Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

Of this and see how it tastes sure looks wonderful

It's still relatively hot see the steam, can you see the steam coming up?

And this is how it looks oh, it looks very good, it's got

Some carrots in it

My karma babies. How are you today? Well guess who's here today?

I'm in here having a quick lunch with Grandpa karma

He doesn't want to be on camera, but he's in the same room so if you hear me talking to somebody

I'm not talking to myself. I'm talking to him

today guys I have


gonna have a

KFC chicken pot pie yes


Anxiously awaiting the taste let me show you what it looks like

Now this is their $5 fill up

They have many things on there $5

Fill up. Let me get a napkin here

Let's open it

And I want you guys to get a good look at it because oh look how beautiful that looks

the crust looks so


Delicate look at that

That looks really good. I'm gonna take it out of the box. I like the way they have it in this box

I've never had it before like I said, and I really kind of thought that they were smaller than they are

Look at that isn't that beautiful

So let me give you a good let's get a good thumbnail

That's a good thumbnail guys

so with the five dollar

mealfill up


with a chocolate chip cookie

Let's see what that looks like

Regular chocolate chip cookie right guys


it also comes with a drink of choice and

Of course I got me some good old sweet tea


It is good. Also while I was there. I saw something interesting on their menu board, and I thought

Well, let me give that a try they were they're called rolled

Tacos, and I always kind of like those kind of things so

I said well. Let me give that a try


They're rolled tacos. That's kind of interesting. I'm gonna give that a try. Hey guys with these rolled tacos

I'll come back to that that's where I want to go right now, so I'm gonna put this down here and

We're gonna

Let's get this


Started take us a nice little bite of this

And see how it tastes

Sure looks wonderful

It's still relatively hot see the steam, can you see the steam coming up?

And this is how it looks. Oh, it looks very good. It's got

Some carrots in it you know mixed vegetables chicken

And a beautiful crust in a delicious cream sauce inside, so let's see how it tastes first bite here. We go guys

We good very good, oh yeah, I mean look at that

They have quite a bit of filling in here look at the meat here and the carrots they're beautiful

It's really good

Mmm. Look at the crust

It's very nice buttery creamy

Thomas said it's flaky that's the word I was looking for oh look at all this meat in here. It's very nice

Very nice meal for five dollars

Flaky crust

So guys how have you been doing and what are you eating with me?

Look at this. Oh guys. You gotta give it a try. I think you'll like it

If you like chicken pot pies I think you'll like it. It's very good mm-hmm


Mm-hmm I

Will definitely be buying this again

Look how flaky the crust is very nice

It's got potatoes in here I see potatoes

Hmm they did a very good job with this meal taste homemade


Let me try this rolled in taco this is how it looks you see that

Rolled taco


You can depending on the amount that you purchase if you buy two of these

You only get one sauce you have to pick one sauce?

They have a choice of cheese sauce

guacamole and ranch, but they were out of the ranch, but I could only get two any way I

Could get two because I got four of these so let's see how this tastes. Let's give that a try I

Think they're kind of like what do they call them chimichangas like you know where they fry it?


Interesting good good taste


Very good taste


This is very good guys. Okay. Let's try the guacamole. Let's see how their guacamole tastes

that's probably you know because KFC and

Taco Bell are neighbors oh

This is gonna be good in here

Have a bite, I didn't even offer you guys any here did I?

Very good, let's get back to the business at hand

Look at this I want you to be able to see inside of here now

Quite a bit of filling still left in there all the way back to there

It's really very good, and it has a lot of meat in it look at that

Big pieces of meat it's very good


The reason I decided to try the very first time my very first time I was in there the other day getting

Some Kentucky Fried Chicken and

Someone else got one, and I saw it pass across the counter and I was like in love

It looked so good to me look at the potatoes the carrots


Seasoned to perfection I don't I didn't have to add any anything to mine no salt no pepper nothing

seasoned very well

You could actually almost make two meals out of this is so good look at that all the meat

Very good


These were

It's kind of see the meat the chicken in there

That's a very nice flavor

Has that Taco Bell flavor for for either I think they were four for 399

So about a dollar apiece I would guess and I got four


It's really good

So guys the other day guess what it snowed here in Mississippi snowed


Snowed here and

Everybody was on the phone. I talked to my sister-in-law's to both of them my sister

Because when it snows in Mississippi

That's headline news for us


It was beautiful. I'm gonna insert some pictures

I want you to see it because it was just so gorgeous my grandbaby, and I went outside

No all I need for Christmas that I

Kind of played around excuse me played around a little bit in the snow

It was so

Much fun. It was so pretty and

Then for the next couple of days after that it was cold very cold

but today when I went out to go get this I

Was pleasantly surprised because it's so warm out

Excuse me. I think it's about 65 degrees out and the Sun is very bright, and it's just beautiful


That is so flaky and delicious

This entire meal is really good. I'm really enjoying this


So I hadn't posted anything in a few days

And one of my karma babies was like granny, where are you?

You guys keep a good eye on me

They have some good sweet tea it's not overbearingly sweet


They can make it different places can make it really really really sweet oh

look at that I

Have really truly enjoyed this meal and

You got all your carrots and green peas in here potatoes

Yeah taste tastes homemade to me

Hmm I

Don't know if they have this all year round I'm not sure if they do

I'm not sure if this is all year round or just certain times of the year, but I will make sure

Did I get another one of these

Hmm and those are good

The cheese sauce is good about the guacamole is good

Mmm-hmm wow I

Am so glad I got this today when I saw that go across that counter it was like

Music was going off in my head

It looked so good

As you can tell all of this is going to get eaten a couple more bites guys, and I'm gonna be done with this

Chicken in there even to the last bite. I'm still getting chicken and vegetables

Yes still chicken all the way to the last bite there


So delicious really good guys

Last bite last bite come on you can have it

Hmm I

Really wish I could share it with you, but you know where I got it from right?

And for 5:35, was a very good meal? I?

Have one more of these but I

Am actually a fool so I'm going to save this for snack later

But I'm going to take a bite of mine

cookie cuz , I don't think I've ever tasted one of their cookies

And I know they give them with a lot of different orders

So here's the cookie chocolate chip

So I'm just going to take a taste of that

It's very good I

Can taste all the chocolate chip in there and look at that you can see the chocolate chip all the way through

So it looks like every bite, it's going to have a little chocolate chip in there chocolate good

Well guys I am full , I've enjoyed this meal with you so much I

Really have and I

Want you to remember

How others treat you is

Their karma how you respond how you respond to the situation

Is your karma so guess what guys?

I'm all done ate all my food and I will see you in

the next video

bye, bye now

bye bye guys

For more infomation >> KFC $5 FILL UP MEAL * CHICKEN POT PIE * - Duration: 19:55.


Viruss và Pewpew 1 tháng kiếm được bao nhiêu tiền từ youtube ??? - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> Viruss và Pewpew 1 tháng kiếm được bao nhiêu tiền từ youtube ??? - Duration: 11:52.


General Sight Words | Learning Street With Bob The Train | Educational Videos For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 5:10.

Hi kids!

Guess who's here

Yes it's me bob..

Join me for learning street with bob..

For more infomation >> General Sight Words | Learning Street With Bob The Train | Educational Videos For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 5:10.


Mutton Korma curry for 5 persons | homemade restaurant-style degi mutton korma | curry's recipe- - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> Mutton Korma curry for 5 persons | homemade restaurant-style degi mutton korma | curry's recipe- - Duration: 8:08.



For more infomation >> Иностранцы Слушают: ХЛЕБ, ВИТАС, ИВАН ДОРН, IOWA, ДЕЦЛ, НЕРВЫ, БРАТЬЯ ГРИМ, BITING ELBOWS - Duration: 32:42.


GERMANY or CANADA - Which Country is Better? - Duration: 13:31.

Freedom it is not just an idea

But it is a routine that needs to be practiced amongst its peoples and governments and throughout the late 20th century

to the early 21st century

two countries have risen up in the world to give as much freedom to its peoples as it possibly can to

Amazingly powerful and most importantly respected countries that have allies from all over the world and being liked by many


Everybody what's going on Dave Wolper here and welcome back to FTD facts the channel where we talk about people cultures and places from all

Around the world and today, we're doing another one of our which country is better video now

Just let you guys know here on the channel

We don't actually have a firm belief of which country is better because here on FTD facts

We have done so many different videos about different countries

For example this video is based off of our Canada videos and our Germany videos

Which you guys should check out as well because we discover

What is so great about each country and we've learned that each country has its own story

But however for the fun of it we do like to look at these countries and see what is different and also what is the?

Same now before you begin this video is brought to you by Graham really calm

I'm gonna explain that a little bit more at the end of this video and before I get in this video

I want to know what is your favorite thing about your country, and if you guys are from this country

Let me know down there in the comment section below for my fellow Canadians out there. Let me know

I want to know where you guys are from me

We're Toronto boys actually Hamilton hoorah

So let's take a look at what both countries are what they stand for and what they do for themselves and for the rest of

The world now Germany it might be a country that is not as big as Canada

But does it really need to be not really

Because the country has a land size of three hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and sixty eight kilometres square

With a population of 82 million one hundred and seventy five thousand seven hundred people

Ranking 16th in the world and when it comes to this population. They have approximately

227 people per kilometre Square and when it comes to Canada's land size it is

Huge it is the second largest land size in the world

For a country coming in with a land size of nine million nine hundred and eighty four thousand

670 square kilometres with a population of 35 million 150

1728 it actually ranks 38th in the world when it comes to population and as for its density of population

It is very small with only three point nine two people per square kilometers. That's right

We're really stretched out and as a matter of fact most people in Canada live near the American border

but now let's take a look at actually the

GDP of these countries how much do these countries actually make well Germany ranks fifth in the world with a total?

of three point nine eight zero

trillion dollars with a per capita of 40

1902 ranking 17th in the world now

Canada however has one point five to nine trillion dollars in GDP ranking

15th in the world and oddly enough its nominal GDP per capita

Which is forty thousand four hundred and nine which ranks 15th in the world, and I don't know how it actually beats Germany

It doesn't really make a lot of sense to me now when it comes to this

GDP the money comes from many different things from jobs to imports and exports and when it comes to Canadian money

It's called C. Ad or Canadian currency and

Actually a single dollar is called a loonie. That's crazy as for Germany

they actually use the euro and it's estimated at the time of this video that one Canadian dollar equals about

0.67 euros

However, just having GDP and population does not really give us a grand scheme of the differences between these two countries

We should probably look at the living costs and expenses

Now according to expat estate comm which compares cities and countries if you moved to Germany from Canada the cost in Canada for

Living would be twelve percent higher than a person in Germany when it comes to food as for housing

It's about 15 percent higher in Canada

Entertainment is about 16 percent higher in the country however

Transportation in Canada is about 8 percent lower than it is in Germany and when it comes to the prices of clothes

It's about 19 percent lower than it is in Germany however that being said personal care in Canada is

25 percent more than in Germany and to give you an idea how this kind of equates when you say go out for dinner in

Germany it'll cost

approximately 11 euros depending on where you go meanwhile in Canada the average amount is about 17 dollars and for the housing in Germany a

900 foot place in a normal area is about

1051 euros but in Canada it's about one thousand six hundred and twenty seven dollars for the same thing

Now keep in mind guys

This is just a ballpark figure because in certain areas of the country there are

Certain cities that it's more expensive to live in and when it comes to these particular

cities in Canada the most expensive places to live are Toronto Vancouver

Mississauga Calgary and Ottawa and in Germany the top five most expensive places are Munich Heidelberg, Frankfurt

Cologne and Dusseldorf which reminds me guys if we have anybody from those cities

Let me know down there in the comments section below because you know I'm curious when people pay for rent in those places right now

We've talked about how much the living cost is

But let's keep in mind a lot of our money is based off of

Sometimes the debt of our countries now according to the world debt clock at the time of releasing this video

Germany has approximately two point one trillion euros in debt making each citizen of Germany Oh


25,000 euros for the debt and when it comes to interest rates this equals to about 49

billion a year for Germany and for Canada the national debt sits at one point one trillion and each citizen's debt equals about

$30,000 with interest rates equaling 27 billion now to give you guys a good

Visual representation of how much that is if you were to take all that money of each country and put it into single dollar

forms and stack them on top of each other

Canada's national debt would equal

Sixty thousand three hundred and four miles high and would make it one quarter the way to the moon

Whereas Germany would be a hundred and sixty-eight thousand two hundred?

Forty-seven miles high and would make it approximately 70% of the way to the moon

That is probably the craziest visual

representation I've ever heard of in my life that really makes me aware of how much debt is not just in Germany button within my

country yeah now

Let's jump over and talk about the military because Canada has an available

manpower of about 60 million people where Germany has about

37 million and out of these numbers 13 million are fit for service in Canada and

Twenty-nine point five million are fit for service in Germany and currently Canada's active personnel sits roughly around

79 thousand people with Germany equaling a hundred and eighty thousand soldiers

Canada however has more soldiers in reserve equaling about

32,000 and Gemma knee has about thirty thousand as for the defense budget of Canada it sits at fifteen point five billion and

Germany's sits at thirty nine point two billion and surprisingly guys and

Unofficially Canada has four hundred and fourteen aircraft while Germany has six hundred and ninety eight

But however all of this is

Completely useless all these machines that the military has

Would be out of commission if they didn't have oil and when it comes to oil

Canada actually produces three point six billion barrels a single day with a hundred and seventy-one billion barrels in reserve

Germany has forty eight thousand eight hundred and thirty barrels produced a day

With about a hundred billion in reserve and when we're talking about oil. We should probably look at the imports and exports because Canada

exports a lot of crude petroleum

But when we talk about Germany it exports one point three two trillion dollars in goods

being third in exports

but it also ranked third and


equaling one point zero five trillion dollars in goods now eleven percent of that is cars with four point three percent being

Vehicle parts and most of these vehicles are usually delivered a majority to China and the United Kingdom

But also the United States as well now Canada is more of an importing country with three hundred ninety nine million dollars in imports

ranking ninth in the world and exporting

387 billion putting it at 12th in the world now when it comes to their

Exports the biggest amount is actually cars in car parts

but about ten percent of it which is about the second biggest of all their imports is crude petroleum and

98% of crude petroleum goes to the United States now in terms of health care

Canada is considered a

socialized system in which the money for the healthcare is gained from

Taxes from its citizens now Germany works a little bit differently because it has what you like to call sickness funds

They're basically a form of health insurance, but for people who make under fifty thousand euros a year

They are put into a public healthcare system

Where pretty much everyone pays through a joint employer and employee system and when it comes to the budget of these countries

Germany spends about eleven point three percent of its GDP on its health care and Canada spends about ten point three percent of its GDP

However the life expectancy of a Canadian citizen is approximately eighty three point eight years and the life

Expectancy of a German citizen is eighty three point one years now

We're going to talk about education but to give you guys an idea of how they spend their money

We're gonna equate this into US dollars in order for us to see how much they spend on a single student in terms of

Education according to the OECD

Germany spends approximately eight thousand five hundred forty six dollars per student on education with math

Performances coming in at five hundred and fourteen and reading performances being four hundred ninety nine

But Canada in terms of US dollars spends approximately nine thousand two hundred and fifty six dollars per student

with math equating to five hundred and twenty points and

Reading equaling five hundred and fourteen now when it comes to the education system

They have some similarities

But they also have some differences for example in Canada

Everything from high school and before is considered free education that is paid through the taxes

But when you go to university or colleges that is paid out of your own pocket however keep in mind

there is government grants and of course sponsorships that one can earn to help reduce the amount to pay for tuition fees and

unfortunately when it comes to international students sometimes they pay more than a student

That's within the country now going across the pond to Germany believe it or not when it comes to their tuition fees

No matter if they're in like grade school or they're in university

It's all considered free and besides the different aspect of its universities being free compared to Canada when it also comes to its international

Students they get free education as well

So what do you think about Germany and Canada sure there are many things that one country may have

Over the other and there are many

aspects of a country that we might have missed which reminds us if there's anything that we missed in this video that you love about

Your country, please let us know down there in the comment section below

But my name is Dave waffle guys

And I hope you guys had a great time learning about two different amazing countries from all around the world

I'm always proud of my own country sure Germany might have some other things that are better than us

Or what could be seen as better, but I'm still proud to be a Canadian

And I hope you guys are proud of being

A German or being proud of the person you are and being proud from the country you're from

Also guys when it comes to this video

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to

Learning about many great things about these countries as a matter of fact if you're from Canada. You wanna know more about it

We get some Canada videos, and if you're from Germany

We got some Germany videos for you guys to check out as well or vice-versa if you guys want to learn about each other's country

That's amazing

but either way

Before you guys get out of here leave a recommendation for a future f.2d facts video cuz we love hearing from you guys also keep

In mind this video has been brought to by Grandma Lee calm these guys are a really amazing sponsor if you guys want to improve

On your English go download their software

It's totally free and as you type emails it will actually help improve your grammar

But these are the countries of Germany and Canada - amazingly beautiful countries where it's people and culture are

constantly changing for the better and

constantly updating themselves to keep themselves

Modern while still holding on to great traditions from hockey to beer fests to football and holidays

This is Germany and Canada whom our strong allies and have a great understanding of one and another for no matter how many

Countries and oceans separate us it's our common interests that makes us the absolute


Thanks for watching guys

So here's the videos I was talking about you want to learn about the military power of Canada boom check that one out how about?

some Germany facts well

Here's a fact on Germany video right here other than that guys be sure to leave a recommendation as I always said and of course

Share this video if you guys really really enjoyed it and other than that don't forget to subscribe

And in the meantime have a great day. Bye

For more infomation >> GERMANY or CANADA - Which Country is Better? - Duration: 13:31.


Trying calligraphy for the first time~ - Duration: 7:44.

Computer:- calligraphy

Hi guys! It's a Lulu Heartstring here! And I just came back from

the airport to send my brother back to Thailand and he bought me this shirt

which I'll be featuring in this video. Thank you! Okay so I- I decided to record

this video today because I don't have much time. Anyways, for today's video I'll

be doing calligraphy. Did I say it right? I hope so! So let me tell you guys a

little bit about this video. Yesterday was 7 of December, which is a one-month

anniversary for me and my boyfriend. We've been together for one month. So he

said that he was good at calligraphy and I asked him to make one for me with my

name on it. So here it is!

And so I decided that I should do the same thing for him as a gift for the

one-month anniversary. So I wanted to put his real name at first but then he's

like- it's- because I requested my name to be specifically Lulu heartstring, so I

guess it's not fair for him to- because it's not fair for him for me just to put

his name, so I asked him "I'm doing a calligraphy for you what name do you

want me to put?" and then he's like "Haneep" and I'm like- I created some insult names

for him which is hanoob and Haneeple but he wanted haneep, so okay and I did a few

sketching of the letters the other day and then I sketch the letters- the

finalized on a piece of paper which I am going to color today. So I asked him

what color do you want me to put? I- I used- I use black for the letters, the

color of the- the inside color of the letters and then I asked him to choose

between this four colors which is silver, gold, metallic blue and black for the

designs and he chose metallic blue. So today, I'll be doing calligraphy with

these two colors and we'll see how it goes. So let's get started!

So that is it. What do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? I dunno! I hope he

likes it. So thank you guys for watching! Leave a like if you enjoyed! Subscribe to

my channel for more videos, I upload every Tuesday. Lots of love!

Peace out!

For more infomation >> Trying calligraphy for the first time~ - Duration: 7:44.


Happy Sheru Bullet Train | Happy Sheru Funny Cartoon Animation YouTube | Fun Viral - Duration: 2:13.

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