Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 13 2017

Time is just an illusion.

The future begins now.

I just can't stop making music.

I'm only doing it because I can't stop.

I'm a bit crazy.

It could be the sound of a construction site or even a laundry machine.

I think there are sounds I haven't discovered yet.

I like to mix these new sounds together.

I am Maika Loubté. I'm a musician.

Technology may change but people still would have fun.

Like the way music evolves, I think it's time for technology to evolve.

Time for the next leap.

Everyone is free but people tend to forget that they're free.

You shouldn't restrict yourself to one way of thinking.

I think you need to be brave to release something into the world.

Just like when I release my music.

I mean how can we ever change the world without taking that chance?

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Concept EQA & Maika Loubté in Tokyo: Explore the Future - Duration: 1:49.


Klau im Bahnabteil - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Klau im Bahnabteil - Duration: 4:32.


Johny Tuga - Ao Segundo - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Johny Tuga - Ao Segundo - Duration: 2:42.





"ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные отзывы клиентов. В новый год - с новой мебелью! Доставка товаров из IKEA - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> "ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные отзывы клиентов. В новый год - с новой мебелью! Доставка товаров из IKEA - Duration: 0:22.


後ろ足が不自由な犬…殺処分目前で救ってくれたのは車椅子の青年だった【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 後ろ足が不自由な犬…殺処分目前で救ってくれたのは車椅子の青年だった【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:27.


How Would We Communicate with Alien Life? - with Carl Sagan - Duration: 8:18.

Wouldn't it be lovely to make contact with another civilization

that has arisen and evolved independently.

Well, one thing you'd have to do first is to be sure you can understand the message.

Why should we expect that beings that are very different,

evolved in a different place, different period of time for their evolution,

should be able to send us a message that we can understand.

And the reason that I think that's likely

is that they live in the same universe as we,

they must deal with the same laws of physics and chemistry

and astronomy as we.

To test the idea that a signal could be understood,

we did a little experiment – we can only use human beings,

it's too bad I wish we could use some other intelligent beings

to make such an experiment, but we're restricted to people

they're the only ones we know about.

and so what we did

was to devise a complicated message, which you can see here,

of zeros and ones.

The zero and one might be a long and a short radio beep, you know,


Or it might be two frequencies,


Might be many things. But it's a language of two letters,

And you can see there's an enormous number of zeros and ones,

in fact 27,000 and something of them.

You can't tell just by looking at it, oh my goodness I see what this is,

you have to think about it.

Now the key to this is that the total number of zeros and ones

is 31 times 31 times 31, 31 cubed,

and it suggests that it's a pictorial message in 3 dimensions .

And if we were to write it in a sequence of 31 symbols

then go to the next line,

Then you see it starts getting a remarkable regularity.

And so what we did

is to give this message, not made simple in that way,

to some graduate students of mine at Cornell University

they were told nothing about what was in it, how to decode it,

and their job was to figure out what it said.

And here they are describing the the process they went through

to figure out what the message was about.

These are all graduate students of mine who are reasonably clever

But none of them work on this particular problem.

Well we gathered together in the the Mars room

and stared at it, and cursed volubly at length

Kathy noticed that 31 divided into 27 thousand... 29 thousand

seven hundred and ninety one, and it was determined that the remainder,

961, was 31 squared which left us with a 31 by 31 by 31 sequence

And then we sat together six of us for hours transcribing zeros and ones,

screaming and shouting from one office to the next

and complaining about the typographical errors

until we could get the sequence which is shown in the frames there.

They were making good progress, they found some errors in the transcription

of this that the BBC had made in fact,

but they figured out how to get around that.

It was not necessarily a three dimensional model at first,

it could have been a movie, because what eventually turned out to be

the corner markers of the cube,

and the lines which drew the pattern of the cube

could have been just frame markers for movie or a slideshow

it could have been separate frames .

And it was only when we had drawn them out and looked at them

that it became very uncertain whether it was anything like that.

– Since it was a dull movie you figured it was really three dimensional?

– That's about the size of it.

So, here we have some Plexiglas things.

A 'one' will be represented by a black square,

And a 'zero' by a transparent square.

Here's a whole sequence of transparent squares

that represent a sequence of zeros.

Now building up as the message requires,

the first space is a one which is black, second space another one which is black

third space another one which is black,

and in fact it's black one's all the way across the top line.

So top line there is a sequence of black ones.

Next line begins with a black one but then there's a sequence of zeros

represented by the transparent markers, and then a one at the end.

Now we have the similar pattern building up,

black edge, transparent interior, which goes for a number of lines further

Now the next line is different, it starts out with a one,

has a sequence of zeros and then there are three ones in the middle.

Then the same sequence of zeros and then a one.

So here is the black one at the periphery,

then here are the zeros, next are the three black ones

And then there will be zeros and a black one there,

and the remainder of this frame fills in like this.

So we now see the picture is a black border

and a kind of maltese cross in the middle

and everything else blank.

And there are many other layers and when we build them all up

we result in a pattern which we will shortly see

And that is the answer.

We can tell this is the right answer because of how regular

the geometry is, it couldn't have gotten that by accident.

So here is in three dimensions what the resulting model is like.

Now let's see what the graduate students have to say

about their interpretation of this funny-looking message.

The first thing that came out of our analysis of that object

was that in profile it was strongly reminiscent of Mickey Mouse

And in fact it's still not clear whether that's the case.

And although we know that you have a sense of humour

Mickey Mouse was not our idea of a joke,

So it had to be something else.

The only thing it really looked like was a molecular orbital type

drawing of a molecule.

And the first one that came to my mind was formaldehyde

And Kathy is in fact right, this was intended to be a formaldehyde molecule

although it does look a little bit like Mickey Mouse.

In which there is a carbon atom, two hydrogens and an oxygen.

Now what could the significance of that be?

Why go to all this trouble to simply say formaldehyde?

And the answer is that

formaldehyde has a radio frequency attached to it.

And what all of this trouble is about

is the message is saying don't listen on this station,

this isn't the station that's interesting, listen on the formaldehyde station

and that's where the Encyclopedia Galactica will be.

So as soon as we get that message, quick, we turn the frequency

of our radio telescope to the formaldehyde frequency,

continue to look at the same star we're looking at

and then hopefully get such a message.

That's the general kind of idea, notice that if we made

a serious such search and succeeded, the results would be inestimable.

We would have have ended the isolation of mankind

from the rest of the universe forever.

If we made a serious search and failed, we would have determined something

of the uniqueness, fragility, preciousness of human beings

and it seems to me either way we win.

For more infomation >> How Would We Communicate with Alien Life? - with Carl Sagan - Duration: 8:18.


Kman夾娃娃 這一掌堪稱絕學,夾娃娃必學!【和泉紗霧】漫畫老師。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#196 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 這一掌堪稱絕學,夾娃娃必學!【和泉紗霧】漫畫老師。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#196 - Duration: 3:04.


Google & Boom Chicago presenteren Year in Search 2017 - Duration: 24:51.

For more infomation >> Google & Boom Chicago presenteren Year in Search 2017 - Duration: 24:51.


Ribrianne and Xeno Vegito | Xenoverse 2 Gameplay - Duration: 9:06.

What about this

I wont lose

Lets do this!

I refuse to lose

What about this

Out of my way!

Not baaaaad!

Hey thats dangerous!

Here i come

What about this

I'll do it

I will show my power beyond that of a super saiyan god

I shouldn't be holding back


It isn't over yet

Take this!

You have been slacking off havent you?

Wait till i get serious

Shouldnt' be ... Shouldnt be holding back

Hows that?

Creepy to surrender

For more infomation >> Ribrianne and Xeno Vegito | Xenoverse 2 Gameplay - Duration: 9:06.


Gekommen um zu bleiben: Wölfe - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Gekommen um zu bleiben: Wölfe - Duration: 3:40.


B.A.P의 영상 메시지 in 자켓 촬영 현장B.A.P's Message from Album Jacket Photoshoot::Makestar - Duration: 2:11.

I'm really happy to do something new with our fans

through another Makestar project!

Photos from our photobook were so nice

I hope we can make this project

a memorable one once again!

Please support us!

I want to thank a lot of people

but a lot of people have loved us through Makestar

and given us lots of support

Those memories really mean a lot to me~

I also got the photobook and saw it

The photos are the type of photos that will long be remembered in the history of B.A.P

The concept was very diverse and

our fans really loved the photos

so it was a meaningful experience for me.

Anyway.. How are you guys doing~?

We're doing well~

I would like to give plentiful gift to our fans once more if we get the chance~

To the worldwide StarMakers!

We're working hard for our dear BABYs

at our new album jacket photoshoot!

We're coming back with a new song

It's called 'HAND UP', and I really hope you guys like it.

Keep supporting us!

It's getting very cold, so always carry around a hand warmer

Always be happy and fighting!

Give endless love~ Fighting!!

For more infomation >> B.A.P의 영상 메시지 in 자켓 촬영 현장B.A.P's Message from Album Jacket Photoshoot::Makestar - Duration: 2:11.


"ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные ОТЗЫВЫ клиентов. О доставке и упаковке. Доставка товаров из IKEA,Hoff,OBI - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> "ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные ОТЗЫВЫ клиентов. О доставке и упаковке. Доставка товаров из IKEA,Hoff,OBI - Duration: 0:25.


"ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные ОТЗЫВЫ клиентов. Об удобстве. Доставка товаров из IKEA,Hoff,OBI - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> "ВАМДОДОМА". Реальные ОТЗЫВЫ клиентов. Об удобстве. Доставка товаров из IKEA,Hoff,OBI - Duration: 0:52.


U.S.-based health official advises farmers not to suck snakebite spots|NVS News - Duration: 4:40.

U.S.-based health official advises farmers not to suck snakebite spots

A U.

-based Nurse, Alloysius Nlekwa, has advised farmers not to suck the spots where they were bitten by snakes while on their farms.

Nlekwa gave the advice on Tuesday in Abakaliki while delivering a lecture at a seminar on "Health and Environmental Management''.

The seminar was organised for farmers by the Ebonyi Office of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Assisted Value Chain Development Programme (VCDP).

According to Nlekwa, the same measure should be applied when farmers are bitten or stung by scorpions and other creatures while on their farms.

"We want to correct the widely-held misconception that sucking the affected spots to extract the venom would stop its circulation inside the victim's body rather it will worsen the situation.

"A farmer bitten on the hand for instance, should lower it to stop the venom from getting to the heart region, then thoroughly clean and wrap the affected spot with a neat cloth.

"The victim should then proceed to the hospital and inform the doctor the type of snake which bit him for prescription of the suitable anti-venom therapy or drug,'' he said.

The IFAD–VCDP consultant also warned farmers not to apply oil or herbs on snake-bite spots because it would worsen their conditions.

"Farmers suffering from epilepsy should not go to the farm alone, to get immediate assistance in cases of sudden seizures.

"The level of modern health equipment in the U.S.

for instance, cannot be compared with those in Nigeria and other developing countries which made us to stress on enlightenment to correct prevailing misconceptions.

"We also enlighten farmers on general health and environmental management and how to prevent and handle ailments such as malaria, diabetes and cancer among others,'' he said.

Mr Sunday Ituma, the IFAD-VCDP Project Coordinator in Ebonyi, noted that farmers were represented at the seminar by leaders of their cluster groups and various organisations.

"We have over 500 farmers' organisations in the state and it will be difficult to bring all of them together to organise such a seminar.

"The group leaders are then expected to enlighten their various group members to ensure that the state has a healthy and productive farming population,'' he said.

Mrs Francisca Anya, the project's Rural Institution, Youth and Gender Mainstream Officer in the state, urged the participants to effectively utilise the tutorials received from the seminar.

"We want our farmers to increase their production capacities and there is no way this will be achieved if they are not healthy,'' she said.

Mr Julius Okoro, a participant, commended IFAD-VCDP for organising the seminar and pledged to adequately practicalise the knowledge gained from it.


For more infomation >> U.S.-based health official advises farmers not to suck snakebite spots|NVS News - Duration: 4:40.


Uwe Ochsenknecht auf Stippvisite - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Uwe Ochsenknecht auf Stippvisite - Duration: 3:33.


Bebek Şarkıları 🐶 Köpek Bingo + 25 dakika | HeyKids - Duration: 24:41.

For more infomation >> Bebek Şarkıları 🐶 Köpek Bingo + 25 dakika | HeyKids - Duration: 24:41.


Über die Piste fliegen - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Über die Piste fliegen - Duration: 2:23.


JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners #13-Math and Assignment operators - Duration: 7:21.

Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified. In this tutorial we are

going to understand the Math operators and its various significance in JavaScript

programming. So let's get straight into project. Here first of all let's have a variable

with a numeral value of 5, and we are going to have another variable, let it be 3. Now

if we say that var c equals to a + b, in general

this thing will emphasize - document.write(c) - get back to our project

and reload. We can see that here comes the result of this addition operation that we

are seeing over here, that means this 5 + 3 =

8 and that is been executed over here. In this particular case we have declared it as

a numeral, as a number directly and that is

why this addition operation is being carried out but whenever it comes about retrieving

values of some input HTML elements it is practically been retrieved as a string and

then it has to be converted into a number and

that is why we needed those additional operations over there. Ok. So now let's get back

to our project and similar to this addition operation if we now use '-' and if we print

that into our project into our HTML Browser, if we now reload we can see that the

difference is being executed over here which is 2; that means 5 minus 3 = 2.

In the same manner if we want to multiply here always use and Asterix sign in case of

carrying and order of multiplication. So now this variable c it will now contain a value

which is a product due to the multiplication of these two variables; variable a and

variable b. Press control + s and get back to our project and reload; and we can see

that here comes the operation here comes the final

result which is 15. In the same manner, If we want to have a division; that means

5 here will be divided by 3; now let's get back to our project, reload and we can see

that this is the exact value - 1.66666 and then it is being cut off where's the nearest

whole number that we have seen over here - 7.

Now in case if we want to show our remainders that means 5 by 3, the quotient will be 1

but there will be a remainder of 2 and that is what we are going to observe over here.

That is why we will be using a modulus operator. This percentage value it actually

executes a modulus operator. So if we now Press control + s, get back to our project

we can see that the remainder is 2 that means

5 / 3 the quotient is one but the remainder is 2 and that is what which is being executed

over here. In case if we place it as 21 and reload we can see that there is no remainder;

21 is directly divisible by 3 and that is why there won't be any remainder and that

is what it is executing over here which is zero.

Now for say we are having a number over here 21 which is stored against the variable a;

we want to increase this number by 1 value and that the safest syntax for it will be:

var a = a + 1; now if we just print this value. We can see that the value is 22 instead

of 21 as we have written down over here. But this is the actual value with which a '+1'

is getting added to. And then the new value is getting stored against the same variable

that we had used in our previous case. Now in this particular case we can use another

method with which there should be an increment by 1 the value that has been assigned

against a variable and the final result will be shown in to your web page. So in that

particular case we can safely conclude that a++; now if we press Control + s and get

back to our project and reload, we can see that the exact same value is been executed

over here.

So in case of a +1 increment, we can see that there will be an increment to the value of

the final result and it will be assigned against the same variable that we have assigned

and it will be shown in to your page. In the same procedure if we place here 'a--', get

back to your project and reload, you can see that the same thing will be observed over

here which is 20. Now what will happen if we want to increment Our value by the number

that we want to add to our variable; for say if we want to increase number by 10 or by

11 - so if we place here this one and get back to our project and reload, we can see

that a +11 has been added to this, as we can see over here. 21 + 11 equals to 32. So in

this particular case we can observe that an 11 is been added to this previous value of

21 and then the final result of the variable a is been assigned against 32 and the final

result is getting observed into your HTML page as we can see over here - it is executing

32. In the same manner if we want to subtract this value from our previous value that we

have provided, all we need to do we need to provide a 'a-=', get back to your project

on reload and you can see that 21 -11 equals

to 10.

In the same manner if we want to have a multiplication to this of 3 times, all we can do

we can place here or multiplication assignment operator; here it goes, press control + s,

get back to your project and you can see that 21 X 3 equals to 63. And the new variable

is now assigned to 63 and it is now executed over here. In the same manner if we want a

division to be carried out; we can see that a division is now executed over here; the

result is 7 and in that particular case all we need to do we need to provide this '/'

sign over here.

So this is the JavaScript math operator that we have learnt from this tutorial. Hope you

guys have liked this tutorial; if you guys have liked this video then do not hesitate

to hit that red subscribe button down below.

Hope to see you guys in our next tutorial. Till then, bye.

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