Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 11 2017

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ১২ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 14:00.


Why 'Ginger Tea' Good For Men? 22 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea - Duration: 13:35.

Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea

Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea

Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea

For more infomation >> Why 'Ginger Tea' Good For Men? 22 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea - Duration: 13:35.


How to Pronounce Latin (Letters PH) / De Latine Pronuntiando (PH Digramma) - Duration: 2:43.

Ō amīcī / Hey parters!

Salvēte! / Howdy!

Ego sum Lūcius, agnōmine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.


et hodiē dē litterīs PH loquāmur / and today let's talk about the letters PH

ut aliīs pelliculīs dīxī / as I've said in other videos

ego prōnūntiātiōne "Classicā" seu "Restitūtā" ūtor / I use the "Classical" or "Restored" pronunciation

id est, prōnūntiō quam, ego putō, / that is, the pronunciation which, I believe,

vērīsimiliter apud Rōmānōs antīquōs dīcēbant / they likely used in the time of the ancient Romans

PH est digramma / PH is a digraph

seu duae litterae simul / or two letters together

apud Graecōs antīquōs est littera Φ (phē) / for the ancient Greeks this is letter Φ

aut (Koinē) phī / or in Koine "phī"

nōn est littera F! / it is not letter F!

nōn apud antīquōs / not among the ancients

H littera enim est nota aspīrātiōnis / the letter H is the sign of aspiration

plērumque Rōmānī antīquī / for the most part the ancient Romans

ūsī sunt PH / used PH

ut hunc sonum Graecum dīcerent / in order to say this Greek sound

et cētera / and others

sed nōn omnēs Rōmānī antīquī / but not all ancient Romans

bene dīcere "pha" et "pa" / would say "pha" and "pa" well

id est distinguere inter "pha" et "pa" / that is distinguish between "pha" and "pa"

igitur nonnumquam / so sometimes

scrībēbant, et dīcēbant ut opīnor / they would right, and I believe also say

itaque sī etiam vōbīs difficile est / so if you also find it difficult

"pha" et "pa" distinguere / to distinguish "pha" and "pa"

modo "pa" dīcī licet / it's okay just to say "pa"

sed nōn "fa" / but not "fa"!

nōlī F sonum dīcere / don't say the sound of F

hoc est modo barbarismus ut opīnor / I believe this would just be a barbarism

cum multa vocābula Graeca in Latīnam inducta essent / as many Greek words were taken into Latin

etiam H / also the H

aspīrātiōnis notam / the sign of aspiration

adhibēbant ad litterās Latīnās / they would use it with Latin letters

exemplī grātiā / for example

cūr? fortasse quia / why? maybe because

animī mōtum habebat / it had emotion

"triumphus habēbitur!" / "there shall be a triumph!"

fortasse ut opīnor / I think perhaps

hīc fīnem faciō / that's it for now

ē vāstitāte Arizōnēnsī / from the Arizona desert

vōbīs omnibus salūtem dīcō / take care

ego sum Lūcius / I'm Luke


valēte! / so long!

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce Latin (Letters PH) / De Latine Pronuntiando (PH Digramma) - Duration: 2:43.


Space between | THE EIBSEE ADVENTURE 🌍 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Space between | THE EIBSEE ADVENTURE 🌍 - Duration: 5:45.


20/20 ABC Lost at Sea December 12th 2017 Must Watch!! - Duration: 40:21.

For more infomation >> 20/20 ABC Lost at Sea December 12th 2017 Must Watch!! - Duration: 40:21.


Adam Richman's Take on NYC's Bagels & Lox || Food/Groups - Duration: 11:57.

- You know, I used to make fun of my aunt,

when she invites us to her house,

us as a family, you have to place your like,

bagel order, like, weeks in advance.

And then, I remember, my mom was disconsolate,

'cause my cousin Blake… Blake, I love you,

but you [omitted] up for my mom that year.

I had to hear about it the whole way home.

Why'd you eat Mom's pumpernickel?

It was your mom who said to place the order!

He ate the pumpernickel.

Thanks, [omitted], I love you, but thank you,

but [ommitted] you, but thank you.

(electronic music)

- We traveled all over the country on this season

of Food/Groups, but now that we're back home

in New York City, we've got a confession to make.

See, like all New Yorkers — natives, transplants, whatever —

we love bagels.

We love 'em so much in fact, that we did an episode

about 'em last season. But honestly,

we didn't quite go deep enough.

We didn't capture the essence of this city's

bagel identity.

So we're calling a do-over.

Food/Groups, New York City bagels, take two!

Schmear we go.

I think it works, right?

People'll get it, it's funny.



(electronic music)

New York didn't invent bagels.

Most scholars agree they arrived here

thanks to Eastern European immigrants

around the turn of the 20th century.

So, why are they such a defining part

of New York City's food life?

To kick off our bigger, better New York City bagel tour,

we met with Ben Wagenberg, a native New Yorker

who's made 'em a defining part of his life

as a certified bagel tour guide.

- I was born right near here on 16th Street.

I grew up in Stuyvesant Town,

so it just turns out that I stayed here in Manhattan.

(upbeat music)

- I run Ben's Bagel Tours.

I've been doing it for about four or five years.

And I called it Ben's Bagel Tours

basically because one, it gets a smile on your face,

two, it's an iconic symbol of New York,

and three, everybody who starts one of my tours

get a fresh bagel.

- Thank you very much.

- There you go. - Excellent.

- This is from Tompkins Square Bagel,

which is right up the block.

And it's one of the better bagels that you find in New York.

(upbeat music)

- Let's talk a little bit about bagel history

here in New York.

- It really came when you had the immigration

of Eastern European Jews,

especially those from Poland.

They had bagels and they were easy to make.

It's a way for people to make business.

When it became more and more commercialized,

yes, you did have a union.

There was the bagel bakers union.

What killed them all, so to speak,

was when Murray Lender invented his process to freeze bagels.

And it then became easier for people to buy,

it became more generic.

One thing that's also a part of the bagel tradition

is smoked salmon.

Lox. - Why is that?

Do you know why?

Or when exactly the lox

became a part of the bagel tradition?

- Well, that's one time where you'll have to

Yom Kippur after fasting 24 hours.

That's true, a lot of people would eat that

or people would eat that in the morning.

Or especially on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

And then, again, when the food like the bagel

became more specialized, so did smoked salmon.

- Yeah.

- It became more not just for a small group of people.

It became more accepted and more desired.

- Is there anywhere in New York that does it still?

- Oh, absolutely.

If you wanna see

how they actually make smoked fish

you wanna go to ACME Smoked Fish.

(upbeat music)

- People have been smoking fish for, well,

as long as they had fire and salt really.

At ACME Smoked Fish, though,

they've been doing it for over a hundred years.

We headed across the Williamsburg Bridge

to meet Adam Caslow, co-CEO and fourth-generation owner

for a look at what makes lox

such a beloved New York bagel topper.

(upbeat music)

- Nova, lox, trout, sable, herring, kippered salmon,

pickled lox, jerky, poke, you name it.

Oh my gosh, whitefish, how could I forget about whitefish?


(upbeat music)

My family started in the smoked fish business

about over a hundred years ago.

My great grandfather, Harry Brownstein,

he had a horse-drawn wagon that he would take around

to smokehouses throughout Brooklyn.

He would bring smoked fish to different appetizing shops.

His dream was to open up his own smokehouse called ACME.

The most common smoked salmon is a cold-smoked salmon,

otherwise known as nova, or lox,

or… I'm sure there's some other "bubby" names


that exist out there.

And you can either wet cure or dry cure fish.

It's then brined for several days

depending on the size of fish.

Then put into the oven for smoking.

We use a fruitwood wood chip blend.

That plate will burn those chips

and the smoke is injected into that oven.

After that, the fish is packaged and shipped

to your local bagel store or deli for fine consumption.

- When I mention it to my friends

who aren't from New York, they're kinda, "well,

that sounds a little weird man."

Why do you think that lox and bagels and lox and schmear

have become more of a New York thing?

- I think in the same way that the deli business,

a pastrami sandwich maybe was once a Jewish icon.

Bagels have the same egalitarian notion to them.

What would New York be without a hotdog cart?

And I think the same can be true about bagels and lox.

(upbeat music)

I don't know that I'm necessarily saving the world

by making smoked fish, but I certainly hope

we're bringing a little bit of joy.

Because food is what fuels this city.

Besides coffee, I guess. - And anxiety.

- And anxiety, right. (laughing)


(birds chirping)

- Do you have a favorite New York bagel?

How do New Yorkers decide

on what their favorite bagel shop is?

- I grew up with a place called Ess-a-Bagel.

But when people ask me on my tours

where is the best bagel?

I will tell them I won't answer the question

because every New Yorker has their own favorite bagel.

A lot of times it's ones in the neighborhood,

whether it's because it's just nearby

or you appreciate the taste.

(upbeat music)

- We're in Brooklyn, New York.

I'm from Brooklyn, New York.

I've been a Jew for about 43 years,

and I've eaten bagels for nearly that entire time.

As long as I've had teeth.


And even maybe before I might've gummed a few.

Sort of lovingly gnawed.

But in a very Semitic way.


(upbeat music)

- If he's not in Brooklyn, his home town,

Adam Richman could be pretty much anywhere.

The culinary traveler, author, and TV host

is known best for his shows like 'Secret Eats'

and 'Man vs. Food' that have him eating all over the world.

But when he's not filming,

he still calls Brooklyn home.

(upbeat music)

- I grew up in kinda the Gravesend area of Brooklyn.

Homecrest between T and U.

I moved to Canarsie to the projects

with my mom, and then now, I live not far from here.

Growing up I have vivid memories of eating bagels

and watching ball games with my dad.

Or they used to show kung fu movies in New York

on the weekends.

Three Stooges.

And Yoo-hoo and bagels, man.

I don't know why.

There's something about seeing the knots

and seeing the actual twist of dough,

and seeing that kind of craftsmanship.

(upbeat music)

So this is tofu scallion and whitefish,

onion and tomato on a toasted everything.

Good for what ails ya.

So here, I'll… with you on this.

- Cheers.

- Cheers to you.

(upbeat music)

- Yeah, that whitefish is almost smokey.

They have like a really nice, but fishy.

Do you have early memories of this?

- I do indeed.

I remember being a little kid,

one of my first errands was going to get the bagels

for Sunday morning, or Saturday morning.

And my dad gave me a list.

And he wrote out the order.

And it was not terribly far from my house,

so it was like one of those errands

that as a parent he could feel safe sending me on.

But for me as a kid, it was one of the first times, like,

I had my list.

I had my cash.

It was one of those great feelings of responsibility.

And they smelled so good,

and they were,

my dad and I both knew this place baked their own.

And they would be warm.

And you could kinda like feel them kinda give in the bag

and kinda crunch in the bag.

And then you have this ice cold bag of lox spread,

and whitefish salad.

And being able to ring the bell.

And like everyone's excited, smells good.

And when you're all there

and Dad always got the sharp serrated knife

to cut them all.

And it's just, it's almost that big sort of family

smorgasbord thing.

(upbeat music)

This is my stepmom's combo.

Lox spread, tomato, onion on toasted sesame.

After you break your fast on Yom Kippur,

traditionally it's a kind of dairy meal.

And for Jews, dairy includes fish.

Go figure (laughs).

I've always felt that food, any given food,

any given dish, kind of exists on a continuum.

When you reinterpret that dish,

it becomes part of a continuum.

And it becomes part of your story.

(upbeat music)

People don't realize the history of the bagel

and how it encompasses so may countries.

An it encompasses such a remarkable story

of how it got here.

At some point it stops becoming like

the Jewish food as opposed to,

it's what New York eats in the morning.

The bagel's as much a part of New York

as your metro card, man.

(upbeat music)

- Maybe that's why New Yorkers identify

so deeply with bagels.

Not because they were invented here (which they weren't),

and not because they're delicious (which they are).

But because in a constantly changing city

of 8.5 million strangers you can't trust,

it's nice to be able to trust the bagel.

It's how New York east breakfast.

Sorta like…

- The bacon, egg, and cheese, salt, pepper, ketchup.

New York style.

- The bagel is just a classic

and sorta beautiful in its simplicity.

Like the bacon, egg, and cheese.

You can get it at diners,

you can get it at a fancy restaurant.

But to me, buttered kaiser roll,

runny egg, American cheese, plain old bacon,

fries and a Coke, hangover cure.

And just like that I feel better

and I feel that I've just somehow worked my way

into your bacon, egg, and cheese episode.


So, I'll see you guys next episode.

Hi everybody, I'm Adam Richmman, still talking about food.

(upbeat music)

- Huh.

Bacon, egg, and cheese.

Maybe someone should look into that.

For more infomation >> Adam Richman's Take on NYC's Bagels & Lox || Food/Groups - Duration: 11:57.


STAR WARS ISLAND - 8 Tips for Visiting Skellig Michael - Duration: 4:31.

Hey guys, it's your Star Wars Geek Julia here.

When Ben and I were planning our honeymoon, we had just seen Star Wars The Force Awakens

and we just had to visit that beautiful island where Rey finds Luke Skywalker.

But there are definitely some things I wish I'd known before I left.

So I've got some words of wisdom to share with you young padawan.

And like we're all hoping they'll do with the movies, I'm saving the best for last.

This is my Star Wars Geek's guide to visiting Skellig Michael.

So, first things first, you've got to use your landing tour well in advance, I'm talking


And make sure that it actually says landing tour otherwise, well.

So this is a big one for me.

There are no bathrooms on the island.

There are public bathrooms near docks at Portmagee but that's going to be a good five hours where

you're not going to be able to go.

So with that in mind, be careful how much blue milk you drink in the morning.

Another reason to eat light in the morning is to prepare for the rough seas.

The water was so rough on the day of our trip that they almost cancelled it and 4 out of

the 12 passengers tasted their breakfast twice, so do yourself a favour and bring gravol.

The force is strong with the island, and by that I mean, the force of the wind.

If you're wearing a baseball hat, it will probably fly off.

Any loose clothing could catch the wind and could throw you off balance while walking

up or down those steep steps.

If the sun comes out, it might get warm, but if it's cloudy, it could be as cold as hoth.

It's a good idea to bring a backpack with extra layers and extra socks.

It's quite a climb getting up to the monastery so make sure to bring yourself some water

and food.

Keep in mind anything you bring onto the island, you'll have to bring off of the island.

If you're looking to get some of those iconic photos or videos without any people in the

background you're going to need to be the leader of the pack.

We recommend that you get up to the monastery as soon as you can before it gets over crowded.

This is such an awe inspiring place that it's easy to lose track of time.

Make sure to give yourself enough time to make the trek all the way back down, keeping

in mind you'll probably want to take a few photos along the way.

So this is the biggest piece of advice I could give.

Don't live behind the lens.

Although it was our love for the Star Wars movies that brought us to the island, as we

arrived and stared up at this beautiful majestic beast of an island, the scenes from the force

awakens were far from our minds.

Don't get me wrong, I am so happy that we have so much footage from our trip but I wish

I had taken a little more time to really appreciate what this place was.

Thank you guys so much for tuning in today.

Don't forget to hit subscribe or give us a like or comment below if you've got any questions

about visiting Skellig Michael.

And may the force be with you.

For more infomation >> STAR WARS ISLAND - 8 Tips for Visiting Skellig Michael - Duration: 4:31.


La neige a joué de vilains tours aux automobilistes ce lundi - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> La neige a joué de vilains tours aux automobilistes ce lundi - Duration: 1:57.


Baker Grace - Day I Die - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Baker Grace - Day I Die - Duration: 3:23.


Former Fox News Host Who Accused Bill O'Reilly Sets Record Strai - Duration: 3:48.

Former Fox News Host Who Accused Bill O�Reilly Sets Record Straight on Elevator Story About


Former Fox News host Juliet Huddy didn�t mince words as she shared her own experience

with President Donald Trump, which she claims happened at Trump Tower.

Huddy gave the details of the incident on �Mornin!!! with Bill Schulz,� where she

recalled that Trump had once tried kissing her in an elevator back in �2005 or 2006�

after the pair had come back from lunch.

�He said goodbye to me in an elevator while his security guy was there,� Huddy told


�Rather than kiss me on the cheek he leaned in to kiss me on the lips.�

And though the WABC Radio show host claims to have rebuffed his advances, she admitted

to feeling taken aback.

�I was surprised that he went for the lips,� Huddy admitted.

�But I didn�t feel threatened � he took me out to lunch to talk about maybe me doing

something with �The Apprentice.'�

�I wasn�t offended, I was kind of like, �Oh my god,'� Huddy recalled.

�I thought he was a single man and leaned in for a kiss � maybe he thought, �She�s

been out to lunch with me and maybe she is interested.'�

According to U.K. Daily Mail, the incident took place around the time Trump was marrying

first lady Melania Trump, which took place in January of 2005.

Huddy admits that, after the initial alleged attempt, Trump never tried anything inappropriate

after that, and she had never been alone with him again.

Yet, when Trump appeared on Huddy�s Fox-affiliated talk show WNYW, she claims Trump laughed off

the incident when the camera wasn�t rolling.

�Trump was a guest and he came on stage.

He said, to the audience and producers, not on camera, �I tried hitting on her but she

blew me off,'� she said.

�He was laughing.�

However, now that Huddy had seen Trump�s own response to her lawsuit against former

Fox News anchor Bill O�Reilly � among a host of other women claiming misconduct

from the disgraced host � she admits her feelings have changed.

Huddy also reportedly received a settlement from O�Reilly.

�I�ve seen him (Trump) many times over the years and he�s always been nice � When

all the stuff came out about Bill O�Reilly, Donald Trump was one of the people who said,

�I don�t believe this happened and I don�t believe he did it,'� Huddy said.

�I was actually very disappointed in Trump,� she admits.

�I thought, �You know what, f� you.� He (Trump) has met me a bunch of times and

he knows I am not (a liar).�

Huddy admits that maturing in the business of media has made her thoughts a bit clearer

on the issue and that, being young led her to making excuses for the kind of behavior

she�d allegedly experienced from Trump.

On Friday, Huddy confirmed the experience on social media.

A rep for Trump has not yet commented on the accusation.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Former Fox News Host Who Accused Bill O'Reilly Sets Record Strai - Duration: 3:48.



For more infomation >> YOU NEED TO BUY THIS CARD RIGHT NOW... (FIFA 18 NEW SBC) - Duration: 11:02.


DARK Aftershow | Zeitreise | Netflix - Duration: 19:55.

For more infomation >> DARK Aftershow | Zeitreise | Netflix - Duration: 19:55.


Klike - Vitamina 💊 (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Klike - Vitamina 💊 (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:20.


Colonel Fraser Reel - Fiddle, Uilleann Pipes & Piano - Dan MacDonald - Duration: 2:47.

hey how's it going Ryan MacNeil here I have a very special guest all the way

from Ironville Cape Breton living in Toronto Dan McDonald he's gonna play

some tunes with me today and I'll let him do some talkin here we go

hello my name is Dan McDonald and I'm a fiddle player from Ironville and Cape

Breton Island and I've known Ryan a long time we went to high school together and

say the St. FX together who played quite a lot of music together over the years his

family my family and Ryan is living over in South Africa I'm living up in Toronto

and we both have records that we're releasing this year he released his it's

called shuffle some great stuff on it and I'm releasing my little later this

year called rural-urban with stuff from where I grew up and Cape Breton and on

the other side where all the places I've lived anyway I'm gonna play this little

tune to keep Ryan company called Colonel Frazier and

Thanks Ryan! Thank you very much Dan. appreciate it. we'll see you soon

For more infomation >> Colonel Fraser Reel - Fiddle, Uilleann Pipes & Piano - Dan MacDonald - Duration: 2:47.


Beijing Like a War Zone After Forced Evictions | China Uncensored - Duration: 7:44.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

did someone just drop a bomb on Beijing?!

Welcome back, Chris Chappell here.

What happened in Beijing?!

Did North Korea launch a missile?

It looks like a war zone!

What's that, Shelley?

Oh, I'm sorry, that isn't a war zone.

What you're looking progress!

I mean, not progress.

That sounds so self-serving.

What you're looking at the Communist Party's deep,

caring concern for the welfare of the common people.

Funny how concern looks like wholesale destruction.

This is Daxing district.

It's home to many of Beijing's estimated

8.1 million migrant workers.

Just to give you an idea

of how many people 8.1 million is,

it's like the entire population of New York City.

But all crammed into a city

with 3 times as many people.

Plus add terrible traffic and unbreathable air.

And if you think the living conditions

for the average New Yorker are bad...

well, you're right actually.

But for Beijing's migrant workers,

it's so much worse.

A million of them literally live underground.

On the plus side,

if things ever do go south with North Korea,

the migrant workers are already living in bomb shelters.

I can see the real estate agent

trying to rent out this apartment.

An exclusive opportunity

to live three floors underground

in a historic air defense bunker.

It has high ceilings!

Spacious closets!

Washing machine in the building!

Truly a steal.

China's migrant workers

travel from their tiny villages

in the economically depressed countryside

to big cities like Beijing to find work.

That means they don't have the residence permits

that would let them officially stay in the cities

and do things like send their kids to school.

Migrant workers have fueled China's economic boom.

And unsurprisingly

"Migrant workers doing construction

and service jobs

are often poorly paid

and lack any semblance of workers' rights."

And many of their homes

are not exactly what we would call up to code.

That's why a massive fire broke out last month.

It killed 19 people

and made thousands of others homeless.

So the authorities responded

by providing warm food,

a place to stay…

…Haha, just kidding.

The CCP used it as an excuse

to kick everyone out of the neighborhood,

demolish all the buildings,

and leave them homeless

on the streets of Beijing,

where the nighttime temperatures

were several degrees below freezing.

It's for the good of the people.

In some cases,

residents only got a few hours' notice.

"Word comes out you have to move,

and the machines are coming in

and destroying buildings."

"Why do you treat us like this?

It's not like we're foreigners.

We are Chinese.

Let's say you want us to move out,

to go back to our hometowns,

that's fine.

But give us a couple of days to do this, right?

One day is not enough."

I guess you'd call these people

the huddled masses yearning to be free.

And don't worry,

there were swarms of warmly dressed police officers around

to make sure everyone did as they were told.

And just to be clear,

these newly homeless migrants

aren't just the people whose homes burned down.

It includes tens of thousands of people

in the surrounding areas, too.

In fact, Beijing announced

a 40-day "safety" campaign

to clear out "illegal structures."

Because forcing the migrant workers

out into the freezing weather

with practically nothing but the clothes on their backs

was totally about their safety.

It is absolutely not a pretext for the Party

to carry out a population control plan

they had announced in September.

Or the fact that the freshly evacuated real estate

is worth a lot of money.

Since, you know,

in China, there are no meaningful private property rights,

and local governments typically make about

40% of their revenue from land sales.

Fortunately for the homeless migrants,

they're not completely out of luck.

There has been an outpouring of support

from people across the city.

Fellow citizens have donated food,

clothing, and temporary housing.

The people of Beijing really came together

to help each other.

There's also an open letter to authorities

written by more than 100 scholars,

lawyers, and artists

protesting the evictions.

People also protested the way

Chinese state-run media

callously referred to the migrants

as Beijing's "low-end population."

So how did authorities respond to the public outcry?

By ordering the media

to censor all references to the evictions.

And then authorities tried to shut down

local people's attempts to help the migrants.

Because you know,

they were making the Communist Party look bad.

But even though the Party is censoring TV,


and even social media—

people are still going to notice

that something happened to all the migrant workers.

Like when no one is around to deliver their food.

"The ripple effect of the mass evictions

has swept the city—

fashionable restaurants without waiters,

airport ground staff

and security personnel left homeless,

online shopping blocked

as Beijing delivery services are disrupted

by distribution warehouses suddenly bulldozed."

Chinese authorities have bitten off

more than they can chew with this one.

This is just one of two huge scandals

to hit Beijing back to back.

The other one, we reported on last week.

There are allegations of sexual abuse

at an expensive kindergarten

targeting the upper middle class.

According to Weiboscope,

which tracks censorship on Chinese social media,

"the level of censorship in recent days

was even higher than during

the politically sensitive Communist Party's

five-yearly national congress in October."

Which is insane.

The Party Congress is one the most

politically sensitive events there is.

And these scandals even have surpassed

that level of censorship.

Over the last couple weeks,

the CCP has managed to alienate

both the poor and the middle class

of Chinese society.

Even the censors are complaining

they can't keep up.

So what will the impact be?

For the migrant workers themselves,

the ones who can't find another place to live

are mostly going home quietly.

There's not much else they can do.

Overall, it's hard to say right now

what the economic impact of this will be.

And remember,

Beijing typically sets an example

for the rest of the country.

So probably we will see evictions in other cities

of more migrant workers—

a.k.a. the "low-end population".

And a nationwide campaign to evict migrants

could cause a national uproar...

or maybe just give real estate developers

more great business opportunities.

Look at this place.

So rustic!

So much open space!

Lots of light!

It's a steal.

So what do you think?

Has the Communist Party crossed a line?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

You know,

it's about time that the Chinese Communist Party

got their own eviction notice.

If you want to know why,

check out our website,

There'll you see loads of videos

about what the Party has done,

plus half hour episodes

you won't see anywhere else.

So visit!

For more infomation >> Beijing Like a War Zone After Forced Evictions | China Uncensored - Duration: 7:44.


Um, Actually: the Game Show of Nerdy Corrections (Ep. 5) - Duration: 9:17.

(musical dings)

- From armored bears to owl bears,

nerds are passionate about a lot of things.

There's one thing they like more than anything else

and that is correcting people.

This is Um, Actually.

(upbeat techno music)

With us today we have Siobhan Thompson,

Zac Oyama, and Evan Watkins.

- Hi

(all laugh)

- Two with invisible fedoras.

- It's true

Oh my God, sorry.

- What level of nerd would you say you are?

- I don't know what anything at Comic Con is,

but I would love to go.


- Well with that, let's get into it.

I have here a stack of statements.

These are all false statements about the franchises

that are nearest and dearest to your heart.

It will be up to you to find the thing

that is wrong with it and correct it.

Now every correction must be proceeded by the phrase,

'Um, actually'.

If you do not proceed it with 'Um, actually',

you will not get a point.

- Can't wait to take you down.

- Great, let's get started.

Question one concerns Harry Potter.

- Yes! - Ugh.

- All of Voldemort's most evil henchmen, namely

Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange and Peter Pettigrew,

graduated Hogwarts as members of Slytherin.

- Um actually, Peter Pettigrew was in Gryffindor.

- That's correct, Pettigrew was a Gryffindor.

- Thank you.

- I'm literally reading Prisoner of Azkaban right now.

- Major spoilers - Guess you haven't got

to that bit yet.

- Slytherin's kind of a shitty house, right?

- Yeah, it's just all of the assholes.

- Yeah, they should just get rid of that house, right?

At some point, they should just say,

- No thank you.

- Let's distribute the assholes.

- Right, but you could also say that about all fraternities.


- Like we could just get rid of them.

- Queen Amidala of Naboo casts the tie-breaking vote

in the decision to award Chancellor Palpatine

emergency powers to fight the Trade Federation.

- Um actually, at that point it was Emperor Palpatine.

- No that is incorrect, I'm sorry.

- I don't see how we're supposed to remember movies

that generally are not canon any morer.

(all talk over each other)

- Quality does define canon.

- Um actually, it was Bail Organa that cast the tying vote.

- No. (buzz) We're getting closer.

- Oh my god.

Um, actually it was Jar Jar Binks.

- That is correct.

(all shout)

- Um actually, Jar Jar Binks is the one who cast the vote,

raising the big question: who the fuck elected Jar Jar Binks

to the galactic senate?

- To be clear though, still better than Jeff Sessions.

Still a better senator across the board than Jeff Sessions.

- I heard actually, Jar Jar's going to be

running against Jeff Sessions.

- You know what, good, I'll vote for...

I will invest a lot of money into Jar Jar Binks.

- Jeff Sessions is actually from Naboo.


Meesa Jeff Sessions.

- I was waiting for who was going to be the first

to do a Jar Jar impression.

- Um actually, that was a Jeff Sessions.


- After their visit to the Emerald City,

Dorothy and her friends travel through Munchkinland

to get to the castle of the Wicked Witch of the West.

They journey through a forest while armed

with a net, but spray, and a gun.

- What?

- It seems like a lot of those things are not right.

This is from the book The Wizard of Oz?

- This is from the movie with details filled

in from the book.

- Um actually, they're not traveling through

Munchkinland, they go through Munchkinland

to get to the Emerald City

and they're traveling through some other different place.

- You are correct, they're not traveling

through Munchkinland.

Can you be more specific and name the land

they're going through?

- It's like the Marshland or something.

- Can anyone best Siobhan?

- Um actually, it's the forest with those scary trees

that throw apples at you.

- It is the forest with the scary trees,

but it's not the land they're traveling through.

You have no idea, but you're gonna guess.

I wanna hear it.

- Um actually, the Bad Marshlands.


- The answer is that they were traveling through

Winkyland, not Munchkinland.

But, the bigger story here,

they had a fucking gun.

- They had a gun?

Why did they throw water if they had a gun?

- This is a very good question.

There he is, there's the Scarecrow holding a gun.

- I don't remember that!

- Where'd the gun come from?

- It's the fakest looking gun I've ever seen.

- Do they have guns in Oz?

- Right!

- Is Dorothy come the thing and she's just like,

I've got a gun.

I'm from Kansas bitch.

- She's from Kansas, she's like always packing.

- Wait, in the movie he has a gun?

- This is not doctored.

This is a screenshot from the Wizard of Oz.

There is Scarecrow packing heat.

- I feel like it was a choice

that they guy who played the Scarecrow made

and then half way through, they're like,

wait, how long have you been holding a gun?



- [Narrator] What's Wrong?

- This is a segment called what's wrong with this picture?

We're gonna show you a picture on the screen.

You have to identify what is wrong with it.

What is wrong with it?

Of course from Magic the Gathering.

Black Lotus card.

- Um actually, it was not illustrated by Christopher Rush.

- It was illustrated by Christopher Rush

and what a great job he did.

- Um actually, it's one of one is not.

- It's not one of one.

- Um actually, it has nothing down there.

It's not two and two, there's nothing down there.

- That is correct.


- That would be a monster that has...

- That's correct.

This is an artifact.

As an artifact, it does not have a power and toughness.

Those are reserved for artifacts,

at most an artifact creature.

That point goes to Mr. Zac Oyama.

- He's so fuckin smart.



- The originally published order of

The Chronicles of Narnia puts Prince Caspian

immediately after The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,

but some publishers interject The Horse and His Boy

between the two, since the events

of The Horse and His Boy take place chronologically

after the events in The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe.

- Um actually, The Horse and His Boy

happened first in the series chronologically.

- Incorrect.

- Really?

- That is incorrect.

- Um actually, they take place at the same time.

- That's correct.

The events of The Horse and His Boy

take place at a different point in Narnia

simultaneously with the last chapter

of The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe.

- Really?

- The first book in the series is the Magician's Nephew,

chronologically speaking.

- Yeah, that's right.

- Oh, yeah. How about that!


- That's what I was getting confused with.

The two books that nobody ever reads.


- In the original Crash Bandicoot,

Crash can gain a new life by breaking a 1-Up box,

or by collecting 100 mangoes.

- Um actually, it is not mangoes, it is honeycomb.

- No, it is not honeycomb.

You are confusing Crash Bandicoot

with the honeycomb monsters.

- Very similar creature.

- Um actually, it's not mangoes, it's bananas.

- Nope, that's incorrect.

- That's Donkey Kong. I was thinking Donkey Kong.

- Um actually, it's like banjo strings.

- No, no.

We'll go ahead and call it.


- Like a package of banjo strings?

- I think you're thinking of Banjo-Kazooie.

- Oh yeah!

- I'm thinking of Banjo-Kazooie!

- I'm afraid they're called wumpa fruit.

- Oh no!

- Wumpa fruit.

- Just a made up wumpa fruit.

- This close of thinking of wumpa fruit.

- I feel like Crash Bandicoot gets no respect.

- I'm fine with it. I don't care.


- [Narrator] Life Skills.

- This is our final question, which as always,

concerns real life skills.

Proper treatment for a minor burn is to immediately

wash the burn with anti-bacterial soap,

apply ice intermittently for 10 to 15 minutes,

the wrap in a dry cloth.

- Um actually, run under cold water first,

then put the antibiotic cream on it,

and then cover it with the bandage.

- I'm going to give it to you.

You ended up answering the things

that were all right, which is you're not supposed

to use ice and you are supposed to use cool water.

The order, you kind of fucked up,

but also I'm sure it would be fine

to do it that way.

The big thing is just you don't want to use ice.

Ice will not do really anything

and can potentially damage your skin tissue.

- You heard it here.


- And that's our game!

Let's take a look at those final scores.

That makes Zac our winner.

- Yeah!


I can't believe I won.

- I'm so mad, I'm so mad.

- If you notice something incorrect

that I said, feel free to tweet at me at the handle below

and correct me and remember to leave it

in the form of an um, actually.

Check in next episode to see if you were

the first person to correct me.

You might get a point, which is worth nothing,

except bragging rights.

We made a couple of mistakes in our last episode

and some of you tweeted at us to correct us.

Ayden @hascerflef tells us that

we need to have an accent mark over the E in Pokemon.

This is very, very small and picky,

which is totally in the spirit of the game

and so we will give Ayden a point.

@Doige_Nash tells us that the Tarrasque

was taken from a story from French folklore

and not an original monster to D&D.

He is correct as are the millions of other people

who had to tell us the same thing.

One point though, just for George

because he was the first.

One point for @mhunter225, who told us

that Batman Forever was released in '95 and not '94.

Well, that's it for our episode.

Join us next time for the game of nerdy corrections.

I'm Mike Trap and this is Um, Actually.

(upbeat techno music)

Hi, it's Mike Trap from College Humor.

Click here to subscribe.

Click here for more fun things

and send help to keep me from sinking.

Please, please help.

Please help.

For more infomation >> Um, Actually: the Game Show of Nerdy Corrections (Ep. 5) - Duration: 9:17.


ASMR esp ❤ EXAMEN DE OÍDO || guantes - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> ASMR esp ❤ EXAMEN DE OÍDO || guantes - Duration: 16:53.


How Orchid Bees Get Tricked Into Having Sex With Flowers - Duration: 2:56.

Sexual deception is a biological bummer - at least for the party that is deceived.

Male solitary orchid bees are the unfortunate victims of the ultimate sexual trick.

Unlike their communal-living relatives, solitary bees do not have easy access to sexual partners.

Males must rely on distinctive airborne chemical cues in order to find a female mate.So what

happens when a male picks up the scent of a sexy lady - only to find it's not another

bee...or an animal at all?

The majority of examples of sexual deception come from members of the orchid family.

This kind of mimicry has evolved independently on at least four continents, and its existence

continues to perplex evolutionary biologists and botanists alike.

But why would a plant want an animal to have sex with it?

Many plants require animals (or other interventions) for cross-pollination (reproduction), and

sexual deception is thought to have evolved from plants that offer food rewards to pollinating


However - in the case of this sexual deception - after the bee does his "pollination thing,"

instead of receiving a food gift, the duped male suitor loses his energy, time and in

some cases, his sperm.

And obviously gets no offspring.

Orchids are able to synthesize scents that are exact replicas of sexually active female


The accuracy of this chemical mimicry is astounding, and this is undoubtedly what initially draws

the male's attention.

But the disguise doesn't stop at the orchid's smell.

Deceptive orchids have remarkable colors and structures that render them nearly identical

to female bees (well, at least in the eyes of the male bees having sex with them).

The shape of the flower, its UV reflectance and size all mimic different parts of a sexually

receptive females' body.

Once a male has located his orchid lover, he will engage in 'pseudocopulation':

a variety of behaviors including full out sexual action and ejaculation.

Males will erect their genital capsules and make convulsive movements, rubbing them against

various parts of the flower.

But all is not lost for our misguided bachelors.

Solitary bees have a sexual system in which males are polygynous.

They mate with many females during their reproductive lives.

If they happen to sex a few flowers on the way to finding true love, there's usually

more than enough sperm to go around.

So don't worry little bee, you'll get there eventually.

Want to see more animal videos?

Then check out this playlist from our friends at The Dodo.

Don't forget to subscribe, and keep coming back to Seeker for more videos.

For more infomation >> How Orchid Bees Get Tricked Into Having Sex With Flowers - Duration: 2:56.


Teacher Toolkit: Table Points (Elementary) - Duration: 0:55.


For table points, I put them in groups.

And while they're in their groups,

they earn points for collaborating together.

They earn points for things like teamwork.

For transitioning.

Once they earn their points, they usually

get some kind of reward at the end of the week.

I think they like it because they like to compete.

They like to be--

they want to be the best table and they

want to shine in front of all their classmates.

And so they work really hard together

to get the most points.

When students work together as a table,

it gives them a chance to communicate with each other.

Word things in a way that maybe only kids

can understand from each other.

And so that communication is very important.


For more infomation >> Teacher Toolkit: Table Points (Elementary) - Duration: 0:55.


2018 Golden Globe nominations start the Oscar race - Duration: 3:10.

It's time for the award show that brings together the big screen and small screen:

The Golden Globes.

This year's nominations have two leaders: "The Shape of Water" leads the movie pack

with seven nominations, and "Big Little Lies" leads the TV group with six nods.

Let's start with the highlights from the movie side of things.

As the Golden Globes typically forcast Oscar nominations, the nominated movies and actors

get a ton of buzz.

In the drama categories, "The Shape of Water" is joined by powerhouse movies "Dunkirk,"

"Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" and "Call Me By Your Name" in the race

for best drama film.

"How ya doing?"

"Nice to meet you. Elliot."

Plus, Steven Spielberg's "The Post" is nominated, along with the film's two stars

Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks.

"And I know what is at stake."

Hanks is up against Daniel Day-Lewis's role in "Phantom Thread" his alleged last movie

role before he quits acting.

Day-Lewis's roles are usually an award show staple, making him a favorite in the best actor

in a drama film category, but Gary Oldman's portrayal of Winston Churchill in "Darkest

Hour" shouldn't be counted out.

"I'm getting the job only because the ship is sinking."

For best comedy movie, the two main competitors are Greta Gerwig's coming-of-age film "Lady

Bird" and Jordan Peele's racial horror movie "Get Out."

Both are first-time directors whose movies have been smash hits with critics and at the

box office.

"I wasn't flirting."

The stars of both of those films are nominated as lead actors, with Saoirse Ronan's biggest

competition being Margot Robbie's performance as Tonya Harding in "I, Tonya."

"Everyone has their own truth."

Moving on to television, "Big Little Lies" is continuing its award season sweep, earning

a nomination for best limited series.

"I don't know where this is coming from.

I really don't."

The stars of the show, Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, will face off for best actress

in a limited series.

Kidman won the Emmy award in this category earlier this year, and will again face Jessica

Lange and Susan Sarandon of FX's "Feud: Bette and Joan."

"No one is looking to cast women our age."

As for the comedy categories, some usual nominees made the cut, like Aziz Ansari's "Master

of None" and ABC's "Black-ish," both nominated for best comedy series.

They're joined by the newly rebooted "Will & Grace," as well as newcomers "The

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and "SMILF."

The leading ladies from both of those shows are nominated for best actress in a comedy


"Do you have like, uh, something prostitute-adjacent?"

The drama categories include some fierce competitors this year.

"I guess it's a little strange."

The nominees for TV's biggest award, best drama series, include the winner of the 2017

Emmy, "The Handmaid's Tale," as well as the winner of last year's Golden Globe,

"The Crown."

"The less you say-"

"Or think, or feel, or breathe, or exist."

They face fan-favorite shows like "Stranger Things" and "This Is Us," as well as

an award show darling.


"Game of Thrones," still nominated after seven seasons.

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