Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

Cookies... I like cookies - you like cookies? - Yes. Okay, otravez.

Hi everyone this is Veronica from and I'm getting ready for Christmas

and an easy dessert that I can

show you how to make its some white chocolate candy cane peppermint cookies.

These are very easy to make and I'm sure everybody is gonna love them.

So on a mixing bowl we're gonna put sugar and I'm using brown sugar and white sugar.

I'm gonna put both of them in here .I'm gonna use some butter and now I'm gonna

cream these two together. In the meantime I'm gonna be crushing the candy canes,

and she's gonna help me right? - yes, I am. Okay let's do it

okay so now that I have creamed the butter and the sugars I'm gonna start

adding in the eggs. Now I'm gonna add the vanilla and the meantime I'm gonna

prepare my flour and all I have to do is put the flour a pinch of salt and the

baking soda. Now I'm gonna start adding the flour and once again we're gonna mix

all this together. So now we have our dough ready I'm gonna add the chocolate

and the little pieces of peppermint that we smashed. This is one of my favorite

combination, the white chocolate with a peppermint candy....I just love it.

I'm gonna put the cookies on a cookie sheet and this needs to be on greased

and we're gonna put them as a little balls and the size of the ball should be

a tablespoon and now we're gonna take him to the oven so I like cookies

already so I hope you liked this video and the recipe and a view to make the

cookies please let me know what you think about them and just leave it on

the comments if you haven't done it please give it a thumbs up share with

your friends and subscribe for more videos like this every week I please do

me a favor click on the little bell so you can get their notifications every

time that I upload new videos check out the information on the description box

below so you can find more tutorials and more recipes on my blog thank you and I

will see you next time bye

For more infomation >> White Chocolate Peppermint Cookies - Duration: 2:40.


The Wealth of Evil People with Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons (Air Date 12-14-17) - Duration: 21:28.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Now is the time for you to believe and receive

the supernatural wealth transfer. Join Gloria Copeland

and Pastor George Pearsons today, on

the Believer's Voice of Victory, and see how

reserves of wealth are stored up for the just.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory. Pastor George is back with

me today, or I'm with him, one, and we're talking

about prosperity. GEORGE: Yes, we are. GLORIA: Glory to God.

GEORGE: Yes, we are. GLORIA: Which is one of our very

favorite subjects. GEORGE: It is. We got started about--

GLORIA: Somebody said, "I've been rich, and I've been poor,

and rich is better." GEORGE: It's better. GLORIA: It's better

to have something than to go without, is it not? GEORGE:

It--it is good to be in the blessing of the Lord. It's good

to be under that blessing of God. GLORIA: Umbrella of the

blessing. GEORGE: The umbrella of the blessing of God. Gloria,

it's so good to be with you. And I just get so excited about

coming in here and preaching the Word with the Gloria Copeland.

GLORIA: Oh, yeah. GEORGE: And just all of the things that

she's taught me over the years, she and Kenneth both taught me

about prosperity and--and coming in here and being able to both

share what the Lord has shown me about it, but also for you to

comment and to help us-- GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: --even in a

greater way, understand this. Gloria, we're talking about

supernatural wealth transfer. GLORIA: I like it. GEORGE: And

this is day number 294. We are--we are quickly reaching our

300eth day of prosperity. Isn't that exciting? GLORIA: And then

what are we going to do? GEORGE: Then we'll just keep on going.

GLORIA: Okay. GEORGE: We've got to do at least 365, you know?

GLORIA: Oh, yeah, that's right. GEORGE: So-- GLORIA: It's going

to take a while, but we can do it.

GEORGE: We'll do it. We'll do it. And we're talking

today, Gloria, continuing to talk, about supernatural wealth

transfer. And we're going to talk about the wealth of evil

people and what happens to the wealth of evil people.

This--this really comes from the Word of God, "The--the wealth of

the sinner is laid up for the just." GLORIA: That's right.

GEORGE: And we're using a word from the Lord that Brother

Charles Capps gave 40 years ago. GLORIA: I remember. GEORGE: 40

years ago, February 1st, 1978, talking about financial

inversion. And we'll read a portion of this to you. All

of--all of the word that he gave is available with all of these

notes online, Those are all available to you right now.

But he said, "The financial inversion shall increase in

these days." Well, that's 40 years ago. GLORIA: Mm. GEORGE:

And then he said, "Increase--" So, you know, 40 years has gone

by, and I would say we should be increasing even more in this

financial inversion. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "For you see, the

Lord says, 'It is my desire to move in the realm of your

financial prosperity.'" GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "But release Me--"

GLORIA: Now, that's the key right there. GEORGE: Yeah,

that's the key. GLORIA: Release Him. GEORGE: "Release Me."

GLORIA: It's His desire, but He has to be released. What would

keep Him from being-- GEORGE: Oh, that's good, yeah. GLORIA:

--released? Unbelief. GEORGE: Unbelief, yeah. GLORIA: What

would release Him? Belief. GEORGE: (Laughs) GLORIA: Is that

easy? Can you get hold of that? Mm-hmm. GEORGE: That's exactly

right. I'm so glad you answered those questions for me. But

you're right, unbelief will stop it, and faith will release it.

That's exactly how you do it. GLORIA: I like that. GEORGE: So

the Lord said, "Release Me." GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "Release

Me that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf."

GLORIA: I release You. GEORGE: Yes, let's do that right now.

Father, in the name of Jesus-- GLORIA: Thank You, Lord. GEORGE:

--according to this word, by faith, we release You-- GLORIA:

Yes, by faith. GEORGE: --we release You that You may come in

our behalf and move in our behalf-- GLORIA: Yes, Lord.

GEORGE: --in the realm of our financial prosperity. GLORIA:

Thank You, Father. GEORGE: We receive it together in Jesus'

name. Amen. GLORIA: Amen. Now, you have to--in any area,

healing-- GEORGE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: --finances, believing

for your family, you have to release God with faith. GEORGE:

Yes. GLORIA: Because He-- GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: He acts as

you act. If you don't believe God, if you don't act on the

Word, you can stay broke, sick, all the days of your life.

GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: But if you will take the Word and put it in

your heart and in your mouth and release-- GEORGE: Release it.

GLORIA: --healing, release prosperity-- GEORGE: Oh, that's

good. GLORIA: --release salvation-- GEORGE: That's good.

GLORIA: --for your family, you can have it. GEORGE: And I take

it. GLORIA: I take it. GEORGE: I take it. I take hold of it.

GLORIA: Glory to God. We release it. GEORGE: That's why the Lord

is having us go back over this-- GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: --material

again. Even though we preached it over the years, we have to be

reminded, and we have to introduce this concept to people

who are not familiar-- GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: --with

supernatural wealth transfer. GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: Well, the

Lord continued to speak through Brother Capps in this word, "For

yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress

here and there." GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "The economy shall go

up, and it will go down. But those that learn to walk in the

Word--" GLORIA: Mm-hmm. GEORGE: "--they shall see the prosperity

of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not been

seen by men in days past." GLORIA: Praise God. Isn't that

good? GEORGE: "Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in

the world system. It has been held in reservoirs of wicked men

for days on end. But the end is nigh." GLORIA: Yes, that's

right. GEORGE: Whoo! The end is nigh. GLORIA: Well, what about

wicked men? Where do they stand? Well, they can make Jesus the

Lord of their lives-- GEORGE: They sure can. GLORIA: --and

they won't be wicked men anymore. GEORGE: They sure can.

GLORIA: The righteousness of God will take over their hearts.

GEORGE: Yeah, exactly. Well, we'll be talking about that

later on in the study, Gloria. But I'll just--I'll just bring

this up right now Zacchaeus was one of those men. He was an evil

man. Zacchaeus was an evil man who was getting taxes from

people that were exorbitant in their amount. And he spent time

with Jesus. If you remember-- GLORIA: Change servicing?

GEORGE: --Zacchaeus. He said, "Zacchaeus, take me to your

house. I want to sit down and talk to you." And that's where

everybody complained that Jesus was having, you know, a meal

with--with winebibbers and sinners. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE:

Zacchaeus sat down with Jesus, and when he came out, he

committed to restore to everyone that he had stolen from. GLORIA:

Praise God. GEORGE: And that's a case right there of an

individual who was an evil person, who--who came in contact

with the Master and changed his life. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: And

he willingly gave back to people. Well, "The reservoirs

shall be tapped and shall be drained into the Gospel of Jesus

Christ. It shall be done, saith the Lord." And again, I gave a

definition of the word "reservoir." "A reservoir is a

place where anything is collected in great amounts. It's

a large or extra supply or a stock, a reserve." So there are

reserves. There are reserves of the wicked that have been stored

up for the just. And that's what we need to be partaking of.

That's what we need to be receiving. That's what we need

to be believing for. And the Lord said, "It shall be done in

the time allotted, and so shall it be that the Word of the Lord

can come to pass that the wealth of the sinner--" GLORIA: Yeah.

GEORGE: "--is laid up for the just." GLORIA: Mm-hmm. Isn't

that powerful? Ooh-way, I like that. GEORGE: It's a powerful

word. GLORIA: Now, who decides--so who decides who gets

the wealth of the sinner? You do. If you don't want part of

that wealth, just be a sinner, and you won't get any of it.

GEORGE: You won't get it. It won't--it will be taken from

you. GLORIA: And it will go right to the hands of the just.

GEORGE: There's a lot of money out there, Gloria. It's amazing.

GLORIA: You better believe it. There's a lot of evil money out

there-- GEORGE: There's a lot of evil money-- GLORIA: --just

begging somebody to take it. GEORGE: Well, you think about

it. You think about people that--that fly over here, and

they'll take a couple of days in New York and spend thousands and

hundreds of thousands of dollars on--and I've heard this before.

Well, they'll spend hundred dollars of thousands or a

million dollars on clothing, and take it back to whatever country

they've come from, and they never use it. GLORIA: Hmm. "Laid

up for the just." GEORGE: They never use it. The money is out

there. Money for the Gospel is out there. And the Lord is

giving an opportunity on these two weeks, Gloria-- GLORIA:

That's awesome. GEORGE: --to tap into that reservoir and drain

it. GLORIA: Boy, that's a big-- GEORGE: We're going to drain it

into the kingdom of God. GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: Going to drain it

into Kenneth Copeland Ministries. I call for the

harvest of every seed that is sown in this ministry, every

seed everywhere. GLORIA: Yeah. That's a good point. GEORGE:

Every seed everywhere. GLORIA: A lot of seed sown. GEORGE: And

I'm just like Joseph. I go out there. I inspect the fields in

the same way that Joseph inspected the fields to see

what's out there. And there is-- GLORIA: So-- GEORGE: There is a

lot of money out there of the wicked that needs to come in for

the Gospel. GLORIA: That's a good thing to put in your little

noodle and on your notes. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: "Call for

the harvest on every seed." When you sow your seed at church or

wherever you are-- GEORGE: Yep, yep. GLORIA: --call for the

harvest. GEORGE: Call for it. GLORIA: What does that mean? In

other words, believe God for the harvest. Receive the harvest.

GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: You could say, "Receive the

harvest--" GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: "--on every seed." I like that.

GEORGE: That's right. That's right. And--and-- GLORIA: We

must not fail at that. GEORGE: --the wealth transfer is part of

our harvest. It's part of what belongs to us. It's part of the

benefit. "Bless the Lord, O my soul--" GLORIA: Yeah, yeah.

GEORGE: "--and all that is within me--" "Bless the Lord, O

my soul, and forget not all--" or the Amplified Bible says,

"--forget not one of his benefits." GLORIA: I think those

of us who walk by faith and believe God-- GEORGE: Mm-hmm.

GLORIA: --we've got a lot of seed that we hadn't called for

the harvest. GEORGE: You're right. You're absolutely right.

GLORIA: But we can fix that. GEORGE: Yep. GLORIA: (Laughs)

GEORGE: It's easy. It's easy. GLORIA: Hallelujah. GEORGE: We

just call it in. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: We call in the harvest.

GLORIA: Take it. GEORGE: We call in the wealth transfer. And if

you look there at-- GLORIA: That's so good. GEORGE: --page

2. Go to page 2, Gloria. GLORIA: I don't know. I like--I like

page 1. GEORGE: You've got lots of good notes going there on

your page. GLORIA: I like it. GEORGE: Hmm. What does she say?

GLORIA: "The wealth of evil people." GEORGE: The wealth of

evil people, that's what we're talking about today. GLORIA:

Job. GEORGE: In Job 27:16-17 in the New Living Translation,

"Evil people may have piles of money and may store away mounds

of clothing. But the righteous will wear that clothing, and the

innocent will divide that money." Isn't that a good

scripture, Gloria? GLORIA: So, you know, some--this is my

thought. Now, people that are believers, and maybe aren't up

on the top yet-- GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: --believing, I mean,

they're just now getting started, whatever-- GEORGE:

Yeah. GLORIA: --they think about the wealth of the sinner being

laid up for the just. Well, if you're born again, that's how

you get just. GEORGE: Yep. GLORIA: You're made, the Bible

says, "the righteousness of God." GEORGE: That's right.

GLORIA: So the wealth of the sinner, which is abundant, dope

dealers, thieves, un-born-again people-- GEORGE: Yeah, yeah.

GLORIA: --the wealth of the sinner is laid up for those who

are in right standing with God. GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA:

How'd they get in right standing? They made Jesus the

Lord of their lives. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: That's exciting,

George. GEORGE: That is exciting. GLORIA: We're going to

see that. GEORGE: We're going to see that. GLORIA: I believe

we'll live to see it. GEORGE: We are going to come into another

level of that wealth transfer coming into the kingdom of God.

We'll see it here at this ministry. You'll see it in your

household. People will start giving you things. Unbelievers,

sinners, if you will, that are out there-- GLORIA: Yeah.

GEORGE: --who don't know--they're going to start

giving you things. Favor is part of that, Gloria. The

supernatural favor of God is so much a part of-- GLORIA: I

believe it. GEORGE: --the blessing of the Lord. And you

just need to be believing it and confessing it and receiving it

because it's a benefit. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: It belongs to us.

And another--this Verse 19 of the New Living Translation,

number 2 there on point B, "The wicked go to bed rich but wake

up to find that all their wealth is gone." Where has it gone?

GLORIA: That's happened in history past. GEORGE: It has

happened. And it's been transferred to the righteous.

It's been transferred to those who believe God and receive

that, because--because all of that is being amassed. And I've

always thought about it. I've always thought about an airplane

landing out here on our property, some big airplane,

some beautiful airplane, and the fact that maybe some corporation

wants to get rid of it. They just can't hang on to it

anymore, and they fly out here, and they tell Kenneth, "Brother

Copeland, we--we know that you fly airplanes and that you

know--that you travel the world. And we just--we just don't want

this airplane anymore. Will you take it?" GLORIA: "We're just

going to give you this new Gulfstream." GEORGE: We're going

to give you--(Chuckles)--this new Gulfstream, absolutely.

GLORIA: For--to reach the people in the world. GEORGE:

Absolutely. GLORIA: I'd receive it. Would you? GEORGE: I would

receive it. Do you remember, Gloria-- GLORIA: Yep, you bet.

GEORGE: Do you remember when the dog track owner brought a

million dollars to Oral Roberts? GLORIA: I do. I didn't remember

until you reminded me of it the other day, but... GEORGE: It was

back--it was back-- GLORIA: That was the wealth of the sinner--

GEORGE: Brother Roberts-- GLORIA: --probably. I don't

know. I'm not judging the man because I didn't never meet him.

But he never did come see me, but... GEORGE: Well, the story

of it was that Brother Roberts was believing God to be able to

pay the--I believe they were working on-- GLORIA: City of

Faith? GEORGE: City of Faith. And this man-- GLORIA: Oh, the

hospital. GEORGE: The hospital. GLORIA: Yep. GEORGE: And this

man was watching him on television and heard about it.

GLORIA: That's right. I remember that. GEORGE: And he was

just--he was just impressed. He--I don't think he was born

again. GLORIA: He got an unction-- GEORGE: He got an

unction. And I'm sure that--I'm sure that Brother Roberts--

GLORIA: --to do this. GEORGE: --prayed for him, prayed over

him, made sure he was born again. But that man brought a

million dollars to Brother Roberts. And that is--that's a

prime example of the wealth--that's a dog track, a

racetrack. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. GEORGE: And you know, people

griped about it. They complained about it. "Are you going to take

that million dollars for--" GLORIA: You better believe it.

(Both Laugh) GEORGE: "Yeah, we are. Yes, we are." There's

another account, Gloria, of a man that I've spoken with,

talked to, and he was--he had been believing God for a piece

of property that was next door to him. And he--the value of the

property was like 1.4 million. And he didn't have the money,

but the man who owned the property, he--he said, "Well,

I'll give it to you for 600,000." Well, the pastor

didn't have the 600,000, but he kept sowing seed, he kept sowing

seed. He kept believing God, kept believing God. And a year

went by, two years, three years. And finally, this man came to

the pastor, and he sat down in front of him and said, "You

know, I'm getting older now." He said, "I don't want this

property anymore." He said, "I don't know. I just want to

donate to you." GLORIA: "The wealth of the sinner is laid

up--" GEORGE: The wealth of the sinner. And, oh, by the way, did

I tell you there was a hotel on that property? GLORIA: No. You

forget that part. GEORGE: (Laughs) So the man--the man

received property that was--when it was purchased the 10 years

before, it was 1.4 million. It's worth much more now. It's on the

beach. It's on the beach. GLORIA: Gets better and better.

GEORGE: It's waterfront. And this was--this was donated to

him. I believe it's happening all the time. GLORIA: Praise

God. GEORGE: I believe that there is a--we're tapping into

it. We're tapping into--like the Word from Brother Charles, we

are tapping into the reservoirs. We are draining-- GLORIA: Yeah,

that's right. GEORGE: --the reservoirs into the kingdom of

God. If nobody's going to believe God for that, it's not

going to happen. GLORIA: You know, if--the Bible tells us, we

learned, that the--well, we're the just-- GEORGE: Mm-hmm.

GLORIA: --after we make Jesus Christ the Lord of our life--

GEORGE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: --said we're made-- GEORGE: Mm-hmm.

GLORIA: --the righteousness of God. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: So

anybody that's born again, that belongs to us. GEORGE: That's

right. GLORIA: I'm born again. GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: I

receive it. GEORGE: I take it, Gloria. I take it for this

ministry. GLORIA: But you know you have to--when you plant a

seed, you have to take care of it. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: If you

don't water it-- GEORGE: If you don't water it, yep. GLORIA:

--you don't take care of it-- GEORGE: Need to weed it. GLORIA:

--it's not going to grow. If you don't say it-- GEORGE: Yeah.

GLORIA: --it probably won't happen. GEORGE: It probably

won't happen. GLORIA: But if you say it, it probably will happen.

GEORGE: Well, I'm going to quote Gloria Copeland here-- GLORIA: I

like her. GEORGE: --from some of the times that we have had our

broadcasts together. And concerning this particular

scripture, "The wicked go to bed rich but wake to find that all

their wealth is gone," you said this, you said, "If you don't

have it, demand it." So we have to demand it. We make a faith

demand on that wealth transfer. GLORIA: You're not demanding it

of God. GEORGE: Hmm-mm. GLORIA: He's not the One holding it.

GEORGE: Hmm-mm. GLORIA: The wicked are the ones-- GEORGE:

No. GLORIA: --holding it according to this scripture.

GEORGE: And this was really good. In that scripture, it

said, "The wicked go to bed rich but they wake up--they wake up

the next morning to find that all their wealth is gone." And

you said, "That's a 'suddenly' that's going the wrong way."

GLORIA: That's right. Wrong direction. GEORGE: That

was--it's going the wrong direction. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE:

And you said--you said, "Overnight financial reversals."

Overnight financial reversals. GLORIA: That's possible, too.

GEORGE: Gloria, that's--that is so true. Remember the scripture,

the Old Testament that talks about, during the famine, and

the prophet said, "This time tomorrow." GLORIA: Yeah, yeah,

yeah. GEORGE: "This time tomorrow." Well, that's an

overnight financial reversal. I wouldn't be surprised if people

started finding cars in front of their houses with notes on them

that say, "I just had to leave this for you." We're going to

see some supernatural things. We're living in a time of the

supernatural. GLORIA: I think we might have read this, but I

like 3. "What happens to evil people's money?" GEORGE: Now, go

ahead, Gloria. I-- GLORIA: I mean, there's the blessing and

the curse. GEORGE: Yep, yep. GLORIA: "What happens to--"

GEORGE: Go ahead. GLORIA: "--evil people's money?" GEORGE:

Yeah. GLORIA: "Whether money is good or bad depends on who has

the money." GEORGE: Who has the money. GLORIA: "When the

righteous have money, they do good things with it. When the

wicked have money, they do bad things with it--" GEORGE:

Mm-hmm. GLORIA: "--or they hoard it. And those bad things lead to

death many times at an early age." GEORGE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA:

You--in other words, they can--they can act on all the

curse they want to-- GEORGE: Right. GLORIA: --buy all the

dope they want to-- GEORGE: Yep. GLORIA: --do all the bad things

they want to-- GEORGE: Yep. GLORIA: --but it leads to a bad

end. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: "And then you can't look--" Let's

see. Where'd I quit, George? GEORGE: "Many time--" GLORIA:

"Many times--" GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: "--at an early age--"

GEORGE: That's it. GLORIA: "--you can't look at the rich

and wonder how they got their money. Money acquired by

ill-gotten gain is not from God." GEORGE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA:

"You could be part of the mafia and have lots of money, but you

probably won't live out the full number of your days." GEORGE:

Now, when we were reading that before we were-- GLORIA: To

spend it. GEORGE: To spend it, yeah, that's what we added--

GLORIA: Added that. GEORGE: --in between, "to spend it." GLORIA:

What happens to all the ill-gotten gain money? It goes

right to the--into the hands of the just. You say, "Well, I want

some of it." Well, make Jesus the Lord of your life-- GEORGE:

That's right. GLORIA: --be good to obey Him-- GEORGE: That's

right. GLORIA: --walk it out, and we'll--and you'll qualify.

GEORGE: You know, we--this should be the international sign

of the hands of the just right here. My hands are wide open,

and I am, by faith, receiving-- GLORIA: Yes. GEORGE: --the

supernatural wealth transfer-- GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE:

--that is promised in the Word of God. GLORIA: See, that--you

know, people think, "Now, how could that be?" The reason you

don't understand how it could be is because it's supernatural.

GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: It's not dependent on you except to

receive it. GEORGE: That's all they--yeah. GLORIA: You don't

have to--you don't have to churn it up. GEORGE: Yeah. You don't

have to churn it. GLORIA: Just say, "I receive it." GEORGE:

Yep, exactly. GLORIA: I'll receive it-- GEORGE: Exactly.

GLORIA: --in Jesus' name. GEORGE: Well, let's see. We've

got--how much time have we got left? About two minutes. Okay.

Let's look at these scriptures in point C. GLORIA: Okay, go.

GEORGE: That'll be good. We can finish it up with this. GLORIA:

Okay. GEORGE: Proverbs 28:8, "The wealth of the loan shark."

Ha-ha, in the NIV. GLORIA: That's a different title.

GEORGE: The NIV says, "He who increases his wealth by

exorbitant interest amasses it for another, who will be kind to

the poor." GLORIA: That makes plenty of money available.

GEORGE: Mm-hmm. It really does. And the Amplified translation of

that says, "He who by charging excessive interest and who by

unjust efforts to get gain increases his material

possession and--increases his material possession gathers it

for him to spend who is kind and generous to the poor." GLORIA:

Praise God. Amen. GEORGE: So those of us--those of us who are

giving to the poor, who are ministering to the poor, we

qualify-- GLORIA: Tithers, sowers. GEORGE: --for--that's

right. And we qualify for supernatural wealth transfer

because "He who increases his wealth by this exorbitant

interest, he's building it up for another who will be kind to

the poor." So, that's us. GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: That's us.

GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: To be able to reach out and minister to the

poor. Let's see. "He who--" This is Proverbs 14:31. "He who

oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker. But

whoever is kind to the needy honors God." Proverbs 19:17, "If

you help the poor, you're lending to the Lord, and he will

repay you." GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: And I'll close it out,

Gloria, with this quote of Gloria Copeland. GLORIA: Uh-oh.

GEORGE: From "Kingdom of God, Days of Heaven on Earth" series,

she said, "Think about the loan sharks, drug dealers, and unjust

gain. Think about the billions of dollars that God is going to

vacuum into the kingdom." GLORIA: Ooh, sounds good.

GEORGE: "Start ministering to the poor if you want to get in

on the end-time transfer." Gloria, that's great. GLORIA:

Thanks, George. GEORGE: That's great. GLORIA: Hallelujah. Glory

to God. GEORGE: "For the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the

righteous." GLORIA: That is just an established fact. GEORGE:

That's an established fact. GLORIA: How do I get into that?

GEORGE: By faith. GLORIA: By faith. "I believe I receive."

GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: "I'm blessed." Hallelujah. I don't

put any limits on the blessing. GEORGE: No limits on the

blessing. GLORIA: George and I'll be right back.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> The Wealth of Evil People with Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons (Air Date 12-14-17) - Duration: 21:28.


Где держать заработанные деньги? - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Где держать заработанные деньги? - Duration: 11:11.


Night Market Munchies - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 3:06.

The best thing in Thailand: smoothies made of fresh fruit

Ice and fresh fruit into a blender - an amazing vitamin boost

And the price here at the night market: 20 baht, which is roughly 50 euro cents

Love it!

I ordered fried basil leaves and squid

I got something like that

It looks like it also has a lot of onion in it

You can't really tell if it's spicy or not before tasting it

Let's find out

Well, this one's not spicy

It kind of tastes like Finnish minced meat sauce

It doesn't seem like it has minced meat in it though

Kind of like a brown sauce

I get a fusion food taste out of this

It's not one of my favorite Thai foods but... It's okay

Here on a night market you don't pay for your food immediately when you order it

But first you take a seat and they'll bring you your food and you pay when you've finished

But if you sit on another stalls table, to join your friends, for example, you'll pay in advance

And here at the table we have spices

They have chili, fish sauce, hot sauce and of course sugar, so you can cut the heat in your food if it's too spicy

Nice and crispy omelet

A pork omelet on top of rice

The rice gets all the nice juices from the pork omelet

The Night Market didn't let me down

It's always nice

40 baht a piece, so about one euro for a meal

Ohh... I'm full!

For more infomation >> Night Market Munchies - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 3:06.


Phát hiện ma lần thứ 2 trong clip của Bảo REN gọi điện cho JANE the Killer - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Phát hiện ma lần thứ 2 trong clip của Bảo REN gọi điện cho JANE the Killer - Duration: 1:45.


Арома-шопинг: Аромашка и Sentio (август 2017) - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Арома-шопинг: Аромашка и Sentio (август 2017) - Duration: 7:32.


JULPYSSEL DAG 14 | slime med glitter: julslime som julgran - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> JULPYSSEL DAG 14 | slime med glitter: julslime som julgran - Duration: 2:45.


YUNGBLUD - Tin Pan Boy - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> YUNGBLUD - Tin Pan Boy - Duration: 3:24.


🎓 Faut-il faire du contenu écrit ou vidéo ? - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 🎓 Faut-il faire du contenu écrit ou vidéo ? - Duration: 4:25.


Poi Spinning Combo Choreography: 2017 Routine - Duration: 16:19.

Hey gang!

Drex here from with a combo for the month of December...sort of.

See, this whole year I had an evil plan.

All those combo tutorials starting in March?

They all fit together like puzzle pieces.

They're all choreographed to the same song and they come together to produce one full

poi routine to one of my favorite songs.

In this video, you're going to learn how all these pieces fit together and be able

to perform the full routine yourself.

Before we dive in, I just want to take a moment to give a shout out to the friends of the


Big thanks to Dark Monk, Emazing Lights, Flowtoys, Spinballs, and Ultra Poi for helping to make

the videos on this channel possible.

You can visit them all on the web by following the links down in the description of this


So, let's start off with two pieces: the song we're spinning to and the order in

which all the pieces fit together.

All of the combos I've done this year are actually set to the same song: "Leave an

Open Door" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers.

I've blocked out this song into 12 different sections based upon where I hear the dynamics

of the song changing.

What exactly is blocking?

I just did a video on this Tuesday.

Click on the link in the description or cards if you're watching on YouTube to learn what

this is and how to do it.

So the blocking and choreographic pieces break down as such: From the start of the song till

17 seconds in is the intro.

This is covered in my March combo.

The first verse lasts from 18 seconds to 33 seconds and is the Intermediate combo from


The long combo from May takes up both the first chorus as well as the second verse from

34 seconds to 59 seconds.

The first combo from November is performed during the second chorus between one minute

and a minute and 15 seconds.

The second November combo is between a minute 16 and a minute 32, which I'm referring

to as the song's first bridge.

We actually return to the March combo for the third chorus between a minute 33 and a

minute 49.

There's a build up to the second bridge between a minute 50 and two minutes and six

seconds--this is the beginner combo from July.

Next we have the second bridge from two minutes and 7 seconds to two minutes and 22 seconds

that features the Intermediate Combo from August.

Our third bridge happens at two minutes and 23 seconds and lasts until two minutes and

40 seconds and it uses the Advanced combo from October.

Our last two sections are the solo between two minutes and 41 seconds up till two minutes

and 58 seconds which features our beginner combo from September.

We finish it off with a part that's both the fourth chorus as well as the outro starting

at two minutes and 59 seconds.

This is a variation on the March combo that we're going to add a little bit to in this


So...that's a lot.

I've got a chart made up that you can download at the link in the description or you can

just follow along as I describe it.

I've also included a link to a playlist of all the combos used for this full routine

in the description as well as cards on YouTube.

Let's talk about the cues to be listening for to be able to put all these pieces together.

The March combo is already set to this music so I'm not going to go over the cues again.

Here it is for review.

For the April combo, do the first stall on "I" and the second stall on "light"

in that first line.

The second pair of stalls are on "all around," which is why they're double time.

Stall up with the right hand on "silouette."

Pirouette through the lyric "open door."

There's no cue for the snake or isolation, but do the first stall out is on "ain't"

and the second one happens immediately after "caught it yet."

Do the Yuta stall on "behind you" before doing the pendulum stalls.

Here's what that whole combo should look like.

[Music] I can see the light all around your silhouette

Leave an open door behind you My heart went running after you

But I ain't caught it yet Leave an open door behind you

Moving onto the May combo, the pendulum behind the head happens on the one beat under the

first lead guitar lick and the little together same spin happens on the four.

Do the Yuta stall on the lyric "open door."

There's no cue for the pendulum stall, but make sure to stall out your right hand on

4 beat of that measure.

Wrap the poi around your hands and float them up to start the stack at the beginning of

the line "sing about the dawn."

Make the first stall happen on "dawn."

You'll get to the two poi stalling together on "night."

The windmill comes on "open" and the pirouette on "behind you."

The timing is a little tricky on the together same antispin flower, but more or less you're

looking to start it on "dark" and try to hit a flower petal on each syllable.

Right hand stalls out on "see" and left hand stalls out on "light."

The stalls out to the side happen on the word "open."

The two hands stall out on "behind" and the right hand poi stalls over to the left

on the next beat.

Here's all that set to the music.

[Music] Leave an open door

Sing about the dawn In the middle of the night

Leave an open door behind you Stumble through the dark

So that we might see the light Leave an open door behind you

Now we move on to the first November combo.

Do the tuck turn on the guitar lick and stall the poi on each of the next two beats as your

level drops.

The stall up happens on the next guitar lick.

There's no cue for the jump but the corkscrew happens on "open."

Do the pas de bourree on "leave an open door" and each of the next four stalls on

the next four beats.

Do the shrink and expand back out with enough time to be spread out when the next lyric

hits, starting the second combo from November.

Here's all that to the music.

[Music] Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

You're trying to hit each and every petal of the flowers and Zan's Diamond using a

double time feel with the song.

Think one-and-two-and-three-and-four-and as you're doing it.

This is going to be very tricky and will probably require a lot of practice.

There's no cue for the jump or corkscrew, but as you're straightening up, your stalls

out should land on the long, drawn out "on" lyric.

Take the last two steps and then shuffle back to center stage as fast as you can.

Here's that set to the music.

[Music] Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Here we repeat the phrase from March with the exact same musical cues: the windmills

happen on the high lead guitar lick and the crosser happens on the low lead guitar lick.

It should look like this.

[Music] Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you

This next quietly building part is the beginner combo from July.

Think that you're going to switch focus on every one of the major lyric cues.

Weave right on "destitution" then left on "persecution."

Windmill on "absolution" and back to the left on "retribution."

Pulse weave right on "revolution" with a pulse on every other syllable.

Think "REvoLUtion" for the emphasis.

Pulse weave left on "restitution" again doing the pulses as "REStiTUtion" and

then pulse weave up on "ABsoLUtion" and spiral wrapping on "evolution."

Here's that set to the music.

[Music] Destitution...








Getting into the August Combo, stall out on "mother" and do turns on "father,"

"sister," and "brother."

Stall out on "hope."

Do the stall chaser to the right on the first syllable of "another."

There's no real cue for the stall chaser back to the left, but the bottom petal of

the opposites antispin flower comes on "lower."

The top of the corkscrew comes on "we hold" and the pirouette on "inside of their cage."

You're going to have to zip into stalling the corkscrew out to the sides and starting

the opposites antispin flower at the top of the October combo right at the beginning of

"carry on."

Here's that previous section to the music.

[Music] Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, We never run out of hope when we love one


When they raise the price of bread When they lower the wage

Together we hold our key inside of their cage!

As we enter the October combo, we switch again to a double-time feel: one-and-two-and-three-and-four-and.

That's really all there is to it in this section.

Just get all the pieces in as fast as you can and hold onto the isolation when you get


Here's this full section with music.

[Music] Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

That first bent guitar note of the solo is the cue to do the inspin throw that starts

off the September combo.

Again there's not much in the way of cues here as you do the archer weave, waistwraps,

and spiral wraps.

But you do want to do the final stall out on the last beat of the solo before all the

instruments drop out.

Here's what that will look like.

For the outro, we're going to start off with the phrase from March and all the cues

are exactly the same.

The outro is twice as long, though, so we're going to add a little to this phrase.

On the first beat after the phrase ends, stall the left hand poi back over next to the right

hand and stall the right hand out, opening to the audience on the second beat.

Do an opposites antispin flower with each petal on a beat--down, across, up, stalling

out and going into a 4-beat corkscrew.

Do a full turn on the word "behind" and come to rest facing stage right.

Your right hand wrapped in front of you and your left hand behind.

Slowly look up toward the audience.

And that's the full routine!

Here's that last bit with the music.

[Music] Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you


We've got all the individual pieces now, so here's the full routine with the music.

[Music] I can see the light all around your silhouette

Leave an open door behind you My heart went running after you

But I ain't caught it yet Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door

Sing about the dawn In the middle of the night

Leave an open door behind you Stumble through the dark

So that we might see the light Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you









Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, We never run out of hope when we love one


When they raise the price of bread When they lower the wage

Together we hold our key inside of their cage!

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Great work!

This full piece is a lot to learn but I'll wager you'll pick up a lot of interesting

ideas for transitions along the way.

Hopefully this is something you feel proud to have learned and are excited to perform

at some point.

It took a very long time to write and I'm sure it'll take a little bit of time to

learn as well.

Thank you for sticking with it and learning all these pieces!

You can show me your version of this pattern by shooting video and posting it to Instagram

with the hashtag #drexfactorpoi.

Thanks so much for watching.

If you got anything out of this video, please hit that like and subscribe button to help

my channel grow!

Special thanks to all my awesome supporters on Patreon--you guys are the ones that make

these videos possible.

If you're not a current backer and would like to sign up to support the work that I

do, please go to

Thanks again and peace!

For more infomation >> Poi Spinning Combo Choreography: 2017 Routine - Duration: 16:19.


Jólabókaflóð | Vlogmas - Duration: 5:21.

What better time to do this than on the first day of the Holiday Adventure-a-thon?

Hello, I'm Rogan and welcome to Vlogmas day 13! Let me preface the video with this:

I LOVE Iceland and really want to visit/live there for MANY reasons, chief of all being this tradition.

You might be wondering what the gibberish is in the title. If you haven't already guessed, it's Icelandic!

[fingerspelling in Icelandic] and Jólabókaflóð is how you would sign it in Icelandic, I believe.

I tried reaching out to some Icelanders but didn't get a reply before making this video,

so I'm hoping I'm right or at least close!

Roughly translated to English, it means Christmas Book Flood. Isn't that great?

For the rest of this video, I'll be taking a lot from a NPR article, which I'll link below.

Small disclaimer, this article is from 2012, so there may be some outdated information.

I'll also link another more recent article.

In the United States, popular holiday gifts come and go from year to year.

But in Iceland, the best Christmas gift is a book — and it has been that way for decades.

Iceland publishes more books per capita than any other country in the world,

with five titles published for every 1,000 Icelanders.

But what's really unusual is the timing:

Historically, a majority of books in Iceland are sold from late September to early November.

"The culture of giving books as presents is very deeply rooted in how families perceive Christmas as a holiday,"

says Kristjan B. Jonasson, president of the Iceland Publishers Association.

"Normally, we give the presents on the night of the 24th and people spend the night reading.

In many ways, it's the backbone of the publishing sector here in Iceland."

Today, Icelandic isn't spoken by many more people than the roughly 335,000 who live in the small country.

But in 2009, book loans at the Reykjavík City Library totaled 1.2 million — in a city of only 200,000 people.

There's a popular TV show in Iceland, Kiljan, which is devoted entirely to books. (I need this in my life!)

And in 2011, Reykjavík was designated a UNESCO City of Literature.

In the US and UK, most book sales come from a small number of people buying a lot of books (hi, it me).

Everyone else buys maybe one book a year, if that. But in Iceland, most people buy several books a year.

"There is some kind of a myth that people like to tell here, that every Icelander dreams about writing a book,"

Jonasson says. "And sort of 50 percent of those who dream of it actually do it.

Before they die they try one way or another to write a book."

In addition, many self-publish, it's very common in Iceland.

The Book Flood tradition dates to World War II, when strict currency restrictions limited the amount

of imported giftware in Iceland.

"The restrictions on imported paper were more lenient than on other products, so the book emerged as

the Christmas present of choice. And Icelanders have honored the tradition ever since,"

Hildur Knutsdottir writes.

The Flood begins with the release of Bókatíðindi,

a catalog of new publications from the Iceland Publishers Association distributed free to

every Icelandic home. But this catalog isn't like a phone catalog that everybody ignores.

People actually pay attention to books.

Bryndís Loftsdottir, project manager for Icelandic books at the book chain Penninn-Eymundsson,

says that until about 20 years ago, paperbacks were rare because Icelanders didn't see books

as something to be read and bought cheaply.

The success of translated Scandinavian crime fiction has made paperbacks more common today,

Loftsdottir says. But the industry and Icelanders have been slow to move to e-books.

Part of the reason is a consequence of dealing with a language that's not widely spoken. But it's also cultural.

"The book in Iceland is such an enormous gift, you give a physical book.

You don't give e-books here," Loftsdottir says.


It's getting dark. That's all I have for you about Jólabókaflóð today!

What about you? Would you want to live in Iceland? Let me know!

If you want to support my content financially, I have Patreon and ko-fi. Subscribe to this channel.

Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Thanks for watching, see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Jólabókaflóð | Vlogmas - Duration: 5:21.


Road Signs in the US (In Depth, English Vocabulary) - Part 1 - Duration: 1:15.

Hello, my name is Sohrab.

Probably you have the same problem as I do with the road signs.

I know, They are confusing.

But guess what, I am here to help you out.

Besides, If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Subscribe to our website, to get the free lessons.

Let's watch a video, shall we?

Stop Sign, It's a sing to notify the drivers to come to a full stop before proceeding.

Failure to stop results in getting a ticket.

Slippery Road, It's a warning sign to notify the drivers about the pavement conditions.

No U-Turn, Drivers are not allowed to go in the opposite direction.

U-Turns are often prohibited for various reasons.

Handicapped Parking Only, It's a parking spot for people with disabilities.

For more infomation >> Road Signs in the US (In Depth, English Vocabulary) - Part 1 - Duration: 1:15.


Die BESTE Soundbar! - Teufel Cinebar One (+) Unboxing und TEST I Techcheck - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Die BESTE Soundbar! - Teufel Cinebar One (+) Unboxing und TEST I Techcheck - Duration: 5:44.


How to prevent high cholesterol | Tomato juice to prevent high cholesterol - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> How to prevent high cholesterol | Tomato juice to prevent high cholesterol - Duration: 2:21.


10 Famous Bollywood And Television Celebrities Who Had An Arranged Marriage - Duration: 2:21.

10 Famous Bollywood And Television Celebrities Who Had An Arranged Marriage

For more infomation >> 10 Famous Bollywood And Television Celebrities Who Had An Arranged Marriage - Duration: 2:21.


RED BALL cartoon game for kids GUMMY HART vs ZOMBIES kids game RED BALL 4 - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> RED BALL cartoon game for kids GUMMY HART vs ZOMBIES kids game RED BALL 4 - Duration: 8:53.


Minecraft Christmas Skit: Part 2 - Duration: 6:58.


Augh, I didn't sleep very well...

Really need to do something about these lights...

I need to take them down, because it's affecting me sleep.

And that's not good!

Ah man...


Let's see...

Uh, what should I do today?

Hey guys...


You know what...

I think I'm gonna make a video.

I haven't made a video in ages, so I think I'll take the time now...

For more infomation >> Minecraft Christmas Skit: Part 2 - Duration: 6:58.


#HowDoYouFan Compilation | @fandommattersaf - Duration: 11:17.

Hi, I'm Amanda. Welcome back to my channel, Fandom Matters. Over the past year I have

gotten to interview some really amazing creators in my #HowDoYouFan series.

These people have been video creators, professors, writers, webseries directors,

musicians, actresses, activists, teachers, podcasters, and more. Something they all

have in common is that they are proud nerds and they love creating. Here are

some of my curated favorite moments from the series so far and don't forget to

like and subscribe to see more nerdy video content.

Alright, if you're asking about the nerd credentials. Yes,

bring it on. I don't know how far to go and how deep

into deep but I was one of the original members of the Boston Japanimation Club

in the mid-eighties. It is without doubt that my absolute dedication to, even as a

dyslexic, reading the, The Lord of the Rings as a young person that resulted in

my eventually moving away from science and into the humanities and the fact

that I'm a professor who teaches in the humanities now is directly relevant and

related to my interest in and fandom participation with Star Wars and and

Lord of the Rings and then the Harry Potter series. I will say though that

those books actually encouraged me to stick with science because they

showed a lot of people working very hard to master their magic, which felt a lot

like what I was doing in the chemistry lab. I didn't really get into them [Harry Potter] until

probably around the time book 3 was coming out and so I was still in school

and it was so exciting to be reading about Hermione, frankly, you know somebody

who was a little bit of a different sort, right? Because she wasn't wizard born but

she came in to Hogwarts and she said aright, I don't care what you guys are

gonna think of me. I'm gonna raise my hand. I'm gonna answer this question. I'm

gonna do, do my homework and then some. "When in doubt go to the library." And so I

found that to be particularly exciting to me to have a whole community of

people that were getting interested in these books and also into that

character, to be like okay, yeah it's, it's, it's cool but it's also really helpful

and necessary to delve deeply into your studies and it's alright to want to

learn more. I think our society often says that we want to be average. Why

would you want to be average when you can be spectacular. I am the creator,

director, and showrunner of Hermione Granger and the Quarter Life Crisis which is a

webseries about Hermione Granger moving to Los Angeles and restarting her life

on her 25th birthday. My projects are influenced by my fandoms but in the

sense of it's my voice, you know, and sense of that these are the things that

I'm interested in, so when I create original stories, it's still - I like

fantasy-based things. And everything that she's [Hermione] about feels so similar to me and

so I've just always identified with her and I so, I don't even know that I made a

choice for her to be the focus so much as I was reading a fanfiction, had the

idea to do the show, and it was never a question of it being about anybody else

and as far as the quarter life crisis, even that again was kind of true to life

and it's because last year when I first had the idea to do the show, I did feel

like I was... I'm a little past the official age of a quarter life crisis

but I definitely felt... I felt a little unstable and I felt like I didn't have

solid ground underneath my feet and part of me dealing with that and kind of

working through that was to pour it into the show and because

we're so similar you know just thinking about because I never agreed with the

epilogue first of all. I never, I never believed that was how her life

ended up. I'm a Gryffindor and I'm the founder of heroine training, which is an

online personal development school inspired by literature. I'm a fan of

Harry Potter, Disney, Punch-drunk immersive theater productions, and

competitive reality television, especially Survivor/ When I was growing

up, my family moved around a lot and magically, every summer that we moved to

a new home, a new Harry Potter book would also come out, and so during a summer

where I would have nothing to do and I wouldn't know anyone in my new

neighborhood yet I got to go back to my consistent home which was Hogwarts and

for me fiction was never an escape, it was always part of my reality and it

wasn't until later when I started to learn more about personal development

that I realized I had already learned a lot of lessons through literature,

through the characters setting examples and through the challenges and the

mistakes that they made that I learned from myself. I want to bridge that gap

between fantasy and reality and celebrate fiction as more than just

somewhere we escape to but somewhere that informs our own realities. I've been

I think fairly lucky to interact mostly with convention spaces that are at least

somewhat aware of the factors that are necessary for accessibility but it's

definitely been a process and a different experience from con to con. The

part that's more difficult to deal with even when the organizers have a good

grasp on accessibility, there are often really prevalent attitudes from

attendees that make it very difficult for that to actually carry over to

meaningful accessibility. I think a lot of people do have good intentions with

accessibility but aren't really aware of what problems people can face, so I think

what I wanted to get to was kind of showcasing different people's

experiences - my own as well as other people's in terms of accessibility and

what works and what doesn't. I'm half of the podcast Fansplaining. The other

half is Elizabeth Minkle. We talk about fan culture, what's going on. I'm also a

fan fiction writer. Lately I've been writing a lot about One Direction. In my

day job, I work in Hollywood. I basically explain fans to Hollywood, sometimes I

like to say. When I was in X-Files fandom, there was only one When I was in the

Harry Potter fandom, there was only one. But over time I've sort of gotten into

more things and become more interested in sort of taking a generally fannish

attitude toward the world as opposed to being like particularly super obsessed

with a single thing and there can be nothing else, if that makes sense. Fans take

something outside of them and tell stories about it, get engaged with it,

respond to it, talk back to it in a way that, generally speaking, is not

encouraged by capitalism, right?There's an idea that that you should be making

something that is sellable on your own, and fans are like no, we don't want to

make something necessarily that's sellable. We want to make something that

continues a cultural conversation that someone else started and that's what we

value. I'm an education researcher, vlogger, videographer, and motion graphics

artist. I also manage the daily operations for The

Road to Nerdfighteria, a worldwide multimedia project in which Nerdfighters share

their stories on how they became Nerdfighters and how the community has

shaped their lives. When people talk about how Nerdfighteria gave them a community

when they were really lonely or how inspired their love of learning and

storytelling, or how it gave them a platform to speak for marginalized

people, those hit me the hardest because I identify with those stories. Seeing John

and Hank use online video to share stories and encourage community building

inspired me to make my own videos. Well I'm an actress and I am the co host and

producer of Book Jawn Podcast. Book Jawn Podcast Podcast is a book and publishing podcast

that's like dedicated to talking about books and book adaptations, everything in

the publishing industry through the lens of social justice, feminism, and fandom so

both me and my co-host Sarah are big Harry Potter fans and other, you know,

fangirls towards things so we wanted to keep it kind of casual and social

justice oriented. I'm so defined by being a fan. It's hard to say, like it goes

beyond like specific things I love, like whether it's Game of Thrones or right

now A Series of Unfortunate Events is coming out on Netflix! I know I'm so

excited. I'm so excited. Or even Harry Potter, it's like almost like the lifestyle of being a

geek and being in geek culture transcends the individual things that

I'm obsessed with at the time, like the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas,

which I'm obsessed with. Harry Potter is not just a book series anymore. It's my

group of friends and the way that I see the world and sort through people's

characteristics. I fully recognize and understand that by wanting Hollywood to

be more diverse that means I want something taken away from me. Like, that's

what this is about. The world that I live in doesn't look like a Hollywood movie. I

started my wizard rock band Tonks and the Aurors in 2007. It's actually

easier for me to get inspired often by hearing a story than

actually experiencing it myself. I think it's just this weird like empathy

reaction that I immediately have so I study a lot about empowering women and

minorities to create and the activists find that empowerment in their life and

for me I've never really been afraid to be the first to do something. From the

beginning it was, I'm gonna do this because no one else is and because if I

don't do this the way I want to do it, I won't love it. Because I'm on the scene, I

can't tell you how many people have said, who you are is so different from what

we've heard all along that it's inspired me to get there. So, empowerment really

comes from seeing that blank space and pushing myself to fulfill it, or to

find someone to fill it. I am the director of Wizard-Muggle relations at

the Harry Potter Alliance. Yes, that is my actual full-time job. When I am not

working to better the lives of wizards and muggles alike, I also post YouTube

videos on my own channel where I make videos about social justice and nerd

culture and what happens when you put tacos on a waffle iron, I was actually

really into The Wizard of Oz, um, not just the movie but like all of the original

books by L. Frank Baum. There's actually 14 original Oz books and I like read all

of them and I was in the Royal Club of Oz which was one of those like mail away

like newsletter things you got like a certificate say here in the club. Fandom

has really given me a lens through which to explore all different types of art

and projects that I don't think I would have otherwise and also helped me feel

welcomed and encouraged to try making my own and fandom tends to be a big

gathering point for a lot of queer and trans people. I know it was a huge saving

grace for me when I was grappling with my own gender identity, so I think the

more opportunities we have for people in fan communities to share their own

stories, the better.

For more infomation >> #HowDoYouFan Compilation | @fandommattersaf - Duration: 11:17.


Happy holidays from UWM! - Duration: 1:17.

Every important event starts with a small step. Can I open the door for

you? A small act of kindness can build into another, manifesting into

life-changing chains of reaction.

Looks like you're out of paper. I am out of paper. Thanks very much! You're welcome.

At UWM, the little things truly bind us together,

uniting us in a culture of kindness, acceptance and inclusivity that can't

help that pour beyond our campus borders and into our community and well beyond.

Hey! Look at what you brought me! Pictures from Make a Difference Day.

We had 600 students participate this year. So neat that they volunteered

68,000 hours. May you and yours be touched this holiday season by the

spirit of love, generosity and kindness and throughout the new year.

For more infomation >> Happy holidays from UWM! - Duration: 1:17.


Bloopies! #CydneyBCC - Duration: 7:24.

yes, it's the first double pant's opportunity of the season

bottom layer the comfy layer top layer the warm layer oh hey

say what you mean out loud, squeaky singing yes yes that's deodorant on my shirt

I know as this goes on I just get uglier

okay I think we landed here

let me try one more thing

yeah, she's gettin you! she's gettin you!

Good morning crazy baby butt! good morning! did you sleep good? What you guys doin?

what are you and daddy doing?

yeah? haha

jump! jump!


jump! jump!

go baby

uh oh! baby get daddy's nose get daddy's nose baby

jump-jump-jump go baby

you get daddy's nose baby


cute girl! this is what morning's in our house

looks like go baby baby go get daddy's nose

oh! gotta be soft!

your finger use your finger! nose! on daddy's nose

you got the camera out

yeah I know she's shy

I want this to be my vlog today cause see so tute!- you are the tutest!

tutest crazy kid

oh no! you're nakee

can mommy have a kiss? can mommy have a kiss?

you wanna film okay you film. you can film.

there you go film good look at daddy point the camera at daddy

there you go! yeah! good job you got it look! like this move it around you move it around see

daddy mommy daddy you got it! mommy mom! yes?

oh ! oh no! are you ok?

come here! you want me to kiss it better

no? are you just going to lay down? you're ok! you are ok baby! you just didn't gage the distance between the camera and

from your face Oh whoo why you got a cookie sheet in here crazy

give daddy a kiss I love you daddy, I'm sorry

Oh daddy

baby can I have some kisses? can you give mom a kiss?

oh! where's the baby? There she is!

oh! where's the baby? There she is!

oh! where's the baby? There she is!

Where's daddy?

get him baby! where's daddy?

There he is!

where's daddy?

there he is!

guess who needs a butt change?


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