Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 15 2017



Or don't.. idk

MAP STATUS IS BLANK! Ha! The animator faillllleddd because it's OPEN! :P



WHhhYYy am I stillll typing?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Why.... why animator, why?

doooo wuwuwaaaa! WUBA WUBA WUBBBBBBB!




Captions aren't fast enough....

Big cake... round cake, right in front of me.

I will throw this computer in the street... wait wha

These characters here? Yeah they have stupid names.... and die.... GOTTA GO FAST!

My parents are concerned I spend too much time on the internet.... PSHHHHHHHHH

Oh hey it's the part the people actually came to seeeeeeeeeee because SHGURR =D


For more infomation >> 5 MAP parts (For Shgurr, OceanRabbit, Nednilclan, Etc.) - Duration: 0:48.


Monsanto STILL Working Desperately To Poison You And Your Children: PCBs - Duration: 1:27.

And finally tonight, some good news.

A US District judge in San Diego slammed Monsanto after they argued that they bear no responsibility

for contaminating San Diego's storm water system and that they bear no responsibility,

according to them.

The chemical in question is a substance known as PCBs, which was manufacture solely by Monsanto

from the 1930's up until it was banned by Congress in the '70s.

PCBs are toxic and they can cause cancer along with a whole host of other diseases.

In San Diego, the contamination was so bad that an advisor was issued warning residents

about eating fish from the San Diego Bay.

It suggested that they could be poisoned.

Monsanto's PCB contamination created a catastrophic public nuisance.

It's going to cost hundreds of millions of dollars to clean this up, this huge disaster.

But Monsanto tried to argue that no municipality has any legal right to bring a public nuisance

claim against them.

So, they went out and urged the court to completely throw out the tax payers case.

Now, Monsanto's going to face a jury and have the facts speak for themselves to determine

what responsibility they bear to fix the damages created by their own toxic chemical catastrophe.

Hopefully the decision made by this jury's going to finally make this notorious company

play by the rules, maybe, and stand responsible for putting the lives of thousands of San

Diego residents at risk.

For more infomation >> Monsanto STILL Working Desperately To Poison You And Your Children: PCBs - Duration: 1:27.


Nvidia Titan V, Free H1Z1, HDR 2.0? -- Weekly Download #74 - Duration: 5:03.

Hey Welcome to Zach's Tech Turf and Weekly Download episode number 74, which is my tech

and PC gaming news series.

Today I'm gonna be playing some Destiny 2 while I give you this news and I got myself

a lemon water for today's episode.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what you're sippin' on, let's

get into it.

To start off the tech news this week Nvidia announced the new Titan V, or Titan Volta,

and yea, it's a $3,000 graphics card.

It's actually not geared towards gaming at all, it's more for AI learning type stuff,

but of course those higher tiered tech channels have started to benchmark it.

Hopefully this doesn't start a trend of insanely priced Volta graphics cards next

year, but we shall see.

Next up, it was recently discovered that some of the newer HP laptops have been shipping

outta the box with a keylogger.

If you don't know, keyloggers do exactly what you would think, they record your keystrokes

which can obviously be a humongous security vulnerability.

This actually happened to HP before, but this time the keylogging data was found in the

Synaptics touch drivers.

HP has said that by default nobody is logging your keys, but if a hacker were to find out

that you have one of those affected laptops they could activate it.

I would definitely dig into this further if you just bought a new HP laptop.

Links for everything I talk about are in the description.

If purchasing monitors these days wasn't hard enough, VESA has established yet a new

standard for HDR, called DisplayHDR.

Up until now HDR can actually mean different things and different standards for other companies,

so VESA is attempting to create an open standard so that every monitor brand gets on the same


I don't believe any DisplayHDR monitors are available right now, but should see them

here soon.

So we all know that Zotac has come out with some pretty baller PC gaming devices this

year right, well now they are officially starting a seperate brand called Zotac Gaming which

will be limited obviously to only their gaming products.

To kick things off they announced the Mek 1 , MEK 1 maybe, IDK, but this is a mini ITX

gaming machine with very respectable specs and it seems like the typically solid product

that Zotac always dishes out, but this time just under a new name.

Before jumping into the PC gaming news this week, I wanna quickly tell you guys how you

can support Zach's Tech Turf with about 5 seconds of your time.

If you're like me and buy products from Amazon on a daily basis, or even the occasional

yearly purchase, you can be sending ZTT a small kickback from every purchase as long

as you use my link.

Every time you buy something on Amazon, no matter what it is I'll get a small kickback

from that and all that money gets reinvested into the channel, and don't worry, I can't

see who bought what so if you were planning on sending me a surprise Christmas gift you're

still in the clear.

The best way to support ZTT is to copy that first link in the description and make that

your permanent Amazon bookmark that way you're always using my link, and always supporting

the channel which is much appreciated.

To kick off the PC gaming news, the new Doomsday Heist update is now live for Grand Theft Auto


Maybe I'm behind, but I feel like it's been quite a bit since the last update, especially

for a new heist.

I haven't jumped into the game for a while, but this update seems like a pretty big deal

with about 12 hours of new content including a $900,000 orbital cannon.

Next up H1Z1 is still doing everything it can to compete with the insanely popular PUBG,

and for the next week you can download the full version of H1Z1 and play for free.

You won't get to keep it after the free week, but if you do decide to purchase the

game all of your free trial progress will carry over.

And to top things off, the game is currently on a 75% sale.

Great time to check this title out.

Yet another Destiny 2 update droped this week, and this time is launched new Masterwork weapons

and a bunch of other tweaks.

Masterwork weapons are just upgraded versions of legendary weapons, but they provide some

cool perks such as dropping orbs everytime you get a multi kill, thus being able to use

your super ability a lot more.

If you go take a look at the reddit page right now for Destiny 2, the culture has almost

completely spun a 180 from a week ago.

There are a ton of positive posts on there about the direction of the game and it makes

me so happy.

As you can tell from all the Destiny 2 footage lately I'm having a complete blast in the


In more content updates, Ark Survival Evolved ogt it's Aberration expansion which was

expected back in October.

This expansion is all about underground areas with alien like dinosaurs which definitely

makes me question what direction the developers are taking this game.

There's also a bunch of new little stuff such as earthquakes, environmental pitfalls,

ziplines, wingsuits, and climbing gear.

And to wrap up the PC gaming news Path of Exile also released an expansion this week,

and this time it's the War for the Atlas which apparently completely mixes up the end


The expansion adds 32 friggen maps to go through at the end game and each one has a final boss

to beat as well.

There's also a new challenge league called Abyss but I don't really know enough about

POE to explain further, let me know if you check this one out.

Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 74.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what your favorite tech or PC gaming

news was this week, or if I missed anything.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please drop a like down below to help support my

channel, and as always, thank you for watching and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech

Turf videos.

For more infomation >> Nvidia Titan V, Free H1Z1, HDR 2.0? -- Weekly Download #74 - Duration: 5:03.


CORRECÇÃO DO ROSTO COM COR | Raquel Dias - Duration: 9:54.

For the correction I will use this pallet

this pallet from Sephora.

Brings four colors of correction.

The green, lilac,

peach and a more orange tone.

Today I'm going to teach you how to make a face correction

For the important days when your skin has to be flawless,

or simply because you always have dark circles

I will make the complete correction, but

you can adapt to your daily basis. Or just

make this correction, when it's needed.

And when you need your skin super flawless.

I don't have dark circles so I will use this color

to make the correction and you will notice the difference even without having dark circles.

I'll use this brush.

It's from Real Techniques, and it's the detailer brush.

I like applying the product in my hand first,

to be easier to apply.

But you can do as you usually do.

You can blend each color after applying,

or you can apply all colors first

and in the end blend everything.

Clean the brushes when you change the color, because you may not have many brushes,

and it's easier to keep the colors all in place.

I'll apply everything and blend in the end.

I'll use this tone to eliminate all the redness of my skin.

I have some redness around my nose, so I like to apply here too.

Now I'll use this color.

and this it's use to eliminate the yellow tones.

I have some discoloration around the mouth.

And that's what lilac is for, to eliminate these yellow tones.

Some people have yellow spots on the forehead.

Most of the time the foundation is enough.

But we are talking about correcting the skin to the maximum level.

In order to eleminate the imperfections.

The colors are applied now let's blend it together.

Now the aspect isn't the best, we are grayish.

But create a blank canvas for the foundation, so that it stays flawless.

And that's why I say

That's why I only make this color correction when my skin has to be on her very best.

For example a wedding.

And that it's ideal.

We will apply the foundation to see how it stays on top.

I will continue with the products from Sephora and I'll use this foundation,

In color clair light and is the number 14.

I'll apply half with the brush and the other half with the beauty blender.

I'm gonna use this brush.

It's the buffing brush from Real Techniques.

And apply with soft taps.

I applied half the face so you can see the difference.

This side have the correction and the other the foundation.

And now we don't see,

any colors .

And the other half, we see.

And now I will apply with the beauty blender.

I like to bring the foundation up to the hair line, in order we dont' see skin with foundation and without.

Regardless of I'm applying with the brush or the beauty blender

Normally I first apply with the brush,

and then with the beauty blender to take away any excess foundation.

You can apply some primer before these color correction

If you don't have very open pores I think it isn't necessary go for a primer,

but that is just my opinion.

To not have too much product on our skin .

If you have large pores like me, I would certainly go for a primer.

I didn't put it just to show you how to do this.

Skin is done. Now we are going to matify.

You know I use translucent powder,

and you know it's not my favorite.

But it's the only one that I have.

Now it's time for the countoring,

and I'm going to use the Nyx, that I use some videos ago.

And I 'll leave in the box below.

I'll use this color.

With this brush,

and it's the contour brush from Real Techniques.

I'm going to apply, next to hair line.

In this part that makes a pit.

And same for the other side.

With soft hand and almost without product.

And same here.

Apply a little bit of highlight,

This here.

In the cupid's bow.

With a fan brush,

the same highlight.

We're going to apply...

On the...


Apply a little bit

of this here.

On the tip

of the nose.

And now

The blush.

I'm going to use the Nº 10

from Artdeco blusher.

I'll finish the makeup off camera and I'll be right back.

I'm use this lipstick from Bellápierre.

It's the Kiss Proof Lip Cream

In shade Incognito.

I also applied some mascara

Now that you know how to use the color palette

You can correct the imperfections of your skin

If you like this video please subscribe

And hit the bell button for the notifications

And if you want, you can give me a thumbs up

and comment below. See you on my next video.


For more infomation >> CORRECÇÃO DO ROSTO COM COR | Raquel Dias - Duration: 9:54.


How To Make Calla Lily Pearl Earrings - Duration: 5:29.

To make these earrings you need to calla lily findings. And we got these at a bead

show, but you can also get them online. You need two pearls. These are six

millimeter pearls. Two head pins. And we chose head pins with a ball tip. Two

earring wires, also with a ball tip, just to match. And for tools, we have round-

nose pliers and wire cutters.

For these earrings we want to show you a little bit about this calla lily finding.

It's essentially just sort of a cupped flower that has a hole in the top and

it's just really pretty. We like the finish of it. And we thought it would be

really pretty with a pearl inside, so that's our design. So the first thing

we're gonna do is feed a pearl onto a head pin. Pearls can have a really

really tiny hole in them, so it's important to test your head pins with

your pearls before you get started, because the gauge of the wire of a head

pin can be really different and you might need to get a thinner head pin if

your pearl is drilled really small. So there's our pearl on her head pin. The

next thing you do is feed on the calla lily finding. And we're going to do it

this way so that the calla lily, the opening of the flower, is sort of cupping

that pretty pearl. And now we're ready to turn this into an earring. It's that

simple. To do that we're gonna make a wrapped loop. And to make a wrapped loop

we're gonna use round nose pliers. We're gonna grasp the wire right up against

that calla lily. So I'm kind of taking my thumb and pushing that head pin and bead

up against it so that there's not a lot of jiggling. And I'm gonna bend the wire

90 degrees, like that, and now I'm going to reposition the pliers so that they're

at the top of that little 90 degree bend. And I'm going to pull the wire around

the top jaw as far as it'll go to make kind of a partial loop. So there's my

partial loop. Now I'm going to take the bottom jaw of my pliers and put them in the

loop. And I'm going to finish pulling the wire around like that to make a complete

loop. So there's my complete loop. Now I'm going to wrap that loop and to

do that I'm going to grasp that loop across with my pliers take the tail and

pull the wire around two times on that tiny little neck that I made when I

first grabbed on to the head pin. Straighten it up a little bit there. And

then I'm going to trim it with my wire cutters. And I'm going

to trim it pretty close to my work here so that we don't get a little tail

sticking out. If I can get in there. There we go.

And now to make that into an earring all I have to do is take one of my earring

wires, take my loop, and we want this to face forward. So to have it face forward

we're going to put the earring so it's also facing forward which is with the

little ball on the front and we're gonna take the calla lily and keep it facing

forward and basically just slide it on like that. And see it ends up facing

forward. Then we're going to take our pliers and we're just going to close our

little loop. Just like that so that the earring doesn't fall off. And that's our

first earring. And we're just gonna repeat to do the same thing all over

again. So to do that we've got our head pin and our beautiful pearl. We love the

way the pearls look with this shiny gold. So pretty. We'll feed on our calla lily

which is doing all the work for these earrings. Like that. And now we're gonna

make a wrapped loop again. We're gonna use our round-nose pliers to grasp the

head pin wire, bend it 90 degrees, reposition to the top of that bend, pull

the wire around the top jaw, reposition the pliers so that that loop is in the

bottom jaw, and finished pulling the wire around to make a complete loop. Now we're

going to grab the loop across and pull the tail around two times like that. And then

we're going to trim using our wire cutters. Let me do it this way. Now I'm

going to feed that on to my earring wire. And to do that I'm going to do it I did

before. We just face that earring wire forward, just so I get it right, take the

calla lilly, also face it forward, and then slide it on the back and then

forward like that so it ends up facing the right way.

And then let me use my round nose pliers just to close the loop on my earring

wire. And there's our second earring. We've got a beautiful pair of calla lily

and pearl earrings.

For more infomation >> How To Make Calla Lily Pearl Earrings - Duration: 5:29.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 319 - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 319 - Duration: 5:27.


Exploding Rifles & Pistols Is Becoming The New Norm - Duration: 3:24.

A gun manufacturer is being taken to court after one of their rifles exploded when the

man was out hunting with the gun.

Other lawsuits claim that the company kept selling their product despite having received

numerous complaints that their weapon was clearly defective.

Joining me to talk about that is Mollye Barrows.

She is a journalist for the Trial Lawyer Magazine.

Mollye, what did this company know about this gun?

I mean, this is fairly ... We see pictures of people losing their entire hand.

What did the company know about this?

They knew it hurt people.

They said it was user error, but they did know.

There were dozens of complaints that had been filed.

There were at least three lawsuits that had already been settled on a confidential basis,

so they knew that it was a problem, but basically they just continued to manufacture it up until

2010 when they stopped.

Did they do a recall?

Was there a public recall on it, where they said this is-



And that was the recall in 2010, but by then, there were already thousands on the market,

so this latest lawsuit is by an Iowa farmer, Ronald Hansen, and he was out hunting.

He'd already used it many times before.

Had used it several times that day.

It exploded while he was hunting, and it burned his face, his ear, his hand, and-

Blew off fingers, didn't it?


It blew off several fingers, and that is similar to the other complaints that were received

was that this gun, when used after awhile, it would explode and damage people.


Now, what is the product?

It is a muzzleloader.

It's a stainless steel muzzleloader that basically is a high powered rifle that was popular with

big game hunters.

They had a couple of experts take a look at it to see.

Hansen hired one.

There was another guy out of the state of Michigan.

Michigan State University, who examined a similar weapon.

The exact same weapon that was used in a similar accident that damaged somebody, and they both

said it was faulty steel.


To me, the reason this case has bigger legs is it gives you an idea ... Understand that

the gun industry has immunity where it comes to being sued most of the time, so here you

have to have an extreme defect to even bring a case most of the time.

Remington, for example, has a gun out there with similar lawsuits, but what's interesting

about this is that we look at this history and we say, A, they knew the problem, they

finally did the recall, but then they've done nothing to get those guns back.

There's ways to do that.

The guns, usually, are registered.

They can do that, but they're taking the position straight out, as most all these gun

manufacturers do when a gun explodes and kills somebody, is that there's no defect.

They're right and all of the experts are wrong.

Is that what happened here?

Yes, and just to clarify, because I went back to look at my notes, they did discontinue

it in 2010, so there has officially been no recall.

But, yes, going back to what the problem was with the gun, basically it doesn't use black

powder, so it creates a higher pressure.

So they're saying it's user error.

Experts looked at it, said, "Well, when you use it enough, that pressure builds up and

basically the steel is compromised."

There's a major failure.

It explodes, it bursts, and that's what a lot of these complaints were saying, and these

other problems and lawsuits that have been filed.

But with this particular one, when they use it without the black powder, it creates more

and more pressure.


This case is important because, not just this particular brand, but we've got to change

the laws on how we're able to go after gun manufacturers when they do wrong.

Not just in situations like this, but in many situations.


Thanks for joining me.

Yes, thank you, Pap.

For more infomation >> Exploding Rifles & Pistols Is Becoming The New Norm - Duration: 3:24.


'Time Traveler' to Run for President and Reveal the Technology - Duration: 4:31.

�Time Traveler� to Run for President and Reveal the Technology

BY Paul Seaburn

Is it too early to announce plans to run for president in 2020 (unless you�re the incumbent)?

If the candidate claimed to be a time traveler, would you be worried that he already knows

what�s going to happen between now and then and is positioning himself to save (or take

over) the country?

That alleged time traveler is Andrew Basiago and he not only is running for president (again)

but has promised to reveal details about the government�s alleged Project Pegasus, which

he claims developed a time machine during the Cold War that he himself rode in back

to Lincoln�s Gettysburg Address and the Ford Theater the night of his assassination

� and he has a photograph to prove it.

Shouldn�t he go back and get some compromising photographs of his opponent?

Unfortunately, Basiago no longer has access to the time machine.

Perhaps that�s why his campaign platform includes exposing Project Pegasus for what

he says it was � a successful project that required a huge amount of taxpayer money but

gave no return because the government decided it was too dangerous and shut it down.

Now THAT�S how to develop a conspiracy theory without resorting to pizza.

Andrew Basiago

No pizza but nonetheless plenty of politicians.

Basiago claims that the CIA used the time machine to identify future presidential candidates

and prepare them for their future occupation.

He says those candidates included both Bushes, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Surprisingly, for someone running himself, he doesn�t mention whether the CIA visited

him as a child.

That may be because he himself was a child when he traveled in time while his father

worked for Project Pegasus.

Basiago says that, in addition to visiting the times of Lincoln (and bumping into himself

on a different trip), he traveled back a million years, visited the future (2045) and went

to Mars (teleported, not time traveled) where he saw living beings.

Basiago says that kid in the the ill-fitting shoes is him at the Gettysburg Address

You�re probably saying to yourself, �He sounds as sane as anyone else running for

president these days� and you�re probably right.

His statements on his website sound like his heart is in the right place:

�Today, Andrew D. Basiago is running for President of the United States with a New

Agenda for a New America.

He has vowed that if elected President, he will lead the American people into a bold,

new era of Truth, Reform, and Innovation as great as they are great.

Join us in supporting Andy in his quest to establish a Presidency as honest, just, and

ingenious as the American people.� For those who aren�t sure if Tom DeLonge

will keep his promise of full disclosure what he knows about secret UFO files, Basiago�s

100 proposals in his New Agenda contain things like:

The President should end the ET cover-up in a live, televised address to the American


The President should disclose the fact that atomic explosions on Earth attracted the ETs.

The President should craft an ET contact policy that anticipates a diversity of ET visitors

to Earth.

The President should answer questions that the American people have about NASA�s lunar


The President should disclose the existence of the secret US presence on the Red Planet.

The President should declassify the secret space program and treaties with off-planet


There�s 94 more where those came from.

If you�d like a time traveling, Mars visiting, alien revealing president, check out Andrew

Basiago�s website and make sure you�re registered to vote (a good idea anyway).

For more infomation >> 'Time Traveler' to Run for President and Reveal the Technology - Duration: 4:31.


Net Neutrality vote, tax cut vote expected next week, White House briefing (FNN) - Duration: 7:17:22.

For more infomation >> Net Neutrality vote, tax cut vote expected next week, White House briefing (FNN) - Duration: 7:17:22.


VIDEO MARKETING: Cómo ser más interesante en tus videos y retener a tu audiencia - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> VIDEO MARKETING: Cómo ser más interesante en tus videos y retener a tu audiencia - Duration: 4:00.


Ánh Nắng Của Anh - Đức Phúc - Thân Thiện Official - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Ánh Nắng Của Anh - Đức Phúc - Thân Thiện Official - Duration: 4:35.


Guérir son rhume au naturel - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Guérir son rhume au naturel - Duration: 1:53.


hand embroidery stitches for blouse | simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery designs - Duration: 2:33.

simple maggam work designs

For more infomation >> hand embroidery stitches for blouse | simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery designs - Duration: 2:33.


Katherine Ryan champions Canada's friendliness while living abroad | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:46.

Tonight our co-host is the hilarious U.K.-based, Canadian comedian Katherine Ryan and she's

here to give us the scoop on what Brits really think about the coldest country in the Commonwealth;

welcome Katherine Ryan!

Let's hear it for Katherine Ryan!

- Thank you!

Thank you Shaun.

- Welcome welcome.

Now, I don't know if you know this:

but you might be the most famous female name to come out of Sarnia since Kim Mitchell!

- Whoa!

Well I mean that is a huge honour.

- What's it like being a Canadian living overseas in 2017?

I assume you just drive around in a car, painted in the Canadian flag,

blasting Nickelback.

- Yeah, there will be people who say, "I really hate

that American girl". And then they'll go,


Is she Canad-...?

Well I quite like that Canadian girl."

Yeah, they recognize Commonwealth, you know,

they remember, - That's cool,

- They're like, "the Queen is on her money, she's alright".

- When someone does mistake you for being American,

how do you handle that?

- I mean I don't get heated up about it.

They right away will be like, "I'm so sorry,

I'm sorry-" Like they've given you the worst insult,

- They really do?


- But I mean, what I do is I'm just friendly

and then they figure it out.

- And you have a daughter?

- I do!

- So what's it like for her?

When you bring her back to Canada, does she get annoyed when you start using

Canadian terms?

- My daughter corrects me.

We'll be in a restaurant and I'll ask for tomatoes,

with something and she'll say, "Oh no I'm so sorry,

my Mommy's trying to say tomato.

You do have to be patient with my Mommy she's Canadian."

- And I'm like, - Oh that's great!

- Who are you?! Yeah, and then when she comes to Canada she absolutely

loves it.

She thinks Canada's it.


She's like, "Mommy take me for some of Thomas' cake rounds!"

Guess know what that is.

- What's that?

Thomas' cake round?

- It's TimBits!

It's TimBits!

- Oh it's a TimBit!

- She was like, "There for Thomas' cake rounds"

and I'm like, God, you are the worst Canadian.

- In your act you talk about your sister, being the most Canadian ever,

what does that mean?

- Uh so, Joanne, my sister talks like this way.

She does, she really talks like this.

She lives out in like, the mountains in the west coast

and she doesn't believe in technology, she has no T.V.,

she has no phone, she is basically a bear.

Like I, Like she jut like catches food and she makes

all her own clothes on a loom.

I don't know where she came from it's like my mom cheated on Dad with a granola bar,

We don't know.

- Ladies and gentlemen, Katherine Ryan everybody!

For more infomation >> Katherine Ryan champions Canada's friendliness while living abroad | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:46.


UNDERVERSE - XTRA SCENE 2 [By Jakei] - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> UNDERVERSE - XTRA SCENE 2 [By Jakei] - Duration: 9:34.


Îmi place sa vorbesc thailandeza | Thailand Vlog #2 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Îmi place sa vorbesc thailandeza | Thailand Vlog #2 - Duration: 1:56.


This LITTLE KID DIDN'T STAND a CHANCE in Clash Royale! - Duration: 10:01.


Oh, we grabbed look at this setup. We got here. There is no way he is gonna defend this unless he has a rocket

Hey good, so why the hell are you wearing the same exact shirt that you wore yesterday you'll weirdo for your information

I'm leaving town this weekend, and I gotta prep videos for daily upload so uh yeah

That's why but that is completely besides the point because in today's video. We are going to be attempting to win the sapis vs.

Hunter challenge this is my first time entering this don't know what it's even about but I'm confident

We're the best player in the game. We're gonna get all the way to 12 wins without a single loss

You are going down mister. Oh three angel

I'm gonna beat you so badly that you get kicked from your own clan is he gonna put anything down or not

I don't I don't understand a royal giant in the very bag screw this guy he just waited like

20 seconds and when a troop down and he goes with that also I have no idea how to use that zappy scarred

I've never touched it once in my life. I just sent a dart coming in a poison spell. I'm an idiot

Well, I found on that tower that tower is about to go down if I can get you know what I should probably wait for

The mini pack I feel like that's gonna be the best way to stop that

Also, his eye spirits suck there

Goes mini P doing some work

and hopefully he can go up in there and

Slap that ice wizard get over here over this boom one more one more one were it

Ten out of ten poison spell I don't know what this guy is

Attempting to do come on zappy show us how it's done against the Royal Giant. Oh my god that thing just got obliterated

What are these things overpowered, or is this guy just like extra bad look at them go dude?

Holy crap they're just oh my god

They're marking everything nothing stands a chance against these bad boys come on get to that tower

Oh, I told you guys first battle down easy wing GG

Let's hop into another I'm honestly not confident in my draft choices royal giant x appease the let's get it

I also do have fire spirits those may be interesting mister. That's three musketeers screw those things

I got those out of there in record timing now here the sapis are cleaning those things up

Oh, let's get it and as far as this right side goes

We just even ice calm that easy counter, and we got some good damage off. I'm telling you no one can beat us

We're just we're too good this man. Just couldn't go home down when he was down on elixir. Let's totally punish him for that

Hopefully the Royal Giant is ready in time. I'd like to see him defend this like he put it going down

Let me tell you this when he didn't have you like so that was totally not a smart idea also

I do have the minion word so I'm hoping I can clean this go him up very easily

That right tower is totally done like 100%. He's still putting he lakester down over there now

Hopefully this guy does not have arrows

He does have an ice spear but screw that we're gonna block that with that all over just all her minions died

Okay, switching it up to the other Lane. This fool is doing another goal and push keep in mind. He is down on elixir

I don't know why he's putting golems down, but it does not seem too smart also

He has three musketeers, so I'm for sure gonna hold off on this fireball

I'm not trying to get caught off guard

Because that is just it's it's gonna end ugly and I'm not trying to deal with that. There's the three musketeers

I was worried about so it's fireball all of that put an ice golem down right there

Oh, we put some fire spirits down as well as far as this guy goes

I don't quite know what's gonna be a good counter for them. I'm gonna put some zap ease down right there

I don't know if that's good or bad seems kind of like a fail now

We're gonna fight about all of that out of there. You got stop it. Please stop it

Please though which is doing some work, which is not good for us

But look at this this man is still just he is spamming everything he has right now

It is not working out for him. We have a push on this right side. I'm pretty confident

We won at this point we may even get two towers destroyed. Let's see come on oh

So close oh, ho god

This is gonna be sick

So we have the hunter in the bag with a mortar on the tower so oh crap look at this setup

We got here

There is no way he is gonna defend this unless he has a rocket or poison spell but for the most part

I'm pretty confident. We got this in the bag, and holy crap we got to dip up them

Yeah, we got the peashooter with that as well

This is honestly incredible this Hunter is so overpowered with the mortar

I got the whole setup going right now this poor dude. Holy crap

This is some next-level tactics right here guys and let's get her going again

So we got the hunter down with the mortar and the princess let me get that cannon ready as well

Just look at the perfect setup

I don't even care that this guy has a hut because I know for a fact his hut is about to get wrecked in like

Point two seconds screw those appease I'm just gonna. Oh we got the pea shooter again with arrows

I am such a beast at clash Royale

No, one is better than me and just look at this yes a goblin getting down

But the mortar is still just blasting away this deck is actually really good and really fun

Okay, so I was gonna go for the same exact setup when he put a royal giant on this time

Let's get a prince down to help out with that

Hopefully gets his charge off perfect, and now we have a decent counter push

I don't really have enough elixir for any other troops

So I think we're just gonna chill for now actually you know what let's send a balloon in I have that hunter

He's doing Splash Damage. I am gonna get some arrows ready for that goblin gang

Oh, no goblin gang after all there is gonna be a dark goblin though coming in right now. It'll look at that

I know that dude was coming and I blasted him out of there

And we still aren't done yet peep this right here boys. We are gonna have the mortars shoot onto the tower now

Oh it may take out the pea shooter


The mortar just said screw you barbarians and it went on to the tower so 10 seconds left in this battle

Another win for the clickbait god. I told you we're just two pro at this game. No one is gonna stop us today

This is definitely gonna be my toughest matchup yet. I'm not a fan of the cards

I was given, but I'm gonna have to make it work. Don't know if we're gonna win, but we're trying man

We're gonna get a strike over this dinner to do. Oh wait. Why did you you miss that goblin you idiot?

Oh my god boy. Oh, no oh

Man, we are dog. I'm just all so pissed off right now. This is like the worst deck

I could have ever made for myself

This guy is not putting any troops down it took them so long to get that musketeer down this can be it

Let's get a fire ball right there screw all that stuff next up. Let's get some zappy Xin well

I don't even know what this guy is gonna put down we got this we got this screw your minor

It's not gonna get any hits off you piece of

Look at that

We are on this guy's tower with the sapis blasting away. That is

Exactly what we needed to get back in this all hole boys this can be it this can be it right here

Can we actually defend for once or are we gonna lose?

We cannot let them take us out sapis on that be straight there Pekka is approaching the tower

We do have the bowler, but unfortunately he is just not making any connections whatsoever

This is that we are gonna win take in the W come on come on

He has a minor on our tower, and he has a poison spell

Please please please we can do it right here fireball fireball fireball, please baller. No way we're actually gonna come back from this

Yes, oh god. No. We have poor fairies on the tower who the hell. Are you Gio's pizza? I don't order no pizza

What are you talking about good stuff for him but look at that we have the miner over there. Please get some hits off

Oh wow that worked out really good. Actually that was pretty incredible

Oh, yes get it with the log - oh yeah, that was one good. Push. Oh

Another went down for your boy. Okay? I'm gonna be honest for you guys

We've been playing for quite some time now, so I'm gonna do one final match for this video keep in mind

We're 5 - no so if I can finish this video going 6

You know awesome, but I'm not trying to get a loss here. We're playing really well today

Hopefully this video is entertaining as of now surprise

Goblin barrel, what do you got planned for that buddy? Oh hoo mega minion too bad for you look at that. Oh wait

Why did I just put those down against an executioner probably not my best thought but it worked out decent

I thought it was just gonna slice through all three of them at once

Oh, ho boys. This is where the fun is going to begin we have the golem down right there

This guy does not have much elixir. He keeps like putting stuff down

He just wasted a mega minion so uh this dude is probably screwed right about now

I don't know how he's gonna stop this goblin marrow

Oh executioner, but now we can't stop the golem, so I'm glad this worked out pretty well for him

I do have the log. It's not really needed right now

If you look up top a lot of his troops are stacking up, so I'm expecting a giant

There's the giant and yeah this should be good. Let's get a log down rate there screw all of that

This guy does have his app which we were expecting but luckily

This app wasn't too big of a deal more stuff inbound not a big deal though this time

We're just gonna put an inferno on the right that way the executioner won't target it. We have that log down

Let's get these appease this appease are gonna come in so clutch right here and freeze the giant archers should help out as well

And now let's send in a final goblin barrel

It really won't do anything

But it's still nice to try and get any extra damage off so this right here

Like I said was the final battle of the video and even though I was really really cocky in the very beginning

I think we played

decent like I was saying no one was gonna beat me and I was the best player ever and part of that was right because

We are still undefeated, which is just an amazing feeling so guys this has pretty clips

Hopefully you enjoyed today's video and peace out

For more infomation >> This LITTLE KID DIDN'T STAND a CHANCE in Clash Royale! - Duration: 10:01.


Drake is Shooting His Shot with Angelina Jolie - Duration: 1:29.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

///// Instagram may as well be a dating app for Drake at this point.

The Toronto rapper has used the social media platform to get the attention of a lot of

ladies, and on Wednesday night he tried to get at Angelina Jolie.

Drake posted a black and white photo, sitting alone at a huge dinner table with the caption,

"Stood me up."

Right above the empty seat, he tagged Angelina Jolie.

Jolie, who split from her husband Brad Pitt last year, doesn't have an official Instagram,

so it's possible Drake's call for attention will go unnoticed by her.

However the fact that Drake tagged Jolie's fan account definitely got people talking.

At least Drake knows Angelina Jolie is out of his league

Your boy too wild Brad Pitt should do a drive-by for control.

LMFAO drake just took flirting to another level.

Angelina jolie

Flirting on social media is nothing new to Drake.

He fueled dating rumors when he posted a photo of him smiling ear to ear next to Jennifer

Lopez around the end of 2016.

He also went for Sarah Silverman writing "I Do" over her photo and captioning it Woman

Crush Everyday.

And let's not forget his deliberate shot at Vanessa Hudgens during his acceptance speech

at the Billboard Music Awards.

Drake proceeded to follow her on Instagram and like one of her posts, which in 2017 basically

translates to asking her out on a date.

God bless Drake for trying.

///// That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Drake is Shooting His Shot with Angelina Jolie - Duration: 1:29.


PWB TV: East Bali Poverty Project [S02E04] - Duration: 12:34.

My village is poor yeah

Like our story before 2000

No infrastructure, no road, no water.

I like my village be a symbol

around the world,

to be an example location for

other village be a success

from EBPP program.

Bali is a truly unique culture.

I think there are more temples than people here actually.

Everything takes on some sacred value,

and not everyone has seen this part of Bali.

I've seen what most western tourists have seen

and that usually amounts to surfing and good restaurants

and luxury vacation villas.

Digging deeper, I learned that

there's some real challenges

and there's a charity in fact helping people in need.

East Bali Poverty Proje is run by Balinese

and more specifically

Balinese from this particular area

from these villages.

So they really know what's going on and

how to connect with the people.

In June 1998,

I sought out the reginal government head

of the region you see.

And he said "Mr David, what is it?"

Your approval for me to help the village of Ban.

He said, "Where is it?"

Well I got a map out

and with a pencil I drew the outline of the village

between the two mountains,

Agung and Abang at the bottom.

He said "David, I've never heard of it."

Because in 95'

the government of Bali,

they didn't want to know of poverty

because they wanted to develop the

tourism areas of Bali

and get wealthy from them.

And so the challenge was there,

the people wanted the help

and yes I made a plan.

Interviewed a 1056

families representing the 19 sub villages

and the information was horrendous.

So when we are here in 1998

the village have no school

no road, no electricity, no water, no health facility.

Most people lived in abject poverty.

about 80% people live

down at the bottom has the goiter

because the people have no iodine at all here.

We work with UNICEF and they help

give the iodine capsules to all people here.

EBPP has ongoing projects for education


music education, artistic education, language.

Quite a comprehensive portfolio of

services their proving these communities.

And we're going out and

documenting the work their doing in the field.

It's a pleasure for me to be able to

help advance their cause through photography.

Approximately we've educated

more than 1.5 thousand children.

But the whole goal was

to educate them with everything that they needed to know

and their parent's needed to know

to develop for the future.

And so simple things

and it's saying do this, do that.

Your turning education on its head,

because the parents didn't have an education.

They wanted to educate their children

so they can lead them to a better life.

And this why the bamboo course, the future is now.

We teach our kids about how to harvest the bamboo

we teach our kids about

how to treat the bamboo

and then how to make the product

from bamboo.

Our mission for the bamboo program

is greening our earth.

If we just talk about the empowerment

or greening our earth

without talking about the

what are the benefits for them

for them, nobody can do it.

That's why the economic

is sensitive issue

to make them appreciate

to make them

to make them more motivate to doing this program.

The people don't know when the Mt Agung

will be eruption

and sometimes

it look like clear but

very very dangerous.

The government increase or decrease the status

and that's become very very worrying

for the people.

Many many people now must

move from the village because this situation.

Also the people decide themselves

to find a safer place.

We have the health team

in our organization

and our health team

go around every day to check the people

and then to give them multi vitamin,

and also check the elder people.

Also everyday our staff

distribute the supplies for the people.

So everything what they need

So the food, the supplies and water.

We give every camp at least

least for one week, enough for one week.

And then after that we go again, rotate.

We need also some help,

to give more care to the people.

And it's still very difficult to stay in the camps.

The most important thing

is that every that is happened in this village

has been done because the people wanted it.

And that's why it works.

I know from projects overseas

that I took over that were failing.

Why were they failing?

Because the arrogant western mentality,

you know you need that.

Do you?

You don't tell a person you need it.

They have to understand and want it.

A successful project

is going to be owned by the people

and it's theirs, it's the ownership

and the empowerment.

Fewer and fewer people take the time to read about

things that are uncomfortable and often

these NGOs are addressing

people in great need.

And I think the visual story is

probably more relatable than something written.

The images have a real democratizing power.

We can compete with larger NGOs

and present a story.

We feel so proud to be here,

because we change mindset of the community.

Not just do something for ourselves

but the important thing

how we can help the people whose needed

and how we educate the people that's most important.

So for me, I want

ll the people to be

better and have good life

and then and sharing to each other

I'm happy

because from

1998 til now, I have a lot of

to improve my knowledge

to get a lot of experience in my life

That's why I

work hard for

for a good future for my family.

For more infomation >> PWB TV: East Bali Poverty Project [S02E04] - Duration: 12:34.


Case 6: Man Plastic Surgery Korea [ENG SUBBED][CC] - Duration: 0:23.

When will I be pretty?


Wanna be pretty??

Then, GENIE!!

Wonjin Plastic Surgery

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