Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017


For more infomation >> RGB led strip light with remote controller unboxing and review HINDI _BY TECHNICAL DEEP - Duration: 5:03.



For more infomation >> ❄️MAKE UP HIVER I FÊTES DE FIN D'ANNÉE 💫 I DMK - Duration: 4:04.


Обновление игрового процесса — 2018 год (субтитры) - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Обновление игрового процесса — 2018 год (субтитры) - Duration: 4:13.


Sophia's iHope Story: Diagnosing a Rare De Novo Mutation - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Sophia's iHope Story: Diagnosing a Rare De Novo Mutation - Duration: 6:11.


Combien je gagne avec Google Adsense 💶 - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Combien je gagne avec Google Adsense 💶 - Duration: 6:42.


Database of real estate, or cut out the middle man - Duration: 3:51.

The idea came, as usual, on personal experience. Now I am search for an apartment. And faced with the following trends. Real owners no - one mediators from which people moan that set their own prices for apartments. And so that one apartment sold at five different prices. In this case the owners moaning. Intermediaries insolent to the point that, without the consent of the owners and never seeing the apartment, bring their customers to buy it. A year ago I sold a piece on your experience with these intermediaries when they gave me the Deposit and got the keys to the apartment and all rights to it. The contract money they had to give in 2 weeks. I was glad that there will be problems with registration and impressions. Then they inflated the price. Two months have passed. In short, they screwed me - had to contact a lawyer and knock out their money. Now the essence of the idea. Select a public place (e.g. Central Department store), which seems the pieces all in a row. Seated girl (preferably near the brain). Is computer - and more!!! POKUPAEM housing WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES. Updating daily!!!! You can add photos of private homes. The essence of what - is the main city newspaper ads. She comes out once a week. Waiting for it like manna from heaven - and there is some intermediaries. And then you.... I would have asked. And everything. For promotion, you can accept ads from owners for free, and the prices put on services penny. And there... if you're smart..... I think that the idea of working - and requires almost no investment. Moreover, now that I've thought it through (or almost). The prices I got from the local newspaper, the type OF hand TO HAND. But in order to submit a free ad - you must first the newspaper to buy (10 RUB), and my Postings will be FREE. But for watching - please give a ten. Also to hang the Board under the glass where you can place your ad, say for 5 $ a day and it will look all free. Moreover, the system of season tickets (say for a fixed fee, 300 rubles a month) I will every day to call and offer suitable options. Intermediaries, of course there's no escape, but there is a healthy competition. There is a place for dealers I will advertise their services for money. My main trump card - DAILY update. So think about that buy-sell and rent especially.... that's enough. Also going to include here and auto with the placement of digital photos of these. And for reference, my city has a population of 500 thousand people. This I believe is sufficient. All laid out for mass use both hands - use it. The name of your institution, I came up with "first hand". Not new - but on the topic. Waiting for everyone's reviews. And, of course, I would like to hear the actual proposal price policy. This idea I'm going to implement the next image. Prospects there is enough - will not be distributed

For more infomation >> Database of real estate, or cut out the middle man - Duration: 3:51.


chanson algérienne rai | Cheb Djalil 2019 | New Ray HD | Rani Tjr Nabki 2018 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> chanson algérienne rai | Cheb Djalil 2019 | New Ray HD | Rani Tjr Nabki 2018 - Duration: 4:01.


NEWS24 Update News 14 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 27:45.

NEWS24 Update News 14 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla

For more infomation >> NEWS24 Update News 14 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 27:45.


2018: Jugabilidad actualizada (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 2018: Jugabilidad actualizada (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 4:13.


Nouveautés 2018 autour de la jouabilité - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Nouveautés 2018 autour de la jouabilité - Duration: 4:13.



hello welcome back to strange rebel gaming I'm Briana but of course you knew

that didn't you I'm so happy you are here today I'm just

enjoying my beautiful crackling fireplace this year I've gone digital we

all must do our part to reduce our carbon footprint anyways I'm so glad

you're here as I do have a sort of announcement to make I wanted to share

my holiday spirit with all of you because they are here and I love them I

love the holiday spirit of giving of loving of drinking Santa's weight in wine

that really is the best gift of all in order to do that I've decided to put up

three new Christmas strange rebel gaming merchandise designs on my teespring

store they are beautiful and wonderful and thank you so much to the talented

Jerika for designing them I am so excited to share them all with you they

are available in t-shirts long sleeves hoodies and stickers and a multitudinous

of holly jolly Christmas colors click the link in the description below to at

least take a look at them as they are wonderful and they did take a lot of

work and then of calls if you'd like to order them make sure you select rush

shipping so you get them before Christmas and in order to offset the

cost of that I've decided to give 25% off your entire order throughout the

entire rest of the year I hope you do enjoy them and I hope you do enjoy your

holidays no matter what holiday you celebrate or be it no holidays at all I

wish you the best of times and the warmest wishes throughout the rest of

the year I love you all

For more infomation >> A HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT - Duration: 2:22.


How to Meet Your Spirit Guides Through Meditation! - Duration: 2:54.

How to Meet Your Spirit Guides Through Meditation!

Spirit Guides � Spirit guides are incorporeal beings that are assigned to us before we are

born that help nudges and guide us through life.

They�re responsible for helping us fulfil the spiritual contract we make with ourselves

before we incarnate.

Your higher self-helps select these guides, who help us while we are living out our incarnation.


Some guides will stay with you throughout your entire life, and others will pop in every

now and again to help you with specific areas of your life or goals you are trying to achieve.

These guides are at varying levels of consciousness themselves.

Some may be highly ascended masters and others might be your average spirit who just happens

to be a master in a certain area.

They may appear to have a male or female energy, though, in reality, they are just energy.

They may be spirits who have had physical incarnations, or they might be spirits who

have never taken corporeal form.

You may be the only person they are guiding, or they may be on the �panel� for other

people as well.

They might be deceased relatives, but that is less likely.

When it�s time for your spirit guides to help you, they tune in to your energy and

help direct you to fulfil your earthly mission.

HOW DO GUIDES HELP US: Follow your gut instincts.

Listen to your dreams.

Feel nudges.

Synchronicity alerts.

PREPARE: Allocate sufficient time and space where you

will be undisturbed.

Adopt a comfortable position.

Trust and let go.


Those who are looking for the connection I hope this helps you to meet your guide(s)

or at least to come close to feeling the connection.

Repeat as often as would like.


You�ll know by the advice you get.

Does it resonate with you?

Do you feel like it�s coming from them and not you?

Does the advice make sense to you?

Do you get great results when you listen to their counsel?

Do they appear the same way every time?

If the answers to these questions are all �yes� then you are on the right track.

For more infomation >> How to Meet Your Spirit Guides Through Meditation! - Duration: 2:54.


Middle America vs. The Liberal Elite: What Does It Mean to Be All-American? | Ariel Levy - Duration: 4:56.

There are lattes in the middle of Ohio now.

When Seinfeld was on and everybody loved it, guess what?

It was Jews from New York.

This idea that we're so out of touch and that this culture we've come up with here is anathema

to the rest of the country—guess what: we're as real American as everybody else, and sure

there are more liberals here.

Sure, we're used to a more heterogeneous population in New York City than what I just saw when

I was reporting in Maine last week, but there was plenty of "latte," and we're not that

different, and we're not any less American.

It's also a matter of like: "Sorry about the facts."

Sorry that "Big Science", which is to say scientists, have realized that if we keep

doing things the way we're doing them we are going to end the world.


I mean, I wish it weren't so, but it doesn't make [climate change] a liberal phenomenon.

It's just beyond my comprehension.

The thing I was going to say about The New York Times is you notice that as much as the

president likes to say it's fake news, the minute he goes and meets with their editors

he says it's a "great American treasure".

I mean, it is the paper of record.

Now in fairness they did make some mistakes.

They're humans.

All that stuff around the WMDs and right after the Iraq war—that is serious stuff that

happened that The Times got wrong that eroded public trust.

But I don't actually think that's what's going on—I don't think that's what this election

was about.

I mean, we know for a fact that it wasn't.

We know for a fact that there was a very targeted system for disseminating the fake news.

Long-form journalism is the only thing I've ever done—that and writing books.

I don't know how to be a newspaper journalist.

I think what they do is incredibly impressive, but I'm not trained to do it; I don't know

how to do it.

And they have a different mandate than we do.

Their mandate is to attempt objectivity, and ours isn't.

I mean, we are meant to tell the truth, and everything you read in The New Yorker has

been fact checked more than you can believe, but the overall story I'm telling in any given—no

matter what it is—it's always my version.

And it's not my mandate to be without a perspective, it's not my mandate to remove myself, to have

the least present authorial voice I can.

That's not my mandate.

My mandate is to try to make it interesting for the reader while informing the reader,

with a complete allegiance to accuracy, but I'm allowed to tell the story however I want

to, and that's the luxury.

That's being a magazine journalist, and that's what I love about it.

I'm never endeavoring to make myself or my point of view invisible.

That's not my mandate.

I'm trying to be subtle about it, because the quieter and sort of, you know—if I'm

sly about it then it's more persuasive because you don't want to feel that someone has directed

you to think this, that, and the other; you want to feel that you think that.

But it's my job to lead you to think whatever it is I want you to.

I mean, it depends how honest the individual journalist is, and how much allegiance he

or she has to the truth, to accuracy.

I am not wed to making every person feel that their perspective has been represented, I'm

representing my perspective when I tell a story, but every single detail in that story

will be the truth.

And no little falsehood is okay, ever, and we take that very seriously.

For more infomation >> Middle America vs. The Liberal Elite: What Does It Mean to Be All-American? | Ariel Levy - Duration: 4:56.


Overwatch Moments #106 - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #106 - Duration: 10:27.



For more infomation >> İSİMSİZLER DİZİSİ BİTMESİN - TRT 1'E GEÇSİN - Duration: 1:02.


CINEMOOD 3 in 1 Magic Cinema Now Includes Disney Family Favorites Plus Streams Netflix YouTube - Duration: 1:02.

Want This Amazing Gadget Click on Amazon Link in Video Description:

For more infomation >> CINEMOOD 3 in 1 Magic Cinema Now Includes Disney Family Favorites Plus Streams Netflix YouTube - Duration: 1:02.


How to Draw Cute Mermaid for Kids🧜 Step by Step Art Drawings. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 6:09.

How to Draw Cute Mermaid for Kids🧜 Step by Step Art Drawings. DIY Coloring Pages for Children

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