Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 15 2017

You know what?

I'm about to say it.

I'll get you, bitch!


For more infomation >> you know what - Duration: 0:11.


The BEST Smart Phone of 2017 | KISS Kouch - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> The BEST Smart Phone of 2017 | KISS Kouch - Duration: 4:32.


Що таке КАС - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Що таке КАС - Duration: 4:44.


How to draw Jingle the Bell Merry Xmas step by step easy by Hoa cuoi - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> How to draw Jingle the Bell Merry Xmas step by step easy by Hoa cuoi - Duration: 6:25.


12/15 School Shoutout: Garland Elementary - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> 12/15 School Shoutout: Garland Elementary - Duration: 0:40.


Why You Need a Vision with Goals - Duration: 28:31.

TERRI: Do your goals look something like this: lose

weight, save money, get out of debt, get closer to God, and

clean the house? If so, it's a setup for

failure. I'm going to teach you how to set goals

the right way so you can get results.


TERRI: Hey, I'm Terri Savelle and you're watching Live Your

Dreams. I pray that as you invest in yourself today, you're

captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams. Obviously,

I'm passionate about teaching people to go after the dreams,

the goals that Gods put in their heart. You know, I remember

hearing a story about Helen Keller, remember she was blind

and deaf? And, they asked her one time they asked her what

could be worse than having no sight? She said, "To have sight,

but have no vision." That would be the worst thing. To have

sight, but have no vision for you life. Well, obviously this

comes from the word of God. Gods the one who said, "Where there

is no vision, the people perish." I believe Gods speaking

to you today to get a vision for you life, to get your dreams

back. Don't go to the grave with your dreams still in you, right?

It's one thing to have a vision, to have it on the inside of you,

that's progress. But, let's kick it up a notch and actually get

your dreams and goals in writing, even on a vision board.

You know when I began doing this years ago, I went from just

wishing my life would improve to truly living my dreams. I've

heard stories of people who've had vision boards, or even just

put pictures on their refrigerator, or- I remember

this story, which I love this story about Conrad Hilton, you

know from the Hilton hotels? He did the same thing. He didn't

have a vision board, but listen to what he did. He said he was

coming out of the Great Depression, this was in 1929,

and he said you know they were suffering big losses, the crash

of 1929. All the sudden one day he came across this article in a

magazine and it was titled The Most Famous Hotel in The World;

it was the Waldorf Astoria. It was titled The Most Famous Hotel

in All The World, there in New York City. He said as he's

looking at that magazine, he looks at that hotel, God dropped

a dream in his heart that one day he would own that building.

Now, think about this. He's coming out of the Great

Depression, he said he could barely pay his own rent, it

looked like the most impossible thing in the world. But, he said

he grabbed some scissors, he cut that magazine article out, he

put it under the glass on his desk, and every day he looked at

that vision. Every day he kept that vision before his eyes. He

said years went by, looked like it would never happen. He said

whenever he would visit New York City, he would walk around that

hotel believing, praying, and dreaming that one day he would

own that property. 18 years later, he was able to acquire

250,000 shares of the Waldorf Astoria Corporation and he ended

up purchasing the most beautiful hotel in the world. That's the

power of having a vision clearly before you eyes. We know, you

might say things like "Well that's great, but that's Conrad

Hilton, what about me?". You know I love getting testimonies

from people, I've gotten testimonies from people all over

the world who are living their dreams. In fact, one girl, I

love this, in Minnesota, she said you know she was a personal

trainer for years and she's watching all these other people

succeed and improve their lives, and she said, "All the sudden I

got serious about my dreams." She made a vision board of her

owning her own gym, her own fitness facility. Well today,

she owns that gym. Another lady, who is a single mom of four

kids, recently divorced, living in Switzerland. She came to one

of my meetings in Germany, took the train to hear me, and she

said "As I began getting serious about my future, instead of just

watching everybody else live their dreams," she said "I made

a vision board of me owning my own cleaning company." She said,

"Today, I not only own that company, but I'm hiring more

employees." Well, she got serious about her future. Same

with another couple, they said everybody was always telling

them "Your food is amazing, you should open up your own

restaurant." Well, instead of just thinking "That's for

everybody else but me," they took it seriously. They said

they not only opened their own restaurant, but they were voted

one of the best restaurants in their city. They're living their

dreams, right? I want you to realize, God has so much more

for your life. God never meant for you to just get to a certain

place in your life and just park. In fact, I heard someone

say there's no neutral with God. We're either going forward or

we're going in reverse. God has more, but you know you've got to

get serious about it, you've got to realize that he has more for

your life. I love this story I heard about, it was a professor

who was getting ready to give his students the final exam of

the semester, it was the most important exam of the year. And,

he told them he said "You know, I am so proud of you, you've

done so good this year," he said "In fact I'm going to make you

an offer," he said "For those of you who would like to take an

automatic C, you don't even have to take the exam today, just

lift your hands you get an automatic C and you're free to

go." He said there was just quiet in the room, people

started looking around, is he serious? All the sudden one hand

went up, another hand went up, before you know it half the

class stood up and walked out. They were shouting, rejoicing

you know, "We didn't have to take the exam and we got a C."

Well, for the ones who remained he began to speak life into

them, he began to encourage them. He said things like, "You

know, because you stayed, you have proven that you want to go

far in life, that you're not going to settle for average.

That you're not going to just barely get by." And he said,

"Before you, don't turn the exam over," he went through the whole

classroom, he laid the exams face down, and he just kept

encouraging them. Then he said, "Because you believe in

yourself, turn the paper over." He turned it over and this is

what it said: "Congratulations, you just made an A." Think about

that, they believed that they were made for more. They

believed that they didn't have to settle for average. Why

settle for average when you're capable of so much more? I

believe God is saying that to you today, that he made you to

achieve big things. Don't settle for life the way it is, don't

settle for debt another 10 years, another 20 years. Don't

settle for an average job when you know God has put something

on the inside of you, that he has given you gifts and talents

that he wants to utilize, he wants to use your gifts. Well

you know, I love teaching people to dream, how to go after their

dreams, but one of the most powerful things you can do is

just sit quietly with the Lord and listen for his voice, and

whatever comes up in your spirit write it down. Just get a pen

and some paper and start writing down whatever you hear in your

heart. It's just like in the word of God, remember when Satan

came to tempt Jesus? And, every time Jesus would declare "It is

written," and he'd speak the word. Well, sometimes you have

no indication that your life will ever improve, but you can

look at that journal where you've been writing your time

with the Lord and you can say "It is written." I love this

story, this is just such a cool story, I was surprised to hear

who it was. It was about a young man who in 1976 he said he was

just struggling with what he wanted to do with his life, he

didn't have any real direction. So, he said he came home from

college, he went up to his moms beauty shop, and he's just

sitting there killing time waiting for his mom to get off

work. All of the sudden, one of the customers walked in named

Ruth. They knew each other, she'd seen him grow up through

the years, they said hi to each other. When Ruth sat down to get

her hair done, she said all the sudden something just came up in

her spirit and all she could think was "Somebody get me a pen

and some paper." So they did, and she began writing what she

saw in her spirit, and she wrote "You will speak to millions, you

will travel the world and make a positive difference." Well, she

folded it up, she handed it to the young man and she said

"Young man, this is for you." She said "God has something

amazing in your future." He said when he opened that up and read

it, something just came alive on the inside of him. He folded it

up, he put it in his wallet, he said he carried it around for

years. He said every time he would get discouraged, and he'd

want to give up on his dream and it looked like it would never

happen, he would open up that paper, read it, and he'd think

"Nope, I'm not going to give up. God has something amazing in my

future, somebody believes in me." Well, do you know today

Denzel Washington still carries that note everywhere he goes.

You know, sometimes you may have no indication that the dreams

Gods put in your heart, the dreams that maybe you've put on

a vision board, you have no indication that these dreams

will ever come to pass. It looks impossible, people are laughing

at your dreams, people think you're crazy for thinking this

could happen to you. Well, you have to get to a place in your

life where you point to that and you say "It is written, and be

it unto me according to my faith, and my faith believes

everything is possible to him who believes." You have to have

that kind of faith. I want to teach you not only how to have a

dream and a vision and a vision board, but I want to teach you

how to set goals the right way. I've heard a story about a

professor at Virginia Tech. He did research on successful

people and goal setting. He said he walked up to random people on

the street and he just asked them one question, he said "What

are your goals for life? What are your dreams, what are your

goals?" He said 80% of the people he asked said "I don't

have any dreams." 80% of the people walking around have no

dreams for their life. 16% said "I have some dreams, but I've

never written them down." 3% said "I've written my dreams at

some point, but I don't know where they are." 1% said "I have

dreams, I've written them down, and I review them on a

consistent basis. In other words they're in front of my eyes." He

said, "You know who the 1% were? Millionaires. Every one of them

were millionaires." And, the clues these millionaires have

left for us, number one I have dreams. Number two I write them

down. Number three, I keep them before my eyes. Something

powerful happens when you get serious about your dreams, your

goals, and you keep them consistently before your eyes.

Well, if they say 93% of New Years goals go unfulfilled, then

maybe we're just setting goals the wrong way. It's one thing to

have a vision, but you got to set goals the right way. So,

when we come back I'm going to teach you the smart goals'

technique on how to get specific, how to reach your

goals, so that it no longer just becomes something on

a board that you just wish would happen, but you

truly start living your dreams. I'll be right back.

ANNOUNCER: God never intended for you to just

exist with each day a repeat of the day before. He

designed you to thrive and live your dreams. You've been

given gifts, talents and desires in your heart, to fulfill a

great purpose. So call or go online now to request the Dream

It, Pin It, Live It package. In Terri's inspiring and practical

book Dream It, Pin It, Live It, you'll discover how to identify

the dreams Gods placed in your heart, how to effectively set

goals so you can achieve them, how a vision board can

dramatically impact your future, and much more. This special

offer also includes the companion work book to help you

apply and personalize the teachings to your life, and an

mp3 audio book version to listen to on the go. Call now.

800-795-5597, or visit to request these life changing

resources for just $35 for a limited time.

TERRI: So, let's talk about moving into that seven

percent category of people who achieve their goals.

If you're anything like me, I used to set goals

that were so broad, common goals like lose weight, save

money, get out of debt, get closer to God, spend more time

with family, read more, get the house organized. Well, although

these goals are common, they're set up for failure, because

they're broad, they're unclear, they're hazy, and you don't even

really know what you're trying to achieve. They're so big

they're so broad. I had to learn how to set goals the right way,

and once I began to do that I began to reach them. Maybe

you've heard about the smart tips, S-M-A-R-T it's an acronym.

I want to teach that real quick, because I believe this will help

you go to the next level. The S stands for Specific. You have to

be as specific as you can be, you've got to bring clarity to

your dreams, the dreams you want to accomplish. Now, a wrong

example would be saying things like "I will save more money

this year." The right way to set a financial goal would be "I

will save $6,000 by December 31." Then you break it down, you

say okay that's $500 a month, that's roughly $250 from each

paycheck. Then you can see if that's even realistic, is that

something you can do? So, be specific, don't just say- you

know a lot of times people get a prophetic word for the year, and

we usually grab hold of those words. Well, I like to break it

a part. If somebody says it's a year of increase, what does that

mean to you? If it's a year of acceleration, what does that

mean in your life? If it's the year of the great breaking

loose, it's the great year, whatever it is, make it specific

to you. Define that. What it means in your life. So, the S is

being specific. Don't just say "I'm going to lose weight," what

does that mean? Be specific. The M stands for Measurable. This is

where you can truly measure whether or not you really hit a

goal. For example, the wrong way would be to say "I will lose

weight." Well, you could lose one pound and I guess you

reached your goal. Now, the right example would be "I will

weigh 120 pounds by May 15." If that's your goal. If your

current weight let's say is a 130 pounds, and you're specific

about it, you can measure your results. The A stands for Action

Orientated. Use action verbs when you set your goals. You

would say things like reduce, save, earn, exercise, invest,

enroll, run, things like that. Now, a wrong example would be

saying things like "I will be more consistent with exercise."

What does that mean? A right example is, "I will exercise

five days a week," and then you can break that apart by saying

"I will walk for 20 minutes on the treadmill." See, the more

clarity you add to your goal the more you will committed to it.

It's one thing to just say "I'm going to get closer to God."

What does that mean? That may mean "You know what, I'm going

to read 12 books of the Bible this year. I'm going to read one

book a month." You have to identify what it means when you

set these goals. My next point is Realistic. If your goals are

too big, you're setting yourself up to fail. I encourage you to

set goals that stretch you, that cause you to grow, that put a

demand on your faith, but also set goals that are somewhat

attainable. In fact, most goal setting experts, they recommend

that you set goals that have about a 50% chance of happening.

Yes, put a demand on your faith, but don't make it so crazy that

there's not a chance it could ever happen. Now, a wrong

example would be to say something like "I will save

$50,000 by May 31," if your current salary is $70,000.

Unless you live with momma, that's an unrealistic goal. A

right example would be "I will save 10% of my current salary."

If your salary is $70,000, then you would say "I will save

$7,000." Then of course, you break it up into

monthly goals. What does that mean you need to

save every single month? So, set goals that have some

chance of being attained. Then, the T stands for Timeline.

In a sentence, deadlines are motivating. When

you establish a deadline to your goal, it just gives you that

motivation to achieve it. It keeps you motivated whenever you

say "I'm going to do this by a certain day." In fact, you may

have heard that the quickest way to clean your house, invite some

company over. That's a quick deadline, and your whole family

goes into second gear. You will get the whole thing clean in 20

minutes because somebodies on their way. They say the most

productive day of the year is the day before vacation; why?

Because there's a deadline. Well, the quickest way to

achieve your goals is to attach a deadline to it. A wrong

example would be just to say, "I will write my book." Like, some

of you may have a dream, God may have spoken to you to write a

dream, maybe he told you that five years ago, but as long as

you just keep saying "I'm going to write my book," chances are

it's not going to happen because there's no deadline attached to

it. A right example would be to say, "I will finish my

manuscript by September 30." I want to challenge you to get

serious about the dreams and the goals that Gods put in your

heart. In my workbook I teach you the right and wrong way how

to set goals, and some of the most compelling ways that I've

learned to set and achieve my goals. But, the reason I'm so

passionate about this, it's not so much about winning the Grammy

award and having the house at the Pacific Ocean. Those are

great, and I believe God will give you the desires of your

heart, if that's what he has for your life. But, the main thing

is there are certain things that Gods going to hold you

accountable for achieving during your lifetime, and you don't

want to come to Judgement Day and say "Lord, I meant to do

that I just never found the time, or I just didn't really

know how to go after it." That's why I'm so committed to teaching

you how to achieve your goals, because if you're like me, I

want to be able to stand before God and say, "Lord, I did my

best to do everything you put me on Earth to do." One of the ways

that I like to teach people to get serious about their goals,

because you know you may hear this message, you might think

"That's great, but Terri I don't even know what my goals are."

And, trust me I understand. I used to get out a sheet of paper

on January 1, I would write my broad goals you know like I said

before, lose weight, get closer to God, save money. I would put

them in my nightstand and never look at them again. Do you think

I achieved my goals? I don't even remember what I wrote, much

less go after them. When I began learning messages like I'm

teaching today, about how to get serious about my future, I began

to learn techniques on how to set goals the right way. One of

them is, and this is one of the most compelling ways to get in

touch with your goals, is for you to imagine, project forward,

to December 31 of this year. Just imagine it's December 31,

you're at the New Years Eve party, and you say to your

friends, "This has been the most amazing year of my life." Now,

what would need to happen for you to say something that bold?

Something that, you know, affirmative. "This has been the

most amazing year of my life." What needs to happen for you to

say that? Number two, is write your top 10 goals. Whatever it

is, just write it down, write your top 10 goals on paper. The

next step is do this for 30 days, for 30 days you write your

top 10 goals. But, here's the catch, don't flip the page to

see what you wrote the day before, just write what you can

remember. You may not remember all 10 of them, but that's okay.

That just means all 10 of them weren't that important to you.

So, every day for 30 days you write your top goals. If you can

remember five that's great, do it again the next day, do it

again the next day. I learned this years ago, and I wasn't

disciplined to do this, I'd never done it before in my life,

so I had to set the alarm on my phone it was like 10 o'clock

every day, and the alarm would go off and it would say write

your goals, I was like "Oh yeah, write my goals." I'd get my

little notebook out and I would write my goals without looking

at what I wrote the day before. Well, after doing this for 30

days, you become so energized, so motivated, so ambitious to

achieve those dreams, there's not a chance you're going to

give up on them, there's not a chance you're going to forget

about them. Because, every day for a solid month you're

thinking about it, you're writing them down. Then, you

start looking for opportunities to achieve those dreams. What I

like to do is after I've written my top 10 goals, I like to make

a vision board to match those goals. If you have a dream to

get out of debt, I would call the bank today, find out how

much debt you owe, get a picture of money and write down that

amount. And, every day you're looking at that dream, you're

praying over that dream. If it's a dream to pay off your car, I

would go get a picture of you in front of your car doing the

victory pose, call the bank find out how much you owe on that

car, put that vision before your eyes and every day starting

speaking to that vision. You know, the thing that happens,

it's so amazing. Have you ever bought a car and then all of a

sudden you see your type of car all over the road, but you never

saw it before? That's because now your new car is right here,

at the forefront of your mind, so you see it everywhere. You

recognize it on the road, everywhere you go. But, here's

the thing, that car was there all along, you just never

noticed it, but now that your new car is right here at the

forefront of your mind you see it everywhere. Did you know the

same thing happens with your dreams and goals? When you write

them down for 30 days, when you put pictures and images to your

dreams, you make a vision board, you're praying over those

dreams? Do you know, you're going to start seeing

opportunities all around you to achieve those dreams? They were

there all along, you just never noticed them. But, now that your

dreams are right here at the forefront of your mind, you're

going to observe opportunities, ideas, resources, relationships,

that you never saw before. So, that's why it's so important

that you keep these before your eyes. You've heard that old

phrase, "Out of sight, out of mind." Let me just challenge you

with this, if you write down three big financial goals, in

order to achieve any of them you've got to get focused on one

at a time. There's power to focused. I remember years ago, I

had a dream to write a certain book about using your

imagination and dreaming big, and then I had another idea I

wanted to create like a dream journal to teach people how to

put pictures and images of their dreams. Then, I wanted to write

a book on breaking soul ties. So, I'd be on an airplane I'd be

jotting down ideas on breaking soul ties, then I would be at

home I'd write ideas on the book about imagine big. I was so

frustrated, I had three dreams in my heart halfway written,

affecting nobody. Helping nobody. All the sudden, I had to

stop thinking about two of the books and focus on one. Focus on

one at a time, write it all the way until it was completed, get

it printed, and let it go out and help some people. You know,

you've got to the same thing with your goals. If you have a

goal of you know paying of a student loan of $3,000, or

paying off a credit card of $7,000, then you want to pay off

your car, $10,000. Well, write all those goals down but focus

on one at a time. Which one? The smallest one. Pay off that

school loan of $3,000. So, Napoleon Hill said "Goals are

simply dreams with deadlines." It's one thing to have a dream

but sometimes you just got to break it down into some

measurable goals. So, I want you to get this special offer we've

put together, my book Dream It, Pin It, Live It: Make Vision

Boards Work For You. I'm going to teach you how to stretch your

imagination, how to think big, but also how to set the

realistic goals that you need to achieve now so then you can go

after the bigger dreams God has for you. What do you do once you

set the goals? What do you while you're waiting? What do you do

when it looks like it's never going to happen? There's even a

chapter on who should see your vision board, who should see

your goals? You can't just share your dreams with anybody.

There's all these chapters that I know are going to help you get

serious about the dreams and the goals that Gods put in your

heart. The Apostle Paul said this, "This one thing I do,

forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching for

those things which are ahead." He said, "I press toward the

mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus." Well,

those marks were goals, they were intermediate objectives. I

believe God wants you to press toward the mark that he has for

your life. I want you to get this teaching, this is a

workbook to teach you how to set goals, and then the audios to go

with it. So, you can just push play, faith comes by hearing. I

know this is going to help you go into a whole new gear so that

this year is completely different than last year, so

that you can look back and say "Lord, this has been the most

amazing year of my life." Let's learn to succeed on purpose,

right? Don't look at the years you've lost, look at the years

you've got left and start living your dreams. Be sure to follow

us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, I want to keep you

motivated to achieve every dream that God has put in your heart.

God has no respect or persons, and I believe he's speaking to

you today. He's saying "Come on, don't settle where you are,

don't settle for average, I have so much more for your life."

Press towards the mark, get serious about your future,

you know take the time today to just sit down,

order these resources, and start thinking about

the dreams that Gods put in your heart.

ANNOUNCER: God never intended for you to just exist

with each day a repeat of the day before. He designed you to

thrive and live your dreams. You've been given gifts, talents

and desires in your heart to fulfill a great purpose. So call

or go online now to request the Dream It, Pin It, Live It

package. In Terri's inspiring and practical book Dream It, Pin

It, Live it, you'll discover how to identify the dreams God's

placed in your heart, how to effectively set goals so you can

achieve them, how a vision board can dramatically impact your

future, and much more. This special offer also includes the

companion workbook to help you apply and personalize the

teachings to your life, and an mp3 audio book version to

listen to on the go. Call now. 800-795-5597, or

visit to request these life changing

resources for just $35 for a a limited time.

TERRI: The Next Conference is right around the corner. It's

the number one success training conference based on God's Word

to help leaders grow. Join us on the lake in Rockwall, Texas

January 26-27 for two days of insight that will take your

business, personal life, and ministry to the next level. My

special guess is Keith Craft. He's a pastor and a success

coach who's worked with Zig Ziglar, George Bush Senior, Les

Brown, and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He'll teach you

how to elevate your thinking so you can elevate your life. If

you're ready to go to the next level this is a weekend vital

to your growth. Seats are limited and will

sell out so head over to to register

today so you can connect with influencers, elevate your

thinking, and go to the next level in 2018.


For more infomation >> Why You Need a Vision with Goals - Duration: 28:31.


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For more infomation >> زراعة شعر لم تُرى من قبل - Duration: 1:45.


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For more infomation >> Kofy Naiss - DiABLO (Official AppVideo + Download in description) - Duration: 2:30.


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Lucking part. Preta Ray - Deusa Negra - Duration: 2:25.

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- There's a lot of fog! - Yes...!


A common question among less experienced divers

is how often we should perform an equalization maneuver.

The answer depends on anatomic variants and other factors,

so there is not a universal answer that applies to everybody.

We must equalize frequently, as soon as we feel a slight only pressure in the ears.

DO NOT wait until pressure becomes annoying or even painful,

because you expose yourself to hazard.

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For more infomation >> Deutsche Weihnachtslieder - O du fröhliche - Duration: 2:42.


Far Cry 5 - The Resistance Trailer - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5 - The Resistance Trailer - Duration: 1:28.


Sadece Çok Zekiler Resimdeki Hataları Bulabiliyor! Dene ve Gör! - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Sadece Çok Zekiler Resimdeki Hataları Bulabiliyor! Dene ve Gör! - Duration: 5:44.


Ask a Non-Rider: BONUS Jumpers commentary by SmartPaker Juan - Duration: 4:14.


JUAN: We're back.

SARAH: --you're familiar with the exercise.

You know what we've got going on here.

Based on this freeze frame, what do you think our viewers--

what do you think we have in store?

JUAN: I think there's a horse there.


The quality--

JUAN: The quality of this paused moment is stupendous.

There's going to be some jumping.


JUAN: I'm sure they're going to turn in certain directions.


JUAN: They don't just go in a straight line.

It's not like a drag race.

SARAH: No, all right.

Fair observation.

It's important--

JUAN: Yeah.


Steering the horse.

SARAH: All right.

JUAN: It's probably 101, right?

SARAH: All right.

So we're going to see some steering and some jumping.

JUAN: Here we go.

SARAH: Let's roll it.

All right, what have we got?

JUAN: The horse.

It looks like a white horse.

And it was a very low gate.

I've seen higher.

SARAH: OK, not impressed so far.

JUAN: We're setting the bar low.

Is this somebody I know?

SARAH: You tell me.

JUAN: Well, you've given me that hint before.

I'm going to go with my first guess: you.

SARAH: OK, great guess.

Let's see how hypothetically I do.

JUAN: Oh, low again.

Now is this like a lower level jumping competition?


JUAN: OK, so this is like a junior or--


So your dad was using the VHS camera.


JUAN: Good for him.

SARAH: Yeah.

JUAN: That's why we're seeing this kind of quality.

SARAH: And how are you feeling about the quality

of these jumps?

JUAN: They're nice.

Nobody's tripping.

Everybody's still on the horse.

No vests inflating.


JUAN: The horse looks like it needs

to be managed a little bit.




And the horse is not happy.

The horse wants-- whoa.


OK, so you couldn't jump the little thing,

but you jumped the big fence.

What a show-off.

That kind of attitude goes nowhere.

SARAH: It goes right under the tree.

JUAN: But look, you didn't hit the rocks.

SARAH: Yeah.

JUAN: Was that you?

SARAH: That was not me.


SARAH: It is a SmartPaker.

She and I are similar in job department, height,

and hair color.

JUAN: Is this still Mandy?



SARAH: Mandy's blonde.

JUAN: Mandy is blonde.

I can't guess.

Not from that.

SARAH: You were very close in seating.

Across from Mandy is long-time SmartPaker.

JUAN: I don't--

SARAH: Kerri Vuolo.

JUAN: Kerri Vuolo.

That's Kerri Vuolo?

SARAH: Yeah.

That's her horse, Riker.

JUAN: Riker?

SARAH: Yeah.

JUAN: Wow.

That's quite a name.

SARAH: She still has Riker.

So since 1940 when apparently this video footage

was originally shot.


SARAH: Right.

JUAN: It's nice.

SARAH: Yeah, it was.

JUAN: It's nice they kept it.

SARAH: Yes, it was Kerri's mom who was filming.

And stayed with the action.

JUAN: Yeah.

Yeah, but I would like to see that again almost.

SARAH: You want to watch it again?

JUAN: Yeah.

SARAH: We can watch it again.

JUAN: Yeah, that was quite--

SARAH: Let's skip back to the action.

Here we go.

So she's coming up here.

JUAN: See, right there, there's hesitation on the horse.

SARAH: So that was a lead change.

JUAN: And then I saw the--

yeah, and then I saw the turn, and then the horse

is like, wait, this isn't for me.

I'm out.

I'm out with your flimsy gates.

If they don't see me, they can't score me.

That's what he's thinking.

He's like, look the shade.

I'm happy.

Leave me alone.

SARAH: Yeah.

JUAN: Is there a bologna sandwich?

That's what he's thinking.

SARAH: Bologna?

JUAN: Bologna.

SARAH: That would be your go to--

JUAN: Yeah.

SARAH: --as a reward for that--

JUAN: Yeah.

SARAH: --performance.

JUAN: Well, no, that's what the horse was thinking.


JUAN: Everybody is picnicking back there.

SARAH: Just a casual Sunday picnic

with a horse running through it.

JUAN: I know it's bad video.

Are those bodies laying down on the ground?

Or are those rocks?

SARAH: I am uncertain.


SARAH: I think that's up to you.

JUAN: All right.

SARAH: Is this your favorite one?

JUAN: No, I liked Lydia's, too.

SARAH: The driving?

You loved the driving.

JUAN: The intensity, the speed of it.

My adrenaline was going high with that video.

My god!


They must have had nitro in that thing.

Where was the button?

SARAH: The flames coming out the back?

JUAN: Yeah.

SARAH: Yeah.

All right.

Well, thank you very much--

JUAN: This is it?

SARAH: --for dropping by.

This was it.

We just wanted--

JUAN: Just one more.

All right.

SARAH: I wanted to give you one horse jumping out of the ring.

For more infomation >> Ask a Non-Rider: BONUS Jumpers commentary by SmartPaker Juan - Duration: 4:14.


The Ships and Battles of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Spacedock Short - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> The Ships and Battles of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Spacedock Short - Duration: 3:10.


Without These Engineering Tricks Spacecraft Would Die Out There - Duration: 4:13.

Living down here on Earth it's easy to forget that we have it pretty good, at least in terms

of our environment not doing everything it can to destroy us and everything we love.

But that's not the case in space, and scientists have had to solve all sorts of challenges

to keep space stations, probes, and satellites functioning in such an extreme environment.

For example, they have to engineer their way around problems like temperature.

Space can be extremely cold; the background temperature of space is minus two hundred

seventy degrees celsius in the shade, just a few degrees above absolute zero.

But in direct sunlight radiation can warm a spacecraft hundreds of degrees, especially

when it's closer to the sun.

Temperature extremes can damage or shatter delicate equipment, and depending on the mission,

engineers will have to either insulate their spacecraft from the cold or protect it from

the heat.

Sometimes they'll have to do both!

The European Space Agency's Rosetta mission had to chase down a comet.

To get there Rosetta had to do several planetary flybys before heading out towards the asteroid


On its ten year journey it went through wild temperature fluctuations, so to overcome this

engineers fitted Rosetta with metal slats or "louvres" that could open to let heat

radiate away or close to trap it and keep the probe warm.

Comets like the one rosetta caught leave a trail of dust in their wake, and are frequently

the cause of meteor showers we see on Earth.

Those little dust particles can also pose a threat to spacecraft because they're traveling

at thousands of kilometers per hour.

These can have the effect of sandblasting solar arrays, harming optics, or damaging

the structure outright.

The best strategy is avoidance -- chart a course where you don't think there's going

to be a lot of debris, but if it's unavoidable there's still measures you can take.

When the Hubble telescope passes through a meteor shower, scientists will rotate it so

those big solar panels are edge-on to the incoming hazard, minimizing its surface area

like a fencer standing sideways.

But even if a spacecraft can keep itself at the right temperature and avoid physical impacts,

there's another hazard that will always get them in the end.

Spacecraft are exposed to extreme radiation, mostly in the form of high-energy charged


These particles can come from the sun or just be zipping around the galaxy as cosmic rays.

They can also be trapped by the Earth's magnetic field and form enormous bands of

protons and electrons called Van Allen belts.

Not only do these particles pose a threat to humans, but they can damage the electronics

of spacecraft as well.

They can cause a current to flow on the surface of the craft, or burn out chips.

They can even change the contents of memory cells, corrupting data the spacecraft's

computers need to function.

If the computers fail or valuable data gets corrupted, the whole mission can be a bust,

so engineers have to come up with strategies to protect electronics from radiation in space,

what's known as "space hardening."

They can try and shield the electronics, but shielding is heavy and weight adds cost to

the launch.

Spacecraft can have redundant electronics, like three chips performing the same operation


If radiation causes one to make an error, the other two can check its work and overrule


This way they can just use commercial electronics, which are cheaper.

Interestingly, electronics today are more sensitive to space radiation than they were

in the 60s and 70s.

To make them more robust the chips themselves can be designed in such a way that makes them

resistant to radiation.

Designing hardened chips is difficult and expensive though, and one of the most popular

chips still in use has the processing power of a laptop from almost two decades ago.

Even with all these precautions, even the best space-born electronics will still fail


For more epic stories of innovation that shaped our future, check out

If you like this video don't forget to subscribe.

Despite the challenges we have launched an absurd number of satellites up there.

Is there room for any more?

Amy covers that here.One cool thing about Rosetta's louvres is they opened and closed


The springs were temperature sensitive because of the metals they were made of and so they

used no power.

Thanks for watching and stay tuned to Seeker!

For more infomation >> Without These Engineering Tricks Spacecraft Would Die Out There - Duration: 4:13.


10 BIGGEST WWE Clash Of Champions RUMORS & Surprises! | WrestleTalk News Dec. 2017 - Duration: 6:30.

The last WWE pay-per-view of 2017 , the Smackdown-branded Clash of Champions, is just days away.

So here are the 10 biggest news stories, rumors, potential surprises and crazy conspiracy theories

for the show…


Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn To Raw If Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn lose their tag

match, the stipulation says they'll have to leave WWE.

Which rather telegraphs that Zayn and Owens are winning, as WWE wouldn't get rid of

two top stars no matter how many New Day beat downs they run out on.

But that doesn't mean they're not leaving Smackdown.

WWE has been teasing that KO and Sami could move to Raw, with Owens' past with Triple

H, and Stephanie McMahon heavily complimenting them backstage at last month's Survivor



New Wrestlers' Entrance Music With long-time music composer Jim Johnston

being released from the company late last month, Clash of Champions will be the first

WWE pay-per-view in over two decades without him.

According to the ThemeTitan Twitter account that broke the news, his replacements CFO$

want "to totally overhaul WWE's musical output and replace all Jim Johnston creations

with their own."

- meaning wrestlers could be debuting new entrance music.


Jinder Mahal Will Lose His WWE Title Rematch Just over a month ago, the reported plan for

Jinder Mahal was to face Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series in an actual Clash of Champions, and

then headline a two-date tour of India.

This was part of WWE's planned expansion into the country.

But everything from low ticket sales and TV ratings to creating a better Survivor Series

main event caused WWE to take the title off Jinder and give it to AJ Styles.

Then just one week before Clash of Champions, Jinder lost to Triple H at the India show

- implying WWE have lost faith in Mahal, and AJ will be retaining at the pay-per-view.


Jinder Mahal Will Regain The WWE

Championship Jinder was reportedly originally planned to

hold the WWE Championship at least through until the Royal Rumble, where he would begin

a feud with the living embodiment of the United States flag John Cena heading into WrestleMania.

Because Vince McMahon loves a foreign heel vs Ameeeeeerica!

AJ's title win could just have been for Survivor Series, and WWE might revert back

to their Cena vs Mahal plans for early next year.


Jinder Mahal Gets New Henchmen This could tie into Jinder potentially being

repackaged for 2018, with PWInsider reporting that there has been talk about the Singh Brothers

being replaced as his henchmen by "other talents".

Apparently the discussions were had in November, but "then it quieted down".

Jinder did turn on the Singhs several weeks ago on Smackdown, but then they returned on

the go-home show.


David Otunga Returns!

After losing his position on Raw's commentary team to Booker T when he went away to film

a movie over the summer, David Otunga also found himself taken off the WWE pre-show panels

last month.

This was because of his real-life divorce from Jennifer Hudson, which involved a rather

public custody battle over their son.

WWE have now announced that Otunga will be returning to his pre-show duties for Clash

of Champions.


Dolph Ziggler Beginning Of The End In WWE?

Ziggler was rather awkwardly fudged into the United States title feud between Baron Corbin

and Bobby Roode, implying that he's just there to do a Tye Dillinger - which is to

say 'he's taking the pin'.

This is the latest backseat role in a disappointing year for Ziggler - whose contract is reportedly

up in October 2019.

And, going by what he said on the Edge and Christian Podcast, he's considering requesting

his release from WWE: "I will have to decide if I need to go away and do my own thing or

if I need to find a different role here."


Shane McMahon Turns Heel The authority figure tension storyline on

Smackdown is seemingly reaching its Boiling Point at Clash of Champions - Boiling Point

probably being a new WWE pay-per-view name in 2018 - with both Shane McMahon and Daniel

Bryan making themselves special guest referees for the Owens & Zayn vs Randy Orton & Shinsuke

Nakamura tag match.

McMahon and Bryan have been subtly feuding since the 23rd October, where Smackdown kicked

off Survivor Series season by invading Raw - a plan that Shane recklessly never let Daniel

in on.

Cage Side Seats' rumor section has even reported that McMahon's overboard punishing

of Owens and Zayn could be to turn him heel, and the audience are much more likely to boo

Shane over the beloved Daniel Bryan.


Daniel Bryan Turns Heel But it's just as possible WWE could turn

Bryan bad.

Smackdown has been teasing that Daniel is actually on KO and Sami's side in recent

weeks, with him saving their jobs after Survivor Series, and hesitating on counting Nakamura's

pin for the go-home show.

With Bryan publicly saying he intends to make a wrestling return in 2018, whether in WWE

or not, there's speculation that WWE could be turning him heel now to dampen his drawing

power on the independent scene.


Daniel Bryan Vs. Shane McMahon And finally, at No. 1 - is the Bryan vs McMahon

feud building to an eventual in-ring clash between the two?

Cage Side Seats' rumor section claims it is, regardless of whether WWE's Dr Joseph

Maroon ever medically clears Bryan for an in-ring return.

If he does, it's speculated this match could be the main event of Summerslam 2018.

But even if he doesn't, Bryan could choose a wrestler to fight Shane in his place.

And that could be the angle that writes Bryan out of WWE entirely, with his contract expiring

in September next year.

What about Brock Lesnar potentially leaving WWE for Hollywood?

And watch our review of Smackdown's Clash of Champions go-home show.

Click the videos to the left to find out more.

I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

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