Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 15 2017

Trump: Social

media the only way for me to 'get the truth out'

President Trump

in an early morning tweet on Wednesday said that his use of social of media is "the only

way to get the truth out," adding that the mainstream media is a "joke."

"Wow, more than 90% of Fake News Media coverage of me is negative, with numerous forced retractions

of untrue stories.

Hence my use of Social Media, the only way to get the truth out.

Much of Mainstream Media has become a joke!" the president tweeted, tagging "Fox and Friends."

The president was referring a media research study that was cited on "Fox and Friends"

on Wednesday morning.

Relations between the administration and the media have worsened in recent days after the

White House hit journalists for a series of corrections made by media outlets such as

CNN and ABC News.

The president slammed the two outlets during a campaign rally in Florida on Friday after

CNN was forced to correct a report saying Donald Trump Jr. had received access to hacked

Democratic emails from WikiLeaks more than a week before they were leaked to the public.

ABC News had previously reported that former national security adviser Michael Flynn would

testify that Trump had directed him to make contact with the Russians during the campaign,

which they later corrected, saying it had happened after the election.

"Did you see all of the correction the media has been making?" Trump said.

"They've been doing that all year.

They never apologize.

Maybe that comes with being the president, I don't know."

The president also targeted Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel on Saturday, calling

for the publication to fire him after he tweeted a photo of an empty arena before a Trump rally

in Florida that had been taken hours before the event started.

Weigel apologized for the tweet, which he had deleted after Daily Mail political editor

David Martosko told him he had gotten it wrong.

Tensions boiled over in the White House press briefing on Monday, in which press secretary

Sarah Huckabee Sanders said media outlets were "purposely putting out information that

you know to be false."

�It�s not an honest mistake when you are purposely putting out information that you

know to be false or when you�re taking information that hasn�t been validated, that hasn�t

been offered any credibility and that has been continually denied by a number of people,

including people with direct knowledge of an incident,� she said during a heated exchange

with reporters.

For more infomation >> Trump Social media the only way for me to 'get the truth out' - Duration: 3:18.


(Tâm sự Bất Động Sản) Thứ tự ưu tiên trong cuộc đời... - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> (Tâm sự Bất Động Sản) Thứ tự ưu tiên trong cuộc đời... - Duration: 7:03.


Top 5 Facts About Holiday Drinks - Duration: 4:13.

Welcome to Retirement Millionaire Daily's Weekly Update, where we answer questions from

readers like you.

This time of year is one of the most popular times to indulge in both champagne and sparkling


In fact, every year, the last week of the year, right before New Year's, Americans buy

about 39 million bottles of champagne.

That's why today we wanted to address five facts that are important for you to know about

your favorite glass of bubbly.

Now the first fact has to do with dementia.

You may remember a few years ago, there was a study that came out advertising that champagne

can help ward off dementia.

Well unfortunately, this isn't exactly true.

You see, the study was very small, it was done on rats, and it really just measured

how well they could navigate a maze both before and after they indulged in some champagne.

Unfortunately, that doesn't really line up with how humans developed dementia and whether

or not it can help us.

So don't use that as an excuse to have a lot of champagne this season.

Our second fact actually has to do with the health benefits that have been proven in champagne.

There are two parts to this.

The first is polyphenols.

We know these are inflammation fighting molecules that are found in other types of wine, but

it turns out that it's also in champagne and sparkling wines.

And this is great because, as we know, inflammation causes a whole host of diseases.

Everything from heart disease to diabetes.

The second part of the health benefit is that the carbonation in the alcohol also helps

with feelings of fullness.

So instead of wanting to eat more like you do if you eat artificial sugar, you're actually

going to want to eat less, which can be very helpful if you're at a holiday party with

lots of tempting foods.

Now our third fact has to do with acid.

Champagne and sparkling wine typically have a pH level of about 4.

pH of course is a measure of how acidic or basic something is.

Anything 4 and below is considered erosive.

And the problem here is that it can hurt your teeth.

But keep in mind, anything like soda, coffee, orange juice, are even lower on the pH scale

and we drink those regularly.

So as long as you're maintaining good oral health and brushing regularly, you should

be totally fine.

Now our fourth fact is also about acid, this time about acid reflux.

Some people actually avoid carbonated beverages including sparkling wine and champagne because

it can trigger their heartburn.

And a lot of that is because of the trapped air bubbles that can sometimes bubble up into

your esophagus and cause that burning sensation.

Now the important takeaway here is that all alcohol, sparkling wine, champagne and even

regular wine and beer - any kind of alcohol - can cause this problem.

And that's because the alcohol itself actually relaxes your lower esophagus.

So if you have a drink and then about two to three hours later, you go to bed, all that

acid is going to go ahead and work its way up into your esophagus.

So the best key here is to make sure that you drink several hours before you go to bed

or lay down, any kind of relaxing position.

That will help keep your acid in place in your stomach.

Now our fifth fact is probably the most serious.

The carbonation in the alcohol actually increases how quickly that alcohol is absorbed into

your bloodstream.

That's why champagne and sparkling wine can get you drunk faster than say, regular wine.

A good tip for this is to make sure that you drink slowly and to also have a glass of water

in between alcoholic beverages.

And that will certainly help not only with the rate of absorption, but also keeping you

hydrated throughout the night.

If you're looking to celebrate this season, you can also try some sparkling wines that

are less expensive than champagne.

Anything like a cava or a brut.

In fact, my boss, Dr. David Eifrig, really likes the Mumm's brut.

You can read more about that in our latest issue.

If you have any other recommendations or other types of champagne you'd like to share with

us, please all that in to our feedback line, along with other questions you'd like to see

covered in our videos.

Now, this is the last video of the year, so please have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe, and we'll see you in 2018.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Facts About Holiday Drinks - Duration: 4:13.


Chonda Pierce "Enough" Now Available on Digital Streaming! - Duration: 2:51.

Welcome to Christian Cinema Weekly!

Hey, are you scrolling through

just looking for the perfect movie to watch?

You're saying to yourself,

"What's new?

"What's fresh?

"What's so hot right now?"

Well, you've come to the right place

because I've got some titles

that you're definitely gonna wanna check out.

Alright, first off,

I've got the movie Hoovey.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like

to see Patrick Warburton take on a serious role

in an inspirational, true basketball movie?


Because that's the type of movie

I'm talking about right now.

This movie is gonna get you right here,

right in the heart.

It's gonna have you saying--

- Oh, I can feel it.

- Ooo, the feels.

Yes, Hoovey is the true story

of the promising young basketball player Eric Hoovey Elliot,

who collapses on the court due to a brain tumor.

After that,

not only is he unable to play basketball,

he has to relearn how to walk,

read and even see.

Will he be able to do those things?

Well, that's just something you're gonna have to find out

when you watch the movie.

Also new this week is the western

The Redemption of Henry Myers.

Henry Myers is a rough-and-tumble cowboy in the Old West.

He's lying, cheating,

robbing banks,

but whenever his misdeeds and rough life catch up with him,

he's surprised to find extraordinary kindness

from a widow named Marilyn.

Will this display of compassion open his eyes

to a new chapter in his life?

Or will that old life even be something

he can walk away from?

So many questions that can all be answered

if you watch the movie.

So if you're in the mood for a western

then Redemption of Henry Myers might be the one for you.

And finally out this week,

I've got Chonda Pierce's Enough.

So back in April of this year,

Chonda Pierce held a nationwide one-night Fathom event

in theaters called Enough.

And from what I understand,

this thing wasn't so easy to get into.

In fact, it sold out in most theaters.

But I've got some good news for you

because it is now available right now to watch

from the comfort of your own home

at christian-cinema-dot-com.

If you've ever struggled with self-worth,

contentment, questions of purpose,

grief, loss,

which, who hasn't?

Then you're gonna wanna hear what Chonda Pierce has to say

in this special as she opens up her heart

and shares about her own struggles

in an honest and candid way.

Chonda Pierce has this way of talking about

some pretty serious issues

and presenting them in a very fun,

humorous and honest way.

You'll laugh, you'll love,

you'll cry as you watch Chonda Pierce's Enough.

So that's what's new,

but if you're looking for something a little more seasonal,

then you might wanna check out our 12 Days of Christmas

selection at

And you can also get a discount on one of those movies

by using the promo code "peartree20".

Get it?

Because of the song "12 Days of Christmas".

Well, that's all I've got for this week

but be sure to subscribe to this channel

to keep up with the latest and greatest news

surrounding faith in film.

I'm Kevin,

have a great week.

For more infomation >> Chonda Pierce "Enough" Now Available on Digital Streaming! - Duration: 2:51.


Aaron Paul - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Aaron Paul - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 7:06.


Kevin Hart Opens Up About His Infidelity Scandal - Duration: 1:44.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

///// Kevin Hart's career after his infidelity scandal earlier this year did not skip a beat.

The comedian is gearing up for the release of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, and he

stopped by the Breakfast Club to promote it.

While there, the hosts did not let him off the hook with a run of the mill interview,

instead they got straight to the point and asked the aftermath of the night in Vegas

that became the center of an extortion scandal.

Right away Charlamagne tha god asked about what Kevin was thinking after getting caught

cheating to which Kevin answered,

"It's beyond irresponsible.

If you wanna get to it, Charlamagne, then I'm gonna let you get what you want.

Now, there's no way around it.

The best way to do is just address it right on.

You gotta fucking just say exactly what it is.

That's Kevin Hart in his dumbest moment.

That's not the finest hour of my life.

With that being said, you make your bed, you lay in it.

So you can't even say 'What were you thinking?'

Because you weren't thinking."

Hart continued to explain that like most mistakes, he did not plan for this.

He shared that he hopes his wife can forgive him and moving forward he's standing by his

mistake, taking full responsibility.

"I rightfully stand in front of my fuck-up, hands in the air, I'm guilty.

Regardless of how it happened and what was involved and shit that I can't talk about,

I'm guilty.

I'm wrong."

Most of the interview was consumed by the scandal and how his family is handling it.

As far as the extortion Kevin could not elaborate on details because it's an open federal investigation.

However he will address it in his upcoming comedy tour 'Irresponsible.'

On Monday he released a promo for the tour that featured multiple Kevin's explaining

what has made him irresponsible in the last year.

Tickets for his tour go on sale tomorrow and Jumanji hits theater's on December 25th.

//// That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

Fro Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Kevin Hart Opens Up About His Infidelity Scandal - Duration: 1:44.


Did Extraterrestrials from Venus Make Contact in 1952 - Duration: 11:10.

Did Extraterrestrials from Venus Make Contact in 1952


French researcher Michel Zirger has written a highly detailed book on extraterrestrial

contact which highlights the encounters of George Adamski with alleged extraterrestrials

from Venus.

In We Are Here: Visitors without a Passport (2017), Zirger provides a solid overview of

a collection of photos and testimonies backing up Adamski�s famed November 20, 1952 encounter

near Desert Center, California.

Zirger points out that Adamski�s encounter was the first documented contact case with

an occupant from a flying saucer craft, widely believed to be a Venusian extraterrestrial.

Six witnesses saw two UFO craft on the day of Adamski�s encounter.

The first was a large cigar shaped craft that flew overhead, and the second was a smaller

saucer shaped scout craft that landed.

From the scout craft an occupant emerged to meet with Adamski, who claimed to be from

the planet Venus and went by the name, Orthon.

In his book, Zirger includes digitally enhanced copies of the original photos taken at Adamski�s

encounter which show both the scout craft hovering before landing, and its occupant

who emerged after the landing.

The photos were enhanced by Danish artist Rene Erik Olsen who has made the Desert Landing

photos available on his website.

(C) Rene Erik Olsen 2017

The following photo is an enhancement of a person (Orthon) walking from the direction

of the landed scout craft towards Adamski.

Discussion and close-ups are available in We Are Here.

The six witnesses to the landing and Adamski�s encounter with its occupant signed an affidavit

supporting Adamski�s version of events that was subsequently published in his 1953 co-written

book, The Flying Saucers Have Landed.

Zirger cites one of the witnesses, George Hunt Williamson, who was recorded to say during

a lecture:

I would like to reaffirm here that the experience, as George Adamski has related in Flying Saucers

Have Landed, where my wife and I, along with friends of ours, were witnesses to the occurrence,

happened exactly as Mr. Adamski mentions there in Flying Saucers Have Landed: the large craft

was witnessed, and then through binoculars we did witness the other happenings about

a mile away on the desert� We did see Mr. Adamski talking to someone � at a distance.

We saw the large craft.

We saw flashes of light from it, from which we later learned the smaller craft had come

out of the larger one.

We did see a great opening in the bigger craft through which the smaller scout-ship must

have originally left the larger ship�.

We did see the small ship as it hovered in the saddle [see photo of the base of the small

hills where Adamski was standing].

(Kindle Edition 5203-10)

Despite the compelling evidence, Adamski�s 1952 encounter was widely debunked.

Zirger discusses the shocking extent to which evidence and testimonies supporting Adamski�s

famous Desert Center landing was dismissed, ridiculted or distorted by leading scientists

of the era such as Dr. Donald Menzel, Dr. Jacques Vallee, and Dr. Carl Sagan.

Most UFO researchers have ever since dismissed Adamski as a hoaxer, despite the compelling

evidence suggesting otherwise.

Indeed, Adamski�s photos of flying saucers and cigar shaped ships dating from 1950 have

never been shown to be forgeries.

Adamski believed that the being who emerged from the landed scout craft in 1952 was from


Zirger discusses the feasibility of Adamski�s belief given scientific data that subsequently

emerged showing the surface of Venus as uninhabitable due to the high temperatures (462�C; 863�

F) and crushing atmospheric pressure (92 times that of Earth).

Zirger discusses a number of possibilities for how extraterrestrials may inhabit Venus.

He suggests that NASA may be lying about the horrific conditions on the surface of Venus.

Another possibility is that extraterrestrials merely have a base there and came from elsewhere

in the galaxy.

Yet, another possibility is that extraterrestrials live in the subterranean regions of Venus

as made feasible by recent scientific research.

He cites Sean McMahon, who led a scientific team from the University of Aberdeen, that

claimed life could evolve inside a planet�s interior, well away from an inhospitable surface:

The surfaces of rocky planets and moons that we know of are nothing like Earth.

They�re typically cold and barren with no atmosphere or a very thin or even corrosive


Going below the surface protects you from a whole host of unpleasant conditions on the


So the subsurface habitable zone may turn out to be very important.

Earth might even be unusual in having life on the surface.

Zirger appears to favor the �New Age� explanation that a highly evolved civilization,

which �ascended� to another dimensional plane, exists today under the surface of Venus.

He suggests that on the surface of Venus, today, there may be only rare vestiges of

the ancient civilization that once thrived on the surface.

Zirger cites a range of esoteric texts and sources supporting the idea that an advanced

civilization exists on Venus, but is hidden from modern telescopes and planetary probes

sent by different national space agencies.

For example, he refers to the 1899 book, A Dweller of Two planets:

No telescope will ever reveal life on Venus: not that it is not there, but its forms are

of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly


There have been a number of contactees who claim to have met Venusians from the interior

of the planet, well away from telescopes and space probes.

These include Frank Stranges, author of the book, Stranger at the Pentagon.

More recently, secret space program insider, Corey Goode, claims he was taken to Venus

where he saw some of the ancient structures he calls �builder race technologies� on

the planet�s surface.

[W]e headed towards Venus at a super high rate of speed, punching through the thick


I barely could perceive yellowish color, we went through them so fast.

And then we stopped about 1,000 feet [305 meters] above the ground, and I was looking

around, and I saw this terrain that looked like it had been eroded by lots of wind and

rain, sort of like you would see in Earth.

They looked like they used to be mountains going up that had eroded away, and they looked

almost like people.

It looked almost carved by an intelligent hand.So I was noticing that, when all of a

sudden the ceiling and the floor went transparent � And I looked down, and I could see the

big, giant, H-shaped building sitting inside this crater.

Giant H Shaped stone structure in a crater on Venus surface according to Corey Goode.

Permission Sphere Being Alliance

Goode says he encountered an ancient being there called the �Sentinel� who watched

over the ancient builder technology that was protected by an energy shield of some kind.

His account has parallels to the alleged visit to Venus by Bolivian contactee Luis Mostajo

Fernando who says the entered into a fertile area of Venus protected by an energy shield.

Goode, Fernando and other accounts of visits to Venus does support an ancient civilization

once inhabited its surface, and that subterranean areas exist that support current life there.

Zirger�s discussion of the explanations for Orthon�s claim to be from Venus despite

its inhospitable surface conditions is wide ranging and informative.

Yet it is in another possibility that Zirger raises that may offer a more accurate way

of viewing Adamski�s 1952 encounter.

Zirger questions whether Adamski was fed disinformation by Orthon about Venus being his true origin:

Was Adamski manipulated by a �pseudo-Venusian�?

Was this Venusian origin part of a smokescreen or of some sort of extraterrestrial �communication

plan� to awaken our consciousness to the idea of extraterrestrial life?

� The underlying motto of this �communicating strategy� would then be something like:

Let�s tell lies, let�s tell lies, there will still be something left over,� Adamski

being considered not much more than an interface to a disinformation or deception game.�

(Kindle Edition, 1032 of 5403)

Zirger believes that the possible disinformation was designed to protect the true origins of

Orthon and his spacecraft being learned.

Zirger expressed puzzlement over why extraterrestrials from another solar system would want to pretend

to be from an uninhabitable world from our own solar system:

�Why such a masquerade when they could have simply said they were from the planet T of

the solar system Y?

(Kindle Edition, 1042 of 5403)

Zirger overlooks an �earth-centric� explanation for the disinformation that may have been

fed to Adamski.

This is raised by one of the contact cases mentioned by Zirger in We Are Here.

He cites the 1957 case of Reinhold Schmidt:

I would like to quote briefly a last case, that of Reinhold O. Schmidt, 60 at the time,

a Bakersfield (Calif.) grain buyer.

On November 5, 1957, he claimed to have spoken for about 30 minutes to the crew of a large

silver cigar-shaped UFO that had allegedly landed near Kearney on the Nebraska prairie

to make repairs.

In an available one-hour-and-a-half tape-recorded interview Schmidt stated the crew was composed

of �four men and two ladies.� They all spoke to him �in American language with

a German accent,� but at times he seemed to him that he could hear them talking among

themselves in �high German language, very good high German.� (Kindle Edition, 526-531).

The Schmidt case raises the question, was Orthon part of a German Secret Space Program

and was only pretending to be a Venusian?

For more infomation >> Did Extraterrestrials from Venus Make Contact in 1952 - Duration: 11:10.


Jesus in a Sandwich Shop Pt. 2 | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 1:13.

(soft music)

(otherworldly whooshing and fizzing)

- Hey, Jesus, I hope you don't mind,

I got you a birthday present.

- Oh.

One present for my birthday and Christmas, classic.

I'm kidding, it's really nice.

Oh, wow. (whoopee cushion farts)

it sounds like a human fart.

- Doesn't, oh, human fart,

why, what does your fart sound like?

(heavenly choir music)

- That's so pretty, oh my, oh my God.


Oh my God that's awful-- - I know.

I know. - Ugh, it smells like

- [Both] salmon and

- shit. - chocolate.

Yeah, well, I got you a present too, for Hanukkah.

- You did? - Yeah.

- Where is it?

- You're holding it, my child.

- What?



A neck pillow.

- You like that? - I love it.

- Yeah, you can deflate it, you know, pack it away.

It's great for travel. - I will cherish this.

(heavenly choir music)

That was my chair.

Good night, America, Jesus lurves you.

For more infomation >> Jesus in a Sandwich Shop Pt. 2 | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 1:13.


Bombay Karachi halwa Recipe - Duration: 3:10.

Bombay Karachi halwa Recipe

For more infomation >> Bombay Karachi halwa Recipe - Duration: 3:10.


7 Days to Die | Settler's | Ep22 | Single Player Live - Duration: 3:01:37.

For more infomation >> 7 Days to Die | Settler's | Ep22 | Single Player Live - Duration: 3:01:37.






Two-time presidential loser John McCain's obsessive jealousy of Trump has been on full

display since the day our new president was sworn into office.

The 81-year-old traitor should've been put out to pasture long ago, but because term

limits for US Senators don't exist, the dried up old schmuck has been spending every

waking hour plotting on ways to bring Trump down.

Several days ago, the brain-rotting old fart came out with his latest asinine claim against

President Trump, saying in an interview with Esquire that he doesn't support Trump as

president because he "doesn't think the president has a set of principles and beliefs."

But just days after McCain decided to throw mud at Trump from his ivory tower, a disturbing

skeleton from McCain's past is now starting to emerge, proving who really lacks "principles"

in Washington D.C.

The past several weeks have been ridden with sex scandals surrounding many well-known liberals.

We learned that Al Franken and Harvey Weinstein have sexually abused women for decades, and

over the past 24 hours, Matt Lauer of the Today Show was fired from the network, as

disgusting details surfaced about how he'd routinely turn his office into a "sex lair,"

and had a secret button under his desk installed so he could lock the doors from the inside.

Now it appears as though John McCain is the latest creep to join these sexual perverts,

at the same time that McCain hypocritically calls for Roy Moore to exit Alabama's U.S.

Senate race.

When it comes to John McCain's decisions, we've learned from his past antics that

he's always out for himself and he has little regard for his own political party, his family,

or his constituents.

Now it's being revealed how McCain allegedly cheated on his wife of 37 years, after having

an improper relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman.

"A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices

and accompanying him on a client's corporate jet.

Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect

the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman's access,

privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in

the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

But this is just the beginning of John McCain's disgusting sexual escapades as you will soon


You're probably familiar with McCain's POW story, where in October of 1967, he was

shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese and kept as a prisoner of war until 1973.

McCain would use his POW story and veteran status to rise to political prominence, where

his image as a "Vietnam war hero" would go on to propel him to be elected as a United

States Senator.

But the real story about is about John McCain's first wife Carol, who toiled and waited for

6 years in torment, not knowing if her husband would ever return home.

As John McCain was held in captivity, his wife Carol was involved in a terrible car

crash that left her disfigured and wheelchair-bound, where she put on a considerable amount of


But John McCain would soon discard his first wife like a piece of trash, disgusted with

how she now looked.

The Daily Mail reported:

When McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from

Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three

years earlier.

Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.

Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

Today, she stands at just 5 ft4in and still walks awkwardly, with a pronounced limp.

Her body is held together by screws and metal plates and, at 70, her face is worn by wrinkles

that speak of decades of silent suffering.

Carol was no longer the famous beauty and swimsuit model that McCain had married in

1965, and he callously kicked her to the curb for a younger wife.

McCain divorced Carol and married Cindy just one month later.

Cindy was not only beautiful and 18 years his junior, but also the heiress to an Arizona

brewing fortune.

"The Couple Met When John McCain Was Still Married to Ex-Wife Carol.

John McCain married Cindy five weeks after his divorce from Carol, who happened to be

close friends with the Reagans," reported.

John McCain is the last person on the face of the planet who needs to be lecturing anyone

about their "principles" given his shady past involving women.

Be sure to share this story and help expose John McCain for the crooked man that he is!

Not only is he a traitor to our country, but he's slime ball in his personal life as


what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS: JOHN MCCAIN DID IT! This Is WRONG on EVERY LEVEL! RESIGN NOW! - Duration: 5:00.


Roblox Hack - Free Robux Hack (iOS + Android) - Duration: 4:18.

Hello Friends, today I'm going to show you a hack for Roblox which can generate you 22,500 Robux COMPLETELY FREE

As you can see, we have 0 Robux but don't worry - We will generate them easily :)


First of all, go to the website

After that, enter your in-game username.

Choose the platfrom you are playing on.

Select the nearest Server based on your location

Next step is to select amount of Robux you want. Note that maximum per day is 22,500.

Click on Generate Now! All you have to do now is to wait for completion.

This is important step - You need to do google verification check that you are not robot. Click on button I'm not a robot.

You need to install 2 applications or complete 2 short surveys to prove that you are human.

I will install 2 applications.

Choose whatever application or survey you prefer. It takes only 2-3 minutes per install/survey.

You will be redirected to Google Play Store. What you need to do is to install an application.

After sucessfully installed app, please open it and do anything you want for 30 to 60 seconds to prove that you are not robot.

Now you have to do the same thing for second application. Choose another application you want and install it.

I will fastforward so you don't have to watch downloading process (Castle Clash is 210MB)

Now open it and if you've choosed game play at least tutorial part of the game or intro demo.

Finally, you can go now to Roblox and check your Robux!

I hope that you've enjoyed my video, if you need any help feel free to leave a comment! ENJOY!

For more infomation >> Roblox Hack - Free Robux Hack (iOS + Android) - Duration: 4:18.


KARAOKE | Sống Xa Quê Chẳng Dễ Dàng (Tone Nam) | Cover Sống Xa Anh Chẳng Dễ Dàng | Bảo Anh - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Sống Xa Quê Chẳng Dễ Dàng (Tone Nam) | Cover Sống Xa Anh Chẳng Dễ Dàng | Bảo Anh - Duration: 3:21.


Toda la Vida & Nahna - Celebra (Alien Remix) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 2:58.

Quiero, quiero que sepas esto.

Y es que lo que siento, por ti no tiene precio.

Vamos vamos que prende que esto es azul.

(Eso es) Tú no, tú no te comparas a lo que antes

Ay ay ay ay ay ay ya Debajo de la tierra por encima del cielo azul.

Ay ay ay ay ay ay ya Que todo lo que canta, a ti te celebra hoy,

Tengo, tengo que decir esto.

Y es que está cierto, llevo el corazón abierto.

Vamos, vamos que prende que esto es azul.

(Eso es) Tú no, tú no te comparas con lo que antes

Ay ay ay ay ay ay ya Debajo de la tierra por encima del cielo azul.

Ay ay ay ay ay ay ya Que todo lo que canta, a ti te celebra hoy,

a ti te celebra.

Conocer, adorarte y verte yo quiero más.

Conocerte, adorarte y verte yo quiero más.Conocerte, adorarte y verte yo quiero más, más.

Ay ay ay ay ay ay ya Debajo de la tierra, por encima del cielo


Ay ay ay ay ay ay ya

Qué todo el que canta a ti te celebra hoy, a ti te celebra.

A ti te celebra.

A ti te celebra.

For more infomation >> Toda la Vida & Nahna - Celebra (Alien Remix) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 2:58.


Oh shit I work at 1 am all week. 😐 - Duration: 2:06:04.

For more infomation >> Oh shit I work at 1 am all week. 😐 - Duration: 2:06:04.


Stress Compartmentalization Thoughts From the Road Volume 1 Episode 9 - Duration: 8:27.

So in the past one of the ways I always dealt with stress was compartmentalization.


and there are some people I know that are very effective

with this and I I can't say 100%, on you know, their most intimate of personal

life, but this is what I found. This is was one, this was one of my key ways of

dealing for dealing with stress was just to compartmentalize it and basically

compartmentalizing it is you just put it into a little box. And you kind of throw

away the key and never look at the little box again. That's it's over simplification

of it but that's kind of it in a nutshell.

Harden your mind to it and move on buttercup.

But here's what I found with compartmentalization, for me is that it's

one reason when I was going through the darkest time in my life that I was able

to fully function at work. I was able to take care of everything that needed to be taken care of.

But I wasn't able, I basically unleashed everything on my wife and son,

because they were not getting the compartmentalization. I've always been

extremely close to my wife and that relationships has always been really

open, as far as communication. I've never been the greatest communicator mainly

because I know now, because of the compartmentalization. So what was

happening, are part of what was happening, that was making all this shit into such

a disaster was since we had such an open relationship the compartmentalization

those little demons of stress and anxiety and anger were stuffed in all

these little boxes but I'm extremely open with my wife. So the guard

is down. Therefore the cages are wide the fuck open and that would get unleashed

on her and inadvertently my son.

And that's where compartmentalization fails or at least, I can't say if that's

not where it fails for everyone, but that's where it failed for me. I do have

some people are pretty close to me that are highly compartmentalized with the

way they deal with things. And this is just my perception of it but they're

not, they're very guarded even with their spouses or significant others. They have

a little bit of that guarded.

They still have those cages up. Maybe not as much, but they're still implementing

that strategy basically 24/7 and that guard never comes down very often.

And that that's where that compartmentalization failed me. If I

could have just kept the guard up with my wife,

it wouldn't have got me

if it wouldn't. We wouldn't ended up in such a bad state. I wouldn't ended up in

such a bad state on the outside or with anybody. On the inside I may just have a

bunch of demons boxed up in little deals and never, and always. It makes you sound

like you're crazy, when I'm saying this but it's not.

I just wouldn't be very. I would have never been very open with her and trusting.

Trusting is not the right word. I just would have been very open with her I

would have kept everything kind of close to the chest and just been a very there

but not there person. Very. Very. I got. I guess cold would be the right term.

I would have been more cold and not mean but just very like stoic with my wife

and it's just not the personality that I am to begin with, with

her but it would have led that to being. I would have been like that with her

24/7 and honestly I don't think if I was like that, her and I would ever got

married in the first place. Let me reword that. So if anybody's using

compartmentalization to handle their stress, take a real hard look at

the people that are really really closest to you and if you're lashing out

at them while you're getting angry at them and there's no real good reason

Like you're just. They're catching a brunt of a lot of crap and you can't really

pinpoint it. It's probably because those that compartmentalization is breaking

down when you're around them because you want to be open with them. And so they're

just they're just getting a bunch of bullshit that's stored up in you dumped

on them. Not saying that's the case but that was definitely the case for me.

Sometimes that hard exterior, you know.

The people you don't have that hard exterior up that compartmentalized mind set

up with, they're gonna catch, you know they're gonna. There's a good chance

they're going to catch the brunt of that shit. And in my case the people I

care about the most; that I want to protect; I want to make sure they're okay

and everything; were catching. Were set up. I was setting myself up to completely

fail with them. When I had too much stuff to compartmentalize. Where it just built

up. Where there's just too much pain. I wasn't able to push some cages back far

enough in my head quick, enough with the amount, with the constant stream of stuff

coming in. So yeah there's the deal with compartmentalization. That said, it's actually

a really good tool to use to get through highly stressful situations or to keep

yourself from

jack slapping someone that really needs it. And it's really good. All right let me

try this again. Compartmentalization is a really good tool to use in a lot of situations.

Keep from jack slapping someone who really needs it. If you're in a really

stressful situation were emotions aren't useful in that situation. Some

people won't understand what that means others won't, but were you just need to act and

you don't need to pull in a bunch of should I, would I, could I, crap. You just

need to take care of stuff and so you just bottle that stress up close it off

in your mind throw it to the back and get on with your day but you never

really processed it and got it out of your system. So it works. It's got a lot

of uses. For me though at the end of the day, I need to unbox those ones I built

during the day and in process through them and get them out of my system and

not just keep piling them up in the back of the warehouse of the brain until

there's no more storage room left or there's just too much where my system

can't handle that much of a load anymore. That sounded all cheesy didn't it. Yeah

pretty much. All right that's one about compartmentalization.


For more infomation >> Stress Compartmentalization Thoughts From the Road Volume 1 Episode 9 - Duration: 8:27.


Luke #15 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Luke #15 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:16.


How to Select and Use Turnbuckles - Duration: 7:35.

If you're looking for an easy way to take up slack in your rigging assembly,

but you're not sure what to use, I'll show you why turnbuckles are a great

solution for your application and how you can choose the right one for the job.

Turnbuckles are used to take up slack and apply tension to a rigging assembly.

They are designed to be loaded in straight-pull, in-line applications and

come in a variety of types, sizes, and coatings to suit many suspending, tie

down, and tensioning type applications. Turnbuckles are categorized by the

thread diameter, the take-up length, and the end fittings. Thread diameter refers

to the diameter of the threaded portion of the end fittings, with larger thread

diameters having a greater load carrying capacity than smaller thread diameters.

Take-up refers to the total length that the end fittings can screw in and out of

the turnbuckle body to take up tension. To increase the amount of total take-up

capability in your system, either choose a turnbuckle with more take-up, or attach

two or more turnbuckles together in line to get the take-up you'll need.

Turnbuckles contention assemblies without twisting them up because one end

fitting is left hand threaded and the other is right hand threaded.

This design feature ensures only the turnbuckle body twists when tensioning.

It is important to note the working load limit should always be taken into

consideration when sizing and matching turnbuckles to other rigging components.

For example, 1/4 inch by 4 inch turnbuckle has a much lower working load

limit than quarter-inch cable or a 1/4 inch eye-bolt and the fittings may not

connect up easily. Up size the turnbuckle to a size that more closely

matches or exceeds the working load limit of the rest of the assembly, or a

working load limit that meets your loading requirements. E-Rigging offers

typical turnbuckles with a selection of 3 different types of end fittings with

each fitting having its own purpose, advantages, and disadvantages. Eye end

fittings are used with other components that can be opened and connected to the

eye such as a shackle or quick link. They contain no moving parts

and are the most cost effective end fitting of the 3. Jaw end fittings are

composed of a jaw, bolt, and nut; and are used to connect to other components that

cannot be opened, such as, an eye bolt or swaged sling eye. Depending on size, some

jaw turnbuckles only come with a pin and cotter. You can find a list of the

components included with each jaw on our website. Hook end fittings are used for

temporary connections and are easily attached and detached from other rigging

components. We don't recommend hook fittings in situations where tension can

unexpectedly release from the turnbuckle as this may cause the hook to dislodge.

Double-check your fittings when using hook turnbuckles because the hooks are

large and may not fit with other fittings having a similar working load

limit. This toggle jaw is a specialty end fitting which is available on some of

our stainless steel turnbuckles. It is especially useful when the turnbuckle

must articulate in a direction that isn't allowed by the other component

used in the application. E-Rigging also carries cable railing swage turnbuckles

which are used in cable railing systems and come in a variety of types.

Visit our website or check out our YouTube channel for more information on these types.

Our galvanized turnbuckles are drop-forged, while our stainless

turnbuckles come in both drop forged or form and welded varieties. The formed and

welded turnbuckles are nearly as strong as the drop forged turnbuckles and

offer significant cost savings. For critical applications that require

stainless turnbuckles, the drop forged turnbuckles will offer better long-term

reliability due to the end fittings elongated design that reduces stress and

their superior manufacturing process. Our turnbuckles are made from hot dipped

galvanized steel and type 316 stainless steel.

Starting with our most corrosion resistant our stainless steel turnbuckles are ideal for being used in

outdoor applications and are highly resistant to rust. Our stainless steel

turnbuckles are also ideal for being used in or near saltwater environments

where corrosion frequently occurs and are the best choice when using other

stainless steel components. Our hot dip galvanized turnbuckles come in at a lower

cost than stainless steel and are also ideal for outdoor use. While galvanized

turnbuckles are ideal for outdoor use, they are not as corrosion resistant as

stainless steel which should be taken into consideration when making the right choice for your application.

The first step when installing a turnbuckle is to

unscrew the end fittings so they are both fully extended. This can easily be

done by unscrewing each end fitting, one at a time, until they are both equally

extended. For this application, we'll be using a jaw and eye turnbuckle.

To connect the turnbuckle into the eye bolt, unscrew the bolt from the jaw.

Insert the jaw over the eye bolt and then, insert the bolt back into the

turnbuckle and fasten it tightly. For the eye fitting, insert the eye into the open

shackle and then, close the shackle so that the eye is locked into place.

To tighten the turnbuckle, you can either use your hand, a screwdriver, or a wrench to

turn the body until your rigging assembly is tensioned to the desired

point needed for your application. If your application will expose the

turnbuckle to vibration, it is a good practice to lock the end fittings from

turning by using lock wire. This will prevent unwanted loosening over time.

Your turnbuckle may also be equipped with lock jam nuts to prevent loosening.

These can be used in non-critical applications but are not recommended for

critical applications as they put too much strain on the threads. For pipe

style turnbuckles, a small screwdriver or other small diameter type rod, can be

used to tighten the turnbuckle by inserting it into the hole in the body

of the turnbuckle and turning it to the desired tension.

To recap, the variables you'll want to consider for proper turnbuckle selection are working load

limit, end fittings, take-up, and coating type.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us on our website and please subscribe to our youtube

channel for more information on various rigging topics.

I'm Tyler with E-Rigging. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Select and Use Turnbuckles - Duration: 7:35.


Oh shit I work at 1 am all week. 😐 - Duration: 23:23.

For more infomation >> Oh shit I work at 1 am all week. 😐 - Duration: 23:23.


BTC Global Team Review - Is BTC Global Team Scam? - Duration: 2:22.

a very manual here and you probably found this video because you're looking BTC Global Team Review

into this business opportunity as I have maybe you're looking to find a review or

maybe you're looking to see if it's the scam well firstly let me just say I am

NOT an affiliate for this opportunity so put your money away put your wallet away

I'm not a distributor so I won't be asking for any money I'm just giving you

an unbiased review so the question firstly is this product

a scam so I've looked into it and I would say no I don't believe it is a

scam so then secondly why then do most people not make any money with this type

of opportunity 97% of people actually fell and there is two reasons for that

the first is they don't know how to generate enough traffic I get emails

every day like other industry leaders from people and I ask them you know how

many leads did you generate this week and usually they'll say something like

five or ten people in the week now that's just not enough you are never

going to make any money like that I personally through my system show

people how to generate fifty to a hundred leads a day so not a week every

day on top of that the second mistake that most people do they don't have

their own front end customized system what they do they use the company system

they use the company pages now that's what everybody else is doing so that's BTC Global Team Review

why people tend to see their and then they don't do well they don't make any

money from it so listen I could stand here now and I could teach you how to do

all these things here but what I've done for you I've put together a bit of

training I put together a four-part training course it's going to show you

all this sort of stuff show you about traffic show you about putting your own

funnels together and if you want access to that all you need to do is just click

on this link below I'll leave it in the description below you click on that link

I'll take you over to another page where you can get completely free access to

this four-part training course okay so that's going to be a benefit to you

click on the link below thank you for listening to the video and I look

forward to working with you or speaking with you again soon all the best take BTC Global Team Review

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