Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 2 2017

("Trace" by Kim Publae)

It's night.

All by myself,

I'm up on a hill where a storm is hitting.

I was left alone here.

The winds are howling in the woods,

while the streams are screaming

as they run over the rocks.

Left alone

on this hill,

I don't have

even a hut to stay dry from the rain.

A violent wind is coming from the mountains

and the northerly wind lifts the wave on high.

You can't wake me up.

Dear moon, rise up.

Rise up past the clouds.

Dear stars,

lead me with your light.

To the one I love.

To the one I love.

To the one

I love.

(A cry of love that screams of pain)

("Trace" by Kim Publae)

For more infomation >> Kim Publae - Trace | 김법래 - 흔적 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 6:01.


Âm Mưu Xâm Lược Đài Loan, Trung Quốc sẽ Gặp Hậu Quả Gì? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:00.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

just a few more years and we might see China invading Taiwan!

They already have a plan...

Welcome back to China Uncensored,

I'm Chris Chappell.


War never changes.

Especially when it involves the threat of a war

between China and the United States.

I just hope we survive the fallout.

Now I know,

you're all probably still caught up

in the current threat of a war with North Korea.

But I'm here to pile on a little more terror on top of that.

Can't have you people getting soft on me, can I?

The Chinese regime has laid out a detailed, comprehensive plan

to invade Taiwan

by the year 2020.

That's according to this book,

by Ian Easton of the Project 2049 Research Institute.

The 300-page book brought together

public and leaked documents

from the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

But our first clue something was up

came back in 2012.

At the 2012 18th Party Congress,

Xi Jinping said he was committed to,

"continue the 2020 Plan,

whereby we build and deploy a complete operational capability

to use force against Taiwan by that year."

Of course!

The 2020 Plan to invade Taiwan

was a plan to invade Taiwan by 2020!

How could we have been so blind?

I guess hindsight is...

easier to see things in.

The invasion plans involve the coordinated efforts

of every branch of the Chinese military—

the Ground Forces, Navy, Army Air Forces,

the Marine Corps, and the Rocket Force.

Those are the guys responsible for China's ballistic missiles.

And of course,

the Team Rocket Forces control China's Pokemon.

According to those documents,

the Taiwan invasion comes in three parts.

It begins with a 15-day pre-invasion bombardment.

"Taiwan would be subject to a massive bombardment

by ballistic missiles, cruise missiles,

and bombers against military targets on the island."

Then comes the amphibious landing of 400,000 Chinese troops.

As for the actual invasion,

China has been training for that as well.

They've even created a mockup of

the Taiwan presidential palace

so troops can practice.

And the plan is bloody.

"Military operations will emphasize speed and surprise

to overwhelm coastal defenses

and create so much destruction in the early phase

that Taiwan would surrender

before the U.S. military can deploy forces to the area."

And that is the key.

Fast action before the US can respond.

Because the US will respond.

According to the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act,

the United States has to come to Taiwan's defense

if there's an invasion.

And since the US already has

two squadrons of Air Force fighters,

4,000 Marines,

and a whole lot of navy warships, submarines, and bombers in Japan and Guam,

those could be deployed pretty quickly.

And a gathering of Chinese troops in the south of the country

might be a good tip off that something's about to go down.

Also, the bombarding Taiwan with missiles part.

The US would definitely know by that point.

So a Chinese invasion of Taiwan inevitably means

a strong likelihood of war between China and the US.

The book by Project 2049 says,

"No one seemed clear on exactly what might happen,

but all were sure is a future Chinese surprise attack

would be worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined."

Naw way, that doesn't go far enough.

It's like Pearl Harbor,

plus 9/11,

plus the sacking of Rome in 410 AD,

plus the 1960 World Series

where the Pirates somehow beat the Yankees.

Taiwan is a problem for the Chinese Communist Party.

For one, its political independence is a constant reminder

that the Chinese regime doesn't have the power

to do whatever it wants.

Also, it has democracy.

And that blows a giant hole in the CCP's line

about how Chinese people just aren't ready for democracy,

and require the CCP to have a harmonious society.

So that's why, all along,

"[The Chinese regime] is using non-lethal means—

psychological, diplomatic, propaganda,

and informational warfare—against Taiwan.

Once these are exhausted,

the plan for large-scale amphibious assault

will be carried out."

Now maybe you're wondering, why the wait?

Why hasn't China already invaded?

Turns out, that nearly happen.

This article by Ian Easton describes how Mao planned to invade Taiwan

as early as 1950.

I've included the link below and on our website

because it's a fantastic read.

Basically, there was a massive spy operation in place,

secretly undermining the fledgling Taiwanese government.

It really was like a spy novel.

Through sheer luck, the spy ring fell apart,

putting a big hiccup in Mao's plans.

Then the Korean War broke out

and Mao redirected his troops to fight the US.

By the time that was done,

Taiwan had been too well established,

and backed by the United States, for an invasion to happen.

Which brings us to the new invasion plan, for 2020.

Oh my gosh!

That's only three years from now!

That's the year we'll have giant fighting robots!

Or GIANT fighting robots!

Does that mean we're going to see an invasion of Taiwan,

possibly with robots?

Not necessarily.

The Chinese military looks intimidating,

but it's more of a political organization than a fighting force.

It hasn't been in a war

since a 1979 attack on Vietnam,

which did not go so well for China.

So drafting up plans for a Taiwan invasion

might be more about jockeying for position

within the Chinese military,

rather than practical battle plans.

Because you'd have to be blind

to miss the potential consequences of getting into a war

with the United States.

Also, China right now simply doesn't have the ships needed

to carry that many troops across the Taiwan Strait.

So even though the CCP has a well-documented plan

for a Taiwan invasion,

it might not be ready to carry it out by 2020,

or might just decide it's too risky.

Or they don't have enough robots.

On the other hand,

now that Xi Jinping has elevated himself

to new levels of power in the Communist Party,

he may be looking for a chance to showcase his might.

We'll find out in three years I guess!.

What do you think?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

I've figured it out!

I know how to save Taiwan.

Just line the coast with piles upon piles of stinky tofu!

That'll stop the PLA!

In the meantime,

go to,

where you can catch full half hour episodes

of China Uncensored every Friday for free!

For more infomation >> Âm Mưu Xâm Lược Đài Loan, Trung Quốc sẽ Gặp Hậu Quả Gì? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:00.


Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Park Kangsung Special [ENG/2017.12.02] - Duration: 1:33:43.

(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)

Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.

Today's legend has a voice that speaks to our hearts.

He has phenomenal singing skills.

He's known for his phenomenal live vocals.

Today's legend is singer Park Kangsung.

(Today's legend, singer Park Kangsung)

(Today's legend, singer Park Kangsung)

(The idol to the middle-aged)

(Park Kangsung)

(Grand prize winner of 1982 MBC Song Festival)

(He made a spectacular debut.)

He's someone I looked up to

while I dreamt of becoming a singer.

He's able to speak to our hearts.

The older crowd including my parents love him.

(A voice that's as deep as the falling leaves)

(Let's listen to songs we loved back then!)

(Come with us.)

(The Romantic Melodies for This Autumn)

(Park Kangsung)

(Kim Publae)

(You Me)



(Kim Yongjin)

(Bae Dahae)

(Huh Gak)

(Who will be the winner of Park Kangsung Special?)

Immortal Songs,

- Singing the Legend! / - Singing the Legend!

(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)

The first person I should introduce to you

is someone who's in dramas, movies

and even musicals.

He's a multi-entertainer.

Kim Publae is here!

(It's Kim Publae's first appearance.)

(He has a deep voice.)

(He's a charming actor.)

(He shines even more on stage.)

(He's in dramas, movies and musicals.)

(Multi-entertainer, Kim Publae)

Are you originally a musical actor?

- Yes. / - Wow.

His voice.

His voice is very charming.

You were in the film "The Fortress".

You performed so well that people call you

a scene stealer.

Recently, you were in "Woman of Dignity".

You were an unfaithful man.

"I'm cheating on you, so you should too."

You're the worst.

What is your goal for coming today?

- Yes. / - Is it to win?

- It's not to win. / - Okay.

I'm aiming for about 400 votes.

Is that too high?

400 votes?

- That's close to winning. / - I see.

- Yes. / - 300?

It's his goal.

- It's a goal. / - A goal.

You don't have to adjust your goal.

It's your first appearance.

We'll look forward to your performance.

(Please look forward to Kim Publae's stage.)

This person is known for her sorrowful singing.

It's talented balladeer, You Me.

(Sorrowful singer, You Me)

- You're sitting / - Yes?

next to Yongjin again.

You stood on stage

as one team before.

(The song is more beautiful with you.)

(You Me introduced her friend Kim Yongjin.)

(Their friendship shined on stage.)

While you were away,

Yongjin has been active on the show.

- I agree. / - He's a strong player.

He's on the show as the fool.

Yes, I enjoyed the show.

You were able to capture his charms.

Thanks to your stylist,

you got the nickname as the fool.


(Everyone was curious about his brooch.)

It doesn't have any meaning.

My stylist brought me this outfit.

It's gone!

It's right there.

(This is how his nickname came to be.)

Don't you have anything today?

I was told to put something on

every time I'm on Immortal Songs.

My agency told me to do so.

What does that mean?

I was told to act foolishly again.

Calling you a fool sounds rude.

How about we call you Wonder Fool?

- I like that. / - Isn't it cute?

Yongjin, we look forward to your stage today.

(Please look forward to Yongjin's stage.)

- A trustworthy vocalist. / - Yes.

- Huh Gak is here! / - Huh Gak!

(Talented vocalist, Huh Gak)

Huh Gak.

You're so quiet today and I realized

we don't have any girl groups today.

He looks very gloomy.

- His face is... / - Is it that obvious?

You only smile when there are girl groups.

I love it when Immortal Songs call me.

I usually do.

I saw the cue sheet

and I stayed in the waiting room.

He came to my waiting room

with a drink and a sandwich.

I prepared it for girl groups.

Navi just happened to be beside me.

I will now pick our first performer.

It's this person?

This person stays home whenever she can.

So she decided to go out and meet people.

The moment she made up her mind

to move around more,

she not only went out,

she went abroad to travel so much.

These days, she worries she goes out too much.

Charming and emotional voice, You Me!

(You Me)

You Me!

(Emotional voice, You Me)

You Me challenged herself to traveling.

I hope you challenge yourself

to a trip where you beat everyone.

- You Me, let's go! / - Let's go!

(Good luck, You Me!)

Hello. Nice to meet you, I'm You Me.

(Her sorrowful expression knows no bounds.)

(She's charismatic and skillful.)

(A talented balladeer)

(You Me)

I know him as a singer who speaks to our hearts.

It's an honor to meet him today.

It's a song composed and written by him.

Yang Sookyung's "I Can't Look at You".

("I Can't Look at You" was composed)

(and written by Park Kangsung.)

(It was released in Yang Sookyung's first album,)

(which led to her stardom.)

(Originally, Park Kangsung)

(had planned to sing it himself,)

(but due to her persistent request,)

(Yang Sookyung was able to sing it.)

Here comes the first performer, You Me.

(The first performance by You Me)

(You Me)

Hello and nice to meet you. I'm You Me.

("I Can't Look at You" by You Me)

(There is no end to her charms.)

Thank you.

("I Can't Look at You" by You Me)

(It's impossible not to fall into her song.)

That was incredible.

She changed "I Can't Look at You" into a blues song.

She constantly pushes and pulls.

She always puts up such an explosive stage.

I'm always surprised whenever I see her.

You Me is small. She's skinny.

However, she's able to sing so strong.

I'm always amazed by her every time.

In the beginning, she sang like she was talking.

It's my favorite kind of husky voice.

It was a sexy tone.

- You can't do that voice. / - No.

People with softer voices

- like husky voices / - I love it.

- and vice versa. / - Yes.

You look relaxed.

Is it because you won once?

(Legend Kim Kipyo Special)

(She sang with Paul Potts)

(and created a fantastic harmony.)

(She became the final winner with 431 votes.)


Paul Potts and Bae Dahae.

It was my first win after a year and a half.

- A year and a half. / - I was so happy.

I left my trophy by my bedside too.

Paul didn't take it?

- Yes, he gave it to me. / - Why?

Because it was my first win.

From what I heard later, you were crying too much.

He was going to take it, but you cried too much.

- He couldn't take it. / - No.

He couldn't take it from her.

She was so happy.

- Dahae was happy. / - How do you feel today?

I'll win.

I want to win.

I'd be happy even if I win once.

I wonder how it'll be. We'll look forward to it.

Thank you.

He's charming. Multi-talented balladeer,

KCM is here!

I think you got smaller.

(Is KCM getting skinny?)

This suit doesn't stretch.

It's a perfect fit, so I can't move.

I feel like you're a big grape.

You're a grape.

(Singing grape)

- Tasty ones. / - Yes.

You remind me of grapes.

I heard you're touring in China.

I'm ambitiously planning a world tour.

When is it starting?

At the year-end. The dates aren't fixed yet.

Aren't you here too early?

- Me? / - Yes.

- December is far. / - You're here early.

I'm not here to promote my concert.

Really? You can go then.

We love singers that are here to promote.

Publae, do you have any upcoming musicals?

- I'm currently shooting a daily KBS drama. / - I see.

- You're shooting. / - Yes.

He's always working,

but he doesn't make too much noise.

Whereas KCM is very loud when promoting.

It feels completely different.

I wanted to promote...

I will now pick our second performer.

I'll recommend Kim Yongjin.

- That would be good. / - They should fight.

- They should fight. / - From friends to foes.

Of course.

This person works in movies, dramas,

and musicals. He's in every genre.

He's a multi-entertainer.

He was recently in a film called "The Fortress",

as well as a popular drama

called "Woman of Dignity".

He definitely had a presence.

An actor of 23 years,

it's Kim Publae.

(Kim Publae)

You'll go against You Me. Is that okay with you?

My style is completely different.

That's why we might seem contrasting.

Instead of high notes, you'd get very low...

(Very low notes)

- You're on the dot. / - Really?

Please tell us how you feel.

I'll do my best to show you

that low notes can also move you.


It's his first appearance on Immortal Songs.

Kim Publae,

- let's go! / - Let's go!

(Let's go, charismatic low voice!)


I'm actor Kim Publae. Nice to meet you.

(His voice makes you fall in love.)

(He's in films, dramas and musicals.)

(He's a multi-entertainer.)

(Black hole-like low voice, Kim Publae)

Aside from being on television,

I like the fact that I could perform

in front of the audience.

I always wanted to come.

The song I will sing today

is Park Kangsung's "Trace".

This song felt like a musical.

There was a story.

While working on it,

I wanted to add musical elements in it.

It's about the sorrow of a broken relationship.

It reminded me of "The Sorrows of Young Werther".

I added a narration

to create a musical-like atmosphere.

I took an excerpt from the novel

to add in a paragraph.

I want to give my all to the audience

through my emotions and my singing.

I hope you can all relate as you listen.

I'll do my best to sing the song.

("Trace" is the soundtrack of a 2001 SBS drama)

(called "Splendid Days".)

(The longing for an ex-lover)

(was compared to a trace.)

(With this song, Park Kangsung participated)

(in diverse drama soundtracks)

(which won him the love of the older age group.)

Here comes the second performer, Kim Publae.

(The second performance by Kim Publae)

(Kim Publae)

("Trace" by Kim Publae)

It's night.

All by myself,

I'm up on a hill where a storm is hitting.

I was left alone here.

The winds are howling in the woods,

while the streams are screaming

as they run over the rocks.

Left alone

on this hill,

I don't have

even a hut to stay dry from the rain.

A violent wind is coming from the mountains

and the northerly wind lifts the wave on high.

You can't wake me up.

Dear moon, rise up.

Rise up past the clouds.

Dear stars,

lead me with your light.

To the one I love.

To the one I love.

To the one

I love.

(A cry of love that screams of pain)

("Trace" by Kim Publae)

(His low voice moves hearts.)

The bass sound is very strong.

- He was born with it. / - Yes.

There was a man

that was amazed in the audience.


What did you think?

He made the lowest sound a man could produce.

- Really. / - So,

I tried to copy him while he was singing.

Yes, we all want to copy him.

Yongjin, you have a pretty low voice.

I think you could do it.

- You can do it. / - It works.

Who do you think will win, Wonder Fool?

Are we sticking to that nickname?

Isn't it so cute?

Publae sang with a voice that makes us men cry,

but even still, I think You Me will win.

I'm careful when I say this.

I feel like I'm at a safari.

A safari?

One what?

What was he?

- What was he? / - A tiger.

A tiger came out and roared.

- He was roaring. / - That's what I felt.

I think you might be jealous of his voice.

I didn't want to be rude,

but I wondered if he made the voice on purpose.

I really wanted to ask him.

KCM and I sang a duet before.

- Yes. / - He sings higher than a lot of women.

You must have been stressed.

It was annoying.

He's annoying.

He sings too high.

It was hard for me to keep up.

That's true.

Can you sing So Chanwhee's "Tears"?

You should sing against a female singer.

(All right, let's do this!)

(Because I'm)

(A brutal woman)

(She's brutally off-key.)

I can see why you were annoyed.

Navi was planning to sing it.

(Navi loses.)

(You Me versus Kim Publae)

"I Can't Look at You".

That was Yang Sookyung's debut song

as well as her first hit song.

You made this song to sing it yourself,

but you somehow let her take it.

- That's right. / - Yes.

We were in the same company.

I was preparing for my next album.

I was planning to release it then,

so I had hidden the song.

Then Sookyung liked the lyrics

and asked me to sing it once.

I shouldn't have sung it.

You must have felt proud

when the song became a big hit.

I was more jealous than proud.

That makes sense.

For her performance,

You Me arranged the song in a unique way.

- Yes. / - What did you think?

She expresses her emotions in a unique way.

She expressed the hidden sorrow

quite differently from Yang Sookyung.

I enjoyed the performance very much.

Kim Publae's performance

made me feel like I was watching a drama.

I could see that

the narration intensified the meaning of the lyrics.

I thought to myself, "I will use it later."

I had that thought. I enjoyed it very much.

You Me usually gives us

a ballad performance which makes us cry

with its sentimentality and charming vocal.

Are you satisfied with the performance?

I was very nervous to sing in front of Park Kangsung.

It was a challenge for myself.

Thank you so much for liking it.

(I hope you like my bold challenge.)

He has an incredibly charming voice.

Listening to it,

I thought to myself, "In my next life,"

"I want to have that voice."

"I really want to have that voice."

Have you always had a charming voice?

Did you voice change drastically?

I didn't have this kind of a voice when I was born.

Gosh, the idea gives me goosebumps.

It would have shocked your mum.

It's a gift from my father.

It's in the DNA.

My son has a similar voice.

- Really? / - It runs in the family.

- Your daughter... / - I don't have a daughter.

Thank goodness. Thank you.

That voice doesn't suit a pretty lady.

Let's see whom the audience has chosen.

Let's see the result.

(The result)

(You Me versus Kim Publae)

(Dreamy and sexy)

It's a match between the charismatic vocalists.

Will You Me take a win after showing her unique charm?

(Will You Me take a win?)

(The charisma of a deep voice)

Will Kim Publae take a win on his first appearance

after letting us hear his incredibly low voice?

(Will Kim Publae take a win?)

- Let's see! / - Let's see!

(Who will be the winner?)

(Kim Publae)

Kim Publae.

You Me meets him in the middle

- to congratulate him. / - Congratulations.

Thank you.

Publae achieved his goal.

The score is over 400.

With a score of 406, Kim Publae takes a win.

(It's Kim Publae's first win.)

He is incredible.

Please give them a big hand.

I will now pick our third performer.

He picked the third performer

who will compete against Publae.

KCM's charm is the exact opposite of his.

He can fight low voice with his high voice.

- That's a good idea. / - It's a nice picture.

(How cute!)

You are eating every time I see you.

(I haven't had dinner.)

This artist...

This artist will perform third.

After his appearance on Immortal Songs,

he is having wonderful days.

- It must be Yongjin. / - Yongjin.

For the first time in his life,

clothing brands offered to sponsor him.

He has a charming voice that touches the heart,

Kim Yongjin.

(Kim Yongjin)

(Another artist with a low voice will go.)

This is fair.

Yongjin also has a low voice.

- That's right. / - You will be able to avenge You Me.

Will he seek revenge with his performance?

Last week, he impressed us

with his new character, Wonder Fool.

When he takes the stage,

- he shows the charms / - That's right.

of a man of the autumn.

Kim Yongjin,

- let's go. / - Let's go.

(Kim Yongjin, let's go!)

Hello, I am Kim Yongjin. It's nice to meet you.

(He soared with his first solo performance.)

(He overcame his stage fright and took a win.)

(Kim Yongjin has a captivating voice.)

I was very thankful to take a win.

Many people called me to congratulate me.

They told me that I did a good job.

I had a good weekend.

Are you less nervous this time?

I become more ambitious as I sing.

I am even more nervous this time.

However, I am also excited, cheerful and happy.

I hope I won't be nervous on the stage.

The song I prepared

is "After the Breakup" by Park Kangsung.

I will take the stage and sing to my best.

Thank you.

("After the Breakup" is a title song)

(of Park Kangsung's third album.)

(His explosive voice shines in this song.)

(When he began to sing the song live)

(with an acoustic guitar,)

(he welcomed his second heyday.)

Here comes the third performer, Kim Yongjin.

(The third performance by Kim Yongjin)

(People cheer for his evident change.)

Hello, I am Kim Yongjin. It's nice to meet you.

I will sing at the top of my lungs.

Thank you.

("After the Breakup" by Kim Yongjin)

(The lonely end,)

("After the Breakup" by Kim Yongjin)

Thank you.

It was lovely.

In 2018,

he will be the best rookie of Immortal Songs.

At first, he struggled to take a step.

Through Immortal Songs, he became familiar

with singing and moving on the stage.

It brings tears to my eyes.

"I have no choice but to enjoy the loneliness."

He delivered the lyrics perfectly.

Since we know Yongjin's story,

hearing the lyrics made our hearts ache.

Seeing such a handsome man

express his loneliness

in an explosive way

- made me emotional. / - That's right.

If I were the woman he broke up with,

I would have thought, "I made a mistake."

She would be regretful.

Dahae, let's say

you saw your ex-boyfriend you used to love

sing like that by chance.

- How would you feel? / - How would you feel?

If I were dating Yongjin,

I wouldn't break up with him.

(I wouldn't break up with him.)

You were on Publae's side earlier.

That's right. You said he is charming.

The talk of dating made me lean towards Yongjin.

(I didn't say I would date Publae.)

She falls in love easily.

How old is he?

He is my age.

- Is he your age? / - He is 36 years old.

- He is 36 years old. / - He has young looks.

From the way he talks and sings,

there is an image I have of him.

He is like untouched snow.

He is someone I want to walk with.

It sounds like she loves him.

(I had my eyes on him first.)

(Kim Yongjin versus Kim Publae)

All right.

How did you enjoy the performance?

Listening to Kim Yongjin sing,

I could feel the energy of innocence and passion.

- I enjoyed it very much. / - Thank you.

When the late Kim Kwangseok Special aired,

you made the most popular keyword.

You were the talk of the town.

("Kim Yongjin Overcomes His Stage Fright")

("Kim Yongjin Beats Son Seungyeon")

(Kim Yongjin)

Your friends must have congratulated you.

- My mother was happy. / - Of course she was.

She didn't tell me this herself,

but my brother told me

that she clapped and shouted.

I made her proud through Immortal Songs.

- Thank you. / - All right.

The two artists with charming voices

are competing for a win.

What will be the result?

Let's see the result.

(Kim Yongjin versus Kim Publae)

On his first appearance, he received a high score.

Will Kim Publae take a second win?

(Will the rising rookie take a win?)

He is the rising rookie of Immortal Songs.

Will Kim Yongjin take a win?

- Let's see! / - Let's see!

(Who will be the winner?)

(Kim Yongjin)

Kim Yongjin!

(The rising rookie takes a win.)

- Yongjin did it again! / - That's incredible.

Kim Yongjin beats Kim Publae

and takes a win with a score of 411.

I will now pick our fourth performer.

(Who will compete against Kim Yongjin?)

All right.

Her first appearance was a year and a half ago.

On her first appearance,

she sang with Paul Potts and scored 431.

She took a win and won a trophy.

She is a celestial singer, Bae Dahae.

(Bae Dahae)


speak your dream.

Publae scored over 400.

- Your dream comes true. / - That's right.

It's good to meet Yongjin on the stage.


It looks like

Navi has a competition.

After Dahae performs,

Yongjin should beat her so that I can take her place.

(She is knocked down.)

This is insane. These women are fighting over Yongjin.

- Bae Dahae, let's go. / - Let's go.

(She will perform for love and victory.)

Kim Publae is back.

(The man with a low voice, Kim Publae is back.)

Publae's name sounds similar to "The Law".

He showed the law of singing

on the stage.

I scored over 400.

(He received a score of 406.)


Thank goodness.

Thank goodness.

(Is this the time?)

I thought I might have to skip the segment.

Thankfully, Publae is back.

Chiyeul's Fierce Welcoming Ceremony!

Chiyeul eagerly waits to run this segment.

In "Notre-Dame de Paris",

- you played Quasimodo. / - That was your role.

I was the original cast in Korea.

I won Grand Award for my performance.

He won Best Newcomer Award

as well as Best Actor Award.

Esmeralda is dead.

Esmeralda is on the ground.

- Someone should lie down. / - How about a croissant?

I was about to start!

(I can't get immersed into it!)

- I'm sorry. / - We apologize.

- My knees hurt. / - All right, start.

(He tolerates arthritis pain.)

(Dance, Esmeralda)

(We can feel Quasimodo's desperation.)


Oh, my.

We could feel the echo even from here.

(The echo deeply touched our hearts.)

Navi, can you do any voice impressions or...

- I'm sure she does. / - She must have something.

It's outdated though.

- I like old things. / - That's fine.

I can do an impression of Park Yeonggyu.

- Great. / - We'd love to see it.

I've rarely seen women doing it.

- Me neither. / - Exactly.

Father, why on earth are you being like this?

- Well... / - That was Navi's...

Gosh, my stomach! My stomach is so upset!

(The real impersonator is here.)

- Gak made that funny. / - You helped her out.

Gak helped Navi out big time.

KCM, you should show us something too.

That will be hard, but I guess I can try

to do an impression of Bobby Kim.

- I can picture it. / - Do it. Show us.

♪ I love you ♪

♪ I love you ♪

- "I love you." / - Is he from Hong Kong?

Wasn't he in a commercial for a university?

- A TV commercial. / - Which one was it?

♪ Cyber University ♪

That's how Bobby pronounces "cyber".

Hello, I'm Bae Dahae. It's nice to meet you all.

Today, I'll be singing a song called

"Looking at You from Behind in the Rain".

I actually cried a lot when I first heard it.

As I was listening to it,

I realized that the lyrics are so heart-wrenching.

I'll do my best to convey the internal conflict

that occurs when one tries to overcome hardships.

I won't let you down, so please root for me.

Thank you. Wish me luck!

(Park Kangsung made his debut with this song)

(which was released in his first album)

(and he won Best Artist of the Year in 1982 with it.)

(His captivating voice and the lyrics)

(about longing deeply touch our hearts.)

Here comes the fourth performer, Bae Dahae.

(The fourth performance by Bae Dahae)

(We can't take our eyes off her elegant dress.)

Hello, I'm Bae Dahae. It's nice to meet you all.

(A fascinating aria is about to unfold.)

("Looking at You from Behind in the Rain")

(by Bae Dahae)

(Dahae's captivating aria was about)

(the regrets that follow a breakup.)

Thank you.

Thank you.

(Her soprano voice left a deep echo in our hearts.)

Goodness, it was like a scene from a musical.

Dahae's performance was incredible.

There were ritualistic elements throughout.

At the end, her veil made her look...

Would "holy" be the right word? That's how I felt.

It really was like watching a musical.

I enjoyed it very much.

Her voice almost penetrated into my brain.

- Into the brain. / - I'm serious.

It's not easy to make such a sharp voice

- sound soft. / - That's right.

Her soft yet high voice is really incredible.

Personally, I can't make my voice

sound like Dahae's.

- Right. / - I'm so envious of her.

The dress went perfectly with her voice.

She looked divinely beautiful, but...

- But? / - Yes.

I must beat her.

(It's time to beat her.)

(Why am I so sad suddenly?)

- Her goal is Yongjin. / - Meeting Yongjin.

The title of my song is "Waiting for Tomorrow".

- You just wait. / - What a perfect title.

(Kim Yongjin versus Bae Dahae)

What did you think of the performance?

I was so moved throughout the performance.

The lyrics convey a deep sense of sorrow

and she expressed it very well.

It was like watching a music drama.

It was very touching and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for doing an incredible job.

Thank you for the compliment.


didn't you say that your son is in the audience?

- Yes. / - Where is he sitting?

- Over there at the back. / - Can you raise your hand?

Please stand up and say hello to us.

My gosh, he's so handsome.

(He is very good-looking.)

He's really handsome. My gosh.

Thank goodness he takes after his mom.

(Dongyeop cracks a joke.)

I need to have a word with you.

He wants to become an actor.

I see. He is very handsome.

All right. Dahae.

- Yes. / - When Yongjin won,

how did everyone react to it?

We didn't really talk about his score.

We mainly talked about how dashing he looked.

Were you charmed by him too?

Yes, I also think that he was...

(Why does she keep chuckling?)

By any chance,

do you laugh like that every time you lie?

You must have a habit of doing that.

- Am I wrong? / - Yes, it's not that.

All right. Let's see whom the audience has chosen.

Please show us the result.

(Love triangle, the first match)

(Kim Yongjin versus Bae Dahae)

(Now, this man enjoys performing on our stage.)

Will Yongjin, who's getting comfortable

with performing on our stage, take another win?

(The aria sung by a divinely beautiful voice)

Will Dahae win with her beautiful voice?

- Let's see! / - Let's see!

(The echo created by a pure-hearted man)

(The irresistible lady's wail)

(How will their romance end?)

(The audience chose Kim Yongjin.)

It's Yongjin.

Dahae is congratulating him.

Please give them another big round of applause.

Gak is very happy

because the winning score is staying the same.

Navi is clapping because Dahae lost.

All right.

I will now pick our fifth performer.

(Who will be competing against Yongjin?)

All right. I heard people have

the wrong idea about this person's stage name.

Due to the stage name...

It must be KCM.

- Navi's a stage name too. / - This artist

is actually hot-tempered and passionate,

but because of her feminine stage name,

people assume her to be feminine and dainty.

She's actually very straightforward and cool.

It's vocalist Navi.


- My goodness. / - I can't believe it.

How is this possible?

- How did that happen? / - A woman's fury...

She said that she wants Dahae to lose so that

she can meet Yongjin on stage and it's happening.

You said you really like Yongjin.

Will you beat him or let him win?

I should win so that I can take the lead.

- She sure is decisive. / - She's a great leader.

I want to get it over with.

I'll be performing with my students, you know.

I'll do my best. Wish me luck!

- Navi, go for it! / - Go for it!

(I'll show you what I can do.)

I chose a song called "Waiting for Tomorrow".

It sounds modern due to its sophisticated melody.

I brought a choir with me.

I currently teach at a university

and they're my students.

I'm excited to perform with my students.

I hope you all enjoy the performance.

Thank you.

(Park Kangsung changed his singing style)

(in this song released in his third album)

(and became widely popular as a rock singer.)

(The lyrics about reminiscing)

(a past love get stuck in your head.)

Here comes the fifth performer, Navi.

(The fifth performance by Navi)

Hello, I'm happy to meet you all.

(She'll spread her wings and soar beautifully.)

(Into the stage filled with dreams)

("Waiting for Tomorrow" by Navi)

(Choir: The soul melody)

(Dreaming of your tomorrow with me)

("Waiting for Tomorrow" by Navi)

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

(Her blissful performance unfolded like a dream.)

The song was perfect for Navi.

It got us into the holiday mood.

- The movie, "Sister Act". / - Yes, that's right.

I'm sure it reminded all of you of that movie.

Seeing her conducting the choir was so touching.

- They're her students. / - Exactly.

- I want her to win now. / - Oh, do you?

I thought you were in love with Yongjin.

- Well, she should win. / - Navi has to win

for him to come back here. That's what she wants.

- You're very sharp. / - You sure are perceptive.

He's the love expert.

(Oh, no. He read my mind.)

(Kim Yongjin versus Navi)

How did you enjoy Navi's performance?

All the performances today are making me

look forward to their future endeavors.

All artists are such amazing singers

and the diversity in rhythm has shown me

how far music has come.

I thoroughly enjoyed your performance. Thank you.

- Great. / - Thank you.

(Her performance gave him a new vision.)

All right. I heard that

those who sang behind you are your students.

- Yes. / - They are, right?

They're students who are majoring in applied music.

It's a huge honor to sing in front of Kangsung

and singing with my students on stage

was such a touching and meaningful experience.

It must've been.

Let's see whom the audience has chosen.

Please show us the result.

(Love triangle, the second match)

(Kim Yongjin versus Navi)

(The dark horse that soared on stage)

Yongjin has been on a winning streak.

Will he take his third win with the score of 411?

(The fantastic ensemble with her students)

Navi and her students gave a touching performance.

Will she be able to beat Yongjin?

- Let's see! / - Let's see!

(How will this drama end?)

(That man)

(That woman)

(The audience chose Kim Yongjin.)

It's Yongjin. My gosh, amazing.

Please come to the center and congratulate him.

- Give them a big hand. / - Thank you.

Thank you.

I will now pick our sixth and seventh performers.

Now, it's a battle among three male vocalists.

Gak and KCM haven't performed yet.

I heard he almost made his debut as an idol singer.

He can dance and he's also an amazing rapper.

Now, he's widely loved as a multifaceted vocalist.

It's KCM.


Hello, viewers of Immortal Songs.

It's been a while.

I'm the singer with a handsome voice, KCM.

(His extreme high notes captivate our hearts.)

(The multifaceted vocalist, KCM)

Today, I'll be singing one of his major hits

called "Toy Soldier".

I'll go back to the basics

and do my very best with the rookie mindset.

I won't let you down. Thank you.

(It didn't become a hit when it was initially released)

(in Park Kangsung's second album,)

(but it became a hit later on)

(and got included in all of his best albums.)

(His powerful voice and the deep sentiments)

(that convey the sadness right before a breakup)

(made the song win middle-aged listeners' hearts.)

Here comes the sixth performer, KCM.

(The sixth performance by KCM)

Hello, it's nice to meet you all. I'm singer KCM.

To tell you the truth, about 16 years ago,

I used to watch your performance very often.

I used to bring you water and a towel

to wipe your sweat with before your performances.

You probably don't remember me.

You inspired and motivated me to think that I want

to become like you one day and sing my own songs.

I'm honored to be able to sing one of the songs

that I used to hear back in the days.

I'll do my very best.

Please encourage me with a round of applause.

("Toy Soldier" by KCM)

(Sorrowful high-pitched voice,)

("Toy Soldier" by KCM)

(Everyone is touched by KCM's heart-aching ballad.)

I believe "Toy Soldier"

is what Park Kangsung is known for.


this person also wanted to sing this song.


I'm glad I didn't sing it.

- Why? / - I was shocked.

He really wants to win.

(I saw it.)

- I saw his passion. / - I saw his desire.

- I saw it all. / - I did too.

He tried to hide it, but I saw it.

I saw it all.

(High note to winning)

He's determined to win.

He's already there.

(Kim Yongjin versus KCM)

"Toy Soldier".

This song was greatly loved by people.

When this song became a hit in 1990,

Park Kangsung was finally made known to the public.

The song wasn't well known at the time.

After ten or 15 years of its release,

people started singing this song.

It became famous through word of mouth.

With this one song, you turned your life around.

How did you like KCM's performance?

Seeing him in person...

He's handsome.

- Yes. / - He's charming and cool.

It's great that he became a singer.

That's right. Isn't KCM handsome in person?

- Yes. / - Yes.

So the viewers at home will never know.

(It's too bad they can't see that.)

Let's see whom the audience has chosen.

Let's see the result.

(The result)

(Kim Yongjin versus KCM)

(A touching performance with a choir)

He's the rising super rookie.

Will Kim Yongjin continue his winning streak?

(Will Kim Yongjin continue to win?)

(The piercingly high pitched voice)

KCM sang Park Kangsung's song his way.

Will KCM win against Kim Yongjin?

- Let's see! / - Let's see!

(KCM sings for his first win.)

(Kim Yongjin versus KCM)

(Who will be the winner?)




Please give it up for Kim Yongjin and KCM.

Thank you.

I am going to sing a song that is

as great as "Toy Soldier".

I'll do a really good job.

I'd like to lay my hands on a trophy.

- I'll do my best. / - Huh Gak.

- Let's go! / - Let's go!

- Good luck. / - Let's go!

- Let's go. / - Go for it.

He won three times.

Kim Yongjin is back.

He's the fool of Immortal Songs.

Please choose.

- Please choose. / - Is it Navi

- or Dahae? / - Or Dahae?

- Who will you choose? / - Who will you choose?

Who will it be?

(Yongjin is like first snow to Navi.)

(I would never break up with Yongjin.)

(How will this love triangle end?)

Who will it be?

- Three, two... / - I'll go here.

He chooses Navi.

It's too bad, Dahae.

Instead of Dahae, he chose Navi.

- My seat is over here. / - His seat is there.

Hello, viewers of Immortal Songs.

I'm Huh Gak. It's nice to meet you.

(With his warm voice, he makes people cry.)

(The sentimental vocalist, Huh Gak)

I will sing "You Outside the Door"

by Park Kangsung.

The original song is quiet and it's sung as if

you are talking to someone outside the door.

But my version is more aggressive.

It's as if you're pressuring

or begging someone. As if you're clinging.

It's Huh Gak's version of "You Outside the Door".

Please cheer for me and look forward to the song.

Thank you.

("You Outside the Door" is a ballad known)

(for Park Kangsung's unique doleful voice.)

(It's steady-seller loved by the middle-aged.)

(Along with "Toy Soldier", this song)

(is Park Kangsung's favorite songs.)

Here comes the seventh performer, Huh Gak.

(The seventh performance by Huh Gak)

("You Outside the Door" by Huh Gak)

Thank you.

(Never look back on the past love,)

("You Outside the Door" by Huh Gak)

(You could feel Gak's deep sentimentality.)

- Great. / - Huh Gak.

It was a nice contrast of gentleness and roughness.

- I really love this song. / - Do you?

He stayed very true to the original.

It was very touching.

I personally like the synergy KCM's voice

makes with a minor song.

So I think KCM will...

- Really? / - Yes.

- Goodness. / - I think

she chose KCM after being betrayed by Yongjin.

You catch on so quickly.

(You can fool a ghost, but not Heejun.)

I got you, right?

(Huh Gak versus KCM)

Huh Gak, good luck!

"You Outside the Door"

is Park Kangsung's steady-seller.

How did you like Huh Gak's performance?

As you know, he's a great singer.

I think he kind of looks like me.

He sings so well.

He has a powerful voice.

I really enjoyed your performance.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Huh Gak, you have a concert coming up.

My concert is on November 18 and 19.

I hear you'll have famous guests

since you know so many people.


- Who will be there? / - IU,

(the guests are IU and...)

I.O.I's Chungha

and GFriend.

Please come to see me.

Please tell us how you felt

about being on Immortal Songs today.

I wanted to sing with them on stage.

I'm so grateful that you sang my songs.

I enjoyed your performance. Thank you.

Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.

The romantic melody that dyes autumn.

It is time to reveal the final winner.

Let's see whom the audience has chosen.

Let's see the result.

(The piercing high notes)

(The touching sentimentality)

(The song that made me dream of being a singer)

(The sorrowful "Toy Soldier")

Will KCM be the final winner with the score of 417?

(Will KCM win?)

(The manly ballad, "You Outside the Door")

(Will Huh Gak win?)

Will Huh Gak win against KCM

and take his sixth trophy?

(Huh Gak versus KCM)

(Who will be the winner?)

He's a million-seller composer

who led the pop music scene in Korea.

(Sensuous and refined melody)

He wrote numerous hits of various genres.

He's a timeless, passionate composer.

It's Yoon Ilsang.

(Legendary composer Yoon Ilsang)

(It stayed on the music chart for 67 weeks.)

("I Have a Lover" by Ailee)

(Troubled heart unable to forget one's first love)

("Last Love" by Davichi)

(The king of performance)

He'll sing a conversation between two celebrities.

(Wanna One Jaehwan's talent)

(Koonzo and Whee Sung's fantastic dance)

(The main vocalist of Wanna One)

("Forget You" by Kim Jaehwan)

(The monster vocalist of Immortal Songs)

("I Miss You" by Son Seungyeon)

(The song Dongyeop loves dearly!)

(Shall we listen?)

- Shin Dongyeop. / - Okay.

(Love is making me)

(Cry again)

(Passion and sensibility, Composer Yoon Ilsang)

(Huh Gak versus KCM)

Huh Gak receives a score of 434.

With a score of 434,

Huh Gak takes today's trophy.

What's great is that Huh Gak broke his own record.

It's one point higher than his best score.

Legend Park Kangsung is handing Gak his trophy.

- Please give it up again. / - Thank you.

(Romantic melody, Kangsung Special)

For more infomation >> Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Park Kangsung Special [ENG/2017.12.02] - Duration: 1:33:43.


You Me - I Can't Look at You | 유미 - 바라볼 수 없는 그대 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 4:44.

("I Can't Look at You" by You Me)

(There is no end to her charms.)

Thank you.

("I Can't Look at You" by You Me)

For more infomation >> You Me - I Can't Look at You | 유미 - 바라볼 수 없는 그대 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 4:44.


ذا واي شوو || لماذا دائما تشعر بالتعب ؟ - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> ذا واي شوو || لماذا دائما تشعر بالتعب ؟ - Duration: 2:18.


dhanurmasam muggulu easy | dhanurmasam muggulu for sankrenthi | rangavallikalu designs with dots - Duration: 1:25.


For more infomation >> dhanurmasam muggulu easy | dhanurmasam muggulu for sankrenthi | rangavallikalu designs with dots - Duration: 1:25.



For more infomation >> LES BOITES DE NUIT - PODCAST | MATT PEZET - Duration: 4:31.


Bowling For Kids Toy Playset, Target Toy Bowling Game! Perfect Bowling Game! - Duration: 3:42.

You ready to throw this, ok go ahead.




Ha, ha.

Did you get them all down?



I did it daddy.

Did you kick that last one down?


Last one.

No you don't mister.


I won, I won, I won, I won.

You got one down.

One, Two.

How many is that?


Good job.

Welcome to Sebastian Toy Review.

What do we have today?


Are you going to knock down some strikes?

So this is all that comes inside the box.

One ball, and six bowling pins.

So we set up the bowling pins.


And there's the ball, are you ready to bowl some strikes?

Stand back a little bit, ok.


You got one.

I won, I won, I won, I won.

So, your first ball you knocked down one.

You got one more.

One, two.

How many is that?


Good job.

I can get three.

Is it daddy's turn now.

I can get five.

Let's set them back up ok.

Argh, I got three.

I got three.

Good job.

I got three.

Do you want to knock the rest of them down.



Are you ready, last one.

No you don't mister.

No, it's wobbly.

Is it daddies turn next.

Do you think I can knock them all down?

Let's see.

Oh my gosh.

I almost got them all.

This is round two, are you ready to throw this.




Ha, ha.

Did you get them all down?



I did it daddy.

Did you kick that last one down?


That was fun.

You ready to throw.

Are we all done for today?

I'm going to make them crazy.

Did you have fun bowling today.


I'm putting them back, like backwards.


Please subscribe.

For more infomation >> Bowling For Kids Toy Playset, Target Toy Bowling Game! Perfect Bowling Game! - Duration: 3:42.


MAREKNFS - Duration: 5:27.


Join facebook group!


PIOTREK98: It's weak (talking about Supra) MAREKNFS: Yea

MAREKNFS: video on yt MAREKNFS ;d MAREKNFS: nick on yt



MAREKNFS: Why I am writing twice? I don't know

Meet up at polish meeting place

Join group Need for Speed World PL :D MAREKNFS: What is this?


MAREKNFS: It's not me

ZWYCZAJNYKAROL: Who are you writing to? MAREKNFS: *confused* HIXXXX2: to everyone

ZWYCZAJNY KAROL: Im asking marek BORIXON: You have two accounts?


MAREKNFS: What is that? I don't know

HIXXXX2: car moron

MAREKNFS: Who are you? ZWYCZAJNYKAROL: Im no one Not you

MAREKNFS: nick laserapex3 MAREKNFS: okay?

MAREKNFS: What is this about? I don't know

MAREKNFS: laserapex3 is hacker !!

MAREKNFS: siema laserapex3

SIEMA :D I don't have apex in nick

It's only on (discord) server

You know it's super funny Apex discord and Apex in nick

You know... When I ban him (imposter) you will be banned too

MAREKNFS: It's you!


Because the same nick

But look MAREKNFS: Who is he?

People will talk about you on group I don't know

Where is he?

I don't see anyone

1 marek is enough of marek

BORIXON: Two accounts... or lan

Try to create driver with nick mareknfs

You will get error about used name

For more infomation >> MAREKNFS - Duration: 5:27.


Bae Dahae - Looking at You from Behind in the Rain [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 6:24.

("Looking at You from Behind in the Rain")

(by Bae Dahae)

(Dahae's captivating aria was about)

(the regrets that follow a breakup.)

Thank you.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Bae Dahae - Looking at You from Behind in the Rain [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 6:24.


A Day in My Life: Language School in Fukuoka, Japan - Duration: 7:37.

We beat the teacher here!

That was close!

Hey! Ready to go to school?

A few weeks ago, while my usual university was on summer break

I was invited to try a day at a Japanese school

the Fukuoka Foreign Language College in Japan.

The school has a range of short or long-term programs

and it's particularly diverse

with students from different age groups, backgrounds

and more than 30 different countries across the world

Whether you're beginner, intermediate or advanced

there are classes for every level

But the school mentioned that they are known especially for their advanced level classes


I'm spending the day to try out a few different classes

and I'm taking YOU along!

I need you guys to take me there!

Alright, these are my classmates!

Oh yeah, so I noticed in this stairwell

is that a list of students with the best attendance?


Did you guys make the list?

Yeah! See, our names are here, too!

Wow, you guys are really good students!

So to kick things off,

they showed me the advanced class first.

The schedule said my first class in room 305?

Room 305?

Oh, I found it!

Alright, so attendance is done!

Does everyone remember what we're doing today?

So today's activity is a debate

where we split into two groups and practice how to

argue and persuade based on any random topic.

Team A, then Team B will give a rebuttal

That's the structure of today's debate.

So you probably want to know

today's topic of debate, yes?

Which is better: the beach or the mountains?

So all our team had to do

is argue why the beach is better than the mountains.

I'm pretty confident in my speaking skills,

so I thought our team would definitely win.

Firstly, nearly all living creatures

the first organisms originated from the sea.

The beach and sea can support

very unique kinds of ecosystems.

Additionally, you can derive oil under the sea.

Only the pressure beneath the sea can produce this.

OK! Time is up!

Team B, make your case!

Mountains can be used as

a resource to derive electricity.

Vegetables and fruits grow near the mountains

which you can use for food.

You can protect your territory more easily in the mountains.

You can derive wind power as well.

The mountains are an essential resource for humans.

OK Time's up!

You talked a lot about power and energy

but to actually derive power from a mountain

can you explain that process in concrete terms?

Well, take the country of Iceland for example!

Oh no, here we go!

Over 90% of their power

is derived from the thermal energy in the mountains.

That's a way to derive power.

LIke hot water springs, right?

The debate went back and forth for a while

until the teachers picked the most persuasive team.

You guys only discussed from a very modern perspective

but you came up with really unique points so

I have to give the point to "Team Mountain!

So...the art of persuasion, huh?

Everyone in this class is really good!

I was really shocked, like WOW!

It's time for the next class!

We didn't win this time,

but I was really impressed with the vocabulary level

And how everyone was able to speak so smoothly

and actually keep a debate going

Afterwards I also got to check out the class next door

They are practicing some pretty tricky kanji,

but they still found a way to make it interactive and fun.

Find the kanji for JIDAI!

Oh, you're quick!

I was only there for a day

But I really liked Fukuoka and was so impressed

by how many different students are here

making the most of their Japanese studies.

Hi, I'm Sebastian. I'm from Sweden!

You can call me Nara!

I'm. Ricardo. I'm from Mexico.

My name is Johanna!

I studied a lot using podcasts and YouTube videos

but now (in school) if I make any mistakes

the teachers can correct me right away

which really helps my studies!

Did you study Japanese before enrolling?

No, not at all!

Wait - really?!?! Wow!!!

What have you learned the most here at FFLC?

My speaking skills really improved!

I've been here in Fukuoka for over a year.

I first thought I wanted to go to Tokyo

but after I came to Fukuoka

If found it's more quiet here

but in comparison to Tokyo

there are just as many palces to go out and play.

So Fukuoka is better balanced

AND cheaper!!

I want to go to Japanese university after this

and then start my career here in Japan.

I want a job that connects me to Japan.

I didn't really expect the students to be doing this well,

and the school itself seems really ideal

in terms of location

There's the park next door if you need a break

There's a famous shrine to help you clear your head or

Maybe get some extra help on your grades

and the school just a few minutes away from

downtown Hakata Station

where you can find some really great food

and a taste of city life.

If you would like to know more about FFLC

The Fukuoka Foreign Language College

or other language schools across Japan check out

the link below this video to see how you can apply through GoGoNihon

Thank you for letting me join for the day!

It was a blast to study at such a prestigious school!

and to my classmates, good luck with your studies!

For more infomation >> A Day in My Life: Language School in Fukuoka, Japan - Duration: 7:37.


Bergara B14 Sporter opis puške (gun review, eng subs) - Duration: 24:25.

Hi, I'm Darko, you are watching a new episode on the DumDum channel.

Today we present you a very high quality hunting rifle,

ie. hunting carabine from Spain, Bergara B14 sporter.

And if you love our channel and you like to watch our videos,

you can support us financially by donating certain funds through Peypal or Patreon.

Links to our Peypal and Patreon pages are in the description of this video.

Bergara is a producer of hunting and sports carbines from the Basque region of Spain.

During most of its existence, Bergara produced high--quality barrels

for various world manufacturers,

to start production of hunting and sports carbines recently

who have found their place in the market primarily thanks to their excellent quality and low price.

Today we present you with the Bergara B14 Sporter hunting carabine in the 308win caliber.

The factory itself claims that this carabine was made according to the hunter's specification

and that it is the world's top with a very affordable price.

What really is we will see today.

Let's try precision of this Bergara B14 Sporter at 80 meters,

We use the S&B PTS bullet of 11.7 grams.

The factory says that this rifle is capable of 1 MOA

from the production line

Let's see it here at 80 m with optics.

Detachable mag holds 3 rounds, so we will do 3 plus 2.

And two more.

The trigger is phenomenal.

So let's see the results.

What to say.

I do not have to say anything

At 80 meters, here's the size of a group, a little bigger than a fingernail.

3 bullets in one hole and 2 almost in one little under.

It's like a fingernail an a half you can see.

This is so far the most precise hunting rifle

that we tested here on the channel.

Bergara is by precision the top. The factory definitely does not lie.

That would be it, let's go on.

Here's how, the length of the Bergara B14 Sporter is 1060 mm.

The length of the pipe is 560 mm.

And weighing 3.1 kilograms, of course without optics.

This rifle has a detachable mag.

The capacity of the detachable mag is 3 rounds

First, when we look at this kind of rifle, we see that it is an extremely beautiful rifle.

Everything was done in the best possible finish, high quality finish.

Stock is incredibly comfortable to hold.

This shock absorber is extremely good on the shoulder and shoots are qiute dampened

308win is not a light shot.

As far as the bolt is concerned, it functions impeccably. This is a simplefied Mauser "push feed" bolt.


Trigger that we will measure later is incredibly easy, we will see how much.

Without any trip of the trigger, the trigger immediately snaps.

Incredibly fine.

Here you may see on the pipe these screws, these are screws for iron sights .

If you want to use them

And on the pipe's mouth, we have a thread,

for mounting a silencer where it is legal.

this is illegal in Serbia.

But you can mount muzzle brake if

you do a lot of exercises in order to relieve the recoil.

All this comes from the factory, of course without optics and without this rail.

As far as the detachable mag is concerned, I do not know, I did not look at the factory data

if it has a other higher capacity mags, bit it probably has.

This one as I said, holds 3 rounds.

I can not find flaw for the rifle.

In the course of today's shooting I was trying find something that I do not like.

If I had to say something, here is the disadvantage of this rifle

when it is put on the ground, since the black rubberised stock catches dust very quickly.

If we can call it a flaw. This is really an incredible rifle

among the hunters a little--known manufacturerfrom Spain.

Because Bergara for years, as you can already hear, produced only pipes for famous world manufacturers.


But in any case I can say that the factory hit bullseye, as well as the rifle little earlier.

Since this is the first time we are working on 308win on our channel, some weapon in the 308win caliber.

Let's try the ballistic gel effect.

Now we have a double--sized piece of ballistic gel.

But we still expect the extremely destructive power of this projectile.

We try Selier Belot 308win of 11.7 grams PTS

Here's what the bullet looks like.

It's a hunting bullet.

Let's see.

But he did not split, let's see.

The ballistic gel was here. As you can see from the force of the hit here is where it came.

We'll see now.

We have passage.

Here's the entrance.

Sorry, the way it was.

Here's the entrance.

And here on the other side we have a way out.

Not to cut the gel, because we want to try another bullet.

Since the whole gel is not separated, you can see the perfect opening of this bullet here.

Look at that wound.

Here is the biggest transfer of energy, and look at this, almost to the top of the gel opening and splitting.

Perfect bullet.

Keeping the mass as we can see, somewhere in the gel, there are no bullet fragments.

Already perfectly keeping the mass, the transfer of energy where it needs and the exit on the other side.

An excellent shot, one of the better bullets we tested on the channel.

Now, we will try a older hunting bullet, to see what he will do here. Let's go.

Let's try another hunting round on this ballistic gel.

It is the Austrian Hirtenberger soft point.

A bullet that unfortunately can not be bought in Serbia.

But it is valid for one of the best hunting bullets. So let's try.

Mother of god! Let's see.

As you could see an explosive result, it did not separate the gel,

but he threw it as a toy this 10 kg piece.

We see the hits very close to each other.

See how much it is wound, see immediately at the beginning.

Wound is larger for 30 percent then PTS bullet.

And inside.

On the other hand, Ivan please cross over.

Take a look at this wound, 30 percent more wound than a PTS bullet.

It's a shame that this bullet can not be bought in Serbia.

Extremely good hunting bullet. As we can see and there.

We do not have a piece of bullet within the gel. Keeping the mass and the exit, here's the output wound.

But within the gel itself, a phenomenal opening.

Now we'll cut it.

To cut the gel.

First we cut this PTS bullet.

Here's a wound from the S&B PTS bullet.

And now we will cut through the middle of this Hirtenberger soft point.

I can say that there is a smoother here, there is a bigger wound.

Not exactly in the middle. Well, it's not that big.

Here's PTS, here's Hirtenberger. But again.

See this opening.


Both bullets are phenomenal.

That would be the test, let's move on.

Let's check also how much force is needed to firer this Bergara B14 Sporter.


He stopped at 600 grams.

Let's see it again.

1.1 kg. And once again.

1 kg. So 600g maybe I pulled something bad.

So about 1--1.1 kg is a trigger which is unbelievable for a hunting rifle.

As I said earlier, with the trigger, you can see now it has no travel from this angle.

There is no overtravel back.

There's a snap. Phenomenal.

What do you think, how many bricks does it take to stop soft point PPU 308win?

I do not know. Let's see.

Let's see.

Here we see after this bullet shot, through two bricks, only a few pieces left.

There is no lead. But we only have a jacket.

Lead was falling apart, and only the jacket was crushed to unrecognizable.



In any case, through 2 bricks. These others are intact.

That's it. Move on.

For some regular cleaning and maintenance, as well as every hunting rifle with mauser system , it is very easy.

First, we remove detachable mag. This rifle has a detachable mag.

We check that we do not have a bullet in the tube. We do not have.

When we bring the bolt to the end, to the stopper, we press this button here

and we remove the bolt. And that is that.

Now, clean everything nicely. Clean the bolt, the barrel. There is no need to disassemble the bolt

Here's what it looks like, a simplified Mauser push feed system.


When you've cleaned and lubricated everything, it's very simple.

You insert bolt without pressing any buttons.

Forward to the end.

And now return the mag. If you to drop the firing pin without firing.

Put on the first tooth the bolt lever, pull the trigger and now the firing pin is released.

And everything is in place, and you can put the rifle away.

We will now try to catch the S&B PTS bullet in water bottles.

We have succeeded so far. But let's see.

Let's see if he is anywhere.

Unfortunately, we were unable to catch a bullet, hit it nicely in the middle, this is probably the first or second bottle.

Second, the first one exploaded. And as it passed, this bottle just grased.

And here's where he made a hole, where water drops out. He did not pinch this either. And somewhere he ended up in the backstop.

We will try to put double bottles now,


Let's try it.

The same PTS bullet and a lot of bottles, to see this time, there's no way to pass them all.

Holly mother of God!. Let's see.

Chaos and mayhem. But let's see if we got him.

Let's see these bottles that are ...

It's not here.

And I do not think it is here.

We have fragments from the bullet here.

But there is no bullet.

We got a passage here.

This is not even affected.

And there he is not here.

Does this Belot PTS really have such a breakthrough power? This is incredible.

We could not catch the bullet.. Just a bit of breaking up with this here lead.

But the bullet is nowhere to be found.


Maybe in this bottle, because we do not have an exit wound.

Maybe he was caught here, but he fell out somewhere.

What to do, that's it. We did not manage to catch him and see how he was deformed.

Lets go on.

To try the 308win PTS bullet on that metal plate of 2.5 cm.

Since we have such a tradition that whenever we test a new caliber,

we're trying penetration on that plate. Let's see.

I apologize :).

Let's see.

Here we have a hit on metal.

We have a rather unusual look of a hit.

Here's what it looks like.

You all know that this was 7,9 mauser, hunting one, 30--06 Hornady and this 7.5 swiss.

And then finally 308win PTS .

There is no this material on the side.

Already the force of the blow, as we can see here, is concentrated in the middle.

No protrusion back, not a bit.

In any case, far from being a bad round,

we could see it in bottles with water, and after the gel test.

In any case, the results are interesting.

Here after today's test with this Bergar B14 Sporter

and several dozen bullets fired

I can say that this is a very good hunting rifle.

First and foremost, it good in the hand, it is perfect in the shoulder. A sight picture is quickly picked up.

But of course this depends on the optic sight.

But in any case, a sight picture is quickly grasped.

No slipping. This polymer material is rubberized,

so that not only in these places that are intended to hold on, but anywhere else to hold the gun here

very difficult for hands to slip, even if they are wet in some summer conditions.

As far as functioning, it functioned impeccably.

Each time, he picked up a bullet from a detachable mag.

So it always worked. The bolt slides like on butter.

It is incredible how good it is.

Here you can see. There are no hooks.

The execution is done without any effort and freely with one finger.

A trigger like you could see phenomenal.

In any case, the rifle is worth every penny.

This price is not big, this rifle costs around 100,000 dinars or 800 euros in stores.

And for this money you get a very high quality and very reliable hunting rifle.

Produced in a few calibers, this is in the 308win.

which is quite underestimated by hunters in this area.

However, very good, you could see our gel tests.

I did not manage to find used one on ads

Because this is a relatively new hunting rifle.

But again, new one has very affordable price for quality hunting rifle.

This was another episode on the DumDum channel.

If you like something like this, please subscribe by clicking here.

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And follow us through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Bergara B14 Sporter opis puške (gun review, eng subs) - Duration: 24:25.


Czas Drogi - Chiang Mai & Chiang Dao (Thailand #3) - Duration: 11:27.

What would you like?

So it is quite.

There are no monkeys here fortunately

Yeah, but as you can hear, there are birds.

Everyday it is a different wake up call.

but yesterday's monkeys were too much

Part four.

Chiang Mai and Chiang Dao

The monks

wake you at 4 AM every day

and go out to 'collect' food on the streets

and come back to theirs...

where do they live?


or next to the temples


and eat

and this one is barefoot

It is the flower fest in Chiang Mai from the 3rd to the 5th.

and everything is in flowers.

and the 3rd is today.

Chiang Mai is the biggest city of northern Thailand

It is a great combination of tradition, fast growth,

some religion and still, relatively 'healthy' tourism

Only 150,000 live here

The predictable climat, great location for explorations,

and the wild mountains around attract

the people looking for peacefulness from EU and the US

While here, it is one of the 'must do's ' to visit Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

One of the most iconic temples around

You can light a prayers candle here

If you believe in it strong enough, the prayed wishes may go real

The temple is located in the mountains

about 15km from city centre

The panoramic view of all Chiang Mai from here is breathtaking.

The history of the city is quite unstable

It is only in the 18th century when it became independent from Burma.

to become the Lan Na kingdom

Lan Na connected with Siam later on

and Siam became Thailand shortly after the WWII

The romantic scenes

and a place to fish

the river Ping provides that.

If it wouldn't be for this river

Chiang Mai would not be as important.

Because of the river there is a 'direct' access to Bangkok 600km down the stream.

and great Fauna and Flora

I'm not sure if you can hear the birds behind me, but theses are going crazy.

Sitting there

On that building

and here

The next day

In the morning we went to the north towards Myanmar.

60 kilometres to Chiang Dao

The wilder part of Thailand was starting here.

Apart from that the hilly roads

So, we had to climb climb and climb

sometimes we went down also.

We are next to Chiang Dao caves

These are 12 kilometres tunnels

Most of them not available for tourists

You can easily get lost there and die. This is what they've written

I think here the locals leave 'things' like the picture of a man...


or money

The tunnels are 12 kilometres long

about 500 metres of attitude differences also.

without a guide

it is practically impossible.

The locals have used the caves as the shelter in all the conflicts

Now, the main source of income here is tourism

Everyone ca be a guide.

As long as the one doesn't get lost in the dark.

There is also a temple complex here.

with some addition of small 'restaurants' and places to sleep,

the community earns it's money.

We stepped into the darkness for an hour

To show you everything, it would be quite boring

So, you'll see only the highlights.

100 Baht for the guide and 100 Baht for the lamp.

Sleep elephant


Quite a big spider.

She doesn't like...

I sweat like a pig.


What's in there? No idea

Are we going there?

We go there?

Go inside.

I can feel the air.

The legend says

that this man came here to eat an elephant.

and he's lying here.

he ate the elephant

and he's digesting



a noob?


two boobs.

or nipples


We are out.

It is cold up here.

I want to jump into that water.

It was nice.

Worth it.

worth 300 baht for the guide.

but we saw the spiders and bats

The Shambhala festival, we got here by accident.

The Japanese hippies looking for cheap weed

a famous one apparently have founded it.

I mean the festival

and here it is

and the Thai and Japanese hippies are singing. It's nice.

Compare it to Woodstock.

I think it's also wort seeing.

100km done, but we walked quite a bit. We are going north next.

For more infomation >> Czas Drogi - Chiang Mai & Chiang Dao (Thailand #3) - Duration: 11:27.


Hickory Dickory Dock + Top Animal Songs | Nursery Rhymes for Kids and Children | Hippy Hoppy Show - Duration: 43:04.

Hickory Dickory Dock, The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck two,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck three,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck four,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck five,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,

So Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again.

Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,

So Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again.

Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,

So Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again.

Baa, baa black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Jump, Jump, Jump

No more jumping on the bed

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

I said...No more jumping on the bed.

Five little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only three little ducks came back.

Three little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only two little ducks came back.

Two little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only one little duck came back.

One little duck went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But no little ducks came back.

Sad mother duck went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

The sad mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

And all of the five little ducks came back.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there,

Here a chick there a chick,Everywhere a chick chick.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a quack quack here and a quack quack there,

Here a quack there a quack,Everywhere a quack quack.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.

With an oink oink here and an oink oink there,

Here an oink there an oink,Everywhere an oink oink.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.

With a moo moo here and a moo moo there,

Here a moo there a moo,Everywhere a moo moo.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cats, E-I-E-I-O.

With a meow meow here and a meow meow there,

Here a meow there a meow,Everywhere a meow meow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some dogs, E-I-E-I-O.

With a bow wow here and a bow wow there,

Here a bow there a wow,Everywhere a bow wow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went.

And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went.

And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider and sat down beside her,

And scared Miss Muffet away.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider and sat down beside her,

And scared Miss Muffet away.

The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell.

Hey-ho the derry o, the farmer in the dell.

And the farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife.

Hey-ho the derry o, the farmer takes a wife.

And the wife takes the child, the wife takes the child.

Hey-ho the derry o, the wife takes the child.

And the child takes the nurse, the child takes the nurse.

Hey-ho the derry o, the child takes the nurse.

And the nurse takes the dog, the nurse takes the dog.

Hey-ho the derry o, the nurse takes the dog.

And the dog takes the cat, the dog takes the cat.

Hey-ho the derry o, the dog takes the cat.

And the cat takes the mouse, the cat takes the mouse.

Hey-ho the derry o, the cat takes the mouse.

And the mouse takes the cheese, and the mouse takes the cheese.

Hey-ho the derry o, the mouse takes the cheese.

And the cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone.

Hey-ho the derry o, the cheese stands alone.

The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell.

Hey-ho the derry o, the farmer in the dell.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck two,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck three,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck four,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck five,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory Dickory Dock

There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,

So Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again.

Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,

So Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again.

Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,

So Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again.

Baa, baa black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy, Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

And one for my dame,

And one for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Jump, Jump, Jump

No more jumping on the bed

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

I said...No more jumping on the bed.

Five little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only three little ducks came back.

Three little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only two little ducks came back.

Two little ducks went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But only one little duck came back.

One little duck went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

But no little ducks came back.

Sad mother duck went out one day,

Over the hill and far away.

The sad mother duck said "Quack, quack, quack"

And all of the five little ducks came back.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there,

Here a chick there a chick,Everywhere a chick chick.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a quack quack here and a quack quack there,

Here a quack there a quack,Everywhere a quack quack.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.

With an oink oink here and an oink oink there,

Here an oink there an oink,Everywhere an oink oink.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.

With a moo moo here and a moo moo there,

Here a moo there a moo,Everywhere a moo moo.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cats, E-I-E-I-O.

With a meow meow here and a meow meow there,

Here a meow there a meow,Everywhere a meow meow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some dogs, E-I-E-I-O.

With a bow wow here and a bow wow there,

Here a bow there a wow,Everywhere a bow wow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went.

And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went.

And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider and sat down beside her,

And scared Miss Muffet away.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider and sat down beside her,

And scared Miss Muffet away.

The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell.

Hey-ho the derry o, the farmer in the dell.

And the farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife.

Hey-ho the derry o, the farmer takes a wife.

And the wife takes the child, the wife takes the child.

Hey-ho the derry o, the wife takes the child.

And the child takes the nurse, the child takes the nurse.

Hey-ho the derry o, the child takes the nurse.

And the nurse takes the dog, the nurse takes the dog.

Hey-ho the derry o, the nurse takes the dog.

And the dog takes the cat, the dog takes the cat.

Hey-ho the derry o, the dog takes the cat.

And the cat takes the mouse, the cat takes the mouse.

Hey-ho the derry o, the cat takes the mouse.

And the mouse takes the cheese, and the mouse takes the cheese.

Hey-ho the derry o, the mouse takes the cheese.

And the cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone.

Hey-ho the derry o, the cheese stands alone.

The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell.

Hey-ho the derry o, the farmer in the dell.

For more infomation >> Hickory Dickory Dock + Top Animal Songs | Nursery Rhymes for Kids and Children | Hippy Hoppy Show - Duration: 43:04.


Mohabbat | Shayari Dil Se | Satluj - Duration: 0:57.

People change their liking

like they change clothes

People change their liking

like they change clothes

They hide their lust

under a veil of love.

You can't find love in rich's pocket (money can't buy love)

You can't find love in rich's pocket (money can't buy love)

Try to listen to someone's heartbeat

Try to listen to someone's heartbeat

You will get to know...

You will get to know...

that broken place is the house

where emotions reside

that broken place is the house

where emotions reside

For more infomation >> Mohabbat | Shayari Dil Se | Satluj - Duration: 0:57.


Honey Works (CV. Mya) - 可愛くなりたい (I Want To Be Cute) - Duration: 4:13.

Being cute, that's what every girl wants

Even if she pretends not to care truth is she's very self - conscious

Her heart goes pit-a-pat as she goes all out with the makeup

but it's hopeless if somebody doesn't notice her

Things such as who do I like or who am I dating,

trendy clothes and final exams,

So busy every single day,

it can't be helped since we are girls

Quite troublesome and a little bit easily swayed by others,

she has secrets and she does fight

The fidgety jittery girl has found her prince

though they even have a contest of who'd say "Good morning" first

Just smile back at me !

I like you, like you so much I can't help it and lied to you

Scented lipsticks and even the makeup I just learned, I tried everything

Morning, noon and night, all day my thoughts revolve around you,

I even imagine things

I won't lose to the time we can't meet

and become much cuter so look out for me, okay?

A little bit mature shampoo can be great!

And selfies may help you feel good!

Every single day so noisy and bouncy,

it can't be helped since we're girls

I'm slightly concerned about all the gossips and rumours,

Even if I try to act all cutesy, well that's because I want to look cute

Fidgety jittery girls get stronger when they fall in love

I just want you to look my way

Let me stay by your side! Alright?

I wanna talk but ran away before saying a word

What's the use in applying new blush if I just go red in the face?

Do you know I've been thinking about only you for a very, very long time? Of course there's no way I can say that

We haven't even said hi

Our seats are right next to each other but I'm a coward

hoping someday you will give me your smiling face as a present

"But I don't think of anything at all?", I told a lie

I felt a tingling sensation in my chest,

when my voice was within your earshot

I like you, like you so much I can't help it and lied to you

Scented lipsticks and even the makeup I just learned, I tried everything

Morning, noon and night, all day my thoughts revolve around you,

I even imagine things

I won't lose to the time we can't meet

and become much cuter so look out for me, okay?

For more infomation >> Honey Works (CV. Mya) - 可愛くなりたい (I Want To Be Cute) - Duration: 4:13.


Weihnachtsspezial / Zitronen Kekse / Citromos kekszek / @zsuzsisjam - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Weihnachtsspezial / Zitronen Kekse / Citromos kekszek / @zsuzsisjam - Duration: 3:00.


BETA-BLOCCANTI in 60 secondi o meno - Duration: 1:12.

Ready, set, go!

Beta-Blockers are a class of drugs that inhibits beta-receptors

metabotropic receptors capable of bonding catecholamines such as adrenalin

There are three classes of beta receptors, divided in one, two and three

The main target for these drugs are beta-one, found mainly on the

cardiovasculary system, where when activated induce a stimulation of cardiac

activity, with tachycardia and increased contraction strenght

Since this increases cardiac energy consumption, with diseases like an heart attack

or cardiac failure, this can worsen the condition, sinche the heart is not capable

anymore of executing this task

Thus, beta-blockers inhibits this stimulation, decreasing heart energy

consumption thus saving its function for longer

and decreasing the risk of other heart diseases

For more infomation >> BETA-BLOCCANTI in 60 secondi o meno - Duration: 1:12.


Navi - Waiting for Tomorrow | 나비 - 내일을 기다려 Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 5:51.

(Into the stage filled with dreams)

("Waiting for Tomorrow" by Navi)

(Choir: The soul melody)

(Dreaming of your tomorrow with me)

("Waiting for Tomorrow" by Navi)

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Navi - Waiting for Tomorrow | 나비 - 내일을 기다려 Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 5:51.





Science has come up with many different theories to try and make sense of and explain various

aspects of our lives, from how our bodies work and how we got here to the very purpose

of our existence.

Although these are often referred to as theories, such as The Big Bang Theory, The Theory of

Evolution, and even The Theory of Gravity, we still generally accept them as fact because

there is scientific evidence to support them.

Yet there is scientific evidence to back up a lot of things, so why are some regarded

as true and others are not?

Is There Such Thing as Scientific Proof?

While substantial reasoning and logic can point us toward a specific answer, the fact

remains that we use these to support our best guesses, not facts.

To actually prove anything is impossible.

Have you ever just thought to yourself, how the heck did they figure that out?

Or, how do they know that?

I know I have, and it�s pretty humbling to realize none of us really knows anything;

scientists have merely gathered enough research, data, and evidence to support a particular


What�s more, these theories and conclusions are only as good as the equipment being used

to measure the data.

But we simply cannot observe and measure everything, so how does that impact what we�ve discovered

about everything else we are measuring?

There are so many variants to consider when trying to prove anything.

We can speculate all we want, but how can we ever prove anything without a shadow of

a doubt?

As Albert Einstein once said:

The scientific theorist is not to be envied.

For Nature, or more precisely experiment, is an inexorable and not very friendly judge

of his work.

It never says �Yes� to a theory.

In the most favorable cases it says �Maybe,� and in the great majority of cases simply

�No.� If an experiment agrees with a theory it means for the latter �Maybe,� and if

it does not agree it means �No.� Probably every theory will someday experience its �No��most

theories, soon after conception.

Regardless of what we think we know, we still have to remain open to new information, new

knowledge, and new theories.

Many scientists completely disregard evolutionary theory because certain pieces of the puzzle

don�t add up, like the missing link, for example, but others become so attached to

one theory they become blind to new evidence and argue there is no need to question any


But what are we missing out on by refusing to look at the pieces that don�t match up?

Keeping an open mind is key, and it�s the cornerstone of good science.

When You Think You Have It All figured Out, That�s Exactly When You Need to Take a Step

back and Realize That in the Grand Scheme of Things, You Essentially Know Nothing

This is the most humbling thing that anyone, including scientists, can realize.

When we look at the mysteries of the Universe, and the mysteries here on Earth, in reality,

we don�t know anything, and anyone who claims they have it all figured out has a lot more

learning to do.

Maybe some of you can relate to this.

I know when I first began to �wake up,� I was digesting so much information from so

many different sources that I definitely felt, especially when compared to my peers, I had

all the answers, and everyone else had just been misinformed.

Man oh man, I hadn�t even begun� I see this now, and feel excited about everything

I still have to learn.

I can finally appreciate different perspectives and viewpoints and am willing to question

my own.

In terms of scientific proof, there are a few other things to consider.

Take scientific studies, for example � many are starting to realize these are often manipulated

to generate a required outcome in order to please whoever funded the study.

So just because something has proclaimed scientific proof to back it up, doesn�t necessarily

mean it is accurate information.

It is important to look at multiple sources and � as always � follow the money.

The Science Delusion

In this banned Tedx talk, Rupert Sheldrake breaks through the top 10 scientific dogmas

that are truly limiting the range of study that scientists have to explore.

Mainstream science has become so rigid in so many ways, labelling anyone who thinks

outside the box or questions the status quo as a pseudoscientist or crazy, but the reality

is, we need people to keep questioning and thinking beyond accepted theories if we want

to further our knowledge.

But, as with every other aspect of our lives, there is some form of corruption and limitation,

so regardless of what others may think, it is important to keep learning and exploring,

even in the face of adversity.

There is still so much left to learn and so much more to discover about the nature of

reality, of consciousness, and our origins.

Always keep an open mind.

Be your own harshest critic and your greatest skeptic.

And most importantly?

Never stop exploring, even when someone tells you otherwise.

Much Love

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