Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Davido Slams Fan Over What He Visualizes Every Morning

A Twitter user who replied a tweet of what he visualizes each morning he wakes, was slammed by Superstar singer, Davido over his tweet.

@ichiboyofficial who tweeted that he 'always visualize how @iam_Davido is not going to have a hit track in 2018′, was simply told by the singer to shut up.

For more infomation >> Davido Slams Fan Over What He Visualizes Every Morning|NVS News - Duration: 1:09.


Top Hack For Fast Success (Including Weight Loss) - Duration: 2:36.

what up guys it's Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm going to be

talking about "The fast track to success" because of my 30-plus years on the

planet. I 've had a bit of experience about what works and what doesn't. I'm sure you

have too, and many times in my life when I wanted to achieve something I'd go

through what I'd call "the hope period, the hoping period" and where I would just hope

it would happen. Hope it would fall out of the sky, hope I would get the perfect

job, I hope I'd meet the perfect girl, hope that i'd just get loads of

money or celebrity status or whatever. And it was just hoping... and after one, two,

three, maybe even five years of doing that. I came to a realization that

to get what I wanted, I'd have to learn the proper steps and start executing. And

then I started to see success after that. So, you have a hoping period for years,

the realisation time, and then finding out what works doing it and starting to

get results. So basically the fast track to success is eliminating that hope

period! Get rid of that!!! okay! Whatever you want to do in your life... whether you want

to change your bod,y you want to change your career, build a business, you want

to meet the perfect partner.... get rid of that hoping period where you just hope

it's gonna fall out the sky, it's going to fall into your lap and someone's

gonna put you on. I find that many people including myself before thought they

were going to get it put on.. Someone's gonna come along and say "you know what you

should run a business, you should run my business for me you can get 50% and

here's loads of money".. or.. you know you want to meet the perfect guy or girl and

then she's going to saunter past you one day and go "oh my god you're just the

person I'm looking for" It's not going to happen okay!!!

so eliminate that hope period! If you have a goal?? Go online, hire a teacher, do

a course and find out what the exact steps and start putting the fucking work in.

Then you eliminate the hope period and that is the fast track to success!

Because now you're doing the steps that it actually takes to get where you want

to go. There's no life hacks guys, no shortcuts, there's no way to hack

the system. The fast track to success is finding the proper steps, putting in

the work and being consistent and a lot of that time will be spent on the plateau.

I talked about this in another video. Its talks about this very well in a

book called "mastery" where you'll make some progress, than you'll plateau, you'll

make some progress and plateau and this is where the growth happens. So the

fast track to success is elimination of that hope period. It is finding out what you

have to do... and being consistent with those actions!

For more infomation >> Top Hack For Fast Success (Including Weight Loss) - Duration: 2:36.


Actress Eniola Badmus Poses With Obafemi Matins & Wizkid; Flaunts Expensive 'Gucci' Designer Bag - Duration: 1:24.

Actress Eniola Badmus Poses With Obafemi Matins & Wizkid; Flaunts Expensive 'Gucci' Designer Bag

Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus is definitely one celebrity that hangs out with other celebrities a lot and we can't help but notice her number of celebrity friends.

The delectable actress shared photos of herself posing with Obafemi Matins and Wizkid as she showed off her expensive designer, Gucci bag.

The photos were taken at Wizkid on the beach concert which held in Lagos.

For more infomation >> Actress Eniola Badmus Poses With Obafemi Matins & Wizkid; Flaunts Expensive 'Gucci' Designer Bag - Duration: 1:24.


Anuskha Sharma hot Wedding Photo anushka sharma hot photoshoot bikini Compilation 2 - Duration: 1:02.

Anuskha Sharma hot Wedding Photo anushka sharma hot photoshoot bikini Compilation 2

For more infomation >> Anuskha Sharma hot Wedding Photo anushka sharma hot photoshoot bikini Compilation 2 - Duration: 1:02.


x86 Assembly - Part 17 - C to Assembly | Program 2 | Part 1 - Duration: 9:16.

Hey Everyone, I am Vikram Salunke and Welcome to yet another video of x86 Assembly.

In this video we will convert C program to it's assembly equivalent and we will see changes

in registers, modification of stack in both in Visual Studio as well as in animation format.

So, let's get started.

This is my C Program.

You can download this program using my github account.

I will give the link in the description box below.

I have created a new project C_to_Assembly2 and I have set the project properties as I

have described in setting project properties video.

I will give the link of that video in the "i" button above.

This is a C program.

First we are including stdio.h file After that we will go to the main()

main() is calling function1() then we are in function1()

function1() is calling function2() we are in function2()

and function1() returns with 0x22222222 it will return to function1()

after that function1() will return with 0x11111111 and it will return to the main()

and lastly main() will return with the 0xAAAAAAAA for clearer understanding let's look at our

C program in an animation format first, we are including stdio.h file

after that we will directly go to the main() main() is calling function1()

then we are into the function1() function1() calling function2()

after that we are into function2() function2() is returning with 0x22222222

function2() is ending here function1() is returning with 0x11111111

function1() is ending here after that we are returned to the main()

and main() is returning with the 0xAAAAAAAA and main() ends here

now we will build the C program for this click on Build -> Build Solution

We have successfully built the program after that we will debug the program

but before that we will set a breakpoint here then click on Debug

Right click here -> Go to Disassembly This is our generated assembly code

we will go to our breakpoint so the breakpoint is here

and this arrow indicates the next instruction to execute

this is our stack here and these our registers here

now for better understanding I have divided the program into different

different parts this is our program

this is our main() this is our function1()

and this our function2() now we will look at our program's flowchart

this is a main() main() is calling function1()

this a function1() then function1() is calling function2()

this is our function2() then function2()

is returning to function1() and function1() returning to the main()

this is our program's flowchart in this video we will only look at the half

of the program and other half we will see in the next video

this is main() main() is calling function1()

function1() calling function2() so we will only see this part in this video

this is our C program and it's assembly code we are executing from main()

now main() will save it's stack frame onto the stack

for this it will first push value from the ebp to the stack

for that we will click on Step Into as we can see the value is pushed onto the

stack after that esp will get moved into ebp

ebp's value has been changed and esp is now into the ebp

and from this address it is main()'s stack frame

next instruction is main() is calling function1() now to call another function

the next instruction's address will get pushed onto the stack

so, 00401028 will get pushed onto the stack click Step Into

so, it got pushed onto the stack and now execution has been passed to the function1()

and we will look at the same thing into the animation format for better understanding

So, we are starting execution from main() EIP is pointing at the push ebp

that means the value from the EBP i.e. 0x0012FFB8 will get pushed onto the stack

let's execute that instruction the next instruction is mov esp into the ebp

the value pointed by the ESP will move into the EBP

now in the C program main() is calling function1() now EIP is pointing at the call function1()

so what happens when one function calls another function?

the next instruction's address will get pushed onto the stack

so, 00401028 will get pushed onto the stack and after that the control will be passed

to he function1() now we are in function1()

first function1() sets it's stack frame onto the stack

for that it will push the value from ebp onto the stack

ebp contains the stack frame pointer for the main()

so, it will get pushed onto the stack the next instruction is we are moving esp

into the ebp currently ESP is 0x0012FF60 that will get

moved into the EBP let's execute that

after that function1() is calling function2() for that next instruction's address i.e. 00401018

will get pushed onto the stack because when function2() finishes it's execution it can

return to function1() let's execute that instruction

00401018 got pushed onto the stack and we have passed control to the function2()

let's look at the same thing in an animation format for better understanding

main() called function1() we are starting the execution from function1()

now first it will push ebp onto the stack

ebp is 0012FF68 i.e. main()'s stack frame pointer

it will get pushed onto the stack and to setup function1()'s stack frame pointer

the value pointed by the ESP will be moved into the EBP

now EBP contains 0x0012FF60 and from this point function1()'s stack frame

has began next function1() is calling function2()

it's assembly code is call function2() now to call another function what we will

do? we will push next instruction's address onto

the stack i.e. 00401018 will get pushed onto the stack

and after that the control will be passed to function2()

function2() will push function1()'s stack frame pointer onto the stack i.e. 0012FF60

let's step into that it got pushed onto the stack

after that value pointed by the ESP will be moved into the EBP

let's execute that so, ESP moved into EBP

now function2() is returning with the 0x22222222 for that 0x22222222 will be copies into EAX

let's step into that now EAX contains 22222222

as we can see here let's see the same thing in an animation format

function1() called function2() and passed control to the function2()

function2() will now begins the execution first, it will push the value from EBP onto

the stack to save the function1()'s stack frame pointer

EBP got pushed onto the stack now EIP is pointing at mov esp into the ebp

to set the function2()'s stack frame onto the stack

now ESP is pointing to the 0x0012FF58 that will get moved into EBP

let's execute that so, now EBP contains 0x0012FF58 and from this

point function2()'s stack frame begins now function2() is returning with 0x22222222

for that what will we do? we will copy 0x22222222 into the EAX

we have moved 0x22222222 into the EAX

so, that's it for this video

in this video we saw, main() calls function1() function1() calls function2()

and function2() returns with 0x22222222 in the next video we will see the remaining part

so stay tuned

Thank you :)

For more infomation >> x86 Assembly - Part 17 - C to Assembly | Program 2 | Part 1 - Duration: 9:16.


Message to all Capoeiristas and people who train in a group... APPRECIATE IT! | Capoeira (#17) - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Message to all Capoeiristas and people who train in a group... APPRECIATE IT! | Capoeira (#17) - Duration: 3:31.


Friederike Hendriks: Warum sollen Bürger Wissenschaftlern vertrauen? - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Friederike Hendriks: Warum sollen Bürger Wissenschaftlern vertrauen? - Duration: 4:00.


《Girls' Talk - Cooking Girls》第37集 - 煙肉火腿阿參汁涼麵 (主持: 陳俞希 (Hailey), 練美娟 (娟姐), Ansheles) - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> 《Girls' Talk - Cooking Girls》第37集 - 煙肉火腿阿參汁涼麵 (主持: 陳俞希 (Hailey), 練美娟 (娟姐), Ansheles) - Duration: 11:31.


Tuto e-commerce - 15 fonctionnalités incontournables pour les sites e-commerce - M.A. par S.R. - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Tuto e-commerce - 15 fonctionnalités incontournables pour les sites e-commerce - M.A. par S.R. - Duration: 8:32.


Hibernate Tip: How to downcast an entity in your JPQL query - Duration: 2:47.


I'm Thorben Janssen from with a new Hibernate Tip.

When your domain models contains an inheritance structure,

you probably have a few queries

that just select a specific subclass from it.

That's when the TREAT operator comes into play.

It enables you to downcast an entity

within your query.

You can, for example, create an entity model with Authors

who have written different kinds of Publications,

like Books and BlogPosts.

It's pretty obvious that Publication is the super class of Book

and BlogPost

and that you have to model a relationship between Author and Publication.

Let's get into the IDE and create a query that selects all Authors

who've written a Book about Java.

In the first step, you join the Author and Publication entity

using the defined association.

And then you can use the TREAT operator in the WHERE clause

to downcast the Publications to Books

and check if the title contains the word 'Java'.

Here you can see the generated SQL statement.

Hibernate joins the Author table via the

PublicationAuthor table with the Publication table.

And in the WHERE clause,

Hibernate uses the discriminator column

to limit the query result to Books

and checks that the title contains the word 'Java'.

OK, that's it for today.

If you want to learn more about Hibernate,

you should join the free Thoughts on Java Library.

It gives you free access to a lot of member-only content

like an ebook about the Java 8 support in Hibernate,

a printable PDF version of this Hibernate Tip,

lots of cheat sheets and a video course.

I'll add the link to it to the video description below.

See you next week for a new Hibernate Tip

and if you like today's video, please give

it thumbs up and subscribe below.


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