Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 31 2017

My first Minute - 15

Interrogator: Good, miss Haruno. How did you know the young man, Murasame Yuyori? Everything your remember, please tell me. Every little thing that you say can help.

Sakura: We met in the laboratory science class. In my second year. We were partners in a project / Past Yuyori: Hello!/

Sakura: We have been close since then./Interrogator: Did he have any problem with any partner?

Yuyori: Do you have a minute?

Sakura: Yuyori...I...

Sakura: "weird"...Those boys...

Sakura: That ocassion...

Sakura: That night...

Sakura: *to tight* How I could...Simply...?

ignore it...?

Sakura: Been so selfish with my feelings... Just...I...

Interrogator: Do you remember something?

Sakura: Yes.

*Noise* *Noise*

Past Sakura: I should have done something

Naruto: It's too quiet for someone who saw something like that

Naruto: Did you hear her interrogation, right?/Sasuke: Yes./ Naruto: *Wistle* He was her best friend. How sad...I can´t even imagine./Sasuke: I guess no

Naruto: You only guess it? You were there with her..No?

Naruto: How did you see her then? What expression had she?/Past Sakura: I...I...

Naruto: I guess I am wasting my time with you...Make you undestand it is hard.

Sasuke: You are wrong

Ssuke: When I saw her...I...

Mebuki: Sakura!!

Mebuki: Oh God! Daughter of my soul!/Sakura: I´m okay mama...

Sasuke: I felt her pain like it were mines...

Sasuke: *Speaks loud* This is one of the reasons why Personal relationships are prohibited in cases.Puts the other person in danger, not just you

Sasuke: Fuck.../Naruto:You maintain an unofficial relationship with sakura!/Sasuke: Shut up!

Naruto: Even a guy like you...Fall in the tentation.../Sasuke: Don´t fuck...Get away

Naruto: Ah...Bro... Just now I would use the phrase: "Doctor, heal yourself." Considering your words all the time...

Naruto: But I won´t say it to anybody

Sasuke: Tha is all? Will not you make fun of me?/Naruto: Ah...That!

Naruto: Look...How can I say it? Can I make fun of somebody who never feel the hot? No, it was not./Sasuke: What?/Naruto: I want to say it, I just thought in you like a bastard, but you really don´t know anything. Besides make fun of you now would be inappropriate and cruel

Naruto: You have enough with the miserable thing that you must feel

Naruto: Knowing you... Right now you'll be convincing yourself that this is not right. Hurting yourself. The line between loving or following with your duty

Naruto: Welcome to the club of impossibles

For more infomation >> {DOUJINSHI SASUSAKU} MI PRIMER MINUTO - My first Minute [ENG SUBS] | PARTE 15 - Duration: 5:32.


NieR:Automata #37 - Być albo nie być [Napisy PL] [18+] (ZAKOŃCZENIE Ścieżki B) - Duration: 56:27.

For more infomation >> NieR:Automata #37 - Być albo nie być [Napisy PL] [18+] (ZAKOŃCZENIE Ścieżki B) - Duration: 56:27.


Nigel Goldenfeld: Seeing Emergent Physics Behind Evolution - Duration: 4:01.

What condensed matter physics is not the same thing as solid state physics.

Solid state physics is the study of, say, electrons in metals like insulators, semiconductors,

super conductors and so on.

But what condensed matter physics is, is it goes beyond the behavior of individual components

to see how they self organize in some kind of collective state.

In other words, the behavior of the collective is much more important than the behavior of

the individual.

An example that everyone's familiar with is a flock of birds.

Every bird is flying around.

They, in principle, can fly in any direction.

But in a flock they all fly together in some cohesive way.

Another example in physics is just atoms.

If you push air or push water, your finger just goes straight through it.

But if I take this book and I push it, my finger doesn't go through it.

It just moves.

I can transmit a force.

That's because the atoms in it have self organized into some collective state.

Rather than just do their own thing, they all move together.

It's a kind of conspiracy of atoms, if you will.

Now, turning to biology — the big puzzle in early evolution is this: The planet started

about 4.6 billion years ago.

We know that the last universal common ancestor of all life was about 3.8 billion years ago.

That's the organism from which all life on Earth is descended, or maybe a community of


Now, we know that because we can look at genes in modern cells, genes that code for the machinery

that makes proteins.

That machinery we can trace back by undoing the process of evolution, if you will, back

to about 3.8 billion years ago.

What that means is that the modern cell had already evolved, more or less, with it's current

complexity, 3.8 billion years ago.

The planet is 4.6 billion years.

So we went from nothing to the complexity of the modern cell in less than a billion


And after that evolution didn't do that much.

So how is it possible that evolution started off so fast and then later on made many evolutionary

changes but nothing fundamental to the architecture of the cell?

Well the answer that we've proposed is that it was, in fact, collective effects.

Today, genes are transmitted from one person to the other, and that person has to be their


Everyone is familiar with a family tree.

But what we discovered is that if we assumed that early on in life genes are transmitted

between individuals, even if they're not related — this is called horizontal gene transfer

— we get not a tree of life, but a network of life.

And the network grows exponentially fast.

Just like how the Internet grew very quickly in the mid-1990s, because you had a network


All the computers in the world could talk to one another.

The understanding of condensed matter physics enabled us to really understand how we could

model the collective behavior of organisms that could transfer genes.

What we able to show was that the properties of the genetic code that emerged from that

would agree with what we see today.

If we assumed just a regular tree of life behavior — no network effect — we couldn't

explain the speed of life, the speed at which evolution occurred.

We couldn't explain the fact that every organism has the same genetic code.

We couldn't explain the fact that the genetic code is remarkably robust to ours.

In short, then, condensed matter physics does have applications in biology because biology

is all about collective effects.

It's a wonderful testbed for understanding ideas of condensed matter physics, but in

a more broader sense, the idea of strongly interacting collective properties of matter.

For more infomation >> Nigel Goldenfeld: Seeing Emergent Physics Behind Evolution - Duration: 4:01.


Mở thẻ C.Puyol Wl đầu tiên FIFA ONLINE 3 by Duchi ft LFZ-Popsicle - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Mở thẻ C.Puyol Wl đầu tiên FIFA ONLINE 3 by Duchi ft LFZ-Popsicle - Duration: 10:02.


Reese Witherspoon's Magnolia Dress | Southern Living - Duration: 1:59.

(upbeat music)

This is a limited edition dress that I created

for Draper James for all the Southern Living readers

who are out there who love fashion,

and it has the magnolias that are quintessentially southern,

and the perfect dress for the southern magnolia

in your life.

My design inspiration comes basically from my grandmother,

Dorthea Witherspoon.

She always taught me everything about style

that if you look good, you feel good,

and it's a way to present yourself to the world.

And she loved color, and she loved print,

and she was very much my fashion inspiration.

My grandmother taught me a lot of stuff

about being a southern woman.

She always had herself composed and put together,

but she also had a great sense of humor

and she knew all the rules,

but it was so she could throw them all away.

And she was just always having big dinner parties

at her house and inviting people on the front porch,

and she was just very friendly that way.

Growing up in the south, I grew up in Nashville

and I grew up in New Orleans,

I just was very inspired by women's love of color

and vibrancy, and that you only really wear black

when you're in a bad mood.

I wasn't even allowed to wear black when I was little.

And I remember my first job,

I got my first paycheck when I was 14 and I ran to Gap

and bough black jeans, because I thought it was so defiant.

But I just love that southern women love to get dressed up,

and I definitely care,

that carries over into everything that I do.

I just, I really love the art of getting dressed.

I would style and accessorize this dress

with any of your favorite jewelry.

I like pearls, I like different stones and lots of gold,

but you could wear it with sneakers

and run to the farmers market,

or you could dress it up with a pair of heels.

It's very easy to wear, and blue suede shoes,

in case you love Elvis.

For more infomation >> Reese Witherspoon's Magnolia Dress | Southern Living - Duration: 1:59.


Дом 2 новости 1 сентября 2017 (1.09.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 1 сентября 2017 (1.09.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:05.


✯ Клятва славянских воинов. Поведение в бою - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> ✯ Клятва славянских воинов. Поведение в бою - Duration: 6:58.


СКУД: Проход по 3 картам - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> СКУД: Проход по 3 картам - Duration: 1:37.


Wodogrzmoty Małe / Gravity Falls: Meskykańskie przedstawienie (podróba / fake) [Napisy PL] - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Wodogrzmoty Małe / Gravity Falls: Meskykańskie przedstawienie (podróba / fake) [Napisy PL] - Duration: 3:20.


Beginner Arabic: OPPOSITES || Hot Cold, Big Small, Tall Short 🔥❄️ - Duration: 6:34.

Hello and welcome to a video which

is coming to you from Arizona

when you're in scenery like this

it's a shame not to share it and I thought

why not make you all a video which just teaches you all a few basic key words

so the title of this video is opposites

and I'm gonna teach you ...

hot cold, long short, big small

I'm in Arizona, huge state

America's a massive country

I'm not too distant from the Grand Canyon

in Arizona

which is kind of a huge big dip in the ground

this is like the beginning of it here

and as for today's lesson

I'm gonna go straight in and give you the key words

so the word 'big' in Arabic is this: kabeer

and it's spelled, kaf, ba, ya, ra

kabeer, means big

if you're using it to describe something which is a masculine noun

then you leave it as kabeer

if you're using it to describe a feminine noun

it's kabeera, so the adjective matches the noun

for example

the big man


the big car would be...

the big car

so it matches the noun whether it's masculine or feminine

just gonna switch this over to the other ear

it's just so you can hear me better with the mic that's' all

what else... small



again, it matches the gender of the noun you're describing

so, i'll use the same examples

that means the man is small

the small man is ...

i'm taking the al which is defining it and they're what we call

sun letters which means that rather than becoming

al-rajul it becomes ar-rajul

you can watch the alphabet lesson on that

so big, kabeer,

small Sagheer

and the S in the small is the big Saad

whereas if you're describing a car, as-sayaara as-Sagheera

the small car

let's do hot, i'm not even kidding it's 40 degrees

it's really hot, it's off the chain hot

and, well i'm in the desert but guess what

i'm wearing my jeans cos that's what i do

it's not even like i've got bad legs

i don't understand why I always wear trousers

probably because I didn't pack any shorts

next up is this word: hot

the weather is very hot today

I actually poured water down my neck before coming up and that's why

I had a bit of wet here, if you rewind back you'll see

and it's now dried because it's that hot

its very very hot, about 40 degrees celcius

which is like...

I think 100 is 38 so it's about 102 Fahrenheit

which is very very hot

so anyway, this word hot is Haar

sorry about the wind I hope you can still hear me

that might help

Haar is spelled with this big Ha

you can watch a video I made on this letter Ha

in the description

i've actually made quite a lot of videos

it's becoming apparent to me now how many videos

i've actually got

this word Haar, very simple

Ha, alef, ra

I think that's gonna be right cos it's back to front

Haar means hot

cold - baarid

baarid is cold

if you're saying I'm cold it's ash3r b-al-bard

same as if you're feeling hot , ash3r b-al-Har, ash3ar b-al bard

ok, onto the other ones

long and short...

Now actually we wouldn't say in English

to describe someone who's tall

we wouldn't describe them as long

oh you should see my mate John, he's really long

he's like 6'4 he's really long

we would say 'tall'

but in Arabic long and short can describe all sorts of things

people as well as everything else

so the word long is Taweel

and it's a Ta

have I done a video about the Ta?

I don't think so...

but it will be in my alphabet series

so Taweel, Ta

Ta, waw, ya, lam


so, the tall man, ar-rajul aT-Taweel

the tall man

short is Qaseer

with the qa, Sa, ya, ra

so the tall man, ar-rajul aT-Taweel

the short man, ar-rajul al-qaSeer

so we've done big - kabeer

small, Sagheer

hot, Har

cold, baarid

and long , Taweel

and short qaSeer

ok, i'll leave you with this

a little bit of Arizona, New York

i'm not even in New York, what am I talking about

I came from New York

I've flown to Texas I've taken the long road down south from Dallas to Austin

I came to Albuquerque New Mexico

I'm now in Arizona, I'm at the grand canyon now I'm gonna go on to Las Vegas

LA and finish off in San Fransisco

my other YouTube Channel, which has got music, travel

and some other random stuff

is here you can clip here

clip here?

you can clip here if you want

I'm gonna clip this hedge in a minute cos it's getting up in my face

but you can click here to subscribe to that.

Thanks for watching, bye!

For more infomation >> Beginner Arabic: OPPOSITES || Hot Cold, Big Small, Tall Short 🔥❄️ - Duration: 6:34.


If Americans Don't Wake Up Soon, The Country Will Be Turned Over to Luciferians - Duration: 21:06.

For more infomation >> If Americans Don't Wake Up Soon, The Country Will Be Turned Over to Luciferians - Duration: 21:06.


Figment - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:47.

What the heck happened here?

Trauma in the conscious mind,

the Nightmares have come unconfined!

They've seized our lands without remorse,

we hide in fear behind closed doors!

Something's totally messed up in the mind! We need you back Dusty!

We've got a Nightmare to end!

So a few Nightmares escape the gate and you're scared, uh?

You have been unneeded for long my friend, but the mind now needs your aid again.

Visitors? How delightfully inconvenient!

Defeating a Nightmare, I'll confess, should put an end to all this mess.

♪ Dirt and filth will soon prevail, your screams of pain will be of no avail! ♪

♪ Your bowels contract, you swell with gas ♪

♪ one big bottom breath will be your last! ♪

Who the heck was that? - Let's find out!

Run all you want, fart-face! We're coming to get you!

There are fears to fight and a hero never sleeps!

Look at this place! The trauma is already taking root!

I am saving my steps... For kicking your butt!

♪ So hold on, and soon comes the day ♪

♪ There are sights you must see to believe them ♪

Get up there and catch him!

♪ Hold on, I might be far away ♪

♪ But I know I will see you again ♪

For more infomation >> Figment - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:47.


THE VIETNAM WAR | PBS Previews: Unsettled History | PBS - Duration: 2:31.

- Soldiers adapt.

You go over there with one mindset, you know,

and then you adapt.

You adapt to the atrocities of war.

You adapt to

killing, dying.

After a while, it doesn't bother you.

I should say it doesn't bother you as much.

When I first arrived in Vietnam,

there were some interesting things that happened,

and I questioned some of the Marines.

I was made to realize that this is war,

and this is what we do.

And, that stuck in my head.

This is war, this is what we do.

After a while, you embrace that.

- Okay, everybody here?

Good morning, everybody.

The biggest thing I want to say

is this is not a finished film.

We are two and a half years from broadcast.

As we said yesterday, this is the earliest

we've ever brought folks in to do that--

- One of the great joys of a project like this

is that we get to work with some of the leading experts

on the subject of the Vietnam War.

We pull together a wide range of historians

who have many different perspectives about the war.

- I think dropping it in makes great sense, actually.

So, I may disagree with that a little bit.

- Listening to those advisors helped us immeasurably,

and as we go around to get their comments,

and we take diligent notes,

but you can almost read in their faces

where they're at, what their concerns are.

- There's a group of us outsiders who

are taking a look at the very, very rough first cut

of the documentary.

And, a lot of the group are historians

who can say, "Well, you didn't quite get this right,"

or whatever.

- They work with us.

They come to screenings.

They give us notes.

We make changes.

They come to more screenings.

They give us more notes.

We make more changes.

We listen to them talk to each other and argue.

- For me, the focus is maybe too much on the Americans

and the North Vietnamese Army.

- I think that's a really important point,

and it gets to what I was trying to argue earlier.

- One of our favorite things is to listen to them

disagree about things.

Then we realize okay, there's no right answer here.

There's disagreement.

Vietnam is a particularly unsettled subject

about which historians and people who lived through it

disagree quite vehemently at times.

For more infomation >> THE VIETNAM WAR | PBS Previews: Unsettled History | PBS - Duration: 2:31.


New Amazing Lip Art Ideas 2017 💄 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation August 2017 | Part 29 - Duration: 10:16.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> New Amazing Lip Art Ideas 2017 💄 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation August 2017 | Part 29 - Duration: 10:16.


Hakai! Son Goku VS Zamasu - Dragonball Super Animation - Duration: 1:54.

Hello I'm Bulma

Welcome to Zahid Z!

the following video is a fanmade-animation which was created by me

this video was made in coorperation with fan-voice actors that are mentionend at the end of the video

if you like this video, please hit the like button! enjoy!

argh* dammit..

I can not let..

Zamasu just sit there and recover all the time...!

You stupid mortals..

its impossible for me.. get damaged!


I know exactly that I can't hurt you!..

that's why..

I will destroy you with only one shot!

And finish it!

What did you say?!

but I need more distance..




I'm through with this earth!

And I'm through with this universe!

I'll wipe you along with this entire galaxy out of existance!

I'm sorry Lord Beerus..

..but I'm gonna borrow your technique..

Your lifes ends here!!

..but to beat this guy..

Die! Goku!

..I have to use the..


What the hell?!


but this is..


For more infomation >> Hakai! Son Goku VS Zamasu - Dragonball Super Animation - Duration: 1:54.


Interview karrigan - FaZe (DH Masters Malmö 2017) - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Interview karrigan - FaZe (DH Masters Malmö 2017) - Duration: 6:36.


與四人交換的軟軟們|好喜歡!!【阿晴】 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 與四人交換的軟軟們|好喜歡!!【阿晴】 - Duration: 1:59.


BIG WWE Stars RETURNING In 2018! | WrestleTalk News Aug. 2017 - Duration: 3:47.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

Curt Hawkins, WWE Legend This week's episode of Raw kicked off with

an over-the-top Battle Royal to decide the No. 1 Contender for The Miz's Intercontinental


The first man eliminated was Curt Hawkins, being thrown out by all 14 other guys in the


But for the optimistic Star Maker on Twitter, that particular glass is half full, posting:

"I'd like to thank all the @WWE Superstars that honored me last night.

This business is all about earning the respect of your peers.

#RAW" With one picture of him being thrown out the

ring], alongside a similar-looking - but very contextually differing - image of Bret Hart

celebrating his Wrestlemania X WWF title win.

One day, Curt.

One day.

Far more likely in the near future is the return to WWE of two former Divas Champions.

Nikki & Brie Bella Returning In 2018 Speaking to Kenny from Inside the Ropes, Nikki

Bella had this to say about a Bella Twins return next year:

NIKKI: "Definitely coming back, and I wanna come back when I have my sister by my side.

It's been over two years now since the Bella Twins have been in the ring together, and

so I definitely want to make a comeback with Brie.

I'm obviously still waiting for my neck to heal, so I'm hoping 2018 is going to

be the time when we come back.

I hope before then, but I don't know if that can happen.

That's the thing that sucks about bones, you know.

It's like 'grow, c'mon!'

KENNY: And it's something you'd do as like maybe a part time schedule?

Rather than being on the road all the time?

NIKKI: Yeah.

Unfortunately because of my neck, my surgeon - he doesn't even want me to come back and

ever be in the ring again, but he definitely said you can't ever be full-time again.

Nikki underwent neck surgery at the start of 2016, keeping her out of action for 7 months

until her Smackdown Live return at that year's Summerslam.

When preparing for her in-ring comeback, she trained with her brother-in-law Daniel Bryan,

and it appears the Smackdown General Manager is playing coach yet again…

NIKKI: "He's been training with Brie in the ring, because Brie really wants to make

a return, and seeing him, he's like an amazing coach, the patience.

But in his heart he wants to compete, he wants to be in the ring."

A big thank you to Inside the Ropes for letting us use that footage.

Check out their YouTube channel for the rest of the interview by clicking the link above

my head, including Nikki talking about how Bryan is preparing for an in-ring return himself,

who John Cena wants to face at Wrestlemania and Kenny flirting with the man's wife.

KENNY: I don't care if it's a guilty pleasure, I'm a big Total Divas fan, a Total Bellas


NIKKI: Woo - yes!

Kenny, you sly dog.

Before her WWE in-ring return, though, or a date with Kenny, Nikki has a new upcoming


Nikki Bella Training For Dancing With The Stars

PWInsider is reporting that the Bella twin has now officially started training for American

reality contest Dancing With The Stars.

This comes after a Total Divas episode from earlier in the year showing Nikki turning

down an offer from the programme to focus on her wrestling return.

Dolph Ziggler is reportedly leaving WWE when his contract is up.

And which show was better this week - Raw or Smackdown?

Click the videos to the left to find out more, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on


I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

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