going to beat you

B: You are piece of crap..


I think he hit my backlight..

Ok, he hit my tire.

Look, he is driving to us.

Hes gonna pay for this.

What's up?

M: If you want to get beaten just tell me

B: Why?!

M: Did you understand?

B: Why?

B: Why, why you little b...

B: What have i done to you?

B: What?!

M: Your exhaust is too loud!

B: what the f... your gonna do about the loudnes ??

B: whats you f.. problem?

B: Why did you hit my bike?!

B: You fu... litlle fa...

M: I will call the cops, you will see..

B: Just f... off

B: I Dont give a f... what you are going to do, you Piece of Crap

For more infomation >> Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:16.


Back To School Dread ft Maja and Yasmin | Voice Box | Childline - Duration: 7:39.

hi I'm tom hi I'm Yasmin Hi I'm Maja

and today we're talking about back-to-school dread what

what are some of the reasons that you might be worried about going back to school

when I was in school I wasn't particularly popular so for me it was

the knowing that I would have to see all of the cool kids again or more they

would see me and laugh so that feeling of not having the relief of knowing that

you're kind of safe for a while and then having to go back and experience all of

that again that was what I didn't look forward to and also just general I mean

obviously school is hard I didn't necessarily get bullied but I didn't

have many friends so just feeling a bit lonely like once

you've done a really difficult class you just sort of want to go have fun with

your friends when you don't have any you can't do that

it can be even more scary if you're moving

schools say if you're moved house or if you're going from primary school to

secondary school it is extremely intimidating to walk into a new class

full of people that you don't know especially when those people have

already had time to bond what did you do when you're moving schools to sort of

make friends?

honestly if you are just like open and positive people

generally are attracted towards you anyway

that can be difficult to kind of force that when you're not really feeling like

you want to be you're like this great fun and happy person but just kind of

putting in that a little bit of effort to make people aware that you are open

to speaking to them I think can make quite a lot of difference in the long

run I think the jump from primary school to secondary school for me that is an

opportunity I could have taken to make lots of friends so I kind of made it

more difficult for myself when in reality like a few months after I

finished school and like reconnected with people online well they all thought

I was pretty cool and they like wanting to be friends with me at the time and

that was quite frustrating to look back on knowing that I could have had a much

different experience if I just been a bit friendlier and like not shut myself off

what other things can you do if you're

worried about making friends when going back to school something I did at school

which you do have to be very careful about and talk with your parents about

and stuff but I met a lot of my friends online which i think is a lot more

prevalent now obviously you can keep those friends online or

if it's you know safe to when you've Skyped with them and your parents coming

with you then you can meet up with them as well - something that I did but that

really helped me because even though I didn't necessarily have many friends at

school like you said earlier it made me realize there was a life outside of

school it can be difficult to kind of connect with people but there are people

that you will get on with so what if you're worried about going back to

school because of bullying what can you do when I was in school I was actually

kind of friends with a group of people who weren't actually very nice to me and

it took me a very long time to realize that what was happening wasn't actually

just kind of friendly joking around the thing that completely turned it around

was telling my parents they were just amazing and kind of making me realize

that it wasn't okay what was happening and teaching me how to kind of stand up

for myself and within a couple of months I had found different friends and moved

away from those original kind of toxic people and also teachers as well they

have tons of experience with that kind of situation like I carry that in all

aspects of my life like the whole problem shared is a problem half thing

but I just think even if they can't help immediately just getting that support

and that feeling like someone's there to listen can help a lot myself and a lot

of people often see bullying in a certain way and they see it as physical

and quite obvious whereas especially now there's a lot of cyber bullying going on

and I think just in general if someone's making you feel uncomfortable at school

which is somewhere where you have to go everyday then that is bullying and also

an experience I had was that when that kind of bullying kept happening I did

try and stand up for myself before but it kept being dismissed as a

joke just because someone says that something's a joke doesn't mean that

it's okay if it is happening over and over and over again even after you've

asked them to stop and they keep dismissing it it's still it's still

bullying and it's still abusive you mentioned earlier about cyberbullying

what steps can you take online if it is happening it's a lot easier to send

someone a mean message than to say it to their face but when it's online you can

save it and it's there and people can read it and that actually can make it a

little bit easier to handle the bullying because you've got like hard evidence

obviously on Facebook Twitter Instagram and things like that you can block

people if it's consistent you can report their account and get your friends to

report their account because often if a few people do it they can get suspended

so you may be worried about going back to school because of a

certain in class or you might not understand things what can you do in

these sort of situations I think going to teachers and going to your parents

again it could feel like a really weird scary thing I think because you're

making yourself seem a little bit vulnerable and that is always something

that can be a little bit frightening but they want to help you especially your

teachers they don't want you to not do well I found teachers actually get quite

excited when you ask them they like that you seem interested and that you seem

passionate enough to actually want to learn rather than just being there

because you have to be there the thing that I struggled with was that I was

studying things I just did not care about I was so uninterested in what we

were looking at that I was bored and therefore I wasn't trying and I think

that's something that a lot of people struggle with especially at GCSE because

you've got English and maths and science and all of those subjects when you might

not really be interested in those things but for me it was just really important

to remember and keep reminding myself that that is almost just a stepping

stone to get to the interesting subjects it's not forever

like GCSEs is two years which can seem like a really long time but it flies by

and then college is two or three years and that flies by and before you know it

you're kind of where you want to be and actually excited about learning the

things that you care about so when you're getting back towards the end of

the summer holidays and you get that feeling in your stomach and you think oh

no I've got to go back how can you deal with that emotions of that dread that

you're feeling if you break down why you feel like that what you can do to change

or help it and just think it's not the end of the world and it's not actually

as bad as I'm making it seem in my head actually writing things out is a really

good way of dealing with anxiety or feelings of nervousness when you're not

actually exactly sure what's causing those problems being able to see them

visually is a lot easier to understand them than

when they're all just floating around in your head and then you can kind of talk

through that with family and with friends and with teachers and it just

means that you can kind of organize how you're feeling a little bit little bit

better so what your top tips for going back to

school I would say that just looking forward to the future and looking

forward to things that you are going to be able to do knowing that you're going

to be speaking to new people and sharing new experiences and also just kind of

keeping on top of social life and school life so not drowning yourself in work

but also not never ever looking at a textbook I'd say being friendly and open

focusing not just on the subjects that you're worried about but the subjects

you enjoy and just really working hard on them ever they may be and just

enjoying yourself like I think there are so many different aspects to school that

you might get yourself down about some of them but if you just enjoy the things

you do like then it will go by and if you are worried about any issues you can

always talk to Childline thanks for joining us today and we'll see you next


For more infomation >> Back To School Dread ft Maja and Yasmin | Voice Box | Childline - Duration: 7:39.


Stephen Becomes Real - The Real Stephen Blatt (Episode 6) - Duration: 4:04.

(techno music)

- Let me get that for you, buddy.

Where would you like me to put your bag?

- Wherever.

- You know, I know what you're going through

right now isn't easy

but it's only gonna make you stronger, okay?

I love you.

Okay, goodnight son.

(sad gentle music)

- What?


(camera shutter)

- Would you say that was your lowest point?

- Oh yeah, definitely.

Up until then, the worst thing that ever happened to me

was my grandpa Blatt dying.

I didn't even think it could get worse.

- How were you able to recover?

- So you know like how drug addicts have like,

a rock bottom and then they're able

to get their lives together?

Well that's literally what happened to me.

- Well, not literally, right?

- Oh no, literally.

Because after I posted that selfie, I was reborn, literally.

(upbeat gentle music)

It was right in front of me the whole time.

The answer.

My fans wanted me, not an act or a show,

like talent or whatever.

They just wanted me.

So that's what I gave them.

I'm gonna do a really funny one.

Yo, let me see.

Can I see that?

Oh yeah.

- And how many followers were you up to?

- Yo...

It's alright, no disrespect,

but to be honest, the term followers kinda makes me

a little uncomfortable.

- Oh, um...

why is that?

- Because the word followers makes it sound like,

they're just following me

and they don't really care about me.

- Hmm...

what do you prefer?

- Friends. Because without their friendship,

I'd just be like a normal 16 year old kid.

But they love me, literally.

And I literally love them back.

- What would you say to somebody who suggested

that there's something artificial about

the anonymity of social media?

- I was up to 4.6 million friends.

(upbeat rock music)

For more infomation >> Stephen Becomes Real - The Real Stephen Blatt (Episode 6) - Duration: 4:04.


Jerusalem vlog! [Project Upload] - Duration: 12:29.

And there goes the second "Despacito" in Israel.

It turns out that in newspaper there's an article about the project that I'm participating in.

It's really incredible! Inviting some youtubers to a country...

Our total reach is around 13.000.000 people!

Damn, you really can promote your country and show something fun this way.

I'm telling you: try something like that in Poland!

So I'm in Jerusalem.

It doesn't matter what your religious or non-religious beliefs and views are -

you have to admit that this is the one of the most important places on Earth, when it comes to world's peace and order...

...or a lack of those.

Unfortunately, we can fly a drone over Jerusalem only from the bigger distance,

because the holy sites are a no-fly zone according to DJI.

We can't even take off a drone here.

[Guide] This, my friends, is the holy sites...

[Guide] ...And all of Christianity.

[Guide] Right next to the holiest church in the world you have a very important mass as well.

[Kris] Right behind me there's The Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Right behind me there's a place where Jesus was crucified.

Exactly here. Exactly this location is memorialized.

Wow, the entire history of this place sent me shivers down my spine!

It's incredible how over centuries the owners... well, the ruling powers had been changing in this area.

Basically, everyone had been here, everyone had been in charge here.

I have an impression of being here already...

And I know why.

Assassin's Creed.

[Guide] The heel of her foot is on the stone from 20th Century,

the front of her foot is standing on stones from 4th Century.

Near all those holy places there is a big market when you can buy devotional items from various religions.

And of course you have to ask for the price reduction.

I'm not buying anything. I'm not going to.

[Kris] That's one strange souvenir. The crowns of thorns.

Well, to each his own, but I always have a problem with devotional stuff - the big part of it looks offending to me.

For example: a carpet with Hail Mary's image.

For me it's a bit out of place.

Of course I mean a carpet to hang on the wall, not to lay on floor but still...

Damn, I don't know.

That was my unforgettable meeting with Conan O'Brien who films something here but they have thrown me away.

I can hear prayers from a mosque from the other side.

And the holiest Christian places is here...

That's a thing to wonder.

On the one side, there's a part of reconciliation that they coexist here,

on the other hand... this area was a pressure cooker through centuries.

A pressure cooker where everyone was beating the sh*t out of each other.

Not sure if all of this is a symbol of peace and compromise

or maybe a symbol that some conflicts cannot be resolved.

Let's hope the first option is true.

Woah! We're on the roof!

Here are a lot of people with the rifles...

I'm not used to that.

Now we're next to the important place on Earth for Jews - The Wailing Wall.

Called the Western Wall as well.

Apparently, the name "The Wailing Wall" isn't that liked or popular here.

In Hebrew it's called rather "The Western Wall".

And this is where people can put slips of paper with their prayers into the cracks of Wall.

Apparently, 9 million people do that every year!

Interesting fact: twice a year the notes are collected.

It's a ceremony. The Rabbi chooses first note, then the other ones are collected and buried.

I really enjoy this architecture!

Watch this: we're on such a beautiful street, on the frontier of Armenian quarter of Jerusalem,

a classic atmosphere...

And what kind of shop is here?

Protein supplements!

We couldn't just pass through... pass... what am I saying?

We couldn't miss a chance to take a biblical photo.

We're going to roleplay a scene with baby Moses.

Isn't that the best thing you've ever seen in your life?

[Kris] Thank you!


Mmm. Awesome.

We've arrived to a market place with street food.

It's called Mahane Yehuda. I'm probably messing up the name.

We're trying various things, here we have a juice stand.

One thing that I instantly enjoyed about this place -

they have a HERRING here!

I missed it so much.

[Kris] You don't have to say anything. [Sarina] Okay *laughs*

[Sarina] You never talk!

[Kris] Sometimes.

That's good.

The atmosphere here is so nice!

I like all these old men sitting next to stalls.

Just like in National Geographic.

There's always an old man sitting here in all the films from this place.

Meanwhile in the coach we're taking an express Jewish pop music course.

Two hours for the rest.

I'm not going to sleep! Time for running!

That wasn't the longest nor the most consistent run,

but the fact is that what counts.

Running tours are my biggest discovery this year!

That's truly freaking amazing thing. I recommend it!

Cool! Over there is a Holy City.

It's really amazing to run over here and keep in mind that centuries ago on the same streets...

...Altaïr from Assassin's Creed was running!

All this running makes this vlog series look too similar to Casey Neistat's vlogs, so enough with that.

I got these sunglasses.

We're going to eat again.

Maybe it's not so obvious from my Israel vlogs but we're eating a lot.

And I have to admit that everything is so delicious here

but I'm a little worried about my eating habits.

And now we're going to experience nightlife in Jerusalem and that's an interesting thing for me.

I have to admit that I always associated Jerusalem with pilgrimages for elderly.

Meanwhile, it's a city where are young people.

We have a soup here called Kubbeh and it comes from Iraq.

My first ever experience with Iraqi cuisine.

This soup tastes like Polish sorrel soup!

I'm really intrigued. It's tasty but what a weird mix.

These kebabs are embedded with cinnamon sticks. I didn't see anything like that before.

There are some things that come to my mind to describe Israeli cuisine, based on my experience:

first of all, a lot of vegetables is eaten...

I can have a wrong perspective after Japanese food because in Japan generally you don't eat much vegetables.

Very often it's just meat and rice.

And vegetables are expensive in Japan so I'm not used to it.

And here, vegetables... an enormous portion of vegetables for every meal.

Second fun thing: the cuisine here is a mix of many various countries.

And that's because people who moved to Israel from all over the world brought here their own variants of Jewish cuisine

and of course the regional cuisines.

So we have here a pretty good mix of many things.

Okay, thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed today's episode,

we're going to see tomorrow in another episode.

Tomorrow I'm going to see The Dead Sea. It's going to be awesome!

See you!

For more infomation >> Jerusalem vlog! [Project Upload] - Duration: 12:29.


2 Simple Life Hacks for your Phone - Duration: 2:38.

2 Simple Life Hacks for your phone

For more infomation >> 2 Simple Life Hacks for your Phone - Duration: 2:38.


Wha Me Eat Wednesday 'Peaches' 30/8/2017 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Wha Me Eat Wednesday 'Peaches' 30/8/2017 - Duration: 0:57.


Pirates | But I'm Chris Jericho | Ep. 2 - Duration: 6:16.

CHRIS [voice-over]: I was the wrestling champion of the world,

until I lost it all.

Now I'm starting over, and I'm going to be

the greatest actor of all time.

If someone else said that to you,

you probably wouldn't believe them.

But I'm Chris Jericho.

♪ ♪ ♪

>> Yarrr!





>> What the hell is this?

>> Yarr!


Yarr-- [coughs]


[phone ringing]

>> Hello, Phil in the --

Blank Talent Agency.

>> Yeah, Todd, it's Chris. Can you, uh --

excuse me guys.

Can you get Phil on the line?

I think I'm in the wrong place for the audition.

>> Yarrr!

>> Sorry.

TODD: Okay, I'll transfer you over to Phil.

Hey Phil!!


>> Todd!

>> Yeah it's me, Todd!

>> Was that you?

>> Yeah!

I'm transferring Chris over to you!

Chris Jericho!

>> I'm picking up, Todd!

I'm picking it up!

>> Yeah!

>> Hello?



>> Phil.

>> Chris! Hello?

>> Would you watch your sword please?

>> Yarrr!

>> Stop it!

>> Chris!

>> Phil.

Phil! Phil!

>> Oh! Hello!

Chris. Great.

How's the big audition?

>> Yarrr!

>> Are you sure I'm in the right place?

Everybody here is dressed like a pirate.

>> Arggh.

>> Oh, that's a Pirate Pete's Pet School commercial.

I tried to get you in for that thing.

Who are they seeing?

>> I don't know, guys that are dressed like pirates.

>> Yarrr!

>> Are you sure I'm in the right place?

>> Oh, no. You're in the right place.

After you audition for the Sudden Surprise Death

of Jenny's Mom, see if you can crash the pirate thing.

It's a national campaign!

They have a great jingle. Have you heard the jingle?

[singing] Arrrrg!

A pirate has to know when to swab the deck!

And the pet has to know when he can be your pet.

Pirate Pete's Pet School on Parliament Street!

Down on the prow, down on the promen --

down on the promena-a-a-a-a-a-de.

>> Dog food!

Dog food!

[Todd holds note]

>> Uh, Chris Jericho.

You're up.

>> Everybody's goin' to the Promenade.


>> Phil, Phil!

I gotta go, okay? They're calling me.

Thank God.

>> Yarrr!


>> Ahoy means hello.

>> Alright! Chris Jericho!

>> Yeah.

>> I love your wrestling.

>> Thank you!

>> Looking forward to seeing you read for this.

>> Well, I think I'm all set.

>> Let's see what you got.

>> Okay.


I know you want to see your Mommy,

but your Mommy's very sick right now.

Sometimes when people get sick, they don't get better.

[ Pirate saying "Yarrr" in background ]

And no doctors will help them, and no medicine.

No hospitals can make them feel better.

[Pirate yelling in background]

Nobody wants to be sick forever, so sometimes people --

Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

>> That's not the script.

>> I'm sorry, what it ridiculous, Chris?

>> The pirate sounds. Can't you hear them?

>> Yarrrrr!

>> Those. That. That's ridiculous.

>> Of course. Let me take care of that.

>> Thank you.


>> Yarrr!


>> Thanks.

>> So... You're not wrestling anymore.

>> No, no. I stopped, uh, a little while ago.

>> Too bad!

You used to look good!

>> Umm.... thanks.

I guess.


How's the casting business going?

>> That's an inappropriate question.

>> Okay.

>> Okay, looks like we're good to go.

Whenever you're ready.

>> Jenny, I know you want to see --

>> Yarrr! Yarrr!

>> Okay, this is -- seriously?

>> Just ignore it, Chris. You're doing great work.

>> Yarrr! Yarrr!

>> How can I ignore the pirate? He's louder than I am!

>> Just ignore it.

>> Yeah, try pretending you can't hear it.

>> I understand the definition of "ignore".

>> Ohhh.

Well if you know that, then try doing that!

[Pirate yelling in background]

>> Is anybody even going to hear me on the tape

if you're watching it with the sounds of the pirate

arbying and darbying over here?

>> They'll ignore it.

>> Okay, listen: I just need to do my thing.

Just give me one second.

Thank you.

>> Yarrrr!

>> Eh! Shut up!

Enough of the Pirate Pet School --

that doesn't even make sense!

And I heard your jingle,

and it's stupid!!

>> Jenny.... I know you want to see your mom....

[phone rings]

>> Hello?

>> Sometimes when people --

>> Oh yeah, I'm just in auditions right now.

>> Are you fucking kidding me?

>> Yeah, pretty good. Nothing mind-blowing.

>> Are you on the phone?

>> No.

>> Yes you are.

>> Try ignoring it, Chris.

>> Really? Try ignoring this.

[yelling] And swab the decks,

arby darby darby daby arrr arrr, matey!!

Ahoy this.

>> Ahoy means hello!

♪ ♪ ♪

>> Todd! Get Chris on the phone!

He booked the pirate thing!


♪ ♪ ♪

Captioned by: InterKaye Services

For more infomation >> Pirates | But I'm Chris Jericho | Ep. 2 - Duration: 6:16.


How to use Instagram Stories To Promote Your Business - Duration: 11:04.

we all know Instagram is huge for growing and promoting our business but

are you currently using Instagram stories to promote your business how do

you even start using Instagram stories to promote your business and are you

doing it right in today's video I'm bringing a guest

expert in to show you exactly how you can use Instagram stories to start

marketing your business hey guys my name is Trena if you are new here and welcome

to another episode of just the tips in today's video we're talking about

Instagram and more specifically Instagram stories and how you can use

stories to grow and promote your business so I'm not the expert on

Instagram here so I'm gonna give it over to Chris to give you her best tips for

using Instagram stories in your business hey guys i'm chris from sweaty wisdom

and i'm here today to tell you my top 5 tips for using instagram stories to

market your business so instagram stories maybe you've noticed those tiny

little profile pictures and circles floating right up at the top of your

feed when you open the Instagram app maybe you've even played with them a

little bit taking a really cool selfie of your face and putting a filter on it

or taking a boomerang of your dog playing fetch with you regardless of

your level of experience with Instagram stories I'm here today to tell you why

you should be using them right now to start marketing your business on

Instagram so let's get right into it why are they important and why you should be

using them so you've probably noticed if you have an Instagram for business page

that the algorithms have updated recently to make it a lot more like

Facebook meaning that every time something is posted Instagram is taking

the temperature to see if they think that you would like that item of content

so they're taking that time as your based on what you've engaged with in the

past so if you're a business your content is less likely to be seen in the

feed organically by your consumer ok and there's really no guarantee there

anymore what's super great about Instagram stories is that they're not in

the feet at all so you've seen I'm floating right there

above so anyone can interact with them they're not dependent on the algorithm

what else is really great about Instagram stories is they expire so you

can get a little bit more messy be a little more imperfect with them because

after 24 hours they're gone another really great thing about Instagram

stories that they provide a direct connection to your target audience

so you can talk right to them and have them respond directly back to you

without going through the comments they'll just reply and it'll go straight

to your direct messages and then on the flip side that works out really great

for you because you can watch your audience's stories and then you can

reply to those and again they're gonna go directly into their direct messages

in my experience nine times out of ten when you reply to somebody's story again

it's gonna go in their direct messages and not just into a notification in

their feed when you reply to a story nine times out of ten you're gonna get a

response message within five minutes if not one minute a really great

opportunity there for one-on-one connection with your audience there's

some really great tagging options too so you can geotag your posts say you're a

business in Grand Rapids Michigan you can do a little sticker on your story

that will take her in outfits Michigan and add your story to the story for that

location so someone coming in town for vacation can go to the Grand Rapids

story watch it and see your content super cool let's hop into my top five

tips now that we know why they're so important number one tip we all know

that it is great content to go live with your audience

Instagram stories provide an awesome opportunity to go alive but before you

go live make sure that you tease your live event in your feed so make a post

saying hey guys I'm going live today at noon I'm gonna talk about how you can

use insert and stories to market your business um and then ask them what

questions do you want answered what are your feelings on that stuff whatever you

want from them you can ask them for it beforehand and what's really great about

that is that when you start a if there's always mmm five minutes ish

in the beginning where it's just you hanging out with yourself

um um and that can feel really awkward so it's really good to kind of

pre-populate some of your content by reaching out ahead of time and asking

people for questions if you're doing a Q&A whatever it is that you want to talk

about that day okay so go alive but be sure to tease it first and ask for a

little bit of content ahead of time my next tip number two ask questions give

them a way to respond so we'd also call this a CTA or a call to action you want

to tell your audience exactly what you want them to do one example of this

would be I'm printing new t-shirts this week here are three different designs

tell me which one is your favorite by replying to this story okay so you are

asking them a question and then you're telling them exactly how you want them

to interact with you to give you their opinion which is by replying to your

story again super cool because then you're gonna have a one-on-one channel

started with them really great way to connect with your audience and get

direct consumer feedback number three set up a really great story you're not

really comfortable with getting behind the camera another great way to kind of

ease into it is by using text to tell a story you can either go right into your

Instagram and just start typing on a background and that'll just set you up

in really normal classic Arial font you can play around with the size the color

all that sort of stuff or if you have a designer on staff you can have them whip

up something really cool in Photoshop export it as an image file and then

upload that right to your feed but let's talk about the structure of the story

that we want to tell so I found a really great way to tell a story on Instagram

stories is to set it up in three frames a question and answer and a

call-to-action so like a call and answer almost I'll give you an example so the

other week I knew that I was going to make myself do my first Instagram live

on Wednesday so on Monday I posted a story that said hey guys

happy Monday I'm feeling so excited nervous caffeinated want to know I stuff

like the hook and then the next one in the answer I said it's because I'm doing

my first live session on Wednesday this week none in the next one which is where

I included my call to action I said let me know what you want me to talk about

IMS on give me some content to start with by replying directly to my story

okay and I got a ton of replies to that so right away you're getting content and

you know that it's what your audience wants to hear number four take them

behind the scenes so this is adding to that like VIP super special customer

feeling so you can take them behind the scenes by teasing upcoming promotions by

telling them about special offers that are available only to them or even by

teasing new products okay so this is gonna make them feel like they're

special customer like they're getting in on something but not everybody is in on

and really deepen your connection and develop a sense of trust with them and

the final tip number five the most important and potentially the hardest to

execute is don't be too perfect and don't stress too much the really great

thing about Instagram stories is that they're gonna be gone they're not gonna

live there forever so you can be your the vulnerable imperfect self and not

have to worry about it screwing up your very glossy beautiful looking feed

lately there's some this influx of Fitness instagramers or fitness bloggers

who post their Instagram shot of them like flexing their muscles in the gym

and then next to that they post their real-life shot pull are loving these I'm

loving these because you get to see the perfect version and then you need to see

a reality so I kind of think of Instagram stories the same way where

your feed is like that glossy varnished beautiful perfect looking presentation

if your business it probably will be that way especially and your stories can

be the in life I'm a I'm an actual person this is

what I like this is what my office looks like this is what I had for lunch you

just get an opportunity to drop the veil and be your real self and when you do so

when you come at it in an authentic way that's gonna really resonate with people

and they're gonna feel more connected with you and then they'll be more likely

to engage with your content in the future which is what we really want here

is to drive engagement an engagement is what is going to convert your clients

it's what's going to make your business really go to the next level so to recap

my top five tips number one go live but make sure that you tease it first number

two ask them questions and tell them exactly how you would like them to

respond number three set up a really great story

using the structure of question-answer call to action number four take them

behind the scenes give them that VIP treatment and number five the hardest to

execute but the most important one is don't be too perfect and don't stress

out too much about it because 24 hours from now they're gonna be all gone so I

hope you guys found this really beneficial that you feel excited

inspired and ready to start using Instagram stories to market your

business if you're feeling ready to hop in right now I'd love to offer you a

free download for five days of content inspiration to get you started using

Instagram stories really effectively for your business thanks so much for having

me Trina I hope you guys found this beneficial and I will talk to you soon

thank you so much Chris I'm definitely gonna take that advice as I move forward

using Instagram stories in my business I'm gonna leave all Chris's information

down below her website her Instagram so make sure you check her out and you

support her by following her if you found this video helpful go ahead and

give it a thumbs up you share it on any of those social media buttons down below

and leave us a comment which was your favorite tip make sure you subscribe to

my channel by clicking that circle picture of me right there I'm posting

new videos every single week to help you use video in youtube in your business

strategy thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> How to use Instagram Stories To Promote Your Business - Duration: 11:04.


(Short Version) How Does PSD Do Social Emotional Learning? - Duration: 3:47.

Compassion is showing it has bits of empathy and love and kindness to it. It's sort

of like a taco, but instead of tasting really good it feels really good and makes

someone else feel really happy about themselves. An example of compassion to me is

like helping someone up if they fall and get hurt and say it's okay as long

as you're by my side. The first step to being assertive is face

the person you're talking to. Use a calm, firm voice.

Use respectful words. Keep your head up and shoulders back.

*music* be assertive and you will gain. Be respectful, yeah, yeah. Be skillful, yeah, yeah. Be a learner, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Be assertive.

Say empathy! Empathy. Say that word with me, empathy! Clap it out. Em-pa-thy.

Empathy means when people share and take turns, and even though they're different, you still care.

Love. Kindness. Understanding.

These are our problem-solving steps. S- Say the problem. T - think of solutions.

E- Explore consequences. P - Pick the best solution.

*music* I am a problem solver. I am a problem solver! S-T-E-P! S-T-E-P!

Our first rule for focusing attention is Ears Listening. Eyes watching. Calm Body. Lips closed.

What is a calm body? Still. Selena can you come up and show me an example of a body that is not calm?

Ooh what is she doing?

Amir? She's wiggling around. That is not a call body.

How to calm down. Stop. Name your feeling. Take a belly breath.

*music* Put your hands on your tummy, hands on your tummy. Then say stop. Then say stop.

Name your feeling. Name your feeling. Take a belly breath and calm right down.

This is how class 209 uses positive self talk.

*music* Stop, name your feeling, calm down. Stop. Give yourself a signal like stop.

Chill. Hold up. Hang on. Send a signal to yourself and stop. Okay, now name your feeling.

Excuse me, you cut in front of me. Oh well, I think I deserve this spot way more than you do.

Don't forget to use positive self talk! Remember to hang on! Hold up! Chill!

Use positive self talk! What I say when I'm using positive self talk is it's okay.

*singing* Stop, name your feeling calm down.

When I use positive self talk, I say hang on. *singing* Stop, name your feeling, calm down.

When I use positive self talk, I say don't let them get to you.

*singing* Stop, name your feeling, calm down.

I use positive self talk and I say it's no biggie.


For more infomation >> (Short Version) How Does PSD Do Social Emotional Learning? - Duration: 3:47.


PSA'd Off | But I'm Chris Jericho | Ep. 10 - Duration: 7:49.

>> I was the wrestling champion of the world

until I lost it all.

Now I'm starting over and I'm going to be

the greatest actor of all time.

If someone else said that to you,

you probably wouldn't believe them.

But I'm Chris Jericho!

TODD: You're not even letting me speak right now.

Look --

like, I'm not even --

>> Todd!

>> So what you trying to say?

What you trying to say?

>> Todd!

>> [ crying ] I know you ain't trying

to do this to me right now.

You trying to break up with me at work?

[ crying ]

It's my asthma, don't even worry about that.

>> I'm just gonna go right inside.

>> You just focus on what you said.

You trying to break up with me?

>> Come on.

It's okay, it's okay.

>> Why are you doing this to me?

I can change, you bitch!

[ Todd crying in background ]

>> Hey Chris. >> Hey.

Todd is out there, bawling his eyes out.

>> Yeah, well he's gotta learn how to --


>> Oh!

>> Ow!

Man, no wonder why somebody left this out at the curb.

>> Listen, you called me in here.

What do you got going on?

>> Why don't you have a seat?

You can sit in that one for sure.

I got that out of the back of a Staples depot.

It's rock solid!

>> I'll probably just stand, Phil,

if that's okay.

>> Okay! Okay!

But I'm worried, because, uh --

your knees might give out

when I deliver you the big news.

>> Oh, no! I'm fine!

What do you got? What is it?

>> Okay.

This hot, up-and-coming auteur has just arrived here

from New York,

and he wants you...

to star...

in his next P.S.A!

>> No!

>> You don't even know what it's for!

>> Alright, Phil. What's it for?

>> Drinking and driving.

Now you're thinking "So what?"

>> That's exactly what I'm thinking.

>> Well, did you know -- because I do know --

that drinking and driving P.S.A.s,

they get shown more than any other P.S.A.

What does that mean to you?

More screen time!

>> Phil, we have talked about this before.

P.S.A.s don't pay anything!

Why do you want me to do this?

>> This guy's got some big movies coming out,

and, also, I'm dating his mother.

And if you did this, I would earn some brownie points.


You know where I'm going with it?

It's a single entendre.

>> Yeah, I know what you mean,

and it's disgusting.

Phil, I'm not your puppet!

I'm not going to do whatever you want

just to help you get brownie points.

And now you've actually spoiled brownies for me

for the rest of my life.

>> Well, maybe this wouldn't be a good time

to let you know that he's coming over here right now?

>> What?

>> I --

Ha ha!

>> Chris Jericho!

Tight corner there, but....

Ahhh! The Chris Jericho!

[ screams ]

>> Hey!

[ laughter ]


>> Bertrand Lelallister.

>> Hi, Mr. Lay-laa-lister....

>> It's French-Irish.

It is so great to meet you, I'm a huge fan.

>> Thank you, very much.

>> So, are we gonna shoot ourselves a P.S.A or what?

>> I was just talking to Chris about that,

so why don't you take a seat Bert --

Oh. I'm sorry.

>> No big deal, huh?

>> I didn't mean to --

>> I've heard 'em all.

How's my mom?

>> She's a fox in the sack.

>> Ohhhh-kay.

Now I've heard them all.

So, you guys were talking about it, and....?

>> Yeah.

>> Well, Chris is concerned about the money.

>> Phil!

>> Come on! There's no secrets in show business!

>> That's not even --

That's not true, it's not --

>> Look, I know this isn't maybe what you

were looking for financially. I get it.

You need to put dinner on the table.

Hey, I need to put baseball cards in my spokes,

but I am a huge fan, and drinking and driving....

well, it's important to me.

>> Is that how you ended up in the wheelchair?

You know what?

I'm gonna do this.

I'm gonna do this!

>> You will! >> Yes!

Brownie points!

>> This is really great news.

You just made my day.

I am leaping for joy right now!

In here.

>> Yeah.

>> Okay, well, I've got the contract.

>> Okay.

>> Right... here.

>> Great.

I'll take care of that right away.

>> There you go.

>> I'm sure it's boiler-plate!

>> Yes.

>> There you go.

>> Okay, and here....

>> Standard operating procedure.


>> Alright.

>> Seems reasonable from my end.

I'm not someone who questions.

>> And here and here.

>> Hmmm, you're really covering the bases.

I mean, I don't think I can even see the bases, at this point.

I can't even see the contract, to be honest with you.

>> Okay, this is signature, initial, initial,

signature, initial.

>> You're gonna run into my next meeting.

>> Initial, signature, initial, signature....

initial, signature.

>> Alright.

There you go.

>> Alright, great!

>> Alright, good.

>> No wait, and here.

>> You know, it's all for a good cause.

>> Absolutely.

>> Right?

>> Yes.

>> And, uh....

[ all laughing ]

>> Okay.

>> Yeah.

>> The real reason why he came up here.

>> It makes my heart smile when I see that.

>> Two R's in Bertrand, right?

>> No.

>> Okay?

There you go, man.

>> Okay.


>> Good.

>> Chris Jericho, you have made me a very happy man,

and Phil, thank you.

>> Thank your mother, after I get done thanking --

>> Yeah, I get it.

>> So, umm, can I ask you a kind of personal question?

>> Yeah, shoot!

>> If you don't mind.

How did you end up in the wheelchair?

Bad accident? Did people die? Or....

>> Oh, no, no. Luckily, no.

It was just me and a telephone pole.

>> You and a telephone pole?

>> Yeah, I'd just finished playing pub golf

with some buddies.

>> So, wait a second:

you were the one who was drinking and driving?

>> Hell yeah!

I still do.

>> So what's with all this

anti-drinking and driving P.S.A?

>> Anti?

No, it is pro-drinking and driving. Yeah, yeah, yeah --

It's for increasing the amount of alcohol you can

have in your bloodstream, and for reducing the

sentences against drinkers and drivers.

Hmmm? Hmmm?

Okay, guys, this has been fun,

but I've got to get an X-ray on my big toe.

Doctors say it might be sprained.


[ grunts, sighs ]

Phil, you've gotta make this place

more accessible.

>> Sorry, I'll make a call.

>> Whoopsie!


>> I didn't know it was FOR drinking and driving.

You know, I'm not Columbo.

>> You can forget about your brownie points.

I am not doing this stupid P.S.A!

[ crashes ]

>> Uh oh.

>> Damn it, Phil!

>> You okay?

[ crying ]

What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?

[ crying ]

Captioned by: InterKaye Services

For more infomation >> PSA'd Off | But I'm Chris Jericho | Ep. 10 - Duration: 7:49.


Here's my Canada: Irish Summer Camp - Duration: 0:24.

working at this summer camp, I've met a

younger generation of Canadian children

that have just enriched my whole

experience of the whole thing. So it's

given me a fresh perspective on Canada.

So I feel like this summer, I fell in

love with it all over again. So, yeah,

Canada for me is fantastic!

For more infomation >> Here's my Canada: Irish Summer Camp - Duration: 0:24.


Here's my Canada: Opportunities - Duration: 0:20.

Canada means to me is an opportunity to

work, learn, and grow as a person. And

we're like, I've met so many friendly

people, and we're so well received,

especially being an Irish person, coming

here almost 4 years ago, I've been given

plenty of opportunities,

and blessed with so many friends.

For more infomation >> Here's my Canada: Opportunities - Duration: 0:20.


Here's my Canada: Nice People And Camping - Duration: 0:10.

I love Canada because of all the nice people,

and camps that we can go in.

For more infomation >> Here's my Canada: Nice People And Camping - Duration: 0:10.


Celebrity with the Stars | But I'm Chris Jericho | Ep. 3 - Duration: 6:35.

CHRIS [voice-over]: I was the wrestling champion of the world,

until I lost it all.

Now I'm starting over, and I'm going to be

the greatest actor of all time.

If someone else said that to you,

you probably wouldn't believe them.

But I'm Chris Jericho.

♪ ♪ ♪

>> Oh, hello!

>> I can't believe you're not on the phone!

That's a first.

>> It's Todd, Peter.

Look, I need to speak with your sister.

Can you put her on the phone?

>> Phil wants to see me.

Is he in there?

>> She can't avoid me forever, okay?

I love her!

>> I'll go on inside.

>> Can you tell her for me?

>> Tell her for him!

>> You hear that? Okay?

That was Chris Jericho.

Yeah! Chris Jericho.

And he's the best in the world

at what he does.

And what he just told you to do

is to tell her, for me, please.

>> I got my receipts. Don't worry.

Oh! Hi.

>> Hey!

>> Just doing a little accounting, sorry about that.

>> Good. How you doing?

>> Good! What can I do for you?

>> You called me in here. I'm feeling good.

What do you got?

>> That's right, I had something --

I had something for you.

I think they're up here.

Oh no, oh no!

You know what? I have OCD, so everything's got to be....

Okay, just forget it. I'll do it later.


I got it, I got it, Chris. There's no problem.

>> Put the papers down, and just --

>> Okay, okay.

>> Tell me why you called me in here.

>> I know you said you don't want to do reality shows.

I know that. But I got about a dozen offers that came in,

and some of them are not bad. At all.

>> Phil, I'm trying to establish myself as a serious actor.

>> Well, you have the starving artist thing down cold.

So if I could get you waiting tables,

you'll really be an actor!

[ chuckles ]

>> Funny.

And very true.

Well, what do you got?

>> Celebrity. World.

Athletic. Competition.

>> What is it, some sort of celebrity olympic --

>> Don't say olymp --

I can't even say it.

We don't have the rights.

I can't even say "olym" without being sued.

>> Okay, well, what are the events?

>> The events?

>> Yeah.

>> You've got the javelin, running or whatever....

I don't know, I don't watch the games.

Too political. It gets in your head, man.

>> I don't know about that one.

Well, what else've you got?

>> I love the sound of this one.

Celebrity Basic HTML.


>> So, like computers?

>> I guess, I don't know really.

>> Oh, come on.


>> Remember Faces of Death?

Guy wants to do that. Celebrity edition.

What do you think?

>> Those are snuff films, Phil.

You mean to tell me there are celebrities that are

desperate enough to die? On TV?

>> Well, I mean, it is going straight to internet,

but everybody agrees it's going to be huge!

Dustin Diamond is already attached.

>> Really?

>> No, but wouldn't he be great?

>> Come on, Phil.

Do you have anything that won't degrade me

or kill me on screen?

>> Well, I've got a lot of stuff, so, you know,

it's your choice, kind of.

I've got Celebrity Bocce Ball?

"Celebrity Bocce Ball!"

"Tonight! Celebrity Bocce Ball!"

Who's not watching that, right?

Celebrity Floral Arrangements?

Bring out your sensitive side.

Canada's Worst Butcher -- Celebrity Edition.

That sounded nice.

And then this angling one.

>> You mean, like fishing?

>> Oh, is that what that is?

I always thought it was a geometry competition.

But that makes sense, now that I hear it.

>> Come on, Phil!

Where's the real TV parts, and the feature films?

And the Broadway musicals? Where's the meaty stuff?

>> Meaty? I think the Worst Canadian Butcher's

going to be meaty, right?

[ laughs ]

Look, I know that things are --

You know what? You've got to get you face out there,

trust me on this.

I want to get your face out there so people

remember you, and then you can go on to everything else.

[ sighs]

>> Okay. Tell me more about the Celebrity Olymp--

>> Don't say that word!


Celebrity World Athletic Competition.

Guess who's involved?

Paul Reiser.

>> Paul Reiser?

>> He's supposedly excellent at discus.

Alright? You feel bad now?

Paul Reiser.

>> What network is it on?

>> The Outside Survival Digital Specialty Channel.

It's an up and comer!

>> I've never, ever heard of that network.

Does it at least pay well?

>> No. It doesn't pay.

And they own the rights "in perpetuity",

which I come to find out means forever.

[ chuckles ]

What do you say?

>> I guess it's worth making a call

and setting up a meeting, but I'm telling you Phil,

and I want to be very crystal clear about this,

if they make me do anything stupid, or wear anything stupid,

I'm not gonna do it. Okay?

>> Oh, come on.

Who do you think you're dealing with here? It's Phil!

It's Philly! It's Philsky!!!

I'm not gonna do that to you, my friend!

As long as we are together, in a business relationship,

I have got your back.

I'm covering you.

I'm your man. I'm your go-to guy.

And if it's not me, it will be somebody else

who's just as familiar with your.....

file. As I am.

>> Okay, Phil. I trust you.

ANNOUNCER: Welcome back to the

Celebrity World Athletic Competition,

we have Chris Jericho and Colin Mochrie performing

a synchronized ribbon routine, one of my

personal favourites, and Chris appears

to not be familiar with the routine at all --

hold on, it says here the routine

is actually titled "Chaos Theory".

So my mistake, they do in fact know what they're doing.

Look at Chris, like a beautiful gazelle,

and now the joining of hands for the spin.

The traditional spin at the end of the routine.

Aren't they wonderful?

>> This is so embarrassing.

>> Get used to it.

Alright. Time for the lift.

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

>> Cut! Cut!

[ laughter ]

Captioned by: InterKaye Services

For more infomation >> Celebrity with the Stars | But I'm Chris Jericho | Ep. 3 - Duration: 6:35.


WINNER's Song Mino Reveals What Surprised Him While Performing "Fear" - Duration: 1:29.

WINNER's Song Mino Reveals What Surprised Him While Performing "Fear" On "Show Me The Money 4"

During his appearance on JTBC's "Ask Us Anything" with BIGBANG's Taeyang, WINNER's Song Mino explained what surprised him during their memorable performance of "Fear" on "Show Me The Money 4.

For one of his questions, Song Mino asked the cast of "Ask Us Anything" to guess what had surprised him during the performance. After taking a few guesses, he revealed that it was his father's smile.

Song Mino explained, "I was calling out for my father while I was rapping and it was a somber and emotional moment.

My father was actually in the crowd so I looked at him, but I saw that he was smiling and it caught me off guard." Seeing his father's smile, Song Mino couldn't help but smile back during the performance.

Before the question went out, viewers were also treated to a performance of "Fear" by Song Mino and Taeyang, who was the original featuring artist on the track. Check out their full performance below!.

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