Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 12 2017

"SURVIVAL" Hard Afro Trap beat Instrumental | Dark Afro Trap Rap Beat

For more infomation >> "SURVIVAL" Hard Afro Trap beat Instrumental | Dark Afro Trap Rap Beat | DLX Beatz - Duration: 4:17.


এই মাত্র পাওয়াঃ দেখুন এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ | 13 December 2017 | Bangla News | Bangla tv News - Duration: 19:45.

atn bangla news today, today bangla news, bangla breaking news, bangla news update

For more infomation >> এই মাত্র পাওয়াঃ দেখুন এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ | 13 December 2017 | Bangla News | Bangla tv News - Duration: 19:45.


Gingerbread!? - Holley Days Ep. 5 - Director's Cut - Duration: 1:29.

Hey there, how can I help you?

Listen I need some parts for my truck, it's a lot of parts, I don't really know what I

need why don't you just come take a look at them?

Sure thing.

Oh wow, this thing's in bad shape, are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine, I'm alright, it was a little scary but I'm ok.

Well, the good thing is we've got tons of parts here to fix you up.

That's a good thing because the last mechanic I went to see, he was absolutely no help at


No worries, we'll take care of you here.

Alright so I mean, what does it need man?

Well first we're definitely going to have to get a new bridle, let's see, a hitch for

your reigns, a new seat, I'm thinking we're going to have to get, we'll grease those rails,

and we'll throw some three coats of Christmas cheer.

Hey Keebler, have you made any sales today?

No, but I did cook some Gingerbread!


You're fired.

Man, this stinks...

Hey Comet!

For more infomation >> Gingerbread!? - Holley Days Ep. 5 - Director's Cut - Duration: 1:29.


Heavenly Glory (Gloria Celestial) - Praise Leader Rose Han / Let's offer Praises - Duration: 2:05.

Abraesia Makaraetosha Omarae Mane Orae The Father is love. We exalt His majesty.

Oraema Shane Kakune Shane His majesty is boundless

Oraema Shane Kakune Shane His majesty is boundless

Iraegu Mane Kakuna Mane We praise the majestic One.

Iraesha Kane Braesha Oraema Shane Majestic is the One who is in the great glory.

Oraema Shane Kakune Shane His majesty is boundless

Iraesha Kane Braesha He is in the great glory

Oraema Shane Kakune Shane His majesty is boundless

Iraesha Kane Braesha He is in the great glory

Oraema Shane Kakune Shane His majesty is boundless

Iraegu Mane He is the great One

Kakuna Mane We sing praise to Him.

For more infomation >> Heavenly Glory (Gloria Celestial) - Praise Leader Rose Han / Let's offer Praises - Duration: 2:05.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - AdiFox - WELCOME TO MY WORLD - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - AdiFox - WELCOME TO MY WORLD - Duration: 5:40.


Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #26 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:51.

Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #26 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments)

For more infomation >> Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #26 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:51.


Rai Cheba Souad Duo Cheikha Djamila Styl Madahat 2018 | جديد راي مداحات 2019 - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Rai Cheba Souad Duo Cheikha Djamila Styl Madahat 2018 | جديد راي مداحات 2019 - Duration: 5:11.


A PIOR ENTREVISTA DE SEMPRE (c/ Diário de uma Astronauta) - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> A PIOR ENTREVISTA DE SEMPRE (c/ Diário de uma Astronauta) - Duration: 6:45.


Anushka Got Upset When Virat Sing A Song For Her - Emotional Moment Of Virat And Anushka - Duration: 2:25.

Anushka Got Upset When Virat Sing A Song For Her - Lovely Moment Of Virat And Anushka

For more infomation >> Anushka Got Upset When Virat Sing A Song For Her - Emotional Moment Of Virat And Anushka - Duration: 2:25.


Benjamin Fulford December 4th 2017 U S military to declare - Duration: 10:47.

Benjamin Fulford -- December 4th 2017 U.S. military to declare martial law as DOJ, FBI

criminality exposed

In honor of Ben's wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report.

This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually

on Thursday.

The U.S. military government, known to the world as the administration of President Donald

Trump, is about to declare martial law, Pentagon sources say.

�The Cabal has been checkmated, as Trump is ready to federalize the National Guard

in case of riots or civil unrest,� Pentagon sources say, adding that �FEMA camps will

be used to house mass arrests, and Gitmo may house high-value targets while military tribunals

will dispatch them swiftly.�

Such radical action is necessary, �Because of corrupt judges appointed by [former U.S.

President Barack] Obama and a Congress stacked with shills for Israel, so Trump may be forced

to declare martial law to impose military justice,� is how one Pentagon source put

the situation.

The FBI, for example, has been actively covering up the cabal slaughter of hundreds of Americans

in Las Vegas using G4S mercenaries, multiple sources say.

Trump was probably referring to this upcoming purge in the following Tweet: �After years

of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more) running the FBI,

its reputation is in tatters�worst in History!

But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness.�

The other big news from last week is that the U.S. Dover Air Force Base was hit last

with a nuclear weapon or the equivalent.

The attack was described as a magnitude 4.4 earthquake in the corporate media.

However, the �earthquake� had all the hallmarks of a nuclear or beam weapon attack

in that its epicenter was a military base, it was shallow, and the seismograph shows

a huge one-off instant quake, not the sort of shaking buildup seen in natural quakes.

Although the attack took place the day after North Korea announced it had ICBMs that could

hit anywhere in the U.S., Pentagon sources are saying this was part of the undeclared

civil war inside the military-industrial complex.

The Dover base is where U.S. military and other dead bodies are �processed,� and

it is also home to long-range heavy-lifting air transports.

Since the CIA smuggled heroin back to the U.S. in coffins during the Vietnam War, it

is a pretty good guess that this base was taken out because it was a major trans-shipment

point for Afghan heroin.

There was also visible evidence last week of at the very least, a low-earth-orbit space

war going on, as what Pentagon sources describe as �rogue satellites� were �de-orbited.�

This may have appeared in the news as the failure of a Russian rocket launch containing

19 satellites.

Also, on December 2nd, U.S. General John Hyten, the head of U.S. Strategic Command, told an

audience in California that several states were targeting U.S. space capabilities and

warned, �We cannot allow that to happen.�

There were also reports world wide of meteorites and �space junk� falling last week.

This writer personally witnessed a multicolor meteorite fall in a location that appeared

to the naked eye to be less than a kilometer from my home in western Tokyo.

A video of it can be seen at the following link:

�The storm that began on November 4th with the Saudi purge has gone kinetic,� the Pentagon

sources say, apparently being literal about it.

The purge on the ground level inside the U.S. is also becoming increasingly visible.

�Operation Mockingbird has been deactivated as CIA media assets like Matt Lauer were fired

from NBC,� following the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters by the Marines, the sources


Another sign of a Mockingbird shoot-down came as ABC News suspended Brian Ross for what

Trump describes as his �horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia,

Russia Witch Hunt.� The corporate media purge has just begun, the sources promise.

The Khazarian mobsters are clinging to the hope that the indictment last week of former

Defense Intelligence Agency head Michael Flynn by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will

lead to the impeachment of Trump.

However, Pentagon sources promise that �the Flynn indictment is a �nothing burger�

that allows him to expose all crimes of Obama, Hillary, the FBI, pedos, and deep state to

Mueller while helping Trump to drain the swamp.�

Obama, for his part, asked Chinese President Xi Jinping last week for political asylum

but was turned down, say Asian secret society sources.

In public, this could be seen in the form of Obama thumbing his nose at China by visiting

the Dalai Lama immediately after leaving China.

The Dalai Lama, however, is himself likely to be purged and is in no position to help


Also, speaking of �pedos,� last week Hollywood star, director and actor Mel Gibson said Hollywood

elites �Harvest the blood of children.

They eat their flesh.

They believe this gives them life force.

If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them

extra life force.� Gibson said, �This isn�t some kind of artistic abstraction�

I was personally introduced to the practice in the early 2000s.

I can talk about this now because these people, the execs, they�re dead now.�

This writer can also confirm he has personally met two Khazarian mobsters who admitted to

eating human fetuses.

These are the people who are being actively hunted down now by the white hats.

A purge has also started in Japan now that Emperor Naruhito has taken over from his father

Emperor Akihito, according to Japanese military intelligence sources.

Although Akihito is not officially supposed to retire until April 2019, Naruhito is already

the de facto Emperor, they explain.

So far only a few dozen people have been purged, but a lot more will begin on the December

7th, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, they say.

In particular, a �Mr. K,� who lives in a hotel guarded by 70 bodyguards, is going

to be taken down, they add.

Japanese intelligence also wants U.S. military white hats to be aware that many in the U.S.

military and intelligence community in Japan have for years been bribed with �Kagurazaka

geishas and cash.� They say that even former U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy was regularly

and lavishly entertained at �host clubs.� A lot of Japanese money has been looted since

the death of Emperor Hirohito and given to the Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, and other

high-level Khazarian mobsters, by Koreans who pretend to be Japanese like former Prime

Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, the sources say.

Meanwhile as the U.S. and Japan continue to clean house, international financial tension

between the U.S. and China is building.

A sign of this was the breaking off of the U.S.-China economic dialogue last week.

It is important to note in this context that the tax cuts announced by Trump last week

can only be implemented if the U.S. declares bankruptcy and issues a new currency, because

otherwise it would require massive new borrowing from China.

China is not in a mood to pour more money down the black hole of the U.S. corporate

government, Asian secret society sources say.

The Chinese are hoping to bankrupt the U.S. corporate government and have Canada take

over and create a United States of North America to replace the rogue regime that the U.S.

corporate government has become, the sources say.

This week Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in China and, as the Canadian Broadcasting

Corporation reports, �U.S. President Donald Trump�s on-again, off-again antipathy for

China helps position Canada as a more attractive partner in North America.�

In a sign that China and its BRICS allies were preparing for a U.S. default, there was

a formal announcement last week by the BRICS nations that they were going to start their

own gold trading network.

Venezuela also announced last week that it was setting up a cryptocurrency backed by

gold, oil, and diamonds to replace the U.S. dollar.

Furthermore, in a sign they were worried about a money grab by the Americans, Russia�s

Finance Ministry issued a warning last week that if the U.S. seized Russia�s foreign

reserves, �it would be a declaration of financial war.�

Ominously, a CIA source in Asia who has Rothschild connections, had the following comment to

make when asked about the financial war: �I have been told by one of my contacts who is

�in the know on these type of matters� that the master plan is to collapse the system

globally in the 3rd quarter of 2018.�

On a final note, a reader in Brazil sent the following information via e-mail: �In Porto

Alegre-Brazil, a southern state of my country, there is a big American consulate building,

really bigger than the one in S�o Paulo, and I can tell you by normal justification

there is no need for Porto Alegre have such big American consulate unless it is something

like CIA headquarters.

A friend of mine who lives there said that for the last few years, since this building

was made, there seems to be just a few people working there, less than ten, at least on

the surface level.� Perhaps this is another DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) that

needs to be taken out.

However, Nazis based in South American underground bases have previously told this writer that

they no longer wanted to conquer the world and just wanted to be left alone to play with

their flying saucers.

Maybe they should just announce that they will share that and other technology with

the rest of the world.

For more infomation >> Benjamin Fulford December 4th 2017 U S military to declare - Duration: 10:47.


Let's Play Path Of Exile Patch 3.1 With CohhCarnage - Episode 24 - Duration: 30:16.

go okay we're good we're good all right enough of that okay let me go to the pou

thing here now eventually what we'd like people to do is potentially be able to

use like tokens or maybe special class abilities when we get that implemented

later to actually put the cat cam on the screen yourself so that would be kind of

fun that is something for later find the rapture device where I'm gonna go this


yeah I know no cat can shame shame I know

shame we get waiver maybe maybe we can get away with a little tiny one in the

corner hold on little luteinc at camp that's not a teeny tiny cad/cam

little teeth a character now you can't see my buffs but you know what

that's okay cuz now you can boom all right there we go how's that little

little teensy ten a leopard cat can okay mm-hmm there we go all right

well that is how you start a PUA stream I am a thousand percent okay with this

alright we're gonna fight it to this jewel socket let though is the best buff

I agree I agree there we go okay I am ready for this today we have made so

much progress recently on this build has been great yesterday was huge

after but a green screen behind him oh what a cool idea I never thought

about that put a little green screen right up behind him so he could just

like be sitting in the bottom oh my god dude you may be on to something

you may be on to something I will look into that I will look into that

Kota I give me good chest while I was off stream to be honest dude with the

new puppy and everything else going on I actually have not had a chance to play

any POA off stream yet so the first time I played peewee I was playing peewee for

like hours off stream every night but yeah with the puppy no no the puppy is

basically my responsibility that was kind of the deal with Lena Lena works

from ass off with Rowan as any as any mother will tell you a kid is a

full-time job so yeah she's really been kicking ass

with Rowan so when we got the dog I basically said you know this is this is

all me so what class is this this is a glacial cascade Inquisitor and I've been

really digging it

still learning how to play it properly and we still have a lot of work to do on

on the build gems and our skills and we don't even have a lot of our best skills

yet because I need to get to the end of this Act which I'm shooting to do this

morning where my buffs

I'm gonna ask a dumb question don't these things normally pop up up here is

there room in the peewee guild still I think so Jasper yeah 13 plus 153 plus 7

yeah there should be some room left oh not after the patch

oh look at that cool thank you

great I'm gonna keep that on I always look up there to see if my buffs are up

so I'm gonna keep that on oh shoot hey buddy

my mana is spent nice the stuff we're looking for right now by the way we need

a better link glove we definitely need a better I need a better sceptre pretty

badly and that's really it right now in terms of like we needed a chest and

gloves yesterday and we got we got decent on both of those we finally got a

decent chest at least for the link so we have a really nice link set up in here

with our orbit storms which is not ringing arcane surge right now because I

didn't do that properly I need to make sure we keep leveling that up a faster

attacks to go up Herald of ice can also grow fashion

we need orb of storms to level again so hopefully the mana cost will get high

enough to do arcane surgery we can uh we can scour a gem to lower the level right

ko please stop talking let those on stream oh my bad button my


I'm actually not sure what we're supposed to be going right now yeah we

can trade with ask our okay great I might actually do that at this next the

next level of Gemma storms didn't doesn't kick this up high enough right

now the mana cost is twenty four but we need it to beat

twenty six

corruption eats away at the roots of this mountain yeah you tell them boss

like guys hitpoints man grab all that is my tip thing working today it certainly

should be boo ghosts yeah man I got a $10 tip earlier from UI sub and tip for

lethal cam and cone narrating the game this is the new standard in streaming

thanks for that Boog I appreciate that buddy thank you for the tip - hey Julia

how are you Oh oh speaking of Julia oh my god guys guys

y'all need to see this y'all need to see this didn't even ask

for it she just goes oh by the way got your Booker emote oh my look at that

little thing leave that little thing like that little book remote doll how

cute is that so yeah we're gonna have a little book remote soon Coe Booker

little tiny book Oreimo amazing job as always Julia thank you

you read my mind with that one we'll probably go ahead and put I think we

have Kodama still on the live one so we'll probably sub out Kodama into

the the free emotes and then we'll bring in Co Booker for that little guy it's a

big deal whenever we get items like that cuz we're SSF so that stuff is really

gonna matter for us my mana is spent unexpected yeah kodamas from me oh that

was a game that we were playing we were playing earlier this month actually end

of last month earlier this month mio is awesome by the way if you don't

know about neo oh dude for the love of God check it out

game is so good I had a great time in that

family of this guy or is this cold of course


okay do we want to increase critical strikes I think this is okay


oh that's going okay actually we're gonna park that we're gonna park that

because I don't have my take damage on Bert or use on damage taking Seoul

should suffer as you have - rent talk to - SUNY in crying town for your

reward oh cool okay where's the rapture device oh it's in the next level Oh

why would you not want to constantly level up your gems because sometimes

they don't synergize properly if you don't level them up or if you level them

up too far in in this particular instance we want this gem arcane surge

always to trigger when I cast this skill orb of storms the problem is that this

skill if you can see gain arcane surge when you spend 26 mana every time I

level up arcane surge that 26 goes up more so gain arcane surge when you spend

29 mana 30 to mana the problem is if I keep leveling this up the cost of this

skill will always be under the mana cost that arcane surge is expected so if we

freeze arcane surge at 26 mana and we keep leveling up orb of storm so it

eventually costs more than 26 mana then we can trigger arcane surge every time

we cast over storms now the problem is right now I accidentally leveled this up

too much so it takes 26 mana to cast but the whole skill only costs 24 mana so

right now when I hit Q to cast orb of storms

it is not triggering arcane surge and that's a problem because the whole point

of that is to trigger arcane surge so yeah we have frozen arcane surge we're

not leveling that anymore and we're leveling up orb of storms charge on

critical and culling strikes and those mana costs will add up to this skill and

that 24 you see will hopefully be over 26 and then we'll go from there

so another thing we can do is we could buy a new arcane search support and

level it back up that'd be easy or we could combine an arcane search support

this one with a scouring orb and then we could deal 'evil it but I think because

orb of storms is new I think we can level this up to account for that mana

cost that's what I'm doing right now

hopefully that made sense it's a little it's a little confusing at first but

trust me if I can figure it out you can mana is spent it's it's a little alien

at first but it's intuitive

poorly for the flu

hey Dennis yeah we're gonna be doing spell for us through this afternoon I am

looking forward to diving back into spell for three oh man wait

ah here we go good

the crystal veins how many does so far I think one yeah I

think I've died once yep one time that's cuz I was messing around during an abyss


this we have time and we've been attacked for it he want to go her lab

light into

how that we can hit him back there

I'm really looking forward to spell echo apparently that significantly increases

the spills potential that'll be very nice already looking out for a five

length chest that we can use with it

another is that the door became in yes


Haggai mash what's up man you should go for the lab ASAP because you'll be too

high of a level and you get extras from ascending wait what what are you talking

about why why do I want to do the lab ASAP maybe I don't understand that

mechanic I was going to wait until the end of act 4 into it is that too late

my mana is spent Dinu I appreciate the thought but II don't you worry about it

dude yeah it should be fine to do it after act 4 okay

must have tightened together my will yeah kaboom I'm planning on doing the

lab at probably right after this act I'm gonna go do the do the lab I do want to

get this lab though so I get spare or I do want to get this act done so I can

get spell echo and cast when damage taken because that is very much gonna

help this book and I am very much looking forward to it

whoot there we go hey what's up girl you know not a cockroach had I accepted my

place my rapturous role the beast would be no more no less

no anything at all my selfishness tickled the beasts fancy and had laughed

the world I knew away this is the only girl I was to think ah my lonesome

much time to wonder wonder if the rapture really needs to eat a German

Queen maybe something else will get its catastrophic juices lathering something

like eyeball soup aya fury the eye of desire sorry what were you saying I was

buying loot boxes I couldn't hear you well what was that lady Diala

I I can't hear you over the sound of my lute box purchasing excuse me damn it

bye bye bye bye to you too I tried I'm sorry at rice has absorbed its fill of

harvested life from fury I still need I still need ice wings it

is ready I need ice swings and ice portal am i I think I'm never gonna get

ice moves again to be the end I'm the beginning of the Empire the

Beast has made this game okay I don't think I'm ever gonna get ice Boris now

make my lady Diana my love my life's greatest okay

alright that's everything

and now we can actually do our I stole that I want earlier more than she would

ever give I will betray her I will break her heart

so that I do not break her soul dude this is gonna look so fly team that

helmets bad ass


that is awesome holy this fits our build so perfectly that is so cool okay

done and done done and done let's go

ready monster says fly what year is it it's 1973 right superflat pretty sure

right yeah buttons with Roth I dreamed of my ancestors holes they were empty I

dreamed of the north of an offering left to us by to Guam ah an offering that

will save the car Ruby I needed only to take it

oh I gathered my -500 I brought them here I claimed what to Kalama had

promised me oh yeah like the look at that I mean that silk robe looks kind of


yeah let's go pretty fly for a nice guy I'm not even I'm not even gonna read

that on stream because I would be too embarrassed - rez has ascended and

return hmm oh wait shit got me again go where you are needed

uh we're good wait do I need to return here

Oh talk to two Sunni in town for reward to see

this is neither the time nor the place I felt it

oh hell yeah ah feels good man of course good we're going we're gonna get this I

think we're get that jewel socket right oh wait shoot did I

I totally close my window I said come on

let me make sure that's the right passive tree we're looking at the right

passive tree

hero hero hero oh yeah good all right so we can go up an get this gem sob and go

over here and get the mana and health which would be good we'll get that gem

slot first

no no sir lancelot we're good we're good we're great well that's rude jerk

who would abyss

my mana is spent




so much laughs we're some Lutz


nice so we gotta jump for that in a little bit I think we have a gem we can

use temporarily at least in our in the other area oh great

great added lightning damage support amazing on

oh that's right yeah I don't have a good thing on that right now

okay what's fine I guess because we're not going to really do anything else

with that are we and it cost is still 24 for that

let's get those up get you back out so wait that didn't level up the normal

storms level oh not yet no it's got a while the levels of

we'll keep working with that let's head north hey drama how you doing dude

good morning good morning

our sacred flasks looking 1,200 over 6 we're already better

200 over 5

hmm I really need to look into getting

better flasks I haven't really been my flask game is not really good right now

by hitting him

one at this place is a cold resistant

good morning mo demon how are you today yeah dude let though is chillin over

there he is killing hard over there over here

maybe it's little strange

okay sacred is what we're looking at now all right

I need to worry too much about bleeding right now

the life isn't worth it Oh


my mana is spent

resist elementalgaming

great Alice Sante how are you today Oh mcdhh Anders all the levels are

procedurally generated every time you play this game it is basically a brand

new game outside of the overarching like you have the same bosses you have the

same like big bosses you have the same act progression and stuff but all the

levels are completely randomized yeah

look at all those hellos in there guys are great so friendly suck tears up in

here I love it love it

superior colossal manifest 218 over five six

I actually really like how this one takes fourteen point nine but I wish it

didn't more I like that it takes a while

I'll think about how I want to eat this

I don't want it to take just a few seconds because then it would kind of a

waste because when it when your we when your health or man it maxes out then the

effect immediately stops with the flask if you don't want that to happen


meet ribs you sound delicious

For more infomation >> Let's Play Path Of Exile Patch 3.1 With CohhCarnage - Episode 24 - Duration: 30:16.


Paw Petrol Puzzle for Kids🐾 Jigsaw Puzzles Video for Children. Pictures from Cartoon - Duration: 2:38.

Paw Petrol Puzzle for Kids🐾 Jigsaw Puzzles Video for Children. Pictures from Cartoon

For more infomation >> Paw Petrol Puzzle for Kids🐾 Jigsaw Puzzles Video for Children. Pictures from Cartoon - Duration: 2:38.


T10 League: Bus Ab Dus Title Song of T Ten League Sharjah || BeeCee Videos || #BusAbDus - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> T10 League: Bus Ab Dus Title Song of T Ten League Sharjah || BeeCee Videos || #BusAbDus - Duration: 3:40.


Supernatural- Alex Calver (sub.español) Parte 3 - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Supernatural- Alex Calver (sub.español) Parte 3 - Duration: 4:02.


Found "The One?" Kay Can Help Find "The Ring!" - Duration: 1:11.

How do you know...

that she's the one, out of every other girl.

She supports me more than any human being I've ever met.

I've never met anyone like her in my entire life.

I can't picture a life that she's not a part of.

I don't know what it was.

It was some voice in my head I guess, just saying like...



She's the one.

All you have to do

is, uhh...

propose now. It's like the easiest part.

I'm ready.

I'm ready to ask her to marry me.

My voice cracked.

Like I didn't want it to.

(Clears Throat)



Will you marry me?


I love you.

I did not expect that whatsoever.



For more infomation >> Found "The One?" Kay Can Help Find "The Ring!" - Duration: 1:11.


운영체제에 대한 소개 - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 운영체제에 대한 소개 - Duration: 3:37.


Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Ceremony Full Videos - Duration: 3:05.

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Ceremony Full Videos

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Ceremony Full Videos

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Ceremony Full Videos

Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Ceremony Full Videos

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self YouTube / agar apni Abeka kumara channel subscribe nahi kiya the abbey

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For more infomation >> Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Marriage Ceremony Full Videos - Duration: 3:05.


Education Cartoons for Children😃 Long Vowel Sound O for Kids of 1st Grade. English Grammar Video - Duration: 3:35.

Education Cartoons for Children😃 Long Vowel Sound O for Kids of 1st Grade. English Grammar Video

For more infomation >> Education Cartoons for Children😃 Long Vowel Sound O for Kids of 1st Grade. English Grammar Video - Duration: 3:35.


Harry Potter Never Have I Ever with Bertie Botts ft. MOLLY BURKE - Duration: 12:49.

Hello Lions, Eagles Snakes and Badgers are you major babes doing today?

So... you're thinking where are you Rebecca and who is this lovely young

lady you are sat with! Well I'm at Molly Burke's house today we're doing a

fantastic collaboration on both of our channels... if you haven't checked out

Molly....head on over after this video to see what we've got cooking on her

channel! Thanks so much! Molly and I are two Slytherin's....

or are we? You'll have to check out our video together... and we thought, you know,

sometimes we get a bad rap and we thought today we would do some Slytherin never

ever have I evers! Never EVER have WE EVER

But if we have done the thing.... it is customary to drink ...but we're gonna have

a Bertie Bot Every Flavour Bean! Now as you guys probably know, these are genuine! I bought

them at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. How was that? It was delightful! I

would also like to say now we had my mom open them for us off-camera and she

didn't realize that half these flavors are horrid and she ate three of them and

they all happened to be good flavors...and now the bad ones are left! I would have

loved for her to mouth not realizing they're bad flavors

and get vomit and like I would have LOVED that reaction!

What a shame on multiple levels! But maybe it is better for you guys

because the chances of us getting a horrible one have now increased.

Yes, I am stressed! So you guys have been writing in your never ever have

I ever suggestions and if we have done the thing then we have to eat the bean!

yep, they might be horrible! Okay, never ever have I ever thought I was better than

someone..... hasn't everyone at some point in their life! Like I don't think you have to be a Slytherin...

to think like I think at some point even if I was like seven I was like...

I am better than you! HER American accent is everything to me! I

love it! Hi, I'm a Slytherin and I'm better than you! Every time every time!

This is a good one! Okay, what color is mine? Red! By the way I'm blind...

oh I feel like really cinnamony! you gonna eat the whole thing!

oh okay mine's like blueberry? Never ever have I ever called someone a mudblood? I

wouldn't do that. No. Never ever have I ever wished I was dating Draco Malfoy?

I have! Nope. WHAT! I I got these out being like come on girl!!!! Which of these...

like I uh I really don't think I have I love drinking my boy and I'm gonna eat

this speckled yellow bean oh um look don't worry I don't love lemon never

have I ever been so embarrassed or laughed so hard that I peed my pants

Slytherin related but no I don't know that really I know one of my friends I

are brand-new every time she lives really hard she pees a little bit who

was that but name I'm shaggy oh never have I ever cried when

Dumbledore gave Gryffindor points instead of Slytherin in the

Philosopher's Stone I still feel sore about that crying but

I mean I don't think I cried we're angry about it let's not get dramatic here

okay wait what color okay it wasn't blue so hopefully it's good now mine is a

very dubious color but mine like oh

there's good coffee we're doing so well yeah my girl I swear this is a genuine

box I bought it I have a dream world where okay the time will come never ever

have I ever judged a Hufflepuff well load them up funny ya know that's

no question okay I'm giving them this one well I think the others are pretty

much read so I thought like this is done so this is pink with like bits of orange

could be bomb I feel like that's like oh oh it could be no what is it in I cannot

if this is vomit I hope you all accept that I will be spitting it out I'm

horrible at this I don't even like good flavored jelly

well you should be judging cause puffs then should you get it is okay you go

first oh are you kidding me have I ever

I was sure to never ever have I ever fallen in love with a Gryffindor I

actually don't think I have and never sword in my eyes

never have I ever liked Harry Potter okay

he's whining I don't like him but fun fact never be so jealous and if you're a

Harry Potter fan which is booming if you're all this chatter you are you're

gonna be jealous because when I was younger my dad I've worked for a company

in advertising and so before the movies came out in theatres and my family would

get to go to this big Harry Potter event every year when we came out nice now we

get to watch the movie in theatres before I came out last week sighing and

we get to like meet the characters and the Owls and think about the gift bags

and wands and pop beans who to imagine back 2001 okay I always do my own pro

circuit back then only good maybe and I feel like I did like you got blue one

mine's light blue and I'm scared oh so more like a laundry detergent

can't wear like a Harry Potter oh it was like fresh cotton almost like

clean cotton never have I ever lied about my house because I don't want

people to think bad of me no no perhaps Lutheran yeah now that have I ever used

the Cretaceous it's just a science purposes that's the

one that makes people like go upside down

For more infomation >> Harry Potter Never Have I Ever with Bertie Botts ft. MOLLY BURKE - Duration: 12:49.


Vacation | Gmod Sandbox - Duration: 5:12.

yeah it spooked me the first time i was in here

the thing is though zach!

ZACH! i dont know about this shrek thing

oh! -dude!!

dude, dude!

uhh i think shrek is having uhh

some issues man UUUUHHHH!

dude he wont stop coming for me oh my god

dude that was rough! did you see that?

i did this

dude what is this?

ya like it? we're on a

beautiful sunset island get away man i dont know i was looking towards that alien


you see me dancing?

yeah your black though thats gotta be censored it think?

what does that mean?

it means it has to be censored what are you doing dude

your flying around attach me with some lights

this music makes me want to die you have to go from

step by step too ey man you have so MANY of these

dude! dude!dude!

OOooo- thats hard.. uhh, thats me falling

i made it actually imma fu--ing

dude stunt race!

my fu--ing tire!

well see! i hope your happy

look at what you did! comin iiiiiinnn-

-spicy and hot! yep thats what you gotta do right there

you did what i was trying to do, you just did it, it was weird

hey man your being really ni- mean..

i thought you said nice i almost did

dude this thing just fu--in turns on its own!


my car is going to land on your yacht!


driving boats is hard

why are you driving on land?

thats impossible land ho!

alright, lets go enjoy our island getaway great man

this is so fu--ing hard! oh my god!

dude i dont think the golf cart renters insurance

covers this dude dude, i cant vibe with this

i gotta turn this bon fire off im stuck in a tree

yeah that'll happen if it last more than 4 hours call your doctor

stawp! im working on my car

here have an inner tube so you dont drown STAWP!

im trying to work on my car!

thanks again

zach! why did you let me work on my car!

what did you do?

oh my god.. -twenty-two's!!

sh--, it just lands-- fu--in A, dude this thing is sh--

nonsense, ill show you how to drive this thing get out of my car

tokyo drift! well there you go, you paul walkered it

hit that ramp! the speed limit is kinda low under water,

you know -yeah your going too fast

marine safety is number one

hey man, look at this in the mirror

whats going on dude?

i dont know, but can tell you who your not rapeing


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