Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 1 2017

Buongiorno! And welcome to The World of.

Welcome to The World of!

Hi, everyone! I'm Matthew Rodrigues

and welcome to this week's episode of The World of.

Last week, we got into all that BMX action with VOLTA.

Today, I'm going to take you on an artistic adventure into a show

inspired by commedia dell'arte.

Get ready for The World of Corteo.

Corteo is a festival parade imagined by a clown.

The show brings together the passion of the actor

with the grace and power of the acrobat

to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun.

The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere,

watched over by quietly caring angels.

Juxtaposing the large with the small,

the ridiculous with the tragic

and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection,

the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown,

as well as his wisdom and kindness,

to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us.

The playful music carries Corteo

through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.

Now it's time for Fun Facts.

Roll it.

My name is Daniele Finzi Pasca.

I am the Creator and Director of Corteo.

Corteo is about a funeral.

It's about a clown who is somewhere dreaming about his funeral,

and he is looking back on his experiences while his friends,

with whom he traveled around the world, in a kind of imaginary circus,

come to see him and pay their respects.

So ultimately, it's a celebration that tells a story of friendship,

of the joys of working together and dreaming together,

and it's also a show profoundly dedicated to the circus,

because it tells the story of a circus.

If you have already seen Corteo,

the space is new.

By opening up the proscenium arch and using new technology,

we can make the entire set design soar in even more surprising ways,

as well as the angels who inhabit the entire show.

There are also scenic solutions

that probably make it even easier to delve deeper

into the world created onstage and see the small details

that you probably couldn't quite catch before.

It's still the same, though.

We're really working hard

to keep the same poetry and charm,

to surprise the spectators at times and,

above all, in the end, touch them and leave them deeply moved.

Thanks so much for watching, friends.

Comment below if one of the—

So we also… This is where we store buttons and glitters.

Yes, so we have various colors,

because on every show, we don't use the same.

- It's really a... - Oooh!

- Most of the glitter is... - Look at these.

- Coppers… - I love this color.

What's that?

I want to dip my body in this one.

Sounds like fun, right?

So this is a 3D printer,

and it's printing something right now that you'll eventually use in the show?

Ah, yes. And sometimes it takes many hours to print.

We start it one day and come back the day after,

and it's still printing.

Some of them are really quick. It depends.

Has this changed the game for you, and what you can do on stage?

Yes. Yes. Many of the electronics doesn't break because of that.

They do many props with that.

And it takes less time to make it,

and it helps the artist who moves with them.

What does it use? Is that plastic? What is that?

It's PLA, and we have a flexible one.

You can move it really…

Yes. It's very malleable.

You can bite on it. It's very durable.

Where did everybody go? Everybody ran away from the camera.

They're shy.

Excuse me! Excuse me!

Thanks so much for watching, friends.

Comment below if one of these acts made you excited to see the show.

And be sure to tune in next week,

where we go into our favorite show, "O"!

Do yourself a favor and click here

to see the complete playlist of The World of series.

And right below me there are some fabulous links in the description.

I'm Matthew Rodrigues.

Remember to subscribe to Cirque du Soleil

to flip your everyday reality the CirqueWay,

where everyone, every day, is extraordinary.

Extraordinary. Extraordinary.

For more infomation >> The Joyous Occasion of a Clown's Funeral | Head Backstage in The World Of Corteo | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 7:11.


মিথিলাকে না পেয়ে বিষ খেল খান হেলাল।helal is death... - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> মিথিলাকে না পেয়ে বিষ খেল খান হেলাল।helal is death... - Duration: 1:52.


Sexta clase Árbol con variación base pentagonal DIY COMO HACER ARBOLES NAVIDEÑOS CON PAPEL PERIODICO - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Sexta clase Árbol con variación base pentagonal DIY COMO HACER ARBOLES NAVIDEÑOS CON PAPEL PERIODICO - Duration: 6:15.


[FRI.9.PM] - Tập 3 | Rhythm Of The Rain | OPlus Band (Cover) - Duration: 3:35.


Subscribe our channel to hear more beautiful melody! Thank you!

For more infomation >> [FRI.9.PM] - Tập 3 | Rhythm Of The Rain | OPlus Band (Cover) - Duration: 3:35.


LAST MINUTE Adventskalender mit Dingen, die man wirklich (nicht) braucht #barrierefreiTag - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> LAST MINUTE Adventskalender mit Dingen, die man wirklich (nicht) braucht #barrierefreiTag - Duration: 10:17.


DINGE, die Muslime NIE sagen - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> DINGE, die Muslime NIE sagen - Duration: 2:45.


Dating and Depression Tips Part 1 - Duration: 3:47.

in this video I want to talk about dating and depression helping with the

content creation and the animation in this video is health Chronicle a new

animation channel with over 30 experts dedicated to weekly videos on topics

like the science of blue lights wave protein in the connection of foods and

moods so check them out in the description if you enjoy this video the

depression and dating what can you do if you or your partner is suffering from

depression dating a partner with depression or suffering from depressing

yourself doesn't mean that your love life is over but it does mean you need

to approach dating in a slightly different way first you should be aware

that love is a chemical cocktail now most people consciously want to base

the relationship on trust shared interests respect and perhaps even

emotional security the first throes of love can feel like a wild roller coaster

ride when you meet someone you want to date it's hard enough to navigate the

chemical changes that love brings you forea devastation hope lust jealousy

throwing all that into the chemical stew going on in your body when you're

depressed is like throwing gasoline on a fire unless you follow these 15 tips for

dating when you or a loved one is depressed let's start with tips for your

own depression 1 if you're a guy surround yourself with other guys before

trying to date a girl guys bond differently than women you don't have to

look deep into a guy's eyes and worry about making a good impression most guys

are happy to shoot the breeze about sports their families their jobs even

trade jock itch stories women expect a different kind of communication though

they love confidence in humor they also want someone to whom they can reveal

their deeper emotional selves when you wake up every morning practice good

mental hygiene you brush your teeth every day you take a shower but do you

ever check in with your thoughts first thing before you even roll out of bed

name three things that you're grateful for studies have shown that this

practice shifts your mindset into a more positive tone here's an example I'm

thankful for coffee Robert Downey jr. and making someone smile at the

drive-thru it's that simple after you've done this for many mornings

consecutively you'll start to notice that your day starts in a more positive

way and the effects of a positive mindset translates into everything you

do including your dating life tip number three is one of the best cures for

depression is staying occupied basically staying busy this makes it difficult for

your mind to ruminate on things that worry you or stress you out

if you've just gone through a breakup or a divorce and are trying to date again

but find yourself analyzing a relationship to death stop go on a date

with someone and do something active instead hike to a mountaintop and revel

at the breathtaking view ride your bikes to a local ice cream shop and share

scoop take a trip to a dude ranch or learn how to skydive just doing

something different will keep your mind occupied stave off depression and help

you bond with someone new tip number four is that depression can be lessened

by learning new things so find a new hobby to dig into learn to play a new

musical instrument or check out one of the millions of DIY projects available

on the Internet psychologically sometimes we get

depressed because our brains want to ruminate on past emotional traumas give

the brain something new to learn and heck

even try it with someone you want to date 5 make your bed when we're

depressed just getting out of bed can seem impossible if you just take the

effort to get up and make your bed with no other commitment for the day you may

find yourself thinking wow making my bed wasn't that hard maybe other things

aren't as difficult as I've imagined them to be this can build into a habit

that helps to reduce procrastination and also makes your home a neater more

welcoming space where possible dates would actually like to hang out so for

the other 4 tips on your own depression plus another 5 tips if someone you are

dating has depression check out the video I animated on health chronicles

channel again a huge shout out to health Chronicle for helping with the content

creation and amazing animation of this video I really love their style check

them out in the description or watch part two here thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Dating and Depression Tips Part 1 - Duration: 3:47.


This Is How You Can Tell A Full Moon Is Coming - Duration: 1:55.

The moon has a lot of looks.

And each one happens for a reason.

It takes the moon about 29 and a half days to orbit around the Earth.

And during this time, the sun illuminates the moon from varying angles which creates

a shadow effect that we see here on Earth.

At the start of each lunar cycle, the moon is between the earth and the sun.

This is called a "New Moon".

The side of the moon visible from Earth is not illuminated and therefore we can't see


As the angle between the Moon and the Sun increases, so does the amount of moon we're

able to see.

After the new moon, it enters the waxing crescent phase where we can see 1 to 49% of the moon.

When it reaches 50% illumination, it becomes a first quarter moon, which is kinda confusing

but we'll roll with it.

Next is the waxing Gibbous phase, which means we can see about half to almost all of the


And finally… we get to see the big cheese.

We get one glorious night of full moon and then the illumination starts to fade.

After a full moon, we see the waning phase which is the opposite of waxing.

The moon follows the same illumination pattern just flipped with the final phase being the

waning crescent.

Then it starts all over again with the new moon!

The way you see the moon depends on where you are on the globe.

If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, a waxing moon will be illuminated on the right

side while a waning moon will be illuminated on the left.

It's the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.

So now you know, the next time you see a waxing moon, a full moon is right around corner.

You can catch new episodes of Space Crafts every Wednesday!

In this episode, we'll explain what happens when the Sun explodes and the potential fallout

for Earth.

Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe!

For more infomation >> This Is How You Can Tell A Full Moon Is Coming - Duration: 1:55.


YENİ BAŞLAYANLAR İÇİN EKİPMANLAR ! (YouTube Başlangıç Ekipmanları) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> YENİ BAŞLAYANLAR İÇİN EKİPMANLAR ! (YouTube Başlangıç Ekipmanları) - Duration: 3:58.


என் வயதை கூட பார்க்காமல் என்னை உடலுறவிற்கு அழைத்த இயக்குனர் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> என் வயதை கூட பார்க்காமல் என்னை உடலுறவிற்கு அழைத்த இயக்குனர் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:36.



For more infomation >> DINGE, DIE EINE MUTTER NICHT SAGT - Duration: 6:34.


Top 10 video được xem nhiều nhất youtube năm 2017 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Top 10 video được xem nhiều nhất youtube năm 2017 - Duration: 5:26.


Первая чистка зубов у Лейлы. First Dental Cleaning - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Первая чистка зубов у Лейлы. First Dental Cleaning - Duration: 4:05.


سلسلة كشف اسرار سفر التكوين #10 وقت قيم في وسط سباق الحياة - Duration: 58:31.

For more infomation >> سلسلة كشف اسرار سفر التكوين #10 وقت قيم في وسط سباق الحياة - Duration: 58:31.


এক্সক্লুসিভ লাইভ ভিডিও !! পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস কিংকোবড়া সাপ নিয়ে ডকুমেন্টারী !! | Snake Master - Duration: 13:02.

Snake Master Razzak Biswash in Bangladesh

For more infomation >> এক্সক্লুসিভ লাইভ ভিডিও !! পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস কিংকোবড়া সাপ নিয়ে ডকুমেন্টারী !! | Snake Master - Duration: 13:02.


Inside the YouTube Space London - Duration: 14:24.

I'm so glad it's so windy today. I am at Lake train station on the Isle of Wight

because I have to go to London to see Dan. His book launches today I'm doing

a comedy set and taking some meetings then I have to come well we're back with all

the white it's a flying visit I'm up and down looking forward to it but an

apprehensive because there is a very very limited amount of wiggle room on my

schedule I have to get a train to get a boat to get a coach and then we have a

full day of filming then an event some kind of afterparty

back to the hotel for a couple of hours back to the Isle of Wight is up and down

to do it

when you're making video is one of the hardest things to do is to take your

camera in public that is possibly the weirdest thing to do in the world

because everyone will then look and go why is that guy pointing a big thing in

itself am I wrong but the one place you can do it without funny looks is right

here but I'm gonna go find food in the meantime hang a budget one up I just

need a burger I don't know why I came like did the travel from the Isle of

Wight was bad like I didn't take my camera because kind of angry I got to

the ferry and I had a printed-out ticket and the guy was like no you need a real

one from our ticket office so I went in to the tick off let's get one printed

out and when I got back the bullet left I had a kerfuffle I had to pull over and

the guy who took my ticket knew about it now I'm on someone else's dime so I'm

gonna buy stuff but I didn't want to be a person who just goes hey help yourself

for everyone and buy the house so I just went to M&S and got a chicken and bacon

lettuce salad because I know it'll annoy Dan my attention span is paper-thin

can't stop from sabu spacing out again is this what I'm paying for staying

relevant this season feels good to be back I missed it I

really enjoyed the weight coming back I think when you have something you enjoy

doing and working in then having a place like this to come and create a place is

very important so I'm still here waiting for Dan to come through

in the meantime I've been doing some stuff and seeing some other people there

people I met yeah a lot of times here whatever that was very hard on you come

on attacker I think it's a great energy it's been weird few weeks being hung on

the island so kind of needed this break to come back and get reenergized so

we're doing is a live show tonight about Star Wars Jedi as of at Dan's book but

another reason we're here is some stuff we're doing next year to taking some

meetings over that and then another thing which one it accomplished in a

very small window of time is defined what I want to be as a youtuber now I

work for YouTube as I've edited videos I've produced a lot but I've never been

the guy on camera that people have really stuck with you know I've made

videos about stuff from time to time but I've never really found a market so as a

comedian I find it difficult to translate my energy from stage to camera

a very mostly kind of cosmic feasible room I need to be out of feel the room

to choose the comedy I go with and with YouTube you can't do that so I can make

a video in my mood watch your back in a different mood and not like it now I

don't like watching myself back anyway when I do comedy when I do music I want

to do anything I don't like watching my own stuff but I'm starting to you sudden

skip more interested in what makes me as human being

that in mind that I've decided to try and become a youtuber on camera as well

as keeping my what I do why I'm here and all the other stuff I do active so I'm

not gonna stop being Who I am for the other people but I'm gonna try and do

this more and you can tell just by looking at this camera I've been able to

apply myself in a good mindset because here it doesn't matter the hardest thing

to do is out there when you're out there in the street the hardest thing to do to

get a camera round is be like doing thing so it's build up to that but at

the same time I have to find what I'm doing that builds up to it so what am i

as a human being is gonna kit get people interested in my day to day life that

makes me want to film it dan and I have found it the the the niche the USP the

what it is I do and who I can be now I've been doing digital media now since

I first found out how to connect to the internet have been online tapped up the

years so finding out what I want to do with it has been one of the hardest

things I've ever had to try and figure out did I want to be a comedian and talk

about comedy no did I want to be an event organizer

who talked about events and to know how to run a banty yes and that's something

I still want to do how do I find that extra thing that makes me want to go I

want to see Alex do something I really hope this music is fair use because I

content it in there are some of my favorite youtubers in this world who

started out with less than what I have now and have become these amazing people

it is disrespectful to the equipment that you have given me to not use it to

its full potential when you live on the Isle of Wight that's a weird place it's

a weird place to live when what you do and what your heart is really in is here

but here is a brick-and-mortar place or an idea which it gets into word

philosophical discussion of what YouTube is when you can surround yourself with

creative people who bring out the best in you and take your

ideas and go bucket why not and that is the kind of people you want to be around

you want to be around people to go yeah let's do it

let's try it out let's do something us create a lot of my life on the other

white when I speak to people are things can come down to but really I'll face

several our way I think my finally big where is he he told me he sent me a text

instead come wait outside Colton I hope you jumper back to YouTube

he'll beat Dan when you watch this please know that I'm struck I'm

suffering I'm like seconds away sound well go here then I'm disappointed in

you Dan - laughs and slept so air is that my dad I think that was my dad

where is Daniel Morgan John

that was moments ago literally minute focus and there you go so with any joy

if he's not here okay we're gonna count down he's not here in like ten seconds

gonna be in trouble what happens here a lot of these what happened to I'll be a

couple of seconds all of the traffic burden how are you tired by watch thick

people are coming in down thoroughly done some watercraft and some stuff

which is always good to see he's currently working the room right now

like an absolute Pro what's going on my hair Stern I don't think they do is they

put all of your pictures and videos on this really big wall and it's quite fun

to be part of I'll be hosting over here later and later over here where I'll be

consuming all the beverages till then okay see this is the county okay but

then if I can I do this best know you guys Oh God

do you to go I'm just little I something

really difficult vision is busy be really it's a Lebanese immigrants

Australia also oxidants this is exactly what we talked about earlier deviation

comes in I'm gonna make a video I'll tell you a video to show you something

good so I've done that thing again where I make absolutely no content of what I

built my day around so I was making videos of me here's me going to London

is and said views of the boat and the coach and then

I got to London and I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't get my

camera out very much however I'm in a bunch of selfies and various video clips

from people the event went really well I've never been in an environment quite

like it before because every show every event I've compared hosted done comedy I

have been personally invested in so my own shows I host burst from cabaret

shows at the scene in which I'm I was very much invested everything I've done

has been pertaining to my own personal brand and style but tonight to be part

of Dan's book launch it was weird because the first time I ever stepped

out of my comfort zone into someone else's world now the comic-con in a

slight way could have been like that but at the same time I'm an avid fan of what

I was interviewing and who I was interviewing there you know that that

whole scene I'm very much in but when it came to Dan's book about Jediism and you

know the fuck finding the harmony and the love in the world and one love one

everything pizza sauce leg broke pizzas on its way bruh I had absolutely no idea

what find myself and all of that was I hosting for the audience the way I've

always been is the man from the audience on the stage and just given a microphone

or ever was tried to be but this time I felt I had to be the panel's sort of

conduit to try and bring every audience along with them it was a weird situation

for me to be in because while they had all these passionate people on the stage

talking about what they do in such professional and detailed ways the

audience may not have quite been in there so I then had to chuck in some

lowball questions to try and bring an answer out of the panel who could

explain it in layman's terms to some people because they're people here who

didn't didn't know the source well they were invited to sort of be introduced to

it but to be introduced and do 101 theory with

seasoned veterans is very hard thing to sort of coordinate so for me personally

I thoroughly enjoyed it

we're in a hotel room now who ordered pizza and we're sort of debriefing and

taking our trousers off and hanging out together coming back into the YouTube

space seeing all the youtubers I'm friends with having a more come in and

be part of this you just get reminded about the creativity around these and

these people who have taken this doing something to a camera and turned it into

a life so everyone we were talking to tonight does this for the big Dan

fucking does this for a living surely this is what Dan does I've always

been timid when it comes to the idea of putting myself on a camera I don't like

hearing my voice on watching clips because I was self judged a little too

hard maybe you know too much then I really should it's good to be critical

but every time I watch a video of myself doing comedy I'm like who is that fat

dude Peter and so do you get a decent penetration

dan showed me a video so we would experienced me because I've always

wanted to be one of these people that I've never really had the niche the idea

the spark and I think I found it again today and I'm hoping to try and buffle

that lightning take it back to the Isle of Wight when I'm away from you you

cheap and away from Dan and away from all of these people who inspire me and I

have to wake up and do my day to day and I still want to have that energy to do

this I'd like to add something to this year so this is how we do OK guy called

Ray Kroc who is the founder of McDonald's 1 he was 50 years old and it

was like 1950 something right and he made within one year he made himself a

multi-millionaire he had seven hundred million dollars a year that's back in

the 50s how did he do it persistence persistence persistence and

persistence is everything if you have no resistance you will be able to

determination persistence is everything scholarships degrees and fucking

accreditations of bullshit what you need is persistence determination and

everything is possible that is how I live my life babe don't know I say bad

palates so I've always wanted just to be this person and I can do it behind the

kiss behind the scenes I can help people I can enter third to jerk and give

people cinematic ideas I can get people color palates help people with their

projects but doing this has always eluded me and I've got a spark to do it

again Peter time peace grace just love each other and be great do great things

do great things do what you can't.

For more infomation >> Inside the YouTube Space London - Duration: 14:24.


IK Multimedia iRig Mic Handheld Condenser Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets Review - Duration: 3:28.

Hi, this is video 4 in my series of six videos, plus a bonus video, about

microphones I use and why. My name is Sue Ferreira from Wisdom To Wealth

Mastery, where I show you how to take all the wisdom, you've got up here, in your

noggin, brain dump it and take it out to the world, so your wisdom can help other

people across this planet. We all know that video is the way to do this

these days. it's such a powerful medium so in video 4 I am going to review the

classic and simple the ice cream cone microphone this is

the I rigged microphone and it's a simple mic but you know it's a very

effective mic when do I use this microphone and why do I use this

microphone well for two really good reasons the first reason is it's

actually an iPhone microphone or a smartphone microphone it fits into any

any space smartphone and it has a nice little spare plug here where you can

plug in your headphones and you can listen to the audio that you're

recording which is always handy and it goes into any one of the many video and

audio recording apps that you can have on a smartphone so that's number one

it's it's easy to use and all you need is a smartphone to work with it but the

other reason I use it is when you're out in a group if you're at a meeting often

you might want to interview a lot of people at once you know just like on tv

pass it around now you can take off your lav mic and you can show your live mic

around but I don't know I always find that it's a bit tacky this looks much

more professional so I use this mic when I'm out and about and I would like to

interview different people at the same time you can actually get one of those

nice little blocky squares on it and and put on your own logo so you look like

you're a TV channel but hey these days who needs to look like a TV channel

let's just get it done but the other reason that this

microphone works really well is it comes with the connection so you so you can

put it on a tripod and it's very good for recording music suppose you're a

guitarist or any musician you would like to have this microphone on a try

pod so that you can direct the sound of your music into it the only snag is that

the thread on this attachment to a tripod is a 5/8 inch the most tripods

are 3/8 inch but here's a picture of and in the description below I'll put a link

to the adapter that you can get that makes takes this from a 5/8 to or 3/8 to

go on a regular tripod most sturdier tripods have a 5/8 screw thread which is

you know and you want something sturdy if you're if you're out in a if you're a

band and you know you're doing concerts you you maybe not want the three-eighths

inch which is a little bit more flimsy so that is the eirick mic it's very

simple and it gives good sound so I'm going to put all the information to this

mic in the description below if you like this video well I'd love you to click

the like button below leave a comment and share this video with anyone that

you know who might be looking for a microphone like this and if you

subscribe to my channel I would be very grateful thank you for watching and join

me in my fifth video where I'm going to talk about the h2 n zoom microphone so

see you in the next video so for now bye bye

For more infomation >> IK Multimedia iRig Mic Handheld Condenser Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets Review - Duration: 3:28.


Nicolas Cage Movies List - Duration: 3:24.

Nicolas Cage Movies List

For more infomation >> Nicolas Cage Movies List - Duration: 3:24.


Погадаю - Песни о Любви в Женском Исполнении | Маргарита Орская - Duration: 2:55.

Guess - Love Songs | Margarita Orskaya

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