Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Do you love listening to Soft Rock Music?

Phil Jones and his bandmates have an extensive following in the new American soft rock genre.

With a long musical history and an ear for cheerful, hip island tunes, the Phil Jones

Band is anything but your typical island band.

Capturing an atmosphere of love, peace, and serenity has become the group's resolve,

putting equality high on their list of values.

It's safe to say that their version of Soft Rock Music has been transformed into a movement,

one that truly grabs the attention of its listeners.

The Phil Jones Band and their songs like "The Perfect Wave" and "Angels" offer gritty

vocals and give the music a sense of purpose and enlightenment.

To listen to Soft Rock Music by the Phil Jones Band, visit their YouTube channel today!

For more infomation >> Best Soft Rock Music - The Phil Jones Band Best Soft Rock Music - Duration: 0:48.


Chén nắp tài xỉu bịp nhìn xuyên hột tài xỉu không tang - 0944052468 - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Chén nắp tài xỉu bịp nhìn xuyên hột tài xỉu không tang - 0944052468 - Duration: 5:46.


5 Healthy Tips To Weight Loss - Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 5 Healthy Tips To Weight Loss - Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 3:46.


Once you get a taste, it's unforgettable! Jinwoon eats the best Ribs. [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 11:07.

(Brewery, clear)

(Best ribs of your life)

(20 minutes from the brewery)

- Best ribs? / - What are these ribs?

Everyone, it begins now.

- I'm hungry. / - This is just the start.

(The sun goes down in Cairns)

- Now... / - Let's eat something good.

The sun is almost gone,

but the scenery is just fantastic.

- Can't we take a picture? / - Okay.



Turn around.

(Photo time)

This one is amazing.

This one came out so well.


Looks good.

I ordered some ribs that's the size of my body.

It's coming.

I can't forget them.

- You have to go there. / - For sure.

You have to go there every night.

(What is the story behind these ribs?)

(It is glazed over with a mouthwatering sauce)

I shouldn't have looked.

(It is made with fire alone)

(The sheer size is just incredible)

- What is that? / - It's the best I've ever had.

- It's just the best. / - What is that?

(Flame-licked Portuguese-style skewers)

(Espetada, about $35.50)

(A full rack of ribs, about $52.80)


This is amazing.

I must take a photo.

Let's eat. How do we do this?

Wait, this...

It's so tender.

- Is that beef? / - Yes.

That looks good.

I'm really looking forward to this.

It's Portuguese-style beef.

Take a look.

The grain of the meat is clear.

That's sauce below, right?

It's mashed potatoes.

Looks so good.

- What is that? / - Wow.

It was so good.

You have to eat that with mashed potatoes.

- Wow. / - That's the stuff.

(It's amazing)

When something is that good, you become speechless.

There's no way to express it.

So fragrant.

This is what it's like.

It's like dripping paint in water.

Each drop spreads out like this.

This feels like various colors have gathered

to create a work of art.

The juice from the meat keeps dropping into the mash.

- That's right. / - Oh...

Let's try this.

Now is the beginning.

(Forget the ribs you've ever had)

(How will this gigantic rack taste?)

Sam, have you never had that at Cairns?

- What should I do? / - I never have.

I'm full of regret right now.

I'll start here. You start from there.

- Let's meet at the middle. / - Okay.

(What is the reason behind Hyeoksoo's grin?)

(The ribs on his side are bigger)

These visuals are just overwhelming.

This is amazing.

I'll try a little first.

(Isn't this amazing, Hyeoksoo?)

The ribs I've tried in Korea were

a bit tough and dry.

But this isn't dry at all.

This is it for me.

- Me too. / - What should I do?

Jinwoon must be reminded of that time.

I want to eat it but I can't anymore.

You have to go there.

- This is it for me. / - Me too.

This is amazing.

This place is the best.

The marinade seems slightly soy sauce based.

But more than anything, the marinade has to sink in.

They cooked it so well with the marinade.

It's good enough for me to say this.

These are the best ribs of my life.

I've never had anything so good before.

This doesn't make sense.

They're going to start translating their menu into Korean.

Please don't do that.

I didn't know that ribs can have so much meat.

Hyeoksoo, you know that?

If something tastes so good...

- You become speechless. / - Yeah, so don't talk.

(They begin to eat without a word)

It must be hard to eat after all that beer.

No, you can still fit it all in.

(??Rib my bell, rib my bell ??


(They keep eating without a break)

There's just one left.

You really ate them all?

Yes, we ate them all.

It's actually two.

- On both ends? / - I'll divide it.

Consider it an honor. I don't share good food.


It's hard to carve this. Here.

It'd be good with kimchi.

- He gave him the bone. / - He did.

You're funny, Hyeoksoo.

Hyeoksoo's inclination for violence has risen.

I'm sorry.

But this is too good.

Let's eat more. This can't be helped.

- This is... / - One rack per person.

- A rack per person. / - Per person.

- The whole rack? / - Per person.

You will all end up ordering that way.

We're not the only ones.

Thank you.

Shall we eat?

(They devour the second set like it's their first)

We can't help but think about what was

the best over the past 3 days.

Personally, it's so hard to choose.

We did way too many memorable activities.

What if we can only choose one?

For me...

It's skydiving.

- Skydiving? / - Yes. It's unforgettable.

At first, it was scary enough to regret going up.

But the exhilaration blew all my fears away.


Well, all the experiences were first for me.

- True. / - But I feel the same way...

About scuba diving.

It taught me to overcome

that arresting sense of fear.

It was scary but I felt at ease.

Scary but at ease.

It's so hard to express...

That it needs a new word.

Since it doesn't exist...

- How about we coin a new term? / - Okay.

It felt really "aucair" for me.

Yeah, I felt really aucair then.

You felt that way up in the sky

and I felt the same underwater.

We overcame our fears.

Let's trust our aucair expression.

- Go. / - 2, 3.

AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, hoo!

You drank wine too?

Wine signifies the end.

These guys...

- Acknowledged. / - Acknowledged.

- Acknowledged. / - Must acknowledge this.


- The beer for us... / - Please express the ribs.

It's like having the back of your head smashed.

It tasted so good...

That's how much it hurt?

- Like being smashed with a hammer? / - Yes.

- They were my first ribs. / - But the funniest thing...

The Australian is the most envious right now.

Sam, haven't you tried those ribs before?

Not in Australia. I've had it in Itaewon.


But in comparison...

- It's completely different. / - It's different.

Itaewon ribs are nothing compared to that.

- No regrets at all. / - They're so good because...

That I think I'd go to Cairns just to have those ribs.

- We must go. / - I'd go too.

- For just that. / - You must go.

- For me, the beer. / - Beer?

Brewery beer is the best.

- The quality is different. / - It's such a leisurely scene.

I can confidently tell you to go just for that.

I feel like this is going to set a record score.

- I saw a Ulysses butterfly 3 times. / - The butterfly.

Luck must've brought us to the pork ribs.

I think that could give us the win.

- Okay, let's go. / - Everyone...

AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, hoo!

Would you like to go on their trip to Cairns?

Please vote.

(AuCair AuCair Tour planned a trip to Cairns)

(What will the judges choose?)

If Brisbane comes on top after all that...

So far, Brisbane is leading by 6 at 78:72 votes.

Today reveals the total score.

So, we still don't know which team will win.

AuCair AuCair Tour enjoyed every activity.

Will you go to Cairns?

Or a place of rest in the city?

Will you go to Brisbane, a paradise of food?

What will the judges choose?

Now, let's turn this around.

- We're leading by 6 votes. / - Yes, we are.

The greatest joy in life comes from a comeback, right?

Well, of course, the ribs did look good.

- What is the 1st digit? / - The 1st digit...

- It's a 1. / - Goodness.

Let's do this.

- The last digit is? / - 6?

- Please. / - We did it.

That's 4 votes difference.

(Who will be the winner of the Australia special?)

Here we go...

(Cairns wins with total votes of 152 )

(They lost by a close 6 votes)

Just 6 votes.

- Come on. / - Thank you.


Final words.

I used to travel just to eat.

But my objectives have changed.

I definitely want to do more activities.

And I have more of an interest in sports.

My thoughts have changed.

How was it, Sam?

- You want to go to Australia? / - How was Australia?

It felt totally new to me.

It was fun.

Don't we have another special?

- Don't we? / - Is it another special?

- Another special? / - The weather is great now...

It's so good.

It's perfect to head there now.

An domestic trip in autumn.

That's what we'll see.

Thank you all again.

We'll return with another special next week.

The world is a school. Life is a journey.

Battle Trip.

For more infomation >> Once you get a taste, it's unforgettable! Jinwoon eats the best Ribs. [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 11:07.


5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight - Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight - Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 4:18.


Jinwoon vs. Hyuksoo, Boomerang Battle at Kuranda National Park [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 14:54.

- Hyeoksoo. / - Yes?

Do you feel confident?

I feel very confident now.

- Really? / - What we have left...

Thing is...

Sunny and Hyoyeon ate a lot of small things.

- Small things? / - Yes.

You'll see. I've never eaten so much of one thing.

Is that you ate a lot because it was good?

Exactly. There was no need for dessert.

It was so good, it was like we ate it for dessert too.

Jinwoon, what's the point we should focus on?

The thing is we've shown you a lot of activities.

But we still have a lot of things to do.

- In Cairns? / - Yes, in Cairns.

- Still. / - Things just never end.

I'm tired of it though.

That's why we didn't put on weight.

Not a single kilo.

That's because we kept moving around.

- This is true burning. / - Yes.

It's the best.

- Shall we begin immediately? / - Yes.

Everyone, this is the hidden round of the Cairns Tour.

Let's watch it together.

(Late at night in Cairns)

Late at night?

Is that him?

Is he coming to the hotel?

- They're dressed up. / - Are they wearing suits?

The guide was coming to meet us.

The local guide.

Is he here?

Is that him?

Park Taesun?

Yes. Hello.

- It's Park Taesun! / - He's finally here.

Park Taesun?

Yes. Hello.

- It's Park Taesun! / - He's finally here.

- Hello. / - It's nice to meet you.

Hello, nice to meet you.

It's good to see you.

- How have you been? / - Very good.

- Not at all. / - Thank you for coming so far.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.

Thank you so much.

(Park Taesun, 29 years old)

- He's lived there for 10 years. / - Yes.

- He moved there. / - Yes.

Thank you and sorry.

Not at all.

When did you come to Australia?

I came to Australia in July 2007.

It's been long.

What do you think is the charm of Cairns?

I'd say it's how laid back it is.

You kept talking about it.

- Exactly. / - Things are so laid back here.

Wherever you go, it feels so relaxing.

You don't even need to walk so fast.

It feels just comfortable.

That's why I've lived here the whole time...

For 10 years.

- This is our 3rd night. / - 3rd night.

- Before we leave... / - For about a day...

We have tomorrow free.

We were wondering if we missed anything.

Well, you've done quite a lot of things. But I guess...

- You could try bungee jumping. / - Bungee jumping?

Let's just forget that.

We heard it's famous.

We didn't know if there's a place around here.

There's a close place where you can bungee jump.

Or you can go to Kuranda National Park.

- Kuranda National Park? / - What is it like?

- Kuranda? / - Kuranda.

It's the oldest tropical rain forest in Australia.

- Tropical rain forest? / - With enormous trees.

- Kuranda? / - Really?

Is it older than the Amazon?

- What's that? / - It's really cool.

- Sam, do you know this place? / - I've been there.


I took this train.

- You took that train? / - Yes.

- That was so good. / - That was really amazing.

It feels like "Snowpiercer."

It feels like dinosaurs will appear.

So beautiful.

- It's like the Amazon. / - It's an amphibious vehicle.

(Piercing screams split the air)


I don't think I can jump.

- Okay, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. / - That's scary.

(Their trip in Cairns is not over yet)

(AuCair AuCair Tour's hidden itinerary)


(Kuranda Scenic Railway)

- It's not far, right? / - It's close.

It won't take longer than 20 minutes to get there.

No more than 20 minutes.

The air is so nice already.

It feels very fresh.

I know.

- This feels really good. / - I'm so excited.

Is that because we're here in the morning?

(The train to Kuranda arrives)

(Kuranda Scenic Railway)

(Cairns tropical rainforest is a World Heritage)

(It's 75km from Cairns to Kuranda)

- There are rest stops... / - It's like "Harry Potter."

On the way.

On the way?

- The chairs... / - It's really fancy.

(They head to Kuranda in the classic train)

It's so classic and beautiful.

It was the train that transported miners in the past.

- It was renovated? / - No, it's been preserved.

- It's about 100 years old. / - It's still the same?

As it was.

You can travel in that classic train.

The air is so nice. It makes me crazy.

- It smells different now. / - I know.

The phytoncide.

The air smells different.

- I think it turns 360 degrees. / - You're right.

The windows are open so tourists can look out.

The windows are all open?

Yes, they are.

This is uptown.

The train is moving slowly. It feels quite good.

I agree.

(It looks like a beautiful scene on a postcard)

- It's not a very fast train. / - It's not.

It travels slowly.

It's a tourist train.

Even the train is laid back.

You're right.

- It moves very slowly. / - It's laid back.

Are you there already?

We're here.

This place is fascinating.

(The place is full of exotic plants)

It does feel...

Like this place has a very long history.

We're walking into a place that's 140 million years old.

What kind of creatures were there

140 million years ago?

This place has a tropical climate.

The forest is not something you can see in other areas.


This is the background to "Avatar."

- This is the background to "Avatar?" / - Yes.

- He was inspired by this place. / - Really?

- It's amazing. / - It looks like the movie.

They worked hard to find this place.

I'm anxious because this place looks so nice.

- It makes us anxious. / - Yes.

(Tropical rain forest with 150 million years of history)

It is truly off the road.

Amphibious vehicles are famous here.

We saw all those animals.

- Aren't they dangerous? / - No, they're not.

(They start the tour in Kuranda with pristine nature)

(How to enjoy Kuranda thoroughly)

- Who's Mr. Army Duck? / - Army Duck is...

He is a Taiwanese man named Army Duck.

- It's so cool as soon as you enter. / - It's nice.

You know the Army Duck?

Apparently, it was used during World War 2.

During World War 2?

- Is that the Army Duck? / - Yes, it's a military vehicle.

- It's amphibious, right? / - That's why it's Army Duck.

- Army Duck. / - It's different to a duck.

Army Duck?

Let's ride the Army Duck first.

- Let's see what it's like. / - Let's ride it.

I think this is the one.

- Is this it? / - Yes.

I'm impressed that it still works.

- Let's see how good it is. / - Okay.

Good morning, everyone.

My name's Chris and I'll be your "captain" today.

- Everybody ready? / - It looks like "Jurassic Park."

It looks a little bit like that.

(They start to explore the forest of 150 million years)

It is 100% pure nature.

I can't forget the smell.

- It feels like dinosaurs live here. / - It really does.

It's really amazing.

(Staghorn fern, a foliage plant that looks like antlers)

(Stinging tree)

(Plant covered in tiny poisonous thorns)

(Causes 6 months of pain just by brushing against it)

Aren't they perilla leaves?

Aren't they perilla leaves?

- Tree fern. / - Tree fern?

It looks like a fern but it is actually a tree.

It would be amazing if you made bibimbap with that.

You could make so much.

- Dinosaurs actually fed on them. / - They did.

That makes sense.

(The tour guide suddenly gets off the vehicle)

(The trees are hanging like vines)


That's a Wait-a-while Palm.

The natives used it when they hunted.

It's more fun when someone explains things.

It is.

Even if you don't understand,

he explains it with his body.

This is fascinating.

It's awesome.

We're going into the water.

We're going in. We're in.

- It's so dynamic. / - It's truly off road.

- I think there'd be crocodiles here. / - We go past that?

The deeper we get...

- Yeah, "Avatar." / - That's right, it's like "Avatar."

It does feel like "Avatar."

Everything is so big.

- It's a lizard! / - Where?

Lizard, lizard.

(Everyone pays attention)

- There it is. / - It's so blue.

There are blue butterflies that look so amazing.

- The butterflies in "Avatar." / - Yes. Blue butterflies.

- Blue butterflies. / - There's a huge variety.

If you see 3 Ulysses butterflies in a day,

it'll bring you great fortune.

- So it's hard to see them. / - Right.

- A Ulysses butterfly. / - Here it is.

- I see it, I see it. / - So blue.

It's so blue.

- That's right. / - I saw the Ulysses butterfly.


Wait. There's another in the tree.

It's coming down.

It's coming down now.

- That's my second one. / - I missed it.

It was among the trees.

It's in the leaves now. You can't find it.

I found two.

I can't confirm that you saw two.

I need to see one more.

I'll also let you know if I see another.

Oh, my goodness.

It's just an ordinary butterfly.

Here, here.

- Ulysses? / - Is it?

It is, it is.

Then did you see three of them?

I saw all three of them. I did.

It's gone.

- The motor scared it off. / - He looks so sad.

You must be right.

(He feels sorry for Jinwoon but he's so happy)

I think I am such a lucky guy.

(How to enjoy Kuranda thoroughly)

Boomerang experience.

- The natives... / - Really?


(Traditional hunting weapon for Aborigines)

(The light ones that return are for hunting)

(The heavy ones are for battle)

It's so fascinating that it comes back.

- It was fun to throw it. / - It feels good to throw it.

- I'll try it. / - I never imagined I'd learn this.

(It flew up in the sky)

- It won't come back automatically? / - No, it doesn't.

- It comes back. / - It's gone.


It's gone?

I don't think I'd be good at this.

It's a little scary, Hyeoksoo.

(It flies in a perfect arc)

(It lands behind the ladder)

It did come back.

Very good.

- Let's have a battle now. / - A battle?

Let's bet on something.

What do you want to bet?

Battle for what?

What about bungee jumping?

We have to do it anyway.

But I really don't want to.

Then let the loser buy beer today.

- Buy beer? / - Yes.

(Jinwoon must do bungee jumping)

I call for double on bungee jumping and beer.

Bungee jumping twice is too much.

(Their pride is on the line in this boomerang battle)

(Who will be the winner?)

I'll go first.

Jinwoon, you'll lose after all.

Let's wait and see.

- The desperate one will lose. / - Just try it.

There is no such thing as a great twist in the world.

There is no such thing.

Jinwoon, beer will come back for sure.

What do you mean beer comes back?

- How did it go? / - Did it go out?

No, it comes back.

- It went out. / - Huh?

- It didn't come back. / - Looks like you'll lose.

- I thought I did well. / - Hyeoksoo.

- What happened. It felt good. / - Hyeoksoo...

- I've got the feel for it. / - You have?


Don't be so picky.

Don't try to cheat.

I feel nervous.

Let's play fair and square.

1, 2, 3. Bungee.

It was Kwon Hyeoksoo who did the bungee jump.

- Moon Seyoon is good at that. / - I just threw it.

He was really good.

- Just like earlier... / - It's going drop.

Drop like your heart.

There is no great twist in the world.

I really don't want to bungee jump.

Bungee jumping is scary.

1, 2, 3. Bungee.

It will just drop. You feel weird, don't you?

He is so annoying.

(He throws it with all his heart)

I did it.

It's coming back.


He almost caught it.

- Great job. / - It was perfect.

But I was better when we practiced.

- This is... / - Twice, twice.

- Twice, bungee jump twice. / - Wait a minute.

- I could just send it flying. / - Bungee jump twice.


- Isn't the result manipulated? / - No.

We don't manipulate the game results anymore.

A false victory will not be applauded.

I cut you some slack.

- I love you, Hyeoksoo. / - This is...

For more infomation >> Jinwoon vs. Hyuksoo, Boomerang Battle at Kuranda National Park [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 14:54.


Kman夾娃娃 這種扣點就會往洞口自殺的台,當然要掃洞口呀【扣點自殺】熊娃娃。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#197 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 這種扣點就會往洞口自殺的台,當然要掃洞口呀【扣點自殺】熊娃娃。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#197 - Duration: 3:44.


Sharing of Fastest Emeraled Rank Achiever Farooq Sandhu from Faisalabad Pakistan , Pay Diamond Event - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Sharing of Fastest Emeraled Rank Achiever Farooq Sandhu from Faisalabad Pakistan , Pay Diamond Event - Duration: 4:15.


Top 10 Best Bowlers Of The Yorker (All Time) - Duration: 10:45.
















For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Bowlers Of The Yorker (All Time) - Duration: 10:45.


【MMD ll Undertale || Betty ♦ Chara】Partners In Crime - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 【MMD ll Undertale || Betty ♦ Chara】Partners In Crime - Duration: 3:01.


Top 6 Less Educated Actors Of Bollywood - Duration: 4:29.

Top 6 Less Educated Actors Of Bollywood | You Didn't Know

For more infomation >> Top 6 Less Educated Actors Of Bollywood - Duration: 4:29.


Feel Mother Nature! Hyuksoo's bungee jump...'Can Jinwoon do it, too?' [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:20.

(Bungee jumping)

- This is bad. / - You're going to bungee jump now?

Oh, dear.

(16 minutes from Kuranda to bungee jumping)

This is A. J. Hackett Cairns.

It's the name of the founder.

- Mr. Hackett built it. / - He's the father of bungee?

A. J. Hackett is not only in New Zealand

but also in many other places all over the world.

- So he's the originator. / - The most famous.

Why did he make such a thing?

Why did he have to?

Look at the Titanic posture.

Titanic. I'll do that.

There is a diving posture too.

- Touch the water. / - You can choose your posture.

Rope jump. Dropping after hanging on.

You can jump while riding a bicycle too.

Although I lost, I think you should jump too.

Alright. I will.

(First time to bungee jump on Battle Trip)

(Will the two be okay?)

Let's watch it first before we go up.

It looks fun.

(But I'm a little scared)

From there you don't feel like you're falling.

You feel good then.

And in addition, it's just 40m high.

That would be scarier.

- 50m? / - I've jumped from 212m before.

- How was it? / - Since I had experienced that...

- I thought this would be easy. / - No way.

- I think I'd be fine with this height. / - You're experienced.

(But this guy was)


(He was like this at 13m)

Let's do it. I'm looking forward to it.

Okay. Go, go, go.

Let's try it. Go.

- Let's go. / - Go.

It'll be fun.

I think climbing up the stairs will be hard.

Did the other team do something like this?

I think our activities will come on top.

- Ours? / - We did everything.

You're right.

I'm tired.

How can we do this?

It's so high.

- You can't. / - This...

(Now speechless, they receive the safety harnesses)

The anxiety sets in while putting these on.

(Shrieks from a distance add to the building fear)

That scared me.

- Jinwoon? / - Yes?

Spin around. Sit down.

- That's when your legs start to feel wobbly, right? / - Yes.

Are you ready, Jinwoon?

I'm not mentally prepared.

- No one comes ready. / - That's true.

That's life.

- That's within the park, right? / - I can't do it.

Just imagining it scares me.

Will you touch the water?


Why not take a dip? You like the water.

Just wear snorkeling gear and transition to diving.

- My gosh. He's so annoying. / - You can handle it.

Sorry for being out of line. But give me a break

because I think I'm going to swear at you.

He's telling you to come.

My mind went blank then.


Go, Jinwoon!

(He looked down)



(This is scary)

You can't look down.

I want to jump backwards.

I think I can handle everything with this height.

(He turns his back to keep his word)

- Okay. / - Just a moment please.

- Okay, now stand up. / - Okay, just a moment.

Sorry, I'm scared. I'm scared.

You can do it.

(Why did I agree to this?)

Let go here.

(Bursts into laughter)

- Just a moment. / - Let go.

- Yeah, we've had a moment. / - I need a second.

(That is how Jinwoon dragged on)

- You took 30 minutes? / - Really?

Then, I came back in.

- What can I do? / - Why? You can't do it?

I don't think I can.

- Should I go first? / - Do you want to?

- Jinwoon didn't go? / - He didn't.

Thank you, Hyeoksoo.

(He's scared too)

- Hold on. / - Let go.

- Wait a minute. / - Yeah, let go, man.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

- Go. / - Okay.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Hyeoksoo did it.

- You're awesome, Hyeoksoo. / - My feet are tingling.

Okay. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

(Feeling anxious)

3, 2, 1...

You're awesome, Hyeoksoo.

(You're awesome, Hyeoksoo)

You did so well.

It's scary when you bounce up, right?

I was so scared.


- You want to do it? / - Yeah.

Okay, let's go.


Jinwoon, it's okay.

(The encouragement helps him let go)

Go back. Back, back, back.

- Are you ready? / - Yep!

- 5, 4, 3... / - He's doing it, he's doing it.

You get a nice return for all your fear.

- 5, 4, 3... / - He let go.



As scared as you were...

- It's exhilarating, right? / - That exhilaration.


You did it.

(He overcomes his fear and jumps impressively)

Why did I agree to doing this? Just why?

Should we go again together?

- No thanks. / - Let's go again.

You think I'm saying this because I'm scared?

Let's just get some beer.

(Bungee jumping, clear)

(A trip to the brewery)

- Isn't that cheating? / - It is.

Breweries are cheating.

It's a huge advantage.

Go. Let's get it.

(It's a different thrill from the bungee jump)

The weather is clear and the sky is blue.

It's a perfect day for a beer.

- This place was recommended. / - It's the hot place.

- Do you enjoy beer? / - Of course, we're...

Well, there's a small brewery there.

The place isn't just a distillery.

It's a place where you can enjoy beer

while gazing out towards a wheat field.

He really knows his stuff.

- He sure does. / - He knows a lot.

(This brewery is located north of Cairns)

You drink while looking out.

The owner is a teacher.

- Really? / - He's a chemistry teacher.

He applied his knowledge very productively.

He developed unique recipes using his own methods.

He developed all the flavor profiles.

(The panoramic view with the mountain backdrop)

(It's where beer-lovers congregate to enjoy beer)

There is a variety of sizes.

- What should we order? / - I know.

Can we do a tasting?

- He says we can. / - Really?

(There are four choices of beer here)

They all taste different.

They were all so crisp.

All of them.

- Then, I'll get all four. / - Good.

Taste them all first then settle on your favorite.

That's right.

So skilled.

And the head...

The color gradually gets darker.

(Start with the lightest to darkest beer)

- Let's try them in order. / - Yes, in order.

- This here is Cairns ale. / - Cairns ale.


- Looks so refreshing. / - It's so tasty.

(The refreshing beer goes down his throat)

(The memories of the day flash before his eyes)

(In order to have this glass, they had a blast today)

I do I keep thinking of pumpkin sweet potato?

(Bottoms up)

They drink so well.

Hey, Hyeoksoo.

The Cairns ale is so crisp.

It has a clean taste

with a slight aroma.

It's a feel-good flavor.

It has all the properties that a crisp beer should have.

They say that you can learn about a country

through its alcoholic beverages.

- There's such a saying? / - Of course.

Depending on the climate...

- The alcohol tastes different. / - That makes sense.

- Cairns has really crisp beer. / - What a picture.

- Isn't that the wallpaper? / - They can't rest.

The second one is the school day.

School day?

(What is this taste?)

You have to pause between sips for this.

(He doesn't know what that is and finishes at once)

The aroma is important.

That looks so good.

That's an ale.

IPA usually contains a lot more hops.

- It tastes hoppy. / - Right.

- It's a bit bitter. / - But among IPA beers...

I've never had such a crisp IPA.

Usually, the alcohol content is higher

but this one isn't that high.

It's weaker at 3.5%.

Normally, this should be the order.

But I think the order was flipped due to the aroma.

- You're right. / - The aroma gets stronger.

This is so tasty.

So they can make IPA like this.

I wish I could be there to drink with them.

- I've never had such a clean IPA. / - Me too.

The red ale now. Now, this is the Valentina.

- This is really unique. / - That one is really...

It kind of looks like juice.

- True. / - It's a unique color for beer.

It smells of coffee.

- A coffee aroma? / - Yes.

Did he drink it in one go again?

- He knows how to drink. / - How refreshing.

Beer is meant for washing down your throat.

This is very unique.

It's very unique.

I love this aroma.

It's a bit like Dutch coffee.

It would be convincing just to call it Dutch beer.

The taste of coffee follows all the way through.

The beers are like the ocean we went snorkeling in,

they're transparent.

This one's a complete black beer.

Shall we taste it?

- Will it taste a bit smoky? / - I like black beer.

Isn't that one a bit stronger?


It tastes savory.

From what I see,

they added smoked BBQ and boiled it.

- There's BBQ in here. / - Like a broth?

It's like smoked turkey or smoked duck.

It's almost like that.

- The beer tasted like BBQ. / - It's really like that.

You don't need food with it.

- It had a smoky aroma. / - Really?

It's like there's smoked cheese in it.

That'd be so good.

Which one did you like the best?

The first one for me.

It was crisp and fresh.

It really went well with our holiday.

Cairns ale. Me too.

It's crisp and refreshing.

- I love this feeling. / - It's so good.

Hyeoksoo, let's gulp this down

then let's get a large glass of our favorites.

- Okay. / - Good.


That'd be so good.

- It was so good. / - That'd be so refreshing.

(Are you watching, beer companies?)

He wants a beer commercial deal.

I get to pour it myself.

A delicious glass of Cairns ale.

This is for you.

Thank you.

This is nice.

- That's so... / - That's incredible.

- All your worries just dissipate there. / - Yeah.

The perfection of bromance.

- They're drunk. / - The view...

You must drink here.

It's so good here.

- The wind... / - It's so nice.

I wanted to bring that wind back with me.

- You can take away. / - Yes.

Take out.

- In glass bottles. / - We took some back.

And drink again.

For more infomation >> Feel Mother Nature! Hyuksoo's bungee jump...'Can Jinwoon do it, too?' [Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 13:20.


Pita Maata Santan | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Chiranjeet, Rozina - Duration: 2:17:28.

Goddess, we're a poor family.

I take an oath in front of you,

..if Pradeep doesn't get

..I'll abstain myself from food and water

Mom, I'm leaving.

Won't you offer your prayers

You offered your prayers to her

Bless me so I get the job.

Sir, did you take your mom's

Then you will

Don't forget to buy me sweets

All you can think of is eating.

Go and get fish from the market.

I'll take your leave, mom.

Goddess Durga!

Bhola, go to the market and buy

Are you hurt?

Is this how you drive?

Who do you think you are?

Why are you blaming her?

We have been quite decent till now.

No, it's not her fault.

She didn't ram into me.

It's my fault.

Please let her go.

You please leave.

May I come in?

Please have a seat.

Have you brought the original

Yes, I have.

You're the one I..

Had I known

..I would not have come.

Because you might think

..and I'm in need of a job.

Or may be, you'll think I created

..a few minutes ago,

You're wrong.

People will only help you

They won't offer you a job.

One needs to be capable

You said that you're in need

Do you expect someone who doesn't

Sure. - But despite being qualified

..they are in need of a job.

Now, tell me if I come across more

..what should I do?

You can only do one thing.

..with the same caliber, offer it

That should be the best

You may even reject me in that case.

Thank you. I'll always

..because everyone needs a job.

What are you saying?

Whom did you hire, then?

How could I have offered the job

This means, you've learnt to

After hearing what you said..

..I'm really feeling good, Shikha.

Dad, I understand what you're

Mom never appreciates your word.

But don't forget, I'm your blood.

I will never make a mistake

She didn't even ask me

Note this point.

If I decide to appoint someone..

..we would've got an efficient

Uncle. It's good to be confident.

But it is not good to be

Note this point. Did you hear

Of course, I'm not deaf.

Vikas, I've brought up Shikha,

Just as I don't like anyone

I don't like anyone criticizing

Uncle, if you've realised your

it would be good in future.

You better keep in mind,

..and I'm the Managing Director.

Times are not the same, always.

Maybe, I'll sit

And you won't

Who is it? - Dear brother-in-law,

I was thinking how to perform

C'mon, give me a cigarette.


Light it for me.

How will you perform my final rites

I'll finish the cigarette here

Your sister doesn't mind the odour

Why does she get irritated on me,

That's because she doesn't like

..on such bad habits.

The shawl is good.'s not as good as that.

Why did you buy

It's nothing compared to

Mom, here's my salary

What will I do with it?

C'mon, take it.

I'll take it from you.

You're mad.

Everyone in my office respect

I'm getting late. Let me rush.

Shikha, please sign this cheque.

I'll have to make all payments.


Why, not?

Because it's a blank cheque.

I'm sorry. It's my mistake. - Give

Uncle, due to certain mistakes,

I'd be grateful to you

Sign now.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's my duty.


Your uncle has been pressurizing me

There's a dispute with this bill and

The decision is yours.

Listen. I'll deal with my uncle.

You tell Ramlal,


Mr. Pradeep, approve my bill

Your bill won't be approved.

Why won't you approve it?

I told you, you won't get

You're not doing the right thing.

I can't trust your brother anymore.

Okay, I don't have an issue

But who will you give

Mr. Pradeep, of course.

..he'll definitely

Well, do what you think is right.

But beware of one thing.

I hope Mr. Pradeep doesn't become

As far as I have known him..

..he will never be greedy, mom.

Sister, I want to

In an office where there's no

..I won't handle the post of

No.. Please listen to me, first.

You please don't

You know I cannot

You need not worry about that.

Shikha has already decided.. promote Pradeep

What about me, then? - You handle

Is that okay?

I came here to trap her,

From a manager, I got

A demotion!

Thank you.

You keep going on. But I will

Ma'am has asked you


May I come in?

I've been sitting on that chair

Did you ask me not to sit

But, why? - Because

What do you mean?

What's my mistake?

The mistake was mine.

I offered you a post that was

I want to give you

From today, you're the manager

Madam, I think you're expecting

I don't think I deserve it.

I never take a wrong decision.

Now, it's your responsibility


You will get more money

Your work will be done, sir.

Mr. Pradeep, you've invited

Now, you will understand

Who are you all?

What do you want from me? - Stop

What, if I go?

Let's go.

This is only the first dose.

If you don't pay heed to what we said,

Good morning, madam.

The new manager hasn't

He never takes an off from work.

Today, he is absent!

Maybe, he is unwell. - He would've

Okay, you may go.

Excuse me.

Who do you want to see?

Yes, it is.

Yes, he is inside.

Come in.

You?! Please come.

I got trapped in the chaos

I went to hospital

I didn't feel too good,

Didn't you feel the need

Pradeep, who has come?

She is my boss, mom.

I see. We don't have

Where do I arrange

You may use your sari

..and not to clean a chair

My mom calls me casually.

I'm the mother of a poor man

I can't dare

Why do you feel so?

A mother is only a mother to all.

Mothers always address

Pradeep is all praises for you.

Today I understand he was so right.

You please have a seat.

What made you praise me so much?

You really want to know that.

For instance, take today's incident.

I was on my way to office, got injured

Despite being the boss, you came

You came to enquire about his

I'm not here as an employer.

I'm here to see my friend.

A friend who is on my mind even

You're always on my mind.


Call me Shikha.

Don't you have the courage

Yes, I do have the courage, Shikha.

"I will live in your heart."

"I will find a place for myself

"I will live in your heart."

"I will find a place for myself

"Your love and presence,

"I will live in your heart. I'll find

"Your love and presence,

"You're the apple of my eye,

"My life will be full of sorrows

"You're the apple of my eye,

"My life will be full of sorrows

"I will hold you

"You will be mine

"If you be by my side, I won't

"Be it day or night,

"If you be by my side, I won't

"Be it day or night,

"I will love you till eternity."

"You will be mine

"I will live in your heart."

"I will find a place for myself

"Your love and presence,

"I will live in your heart."

"I will find a place for myself

"Your love and presence,

"I shall never lose till eternity."

"I shall never lose till eternity."

Note this point.

With this point, I'll create a fight

Don't justify your daughter.

I gave her love and affection.

I will scold my daughter.

You need not interfere.

You talk as if I'm not related to

Who is her father, if I mean

What did you say?

You're leaving me with no choice.

You don't allow me to even speak.

You must understand I'm a rational

You have sidelined me.

What's going on, here?

Vikas, you tell me..

Has Shikha ever stayed out,

What are you saying?

No! I was telling him that.

I told him that once she returns,

I'll ask her sternly..

..where she was till so late.

And he is arguing with me.

How dare you talk again!

He says, Shikha is a grown up girl

So, what's wrong in that?

Sister.. hold on.

He is not wrong completely.

Actually, he doesn't keep

Pradeep, an employee in seeing Shikha these days.

What do you mean, Vikas?

You're old enough to understand.

Of course, you know what I mean

Are you speaking the truth?

Sister, the day you will smell

..the dirty sweat of poor people, will realise the truth.

I live in your house at your mercy.

Had you been sensible enough, you

You don't utter a word.

Go to your room!

Let her come back. I won't

Shikha, it's too late. Go home.

Love knows no boundaries.

Love never fades away

Whenever I come to see you,

It has turned dark and that's why,

Okay. I'll go back home

I won't come to you

I'll wait for that day

You won't even realise when

I'll take your leave.


You have been returning quite late,

Where do you go?

Is that all you want to know?

It's not as simple as you sound.

I'm really serious.

I want to know..

..where you go after office,

I go to drop Pradeep

He is an employee in your office.

Why are you being so rude?

I want to know what relationship

I'm glad you asked me the question.

I'd planned to tell this,

But I'll tell you today.

I'm in love with Pradeep.

Don't you even hesitate to

Why should I hesitate?

Moreover, he is

He has all the qualities of a good

He is an ordinary employee who

And you want to

You cannot sound so foolish.

You're blinded by

Hence you're incapable of

Shikha! You're my daughter.

I will never give you

You've made your point clear.

I have found the man

I want to marry him..

..and spend the rest of my life,

You didn't even maintain

I never expected this from you.

You want to be proud of him.

What quality does he have?

You have everything.

If you compare, my wealth,

..with his, he is nothing at all.

Shikha, infatuation and reality

Let me tell you one more thing.

The poor and rich

Just like how oil and water

..the poor and rich

A relationship can be

..or amongst the poor.

If you compare between may not find Pradeep to be

But I know, he is an extra ordinary

And his personality

I will marry only him.

I will be happy if you


Madam, please don't

Only if Shikha is happy

You're a servant,

Don't try to advice me.

I completely forgot..

..a servant shouldn't give his


Yes, I just want to tell you..

..that although your mom doesn't

.. with Pradeep,


Mom, give me a cup of tea.

Mom, please make it two.

What's the matter?

No, I'm not going out.

You didn't have to come to my place

Are you kidding? I will do that

I'm not kidding, Pradeep.

Last night, I had an argument with

I've come to your house,

Please don't turn me down.

Shikha, do you know what you're

Pradeep, I did not elope with you

Neither did I kill myself.

I've come to you so that


Very few people have the courage

But where will you adjust yourself

Pradeep lives in this house

This house is my paradise.

Pradeep lives in your heart.

Won't you allow me to live

Will you throw me out of here?

Can a mother ever throw

You're right. A mother can never

I'm here to take Shikha back home.

Pradeep is truly a gem of a person

She is my mother.


I have a lot more to say and talk.

..and finalise the

Please come.

"Now that you're mine,

"Happiness has found its way

"We'll walk along

"We'll make our life worth living."

"Now that you're mine,

"Happiness has found its way

"We'll walk along

"We'll make our life worth living."

"Promise me, you'll never

"I shall hold you in my heart

"Promise me, you'll never

"I shall hold you in my heart

"Without you, will I be

"Now that you're mine, happiness

"We'll walk along the path of life,

"We'll make our life worth living."

"We'll make our life worth living."

"I never dreamt of having you

"In smiles and tears, in life and

"I never dreamt of having you

"In smiles and tears, in life and

"I shall play the tune of love and

"Now that you're mine, happiness

"We'll walk along the path of life,

"Now that you're mine, happiness

"We'll walk along the path of life,

"We'll make our life worth living."

"We'll make our life worth living."

"We'll make our life worth living."

What are you doing?

Gambling?! What?

I was checking if we'll

One shouldn't ask for

No matter if it's a daughter or a

Okay, I don't mind.

..when will we have a child.

Is she alright?

You're going to be a father.

Thank you very much.

I'll be right back.

Hello. Yes, Pradeep!

Yes. What? Really?!

I've become a grandfather!


Shikha has given birth to

That's great news!

I wish her first child was a boy.

But not daughters like you.

What did you say?

Are you not happy?

But I'm not happy.

I can't be happy unless

Something untoward must happen!

Note this point.

I've got more than I ever

Don't be over confident about me.

..forever, pride also is

I was never greedy for happiness.

My fate is not so bad that I will

Really? Where's our baby?

She is with mom. She doesn't


Yes, mom. I'm coming.

I'm coming.

Why did you call me, mom?

We haven't given a name

Suggest a good name. - You do the

Why don't you suggest a name?

Ring up your mother-in-law and ask

She has won all our hearts.

And so, I want to name her, 'Jaya'.


Jaya! I'll call up Shikha's mom from


Hello. Who is it?

What's the matter? - My mom

She asked me to inform you.

That's nice.

Whose call was it?

His mom has decided to name

He asked me if the name is good.

What did you say?

Are you completely

Why? - Don't you have

Just because Pradeep is a man,

You're Shikha's mom and hence, will

Sister, note this point.

Shikha is your only child.

Wouldn't you like your name to be

I didn't think so deeply.

Your name is Sulochana.

How about 'Sudeepa'?

It's a very nice name. Let me

How are you?

Do you want me to be unhappy?

I know you don't care

But you definitely care about

And if her wish

..won't you be sad, being her son?

I'm very straight forward and I

Don't beat around the bush.

Your mom gave the name, 'Jaya'

Your mother-in-law got furious

She said your mom is uneducated and

She said, 'I'll decide

'My name is Sulochana.'

'My grand daughter's name should match

Are you speaking the truth?

..and check with your wife.

By now, your daughter must've

Keep one thing in mind.

If you tolerate the insult of will..

If you want me to leave, I will.

I won't hear any more excuses.

I will, if required. Let's wait for

I told you, we won't wait

As soon as he comes,

All these years, I scolded Pradeep.

And now, you're scolding me.

When mothers grow old,

Please go and change. Go.

Shikha, did your mom visit you?

I asked her to stay back,

Did you like our daughter's name?

Of course, Sudeepa is a nice name.

No, it's not Sudeepa, but Jaya.

Did my mom commit a crime

You didn't like the name just

You like the name your mom chose.

I treat your mom as my own mom.

mom is uneducated or uncouth?

Neither you nor mom told me that

Shikha, don't pretend as if you're

We missed to tell you, but I'm sure,

Why are you talking like this?

Should I learn

Your mom is probably

..where lessons of decency

Pradeep, I respect your mom

So, why can't you respect my mom?

If I can accept your mother as mine,

why can't you accept my mom

If you have a problem with that,

I shall not address your mother

I won't respect her either.

You talk exactly like your mother.

Dear, why are the two of you

I couldn't stop myself

Why are you asking me, mom?

Why will she ask me?

After all, you're her son and I'm her

She'll blame only me.

Pradeep, I never expected

There should be

He crossed all limits today.

He started talking ill about you.

I'm your brother after all.

I just told him..

..even his mom-in-law has certain

But he feels a daughter must sever

He also said if you were decent enough,

I told him to mind his words.

And asked him to address you

What did he say?

He said, you don't deserve

Shame on him!

You may tolerate all this,

I know a daughter is a part of her

But how dare he says,

I want to see who my daughter

Your mom's illness is chronic.

I'm sure, she hid it from everyone

Her heart is very weak.

Please get her admitted in the

Else, her condition will worsen.

I'll make arrangements to get

I'll take your leave.

I'm so happy you came.

It's not in your hands to

Sudeepa is my one and only

Her name is Jaya and not Sudeepa.

Mom, did you call my mom-in-law

Who told you this?

Pradeep is a liar.

Don't call him a liar at least

Pradeep said I was not a decent

Did Pradeep say that?

He said, you're no more a part of

Why not, mom?

You please don't talk ill

I think I have enough scope

Vikas, now your dreams

Note this point.

No, mom. If Shikha wants to keep

..I will keep her away from my life.

Pradeep, please listen

That is not what I meant.

I intended to say something else.

I hope he doesn't fight with Shikha.

What do you mean to say?

..and came here with Jaya.

Don't you value my mom?

May I know

Are you trying to say,

I don't know if she told you

If she really said that, I won't

I'll hesitate

Don't utter a word more

I'll never forgive the one who

Are you here to fight with me?

You're mistaking the truth

Actually, I made a mistake.

I crossed my limits

I failed to realise the difference

I should've understood I cannot

Well said!

Is this the same person

Now I understand how narrow

Your language reflects


Very good! Very well done!

Will you now admit.. made a mistake

You need not interfere between

Why, not?

If your mom can lie to you..

..and poison your mind against me..

..if you can slap me

..why can't my mom interfere?

Do you think I'm your slave..

..just because you married me?

Shikha.. In anxiety and anguish.. seem to have forgotten

Hand Jaya to me.

I don't want your dirty thoughts

I bore her

And so, she will live with me.



Get one thing very clear.

You can't stop me from

No matter what, I will take her

Note this point.

Mom.. - Pradeep..

Son.. Where are Shikha and Jaya?

No, mom. Shikha will never

Neither will she allow

Doctor's medicines won't help

Please get Shikha and Jaya home.


Go, my son.

Okay, mom.

If you're insisting me so much,

But only for your sake.

No, I won't allow you to go

Mom, it's our personal matter.

You better not interfere in it.

I will definitely interfere.

I'm your mother, after all.

You're her mom,

You be quiet!

He did not say anything wrong.

I'm going back to Pradeep.

I want to go back.

Come with me.

Mom, let me go..


What will your dad do?

Mom.. Please let me go.




Don't scream like a beggar!

I'm here to take my wife home.

Are you not ashamed to say this?

You dared to slap your wife.

And now, you are here to

No, it's impossible!

Shikha made a mistake

She will make up for her mistake

You said that so easily.

But I'm sure, Shikha will

I will take my wife and child

No one can stop me.

Well, you may take her

Shikha.. Come out.

Come back to your house.

Your husband is calling you.


Won't you support me?

If you don't come out, really want to

Shikha, come out.

Shikha, your husband is calling you.

Come out! Shikha!


Will you keep calling out to her?

Do you still believe, she wants

Do you still want to impose

She has shattered my trust.

Shikha is your daughter.

Let her live with you.

But Jaya is my daughter, my blood.

I will take her with me.

I won't let you take Jaya away.

You may try your best

But I will fight against all odds.


Let him take his daughter.

Go. Please take her with you.

You?! Why did you

I did a favor to you.

Now, it's easy to convince Shikha

..and took her daughter away

The gap between Shikha and

Mom.. I failed to

Shikha severed all ties with me.

But I've brought Jaya along.

Look, here.


Mom, wake up.

Mom, you told me you'll be fine

Why did you lie to me?

Answer me, mom!

Mom, Shikha separated

I lost my mom forever.

I take an oath right in front of

I'll take away Jaya to our village.

Shikha will never hear Jaya

Never will she be able to!

She'll never hear that..

Never again.. Mom..

Note this point.

Things are taking a turn

It's time to tell Shikha,

Mom, hope you're not lying to me.

What will I gain by lying to you?

Shikha, he abducted his own child.

I won't allow you to

I'll get you married again. You'll

You seem to have forgotten, a Hindu

That's past.

Pradeep is my husband.

Pradeep may erase me from

..but as a woman, I can never

You feel I'd need a support.

I'm pregnant with Pradeep's

Where are you going? - I'm going


Where are mom and Pradeep?

Mom?! She is no more.

Mr. Pradeep took away his daughter


Pradeep, you took away Jaya from

..but God blessed me

You'll never be able to stop her

You'll never be able to stop her.


Dad, I've got an interview letter.

Do you really want to work?

I mean, is a job really required

It may not be a need, but it's

Dad, you've given me everything

A child needs a mother's affection

But you've also been

What else could I do for you?

I only fulfilled my duty

Now, it's my turn to fulfil

Dad, please make arrangements

We'll stay there if I get this job.

Shikha, I'm not a failure.

Although you're not with me,

Pradeep, you must be very happy.

Do you even spare a thought

How do I live without you?

The more sorrows you ask for me..

I shall pray to God to bless you


Why are you crying, mom?

Did someone hurt your feelings?

Who will hurt me?

I think I will have to get

My eyes water quite often. - Mom,

You please don't wait for me.

You know, I never eat without you.

Just one day, mom.


Why has Jayanti not turned up

She hails from a well to do family.

There she comes.

Hi Jayanti.

But, why? You could've placed

I'll have an omlette and toast.

Bearer, please get an omlette,

Madam, we'll have some snacks too.

Nonsense! Don't touch me!

How do I get intimate with you,

I love you. I really do.

Let me shower you with love.

You will have to pay for this!

What are you doing?

A woman is as soft as a flower.

One should not trouble them.

Did I ask for your advice?

The hero has to come

If you want to stay alive,

Should I get out?

..let me take you all with me.

Thank you so much for

Only thanking him won't do.

Aakash has broken my cups,

..chairs, tables worth Rs 5000.

Manager, I'm saying that..

This is not your exam fee..

..which you can earn working

Don't worry. My mom is the

I'll call her and she'll

Let's go.

Believe me, madam. My dad has

If I get this job, I'll be able to

Please don't mind.

You're like a daughter to me.

Many candidates have given me

Everyone is in dire need of a job.

Someone wants to get his mom

Someone has a sister to

Someone has a younger

Now, you tell me whom do I

The final decision is yours.

All of us have told you

Now, you have to decide

You may even reject me, if needed.

'Now tell me, if more candidates

'..what should I do?'

'You can only do one thing.'

'Give the job to the one whom you

'That should be

'You may even reject me,

Who taught you this?

No one. I just said

Manager, I'm sending a girl to you.

Check her credentials and

Will you please stand up?

Few seconds back, you told me

I don't have a mother and so,

I want to touch your feet and seek

See you, mom.

That's good.

With a job, you also found a mother.

I'm relieved now.

You took me in a wrong way, dad.

I only told you, when she held me

..I felt that had my mom been alive..

..she would've taken me in her arms

What do you mean to say?

I held you close to my heart,

I showered you with love

Are you not happy with my love?

Actually, it was my mistake.

I failed to understand, a dad can

No, dad. I did not mean to

I've been only making mistakes

I wanted to be happy with

But she left me alone

Why didn't she realise my pain?

Why am I not able to explain to you

..and what I am left with?

My life is full of despair.

Amidst my sorrows, I aimed

And so, I probably neglected

Dad, I didn't know you'd be

Had I known that, I would never

You mean everything to me.

You feel sad on hearing about mom.

I will never talk about her again.

Never again.


Don't cry, my child.

Okay. I'm hanging up.

How does he look like?

How long have you been knowing him? how you looked in your youth.

I met him for the first time.

First sight always

What trick?

How will I come to know

Good question!

You won't like anything.

You will feel very restless.

You would want to smell

You'd want to see him all the time.

..but we will know

Grandpa, did you fall in love

Love with your grandma?!

I didn't fall in love with her, but

Don't you see

Grandpa, when will his thoughts

Whenever you close your eyes,

Will he be lost in my thoughts,

Lalu, do you know something?

Even with closed eyes, I can see

Hope you're not lying.

I can see her.

Why are you standing so far? Now

Come straight into my heart.

Since you're asking me to take

I was just kidding.

I didn't know, you really came.

Can't I come to see you?

You're always on my thought.

Jayanti, what if your dreams

You will want to forget and

No, Aakash. I don't like

I want to be with you, always.

I love you, Aakash.

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"Love knows no boundaries."

"We'll remain in love

"Love is all we need.

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"Love knows no boundaries."

"We'll remain in love

"Love is all we need.

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"I didn't know

"You taught me

"I didn't know

"You taught me

"You're mine and I'm all yours."

"You're mine and I'm all yours."

"We are tied in an eternal bond."

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"Love knows no boundaries."

"We'll remain in love

"Love is all we need.

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"If there is life even after death,"

"I want you to be mine,

"If there is life even after death,"

"I want you to be mine,

"You're mine and I'm all yours."

"This togetherness

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"Love knows no boundaries."

"We'll remain in love,

"Love is all we need.

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"Love knows no boundaries."

"We'll remain in love

"Love is all we need.

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"Love knows no boundaries."

"I'm not happy at home, anymore."

"Love knows no boundaries."

Excuse me, when will madam

Is the manager in office?

I'll talk to you later. Yes, sure.

May I come in?

I'll call you later. Okay?


Sir, I come here to work

Someone had kept this letter

If you could please find out

..I'll be grateful to you.

Who could've dared to do this?

Alright, you may go now. I'll

Thank you, sir.

Hello. Darling, I love you.

What's wrong? Why are you quiet?

Go ahead, darling.

Why do you sound different?

I have a bad throat.

I went for swimming.

Where are you now?

I'm waiting for you at 'Love

Come soon.

Who are you calling here?

Oh! No..

You're here?!

Darn! It was either mom

What shall we do now?

We will have to

One of them is sure to come here.

Let's go!

Aakash showed me a wonderful

He closed his eyes

..and she really

Let me give it a try.

I want to see if the one I love

I know, you'll definitely come.

You love me. So why are you

Come close to me.

What's stopping you?

Come into my arms.

I can hear your footsteps.

Let me embrace you, darling.

You rascal!

Who am I?! Get lost!

'Jaya, you wanted to

'If someone is in love,'

'is it a crime to confess

'Had it been a crime or sin, no one

'No one would fall in love.


What's the matter?

Yes. Take a look.

The one who is writing

..seems to be

He has put forth a good point.

If falling in love one would ever express

I think he truly loves you

You must admit..

..that he hasn't used any dirty

But the way he expressed it,

If he really loves me, why is he

Why doesn't he come face to face

I love you, Jaya.

I truly love you.

I couldn't muster the courage

And hence, I wrote those letters.

Please say something, Jaya.


"Tell me who you are.."

"Why is my heart not in control?"

"I want you to be only mine."

"I cannot stay away from you."

"Don't you know who I am?"

"Understand what your heart

"My heart wants to be only yours."

"I cannot stay away from you."


"Forever, we will love each other."


"Forever, we will love each other."

"You're my destination."

"Tell me who you are.."

"Why is my heart not in control?"

"I want you to be only mine."

"I cannot stay away from you."

"Your eyes are so enchanting,

"You mean the world to me,

"Your eyes are so enchanting,

"You mean the world to me,

"You're my destination."

"Tell me who you are.."

"Why is my heart not in control?"

"I want you to be only mine."

"I cannot stay away from you."

"Don't you know who I am?"

"Understand what your heart

"My heart wants to be only yours."

"I cannot stay away from you."

I want you all to bless Jaya

Madam, we feel so bad for you

I feel bad too.

I gave birth to Jaya.

I will never be able to bless

I will never see the day,

..when Jaya will come to me

'Please take me in your arms

'Bless me.'


Mom, it seems to be a happy

It's a sad day for me.

You're distributing sweets on

Today is my elder

And she is not with me.

That's surprising!

Dad told me,

'..your mother. Go and give

Is your name Jaya?

What does your dad do?

He was the head master of a school.


You don't have a mother.

No, she passed away

I'm here to offer sweets to you

Won't you have sweet?

Mom! You cannot give

You're my mom.

You call her your mom in office.

Jayanti, what are you saying?

I don't like it if someone calls

I don't have mother. And that's why,

If you feel I made a mistake,

Why are you crying?

I was only kidding.

Mom has told me about you.

Won't you offer sweets to

Of course, I will.

Have it.

You chitchat with mom.

Drive carefully.

I really get worried for her.

Please get up. I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

You will have to forgive me.

..I will take you to a doctor

Will you keep talking

No. First, you tell me

You're like a daughter to me.

No, I'll manage.

No. I have a car.


Please give my glasses.

Is this where you live?

Yes, dear. This is

Aren't the poor, human beings?

Don't under estimate yourself

One should have a big heart.

One who has a heart of gold,

You talk so well.

What's your name?

It's as sweet as you.

..your mother or father?

I don't have a father.

Your father is so unfortunate,

Will you please pamper me?

I've never experienced

Will this poor man's love

Of course, I'll pamper you.

Don't you have children?


How did you get hurt?

I was walking..

Please forgive me.

What, if I don't? - Then I won't

Really? In that case, I forgive you.

You seem to know

We met today.

I work in her mom's office.

Jaya is all praises for your mom.

I will tell my mom about you.

I would never experience

I'll take your leave now.


What do you mean to say?

In all these years,

didn't I shower you with

I didn't mean that.

..held me in his arms and loved me,

I felt as if my father would've

Your father not only

..but also kept me

You thought of your pain, but

Jayanti, if I can forget everything

why can't you live for me?

Please think over it. Have I ever

Love, affection, I've given

Jaya's father loved you just

..all the love I showered

Why are you talking about me, mom?

..don't you miss dad?

If you don't miss him, why do you

Why did you write the name of


You know your father's name.

..and go away to him forever?

Your father stole that I am lonely and isolated.

You may leave me too.



I brought her up, giving her

She still says, she misses

I kept myself alive

And today, she has given me tears.

Shikha, Jayanti is still too young.

She got carried away

But you're matured.. You have

..and still you managed to

Don't give up, dear. Be strong.

Look at me. Your daughter, Jayanti..

..will never go away from you.



..will never be shattered.

I have no desire to live.

I'm alive only for your sake.

Where will you live, after I die?

Who will take care of you?

Dad, I know how deeply you love me.

I feel you loved mom a lot too.

Yes, I loved her a lot.

And that's why I fear..

I've always lost the people..

..whom I love the most.

Don't worry,

I promise, dad.

Jayanti, will our love..

..last forever or be shattered?

There's a huge difference

You're a the daughter of a wealthy

What, if your mom

She will surely approve of you.

She will never go against my wish.

If your fear comes true, I will

Will you really

What's the harm?

How important are you to me?

And how important am I to you?

Why should we be together,

Do you want to know

"My eyes were searching for you."

"You're the one! I found you.

"My eyes were searching for you."

"You're the one! I found you.

"Flowers have

"The honey bees

"You're swaying

"Love is in the air."

"Flowers have

"The honey bees

"You're swaying

"Love is in the air."

"Love is in the air."

"My eyes were searching for you."

"You're the one! I found you.

"I've come to take shelter in your

"You will have to come to me."

"My heart is

"I've come to take shelter in your

"You will have to come to me."

"My heart is

"My heart is your destination."

"My eyes were searching for you."

"You're the one! I found you.

"My eyes were searching for you."

"You're the one! I found you.

"You're only mine!"

Note this point.

I'll seize this opportunity to distance

Shikha will be shattered.

And I'll be the boss..

..of her company.

Aakash, you're making a mistake.

We're poor. A wealthy girl..

..won't be able to adjust herself

Dad, Jayanti is a very good girl.

She will adjust herself here.

She may adjust, but what will

I'll get a job in a couple of days.

I want to marry her

You have been burning your hands

I want to hand the responsibility

Everyone has a desire to give

But not everyone's

My desires won't remain unfulfilled.

What are you saying?

Did you really see them together?

Did you hear them talk?

Shikha, my eye sight is not

My vision is blurred and I'm also

I didn't want to tell this to you.

But I don't want Jayanti's life

..after marrying a poor man.

No.. I mean.. I won't say anything.

The fellow seemed to be greedy.

He told Jayanti..

'If your mom doesn't approve

'..get as much jewellery and cash

Do you know where the guy lives?

Will you go there?

I will have to go.

I'm talking sense.

The sky is visible

but you cannot touch it.

If your son thought..

..he'll be a rich man once he gets

..he is sadly mistaken.

I understand you're filthy rich

We're poor, but my son is not

We don't expect to become

You're lying! If you had no did he dare to

Why? Don't the poor have

Can only the rich fall in love?

Do only the rich

Mind your language.

I haven't spoken rudely with you.

I should have humiliated you

But I didn't do that because

Yes, I am her mother.

And it's my last word that

Sever all ties with her.

I have nothing more to say.

Aakash, I have given you

..a mother and father right from

Today, she made fun of our poverty!

Tell me. I was so proud of you.

You put me down in front of

I never expected this from you.

I did not expect this.


What's the matter?

Did I make a mistake?

Why will you be at fault?

I made a mistake by trapping a rich

With your mom's money..

..I wished to change our fate.

Why are you being so sarcastic?

Who told you this?

She came to my house

My mom! Did she come here

If someone feels humiliated

..I have nothing more to say.

Aakash must be a poor guy.

You may feel he is incapable.

But I don't feel so.


And hence, he has no identity

But I know he has

A poor man's personality

They will trap you in

Later, wealth and status

You may have come across

Let me make one thing very clear.

You will have to go to

..and beg for

What did you say?

Should I beg for

If you don't go there, I will feel.. don't want to see me happy.

With the same hands can even give me poison.

Just because you were not destined don't want me to marry

Note this point.

This is amazing!

You got me slapped by an ordinary

You're only an employee

How did you dare to..

..slap my daughter,


I'm leaving.

Like Jayanti,

I have no right to slap my

..even if she hurts my mother.

I had actually forgotten

Please forgive me.

Forgive me, if you can.

Madam, please forgive me.


After slapping the girl..

..why is my hand aching?

Some nerve must have got pulled.

Yes, madam.

I can't see you crying, dear.

Your mom's mind is..

..being poisoned by that girl..

No.. I don't believe this.

Why will Jaya mislead your mom?

I respect you as my father.

Jaya instigated my mom against me.

Believe me. I'm not lying.

I agree that you're not lying.

But what will I gain front of your mom?

I know I shouldn't have

You treated me

Your mom loved me like a mother.

And so, I took

That doesn't mean,

I don't want to

It's not my fault if your mom

..just because he is poor.

I see. The boy you are

That's his greatest mistake.

You give me your address.

My mom's name is Shikha Choudhury.

And I live in 2/8, Ganguly Street,

'You won and I lost.

'What are you trying to say?'

'Didn't you get

'I'm pregnant once again.'

'Really? Shikha!'

You seem to be lost

You need not worry

..doesn't agree, your dad..

Your dad will get your married off.


Hello, Shikha Choudhury speaking.

Who is it? - Shikha, did you

I'm the man whom you lost,

You and your mom

What's wrong?

Shikha, say something.

How is my daughter, Jaya?

She must be a grown up girl,

Yes, she is.

Doesn't she ask about her mom?

I've poisoned her mind against you,

And she thinks her mom is dead.

That's my revenge.

You did the right thing.

You hated me because I was poor.

You kept me away from your life.

But don't try to keep Jayanti

How did you recognise Jayanti?

She is my blood. It's easy

I called to tell you to get Jayanti

What, if I don't?

..I will get my daughter married off,

How did you even think

Will you stop me?


You will have to talk to your dad

Why are you in a hurry?

Usually, girls are so desperate

This is the first time I see a man

I have a valid reason.

My mom is insisting me to

Okay, I'll talk to dad


You need not worry, I overheard

One must have the courage

Dad, he is Ravi.

He is the only son

Although his dad is rich..

..he works in our office as a manager

His monthly salary is Rs 10000.

Ravi's mom wants him

That's why he is here

I won't agree to your wedding.

Wealthy people

Their love doesn't last for long.

You're my daughter.

You're the daughter of a poor man.

You will never be happy

No, dad. You're mistaken.

If I was wrong, I would not have..

..had to suffer all my life.

I don't know

All I want to say is, I love Ravi

Ravi.. You will have to go

Jaya is my only life support.

Dad, just because

..will you keep me with you, all

A little while ago, he said.. should have the courage

How did you even think..

..I'd leave Jaya here

Ravi.. Are you

It's not a challenge.

I love Jaya and I want to spend

But if someone opposes us,

Jaya, your dad is asking me

I came here to marry you,

..and take you home.

But now, I won't go back alone.

It is up to you to decide,

Me or your dad?

Jaya will stand by my side.. she is my daughter.

Dad, I cannot support you

Why will you listen to me?

You're like your mom, after all.

Your mom left me and walked away,

Today, you want to do the same.

Why are you still here? Get out!

I'm alone and I shall always be!

Dad, it is you who told me.. mom was dead. Today, mom left you.

I don't know what is true.

But now I feel.. like to live alone.


Bravo! Thank you, dad.

You didn't want to bless me

..and hence, you hit me.

Let's go, Ravi. Come on.

Stop there!

I don't need your blessings anymore.

I have the blessings of the man

He is not just anyone

..but your real father.

Today, his blessings

But he left me when

He told your elder sister, Jaya

He wasn't absconding.

You would've thrown him out of


I don't want to waste my time,

I won't let you go.

How could you stoop so low?

You are answering your mom back.

How dare you humiliate your mother!

You bring shame to your parents.

You.. You scoundrel!


Ramu is the one who brought you up.

Even my mom has never

And you dared to hit him!

Apologise to him.

You and your mom may ask for..

..a servant's forgiveness.

I'm asking you to apologise to him.

Ask him for his forgiveness!

Ask for his forgiveness!

Madam, please get up.


This is what a mother

Madam, I was always sad..

..that I did not have a child.

But now, I'm happy

God was very kind to me, that

Listen, Jayanti has left the house.

Shikha's head is injured

Please go and bring Jayanti back.

Do you want me to bring her

There's no freedom for anyone,

It's difficult

No one will live in this house.

I'll leave your house, too.

I will never return.

I will live alone, in this house.

But answer my question

What's my mistake?


Shikha is leading the life of

She cries all day long.

You're responsible for it!

Pradeep walked away from Shikha's

It's you!

Shikha's elder daughter, Jaya is

Who is responsible?

For the sake of

you ruined their marriage.

You'll never be forgiven.

Neither will you have

I made a mistake.

I was wrong.

Punish me for my mistake.

But please bring back happiness

Please sort out everything.

If you have realised your mistake.. will definitely

Ramu, I'm going to meet my

What are you here for?

Are you here to see in what state..

..the woman

Answer me.

Why did you take away

A mother bears her child in she can hear the child

You deprived me of that.

You kept me away from my child.

You deprived me of her love.

I'm alive

Because of you.

Jayanti has given me this wound

Are you still not satisfied?

How else do you want to

We're meeting after a hiatus.

..I've hidden in my heart..

..for all these years?

I don't want to share my sorrows.

Shikha, for the last 20 years,

I've battled with

I've been struggling with myself.

I have no complaints.

I still remained quiet.

I never complained to you.

Even today,

Shikha, your daughter gave you

And so, you can show it to me.

You declared me as a thief,

Whom do I put the blame on?

Answer me, Shikha.

My heart has been bleeding

I can't even show that to anyone.

Why? You have

Jayanti left me so she can get

And Jaya was always with you.

Your heart won't ache anymore.

All that glitters is not gold.

It's true that I never wished to

But she wants to get married to

And so, she left me.

You wanted to isolate me and so,

No, Shikha.

In that case, why didn't you

Why did you take our daughter

I didn't steal Jaya from you.

Shikha, have you ever questioned

..who actually is responsible

Your mom is behind all this.

Shikha, you can at least cry.

I cannot even do that.

Will you believe that without you..

..I led a miserable life?

Come here. I have been

Shikha, it's your mom who

She separated you from Pradeep.

She lied to you


I will kill you

You never allowed me to speak.

But you should've understood

..and I have

C'mon, go and apologise to them.




I was very unjust to you.

The main culprit

You don't know his true colors.

You may punish me the way you like.

I will have to take a serious step.


How will that help, mom?

We won't get back,

Please stop.

Where are you going?

I'm going to set our daughter


Where are you going, dear?

I'm going to bring back

Where's your dad?

Do you know

We were waiting for you


Dad! Instead of giving me slapped me!

And I have a reason.

You hurt your mother..

..who never made you feel

Why did you leave her and

Why did you leave your dad?

He never made you feel

He lived only for your sake.

And you left him alone!

Why did you leave him?

Answer me!

I made a mistake.

I have no right to forgive you.

Ask your mom for forgiveness.

Go to your mom

Who gave you the right to hit me?

No one gives a mother the right

It's a right that remains

I am your mother!


Are you really my mother?

Hit me as much as you want!

But please take me

Mom, just one time!

Before you come into my embrace,

you will have to go back

You will have to apologise to him.

If he forgives you,

Go to him. Go.


I'm going to mom to ask for

I'm going to dad to beg for

Stop here!

Here are my grand daughters!


Yes, it's me. Children.. are meeting your parents

I want to do my little part

I'm here to take you.

There's nothing to fear.

Once your mom and dad pay me

..I will release the two of you.

No! Let me go!


Let go of me.


Did you see that? My uncle

Don't worry,

I won't let the devil do any harm

Hello. What?! What did you say?

Vikas has abducted

I will go there

I knew your brother would

Come, let's rush!

Come in.

Bring them in carefully.

Tie my grand daughters, there!

See to it that they are not hurt.

C'mon, go.

Be a little soft with them.

Grandpa, let us go.

I did not know

Let us go back to our mom and dad.


You need not go to them.

Your mother and father will be here.. feed me sweets.


If you want to stay alive,

I don't have too many demands.

I will definitely free them.

You and Shikha are the father

And it's the parents' duty

..and well being. Isn't it?

You're my biggest enemy.

Shikha fired me from

I will take from you the salary I missed

What do you want from me?

I'm willing to do anything

Alright. In that case.. may sign these papers.

What will you get if I sign on

Your mom, my sister..

..transferred all her property

Now, you will transfer the entire

C'mon, sign.

No, Shikha! Please don't sign


I lost 20 years of my life,

Only for the sake of this property,

Jaya was deprived of

Jayanti was deprived of

I don't want such cursed property.

Sign here.

What are you doing?

Let me go!

Let me go!

Let go of me!

Let me go!

You devil!


I won't spare you!

Let me go, you rascal!

Let me go!

You ruined my family!

You kept me away from

Because of you, my wife

And I misunderstood her, too.

It's all because of you, I lost

I lost everything.

Because of you, I was

I never had my mom beside,

Why did you do this to me?

Stop it! Dear Vikas, I'm here.

Let me go..

I will put you behind bars.

You're under arrest, Vikas.

Take his men along.

Arrest them!

Here are our grand daughters.


Apologise to your dad.



Go, ask for your mom's forgiveness.

Mom, please forgive me.

How do you feel now?

For more infomation >> Pita Maata Santan | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Chiranjeet, Rozina - Duration: 2:17:28.


Sunny & Hyoyeon pick a tour guide of their age!... He's so charming♥[Battle Trip/2017.10.29] - Duration: 9:41.

How relaxing.

Check out the fish.

The sea is filled with half fish and half people.

(Skydiving, the most thrilling experience)

It was short but intense.

- It's so much better in person. / - So much better.


I don't think I've ever seen such a view before.

Wow, koala.

- Completely recommended. / - For sure.

So nice.

Come to Australia, everyone.

(Which team will win?)

(Numerous great tips on trips)

(Lee Hwijae, special host, Sam Hammington)

(Kim Sook, Sung Sikyung)

Travel is war.

Battle Trip!

For 3 weeks, we've been checking out

unique cities in Australia.

Here are our four trip designers.

Welcome back.

We're really enjoying your trips.

They introduced Cairns and Brisbane, Australia.

- The score was 78 to 72 votes. / - We won.

- By 6 votes. / - We have the upper hand.

- Actually, no one knows the result. / - Six votes...

You'll find out the result today.

We have fair 100 judges in the audience with us.

- Welcome. / - Welcome.


The hidden special will be revealed today at last.

It's a special episode because...

- Many Koreans live in Australia. / - That's right.

Through working holiday, they learn English

and work there.

- That's true. / - Besides...

Many international students go to Australia.

- That's right. / - So...

We have some local Koreans as guides.

- We asked for their help. / - That's so good.

When I went to Ireland to travel,

I didn't have much information about Ireland.

A Korean international student in Ireland led...

- The trip acting as the guide. / - That's awesome.

So I joined that trip and I got to experience...

- Things others couldn't. / - I bet.

You can get all the best tips if you have a local friend.

- That's so true. / - Books are slow at catching trends.

Is there a famous spot in Sydney?

- I don't know Sydney well. / - What about Melbourne?

Why do you sweat whenever we talk about Australia?

I get nervous.

- When you get to Melbourne... / - What is this?

And drive about an hour and a half out...

- There's an area called Daylesford. / - Dayle City?

It's Daylesford. It's the countryside.

It's really small and cute.

Right now, it got modernized.

But there are wineries and good restaurants around.

- If so... / - So if we go with a local like him...

- We'll get these tips right away. / - So it's like...

Getting recommendations from overseas students

who have been living there for years.

- Doesn't it sound fun? / - We'll get great tips.

When they decided to go to Australia,

the staff posted this announcement on SNS.

So many of the viewers showed interest.

- They helped. / - Thank you once again.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Alright. Which team should go first?

How about ladies first?

- Should our team go first? / - Yes, ladies first.

We're about to watch the trip but from what we hear...

You had great chemistry with your guide.

As soon as you met...

- Was it a guy or a girl? / - Was it that good?

It was chemistry between friends of the same age.

He was the same age as us.

We went to a place...

With so much great food.

It was a place where you could pick and choose.

You could call it an Australian eatery.

But you could also say we traveled the world.

What's a good dish in Australia?

There isn't any traditional food in Australia.

- It's a country of immigrants... / - Australia...

- So it's diverse. / - Wants you to stop talking.

Let's watch the tour in Brisbane.

I hear that Brisbane is a paradise of cuisines.

I can't wait for this hidden trip. The trip begins now.

First time in Australia, right?


What are you doing up there?

They look so funny.

Come to Australia.

It's so high you lose a sense of how high you are.

- Let's go. / - Go.

- Go, go. / - Let's go.

- I want to go skydiving again. / - That was so cool.

You have to jump from space.

It was so breathtaking last week.

(There are 108,000 Koreans that live in Australia)

- 108,000 people live there? / - 108,000 Koreans?

You'll see a Korean every 10m.

(Sunny and Hyoyeon chose the planner themselves)

- Out of these people? / - I already chose one.

- It's a guy. / - Isn't that Siwan?

- He's handsome. / - He's really handsome.

- Isn't he an idol? / - Did they choose by looks?

- Isn't he great? / - He's so handsome.

It says that this applicant is living in luxury.

- Should we travel in luxury? / - I know.

- No. / - No?

But that guy says...

- Brisbane... / - You keep going back to him.

It says he's been studying there only for 6 months.

But he assured the crew

that he knows Brisbane inside out.

- He did? / - Yes, he assured them.

He said he knows good restaurants and hip places.

Alright. The first applicant

that caught my eye was this guy.

He caught your eye or captured your heart?

He caught my attention. What are you talking about?

If he's caught your eye, he's captured your heart.

Take good care of us, my friend.

How do you want him to take care of us?

I don't know.

(It's sunny again in Brisbane)

A lot of Koreans reside in Brisbane too, right?


We're going to meet that... What was his name again?

Sanghun. Sanghun.

We're here to meet Sanghun.

This is the cafe Sanghun recommended.

(A relaxing cafe in Brisbane)

- It's so pretty. / - The cafe's pretty too.

I understood why he wanted to meet us there.

- The tour begins here. / - Yes, right.

It's fun to make friends

when you're overseas.

Really? I'm a bit worried.

- Why? / - He may be disappointed to see us.

Why would he be?

He might have expected another celebrity.

It looks like you're on a date.

No, it's just that he didn't know it was us.

- Oh. / - It was so much fun.

- The applicant didn't know? / - Seriously?

Let me explain about the show.

You don't know who will be coming, do you?

No, I don't. It's driving me crazy.

- He's really handsome. / - Who would you like?

- He's like an idol. / - For real.

- Isn't this cheating? / - I missed Korean songs.

I listen to TWICE songs a lot.


- That's what he said? / - He made a mistake.

- That's fine. / - He did.

The fact that he wanted to see us at this cafe...

- He's trendy. / - Tells me he's sophisticated.

- When is he coming? / - It's hot.

I think he's here.

He has a small face.

- Hello. / - Hi.

He likes us. Thank goodness.

If it were TWICE, he would've passed out.

He's dressed in the old Seotaiji style...

- Back in the days. / - It's making me so sad.

- It's nice to meet you. / - I never imagined...

- Who did you think we were? / - What?

Or which celebrities did you expect?

I thought it could be an idol

but I never imagined it'd be Girls' Generation.

We are idol singers too.

I watched you while growing up.

- Really? / - This is fun.

- Thank you. This is fun. / - Thank you.

- Your name is Sanghun? / - Yes. Shin Sanghun.

- Your last name is Shin? / - Yes.

It's great that he's the same age.

- Yes, it was comfortable. / - Just by the photo...

- 6 months? / - 6 months?

- 6 months is too short. / - That's too short.

- 6 months is a bit... / - Since he's young...

- He'd know hip places. / - Right.

Which part of the outskirts of the city did you go?

What I remember the most is that on our first day...

- We went to the Sky Point. / - Right. Sky Point.

We went there and it was just amazing.

I know what you're talking about.

After that, I felt like we saw everything in Brisbane.

Right, but you haven't seen everything yet.


- Show us the rest of the city. / - He was so confident.

He was passionate too.

- Leave it to me. / - Really?

Yes, I've prepared the best places for you.

It's so awkward.

Here it is.

- Hi. / - Hi.

Cold brew?

They don't have ice coffee there.

You have to make the ice coffee yourself?

- There's no ice coffee... / - Cold brew comes with ice.

In Europe, Australia is very similar to Europe.

- You can have ice coffee with it. / - Right.

This is cold pressed coffee.

People who don't like cold brew coffee

say it's not as good.

You can mix the milk if you want.

It smells great.

- Doesn't it? / - It's like ice coffee.

It could taste different.

Try it.

It's bitter.

It's bitter.

Bitter, bitter.

- Australian coffee is strong. / - Really?

- It's quite strong. / - Cafe mocha.

- Like a cafe mocha? / - More, please.

- Thank you. / - You're funny. "More, please."

I guess it's strong.

- It tastes like milk. / - Like coffee flavored milk?

It'd be good without the milk.

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