Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 14 2017

should you allow your dog to be involved with your baby or your child that's

what's coming up in today's 2-minute Thursdays

hello dog lover my name is Saro I'm a dog trainer also coach dog owners if

this is your first time welcome and if you want to become an educated dog lover

and have a healthy well behaved balanced and happy dog consider subscribing to my

channel and hit the bell icon as well so you will get notification as

soon as I post my next video so in this video I'm going to talk about babies or

kids and dogs should you mix them up together should you allow them to hang

out together or not the reality is no matter how good you think your dog is

and how well-behaved it is it is just not a good idea or it's not fair to mix

your dog with your baby or your kids that's because dogs and babies or

kids are unpredictable they can do things without you knowing and

anticipating which are going to cause your dog or you your kids to do

something that can harm each other basically it's not fair to for both

sides to be involved together and anticipate or wait for something to go

really wrong and at the end the dog pays for it and you have to go through the

all the unnecessary traumas that you have to witness and take care of in my

opinion kids are not ready to have or be with dogs until that dog is completely

trained and completely under control when you feel that you have a hundred

percent control over your dog then may be a good idea to have your dog involved

and mixed with your baby or your kid for instance your baby doesn't really need

to be face to face with a dog or your dog doesn't have to be face to face with

your baby in order for you to feel that bonding and they're getting along dogs

can smell and sense your baby from far away they don't really need to be in the

same room either so I highly suggest to separate your baby or your kids from

your dog until you have a hundred percent control over your dog don't let

your dog in the same room as the baby is staying or sleeping this is just a peace

of mind for you to have a safe area for your baby you can install baby gates

or use ex-pans to block the room or the area that your baby is staying and if

you're really desperate to include your dog with your baby or kids try to invest

a lot of time training and managing and controlling your dog till you have 100%

control over your dog recently I made a video about introducing a new dog or new

pet to your current dog is the same concept by the way I'm going to link

that video right here you can go ahead and watch it the same concept applies

here you have to have a hundred percent control over your current dog in order

to bring another pet or a baby or a kid so invest in training your dog to the

point that you feel confident and comfortable to have your dog around your

baby or kids remember you have limited control over your baby's actions but you

also have to have 100% control over your dog's actions and that only happens if

you invest the time and effort and if you don't have the time to invest in

your dog don't feel bad not mixing or allowing

your dog around your baby or your kids take your time and introduce them when

you're ready when your dog is ready and the last tip that I have is the way you

can figure out if your dog is ready to be mixed or be among your baby or your

kids is by testing it when you bring your dog in the same room or near the

same room and you see that your dog is just not focused on you and is not

paying attention to you and it's just focused on the baby that means that dog

is not ready to be mixed with your baby yet you must have complete control of

your dog your dog needs to pay hundred percent attention to you in order to be

allowed to get near your baby if you have any questions leave those questions

in the comments area and I'll address them as soon as possible or in my next

video if you like this video give it a thumbs up share and comment and remember

if you want to have a well-behaved dog well-adjusted balanced healthy and happy

dog consider subscribing to my channel and hit the bell icon as well I'll see

you next time and until next time have fun with your dog

For more infomation >> Dogs and babies or kids. Should you mix dogs with kids? - Duration: 5:27.


Candy crush saga LEVEL 5-6-7-8.Xếp hình thú vị.Jim Yosef - Firefly NCS Release - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> Candy crush saga LEVEL 5-6-7-8.Xếp hình thú vị.Jim Yosef - Firefly NCS Release - Duration: 8:44.


Making Machines Speak - with David Pye - Duration: 5:10.

In 1928 a man called Paget gave some lectures here at the RI and we have his

original apparatus, which is here, exactly as he left it in which the whole of

voice sounds are imitated by purely mechanical means.

This is the lungs. They force air up through the windpipe.

This is the larynx; it's just an organ pipe reed.


Now babies of course start by making a noise something like that and then they

learn to manipulate their tongues and lips to make different noises see if

I can imitate some baby noises..


And as they practice making sounds and

speech better then they shape their mouths into specific shapes. For instance

this one is a tube exactly as made by Paget with two cavities representing the

positions before and behind the tongue. When you put that on and it should make

an "eh" sort of noise.



I'm trying to say "baby" on it.


All by moving the tongue to

change the proportions of the two parts of the mouth we can get "ah".

Okay, "mama".


That is a simple voice synthesiser. These days, though, a voice synthesiser

can be made very much better by doing all those functions but doing them electronically.

Over here we have a good voice synthesiser..

and it has been trained in the first demonstration by having

phrases spoken at it by a real person, in a real voice, and those sounds have not

been recorded but they've been analysed so the instructions to a synthesiser have been stored.

Here is the first message spoken by a real person but stored only as instructions to a voice synthesiser.

[SYNTHESISER] "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

A different person said..

[SYNTHESISER] "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

And the lady's voice said..

[SYNTHESISER] "Sorry for the delay please wait for dial tone".

That last message gives you a clue that this demonstration has been provided

from the research labs of British Telecom.


In another demonstration, though, we can get this voice synthesiser

to read actual type. Could I have your name please?

[GIRL] Rachel Borer.

[PYE] Boyer?

[GIRL] Borer.

[PYE] Borer. Rachel Borer. Let's type that in and see how it gets on.

[SYNTHESISER] "Rah-chel Boh-rer".


Of course the English language is notoriously difficult to

spell and pronounce and this machine is now being fed just with letters of the

alphabet to see what it can make of it. What's your name please?

In the red.

[BOY] Richard Bartlett.

[PYE] Richard Bartlett. Let's try that.

[SYNTHESISER] "Richard Bartlett".

It did rather better at that. Let's try "Bill Coates" shall we?

[SYNTHESISER] "Bill Coh-ates".


It hasn't yet been taught that "oa" is pronounced "oh" so

it pronounces the "a" separately and calls it "Coh-ates".

It also has a message inside itself that it would like to give you if I...

ask it now to give its own message.

[SYNTHESISER] "Thank you for letting me speak at the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures".


For more infomation >> Making Machines Speak - with David Pye - Duration: 5:10.


3 Cách Sinh Con Theo Ý Muốn Hiệu Quả Nhất Năm 2018 - Sinh Con Trai Theo Ý Muốn - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> 3 Cách Sinh Con Theo Ý Muốn Hiệu Quả Nhất Năm 2018 - Sinh Con Trai Theo Ý Muốn - Duration: 11:24.


DO NOT WATCH! - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> DO NOT WATCH! - Duration: 1:24.


ÇIĞIRTMA gül kələmindən - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> ÇIĞIRTMA gül kələmindən - Duration: 3:02.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E16 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:35.

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss it!

Today, we're exploring the seventy sixth episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as

well as the sixteenth episode of Season 2, titled "Beauty and the Beast".

We begin at the Youth Center where Kimberly is looking longingly at an ugly ass mirror

that apparently Tommy won for her at a carnival while Billy tries to move in on Tommy's


On the moon, Goldar bellows about how the Rangers suck without Tommy, so Zedd decides

to target Kim to become his queen because that's not creepy at all.

Kim says she needs to shake this gloomy mood, and she sees an ad in the newspaper about

a fortune teller named Madam Swampy, who can see the future, and she decides that's the

best plan of action to find out about Tommy?

He's not dead, Kim.


Her and Billy and leave as Billy says "I have to stop and get my rollerblades, k?"

in the sassiest tone ever.

Bulk and Skull come into harass the workers for food, and they see the ad, taking the

newspaper and running so that they can find out who the Power Rangers are.

Apparently, they beat Billy and Kim to Madam Swampy, and they enter through beaded curtains

to meet with Mimi from the Drew Carey Show.

They're short on cash, and all they want to know is who the Power Rangers are, so she

gives them a map that will lead them to something that will make them happy.

On the moon, Zedd commands Goldar to retrieve the pink ranger to "bring her to the dark

side" and Goldar says he's going to train her well?


Outside the trailer park where Madam Swampy resides, Kim is there alone before she's

attacking Goldar and putties.

Where the hell is Billy?

Goldar manhandles Kim and explains that she's going to be Zedd's new queen, and he roofies

her with gold glitter, knocking her out.

There's something really… uncomfortable about how Goldar just picks up an unconscious

Kim and leaves.

We see that she dropped the mirror Tommy gave her, and of course, Zedd turns it into a monster

known as Mirror Maniac.

Zack and Billy are roller blading in the parking by the beach, talking about Jason is not there

because whatever.

They get alerted from Zordon about something happening, so they teleport there to meet

up with Trini.

Zordon fills them in on how he just watched Kim get dateraped by a monkey in gold armor,

and how he doesn't know where the cave where Kim is.

Zedd sees Richie and Curtis rollerblading as well through the park, and Zedd decides

to attack… them with putties?


They're not Power Rangers, dude.

What the hell are you doing?

The alarms go off at the Command Center, and Billy, Zack, and Trini see what's going

on with Richie and Curtis, so they split up.

Zack will handle the putties, while Billy and Trini morph to rescue Kim.

Billy asks an obvious question: what about Jason?

According to Zordon, the mountains that Jason is visiting are shielding him from their signal???


It's morphin time for Billy and Trini who run toward the cave to be stopped by putties.

Zack shows up in the park to help Curtis and Richie, and we cut between the two putty fights

repeatedly to see that they're happening simultaneously, which is kind of cool and

different for this show.

Billy and Trini win and run into the cave while Zack meets up with Curtis and Richie,

and Richie explains that the putties are on the news all the time.

In the cave, Baboo, Squatt and Goldar yell at Kim to become Zedd's new queen, and she's

given Rita's old clothes?

Her morpher and communicator are taken away by the villains, so apparently, the spell

never even worked, so Kim acts like Rita, showing that Amy Jo Johnson is literally the

only actor on this show EARNING that $8.50 an hour.

Billy and Trini run in, and Billy takes on Goldar before the three bail.

Zedd is obviously angry that his plan sucks, so he sends Mirror Maniac down to attack the

city by firing lasers at buildings.

Billy, Kim, and Trini are caught up on the situation, and apparently, Alpha got in contact

with Jason who is now with Zack and are now on their way to the park to fight the Mirror

Maniac, so Kim morphs.

The five rangers are all together, and of course, they can only fight putties while

Mirror Maniac yells from off screen.

There's an awesome scene where the Pink Ranger goes an awesome aerial kick against

a putty that really shows that the stunt people on this show are way better than anyone ever

gives them a chance to be.

After beating the putties, Zedd just makes Mirror Maniac grow because he literally has

no other option in this hell called Season 2, so the Rangers call out the Thunderzords,

forming the Thunder Megazord.

Then, we see that the giant Mirror Maniac clearly has a shattered mirror center now,

but we just ignore it as there's a boring ass Megazord fight that ends literally quicker

than it began thanks to the Thunder Saber.

RIP ugly ass carnival mirror from that one dude with long hair.

At the Youth Center, Kim can't find the mirror Tommy gave her as she sits with Zack

and Billy.

Curtis comes up, giving Kim the mirror while Bulk and Skull waltz in, explaining that the

map has taken them to the Youth Center.

Billy picks it up after their defeat to see that the back of the map leads to a free protein

muffin at the Juice Bar.

Bulk and Skull say fuck it, and they take their free muffins, but it's actually a

free muffin when you buy lunch.

They have no money, so Ernie just gives them aprons because now they have to wash dishes?

This episode is the epitome of Season 2.

Austin St. John is only ever seen in the opening credits.

The monster can't fight the Rangers hand-to-hand, so there's a lot of putty fights.

In-suit Trini sounds like a white girl attempting an Asian girl accent, but then she just gives

up halfway through, and Richie and Curtis get more screen time than Thuy Trang.

It's rough as hell, but next time, things start to change a bit for us.

Until then, may the power protect you!

For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E16 - Episode Review - Duration: 5:35.


THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO SUCCESS by Tai Lopez (Motivational Videos for Success in Life) - Duration: 37:58.

and I realize we're set up for failure

because we think we're going north but

we're going south

that's why 50% of people who get married


80% of businesses fail that's why 30% of

Americans are on some form of

antidepressant medication that's why 60

70 percent of people are overweight I

mean in a way we're kind of fucked but

are there like key principles though

that you can use to turn that compass of

north actually points north yes first

one is just like Alcoholics Anonymous

admit you're lost and that one's hard

for people you tell people even for me

sometimes I want to think I'm smart and

I got it all figured out and sometimes

I'm like wait a sec I'm still lost and

not that the acquiescence the the

admittance of the fact that you're still

lost it gets you on track a lot faster

so if you're watching this and you feel

lost it's better to just sit down and be

like I'm lost because the day you admit

you're lost is the day you allow

yourself to be found by people who can

give you a tip but what's what's the

equivalent of that because obviously if

you're an entrepreneur nobody's looking

for you so that's though they are though

who is they are dirt you go to Barnes &

Noble people sell in their books they're

looking for you as a customer so read

read I mean the fuck that people argue

with me on this reading thing and people

argue with me about mentors know just

use your own gut feeling is that how you

learn English when you were 2 years old

you use your gut feeling to start

conjugating verbs no you learn from

other people you learn manners you learn

language you learn all things valuable

you learn to drive from another person

so it doesn't it make sense you learn

life so books are just the mentors who

maybe are dead now you wanna learn about

Steve Jobs

ya know live to teach you but you can

learn through accumulated wisdom and

that's what trust me I meet I very few

powerful businessman I've ever met

don't read a lot Warren Buffett who I

think's the best businessman by far in

the world because doesn't see has 75

companies that he pretty much runs 200

billion in revenue

reads eight hours a day he reads 600 he

said he slowed down in his old age I

only reads 500 pages a day Bill Gates

goes on reading vacations Mark

Zuckerberg just start started a reading

once a week book club on Facebook and

already got a couple million fathers and

now with audio books there's no excuse

you got YouTube videos let this thing

run in the background and it's better if

you can find it I mean better than books

is in-person mentor that's why I do a

podcast tom is on my podcast you're a

smart dude I learn from you like I

learned from you today

I liked your angle on how to get in

physical locations if you launch a

physical product you want to get it in

stores don't be thirsty

like I said Casanova said be the flame

not the moth let them come to you and

that's what you did with quest and now

you sell 1.5 million bars a day that's

good so if you can pick up one gold

nugget whether it's from in-person mint

or whether it's from a book you become

very wealthy and knowledge very quickly

one nugget a day one nugget a day it's

like Charlie Munger Warren Buffett's

business partner said step by step you

get ahead but not necessarily in fast

spurts but you have to prepare for the

fast spurts by learning step by step so

when the day comes and I launch a

physical product I will hopefully be

smart enough and humble enough to be

like I got a sit-down

I've never launched a company that did

1.5 million bars I can download in one

conversation with you like you want to

become like a super computer you just

download smart crap from smart people

and you pick and choose like some people

are like Thai I don't agree with

everything you say I'm like good I don't

agree with everything I say like a year

later I'm like wait I was wrong I

actually saw a very intriguing piece of

content that you did where somebody was

trolling you on Twitter yeah and in in

move that confused the shit out of me

you decided to call him on skype or what

I said let's listen to bait live right

now and you did and you kept asking him

a question that I thought was so spot-on

which he kept refusing to answer but it

was hey you're engaging with me I'm

creating all this content about how I've

done what I've done and instead of going

huh you actually have done something

that's pretty interesting

you're heckling me and instead of being

intrigued by my result

yes and that to me was very interesting

and that that like switch in people's

minds it's either on or off either they

look at somebody else and they go whoa

this guy is doing something right like

holy hell or they try to find a reason

to shut you down not listen to you

discredit you whatever the case might be

I thought that was pretty interesting

talk to us a little bit about that how

often do you see that in people and do

you ever see that mentality and people

who are successful like Drake says if

you don't have haters you ain't poppin

so well in the world you want to pop

you're gonna get hate it's interesting

that this is fascinates me the more

successful beyond my wildest dreams of

my success the more they asked me

questions the last time I saw Elon

Musk's I've had some very interesting

conversations with this guy he's one of

the smartest guys I've ever met

Elon Musk we've talked I'm not close

friend of his by any means but we've

talked that he goes to the same things

he loves Hollywood he's always at

red-carpet things I go to so we're in

the bathroom and he comes in I said hey

you know you on yeah we talked about

books last time he goes oh yeah I

remember you you're the social media guy

goes I got a question for you man do you

think I should use snapchat to grow

Tesla so I was like okay he goes I know

you know about snapchat tell me so I

start talking to him 20 minutes later

but it was a game of Thrones premiere

six and I go what do you think after I

gave my long diatribe he goes I think

you're wrong

but thank you and then he walked off

it's like this guy is so smart I realize

you talk about checkmate I was an idiot

because I should have flipped the

conversation to get him to teach me for

20 minute he walked in the room knowing

what he knew I knew what I knew but he I

gave him all my jewels and he walked

away with them like a smart guy I see

people making fun of the Kardashians I'm

like you gonna make fun of the

Kardashians look Kylie Jenner the

youngest Kardashian in the last 18


done four hundred million dollars in

revenue on lipstick kits and various

make up things with Kylie cosmetics put

that in perspective

Lauria maybelline massive brands it took

them 50 years as an organization with

thousands of employees to do a Kylie

Jenner did by herself at 20 at 18 you're

gonna laugh at the Kardashians do you

have to agree with everything on

Kardashians no but like Abraham Lincoln

said I learned from everybody even if

sometimes it's what not to do so you can

just go into the Kardashians

reverse-engineer their success go I like

this I like this I like this I don't

like that then leave out what you don't

like I've never met a person who's a

deity you dissect anybody and we all are

just it's like Mark Twain said all

humans are like the moon you got your

light side and you have the dark side if

anybody watching wants their whole life

projected up on a screen for the whole

world to watch from birth to today and

you think that it'll be you wouldn't be

embarrassed of a few things you would be

and I'm sure the Kardashians would be

and I'm sure there's things that I look

back on my life on am life you were an

idiot ty but welcome to the idiot place

called planet Earth there's just two

kinds of idiots people who know it and

people who don't and if you're lost just

sit down if you're an entrepreneur sit

down and then reach out from where

you're sitting grab a book here grab

this listen to Tom listen there's so

many source and now we're the most

spoiled generation in the world because

when you and I got started I started

Google AdWords in 2001 okay I was I got

lucky I just stumbled and I was one of

the first people to ever use online

advertising I was in I think the second

month Google AdWords launched and there

was no YouTube videos there was no Perry

Marshall books there was there was

nothing he's just kind of wasted money

to learn now we're the most spoiled

generation everything this computer on

this phone iPhone 7 is more powerful

than the first rocket that put man on

the moon that cost billions of dollars

now we get that for under a thousand

bucks and people are still like I'm lost

yes your loss sit down and an open

Safari and go how to do Google ads and

you're gonna come up let's see what I

come up with AdWords they have their own

tutorial word stream jump if I you got

some paid stuff then you have some free

stuff on HubSpot if you sit in a chair

charlie munger calls it assiduity put

your ass in a chair sit there and focus

without being you know the average

american right now the average first in

the world our attention span has dropped

to five seconds the sad news is the

average goldfish has 6 seconds we're now

competing with goldfish and the goldfish

are winning so if you don't have

assiduity to sit down breed there is no

solution for you you will always be poor

because you'll always be beat by

somebody who's willing to sit in the

chair is there a way for people to build

that discipline yes pain and that's why

I'm not a big believer in delusion you

know you asked me one of the rewiring

things we have to do in this world I'll

tell you one you ever heard this myth

everything happens for a reason so just

accept it well there's kind of truth to

that if I jump off a building and break

my legs yes everything happened for a


the reason was gravity like that's why

you break your legs and physics legs

brittle concrete not brutal so debt but

people interpret everything happens for

a reason be like well I was meant to

learn from that thing and then BS read

Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene one of

the most important books written in the

last century he says organisms that only

learn through trial and error lose to

organisms that can learn through other

people's a trial and error is anybody

here we got a little live audience

anybody here ever had to be hit by a car

to learn to look both ways I did it I

kind of learned from just somebody

telling me big car two tons velocity

smash dead and I now always look both

ways so if you're myth is that the only

way you're gonna learn is just through

massive mistakes in trial and error you

have a read Richards talking book if you

believe in evolution or even you

you believe in creationism or whatever

why do we have big brains because we do

have the biggest brains on planet earth

not always use them but we got the

biggest potential it's to be able to

what Richard Dawkins called project so

you can literally sit in this chair and

predict outcomes without having to do

them like so I can predict if I don't

listen to Tom's advice on how to do a

physical snack bar and get it in the

stores or a physical product by by

playing hard-to-get for a year like you

did then I can predict most likely it's

gonna not go well for me but I can

predict that if I download what you did

it's gonna go better for me

statistically and that skill makes you a

powerful person there we go so explain

though how how does pain allow somebody

to get more disciplined okay so going

back to that myth of when you see your

life and anytime there should be pain

you go no no no no it was just how it

was meant to be

no look yourself in the mirror sometimes

and go you know why I'm not happy it's

because I didn't listen ten years ago

and I got in the wrong career you know

I'm not happy because I married the

wrong damn person it wasn't meant to

happen yes everything happens for a

reason you made a bad choice but it

didn't have to be that way and the

second you build up pain and this by the

way is not my opinion if you talk to

guys like dr. David buss top ten most

cited psychologist in history okay he's

one of my main mentors he told me I said

do adults change like we do all this

self-help videos and podcasts I said am

I wasting my time he goes yeah kind of I

said why he said well after 25 it's very

hard to teach old dogs new tricks by the

way that's why I've changed

most of my stuff targets people 18 to 25

that's why I do snapchat and all that

because there's hope for 18 to 25 volts

now if you're over 25 before you get

depressed he told me but I have good

news for you time I said what he said

adults learn through massive trauma

so you will learn you have to let in

some trauma into your life and that's

rough but no pain no gain like if you

are a hundred pounds overweight and you

want to be able to play basketball

here's my news for you everything

happened for a reason you got fat cuz

you ate too much and you didn't exercise

so welcome to the gym in the first year

is gonna be hell but that pain hopefully

will reprogram your brain that every

time you want to eat that nasty thing go

wait I don't want to go through that

pain again so I think one of the myths

of societies we won't let pain in we

just excuse it all the way like nah that

wasn't meant to happen

oh you wasted 20 years of life and

married the wrong person in the wrong

career no Tom it wasn't meant to happen

where's the people who go you fucked up

you wasted 20 years and you will never

get it back you better go in your room

and cry and the truth is you only learn

as an adult unfortunately most people

can only change when Matt's in trauma

and it was funny I heard this from dr.

buss a couple years ago and I was lucky

enough to sit next to Kobe Bryant for

the last like three games of his career

not the very last one with the three

ones so I sat at the end of the Lakers

bench right next door one his players I

won't say who was having a bad game

free-throws they're lined up the whole

stadium is quiet Kobe Bryant yells out

of him he goes dude you suck and he

wasn't joking

okay it was shocking to me no one could

hear unless you're writing but Kobe

turned to Metta World Peace Ron Artest

who was sitting next to when he goes

this positive reinforcement thing is way

overrated people need to hear the truth

Brian Kelly he turned around and looked

at cock Kobe and I was so impressed he

said I know he literally sat down and

said yep I'm lost this game and I kid

you not the rest of the game he had an e


he scored like 1012 points off the bench

after that and I was I was like see this

Kobe guy gets it he's a winner

you can't always just bring pleasure and

Pat everybody up he didn't say yo Kelly

you're kind of not playing well but you

know it's all happening for a reason but

he relaxed no pressure he just said

dude you suck it was like that and I'm

just going okay this is the real Kobe

can I tell you a fantasy of mine and and

I say this knowing full well that my

employees are listening right now my

fence so I've asked them all to give me

aggressive feedback in real-time to my

face in front of the entire team okay

and the reason that I want that one I

just want to know the truth because it's

the only way I'm gonna get better so I'm

never afraid to look stupid and I'm

certainly not afraid to admit when I'm

lost too I want to set the standard I

want people to see that you should be

able to emotionally deal with somebody

telling you that you suck when you suck

my fantasy is to have that kind of

environment here at impact Theory where

if you're sucking like I you don't need

to go out of your way to be mean but the

pain needs to be felt because I really

believe what you were saying that

certainly has adults and it's probably

true for kids as well you will learn

when it hurts yes and the only like

people but it breaks most people and

this is why people don't use the

strategy most people at the free-throw


Kobe says you suck that ends their

fucking basketball career dude like and

if they were a 14 year old kid and Kobe

came and said you suck 999 out of a

thousand kids break the other one kid

goes on to be the next Kobe Bryant right

so it but I want to be in that world

because it's made me sharper now I came

up in the in the business world not so

in the business world I came apart

I had mentors that were ruthlessly myung

to me and in that process I thought

there are times I fucking hate them so

much I can't see straight but I know

they're making me bad and so I went back

every day every day every day and I

developed this notion that the

entrepreneurs that do the best are the

ones that can self soothe the fastest

yes because I needed to hear it I needed

to know that I sucked then I needed to

go very quickly get my head back on take

that information and improve yeah so one

of the things I was talking about dr.

David buss there's this test called the

dark triad test which again anything

important like this nobody ever learned

it in school because schools are too

stupid to take real powerful science and

apply it to life but the dark triad is a

worldview barometer for everybody

watching you can take it there

different free dark triad tests online

it tests for three main traits negative

qualities narcissism Machiavellianism

and being psychotic and I've personally

tested thousands and thousands of people

it's the most accurate test and what

happens narcissism okay one of the

symptoms of a narcissist it's not just

like oh I like to look in the mirror

right that's what we think of narsil one

of the classic symptoms is very


they're always offended if you have a

friend that anything you say

constructively they fall apart it's

almost always narcissism even if they're

introverted there's multiple forms

there's introverted narcissism

extroverted exploitative all these

different sub facets of narcissism but

we live in a society that's very

narcissistic you're told like everybody

who's a winner

no not everybody's a winner that's like

saying everybody's blonde there's a

definition of what blonde is blonde is

like this yellowish hair so you lose

meaning when you start going where

everybody's blonde

well everybody doesn't win and the

sooner you wake up to that that biology

is ruthless man then you get a little

fear in you and when you get a little

fear in you you start listening because

if you're truly afraid you listen let a

little fear come in and drive you and

motivate you

now what when I was about I don't know

early 20s I was in Mississippi with

these five mentors a guy Allen nation

Gary Townsend dr. Gordon Hazzard all

these guys I really looked up to there

were like 60 years old and there were

the people like the only millionaires

I'd ever met I didn't grow up I was born

in Long Beach Compton kind of area and

never was around anybody who can make a

hundred grand a year so I meet these

guys up there like come we're going on a

hunting trip in Mississippi I go down

there and you know where these lodges

cabins and then we're having hot dogs

over the fire and they start drinking a

little bit there were normally nice you

know kind of southerners and they kind

of got me they're like so what do you

want to do man and I was like I want to

be an entrepreneur and like oh really

then they go what is IRR mean then I was

like I have no idea it means a but I

didn't know that it meant internal rate

of return right so one of them just goes

you know you're never gonna amount to

anything there's zero chance you'll ever

be a successful entrepreneur they all

laughed and I was like I don't cry I

probably his last time I got close to

crying wasn't that I was just like

devastated but you know what I remember

laying in bed that night going no one

will ever make fun of me again for not

knowing about finance so I became a CFP

a certified financial planner and to

this day I can hold my own around the

most powerful businessman in the world

they might know more than me but I don't

come off as a fool so that was a turning

point pain moment that Mississippi

moment for me I've sought those out and

the one problem is the more successful

you are the less people that can say

that to you that you'll respect them but

I'm always trying to fill my so you know

that old cliche it never be the smart

person in the room and all that it's I

have a better way to say you be around

people who make you uncomfortable at the

ego level when you feel uncomfortable in

settings that is when they learn it's

not just who's smarter because sometimes

smarter people don't help you there's

many forms of IQ there's emotional you

know but get around someone where you're

like I kinda don't fit in and because

we're all narcissists because of society

and Instagram and all this and I'm

guilty of that too we don't like to be

uncomfortable because a narcissist story

to themselves is your the best and so

you don't you you your worldview is

messed up that's a wiring issue let me

put it this way I mean people would

think they're smart okay what it really

tells me is they've never been around

actually smart people if you're really

smart watching this let's say you have

155 IQ that's what Bill Gates has in

Albert Einstein were up there my step

grandfather had 155 IQ he speaks 14

language fluently he can write Chinese

he's a chess master he can play three

other chess masters without looking at

the board while they look at the board

and beat all them if you're smart you

can do that if you're not I got good

news for you Warren Buffett says you

only need about a 125 IQ to be very

successful but it's better to stay in

your lane and just go I'm not that smart


you can hire 155 IQs but that's an

example of what I'm talking about of

this rewiring and right so these

practical things will change your life

since you have a concept called never be

the bitch of your own mind yes what do

you mean by that

your mind is driven by deep evolutionary

drives so for example narcissism is a

protection mechanism right so your mind

wants to tell you you're amazing

it makes you its bitch you have to

override that and go you know what I'm

not that amazing so let me go learn from

amazing people do you have methods for

people to do that because I think that's

so important so I tell people don't

trust everything that your mind says so

don't buy into all of your emotions just

because you have an emotion doesn't mean

you have to act in accordance with that

but how do you help people get over that

how do they overcome that I think humans

for the most part learn by osmosis so

it's hard to lecture people into success

but what you could do is you could

inspire people to understand this so for

example if you could if school system

could find all the 14 year olds and find

out what they admire in people right

it's the reason I showed Lamborghinis

Ferraris so I got a lot of young

followers and you know what 19-year old

guys like Lamborghinis and Ferraris so I

show that part of my life because then

they listen to the other stuff so first

you've got to lead by inspiration this

has been proven over you cannot pound

stuff into people's brain people

actually do the opposite when parents

tell their kids

you've got to read nobody reads but if I

show a Lamborghini and Ferrari which is

the reward that people want and then

people go how do you get it I said see

all these books I read them and put it

then people I have more school kids

reading books I think than anyone in

history I don't say that cocky I'm

telling you it astounds me because all I

had to do was put up a video with

Lamborghinis all right and so being the

bitch of your own brain the way you

learn not to be the easiest way is to be

around people who aren't the bitch of

their own brain

like Joel Salatin my first mentor I was

lucky enough right out of high school

instead of going to college I was with

him at 19 and he is not a bitch or his

brain he's a man of he wakes up and he

his life's more like of duty he knows

his duty and whether it's hard or easy

he plows through it so every day for

example when he had breakfast at 6:00 in

the morning on a farm he writes out an

organized thing on what he wants to do

for the day when you're the bitch of

your brain you go I'm just gonna

freewheel this day it's very it's very

hard to be organized we're not dogs

aren't organized you ever see your dog

organizing day so if you wanna you can

either act on the animal side which is

just a wing life or you can operate from

a sense of logic and duty and so I

learned somewhat I'm not even as good as

Joel to not be the bitch my mind by just

being around for a while and so that's

the best way find somebody that you look

at them and you go this is a person of

discipline motivation self motivation

they don't need external motivation

they're motivated from within and spend

all the time you can around you know

like someone wants to learn from you I

tell people go walk up to Tom or a

company like this and say yo I'll work

for you for free for years if it needs

me because I need to be around it's

cumulative hours on unfortunate ER in

his book one of the great

autobiographies in my opinion Total


he has his principal it's called reps

and sets he said if you want muscles its

reps and sets hours in the gym and some

people you know there's a lot of books

in Allen here's how you can work out 15

minutes a day no you can't you never

gonna look like Arnold Schwarzenegger if

you were a fit I don't care what

biohacking crap you do please spare us

this return to common sense you want to

be Arnold you got to do it Arnold it in

the same way if you want to learn from

mentors if you think five minutes with a

mentor will be enough you don't

understand how deeply rooted your wire

circuitry is you got to rewire it and it

takes reps instead of reps two sets it

takes hours and days or days and years

and so I think that if you're young

watching this don't try to become a


young because what you should do when

you're young is work on the circuitry

part and then the money will come

Alan nation told me nice at I don't try

to become a millionaire in your 20s and

I didn't listen to him and I wish I had

and luckily I kind of listened to him

but I should have listened more and so

if you could take those formative years

and just go on the adventure of life

that's why I went to India and a leper

colony and went and live in the Amish

because I was like Amish all the good

stuff you have reprogram my brain I'm

sure on the narcissism score now I score

around forty to fifty which isn't

horrific but isn't the best like I'm

kind and I guarantee you if I hadn't

gone to the Amish out of an eighty


and my life would have sucked but now at

forty is kind of an acceptable 42 is

lots of tests so it took me two and a

half years of them you know and so I

think even as an older person man my

dream in life even today is to find some

badass and trick them into spending like

eight hours a day with me for three days

a week and whenever I do like I said 45

minutes with honors for snigger I was so

motivated it like 45 minutes of orange

shorts later it lasted me like seven

days and nothing I'm not I'm not big in

self-help like I watch people to

motivate me dead guys are monster so I'm

a big believer in going to conferences

Berkshire Hathaway conference it's the

first week of May of every year these

dudes are gonna die soon Charlie Munger

Warren Buffett you can buy a B share for

under 500 bucks buy a B share you get a

free ticket it's insane you sit there

with two men on stage in a stadium of

18,000 of the top investors in the world

cost you under 500 bucks you sit there's

only one day I fly into Omaha and fly

back out almost the same day and you

walk out just motivated you're with the

guy that their business you know we meet

business isn't like I'm doing 100

million here they did 200 billion in

revenue last year and there are two

jolly guys that just kind of have fun

with life and I'm like wow and last time

first year I win I sat next to a guy the

whole time didn't pay attention to him

and then I on the way out I talked to

I'm going to found out

basically one of the richest guys in

Europe and we became friends and he flew

me to Germany to speak to he has 17 CEOs

who work for its different companies

he said come meet and then he walked me

from the hotel to do the speech and back

and I talked to this guy's name is

Norman Wren trop and he in two hours

walking to and from the thing he

explained how he built a media empire

starting at age 12 to now he's in his

60s he let me download 40 years of

experience I think he's a billionaire

I'm not sure he's maybe not quite a

billionaire but 40 years and that was I

think it's not coincidental that the

next year I grew on social media because

he was he did old-school media like

magazines and newsletters and he told me

like here's how you do it

and it just absorbed and within six

months I was doing all the big stuff

that people see on social media but that

hinged on me getting it some people you

got you know a good thing for activity

all your hard workers get out of the

house you will not brined it in front of

your laptop 14 hours a day to success go

to conferences go to seminars there are

great ways in the model world to just

meet people you never know you're

sitting next to I probably go into 20

events in 20 days now that's a little

much I go in bursts okay it's I'm a

little bit burned out here you can hear

my voice but it was insane that the data

I'm in looking at cryptocurrency stuff

like Bitcoin if you put a hundred

dollars in Bitcoin in 2010 you would

have 75 million dollars today in your

bank account

100 Wow is that working hard or is that

making good decisions and so for all of

you who are really big on the hustle

your ass off hustle in the networking

side it will help you because then you

learn what to do from them and the sad

thing is if you start a business and

your first business doesn't succeed the

way your brain works you have dopamine

receptors they now scientists have found

that dopamine receptors add or subtract

so dopamine is the hormone or the

chemical in your brain that is the

reward chemical there's multiple one

neuro epinephrine oxytocin all these but

whais dopamine works is like when you go

shopping and you buy cool shoes and you

feel good that's a dope

and dopamine drives us and what happens

is when you fail your body

they're like little hairs they're not

actually hairs but we'll pretend they

are in your brain they fall off you get

less of them and the penalty for having

less dopamine receptors is you become

less ambitious when you succeed you

actually grow more it's a new science

showing this so the point being you

should I'm not a believer in having

people fail to in their first business

forget that build a small business that

you're sure you can pull off even dean

smith may be the greatest basketball

coach college coach him and John Wooden

he said he was never a believer in

setting goal you ever heard the thing

shoot for the stars cuz even if you only

hit halfway you'd go to the moon

he said pee call BS on that he said make

a realistic goal hit it and then make

another one do you don't need so I meet

entrepreneurs alike ty I'm grinding away

I'm like what are you doing

I'm building a billion-dollar business a

guy wrote me an email

dude I'm building a billion darbus so I

wrote him back as an email and I said oh

really have you ever made a hundred

million dollar business no have you ever

made 10 million our business no this is

our email chain I should have the

screenshot it's like no have you ever

made a hundred thousand no and I said so

let me get this straight you're kind of

like that dude there's a lot of stairs

in front of you there's like 20 stairs

to the top and you're gonna do the jump

from 1 to 20 you know what happened with

people who jump too many steps you can

skip maybe two or three steps but one of

my schoolteachers Randy Thompson were

growing up he tried to jump up some

stairs and he was holding books and he

tripped on the third step and hit his

nose on the concrete and he says the

most painful surgery known to mankind to

basically unplug your nose from he

cracked all the bone up into his face oh

and that's what most entrepreneurs do

they go no ty I'm going from zero to 1

billion and how a man as Warren Buffett

said today's the World Series game 7 the

way to win a baseball game it's safer to

just hit base hits and if you hit a lot

of base hits next thing you know you at

home run and once you've done that a few

times you'll have so many dopamine

receptors that you won't fail and so I

highly recommend if

watching and you're too by the way

narcissism is associated with over

ambition there is such a thing about as

being too ambitious there is such a

thing as being to others what I always

tell people you can have massive vision

so one day your vision is like one of

them one of my vision thing I'd love to

own a pro basketball team okay but it's

not in my annual goal so you have goals

that are short-term there one day I like

to set one day goals most of my goals

are just one day but I'll have a vision

that's longer so don't separate

don't confuse visioning goals it's a big

mistake and especially now that the

science is out about dopamine receptors

you have this huge vision you jump up

seven stairs you trip fall hit your nose

and most people never come back you know

win-win when you can even if it's small

wins it's better for them better for the

brain it makes a lot of sense all right

before I ask my final question where can

these guys find you online you can go to

Tahoe be calm you can do Instagram it's

much snapchat if you want to see behind

the scenes it's all I got at Tai Lopez

and almost everything both verified

except I got a facebook counts Tai Lopez

official perfect all right final

question what is the impact that you

want to have on the world what's the

impact okay and give you two answers one

that's probably narcissistic of me to

think that I can really have an impact

on the world so part of my answer is

what the philosopher said let every man

sweep his own front porch and the whole

world will be clean so I guess if I can

figure out the puzzle of life for myself

and maybe a few people see something

then they sweep their own front porch we

have a clean world or cool life so

that's the non narcissistic side you

want to hear the pre Amish yeah pure

narcissistic no not really

I try to suppress that part I mean you

know I call it the tombstone goal I

think you should think about your

tombstone and just reverse engineering

so you go what do I want my tombstone to

say if I live to age 100 in order to get

that what did my life have to look by at

90 and at age 90 to get that what did

have to look like

at 80 and you work to sell backwards

Saturday so my obituaries old my my


I'd like my I like my tombstone to say

here lies a mad scientist the world

needs more mad scientists and people

that are trying new things yeah like I

said check out Muhammad Gandhi check out

Martin Martin Luther King Malcolm X but

those were mad scientists and go through

the adventure of life with that little

mad scientist twinge in your eye and

that's all I got that's all I got it's

pretty good thanks so much for coming on

the show that was fantastic guys this to

me is the ultimate tale of somebody who

was unhappy with his circumstances but

didn't want to sit around and do nothing

about it he knew exactly what it needed

to do and that was to find out the

answers he reaches out to his

grandfather and says grandpa tell me

what is the one thing that I need to do

the one book I need to read the one

person I need to talk to that it's gonna

give me the shortcut that I need to get

ahead and his grandfather thankfully

wrote him back and said there is no

shortcut you're gonna need to find a lot

of people to give you a lot of advice if

you want to get where you're gonna go

and so ty put himself on a mission to

get out and get mentors and long before

he had any reason to be able to convince

these guys to do it he did by like he

said earlier being willing to work for

free by being willing to do more than

anybody else and in the research the

thing that I found most fascinating is

years and years and years after working

with his first mentor he is still

singing his praises and he said that I

set the bar for every apprentice that

he's ever had after and he still never

seen anybody that had the kind of drive

and determination that I did and I think

that's what marks his cause he may think

of himself as a mad scientist but what I

see is somebody running systematic

experiments to find out what works

always being willing to learn always

being willing to fail learn from that

try something new get the result and

ultimately you do that on a long enough

timeline with a willingness to always

learn grow and get better and you get

the man that is literally pioneered

social media so it's really really

incredible there's so much to learn from


but you have to be willing to be humble

and to look at what you can learn from

it so that's it guys thank you so much

if you haven't already be sure to

subscribe and until next time my friends

be legendary

take care

For more infomation >> THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO SUCCESS by Tai Lopez (Motivational Videos for Success in Life) - Duration: 37:58.


【 MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 FNAF ll Gasoline - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> 【 MMD ll Bii ll Vietsub CC】 FNAF ll Gasoline - Duration: 1:20.


8 Điều Cuối Cùng Trên Thế Giới | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 7:21.

Hey guys it's Mike Chen.

You know, we've seen a lot of things happen

or gets introduced to the world for the very first time.

And this is because that's exciting, it's brand new

we all want to hear about it.

And while history has a way of remembering the first of many things,

like mankind's first flies

or the first time we utilized the electricity.

Not everyone has taken note of our definitive last instances.

So in this video,

we're gonna talk about them.

We're gonna talk about eight famous last things in the world

which we may or may not ever see again.

First off, the last telegram.

There was a time when sending a telegram was the equivalent of today's text messaging.

And when the first transcontinental telegraph line was constructed

in the middle of the 19th century,

it drastically shortened the time it took to deliver a message

from one side of the country to the other.

And it reached its peak in 1929

with more than 200 million telegrams sends all around the world .

But then, the telephones came

and that became the faster more preferred means of communication in middle of the 20th century

which was then replaced by of course the email.

And in a recent years of course that has transformed into the text message

and now, well, Instagram, Facebook - that's what we use.

Of course, progress is a double-edged sword

and the telegram became less and less relevant

in the fast-paced world we live in.

So, Western Union decided to send the last telegram ever

on Friday January the 27th 2006.

Next, the last flight of the Concorde.

Now, I really wish this still existed today.

The Concorde was of course the turbo jet passenger airliner

established through the joint effort of the British and French governments.

But only 16 aircrafts had been built

all of which had a supersonic speed of around 1300 miles per hour.

Wow, I just flew back from Taiwan

and I really wish this thing still existed.

Anyway, it first flew in 1969

and then impressed the world for being able to transport passengers

from New York to Paris in just under three and a half hours.

It officially entered service in 1976

and continued to operate for 27 years

until its lack of commercial success,

an extremely expensive fares led to its eventual shutdown.

Also the Concorde crash in 2000

which killed all of its a hundred and thirteen passengers

and a significant reduction in air travel following the events of 9/11

did not really help the situation.

And so in October of 2003,

the Concorde made his last trip ever

flying from New York to London

with a hundred celebrities on board

to see the aircraft off before its retirements.

Number 3, the last Olympics to give solid gold medals.

Have you ever wondered if an Olympic gold medal

is actually, you know, made of gold?

Of course, winning a gold medal from competing in the Olympics

is an amazing feat that no material item can ever match.

However, without discrediting the value of the award,

you might be surprised to know that

gold medals are more of sterling silver than pure genuine gold.

Today these highly coveted medals

are plated with just a minimum of six grams of gold.

But in the past,

Olympic champions were giving medals entirely made from actual gold.

This started in the 1904 Olympics, continued on in 1908

and occured for the final time and in 1912 Olympic Games

which was held in Stockholm Sweden.

Number 4, and I love this, the last cigarettes ad on TV.

Of course, we no longer see TV advertisements for cigarettes today.

But they were ones a frequent featured product on television

and the tobacco companies were the largest advertisers on this media platform.

Then on April Fool's Day in 1970,

President Nixon signed the public-health cigarette smoking Act,

which banned its TV and radio advertisements that featured cigarettes.

The law officially came into effect on January the 2nd 1971,

and one minutes before midnight on January 2nd

the Virginia Slims brand aired the last cigarette commercial

during a break on The Tonight Show.

Smokeless tobacco has continued to air for several years after that

before a complete ban was implemented in 1986.

Since then, Big Tobacco focused his advertising efforts in other media

such as newspapers and magazines.

In 2010, however the first electronic cigarette commercial graced a TV screen though.

Some may not count it asthe official return of cigarette ads on television

as they don't identify e-cigarettes to be the same as tobacco.

Next, the last US state to abolish slavery.

The Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution

formally abolished slavery in the country,

when it was passed and ratified in 1865.

However, the state of Mississippi did not really

get on board with ratifying the amendment right away.

In fact, they officially did so 148 years too late.

And that was really only because

concerned Mississippi residents were inspired by the 2012 film Lincoln to make it happen.

Anyway, lawmakers of the state voted for the amendments ratification in 1995

but they didn't make the effort to finish the job,

failing to notify the US archivist to make the vote official.

A few locals reached out to the Mississippi Secretary of State

and it was only then that a copy of the 1995 resolution

was sent to the Federal Register,

finally making the ratification abolishing slavery of official and final.

Number 6, the last man on the moon.

We all remember the first man to walk on the moon

and the honor goes to, of course, Neil Armstrong.

But do you know, who was the last person to have walked on this surface?

Well, that particular honor goes to Eugene Andrew Cernan,

an American astronauts who landed on the moon twice.

He was the one who commanded the Apollo 17 mission in December of 1972 ---

the final Apollo lunar landing.

He was also the one who uttered the last words from the moon.

Cernan passed away in January of 2017

and though he currently holds the label of being the last man on the moon.

He may no longer have that title in the near future

because mankind is of course making a return to the moon

with China making preparations for its first man-lunar mission

which they set to complete by 2036.

Number 7, the last married Pope.

In the Roman Catholic Church,

priests are generally required to be celibate.

But there have been instances throughout the history of Christianity

in which married priests were chosen to assume the papacy.

The last married Pope was Adrian II

who led the church for five years

following his ascension to the Papa throne in 867.

He was already married to his wife Stephannie

and had a child with her before he became the Pope.

And following his election to the papacy,

Adrian II had refused to become celibate or abandon his family.

Finally, number eight, and thank goodness the last person to die from smallpox.

So for thousands of years,

smallpox was really a horrible and contagious disease

that caused the illness and deaths of so many people.

According to the CDC,

3 out of 10 people succumb to the disease

while those who managed to survive it

were left with permanent scars or had to live the rest of their days blinded.

Governments from all around the world

worked really hard to completely eradicate the red plague

and thank to aggressive vaccine campaigns,

the World Health Organization certified the infectious diseases global eradication in 1980 -

the year I was born, thank goodness.

So the last record a patient to perish from smallpox

was medical photographer Janet Parker,

who worked at the medical school of the University of Birmingham.

Despite receiving a vaccine against the virus in 1966,

she unfortunately got infected with it in 1978.

Samples of the virus which were being studied in one of the university's labs

found their ways into the air system

and made contact with Parker through the vent in her workspace.

Following her unfortunate demise,

stricter rules were implemented in terms of how laboratories handled dangerous diseases.

So in conclusion,

wisemans say that: 'The only constant thing, well, is changed'

And so instead of evading or resisting it,

I think we just need to embrace it.

And the point of all these historical firsts and famous last

is really to remember where we were,

where we intend to go next as we continue to move forward

in this challenging and crazy-like altogether.

All right guys thank you all so much for watching today's video

I'll see you later.

For more infomation >> 8 Điều Cuối Cùng Trên Thế Giới | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 7:21.


LoveBinti|Sending your love to HER - Duration: 3:26.

Binti the Kiswahili word for

Girl a word that I didn't know until just a couple weeks ago

There are so many things that we don't understand yet still in this life we try to make a stand

For whatever we believe is right we choose our battles. We pick our fights

poverty, equality, human rights

But within this evanescent life for what should we choose to justify so that we can sleep with a clear conscience late at night?

A wise person once told me and this goes out to all the boys and girls equally

He who lives for family is a good son. She who lives for country is a loyal one

yet he or she who lives for the world is a saint

Now I'm not saying that I'm trying to be a saint

I'm not even close, and I don't think I'll ever be. But at least I can do this to help raise awareness and improve humanity

Because did you know that in

sub-saharan Africa one out of ten school girls miss school during their menstrual cycle, that's 20% of school days in a given year

Moreover some girls just drop out of school altogether out of shame, out of stigma, out of fear

And the reason behind this is unimaginably true, it's merely because they can't afford to buy sanitary products like how we did

And it's hard to imagine young girls sexually exploited to getting money from pads while in fact

4.5% of girls and Kenyan slums actually go through that

How can a person go through that?

No single person on this earth should ever go through that

Furthermore since

Sixty to eighty percent of working labor comes from woman, when a young girl in Africa drops out of school and misses out on knowledge

The impact goes beyond the individual, affects the family, affects a generation without the education

The day I got this email it got me thinking and I started reflecting telling myself maybe I should stop neglecting

that out there still there are people in need

And we're not just talking about feminine products. It's about the knowledge, information

sanitation facilities, clean water, menstrual hygiene education, and how to help girls and women boost their self-esteem

So, maybe just maybe out of our happiness bubbles where we fret over our daily little troubles

We can give a helping hand and help people stand on their own two feet

Cuz the last time I checked we're all human. So let's help bring back the humanity. Yes, you and me. That's all we need

to spread a little love and peace

Love Binti

And this is it


For more infomation >> LoveBinti|Sending your love to HER - Duration: 3:26.



Hi DIY Divas and welcome to today's video

In today's video |'ll give you more than 7 product ideas that you can make or sell with Spoonflower

Spoonflower is a custom fabric, wallpaper and giftwrap website with more than 500.000 designs

but you can also upload your own and create a storefront where you can sell your own products and designs

I wanted to do this video for a while because I know many of you are small business owners

and often come to my channel for inspiration on what to make and sell in your business

This video is for people who sew and want to turn their hobby into profit

This is also a video for people who don't sew but sell products as Spoonflower also offers a white glove sewing service

and this video is also for graphic designers who would like to see their designs featured on beautiful fabric, giftwrap and wallpaper

I also divided the video as such so each person can go to the right segment of the video so you don't have to watch the whole video

I will include timestamps in the description box and in the comments so you can go directly in the video to the part that is most interesting to you

And since we're a community there's no reason why we can't help each other

If you're a graphic designer and are looking for someone who can sew, post it in the comments and vice versa

who knows? Maybe you can find your match in the comments below and then go to Spoonflower to create your physical product together

If this video was useful and inspirational to you, give it a thumbs up and let me know your opinion in the comments

I will also feature all the products listed in a seperate pinterest board and I will add the link in the description box

Enjoy this video and thank you so much for watching

13 products to sell with Spoonflower

On Spoonflower you'll find more than 500.000 designs and many different types of fabrics

you can choose a print and then there are 20 different types of fabrics where you can print it on

this is perfect for me because I really like african print and wanted to have it on stretch fabric

this is an example of a fabric I got and it's a mudcloth print but printed on a stretchy fabric

this is a great marketplace for fabric if you really want to find a unique print

often times I have gone to webshops where I see the same print in different webshops selling the same goods

and having a different and unique print makes you stand out from the competition

On my channel you can find many different videos where you can go for inspiration if you don't know what to make or sell

I will also create a playlist so you can go through or you can just scroll down all my videos and see what appeals to you

You can also make and sell clothes with Sprout Patterns

the cool thing about this feature is that you choose a print and then it's printed on the fabric itself in the shape of the pattern

No sewing pattern for this! so you'll save time when making the garment!

and in this short video they explain the whole process

first you pick a pattern for the clothing you want to make

choose the size and fabric type

there are 20 different types of fabric to choose from

and then select the designs and place it where you like it the most

you can also mix and match the design on the garment

one of the items you can make and sell with Sprout Patterns are leggings

if you're into sports and want to do athleisure wear, these leggings are great

you can also find many patterns for women

but also clothes for kids

and if you want to make and sell clothes for men then make sure you check out these patterns

if you own a business but can't sew then the white glove sewing service from Sprout Patterns is perfect for you

Their sewist Eloisa will sew and make these selected patterns for you if you can't or don't want to make it yourself

I also loved these travel bags

if you love to travel or do many roadtrips then these travel bags are great to make and sell

Pet accessories are a booming business

if you own a dog then try making these accessories for dogs

choose the print you like and then order the pattern to make it and sell

if you want to make and sell home decor

then check out Roostery

here you'll find bedding, pillows and so much more

all the 500.000 designs featured on Spoonflower can be used to be printed on these home decor accessories to make unique items

in the sidebar you can see all the products you can print on from pillows, towels, napkins, wallpaper and even chairs

Also check out these tea towels

and the different prints available like this lemon print

it's colorful and perfect for Sprint Summer season

another great items to sell in the home decor industry is wallpaper

pick your design and then you can choose for a water activated paper that is removable

or a peel and stick wallpaper that you can reposition

Last week I also showed you how to make this cute little Jocy sewn up doll

on Spoonflower there are many different designs

but if you want something personal or want to make a personal gift for your friends and family

then you can also email me to create a different illustration that actually reflects you

then you can use my tutorial as a tool to create your own doll at home

there are many different doll designs on Spoonflower and these are a few of my favorite ones

There's one from Frida Kahlo that I know that all my DIY Divas from Mexico will love

but Frida Kahlo appeals to everyone so make sure you check it out

there are also some catholic pillows/dolls that are available

I know some of you are catholic or very religious, so that is also a cool way to combine your faith with the product that you're selling

On Spoonflower you'll also find many different pillow designs

I already showed you how to make this cute little Popcorn pillow and last week I also did a live sewing video for this pineapple one

as for the design I would recommend to look at your own story, look at your life experiences and how can you translate it into unique products

because when you choose products that also have a personal link with your personal experiences

that makes your storystelling much stronger

and then you have a more convincing way to appeal to your customers

and also connect with them on a personal level

and that's it!

hope that you enjoyed this video and that it was very useful for you

let me know in the comments which product you prefer

or which product you sell

thank you so much for watching and see you again in my next video

For more infomation >> 13 PRODUCTS TO SELL WITH SPOONFLOWER | TRENDING PRODUCT IDEAS FOR 2018 - Duration: 14:22.


[ENG/한글] 패턴없이 옷만들기(#38 양털 후드 조끼) HOW TO MAKE ANIMAL HOOD ♥️제리의DIY놀이JERRYSFUNDIY - Duration: 9:15.

The size of the ears is matter.

I made it too big, so if you put it in here little ears

then um ... Bear?

However, it is so big that like...


Good to use when pretending cute.

Good to use when pretending to be sad

When a friend worries

It is easy to listen well.

Hello, this is Jerry.

It is really cold these days!

When you are at home, or in the office,

you need a light vest that you can wear

so there was a lot of inquiries about the vest.

It is such a hood that now have animal's ears

and pretends to be a little too cute? too much?

If you say, you do not need a hood, then take off the hood

and just work on the vest

and If you say that you don't need the ears,

then skip the ears part and work on it.

After drawing the shape of your favorite hood

extend the front part about 2cm

and mark the place where you want to insert the ears.

Cut out the shape of the hood except for sleeves.

All four ears are prepared.

I fold the middle of the ear and face to face

sew the round part.

turn it outside, and topstitch

When sewing the center of the hood separately,

put the ears in the middle and sew together.

I have to set the place where the ears in.

Because I draw the hood I used to wear,

I should put it in a few centimeters from the edge.

I measured the size from the head

I think it's important to decide this

because you have to cut the middle of the hood.

Because there is no lining,

this edges, the edge of the hat,

the edge of the shoulder are treated with bias tapes,

but what I used was a cotton tape.

This is a cotton tape,

but this cotton tape is not elastic.

But I wanted to use this,

because this is stretchy,

so when you use this,

Shrink slightly.... you know what I'm saying?

it become more rounded and the shoulder part tightens a bit.

But I do not have enough band to use.

Anyway, I think it would be better to use the band for edges.

The fabric I used was double-sided,

so I made it without lining.

Click below for more information

about this fabric or the zippers and tapes I have used,

and I'll put the links with a little more detail.

Sew the shoulder line and side line of the vest.

Now is the time to connect the hood to the vest.

Leave some space for the zipper on both ends.

I wrapped the entrance with a cotton tape,

folded the seam in, sew it.

I uses a jumper zipper that opens at the end

On the neck line

I have finished with the tape here

because the neck line is actually a part that can be stretched easily.

So, I wrapped the end of the zipper with cotton tape,

I sewed the entire neck line.

Both sleeves and hem are wrapped in cotton tapes.

It is finished after removing the marks clearly with water.

I hope you enjoy my video today.

Please subscribe to my channel!

I'll have a funny video on Tuesday Tuesday.

Be careful not to catch a cold. Bye-

For more infomation >> [ENG/한글] 패턴없이 옷만들기(#38 양털 후드 조끼) HOW TO MAKE ANIMAL HOOD ♥️제리의DIY놀이JERRYSFUNDIY - Duration: 9:15.


Prosecution demands 25 years jail time for disgraced fmr. President Park's confidante Choi Soon-sil - Duration: 1:47.

A Seoul court held the final hearing for Choi Soon-sil, the woman at the heart of the Park

Geun-hye administration's shocking power abuse and corruption scandal.

Prosecutors demand the close confidante of the disgraced ex president spend a quarter

century behind bars Cha Sang-mi has the latest.

The independent counsel Park Young-soo and state prosecutors demanded a sentence of 25

years for former president Park Geun-hye's confidante Choi Soon-sil for her alleged role

in the massive influence-peddling scandal that ended Park's presidency.

They also asked the court to order Choi to pay a fine of nearly a hundred-and-9 million

U.S. dollars and forfeit more than 7 million dollars.

The maximum prison sentence, according to the law, is 30 years.

But for especially heinous crimes, 50 years is also possible.

Choi's final hearing was held Thursday at the Seoul Central District Court.

The 61-year-old was arrested and indicted last November on 18 charges including bribery

and abuse of power.

They center on alleged collusion with former president Park to extort money from the country's

largest conglomerates like Samsung and to interfere in state affairs.

Choi already faces three years behind bars for getting special treatment for her daughter

at a prestigious university.

The prosecutors also demanded six years jail time for Ahn Jong-beom , a former senior presidential

secretary,... and four years for Lotte Group chief Shin Dong-bin.

Sentences are usually announced after two or three weeks, so it's expected Choi's fate

will be known by mid-January at the latest.

The court's decision is likely to affect Park's case as well.

The former leader is also on trial for numerous charges.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Prosecution demands 25 years jail time for disgraced fmr. President Park's confidante Choi Soon-sil - Duration: 1:47.


English Lesson: How to Use Get, Should Have & Remember Doing vs To Do - Duration: 8:48.

- Hello, and welcome to this English lesson,

with me, Jack from

It is so good to have you here,

and you are going to learn

different ways that we can use get.

A great example of how to use, should have,

the phrase, leave things to the last minute,

and also, the difference between remember to do,

and remember doing.

I'm going to give you examples

from the latest conversation

that my wife and I had.

And if you haven't seen that conversation,

watch this video first, and then,

go and watch the conversation.

As you already know, the verb get,

is very common in the English language.

My wife and I used it in that conversation

over 50 times,

or variants of it.

Things like, get, got, gotten, getting, et cetera.

Now, here are the three main ways that we used it.

To get to know someone,

to get someone something,

and to get old.

Let's look at the first clip.

Who did you have to buy a present for?

- For your mother.

- Right.

- And I really enjoyed it because I feel like

I've gotten to know her so well

and she's spent time at our house.

- To get to know someone

is a process of becoming familiar with someone.

It's how you build up a relationship.

And my wife was talking about how well

she has gotten to know my mother,

which is a good thing.

They get on well,

which is another way to use get.

They have a good relationship.

They get on well.

My wife used gotten here,

but in British English you'll most likely hear,


She has got to know her very well.

Here are some more examples.

We need to get to know our neighbors better.

We don't have a relationship with them right now.

We aren't very familiar with them,

so we need to get to know our neighbors better.

An example for the past,

I never got to know him.

I never got to know him.

Here is the next clip that shows you a different way

to use get.

What did you get her?

- I got her a pair of cozy slippers.

- Yeah.

In this case get means to buy somebody a present.

So my wife bought my mum a pair of cozy slippers.

She got her a pair of cozy slippers.

Now last year we did something called secret Santa.

And this is where everybody in a group

buys presents for just one person.

So you can only get something for one person.

And this makes it a lot of fun.

Here are some more examples of get.

I just don't know what to get her.

I just don't know what to get her.

And what should I get her for Christmas?

What should I get her for Christmas?

Here is another way that we use get.

I knew Santa wasn't real, you know.

I'm getting older now.

So you know what this means right?

To get older signifies going from a young person

to an older person.

And it's the process of this happening.

But I wanted to introduce this really cool

phrase as well.

It's getting old now.

It's getting old now.

And you can say this when something is annoying,

because of repetition,

or just because you are bored of it.

It's getting old now.

It's getting old now.

(lively music)

Now we are doing secret Santa

again this year.

And here is what I said about this

during our conversation.

Getting gifts again.

- Yeah and about the secret Santa draw,

because you were the one person

who hadn't put their name in.

And so I was texting you constantly,

from just different rooms in the house

while we were home together.

- Yep.

- And I was putting the baby down

or doing some laundry or something.

And then Jack, did you enter the drawing yet?

Did you enter the drawing?

- Yeah.


- It got a little bit too much.

- No, I.

- But it was my fault because I should have

done that earlier.

- Yeah.

- I should've done this earlier.

So we are using should have here, should have.

And this is should, in the past.

It's advice or recommendations or regrets

for something that happened in the past.

Here are two more examples of should have.

I'm so sorry.

I shouldn't have said that.

I'm so sorry.

I shouldn't have said that.

This one is a regret.

You should've brought an umbrella.

You should've brought an umbrella.

This is like advice or a past action.

The reason I didn't do it earlier

is because I like to leave things until the last minute.

I like to leave things until the last minute.

And this means,

I normally do things just before

they have to be done.

If you are at university,

or if you are at school,

I'm sure that you leave certain things until

the last minute.

I'm sure that sometimes or all the time,

you leave your homework until the last minute.

What is something that you leave

until the last minute?

Let me know in the comment section below.

What is something that you leave

until the last minute?

(lively music)

In that conversation I also told the story

of how my friend found out

that Santa wasn't real.

And I said this.

One more story about Santa.

I remember being in the school playground.

I remember being in the school playground.

Now remember being.

When we use the ger root,

it's talking about a memory that you have of the past.

I have a memory of being in the school playground.

I remember being in the school playground.

But look at these two sentences.

I remember being there.

Remember to be there.

I remember being there.

Remember to be there.

The first one is a memory.

I have a memory of being there.

The second one is a reminder.

Remember to be there.

Another example is this.

My wife and I are in the car,

and I say,

I don't remember locking the doors.

I don't remember locking the doors.

But before we leave the house

my wife normally says,

remember to lock the doors.

Remember to lock the doors.

I'm going to have a lesson on this soon.

So if you are new here,

be sure to subscribe.

Okay now it is time to practice a little bit

of pronunciation.

Look at this sentence.

I got it last week.

I got it last week.

Notice how got and it

link together.

They link together.

And when you say this it sounds like it is one word.

I got it last week.

If you have found this lesson useful

then I would be delighted if you shared it

with your friends.

And if you haven't seen that conversation,

or if you want to watch it again,

and I recommend that you do,

click over here to watch that now.

Thank you so much for being here.

It has been my pleasure teaching you today.

Bye for now.

(lively music)

For more infomation >> English Lesson: How to Use Get, Should Have & Remember Doing vs To Do - Duration: 8:48.


Bobble On Episode 19: Worcester State - Duration: 11:34.

The value of experiencing a fortune 500 sales job marketing job whatever it is

is tremendous but I think the experience that we had selling for a fortune 100

company built sort of a foundation that allowed us when we started the company to just keep running.

In the beginning you can work for somebody else figure out

what they do really well replicate it or realize you know what I really like

being a number two there's no shame in being a number two in fact it's more profitable.

Alright hey guys we are here at Worcester State University we have a

good friend Ross who who teaches a class a management course here and he heard

that we spoke at Assumption College recently and asked us that Zack and I to

come and speak to his class two classes in a row.

Yeah the big value the big

takeaway we want from all of these types of visits is we want continued

engagement we don't want to do a one time we meet you this has been fun and

see you we really want to keep this going keep the conversation going

because we don't know where this could go.

This will be fun!

Let's go bobble on.

Bobble On!

So what part of the course was actually starting a venture from

scratch doing everything from coming up with the idea all the way through to

actually you know figuring out the finances where they might get funding from.

It's it's a good way for us to kind of

talk about a real life experience totally outside of Worcester State.

Thanks for coming guys.


How did you guys succeed because it's really competitive?

Part of it was that we didn't know any better.

like we just believe in ourselves didn't know any better so we're just like no we can do this.

We basically did 13 months sweat equity and we were able to

hire two or three employees the first year because of that.

By the way thanks a lot guys. This is really cool.

Oh no thank you man, this is a win/win man this is a

win-win for everybody we get a lot of fulfillment from this stuff but it's

also great content for us and it's a lot more fun than talking about deductibles.

So is it back to back classes?

Yes? Ok cool.

So first of all let's give them a round of applause for coming in.

We really want to give to you guys some some understanding of after school what you know what

opportunities there are in the real life of entrepreneurship.

What we really want to focus on today is kind of when we were in your shoes to when we started.

So I went to UConn and I was in the school for risk management insurance and my

professor pulled me aside and was basically like you shouldn't be doing

what you're doing you should go into sales.

Liberty Mutual came and presented kind of similar to what we're doing now just

talking about what they do apply to Liberty Mutual and then took a job in

the sales position at Liberty Mutual Boston. Matt & I were the top two sales

representatives at Liberty Mutual nationwide but that's how we started we

didn't go from school to entrepreneurship.

So the most you'll ever

see on the PowerPoint is a quote or a picture.

So here's a powerpoint.

Here's a PowerPoint it's our first one.

"The ship is always safe at the shore but that is not what it is built for."

We were good sales we enjoyed it but there was this like fulfillment

factor wasn't there. We decided to start an agency from scratch we said you know

what what's the worst that can happen. I think a lot of times fear of the unknown

is what's hold people back.

If you think about what Matt just detailed about not the being

at Liberty Mutual at a fortune 100 company and then going off on your own

the reason we did that is because we weren't sure there was a pain point we

were solving if you are not solving a pain point or a value add you do not

have a business the Liberty Mutual's of the world are massive

We were there saying to ourselves man there are major pain points are not solving we just

thought about it thought about it thought about it and decided to open up

our own our own shop and solve just those pain points.

So he's Gary Vee, Gary Vaynerchuk we built a ton of our strategy off of what he does.

But the strategy he has is just listening is because you care

that's your marketing strategy you care about what's going on and you're in your

avenue and you're not doing this necessarily for a profit.

Next slide up here: "The real value of our company leaves the office every night

opens the door each morning." Makes sense? We are only as good as the people that

work for us and work with us.

You can't possibly get to scale meaning you can't

possibly get to where you want to make a real big difference if the people around

you aren't believing in the mission the vision you're doing.

"People who won't take step one never take step two". sometimes people are so worried about if

If they hit success what happens.

None of that's changing because you're not taking step one yet.

Comparisons the thief of joy". So that would be like the biggest

caution we want to give you guys is to compare yourself to anyone or anything.

The more you compare yourself to others the more you focus on them and less on yourself.

Right you have to really tell yourself that you can do it.

What interested you in this course?

I wanna open up a business.

Yeah, what interested you in opening a business?

Um, I'm really I didn't really think about it until I worked at Footlocker actually

and got in sales- sales is one of the big things I'm really good at and want to do.

I love that.

Because you worked and listened at Reebook.

That's kind of what we're trying to instill is like get that valuable experience.

What goes through your mind when you when you want to do that?

Being there you see what is being sold like the market, where it is and like

that's very helpful in a work assignment because--

You know what the demand is, you know what the demand is, yeah.

Anyone else interested in owning their own shop?

Yeah I wanna like start my own brand or something like that eventually.

I see myself starting like a clothing brand-- kinda what he said - like a trend, I don't know.

I know what the market likes.

We'd love to help you guys with some

something that's on your mind in business something that's on your mind in in

sales something that's on your mind in kind of where you guys want to go what

you want to do or if you guys have questions on how to start.

Anything else? Yeah.

Like going back to the whole getting your name out there thing in media.

Are there like any other ways you find successful to get there, more than the videos you make every week?

Yeah great question so this is only our second one the Zack says most of the

episodes actually have been non speaking engagements they've been a lot of

one-on-one coaching engagements with other people other professionals

interviews all kinds of stuff other than that we have a Facebook presence and

Instagram presence.

Do you guys have any other ideas other other than that and you said like typical means of marketing other like this?

Do you have any other ideas?

So other things we do is we coach other insurance agents across the country for

free other things we do is we're gonna make a really heavy push into Facebook

this coming year.

Let's give them a round of applause.

Thank them for their time.

Just a quick question, what's the driving force to

want to take a class like this?

You get to learn strategies of how to be a leader and that's very important whether you're working for someone.

You'll be happier.

So being a leader has to do a lot with about the emotions of the people who

work for you and the emotions of actually what you're doing.

The people who work with us and for us yeah we want them here for 10 15 20 years that'd be

fantastic but way more important than that is if

we see them out at their favorite restaurant or at a bar or whatever down

the road whether they work for us still or they don't work for us we want them

to come up and give us like a high-five or a hug or something and be like that was

really fun thanks for helping get to where I am.

Um so when you say that you're ok with people leaving, it could effect potential if it's always happening, no?

No, and that's a great question so could it affect if it's a massive turnover yeah but there's this

whole theory about like should we train our employees why should we train our

employees cuz what if they leave, well what if you don't train them and they stay?

If you work for us if anybody works for us we need to get deep with that

person and figure out what their long-term goals are.

So we have a gentleman on our team who his goal this year is to publish a book.

That has nothing to do with what we're doing but you better believe we're gonna help him do it.

I can't write I can't help him but we're gonna help him in different ways

we're gonna make connections for him to get that book unleashed because

we Matt and I know if we help him achieve a personal goal and what he

wants to do if he becomes a ridiculously successful writer, well we did the right thing.

Sorry, I think it's more of people's perspective of having a good job for a company you want to work for, usually

because people have been there for 10-20 years and to change that perspective is really important and I like it

The fact that you can leave happy and apply your new skills, that's awesome.

Thank you.

I want to open my own studio

Studio? Like a recording studio or like a-- nice!

Have you ever tried to reach out to

somebody who does own a studio?

Um, I don't have professional connections.

No, you don't have to, just DM them on Instagram.

Seriously I'm gonna send you just like a two-minute three-minute clip, it's like

a guide of somebody who this is all he does all day long.

You guys said you were 50/50 right?

What if you guys are like in disagreement, how do you guys like just like--

No, good question most partnerships fail and they don't fail

because the product or service or the effort of marketing and eye concepts

because the relationship fails communication has been critical from day

one we disagreed all the time but we had ways to kind of manage that.

It's when we disagree and somebody else wins the other person has to be all in on the

decision, there is just we root for each other to succeed.

What you were saying, yeah.

I was just saying back on the idea like what I wanna do in the next several years, I wanna open up a gym.

mmm awesome.

So I've taken the step of being a personal trainer already, getting my certificate.

So it's just the matter of fact of like getting a job in a gym and all that, doing the side stuff of like

getting personal clients as well so I'm in the process of doing that.

Good for you.

Like reach out to everyone that

you look at they're doing it the way I think it should be done.

That's a real joy Matt has spent a lot of time in CrossFit and he actually owns a gym.

Little humble brag for him as he

wouldn't say it, was waiting for him to say it, but so he's owned a gym before so you guys

should talk privately a little bit.

Happy to about that, all the ups and downs.

Do you allocate certain aspects of the company that falls to yours responsibilities to each person

or do you just kind of take it as it comes?

So if an issue arises throughout the week it bubbles up we discuss it as a

leadership team we assign that to do for the persons responsible for that.

Thanks guys.

Thanks for engagement.

We're really easy to find if you guys have any questions

that you just want to just hit us up just we'll get it we'll get Ross our

contact information just hit us up anyway we're happy to help.

Let's keep this conversation going we have a lot of ideas off that so hit us

up you know how to reach us so we'll connect and we'll we'll take some time

and help you get there.


Hey man good to meet you yeah thank you

for your engagement your questions it's awesome.

Have a good day guys.

Take care brother. Be good.

Looking forward to it, yeah.

That's awesome, thank you.

Love it.

For more infomation >> Bobble On Episode 19: Worcester State - Duration: 11:34.





It might sound unbelievable, but we�re currently living in an era that�s birthed the disclosure

of some very sensitive information.

So sensitive that despite all of the evidence, it�s still hard for many people to think

about, let alone accept.

And that�s the fact that there are now dozens of governments who have confirmed the existence

of UFOs.

We�re talking about mysterious objects performing maneuvers that defy our laws of physics.

Apart from having both visual and radar confirmations, there are hundreds of military officers from

all ranks, politicians and academicians speaking out and providing evidence that suggests some

of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial.

One of the people responsible for this movement is Dr. Steven Greer, MD and founder of The

Disclosure Project and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI),

who has been on a mission for decades to shed light on the fact that we�re not alone,

that we�ve never been alone, and that an ET presence is currently engaging our planet

and the human race.

This person has been able to organize and bring forth hundreds of military whistleblowers

with verified backgrounds, who have given some shocking witness testimony.

Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one example; here is an interview Dr. Greer conducted with him

over a decade ago.

Another example would be former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who confirmed that himself

and Greer did in fact have multiple meetings within the Pentagon about this issue.

One thing is for sure: Greer has some interesting connections that have allowed him to do what

he does.

He�s known as the father of the disclosure movement, for one person to bring forth hundreds

of defence employees is quite eye-opening.

Out of all those who support him that come from different fields and verified backgrounds,

Dr. Greer has amassed a great deal of credibility.

Being in contact with, and referenced by astronauts, colonels, generals and more who have agreed

to participate in the disclosure movement is what gives his project a special kind of

credibility, because all those who agree to an interview do indeed come from where they

say they do, within the military industrial complex.

Never before have we seen such a large gathering, all with verified backgrounds.

Which is why, when he conducts an interview where the name remains anonymous, it�s that

much more interesting.

Sure, we can�t verify this person�s identify, but the hundreds of others who have been a

part of his disclosure project, as well as all of the big names who have verified multiple

stories from Greer, it�s probably best to give this one the benefit of the doubt.

�There is considerable knowledge as far as the actual being of UFO and ET phenomena

that we�re aware of today.�

The clip from Greer was a cut clip from his recent film, one that broke records, titled


Other Information That Lends Credibility To This Story

According to Author and UFO researcher Dr. William Lester, the CIA released documents

to him under the Freedom of Information act after he made a request while researching

for his new book at the time, A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier.

The document and story was brought forth by the Daily Mail, pertaining to a letter written

by John F. Kennedy to the head of the CIA demanding to be shown highly confidential

documents about UFOs just 10 days before his assassination.

According to the Daily Mail, �the secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK

asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have been released

by the CIA for the first time.�

It�s understandable that a Daily Mail article and a claim from a UFO researcher isn�t

really considered credible, but what�s even more fascinating about the story is the fact

that it also appears within some Wikileaks Cables.

February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files; over five million

emails from the Texas headquartered �global intelligence� company Stratfor.

The emails date between July 2004 and late December 2011.

They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher,

but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal�s

Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies,

including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence


The emails show Stratfor�s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques,

and psychological methods.

From these emails, we have one that details information that documents by a gentleman

named Timothy S. Cooper, who, according to many, leaked the supposed �MJ-12� documents

that dealt with the cover-up of UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.

In the email, it states that �Soon after Kennedy became President, he began to needle

the CIA for information on UFOs� and that �President

Kennedy fired off a top secret memorandum to him outlining a previous discussion concerning

a classification review of all CIA UFO files that could affect national security.

Dated 12 November, 1963, just ten days before he would be gunned down in the streets of

Dallas, Texas, Kennedy informed Angleton that he was setting things in motion to actually

share sensitive CIA UFO intelligence data with the Russians through the director of


The email itself goes into more detail.

The question to ask here is why is a company like Stratfor sending emails within the company

regarding this topic?

Definitely interesting to think about.

Perhaps the most interesting fact is that JFK was President right around the time a

massive cover-up regarding this topic ensued.

Only a couple of terms before his own, President Harry Truman went on national television stating

that this topic is discussed at every single conference they have with the military.

The topic of flying saucers and �other things.� He stated that �there are always things

like that going on� (source).

There are even claims that President Eisenhower held a meeting with extraterrestrials.

His great granddaughter Laura is one who has spoken about the incident.

You can read more about that specific story and where it comes from, here.

Today, Presidents don�t really know much.

In fact, based on my research, when they do inquire they�re not told much and they don�t

really have access nor a need to know information about UFOs and extraterrestrials.

So who does?

Here are a couple of related CE articles that will give you an idea of who we�re referring

to here:

A detailed description of the �Black Budget.�

10 Presidents and Politicians Who Told Us That A Secret Government Controls The World

& What They Said

Here�s another interesting clip from Greer�s documentary that pertains to the subject.

You can find out more about the documentary and how to watch it HERE.

It seems, based on my research, that presidents don�t really have access to this type of

information, and it�s not an easy thing to inquire about.

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