Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today what I wanted to

talk about is gun game now I'm gonna get straight into the video I'm not rolling

the intro today or none of that today I just wanted to sit down chill and talk

to you guys about the winter siege update and gun game so basically with

the winter siege of the we were supposed to be a gun game with it but for some

reason we haven't got it yet I'm gonna tell you guys right now I believe it's

coming out this Wednesday because Wednesday is where they release you know

all the new updates and stuff like I will not of these with new weapons and

like cop ones riding on that date so that's why I think it's gonna be on a

Wednesday tell me in the comments down below when you guys think is gonna come

out I could be completely wrong but I just want to see what y'all think about

gun game and when it's coming out and yeah also tell me which I think the game

is gonna be like y'all think is gonna be good in this game do you guys think is

gonna be better than most of the other Kol duties that we've seen so far do you

guys think they're gonna take the route of like black ops where they have like

you know progressive weapons or do you think they're gonna do like remaster

where it's just you know random weapons personally I think I would want to see

you go back to the black ops 1 ways we start off with the pistol then dual

pistols and then like a submachine gun then another submachine gun then a

shotgun and you know like progressing that just feels that just makes you feel

better you know what gun is next and it's not like wacky and out of order for

some reason you know that okay my next game is gonna be a shotgun at least I

know that I don't know exactly what's going but it's gonna be a shotgun you

know you can learn that patterns of I know you could do the same thing in

remastered but it just made more sense to go from bottom to up rather than just

going like you know starting off with pistol a or some machine gun rocket

launcher pistol again melee he's like I don't know it was just weird to me some

of the comments down below how you guys want to see gun game being implemented

in this game and also in the comments I want you to tell me why y'all don't

think that they added in gun game yet cuz I mean it's been like a couple of

weeks I don't know it's only been one week I've done what to see the update

also that is another topic your subject I wanted to talk about I don't know

about you guys but in the new it's our siege update the surprise drops are

crazy stupid like the it's just like the drop rates are stupid now like really

really dumb it feels like it's even harder than black ops 3 to get at least

some good stuff out of it every time I open a winter Supply Drop every one of

them has a common or rare it's never like a legendary especially the one with

the little snowflake it's never over a rare it's always a common

arresting for legendary epic nothing and I don't know and I know it's not just me

you guys have probably seen it too I know these youtubers are buying supply

drops have seen the two because I've seen even a youtuber that did say that

it was trash and they do not recommend buying cop points this year because it's

just a drop rates are so crazy tell me the common example of what y'all

think about that as well I just I don't know they want to see Jeff they brought

some good stuff but I also brought a lot of bad stuff too but yeah guys that's

just mainly what I wanted to talk about today gun game and you know surprise I

was being crazy in the new what source each update tell me in the comments down

below what you think about these two topics and uh yeah guys I guess I'll be

it's just a quick short video today to see what y'all think about some stuff

real quick and yeah I'll see you guys on the next one

For more infomation >> COD WW2 GUN GAME? - WHERE IS GUN GAME WINTER SIEGE UPDATE - Duration: 3:21.


Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe | How to make Gravy Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe in Urdu / Hindi By Sehar Syed - Duration: 9:28.

Please SUBSCRIBE Cooking With Sehar Syed

For more infomation >> Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe | How to make Gravy Chicken Jalfrezi Recipe in Urdu / Hindi By Sehar Syed - Duration: 9:28.


Собрано «досье» на Dash. Выпуск №91 - Duration: 5:56.

Greetings to all, Dear Friends! This is seven-day coverage

of news on Dash cryptocurrency.

And here's your newswoman – Julin GYS, creator of the channel WORLD of INTERNET


The price of Dash for the past week attained the minimum of $629.39

and the maximum of $784.29

Run by the Dash Caracas outreach group, the initiative focuses

on holding two additional conferences in continuation of the first

major conference, which was a runaway success, exceeding projected

attendance figures by over double. The second

and third conferences proposed would go deeper into

Dash, its future roadmap, and the process

for participating in its ecosystem. Dash is uniquely poised

to thrive during the economic

upheaval taking place in Venezuela. Venezuela

is experimenting with other digital

currency approaches. In an attempt to escape from

the ill-effects of a failing currency, as well as skirt economic sanctions

facing the country, the Venezuelan government

floated a proposal for a crude oil-backed cryptocurrency

dubbed the petro. Currency oil will be secured

by oil reserves.

Everybody have possibility to get paid in

Dash nowadays. Dash has been added to the Uphold

platform. This service allows for fast and seamless

conversions across a host of different currencies and cryptocurrency. Most

importantly, this platform allows people just about

anywhere to easily sign up and buy Dash directly. Uphold

makes transactions much simpler than an exchange,

and it supports users from most geographies. On the roadmap

for Uphold is integration of Dash's InstantSend

functionality, which will allow users to complete exchanges

even faster. Bitwage allows salary conversion

to Bitcoin but, however, can't accept

Dash or other cryptocurrencies at this time.

Combining Bitwage and Uphold allows to get paid in Dash.

In the article there are the instructions how to do it.

Dash has funded an accountability system for keeping track

of previously funded proposals. Dubbed the

Dash Watch, the project aims to create a website for the tracking

of past proposals. Rather than acting

as a subjective review system,

this will include purely objective relevant

and important information such as cost, updates,

deliverables, delivery dates, delays, etc. This will eventually

project is to have as much visibility and transparency

transparency as possible over the status and progress

of proposals. This will eventually include a calendar

and timeline of the whole proposal ecosystem and advanced

the use of different criteria will be available

filtering capabilities to analyze

all previously approved proposals.

The report on the Dash had been completed and

It will provide you with a basic understanding of Dash, as well as some insight

as to where this explosive currency is headed in 2018. This report contains

a complete overview of Dash, including: A subsection on Dash vs. Bitcoin; Dash

and Bitcoin price history; How to buy Dash coins; How to choose a Dash coin

wallet; A Dash price prediction for 2018; Dash could

replace Bitcoin in the near future. You find more information in the article.

While bitcoin was in the limelight

and its price broke the $ 15,000 barrier, DASH cryptocurrency

set its own record. Many investors are watching the Dash

network development. Last week,

this currency overcame the $ 815 mark. If the digital currency

exists for several years, why its

price rose unexpectedly only last month? There

are several reasons. For example, participants

from South Korea came to the market. According to CoinMarketCap,

almost half of the Dash trade turnover falls

on the South Korean Bithumb stock exchange. And maybe Dash is a new

cash? The official blog Dash says

that traders may already be tired of the competition between

bitcoin and his forks and they begin to pay attention

to the obvious alternative. Bitcoin continues to be

in the spotlight, but given the recent activity

of DASH, it's unwise to ignore the potential of some alternative


We have decided to organize a competition, with Dash criptovaluta

as the main sponsor. The prize fund is 100 000 rubles!

Also you can take part in the competition for the best story "Why I

chose Dash cryptocurrency". The prize fund of 100 000 rubles will be

divided between 61 winners. IT IS IMPORTANT:

your account in Youtube must be registered before

December 7, 2017. All the bots we mercilessly delete.

We are for honesty. See the conditions for

participating in the contest by clicking the link in the description.

And this was the news of the last week. Do not forget

to subscribe to news on social networks, and you can discuss

this and another news about Dash at the Dash-forum or on

the Telegram-chat, links are given in the description. See you next

time, friends!

For more infomation >> Собрано «досье» на Dash. Выпуск №91 - Duration: 5:56.


Late Night With Wren & Igor : 12/11/2017 - Duration: 2:24:38.

For more infomation >> Late Night With Wren & Igor : 12/11/2017 - Duration: 2:24:38.





20171212 匯市策略:加息預期的轉變 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 20171212 匯市策略:加息預期的轉變 - Duration: 4:16.


10 Famous Quotes About Censorship - Duration: 10:20.

Censorship is a very broad topic and is something that exists in many forms.

Wikipedia's definition for censorship reads: "Censorship is the suppression of speech,

public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered

objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or "inconvenient" as determined

by government authorities or by community consensus."

"Governments and private organizations may engage in censorship.

Other groups or institutions may propose and petition for censorship.

When an individual such as an author or other creator engages in censorship of their own

works or speech, it is referred to as self-censorship."

Right now, we're living in an amazing era.

One were all of mankind's knowledge is at our immediate grasp.

Want to know about a historical fact, movie trivia, or just feel like watching the intro

of an old TV show?

Just draw your cellphone, take a few seconds typing and you're set.

It's the kind of thing that our fathers thought would never exist beyond a Star Trek


However, despite the ease of accessing information, censorship continues to exist to this day.

The first recorded act of censorship occurred 1000s of years ago and is something that has

been well documented throughout history ever since.

With this, many influential figures have given their takes on the subject and today we'll

be taking a look at 10 famous quotes about censorship.

To kick things off with: Number 1: "If all printers were determined

not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very

little left to print."

That line came from Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States

and a major figure during the American Enlightenment.

A renaissance man, Franklin was a renowned scientist, inventor, politician, diplomat

and author.

During his lifetime, he was also the publisher of the Pennsylvania Gazette, one of the most

celebrated newspapers in the United States during the 18th century.

In 1730, Franklin printed a ship captain's advertisement that excluded clergymen as passengers.

This caused uproar among the local clergy, who threatened to no longer take printing

jobs to Franklin, who answered by penning the now famous Apology for Printers, from

which the cited quote came from.

The apology is actually a long statement about his philosophy as a printer, and why he shouldn't

be censored for publishing an unpopular opinion.

Number 2: "There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book.

Books are well written or badly written.

That is all."

That is a quote from the preface of The Picture of Dorian Gray, the only novel ever penned

by playwright and poet Oscar Wilde.

The book tells the tale of a man having a painting of himself done, only to fall in

despair knowing that he would grow old and ugly, while the painting would remain beautiful


Unbeknown to him, the young man entered a pact with the devil, in which he would always

stay the same, while the picture would grow old and decrepit, as a reflection of his sins.

The Picture of Dorian Gray was harshly criticized when released, due to book's depiction of

hedonism and homo-eroticism.

Free from the chains of mortality and morality, the main character of the novel pursued hedonistic

pleasures to his heart content, something that offended the sensibilities of critics

from that era.

While writing the revised version of his book, Wilde decided to open it by answering to such


Number 3: "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't

believe in it at all."

That quote came from Noam Chomsky, published in 2000's The Big Little Book of Jewish

Wit & Wisdom.

Chomsky is an American philosopher, linguist, social critic and political activist, among

other things.

His claim to fame happened during the Vietnam War, when he published an essay called "The

Responsibility of Intellectuals", in the New York Review of Books.

There, he criticized the United States involvement in the conflict.

The essay was later expanded in his first political book, "American Power and the

New Mandarins".

Chomsky remains an active and influential voice in political and social discussion to

this day.

Number 4: There is more than one way to burn a book.

And the world is full of people running around with lit matches.

This is a line from Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953.

The book is one of the most well-known works of Ray Bradbury, author of many science fiction

and horror stories, and also a recipient of a Pulitzer Citation in 2007.

The story takes place in a dystopian future, where books are banned, and firemen carry

the task of burning them, to protect society from the supposed dangers of reading.

Ironically, the book was censored, redacted or outright banned quite a number of times,

the most recent being in 2006, when the parents of a 10th grader student in Montgomery County,

Texas, demanded Fahrenheit 451 was removed from their daughter's English class reading


Number 5: "What is freedom of expression?

Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist."

That was said by Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie, an acclaimed British Indian novelist exalted

for mixing magical realism and historical fiction in his works.

His second work, Midnight's Children won the Booker Prize in 1981, and was considered

"the best novel of all winners" both on the 25th and 40th anniversary of the awards.

In 1988, Rushdie published his fourth book, Satanic Verses, partly inspired by the life

of the prophet Muhammad.

The Muslim world reacted violently to such publication, with many accusing the author

of blasphemy.

In 1989, the then leader of Iran issued a fatwa ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie, which

resulted in many attempts against the life of the writer, and the British government

had to put him under protection.

To this day, the orders were never revoked.

In fact, the Iranian State Media renewed the fatwa in 2016, and in 2017, the bounty on

the writer was raised to US$ 3.3 million bounty.

Rushdie is still the target of threats.

Number 6: "If you can't say "fuck", you can't say "fuck the government"."

This is a line attributed to Lenny Bruce, a stand-up comedian who became infamous in

his time thanks to his social criticism and satire.

Some of the most prominent comedians in history, such as George Carlin and Richard Pryor were

inspired by Lenny's antics.

On October 4, 1965, Bruce was arrested for obscenity in San Francisco, on the grounds

of using profanity when on stage at the Jazz Workshop.

He was acquitted by the jury at the time, but the incident caused his appearances to

start being monitored by government agencies.

As a result, Bruce was arrested several other times during his career.

Number 7: "The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen."

Those were the words of Tom Smothers, comedian and musician, mostly recognized for the duo

he formed with his younger brother Dick.

During the 1960's, Tom and Dick starred on The Smothers Brothers Show, a sitcom aired

by CBS.

Over the show run, the brothers fought with executives and censors over creative control,

and managed to sneak many references to sex, drugs and other controversial topics into

the show.

Their political and social beliefs lead to the show cancellation.

After that, Tom became an outspoken defender of freedom of speech, and the first amendment

of the American Constitution.

Number 8: "The dirtiest book of all is the expurgated book."

This inflammatory statement came from poet and journalist Walt Whitman, in response to

the harsh criticism directed at his poetry collection, Leaves of Grass.

The book was highly controversial for the time, thanks to Whitman's use of sexual


Because of it, the author was fired from his job at the Department of Interior and was

even "advised" to commit suicide by The Saturday Press.

Even though he faced almost universal rejection, Whitman repudiated any form of censorship

against his book, which led him to losing his first publishing deal.

Leaves of Grass had many iterations, the last one of them, nicknamed "The Deathbed Edition",

published in January 1892, only two months before the author's death.

Number 9: "I believe in censorship.

I made a fortune out of it."

Words meant to be tremendously ironic, directly from the mouth of Mae West, one of the biggest

names in Hollywood, during the golden years of cinema.

West worked in over a dozen movies, and took part in many Broadway plays.

She was one of the most prolific actresses in Hollywood during the height of her career.

The success of her 1933's movie She Done Him Wrong single handedly saved Paramount

from bankruptcy.

She was also a provocateur, and possessed a very spicy sense of humor, which caused

her many problems with the censors of the Motion Picture Production Code at the time.

West would purposefully add over the top lines to her scripts, in hopes that censors would

cut them, and leave the original content alone.

Also, in 1937, West got in hot water after making very risqué jokes during two radio


Those events almost caused her permanent banning from the medium.

Number 10: "How anybody expects a man to stay in business with every two-bit wowser

in the country claiming a veto over what we can say and can't say and what we can show

and what we can't show — it's enough to make you throw up.

The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the

baby can't eat steak."

This quote is directly lifted from the book The Man Who Sold the Moon, written by Robert

A Heinlein in 1949, and published in 1951.

The book tells the story of D.D Harriman, who is obsessed in becoming the first person

to travel to the moon, and in the process, own it.

To accomplish his goals, Harriman bamboozles a soft drink company, an anti-communist associate,

and even a television network.

The line from the book comes from a network executive, when Harriman promises him that

he can broadcast from the moon, free from any type of censorship, if he agrees to fund

his adventure.

Curiously, this sentence might be the origin behind a remark commonly misattributed to

writer Mark Twain: "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a

baby can't chew it."

While Twain, author of Huckleberry Finn, never uttered such words, he did say in one occasion

that "When a Library expels a book of mine and leaves an unexpurgated Bible lying around

where unprotected youth and age can get hold of it, the deep unconscious irony of it delights

me and doesn't anger me."

But that's all for today.

If you enjoyed this video, please leave a comment below and don't forget to subscribe

if you're interested in learning more about censorship in games and other media.

Until next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 Famous Quotes About Censorship - Duration: 10:20.


"Kirby" BLJs for over 1, 2 hours and is attacked by king dedede in a QPU - Duration: 1:22.

In this video, I'll be explaining exactly what I do to collect Watch for Rolling Rocks

in 0.5xA Presses But first, we need to clear something up

1, 2 oatmeal Mario is The Mighty Guy

1, 2 transport a scuttlebug since there are no objects in PUs

1, 23zc really likes Simple because Simple is a really de-facto great guy

1, 2 TJ "Henry" Yoshi

can't actually backwards long jump after all

Mario transports a scuttlebug for one big jamboree

and stomp on the enemies that makes it later Mario is so happy because this is something

we can do in 0.5xA Presses

For more infomation >> "Kirby" BLJs for over 1, 2 hours and is attacked by king dedede in a QPU - Duration: 1:22.


Fresh Pretty Cure ! 2009-2010 23 (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Fresh Pretty Cure ! 2009-2010 23 (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.


JULPYSSEL DAG 12 | julkula av papper - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> JULPYSSEL DAG 12 | julkula av papper - Duration: 3:35.


December 12, 2017 | Tuesdays With Terry | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 1:19.

I want to say thank you if you were one of the ones who took advantage of

Giving Tuesday and helped us raise enough to be able to get warm hats and mittens

and and coats for kids in Ukraine and Eastern Europe for this winter season.

You know, originally we reported to you that we had raised $13,000...well we had

some offline giving come in that I want to tell you that it's gone to seventeen

thousand eight hundred dollars and we are so thankful to you for all of that.

So, if you were a part of it how wonderful, we appreciate your giving, and

I want to say to you now that you know it's the end of the year and this

is a time where we not only have a chance to wind up what our commitments

to the year have been, but it also helps us to be able to take a look at next

year and what we're going to be able to do. So year-end giving is upon us, we

just appreciate your thinking of Orphan's Promise and all that we do around the

world at this time, and thank you! Thank you for allowing us to become what we

have become over the years. It's all due to the generosity of friends like you.

We appreciate you more than I can say.

For more infomation >> December 12, 2017 | Tuesdays With Terry | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 1:19.


Fresh Pretty Cure ! 2009-2010 22 (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Fresh Pretty Cure ! 2009-2010 22 (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:27.


ปลาไทย โอเมกาสูง : คลิป MU [by Mahidol] - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> ปลาไทย โอเมกาสูง : คลิป MU [by Mahidol] - Duration: 3:39.


Adventure in an ABANDONED SUBWAY ROBLOX entertaining videos for children escape from the Subway - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> Adventure in an ABANDONED SUBWAY ROBLOX entertaining videos for children escape from the Subway - Duration: 10:37.


NL Music Review!! Humblesmith Ft. Olamide – Abakaliki 2 Lasgidi – A Hit Or Trash?|NVS News - Duration: 3:20.

NL Music Review!! Humblesmith Ft. Olamide – Abakaliki 2 Lasgidi – A Hit Or Trash?

N-Tyze Entertainment frontline act, Humblesmith in collaboration with YBNL Boss, Olamidedropped off a 100% gyration track titled Abakaliki To Lasgidi produced by Mixtadimz.

Before we proceed, Listen & Download the song.

Going by the title of the song, one would have anticipated some kind of hustle story kind of song.

Like a lyrical travelogue of East To West grass to grace bullshit.

But Alas, it's a celebratory and fast-paced indigenous dance track spiced up with a combination of Abakaliki and Lagos street vibe.

With local instruments effects flowing everywhere, Humblesmith really did well on this Jesus Power, Super Power tune.

Like seriously, you can only stop dancing when you're tired.

On his own part, Olamide injected the Lagos street vibe to the song making Humblesmith's decision to feature him on the song a good one.

Epa 10, Garri 10, and pure water ohNow, Oluwa don bless, we don turn butter oh ahGbolaga, Gbolaga, e fon siwon laraAnybody to ba be, e fon siwon laraI say, Gbolaga, Gbolaga, e fon siwon lara, ahAngel Michael fon siwon laraGboko!.

ndeed, Olamide was an icing on the already baked and delicious cake.

Anyway, Baddo is used to fast-paced groovy beat, it's not really surprising that he murdered it with that short but meaty verse.

Overall, We rate this song 7/10 .

Over to you guys. Is "Humblesmith Ft.

Olamide – Abakaliki 2 Lasgidi" track a dope or just an average song?.

Share your thoughts and drop your own rating!!.

For more infomation >> NL Music Review!! Humblesmith Ft. Olamide – Abakaliki 2 Lasgidi – A Hit Or Trash?|NVS News - Duration: 3:20.


Check out Banky W, Adesua Etomi's look to the Arabian themed premiere of "The Wedding Party 2" - Duration: 2:34.

Check out Banky W, Adesua Etomi's look to the Arabian themed premiere of "The Wedding Party 2"

Nigerian celebrity couple and co-stars, Banky W and Adesua Etomi-Wellington stepped out in glamour and style for the Arabian themed premiere of 'The Wedding Party 2'.

Other celebrities present were Comedian Ay, Actor Richard Mofe Damijo, Hon.

Desmond Elliot, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde amongst others.

After their lavish wedding and getaway in South Africa, Newly Wed Celebrity Couple Banky and Adesua Wellington last week returned to Nigeria in time for the private screening of the much anticipated movie – the wedding party 2.

For more infomation >> Check out Banky W, Adesua Etomi's look to the Arabian themed premiere of "The Wedding Party 2" - Duration: 2:34.


Free Bird Cafe - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 3:28.

Today we're at Free Bird Cafe

It's located near the north gate of old town Chiang Mai

This restaurant is all vegan

All the profit will go to Thai Freedom House Organization

It's an organization to help the refugees from Burma

Currently this organization helps around 200 families

Everything's vegan and it looks delicious

The prices are quite high though

The cheapest meals are 95 baht for a salad

And a suprerfood smoothie bowl is 250 baht

So that's the price range

But the menu seems very healthy

And since they give the profit to charity it's worth coming here at least once

This Shan region noodle salad is absolutely delicious, it's quite spicy and nice

And the ginger salad is absolutely delicious as well

Antti likes it


Very delicious

And Cafe Latte with coconut milk, which is my all time favorite, is very delicious here

Even though the price is a bit higher here, the portion sizes are good and they're absolutely delicious

Thumbs up

I was sceptical at first, but not anymore

My choice was pumpkin ginger curry

And Burmese green tea leaf fried rice

Let's try the curry first

I love pumpkin and curry

So I hope this is tasty

Yes, it is tasty

Very tasty

It fits well for Autumn and Winter, even though here, of course, the weather's warm

If I'd stay in Finland for the December and had this it would warm me up so nicely

It's very tasty

It's smooth and nice

Let's try out the green tea leaf rice next

Absolutely delicious

This one has those nuts... What are they called? The roundish ones

And tea leafs

The the nuts give a nice crunchiness and it's spiced up very nicely

It's the best rice dish I've had in a long time

Abolutely delicious

For more infomation >> Free Bird Cafe - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 3:28.


Australian visas for same-sex marriages are here - Duration: 6:07.

Australian visas for same-sex marriages are here

Australian Visas from Philippines and Same-Sex Marriages

I think you would need to have been under a rock not to know that Australia has voted

(in a very expensive way) and the Yes vote gained the


This meant that the passage of a bill that would

change the Marriage Act 1961 went through.

Same-sex marriages are now part of Australian law.

How does this affect Australian partner visas

from Philippines to Australia for gay couples?

Former wording in Section 5 of The Act: marriage means the union of a man and a woman

to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered

into for life.

New wording since the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act 2017:

marriage means the union of 2 people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered

into for life.

And basically, that's it!

From the perspective of Australian migration law, it doesn't say anything at all

about men and women.

Never actually has.

It's always used the word "spouse", and the changes in the

Marriage Act mean that same sex marriages produce two spouses.

Migration law has no opinion whatsoever about gender, as it follows the

Marriage Act.

Marriage act changes, and that means same- sex marriages are a basis for applying for

a partner visa.

Any marriage, as long as it's a legal marriage.

Same Sex Marriages and the Philippines You are an Australian man or an Australian

woman, and you have a same-sex partner in the Philippines.

What are your options?

Can you race over to Manila and organize a same-sex wedding ASAP?

No, sorry.

Australia changes Australian law.

Philippines law remains the same, and there is no gay marriage on the

lawbooks in Philippines in 2017.

So it won't happen.

Does this mean you can't marry your Filipino same-sex partner?

Not at all.

You may!

Just not in Philippines.

And remember that Australian immigration is about AUSTRALIAN law.

You may marry in Australia, and you may use this wedding to meet the "spouse"

requirement under the rules for getting an Australian

partner visa.

You may also marry anywhere in the word which has legal same-sex marriage that Australia

recognizes, ie. if you wanted to marry in New Zealand

then Australia will now recognize this marriage.

But unless that was your plan, it would obviously be

a whole lot simpler to marry in Australia.

Same-Sex Marriage to a Filipino - Options?

Two options:

Prospective Marriage Visa The ol' reliable fiance visa (or fiance visa,

depending on whether male or female).

This requires you to be committed to each other and engaged to

be married, which you must do within 9 months of the visa


You don't need to show proof of leading a shared-life at this stage, as you do when

you apply as a de facto couple.

The main emphasis is to show that you are committed to each other and to a marriage

that will definitely take place.

Plenty of documentation and plenty of relationship evidence.

No, not an easy-visa by any means.

We will keep you busy with "homework", rest assured.

Main advantage is lower-pressure by not having initial deadlines,

and having 9 months in Australia to marry and to apply

for the next stage.

Onshore Partner Visa This means a partner visa that we apply for

inside Australia after you marry.

It will most certainly keep you very busy, because you need to be inside

Australia on a tourist visa to apply, and you need to be

actually married before you can apply.

And as we've made clear enough recently, you need to have a

complete, decision-ready application before you apply.

Slapping together a lightweight partner visa application and filling in the missing bits

later, those days are long gone.

And no exceptions will apply to same-sex marriages.

The advantage to putting in that hard work is that you get to remain together

during the processing time, as the applicant will go automatically into a Bridging Visa

A if you do the right thing with the application.

So if this is what you've been waiting for, wait no more!

Australia's visa system is open for business for

same-sex couples.

And Down Under Visa are no stranger to managing visa applications for gay couples


We've done many a partner visa over the years for male-male and female-female couples in

de facto relationships over the years.

These changes will make it a whole lot easier for everyone concerned.

For more infomation >> Australian visas for same-sex marriages are here - Duration: 6:07.


మకర రాశి 2017 - Makara Rashi 2017 - December Rasi Phalalu 2017 - Horoscope 2017 - Rasi Phalalu 2017 - Duration: 1:52.


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