Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

You finally found the girl of your dreams, you just didn't know it yet, and

so you royally screwed things up. Or maybe you did know she was your one and

only, and she left you for another dude. That's brutal! Going through a breakup

can be really tough and heartbreaking, but thankfully I'm gonna help you get

her back. I'm Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man

and this is how to get your Ex back.

We've done all the testing, you know what works.

Yo, before we start, make sure to

subscribe to this channel so that I can let you know about all of our upcoming

videos. First the word of warning; most of the time when a relationship ends it's

best to learn from your mistakes and move on. Because the relationship was

probably somewhat toxic.. You just couldn't see all the warning signs

because we were blinded by love! But what if you're afraid that you'll never meet

anyone else like her ever again? Well, you're actually probably right. The

relationship that you had with her was unique and you'll never have that exact

relationship again. But chances are that you'll find a new relationship in the

near future that will be just as, or even more fulfilling. Now you might feel like

your life will never be the same, and that's actually a good thing, because

this is actually an opportunity for a great deal of learning and growing. Ask

yourself these questions: What can I learn from this experience? How can I

grow from this? And how can I become a better person because of it? And remember,

just because the relationship is over it doesn't change the core of who you are

as a person. So stop sobbing *sobs* Learn from the

experience, and get out there and meet some pretty ladies. Besides, if your ex

hears that you're out there dating again, it might actually make her jealous and

want you back. Most guys however do the exact opposite. They smother her, call her,

and text her a hundred times a day, and show up at her work forcing her to get a

restraining order on them. This of course just creeps her out and pushes you away

even further, leaving you no shot in the future. And possibly a hefty fine if you

come within 50 yards of her. Sometimes, women just need some time and some space

to think about their relationship and their priorities in

life. Don't send her love letters or threaten to kill yourself! This just

shows that you're a desperate man who has no life of his own, and a woman wants

a man with purpose in life other than her. I know a lot of women are probably

gonna hate me for saying this, but a woman does not want a man whose only

purpose in life is her. So take this time to focus on your life's mission, if you

don't know what that is, then this is a perfect opportunity for

you to assess your values, and figure out what you really want out of life.

I think it really depends on the situation, you know? What did she say? How did she end it?

Of most times, we kind of mean what we say, especially when it comes to the end

of relationships, so although that may not be the news you want to hear,

take the clues. Listen to her words. If you really think it's worth fighting for

and trying to change her mind, then do that as best you can. But just don't be

pushy or overbearing. We don't like overbearing.

If at this point you realize

you still want her back, then wait a few days for things to calm down and then

make contact with her. I suggest sending a simple text like "Hope you're doing well."

This shows her that you still care about

her without going overboard. At this point just take things slow and

eventually ask to meet her. Yep, it's kind of like starting from scratch. When you

finally see her in person, ask her why she broke up with you. The answer might

actually surprise you. If she just needs time to think, then give her the time she

needs. If it's something you did, or something she doesn't like about your

lifestyle, then you need to decide if you're willing to change or not. But what

if she left you for someone else? Like your best friend, or your dad... Or her hot

sexy female teacher... That could be interesting!

Getting her back when she

already has someone else can seem difficult. Now, you can try to beat him up,

which might make you feel better in the moment, or get you arrested. But that's

probably not gonna score her back. Now if she left you for a friend then yeah - kick

his ass! But seriously, the best thing you can do is meet someone else. Get out

there and start dating. Try meeting girls online, or at bars, or in everyday

situations. Have your friends introduce you to their

female friends and join classes like yoga, or dance classes. Because you're

probably just gonna have to wait it out, my friend. And by the time she realizes

that her new guy is a total douchebag, and that she really f*cked things up and

comes crawling back to you, you'll probably have already met somebody

better. I know it seems impossible now, but coming from someone who's been in

your shoes, trust me. There's a lot of fish in the sea. I know that's a cheesy

metaphor, but it's true so if you're gonna go out there and start meeting

some hot ladies I want to help you out by giving you a free copy of my

Conversation Cheat Sheet! You get my top conversation starters for any situation.

Simple techniques to never run out of things to say. Simple ways to escalate

the interaction, and more! Download it right now, because you'll want to keep it

handy before you go out. So just click the image in the bottom right of this

video right now to download your Conversation Cheat Sheet. And if you're

not subscribed to our channel, then go ahead and hit that subscribe button! And

if you want us to personally mentor you, then make sure to check out our bootcamp

schedule. My name is Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man, and i'll see you in

the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back - Duration: 5:28.


Sứ Giả Ăn Bãi Người Đá l Tại All Star 2017 l Những Pha Xử Lí Đỉnh Cao Của Các Cao Thủ l Liên Minh 94 - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Sứ Giả Ăn Bãi Người Đá l Tại All Star 2017 l Những Pha Xử Lí Đỉnh Cao Của Các Cao Thủ l Liên Minh 94 - Duration: 11:11.


John Milton | The Peaceful Night - Duration: 1:46.

But peaceful was the night Wherein the Prince of Light

His reign of peace upon the earth began.

The winds with wonder whist, Smoothly the waters kist,

Whispering new joys to the mild Ocean,-- Who now hath quite forgot to rave,

While birds of calm sit brooding on the charmed wave.

The stars, with deep amaze, Stand fixed in steadfast gaze,

Bending one way their precious influence; And will not take their flight,

For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warned them thence;

But in their glimmering orbs did glow, Until their Lord himself bespake, and bid

them go.

And, though the shady gloom Had given day her room,

The sun himself withheld his wonted speed, And hid his head for shame,

As his inferior flame The new-enlightened world no more should need:

He saw a greater Sun appear Than his bright throne or burning axletree

could bear.

For more infomation >> John Milton | The Peaceful Night - Duration: 1:46.


DiBL in Music Video?/Canhaz MV behind [Typical Day with DiBL] - Duration: 11:45.

Hi guys, Dude in BLack here!

Right now, I'm going for shooting music video for Canhaz...

He's a...

You''ve seen you know...

just passing by... while we were in the rooftop party

on the last video

Canhaz: Hello DiBL: Hi there!

We got Canhaz in da building!

He is one of hottest rapper in Korea!


I'm gonna be um...

part of that music video today

it's, it's just little bit like...

just, tiny little scene

I don't think I'll be showing my face...

but... probably just...

as a silhouette...

so I'm just gonna go and see what we're gonna do today

I'm so excited! it's...

it's actually first time I've seen someone shooting music video as professional

I mean I've done it for myself but...

kinda failed...


let's see what happens!

I just arrived that place where we're gonna shoot a music video and...

I'm with Xeno-Vibe

Xeno-Vibe: Hi guys


Here we are

with Canhaz Canhaz: Yay~

Canhaz: Hey guys! DiBL: The rapper

Canhaz: Hi there!

DiBL: Hi guys Canhaz: Today,

we're shooting music video

DiBL: How...

DiBL: How are you going to...

DiBL: How are you going to behave...

DiBL: How are you going to behave today's shooting?

wait that's not it...

Canhaz: behave...?

DiBL: What...what is...

your thoughts on today's shooting?

your thoughts on today's shooting? Canhaz: um...

your thoughts on today's shooting? Canhaz: First, here...

the studio has decent setups and...

I wish I can express everyting in here as much as I can

I'm just gonna do my best on director's order

DiBL: I got it

well then,

let's have some fun shooting video

so, each one has their theme

well, this one's"Fame"

this one's"Family"

and this is Xeno-Vibe

and...this is "Music"

each shows... each types of success

and there's Canhaz

Canhaz: Oh king, there's the king!

take a pics of king

♪ "Game of Thrones BGM"

XNVB: Well, this scene...

doesn't look like supporting the family but more like beginning of dictation

DiBL: "Succeeding you father"

Seeing the world

Why, why...did you laught bach there?

(He laughed while we were shooting a scene together)

Canhaz: The way you looked at me...

Canhaz: The way you looked at me... DiBL: uh huh

Canhaz: it was just too much...

and I laughed...

DiBL: I wanted to devour you

Canhaz: lol

Canhaz: lol DiBL: lol

Canhaz: I totally got devoured

DiBL: it's gettin fucked up now

I should put BGM on here

XNVB: huh?

let's put BGM on here

Canhaz: How long has it been?

6 hours it's almost 6 hours?

DiBL: we've been shooting MV for 6 hours now

What else do we take?

Canhaz: a scene with lookin at mirror and...

and another scene with lying down...

that's what we left

DiBL: Get naked (on that scene)

Canhaz: Nope

DiBL: Take off all your cloths

Canhaz: I can't do that

Where is this going to upload?

DiBL: it's going up on my YouTube

DiBL: it's going up on my YouTube Canhaz: lol

DiBL: lol Canhaz: lol

Canhaz: plz do many shout outs

and plz do many subscribes

DiBL: yeah many subs plz


plz subscribe Canhaz's channel as well Canhaz: Oh yeah, my channel as well

DiBL: Speaking of which, on the other vid

the...Pute Deluxe video,

I linked your channel on that video as well

Canhaz: for real?

I didn't check that...

DiBL: I linked his channel so...

plz subscribe Canhaz's channel there's some good tracks too

Canhaz: "De-ja-wa"

XNVB: Commercial lol

DiBL: Th..this, this is delete

DiBL: Th..this, this is delete XNVB: the ad fuck ups lol

DiBL: it's gonna be delete

Canhaz: Oh wow this work is hard...

DiBL: wait Dejawa, Dejawa, give us a call!

DiBL: Call, call us plz! Canhaz: De-ja-wa~

DiBL: call Canhaz!

Plz call Canhaz!

Canhaz: De-ja-wa~

DiBL: Plz stop~


I need to get paid for more so stop

Canhaz: Stop it!

Canhaz: Stop it! DiBL: ah st...?

Wait you're the one who needs to stop!

XNVB: he's good lol

DiBL: you're good at this


Canhaz: Let's get back and continue...

XNVB: shooting

XNVB: shooting Canhaz: the video...

DiBL: You're now watching Canhaz locked up in unknowned lab

and having surgery!

XNVB: in the movie "The man from nowhere"...

♪ Dear-Mad Soul Child(The man from nowhere OST)

Canhaz: it's bullet proof glass, you- ♪ Dear-Mad Soul Child(The man from nowhere OST)


Canhaz: is it too widey?


Canhaz: my face?

XNVB: Um...

Canhaz: it's widey?

XNVB: no?

I think it's fine

Canhaz: could you pass me the mist and lip gloss

DiBL: Mr.Canhaz?

let's take another one with naked when this scene is done


Canhaz: Naked shots?

DiBL: yeah yeah, naked

Director: lol he never gives up his mood until now

Canhaz: the, the real mood king was there!

Director: Can, can I cast you next time?

I need to cast this guy!

is, is that his born natural mood?

Canhaz: Him? Director: yup

Canhaz: He's born natural bad ass

Director: oh I see

XNVB: do the sleep rap

Canhaz: Oh babe...


Canhaz: Can you take me a pics with the camera?

XNVB: with camera?

DiBL: I'll take em

Canhaz: well the hair got split up like that...

I think I'll just...

looking that way would be better

DiBL: it's dope

Canhaz: Let's play the track!

DiBL: Do you satisfy Mr.Canhaz?

Canhaz: I like it.

DiBL: Wow~ good work!

Canhaz: yay~ it's done!

DiBL: Current time is...

it's 8:04 PM

How long have we been shooting?

Canhaz: we have been shooting for... 10 hrs? 9hrs? sth like that...

I'm happy

DiBL: Get ready for it!

Bad by Canhaz

For more infomation >> DiBL in Music Video?/Canhaz MV behind [Typical Day with DiBL] - Duration: 11:45.


How to Draw Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #81 - Duration: 10:22.

pls like

pls sub

pls share

For more infomation >> How to Draw Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #81 - Duration: 10:22.


Brathwait Watch Review - Duration: 3:48.

what's going on YouTube thank you guys for taking this video out

right here we have the broth wait Casey that broth wait watches um just to tell

you a little bit more about them first off I will leave a link down below that

if you're interested you could save $30 off your purchase so that's a great deal

now the reason why I like these watches I've actually worn this watch already so

this is more of a review rather than an unboxing but I'm gonna show you guys

this watch soon but the straps are really easy to exchange really really

nice watches so Brathwaite you know they they have like this thing on their

website where they're talking about you get a really good quality watch high

quality watch at a lower cost because they're skipping all that middleman all

that retail you're buying these watches straight from the manufacturer at a

really really solid price so let's see what we have

Oh what do you guys think so I went with the mesh I do not own a watch with the

mesh with the mesh band so I went with the mesh band can you see that mesh band

with the gold face and then the silver just so that I could kind of match with

a lot of different things that I wear since this is my own II mess watch body

I'm gonna probably want to get me a gold mesh straps because I love this watch so

I'm gonna give you guys a little bit of a closer look oh my gosh as you can see

instead of watch focus in on that I just look how nice

that is let's take it out I have already

adjusted it to my perfect size which is what I like about this watch because you

have these notches here where you can just adjust it really really easily

alright this is let's take this

Swiss movement stainless steel alright and this is the band like I said it's

really really easy to adjust you can get that perfect feel you got the nice

branding over here with the broth weight and then this is what the face looks

like I mean it's it's simple but it looks really nice and clean that's what

I love about it it's a simple look but it really looks nice so now let's go on

let's try this thing on for the test so that's what you have here guys what you

think this is the broth weight really really like the design is simple but it

looks really good let me know if you guys think like I

said if you're interested we'll definitely go check out their website

alright go check out their website because they have a lot of different

designs and like I mentioned they have these really really easy let's see how

easy it is straps that you can replace so I need to go get me some gold mesh

because then I pretty much have like two watches in one and it you know saves a

lot of time when it comes to say you know switching the straps and it's just

really versatile so you know thank you guys for checking this video out let me

know what you dig have a good one

certains is too small my this has been the brain

and your brother's lie and already

For more infomation >> Brathwait Watch Review - Duration: 3:48.


Trump seizes on media errors in attacks on 'fake news' - Duration: 6:44.


seizes on media errors in attacks on 'fake news'

president trump has seized on recent mistakes by two top news networks as evidence to support

his "fake news" claims.

Recent errors by CNN and ABC News offered a major blow to media outlets that have come

under criticism for inaccurate reports about the president and his campaign.

"Did you see all of the correction the media has been making?" Trump said at a rally in

Florida on Friday night in which he ripped both outlets.

"They've been doing that all year.

They never apologize.

Maybe that comes with being the president, I don't know."

Trump and his allies were quick to seize on media errors this week, in particular an inaccurate

CNN report that tied the Trump campaign to a WikiLeaks hack and an erroneous ABC report

that said Trump directed collusion with Russia before he was elected.

After Trump spent the last two days publicly reiterating the networks' mistakes, observers

are saying making these kinds of errors are akin to the media handing a weapon to critics.

�This is exactly what Trump and his allies want to say: �No matter what you hear on

mainstream media, it�s fake.

They�re doing it to hurt us,�" reporter Jeff Greenfield said last week on CNN, after

the ABC News mistake.

"And this is like handing a sword to the people who want all media to be looked at in that

regard,� he continued.

One Fox News contributor asked: "Has there been an actual bigger screw up in media this

year than what ABC & Brian Ross did yesterday?"

Trump at the rally on Friday night took aim at ABC News's Brian Ross, who last weekend

was suspended from the network for four weeks without pay after he reported, incorrectly,

that Trump had directed former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the campaign

to make contact with Russian officials.

His report, which was made on-air, was later updated to reflect that his source said Trump

directed Flynn to contact Russian officials after he was elected.

"They took this fraudster from ABC, they suspended for a month.

They should have fired him for what he wrote.

He drove the stock market down 350 points in minutes," the president said Friday.

"I said to everybody, get yourself a lawyer and sue ABC News."

Trump at his rally then turned his ire toward his familiar foe CNN for issuing a correction

on a story regarding the Russia probe earlier on Friday.

"Oh thank you, CNN, thank you so much.

You should have been apologizing for the last two years," Trump said to laughter and cheers

in the audience.

The comments came after CNN corrected a Friday morning scoop regarding documents Donald Trump

Jr. received from WikiLeaks.

The original CNN report posted Friday claimed Trump's eldest son received an email offering

hacked WikiLeaks documents containing Democratic information on Sept. 4, before WikiLeaks had

made the cache public.

CNN later corrected the report to say the email was sent on Sept. 14, after the documents

had already been made public.

Unlike Ross at ABC News, CNN announced that the reporters behind the story, Manu Raju

and Jeremy Herb, followed the organization's editorial guidelines.

The network does not plan to discipline them.

Trump in his comments fanned the flames of what had already become a controversy among

critics and members of the media as well.

�Between this and Brian Ross� Flynn mistake, the mainstream media is doing a great job

of bolstering Trump�s claims about fake news,� former New Yorker columnist James

Surowiecki said on Twitter.

"It's the most obvious thing to say, but reporters need to SLOW DOWN.

Being right is more important than being first," he continued.

The president continued to hit CNN for the error on Saturday, accusing the network on

Twitter of making a "vicious and purposeful mistake."

Adding to the criticism, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also took

an opportunity to hit CNN after the network mixed up a White House aide with a former

Obama aide.

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper responded, saying, �We regret the error."

It was a tough week for the network, which recently launched a "facts first" advertising


CNN has also called the Trump administration out on numerous occasions for its attacks

on the media.

Other outlets, including Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal, also found themselves

facing scrutiny this week after they inaccurately reported that special counsel Robert Mueller

had sent a subpoena to Deutsche Bank requesting Trump's financial records.

But Trump tends to direct the majority of his public ire at cable news networks.

While the president took aim at CNN and ABC for their corrections, he did not mention

a Fox News correction regarding one of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore's accusers.

Fox News issued a correction on Saturday after they initially reported that Beverly Young

Nelson had forged Moore's entry in her high school yearbook that read:

"An update to this story reflects that Beverly Young Nelson admits writing what ABC News

characterized as 'notes' beneath what she says is Roy Moore�s signature and that the

only notes below the signature are the date and location.

Furthermore, the headline on [the] story now specifies that Nelson admits to writing part

of the inscription herself, rather than forging part of it."

In the midst of an error-filled week for media, New York Times reporter Peter Baker emphasized

how important it is for journalists to be right in the age of Trump.

�Even small mistakes are used to undercut the entire credibility of the press,� Baker

said, speaking at a Poynter Institute event this week.

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