Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

The Lonely Path Of The Ascension Process

by Adeana M. Slater,

I have the utmost gratitude in my heart for having the honor and the privilege of being

a forerunner in this Ascension process.

However, it is tough and definitely not a path for the faint of heart.

Only because it is always easier to follow another than to lead.

But when you are pushed to the �front of the line� to assist in blazing the trail,

it becomes frightening at times and absolutely lonely.

It�s an extremely lonely path to reach a consciousness level that others aren�t relating

to you at.

The general population doesn�t understand quite yet� but are following closely behind.

You know this in your heart but after you have or are near completing healing and elevating

yourself, you find yourself in suspension.

In your heart you are excited and know something BIG is happening collectively.

You know these particular times we are currently living in is exciting in and of itself and

the energy is shifting into other�s having an entirely new way of thinking and feeling.

You may feel this change but may not witness any changes in your physical reality� YET.

It is frustrating as the forerunner to know this, feel this, but waiting for a dramatic

outside change to occur.

Things you used to enjoy doing or what you did to keep yourself busy, is no longer enjoyable.

Some may feel panic or anxiety because you feel the need to do something but don�t

have the desire to do anything at all.

It�s confusing for sure.

I will also tell you that with the increase in energy overall on the planet, insomnia

that may not have been a problem in the past, will be so now or if it was a problem, maybe

it�s worse now.

This is completely normal and I know it will make you feel energetically drained.

Rest when and if you are able to in order to regenerate your energy.

I know we want instant results or gratification in our fight for the Light and focus, but

we are also cautious to not mis-step.

�Slow but steady wins the race.� This is the case in so many ways because if we

rush into things, we are likely to miss something and have to backtrack.

We are collectively wanting to steer away from backtracking too much only because we

don�t want to lose ground in what we have accomplished already.

As long as we take two steps forward and ONLY one back, means we are still moving forward

as ONE.

That�s what we are doing now.

Remember from my past messages to you that we hold the mantra up: We become challenged,

we learn, we heal, we rise.

As more of us come together in similar intention of Love, Peace, and Joy, we will tune ourselves

into the collective frequency and vibration to soul heal.

More and more are entering this desire willingly and it is increasing our speed and focus on

creating and building the new Earth.

We have made significant progress.

Lightworkers have United.

We have found each other and have been each other�s biggest strength during the lowest

and loneliest of times.

Know in your heart YOU are making a difference.

Every soul on Earth is a Lightworker because we have the same God-spark energy inside all

of us to keep us united and together.

Tune into that and you will feel at Home.

There is no separation and there is no judgment.

Only Love.

Because Love is all that matters and will not only bring us together, but it is the

firm foundation to build our future and truly transform us all.

Victory of the Light

For more infomation >> The Lonely Path Of The Ascension Process - Duration: 4:06.


Wishlist 2.0 | Folge 1 Die Beta-Phase ist vorbei - Duration: 34:50.

For more infomation >> Wishlist 2.0 | Folge 1 Die Beta-Phase ist vorbei - Duration: 34:50.


Why General Hux From The Last Jedi Looks So Familiar - Duration: 5:18.

Star Wars fans might best recognize Domhnall Gleeson as the sneaky General Hux who helps

lead up the First Order, but the Irish actor has actually assembled an impressive resume

over the last few years.

From sci-fi extravaganzas to gritty period pictures, here's what you might've seen Domhnall

Gleeson starring in before he ventured out into a galaxy far, far away.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Star Wars wasn't Domhnall Gleeson's first foray into franchise land.

He also enjoyed a brief stint in the final Harry Potter films as the eldest Weasley kid,

Bill, who's come back from working overseas to marry Fleur Delacour and take a nice desk

job before the Second Wizarding War erupts.

Although Gleeson has joked that his red hair was the real reason he got the gig, his ruby

locks had very little to do with the spell he'd cast over audiences.

Never Let Me Go

Although he'd been working for about a decade before Never Let Me Go came out in 2010, the

dystopian drama about a group of teen clones who have been bred to serve as organ donors

helped launch Gleeson into the mainstream.

His role was relatively brief in the picture, but sharing the screen with an all-star cast

that included Keira Knightley, Andrew Garfield, Carey Mulligan and Ella Purnell certainly

didn't hurt.

More importantly, the film connected him with screenwriter Alex Garland, whom he would later

work with again on several other projects.

True Grit

In the Coen Brothers' acclaimed western adaptation, Gleeson played Moon, a soft-spoken outlaw

questioned by Jeff Bridges' U.S. Marshal.

The character meets a rather grisly end after answering some questions for Bridges' lawman,

but while his role isn't big, it's certainly memorable.

And Gleeson was happy to accept such a brief part in the picture because, as he put it,

he'd "rather do one day on a really cool movie than six months on something crap."


Gleeson continued his trend of small roles in good movies when he popped up in the cult

hit Dredd as the Clan Techie in the Peach Trees slum block.

He's the grungy computer kid who's running the security cameras and communications, but

it's understandable if you may not have recognized Gleeson buried under all that grime.

Black Mirror

One of Gleeson's most heart-wrenching roles came courtesy of the acclaimed sci-fi anthology

series Black Mirror with the episode "Be Right Back," which co-starred Hayley Atwell.

The story follows a woman grieving the sudden death of her boyfriend after he's killed in

a car crash.

Gleeson offers a haunting performance as the boyfriend—and then an A.I. reconstruction

of the young man's personality designed to help Atwell's character grieve his passing.

The two stars' work made the episode one of the most acclaimed in the anthology series,

and Gleeson said he loved the ambition of the segment, noting it asks some "really interesting

questions in a way that some of [his] favorite films ask really interesting questions."

About Time

Trading in the supporting roles for a leading man gig, Gleeson headlined the romantic comedy

About Time alongside Rachel McAdams.

The story focuses on a man who learns he has the ability to travel back in time, which

he uses to woo the love of his life.

With the film marking one of Gleeson's first starring roles in a major production, he said

he had to get used to being in pretty much every scene, saying, "There is something wonderful

about turning up every day and knowing that not just the character, but the whole movie

kind of rests on your shoulders."

Ex Machina

One of Gleeson's most buzzy roles came in the daring sci-fi flick Ex Machina, where

he played a low-level tech employee tasked with "testing" a new AI and android at a private

research facility.

The film reunited the actor with writer-director Alex Garland, and resulted in one of the most

acclaimed movies of the year, which only helped advance Gleeson's career even more.

The Revenant

This powerful period drama included a small but compelling role for Gleeson, who played

fur trader Andrew Henry alongside Leonardo DiCaprio's nigh unkillable Hugh Glass.

Gleeson was understandably proud of how The Revenant turned out, but did admit the shoot

was exceedingly brutal.

The story takes place in the dead of winter in the wilderness, and he said that when the

actors were actually working and shooting, it wasn't so bad.

Things went downhill during the downtime, though, as he said, "When you're out there,

in and out of the river, standing around and not knowing if you're going to get to your

bit that day, those days suck."

American Made

Gleeson also starred opposite A-lister Tom Cruise in American Made, a tale inspired by

a real-life pilot recruited by a CIA agent to fly secret spy missions above Central America.

Gleeson described his character as basically a "composite of different needs for the script,"

adding that he was glad the filmmakers made him part of the story's action.

The rest

Gleeson has also starred in a bevy of other pics, including Frank, Unbroken, Brooklyn,

and director Darren Aronofsky's divisive psychological thriller mother!, which Gleeson said spoke

to his urge to be a "part of something that shakes people to their core."

Indeed, if there is one common thread tying his eclectic filmography together, it's that

most of his roles do leave a lasting impression.

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why General Hux From The Last Jedi Looks So Familiar - Duration: 5:18.


Top 5 Things You Should Never Do In The Shower - Duration: 2:46.

Believe it or not the shower is a dangerous place.

Did you know your safety is on the line every time?

Yeah crazy stuff and that's what were going to be talking about today.

Hey guys im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know are more of a shower or a bath person.

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also make sure you subscribe to our channel if you havnt already.

And please give this video a big thumbs up.

Also if you have any ideas for top 5 lists youd be interested in seeing let me know down

in the comments.

Alright without further a due let me get started on our list of the top 5 things you should

never do in the shower.

Starting off at number 5--Thunderstorms- Apparently you should steer clear of having a shower

when a thunderstorm is taking place.

Its advised that you stay away from pluming and wiring of any kind during a thunderstorm.

So basically when theres thunder and lighting you should avoid- showers and baths- dishwashing-

playing hardwired video games- or talking on house phones.

Lightning can hit a power line and come through your pipes.

Yeah this is something I never thought I had to worry about.

So yeah when a storms taking place just stay away from electronics and pipes apparently.

In at number 4--Before bed- apparently it's a bad idea to have a shower before bed.

This is something im guilty of.

I always shower at night time and usually I push it back later and later.

But it turns out if you hop in a nice hot shower less then 2 hours before bed it will

prevent you from falling asleep.

When you take a shower the temperature change disturbs your bodies natural triggers that

help you fall asleep.

Ans that's why im sometime up until 2 am.

Good to know.

At number 3--Showerhead- its important to check your shower heads.

Apparently 1 in every 3 shower heads contain potentially dangerous bacteria.

The reason for this is because off all the nooks in the shower head that provide an idea

home for microbes.

Now instead of getting a new showerhead sometimes people will just clean the ones they have

with bleach.

And this works for a while- but eventually the bacteria grows back.

Coming in at number 3--showering for too long- now as tempting as this is… especially with

the is colder weather its something you just shouldn't do.

Not only is it wasteful when it comes to water use- it also can make your skin dry and itchy.

Its recommended that you don't shower for longer than 8 minutes at a time- or more than

once a day.

Geez this video is making me realize im going to have to change some of my showering habits.

And at number 1--Loofah- loofahs are amazing.

Theres so soft and make you squeaky clean.

But sadly even they have a dark side.

Turns out even though your plying them up with soap or shower gel they are actually

loaded up with germs.

Its extremely important if you're a loofah user that you wash it once a week.

And you cant just run it under the tap either it needs to be put in a diluted vinegar soak

or it needs to be run through the dish washer.

After you shower with it its important you ring it out as much as possible and then hang

it somewhere it can dry out as much as possible.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 things you should never do in the


Thank you so much for watching- and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Things You Should Never Do In The Shower - Duration: 2:46.


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Hey :P lalala

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Favorite Position

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